#because GOD i remember walking out of that theatre room blushing and avoiding eye contact as it was a small play
haunted-mlm · 9 months
so called 'free thinker' Jay haunted-mlm remembering the twelfth night retelling play hosted at a college about two at ''war'' holiday hotels and I think I saw it in highschool? possibly late primary school? and the count orsino was the most prettiest boy ever with white floppy hair and the most puppy-dog attitude ever. I think about him a lot.
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honestandsincere · 5 years
when the party’s over pt.2
“But the thing is, he’s like objectively gorgeous. He’s not even hot, he’s beautiful.” “I get it.” “I’ve spoken to like four different girls across campus and all of them think he’s perfect.” “That’s interesting.” “I think I might be in love. That’s not even an exaggeration, it’s- y/n? Are you listening?”
Y/n looks up from her bowl of now soggy cereal and gives her friend a tight-lipped smile, “Sorry, Cass. I am paying attention. Promise.” Cassie tucks a strand of auburn hair behind her pierced ear and crosses her arms against the table, the way she does whenever she feels inclined to stage an intervention, “You’re not, you’ve been infatuated with your cornflakes for the past twenty minutes. You’re not good.” “I’m fine.” “And I’m going to get a first in my degree. Stop lying, y/n! You’ve been a hermit for the past week. Talk to me.”
Y/n sighs and runs a hand through her hair. Cassie is annoyingly astute. It’s a Thursday morning and they’ve got the apartment to themselves. Ethan has an early morning lecture and Grayson is on the other side of town at lacrosse training.
“I don’t know what to say.” she shrugs. “Is it something I’ve done?” Cassie asks, her eyebrows furrowed in deep concern. “Jesus, of course not, Cass!” “Oh thank God!” she laughs in relief, placing her hand over y/n’s that’s cradling her spoon, “The last thing I want to do is fall out with you.” “I know me too.” y/n smiles. “So what’s up?” Y/n grimaces and Cassie notices the way her eyes drift upwards to wander around the kitchen and avoid contact with hers, “I haven’t been sleeping well recently.”
The penny drops for Cassandra Young as she finally puts two and two together. She fights the pleased smirk that dances across her lips. She’s hit the jackpot. Cassie is acutely aware of Grayson’s little habit of accumulating female companions and then sending them home after maybe half an hour of sitting next to each other on his bed. She’d stumbled into a girl who was leaving their apartment as she was walking in, alcohol’s effects wearing off and her eye makeup smeared halfway down her cheeks. This girl, Lauren if Cassie can remember correctly, had explained that Grayson had brought her home but had decided he was too tired for anything more than talking about what football team they each support. Cassie was baffled, to say the least when she’d met Lauren, not expecting to see anyone awake at four thirty in the morning. She was even more taken aback by the concept of Grayson Dolan bringing girls back to their apartment. Cassie is not ignorant or deluded or oblivious, she knows the way Grayson feels about y/n based on what she would deem empirical evidence. This notion of him trying to prove some kind of point makes her want to knock some sense into him. It’s a typical boy thing really, the whole jealousy card.
“Let me guess, it’s because of Gray.” “Well, yeah that’s partly to blame.” y/n flushes, not expecting Cassie to be so observant, “You’ve noticed it too?” “Noticed what?” “The girls, Cass. Every single weekend he’s got someone new in his bed, and not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just wish they weren’t so loud!” she’s getting more worked up by the second and Cassie has to hide her amusement. “Oh my God, you’ve heard them doing it?” she knows full well that there’s no way y/n could’ve heard something that wasn’t actually going on, but Cassie can’t wait until her friend finally admits that this is irritating her. “No! I’ve always fallen asleep by then or I’ve got a podcast playing or something.” Y/n doesn’t want to admit that Grayson having female company irks her beyond her own belief, because admitting it aloud would make it that much more real. Suppressed feelings are dangerous enough as it is, having an external source acknowledging the emotions is essentially a recipe for emotional armageddon. She can sense that maybe Cassie has an inkling because Cassie can read people the way a middle-aged woman devours the horoscope page of a trashy magazine; with intense analysis. But simply stating that you’re jealous of the girls your best friend brings home is laughably harder than it sounds. So y/n consciously changes conversation topic back to Cassie’s beautiful stranger in her Economics seminar, reveling in the way her best friend’s eyes widen with excitement. They’re stood at the sink when Cassie’s mouth works faster than her mind and decides to drop the bombshell, “You do know that he doesn’t actually sleep with them, right?” Y/n, having forced her mind to stray far away from Grayson Dolan, doesn’t quite understand, “What?” Cassie dries her sudsy hands on the back of her jeans and turns to look at y/n who’s leaning on the kitchen counter, “Grayson hasn’t had sex with any of the girls he’s brought home. He doesn’t sleep with them at all. They all end up leaving after like an hour of him being all awkward because he doesn’t know how to tell them he’s not into it.”
