sgurrdearg · 5 years
im doing two albums bc I’m out of control so how about hozier’s seminal opus, hozier, and also the thrilling sequel wasteland baybee!!! 🌿
Ok!!! So confession time, I had never listened to a Hozier song all the way through before, let alone an album lmao and the last time I tried I didn’t dislike what I heard but it didn’t grab me either and I was in a phase where I was only about to introduce new music to myself if I desperately wanted to hear more. SO I had to do my research on this one and I sat and listened to both albums to do it right loll. And I’m glad I did bc I enjoyed them!!! But it should go without saying that I’m no Hozier expert and thus cannot ascertain what is classified as underrated as such, bc all I knew before was based on cultural osmosis. But I knew a few Hozier superfans so I know at least a few song titles so that’s what I’m basing “overrated” on. He sure is passionate about corpses and becoming a corpse, I respect that.
Favourite Track: In A Week… bc it reminded me of my 2nd favourite childhood summer for some reason (I think bc some of the guitar reminded me of Led Zeppelin III tbh) and the entire song seemed to be about decaying human bodies in a field? Love that journey for me.
Least Favourite Track: It Will Come Back… didn’t dislike it, but it was more of a straight bluesy track and I’m not the biggest blues fan, even on 70s albums those sorts of tracks are usually my least fave too.
Most Underrated Track: As I said, I have no barometer for this… but I don’t think I’ve seen people gushing about Someone New, and I enjoyed it a lot and even had a little dance with Dougal Woofkins to it.
Most Overrated Track: this is by default lmfao but I’ve heard SO much about Take Me To Church over the years, and I remember it being a big thing amongst Anders fans in the DA fandom for a long ass time? And it didn’t grab me the time I half listened to it, nor now tbh. Didn’t dislike it, but definitely way at the bottom as far as my likes go!!
 Wasteland, Baby!:
Favourite Track: When I tried listening to Hozier songs ages ago, Shrike was one of them and I remember enjoying it but couldn’t remember what it sounded like at all. I’ve been listening to the album while playing games on my phone so I couldn’t see the titles, and as soon as this song started I had an IMMEDIATE response of “oh this is my favourite” and checked the title, and yep. I kind of expected it to be my favourite based on it being the only one that got a response months ago too. Like my favourite on his first album it REALLY reminds me of like…. My three best summers I’ve ever had and I’m having a fucking epiphany that all my favourite summers all have the same musical aesthetic and ALSO this song is drawing out a big emotional response in me so that’s great I’m crying now thanks Emily. Just writing this out now, not even done with the album yet but whatever nothing’s going to beat this track
Least Favourite Track: Maybe Movement???? Didn’t dislike it tho… but it wasn’t Shrike
Most Underrated Track: uhhh again I haven’t a CLUE… Nobody??
Most Overrated Track: The only one I’ve seen non Hozier superfans talking about is Nina Cried Power so by default… that… but I’m notsure that’s a fair assessment bc it’s a decent song with a good message.
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beausjester · 5 years
beauyaasha -> beausjester
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