#because I'm apparently kind of cocaine for adhd people when I'm like this. so hyper I talk f fast I fidget I'm always onto something new but
neverendingford · 6 months
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bi-demon-ium · 3 years
37. have you ever been the principal's office 👀
OKAY SO. technically this was the vice principal both times i think but i'm not sure. either way. yes. two times in my memory.
the first time is short and funny, so i will leave it above the cut:
namely. i was a hyper adhd Gifted Child(TM). i was generally unusual, loud, fast, annoying, etc. very hyperactive and weird, generally the school freak, etc. however. amazingly. this led to someone genuinely and actually reporting me (in like, MIDDLE SCHOOL) for being on drugs. like, cocaine drugs, or meth, or whatever, not even just like "that kid got some weed". and me, despite being a weird-ass little bitch, being this like. goody two shoes nerd too awkward to actually do anything remotely "bad", having never even Seen A Weed Before, was just like huh
literally the principal called me in and was like [obviously not serious about this] okay do you do drugs
and i was like "..........what? no????" and he was like "yeah i didn't think so. okay, go back to class"
which. amazing.
the SECOND story is the far more memorable one and is also far less funny and more just like ah! fun fact! so i'll put it below the cut.
so STORYTIME! my high school vice principal fuckin hated me and the feeling was mutual. that guy was a huge bag of dicks, enormously prickish, always insisted on calling me specifically out in particular on dumb shit (no hats indoors, so if i didn't take my hat off the instant i got inside instead of just. when i was allowed to go to my locker. he'd get on my ass even tho DEADASS HE NEVER DID THIS TO ANYONE ELSE IN MY HEARING even when there were other people with hats on, one time he made me take off my hat while i had arms full of two trays of cupcakes and did NOT offer to help and they got mildly squished in the struggle) and he was just generally the worst
now one day, my spanish teacher--and that's a whole other can of worms we don't have time for, but let's just say while i don't hate him as a person, he was deeply insufferable and definitely at least lightly sexist--basically made some comment that was kind of sexist. it was something about how he would accept friend requests from male students after they graduated but not female, lest anyone get ideas, which like. i kind of get where he was coming from, being cautious and all, it's not like i was calling for the guy to be burned at the stake, i just pointed out it was a little sexist and heteronormative to presume that, and i wasn't even mad, i was just kinda like "HA! SEXIST, DUDE!" because that was kind of the energy you know? i don't think i'm explaining this well, but the point is, i made a very offhand comment about my teacher being sexist.
end of the school day i'm told to stay after school and go to the vice principal's office. he proceeds to close the door behind me and ask me why i'm trying to ruin a good man's career. i'm talking full lecture about me trying to get him fired, about me being irresponsible and stupid and selfish, intimidation factor through the roof, tells me not to accuse anyone like this ever again, etc. (also, apparently i didn't make a jibe at him being sexist but in fact "grabbed my chest and yelled SO YOU WOULDN'T FRIEND ME BECAUSE OF THESE? which i promise you i didn't do, it's possible i misremembered and said something like so you wont accept a friend request from someone because they have tits MAYBE but i definitely would not have grabbed my chest and made a lewd gesture because despite being closeted i was very aware of my Transness and VERY self-conscious about it, so like. i KNOW that was a lie and idk here that came from bc my spanish teacher was a prick but i don't think he'd lie about that for no reason either, and i never asked him, so. not sure what was up with that actually)
anyway like in retrospect, even only days later, i was spitting mad, like, i wasn't even that serious nor had i accused him of anything or like, spread it around or something (if i was going to try and make him out to be a sexist prick maybe i'd talk about him 100 percent seriously planning to give away his tiny daughter's future hand in marriage for a truck, okay) but you should never react to someone saying "my teacher is ___" with "never accuse anyone of anything ever again" and so on, but like, at the time, this was big scary authority figure man with power over me and my life is yelling at me and i'm trapped alone in a room with him" so i was like. full in tears. and i do not cry easily. i remember just coming out of there trying incredibly hard not to cry and i sat down waiting for my mom to pick me up and the secretary deadass was like oh my god are you okay and i was like [fully about to have an emotional breakdown] [doesn't answer] so she offered me a muffin. i think i said no because i don't like a lot of muffins and i was crying too hard to eat anyway but i appreciated the thought, she seemed very concerned/confused at the teenager dissolving into tears in a chair near her desk
anyway i heard a few weeks ago he got fired for being a dick to some kids or something lmao
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