This revelation hangs in the air above the girls, like flecks of dust that haven’t yet settled. Y/n is processing what Cassie has said, the words all making perfect sense yet being completely incomprehensible. Grayson Dolan has sex, he must do. She can’t fathom a universe in which the boy wouldn’t get any. She’s heard him talking to girls in his bed. She knows they must do stuff. Cassie watches as incredulity washes over y/n’s blushing features. Bingo. “Where did you get that idea from?” she stammers. “I’ve bumped into some of them leaving, they’re all super sweet. I’ve heard them too, I’ll be going to the kitchen to get water or something and he’s talking about getting them an Uber.” “Oh.” Cassie breaks into laughter, the soft chuckles telling y/n that she’s been so blind. It’s blatantly obvious, as cliche as it may sound, that she’s the last person to know. She knows that the connection y/n and Grayson have may be strong, but it’s also deep. It’s fragile in its strength, both them incredibly insecure in their own forged bond. It’s as if their closeness is a given, that regardless of their romantic circumstances, Grayson and y/n will always be Grayson and y/n. Through disjointing themselves into a relationship in which they consider their friendship absolute, they’re setting themselves up for heartbreak.
Luckily, y/n has a painfully busy day. She’s occupied with the tribulations of a tutorial and then an excessively profound study session with her Literature research group in the library. Y/n doesn’t think about Grayson. She desperately wants to, even if it’s just for a split second, but she knows that thinking about him will only lead to her conjuring theoretical scenarios in which she always gets let down. A wave of relief comes in the form of Ethan Dolan when he meets her outside of the student theatre at six in the evening. His eyes light up when he sees her coming his way, her tote bag filled with notebooks slung over her shoulder. “Hey there, kiddo.” he jokes, pulling her into a hug, “How’ve you been?” “Swamped,” she mumbles into his t-shirt, inhaling a familiar scent of gum and cologne, “Super excited for this though.” “Yeah me too, the reviews it’s had are all very complimentary.” Ethan leads her into the ugly concrete building that was probably recognized as architectural genius last century. “Guess we’ll have to see for ourselves!” y/n smiles, reaching for the programme he had in his hand. The show is underwhelming, to say the least; a load of students rolling around in fake blood screaming in iambic pentameter. Ethan and y/n sit catatonically, in sheer shock until the interval arrives. As the lights come up they turn to look at one another, pale-faced and slightly panicked and burst into a fit of childish giggles. “Jesus,” he breathes, “What is this?” “I don’t even know, I’ve never hated Macbeth more.” “I’m sorry I dragged you along to this,” he grimaces, unable to fathom what they’ve just watched. “Don’t be, it’s all very interesting.”
Ethan sighs loudly, like you do after you’ve been laughing for a while and suddenly remember that life seems to advance without giving you time to tap out. “Cass said you two had a talk this morning,” he says. Y/n feels her face get considerably warmer, “She did?” “Yeah, something about Gray keeping you awake at night.” Ethan spreads his legs a little wider, trying to get comfortable in the weirdly malleable velvet chair. He turns to gauge her expression. “Only on Saturdays,” y/n cringes, “It’s not that big of a deal.” “Just know he’s not having sex like five centimeters from you, yeah? Gray wouldn’t do that to you.”
He has to bite his tongue to keep himself from telling her more than his brother would want her to hear. Ethan loves y/n, they’ve been friends since they’d started college. But this was Grayson’s business and he didn’t want to intervene, as much as it frustrated him. Watching y/n shuffle into the kitchen on a Sunday morning, her hair slipping from the scrunchie she’d tied it in the night before and a fake smile adorning her slightly chapped lips when she saw Grayson, is painful in itself. Knowing that she thinks Grayson is the type of person to say one thing and completely refute his own morals is irritating. Living in an apartment with two human beings who refuse to accept that maybe there’s a possibility that they might be in love with each other is wickedly bothersome.
Y/n doesn’t know how she’s supposed to deal with this information. When returning from the theatre with Ethan that evening she heads straight to her room, avoiding any interaction with her housemates. She strips herself of her jeans and blouse and pulls on some sweatpants and the softest hoodie she owns, before curling up on her bed with her laptop in front of her. Being a recluse is quite enjoyable. Her phone vibrates on the bedside table, causing her to look up from the Netflix show playing in front of her. Y/n feels her heart begin to pound markedly faster when she sees who the text is from. SMS messages from your best friend aren’t supposed to make your palms damp. breakfast tomorrow?
