#because amy didnt like her hair braided
july-19th-club · 1 year
dreamed once again about amy [redacted] and this time we were at our old high school for some reason or another and i owned a really cool but finicky vintage car. she was wearing a grey sweatshirt with faded pink roses on it and i was like. what is wrong with you ive never seen you wear florals in my life
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the-keeper-crew · 3 years
sophie,,, braiding marella's hair,,, in tiny little intricate braids,,,
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winterfireice · 2 years
@the-abandoned-schoolbus I was going to send you an ask but I was to long. Um fair warning this was the first thing I wrote when wanting to post it to tumblr. And I was going to send you just a snippet but decided you deserve the full thing. I really like the idea just think I can do better
Here we go
I say “coffee” and “orders” too much(also in this sophie and amy are both adopted by grady and edaline while jolie is there birth daughter and jolie is 2 years older than sophie and amy is 2 yars younger than sophie placing jolie a freshman in college, sophie a junior in high school and amy a freshmen) also i know nothing about running a business just keep that in mind
I was taking orders and making coffee on a saturday moring so basically I was fucked; usaly theres more people working during rush hour but my parents were on vacation for there anniversary, my best friend Keefe called out for a date he planned a week ago and that was fine when I thought id have my cousin Dex and my little sister Amy working with me but Amy got a stomach bug and passed it to Dex. But I'm not having Keefe cancel his date so here I am. When my parents were fresh out of college they bought a little coffee shop near the center of town and started Calla’s Coffee well actually started “A Coffee Cup” but they were never sold on the name and when our family friend Calla who loved our coffee we had our name. And even though the building is pretty small it was very popular. The bell on the door rings for the tenth time in five minutes and I look up and see a beautiful girl with dark brown hair tied into a intricate braid and teal eyes she's wearing faded jeans with a simple white blouse tucked into them she gets into the back of the line when the phone rings I grab it while turning around to make a young man's tea “Hello this is Calla’s Coffee how can I help you?”
“Hey sis” I get a way too chipper voice for eight am “Jolie” its not exactly a question but my older sister answers it like one any way “that would be me” “why are you calling the coffee house?” I question “well you sound happy to hear from me” she teases “Im working alone.” I hear a ohh of reilization my sister is two years older than me and has definitely worked here enough to know when its the busiest. “Wheres everyone else?” “Busy.” theres no need and no time to explain. I grab the green tea bag releasing its empty “you have until im done grabbing some more tea from the back.” I say into the receiver luckly my mom convinced my dad to get the cordless phone so i can bring the phoen with me. “Also why are calling the land line and not my phone?” I ask. We almost never call the coffee shop “I didnt know who was working.” she responds “I think I left a stack of papers on the table in the staff room the last time I was there.” Jolie is a freshmen at college but trys to come home pretty regularly because shes only about an hour away but this weekend she had to study. I grab the tea bag and walk over to the table, our back room doubles as a storge room and break/staff room. “I dont see anything let me check the cubbys” all of the staff has a cubby for our stuff but since theres six of us and ten cubbys we use the extra four for random stuff we have here. “Is it a report on how our economy is going?” Jolie wants to be a social worker for the foster care system but is taking some extra classes to expand her knowledge or something “yes, did you find it?” “yeah shoult you have this on your computer? Just print out another one.” “My computer broke its getting fixed right now but wont be ready by the time I need to turn that paper in. Guess ill be seeing you tommorwer id pick it up today but I have a study group all day.” “ok Love you see you soon” I tell her “love you too” Im walking back to register when Keefe walks though the door and over to me already putting on his apron “I thought you had a date?” “somthing came up on his end were getting dinner insead.” He says shrugging “here ill take over making everything you get the orders.”
It's about ten minutes later when a brown haired girl comes up and pulls out a list “I'm going to warn you I have a long list and a very annoying brother.” she says in a way that says she is sorry in advance. I put both my hands on the counter and lean on them “oh thats fine would you rather tell me the order or give me that list your holding?” I say with a smile on. She hands me the piece of paper and I give it to keefe behind me. “He looks at it and gives it back “you take this one you're good at complicated” I look down at the order and see one of the most complicated lattes i've ever seen not to mention an equally complicated tea and two simple coffees. I turn towards the girl “there's four names on this list which one should I call when it's ready?” “That's all you have to say?” keefe says quietly beside me but loud enough where the girl can hear him. She doesn't look mad though, more understanding “Biana” she nods “Pretty name.” I say and turn back to the coffee maker but not before I see her blush I smile to myself knowing I'm the reason for the pigment in her cheeks.
