#because Heather doesn't show up again until you start the main Downtown quests
victorluvsalice · 3 years
AU Thursday: “Londerland Bloodlines” Is Still A Thing
Been a few months since I actually talked about this one, huh? At least in terms of how the writing’s going. . . As a reminder, I finished up the rough draft in January -- now, here in July, I’m currently editing the start of Chapter 3. Which, for the curious, starts with the Bloody Mess quest (retrieving the werewolf blood) and transitions into Trick or Treatment (saving a certain lady -- or, in Alice’s case, young man -- from certain death with one’s blood. . .). I’m currently on page 78 of 192 (yes, the damn thing has grown further as I edit).
Now -- that does mean that I do have two chapters “in the can,” as it were. Or, at the very least, with a second editing pass done. My friend Gigs on Dreamwidth has been making noises about actually reading some of this story, but I find myself balking a little bit simply because of the size of the chapters. Chapter 1 covers Alice’s Embrace and very first night as a vampire -- aka the opening cutscene and tutorial -- and it weighs in at just over 38 pages in LibreOffice Writer. That’s -- that’s a lot, right? I’m not imagining that that is A Lot? And I know there’s plenty out there about readers not complaining about chapters being too long, but. . .yeah. Mental hurdles. (Not to mention there’s the whole “doing the final typo pass on this thing is going to take AGES” part to worry about. . .)
So yeah, I guess my question to you is -- given that I would probably likely post them mostly “as-is,” and they WOULD be long chapters -- WOULD you guys like me to upload “Londerland Bloodlines: Santa Monica’s Deluded Depths” (the first part of the journey, because holy hell this is gonna take a while) sooner rather than later? Or should I see if can break this stuff down into smaller chunks first? Let me know!
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