She replies with the excuse that she has an essay to write. She hopes he’ll believe her, but she knows deep down that he’ll see right through the lie. Y/n hasn’t seen Grayson since Tuesday when he’d knocked on her door asking her if their Wi-Fi had cut out or if it was just his computer messing around. She doesn’t think she’s going to be able to face him again. Everything about him hurts her, and the worst part is that she knows it’s not intentional. Grayson can’t help how adorable he is when he laughs at one of his own jokes. He’s utterly oblivious to the way he makes her feel when he makes direct eye contact with her and asks her for her opinion because he really values it. Grayson Dolan doesn’t know that all he is is damn near perfect. There’s nothing he can do to make this better, she can’t risk losing their friendship over her emotional confusion. She wishes she could blame the whole scenario on someone else. But sadly, when you’re in love with your best friend, there’s not much you can do other than wallow in your own misfortune. Y/n curses whoever decided that unrequited emotions should be a fixture of human existence.
When she should be sharing pancakes and maple syrup with Grayson, y/n’s in the library. Her copy of Wuthering Heights is fanned out in front of her and her legs are tucked underneath her on one of the semi-comfortable chairs. Academia serves its purpose as a distraction, recently her motivation levels have been unwaveringly high. Someone moves to sit in front of her and instinctively she looks up to see who’s been unlucky in finding their own table. Y/n’s greeted by the blinding grin of Nat, his hair as tousled and as soft looking as it has always been and his adorable tortoise-shell glasses perched on his news. “Hi!” she whispers with a smile, fiddling with her pastel highlighter. “Hey, how are you?” he unzips his Kanken and takes out a hefty looking book. “I’m good, still studying. You?” “You’re incredibly motivated this term, aren’t you? I’m just trying to get in some reading before a lecture.” “How conscientious of you.”
Nat laughs, causing a few heads in the quiet space to turn their way. Y/n isn’t embarrassed to be seen with Nat. If anything, she’s quite proud. He’s popular across campus; vice-president of the student union, on the lacrosse team and well-known amongst faculty staff. People don’t mind that he’s a little loud, his vivaciousness is admirable. The pair get to work in their comfortable silence. He’s got his head rested on his hand as he flicks through the browned pages of his novel and she’s taking notes as she reads the assigned extract of her book. Y/n can’t help but sneak a few glances at him, so enthralled by his studiousness and his effortless ability to look cool. She’s halfway through quoting Heathcliff when she hears a whisper of her name. Nat watches her intently as she looks towards him, taking in the adorable sweater she’s wearing and the way pieces of her hair fall into her face every few minutes, forcing her to swipe them behind her ears. “There’s a party at mine tomorrow night, just a few of us seniors getting together. I’d really like you to come,” he says quietly. Y/n’s a little startled by the invitation. She’s never been directly invited to a party before, let alone a senior’s.
“I think I’m around,” she says abashed. “Awesome! I was kinda worried you wouldn’t wanna come.” Nat runs his tongue over his bottom lip and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I don’t see you at many parties anymore.” “I haven’t been up to go out recently,” “I always see the Dolans at frat events, but never you.” “I guess I just haven’t been invited to a party I actually want to attend,” she lies, Nat’s not going to know about her situation so there’s no point feeling guilty. “Sounds like you’ve got high standards,” he laughs. “The highest.”
“You’re an actual saint, Grayson! Thank you so much!” Cassie cheers as she slams the back door of his Bronco. “Yeah thanks, bro.” Ethan chimes in, giving his brother a firm pat on the shoulder before clambering out of the car. “Don’t mention it.”
Grayson watches as Ethan shuts his door and begins to walk towards Alpha Sigma Pi’s house. He’s just about to drive off when Cassie runs back to the passenger side of the vehicle and pounds her tiny fist against the window. Grayson winds it down, looking at her in bewilderment. “Jesus, Cass! What’s wrong?” “If you’re planning on talking to y/n tonight, she’s not home.” “Oh, ok.” “She’s gone to this senior’s house to talk about Descartes with other clever people and she’ll probably wind up having sex with one of them because they all look cool as fu-” “When is she coming back?” Grayson asks, his mind teeming with scenarios in which something awful happens to y/n. “She never said, I’m sorry G.” Ethan’s noticed that Cassie hasn’t been following him, so he turns back towards the car. Grayson wants to question why he’s in need of Cassie’s sympathy but doesn’t want to have his entire emotional turmoil relayed to him through the eyes of his housemate. He runs a hand through his hair, tugging on it slightly as he realizes his entire plan for the night has been foiled. “What’s going on?” Ethan asks as he reaches the Bronco, his arm wrapping around Cassie so he can stick his head in through the window too. “I told him that y/n’s not in tonight.” “Yeah she’s gone to Nat’s, y’know the guy on the lacrosse team,” Ethan tells his twin, “Looks like you’ve got the apartment to yourself tonight, Gray.”