“Biana” I shout, putting her drinks in a tray and on the receiving part of the counter. She walks over and picks it up and grabs something from her back pocket “just one more thing.” and hands me the folded paper and walks away. I open it seeing her name and a phone number below it. Smiling, I put it into my pocket and go back to taking orders.
I dont think Ive ever giving a girl my number before but she was really cute and really good at making coffee especially the one im drinking right now itt has a little milk and sugar with a good amont of cinnamon and toffee flavoring ive never gone to this place before but have heard great things about it and it live up to the hype. I open the front door to my familys two bedroom apartment its smaller than our old house but still enough room for all of us. We all wanted to get out of our small town when my father got all mad about my mom getting engaged especially to another woman. But with me and my mom’s decorating skills its super warm and homey. “Coffees here.” I shout, my future step mom or mum as me and my brother call her gets up from the couch and grabs her coffee and standing next to me around our coffee table that ive put our drinks on while my mom and brother come out of their rooms and grab there much more complicated drinks. “Thanks I needed this want to go on a run before it starts to rain.” my older brother says gesturing to the window where clouds are starting to roll in. My brother basically has his football scholarship in the bag but still workouts like a mad man he enjoys it though and it gets him out of the house so I cant complain “I think your stopwatch is on my dresser from the that last run you dragged me on.” he nods right before chugging hsi coffee and getting ready to leave “that cant be good for your stomach” I sit on the arm chair in our living room. Our aperntment has the living room and kitchen in one room and we also have a coffee table next to the kitchen in the living room we have a couch that can fit three people and two arm chairs with a smaller coffee table in the center its all facing the tv. My parents are on the couch and turn on the tv to some cooking channel and we all finish our caffeinated drinks. “Im going to some homework.” I say walking to my bedroom. I share it with Fitz so theres two beds two dressers and a desk plus a small closet. I sit down at my desk and open my computer. My old school offers online learning so Fitz and I are finishing our school year and next year well be going to the loal high school, well I will Fitz will be in college. He's a year older than me and currently a senior while I'm a junior.
Im still studying hours later when my phone dings with a new text
hey its sophie from Calla’s im the barista you gave your number to
I smile, I was a bit stressed when I first gave it to her that i just left right away in case she turned me down. I add her into my contacts and respond
Hi Soph
My phone rings after a few seconds “hi” “hi” we both chuckle even though theres nothing funny happing just two gays being awkward “you still working?” I ask and immediately regret of course shes not its almost dark and shes calling someone she just met not something you do while working. “Umm no I got off a few hours ago I just had a lot of homework and I had to take my dogs on a walk.” she sounds flustered “you have dogs?” “yeah two mutts” ive always loved dogs of course she has dogs “what are there names?” “oh well ones Iggy and the other is Silveny there annoying but adorable sometimes and vocal sometimes I feel like I know exactly what there thinking” shes laughing and I can tell she really loves her pets “I think I have some photos if you want them?” “Yes” I answer maybe to quickly “of course I want dog photos” she sends a few photos of two dogs a medium sized grey boy Iggy I learn and a slightly larger white girl Silveny. We end up talking the rest of the night until Fitz comes into the room I got a text about an hour after he left this morning saying he was going to spend the day in town I did’t relise it was ten pm until looking at the clock on his dresser “where were you” I whisper angling the phone away from my mouth “errands, and I met someone it's nothing” he shakes his head “im going to take a shower” I nod at him as he leaves the room “sorry my brother just came into our room, hes gone now getting ready for bed.” “bed its only,” sophie pauses im guessing checking the time “holy shit it got late fast im so sorry but I got work tomorrow and should probably go to bed. But I want to talk to you again if your available come to the cafe a little after noon its pretty calm around then” “perfect ill see you there” we hang up and a fall onto my bed squealing she said she wanted to talk to me again. I get ready for bed the smile not leaving my face.