Cassie can practically feel the tension radiating off Grayson. She notices the way he’s refusing to look at them, his hazel eyes fixated on the empty road in front of him. His jaw clenches and relaxes a few times and he exhales loudly. “She’s safe, it’s not like this guy’s a creep or anything, and she hasn’t been out in ages.” she reasons. “I know,” Grayson mumbles, “I’m just gonna head home, get some sleep. You’re sure you don’t mind getting an Uber?” “No, you go ahead. You haven’t had a quiet weekend in ages.” Ethan says, giving the Bronco a little tap before lifting his weight off it. Cassie flashes Grayson a look of uncertainty to which he returns a tight-lipped smile. She steps away from the car and Grayson rolls up the window. The pair on the sidewalk watch as he drives off down the street. Cassie looks to Ethan, “Do you think it’s ever going to happen?” The broad floppy-haired boy shrugs, “I mean, I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t.”
Y/n has never felt so out of place in her entire college life. She’s stood in Nat’s kitchen alone, pouring herself a glass of something strong. Around her are a few seniors, collectively looking like an Urban Outfitters campaign, chatting animatedly amongst themselves. This kind of affair was a lot more understated than she was expecting; there’s no pounding bass blasting through speakers and there isn't a keg in sight. Y/n recognizes a few of the girls there, one red-head making an effort to approach her and ask if Professor Stevens was grading harshly this year. She’s received some compliments on her dress and a guy told her that her earrings were ‘actually awesome’, yet y/n feels so uncomfortable. She wonders if everyone that’s acknowledged her presence knows that she’s not a third year and doesn’t really belong here. She doesn’t even know why she decided to come.
Nat stumbles into the kitchen, notably tipsy and cheers at the sight of all his guests. He makes his way around each small cluster of people, giving hugs to the girls and weird bro-hugs that y/n will never fully understand to the guys. When he finally reaches her, his flushed face is adorned with a megawatt smile. “Y/n! I’m so glad you made it! How are you?” he shouts. “I’m good thank you, Nat. I see you’re having a nice time.” “We were playing Ring of Fire,” he guffaws, leaning on the counter opposite her for balance, “And as you can probably tell, the odds were not in my favor.” Y/n takes a sip of her drink, wincing at the burn it leaves in her throat, before taking another. She listens to him ramble about various drinking games as he gesticulates fiercely. Nat, despite being rather drunk, notices that y/n isn’t her usual relaxed self. He pushes up his glasses that have slipped hilariously far down his nose and shoves his hands into the pocket of his patterned dress pants. “You’re not drunk enough.” Y/n chuckles mid-sip of her drink, “You’re very right.” “Come play some games with us, it’ll get you pissed in no time.” Y/n gladly follows him into the living room and ends up squashed on a couch in between Nat and a very friendly girl called Sarah.
Grayson Dolan is pissed off. Not at anybody, unless if being angry towards yourself counts. He’s finally decided that he can’t go on avoiding y/n and she can’t go on avoiding him. Granted, it’s taken him far longer than it should have to come to the conclusion that there’s no point dancing around the term friendship if they’re not exactly friends right now. Grayson doesn’t know how he intended on telling her that he thinks he might have feelings for her. Before he’d found out that she wasn't in their apartment, he’d assumed that he might just walk in and profess his love for her on one knee. Y/n likes romantic literature, so she probably would have liked that. Nonetheless, Grayson is acutely aware that he does live in a reality in which everyone can break into song and somehow all know the choreography to an improvised number. As rom-com-like as this whole ordeal may feel, it’s still very much a brutal situation in which someone inevitably gets hurt. Not every male is a loveable, bumbling and  British with the ability to somehow win the emotional lottery. Take that Hugh Grant.
He’s lying in his bed, the curtains drawn and the lights out, with the hood of his sweatshirt blocking out the rest of the world. He wants y/n. He wants her so much it hurts. He hates himself for ever blindly believing that it would take another girl to fill the weird void he has in his life. Grayson thought perhaps having someone else would ease the pain, maybe even dull it down a little until he could watch y/n smile at him and not have a rapid increase in heart rate.