“Hey I really liked that coffee palace we had yesterday I think im going to go back today.” I'm grabbing my purse and heading to the door Its not noon yet but I dont know if I can wait much longer knowing a cute girl is only ten minutes away, well by walking. “Sweatheart its almost twelve dont you want lunch insead?” my mom is giving me a quizzing look and shes right I almost never have coffee at lunch or no lunch espicly since our family opened a diner and started making amazing hamburgers. “That coffee place had muffins and stuff that I wanted to try. Plus they had a good variety of teas without caffeine” I dont know why im rambling I did want to try there muffins when I was there last time but I got distracted. “Ill come too” Fitz is puting on a thin jacket over his t shirt “No no I bet your busy Ill just bring you somthing home, ill send you a photo of the menu” ive opened the door and walking to hallway im sure my moms are giving me weird looks since I basically just ran out of the house but I hear jingling of keys and footsteps coming twords me “Why are you being so weird Its just a coffee place right,” Fitz gives me a questioning look and I wonder if hes thinking about who could have been on the other side of my very long phone call. “Plus that way we can drive there” Fitz is walking ahead of me and I relise theres no way out of this. I dont even know why im annoyed its not like this is a date Sophie just invited me to her job when shes working im basically just a customer with connections.
“So who is it?” Fitz is driving and has an annoying voice like he knows everything “Ill answer your question if you answer mine. Whos did you spend the day with yesterday?” “just some guy I barley know him” “same but its a girl and she works at Calla’s Coffee” im trying to hide my excitement “ooo so thats why you wanted so desperately to come alone.” I look away out the window nodding. Fitz laughs beside me and brings his attention fully to the road again.
I step into the building and hear a little bell Fitz is right behind me I tried to convince him to stay in the car or go do something else but he was very persistent. “So this is Calla’s, its nice” Hes looking around and hes right it feels lived in for a coffee shop while still updated enough where you dont feel like its missing anything. But im not realy paying attention to the decoring but to the blond girl wiping down some tables she looks up and smiles at me. At me im eternally screaming and apparently not moving because fitz pushes me sltightly guigding me to the counter were theres a few bar seats. “Hi” I sit down in the seat closet to in front of her “Hey you came” she smiling and im having trouble breathing. “Yeah should I have texted I could have let you know I was on my way” “no no its fine its like a surprise” she laughs and im totally gay panicking and just stairing at her id feel self concise if she wasnt doing the same thing “Foster are you going to take her order or just keep looking at her” a tall blond guy is standing in a doorway that gose to the back of the store. I hear Fitz take a weird breath and sit down beside me wile sophie shakes her head like trying to get out of a trance “do you want the same as last time” I shake my head “whats do you recommend for something with low caffeine?” “Foster low caffeine I dont think she knows that exists” she laughs and Sophie glares at him. “I know something want a surprise” i nod at her “any allergies?” “nope, you have free rein” “perfect,” she turns to Fitz’s deration “anything for you” “I dont know if you still have are order from yesterday but Ill have a latte with-” “ohh complicated latte got it” Soph turns around and starts making our drinks im paying attention to her but can definitely can still pick up on the weird tension between the second bareista his name tag says his name is Keefe and my brother but im too preouipated being gay. Sophie puts down our dinks mine looks like a kind of tea and tastes like citrus and amazing. Fitz takes a sip of his coffee “its perfect, how I never saw you look at a paper or anything” “eidetic memories” Keefe points to his head and sophie’s “both of you” I gape at her “thats so cool” she shruggs her shoulders like its no big deal and looks down I think to hide that shes blushing it dosent work very well. “So how did you two start working at a Coffee shop?” Fitz asks “Well my parents own it so it was a no bainer for me but when Keefe needed a job his best friends family owned business just happened to have an opening” Soph says that last part like maybe she had a little to do with Keefes job opportunity. “Oh your family owns Calla’s?” I say as the door rings and a guy that I guess is just slightly taller than keefe walks in “hey diz” Keefe says throwing an apron at his head it falls off his face and he checkers it putting it on “thanks because you couldt just hand it to be like a normal person” he pulls out a name tag out of one of the many pockets and pins it to the top right corner showing his naem is Dex “normal is boring” Keefe says to him “Biana, Fitz meet Dex, Dex meet Biana and Fitz. Dex is my cousin, well by adoption” I turn to Dex “your adopted?” I ask hoping its not an offensive question “no I am” Sophie says as dex joins them behind the counter “but we see each other more than bio cousins plus its been long enough that you might as well be related by blood.” Dex shrugs. “Its nice to meet you.” he says “you too” me and Fitz say at the same time. We sit in silence for a little while Sophie and my eyes meeting and we simle “Hey, when are your parents getting back?” Dex says leaniing though the doorway to the back room. “Five and remember Jolie is getting here around four and staying for dinner, also Edaline and Grady don't know shes coming its a little surprise” Sophie answered just briefly taking her eyes off me to answer Dex before turning back to me “Jolie’s my older sister and at college but taking an impromptu to trip. And my parents are going on a much needed vacation camping.”