Falling for your best friend is excessively romanticized and Grayson has come to realize this now. He didn’t wake up one morning realizing he loves y/n, nor did it come to him in an inexplicable flash of affection. It all sort of happened in stages. One minute he was admiring how charmingly funny she is, the next he’s noticing how pretty her eyes are and eventually he decides that she’s the best thing since sliced bread. It wasn’t a mutual epiphany, more of a staggered process in which the ‘f word’ transforms from something fricative and blasphemous to friend.
He doesn’t notice his phone’s vibrating at first, he’s far too immersed in his thoughts to be tugged away from them. But as Grayson rolls over onto his side, he notices his bedside table is shaking. His large hand fumbles along the surface, knocking over a tube of zit cream on his quest for his device. His eyes widen at her name across the screen and in panic, he accepts the call. “Y/n?” “Grayson?” he notices the way the first syllable of his name slurs into the second. “I’m here, is everything ok?” “Gray, I miss you. The party’s finished. I just wanted to call you.” 
Part two! Here it is! I hope you guys liked it! It’s been a bit of a struggle trying to write all my ideas down in a way that’s somewhat cohesive and readable. This is definitely the longest piece I’ve written on Tumblr to date! I think it’s because this little story thingy is told from both characters’ perspectives, and usually I tend to like to stick to one narrative, if that makes sense? Anywho, please let me know what you thought because your feedback means the most! Have a lovely day / night - K x
{ p.s. here’s the lil tag list shenanigans I promised I’d try and sort out for you gorgeous people! @the-evolution-of-stupidity @skurtdolans @graydolan12 @thedarkrozeofnight @yslbailey thank you so much for all the love! }
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 1! The Bell Doesn’t Dismiss You (Tedgens thing!)
Here I am, standing awkwardly in the corner of Sam's living room. Trying to spot my friend through the sea of other party-goers. Damn her for being short as hell. Well she probably went off with Paul somewhere to make out in their drunken state.
Oh god what the fuck am I doing here? I could be studying and writing college application essays! Why am I here destroying my brain with alcohol, and not talking to any of my peers.
"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" A group of jocks were huddled around each other across the room. Yes destroy you brain faster by downing a keg.
The person they were cheering on must have finished because they start cheering. The person they're surrounding throws there arms up with a victorious passion. I can hardly see them. The huddle starts to disperse.
Oh. Right. Him. The infamous Ted Richards.
That's why I'm here. Emma wants me to talk to him. Except he is clearly "shwasted", so what's the point? I'll just go home and call Emma later and tell her it didn't work out. It's a solid plan and no one can judge me. 
"Henry Hidgens? Is that you!" Oh god why? The one downside of Sam's parties, other than just pure chaos, Sam.
I turn to him he bro hugs me. He's wasted no know that because he hates me. I once said something about Zoey in front of him and Charlotte. He completely flipped out and now he pretty much just hates me. But that doesn't bother me much because he's a vile human being.
"Hey Sam!" I fake an upbeat voice.
"What are you doing here man?!" His voice was way more enthusiastic that it usually is. He is the last person I want to be stuck in a conversation with.
"Emma brought me along! I can't not come to a baller party." That may have been the first time the word baller has come out of my mouth. I'm either a genius actor or Sam was super drunk because I think he believed me.
Sam started laughing. Yup he's wasted. I curse my high alcohol tolerance. You have to be drunk to survive these parties without wanting to die.
"Aw man your hilarious!"
I would do anything to not talk to him anymore.
"Hey Sam wassup!" Oh thank god.
Ted walked up and slapped Sam on the back. Violently. It's not unknown that Ted doesn't care for Sam. It's something to do with Charlotte. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone who actually likes Sam, well other than Zoey and Charlotte.
"Oh hey ted! Yo man that was fucking rad." Sam was slurring his words a little bit. He really is super annoying.
"The key is to not stop drinking." Ted and Sam laugh. I fake laugh along. I don't know why I care what they think of me while they're drunk but I do. So. "Hey y'know Zoey was looking for you earlier."
Sam's cheery expression disappears. He mutters something under his breath and then storms into the kitchen. I let myself sigh.
"Thanks, Ted." I don't know if he got rid of Sam on purpose but he's gone and I don't have to talk to him.
"You looked miserable. I thought I would help." Ted switches to a much more sincere and serious tone. Well that's nice of him.
I don't know what to do in this situation. I expected Ted to walk away but he didn't. So I'm just awkwardly sipping my drink.
Ted's a good guy. He's on the smarter side of the jocks. He seems like a good friend from what I've heard Emma say Paul had said. Who am I kidding? He's attractive. Ok! I don't know what it is. Psychology is my lowest A, it doesn't come natural. I don't know how it works. Fucking hormones or something.
"So what is valedictorian Henry Hidgens doing here?" Ted broke the silence. I've been asking myself that same question.
"I'm not valedictorian." I didn't know how to answer the question so I just changed the subject.
"You will be." He smiled at me. My heart fluttered. God damn stupid teenage body. "But seriously what are you doing here? This isn't your scene."
"Emma forced me to come." I mean I wasn't lying. I just left out the part where the only reason I agreed to come is because he was going to be there.
"And Emma is..." Ted raised an eyebrow in suspicion. He's awfully composed for someone who just had a hoard of people chanting chug at them.
"Probably in one of the rooms of this house making out with one Paul Mathews."
"Oh yeah that sounds like them." Ted chuckled. I realized that his laugh from before was totally faked. This laugh really sounded real. "You know no ones forcing you to stay."
"Yeah I know." I really should just go home. Social events like this aren't really my forte. Though I have been to some raging cast parties.
"So then is something keeping you here?" His eyes glistened "A girl? Wait no a guy!" That's right Ted I'm super gay. Thanks for remembering. "Wait do I know him?"
Oh god you adorable dumbass. This is possibly the worst social experience.
"Nope I'm just here for the booze." I take another sip of my beer. Hopefully he'll leave it alone.
"For Mr. Theatre your a bad liar." Ted chuckled again. I would explain the differences between lying and acting but it felt off topic.
"Yeah whatever" I take another sip. I avoid eye contact so I don't blush. Why is he talking to me? It's suffocating I want to make a good impression.
"So who is it?" Ted did a little eyebrow wiggle. Why is he hot? Body what the fuck are you doing?
"That is none of your business." I smile at him. That was rude. I shouldn't have been rude.
"Fair enough." Ted paused for a second, "y'know you don't have to stay. You look uncomfortable. No one would judge you if you left."
Leaving was a good idea. It's loud and uncomfortable and I barely know anyone. This is kind of my own circle of hell. But now I have someone to talk to.
Who am I kidding, Ted's popular. He has better people to hang out with.
"Yeah..." Why do I want to stay?
"Unless you want to talk about this mystery man."
Yeah no. I'm good. That'd be the worst possible conversation?
"Yeah bye." I nod and walk towards the front door.
"See ya later, Henry!" Ted called out after me. I didn't expect that.
I step outside. There are groups of fellow drunk teenagers dancing in the front yard. The highlight of humanity.
I start to walk to the nearest bus stop. Halfway there I realize I'm still holding the solo cup. And there are no trash cans to be found. Great.
I discretely pour the beer out into someone's lawn. I crush up the cup and just hold it. I'm not going to litter. That's just a dick move.
There are other people are at the bus stop. I take out my phone so I don't have to talk to any of them. I have what seems to be a million messages from Emma. I didn't realize my phone was on silent.
Emma: Where are you????
Emma: Paul says hi
Emma: Where did you goooooo.
Emma: ughhh Zoey and Norah are here.
Emma: Ted's here!!!!
Emma: oh wait I think I see you
Emma: I'll leave you two alone ;)
Emma: Where did you go??
I should respond. She's probably drunk off her ass but she deserves an explanation.
Henry: Home. I'll see you tomorrow
Emma: >:P
That's about the response I expected. I put my phone back in my pocket as the bus arrives.
School tomorrow will be agony. Well not for me but for everyone else with a crippling hangover. It's pretty funny to watch them grudge around after parties. But Emma's will have a hangover meaning I will have to take care of her.
Who's brilliant idea was it to have a party on a school night?
Oh shit what's this a new story with less potential to be devastating!
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badboys-imagines · 6 years
Pairing : Loki, Reader
Last chapter : Y/N discovered that her new professor is Loki Laufeyson and she hides from him.
Summary : Y/N, a student, and Loki, a professor, attend the same wedding. They don’t realize they could meet again. 
Y/L/N : Your Last Name
Tumblr media
Does he even remember my name ?
Y/N hoped he didn’t.
Although she was making great efforts, she arrived late to class that day, as usual.
Hugging the walls to go unnoticed as she walked into the auditorium, Y/N had almost reached her seat when she stumbled on a bag. Shit.
A few students glanced at her and her heart stopped beating for a second. Alright, keep going, you can do this.
Y/N silently sat, making herself comfortable and pulling her notebook out of her bag. She’d managed to hide her presence for a good three weeks now and everything had been rather fine.
The wave of anxiety gone, she noticed Jane was shooting her troubled glances. Y/N’s eyes laid on the front and she froze. The class was quiet, but Professor Laufeyson wasn’t instructing or reading a text as he always did. The weight of the world fell on her shoulders. He was nowhere to be seen. The front of the auditorium was absolutely empty.
Jane beckoned her to look behind and Y/N took a deep breath before turning around. Oh god.
Loki Laufeyson was standing in the back, peering at the crowd of students, his eyes scanning every single person they could catch. Y/N sank into her seat. Don’t be paranoid.
Slowly, Professor Laufeyson made his way down the stairs, eyes still prowling around. Y/N focused on her pencil case, making herself busy. She lowered her head as much as she could, avoiding the terrible glares that threatened to uncover her presence. Deep inside, she knew his attitude had something to do with her essay and the fact he'd certainly read her name on the paper, but she still hoped he was just being moody.
Eventually, Loki Laufeyson leaned against his desk and started the lesson. ‘’Good morning everyone, I expect that you’ve finished Beckett’s Endgame and the supplemental readings I provided last week.’’ He absently declared before continuing in a sarcastic tone, ‘’If not, I suggest that you leave this class right now.’’
Jane rolled her eyes in an extremely funny gesture, ‘’Is he like this in real life too ?’’ She hissed, and Y/N shrugged, ‘’Well…’’ ‘’Miss Y/L/N,’’ a loud voice interrupted their conversation, ‘’Would you care to share the discussion you’re having with your classmate, since it seems more interesting than my lesson.’’
Wait. Did he just say my name ?
A kind of stoicism was writ on his features, but Professor Laufeyson’s green emeralds were glaring at her.
He was already a bit of a terror on campus. Although most of his students found him fascinating, there were crazy stories about his classes and how he enjoyed making them terribly uncomfortable. His legendary intolerance for chattering was known to have precipitated the fall of a few unfortunate souls. However, the simple sound of his voice caused Y/N’s stomach to clench.
It was the weirdest situation she’d ever experienced. Now she was supposed to act like she didn’t know him while he took advantage of his unlimited power to humiliate her in front of her peers. Great.
‘’I… I’m sorry sir…’’ the young girl stuttered, soon cut off by her professor, ‘’Your late entrance didn’t go unnoticed Miss Y/L/N. The least you can do is to pay attention to the lesson.’’
Damn it. Cowering in her seat, Y/N slowly nodded, slightly intimidated. Professor Laufeyson had finally recognized her face. Besides, he associated it with two interruptions in his class. Heart pounding in her chest, Y/N leaned back in her chair.
Loki Laufeyson rolled his eyes and silence fell over the room. Lost in his thoughts, he slowly walked near the front row. The tension increased in the auditorium and Jane shot the young girl a sympathetic gaze. Professor Laufeyson finally pointed at another student not far from her, ‘’You,’’ he paused, ‘’Enlighten us. Why does Beckett’s Endgame reflects characteristics of Theatre of the Absurd ?’’ The innocent boy froze and slowly shook his head. ‘'Get out of my classroom.'' The student's jaw dropped. ''Faster, please.'' Professor Laufeyson demanded. The poor guy threw his bag on his shoulder and dragged his feet towards the exit. Unbelievable. It wasn’t long until Loki decided to torture her, ‘’Miss Y/L/N, can you provide a better answer to the question ?’’
Asshole. Blood rushed to her face and Y/N straightened her back, searching for the words. Obviously bored, Professor Laufeyson sighed, ’’Well, Miss Y/L/N is going to lea…’’ she cleared her throat, cutting him off straight, ‘’It’s because of … Its minimalist stage setting.’’ She paused, her heart skipping a few beats. She had nothing to lose anyway. I’ll show you. ‘’And the dialogue is seemingly meaningless. So, I’d say it offers quite a nihilist vision.’’
All eyes on her, Y/N gulped. Staring at her, Professor Laufeyson tilted his head. Oh come on … Holding her pen tighter between her fingers, the young girl internally cringed. It was either the best answer possible, or the worse. In the corner of her eyes, Y/N saw Jane nervously biting down onto her lip.
‘’Good.’’ Loki Laufeyson finally nodded, gazing at her for one more second. Oh.
A ripple of whispers ran through the auditorium. Good was with certainty the best and rarest compliment you could receive from Professor Laufeyson. Blushing even more, Y/N let out a sigh of relief as he continued his lecture, shooting her curious glances from time to time.
The class period ended rather early. As everyone shuffled about, Jane chuckled, elbowing her peer, ‘’ He seems to like you …’’ She winked, giggling in her usual childish tone. Eyes wandering around, Y/N didn’t see her professor, ‘’Shut up…’’ she swore, but then realized someone was standing just behind Jane, a file in their hands. ‘’Miss Y/L/N,’’ a cold voice interrupted them, ‘’Your essay.’’ Loki handed Y/N her work. Oh god. Her heart started racing in her chest as she took the file. Not even looking up at him, she could feel his green emeralds piercing her soul. Finding it impossible to speak, the young girl didn’t add anything. Walking down the stairs, Professor Laufeyson made his way back towards his desk.
A part of her hoped he didn’t catch a word Jane had uttered, but another part wished he did …
‘’What a massacre !’’ Another voice made Y/N turn around. Not again … Leo Fischer and his permanent wide smile were staring at her, ‘’So … Are you free right now ?’’ Placing her bag on her chair, Y/N glanced at Jane who was already leaving. ‘’Don’t pay attention to me, I’m gone !’’ Bitch …
‘’So ?’’ Leo insisted. There was no way Y/N was going on a date with Leo Fischer. The poor boy had been stalking her for weeks, not even noticing she had a little something for older men. ‘’Listen, Leo, you’re kind and funny …’’ funny … It was his thing, to be funny.
Y/N couldn’t count the numerous jokes and pranks of her classmate. Pranks hm …
‘’Let’s play a game.’’ Joining her hands, she took a quick glance at Professor Laufeyson desk. It was the best moment to take a little revenge. ‘’I’ll go on a date with you,’’ she started and saw Leo’s eyes growing brighter. ‘’Only if you ask Professor Laufeyson’s permission.’’
A frown appeared on Leo’s forehead. After today’s class, Y/N was sure he would never dare to ask such a thing and eventually, he would leave her alone. An innocent smile crossed her lips and she bent towards her desk to gather her notes.
When her eyes finally left her bag, they couldn’t find Leo anymore. Whew, that was efficient. It felt strange though, it wasn’t like him to give up. As she threw her bag over her shoulder, a terrifying vision caught her attention.
From the distance, she distinguished a young man standing next to the professor’s desk. Leo.
Loki Laufeyson was listening to him attentively. Shit, shit, shit. Y/N didn’t even take the time to put her jacket on. Rushing towards the doors to escape, she soon saw Leo storming out by the other exit. What the …
The hallway was filled with noises and loud voices, ‘’Leo, Leo wait !’’ she desperately called.
Even though she thought the prank was hilarious, Y/N didn’t figure it could offend Leo that much. ‘’That was a poor joke Y/N.’’ he muttered. Shrugging, the young girl shook her head, ’’It was funnier than all your jokes reunited.’’ Leo frowned, ‘’It wasn’t. You warned him !’’ Warned him ? Tilting her head, Y/N was about to ask what he meant, but Leo disappeared into the crowd. What did Professor Laufeyson say to him ?
Concerned, Y/N slowly walked back to the auditorium. That son of a … She stepped inside carefully and looked around. It was empty.
Stupid idea. Shaking her head, she turned around, ready to leave, but her eyes made contact with a pair of emerald ones. Fuck. ‘’Loki …’’ she mumbled, ‘’I …’’ Crossing his arms on his chest, Loki Laufeyson kept staring at his student and leaned against his desk.
The simple fact that he was standing in front of her was the most frightening situation she’d ever faced. Stomach in knots, Y/N couldn't move a muscle.
A silence fell between them and she felt the urge to fill it. The fast beat of her heart pounding against her ribs echoing in her ears, Y/N stuttered shyly, ‘’What … What did he say ?’’
Another second of silence and she would have fainted. An impassive expression on his face, Loki took his time to answer.
‘’Mr. Fischer asked my permission to take you on a date.’’
Y/N’s blood ran cold. Holy shit. He did it. She gulped audibly and a fire started burning her whole body, soon reaching her already crimson cheeks. How could she even apologize for this ? Indeed, she felt almost proud ... ’’I’m … Sorry.’’ she uttered in a sassy tone, fidgeting with her fingers.
Y/N knew it wasn’t smart to play with fire, and yet, she couldn’t help it.
Something came back to her mind though, Leo seemed quite upset. Professor Laufeyson couldn’t have just uttered a no in his usual sarcastic tone. The words replayed in her head until ... you warned him.
‘’What did you tell him ?’’ She frowned, her shyness replaced by curiosity. 
The piercing eyes of her professor plunged into hers, sending shivers down her spine, ‘’I said no.’’
Oh, interesting …
‘’No ?’’ she repeated, confused. ‘’I told him you wouldn’t make it since you would be in my office at that time.’’
Tags : @writingstudent​, @spookycatqueen​
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