“how many photos do you think they took?” Keefe asks wiping down some mugs “oh hundreds, no doubt” Shopie giggles, I love how close these three seem and how nautul they seem even with two new people sitting infront of them. A ring comes from sophie's back pocket and she pulls it out looking down at it “oh sorry I got to take this” she says clicking on the answer button “hey sis”
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Ice Man Job
leverage 2.08
Hardison: Jim Kerrity III. He took over Kerrity Diamonds four years ago after his old man retired, and in that small amount of time, he drove the business straight into the ground by living way beyond his means.
(Parker is restless on the couch and Eliot pushes her away from him)
Hardison: I'm talkin' drugs, booze, women.
(Parker continues to moves restlessly)
Hardison: According to his credit card statements... What? Why? What are you doin'?
Parker: What?
Eliot: What?
Parker: What?
Eliot: It's distracting.
Parker: The couch is feeling a little empty.
Nate: Eliot, will you please sit next to Parker.
Eliot: No, I'm sittin' here now.
Nate: Guys, guys. We all miss Sophie. I, we just have to adapt.
Hardison: I got this. Move, go.
(Hardison sits next to Parker on the couch)
Hardison: You happy? (picks up keyboard)
parker can’t get comfortable because she misses sophie. she’s never had friends/close family before (minus archie but that’s irrelevant) and sophie was one of her people and she doesn’t know how to cope properly when she loses them
the ot3 sitting together as they should
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Nate: You know what, the thing about this that people don't understand is insurance fraud, it's a lot of red tape, and with a big claim like this, it'll take a year before Kerrity sees any money, and the bill collectors are not gonna wait around. He's gotta fence the diamonds.
Parker: He can't. (grabs the remote and changes the monitors)
Eliot: What do you mean?
Parker: His diamonds are GIA certified, VVS clarity, all about two carats.
Hardison: That's my clicker.
Parker: Who stole the Polar Star? (raises her hand) Who stole the Gem of Gibraltar? Damiani raid? Me. I know diamonds, and our bad guy can't fence those diamonds because stones that size have an ID number laser-inscribed on them.
Eliot: So it’s like a stolen car. Gotta clean the VIN before you can sell 'em.
Nate: How do you get that ID number off?
Parker: With a special laser. But only three guys can do it. Antwerp, Dubai, Tel Aviv
- - - - -
Parker: Hi.
Man: Hello.
Parker: Buy me a drink?
Man: You got it. (gestures to the bartender and puts his hand on Parker’s knee) So?
(Parker grabs his fingers and breaks them, then picks up a briefcase and hits him in the chest before heading away, almost falling)
we LOVE to see parker not tolerating slimy men and hurting them when they touch her
- - - - -
Parker: Yeah, I'll be fine.
(later Parker is crouched behind the counter talking on the phone)
Parker: I will not be fine. I stabbed that guy with a fork.
[London Bar]
Sophie: Parker, Parker, relax. It's fine. Listen. Go to Nate's cupboard and you're gonna find a sexy little mini-dress and my emergency Jimmy Choos.
[Leverage HQ]
Parker: Jimmy who? You have a body in Nate's closet? (she looks excited)
[London Bar]
Sophie: Shoes, Parker. Didn't I teach you any...? All right, listen. This is the important bit. Do you still have the Rosalind Diamond you stole in Perth?
[Leverage HQ]
Parker: Yes.
[London Bar]
Sophie: Wear it. The diamond will speak for you. You won't have to say a word. This is the key to the grift. You just trust the character. Say nothing, trust the diamond.
[Leverage HQ]
Parker: I can do that. Don't tell Nate I called.
[London Bar]
Sophie: I won't.
- - - - -
bruh parker is SO HOT in that blue dress with her diamond that she stole I’m-
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Hardison: All right. Lay the arms down, brother. He's cool.
(Eliot lets Kerrity go)
Hardison: You have to excuse my bodyguard. He's touchy. It's 'cause he's a mute.
eliot looks ready to beat hardison’s ass for a hot second
also I LOVE eliot’s little braids in his hair
- - - - -
Kerrity: What kind of thief calls himself a thief?
Hardison: An uncatchable one with a brilliant reputation. You've seen my work in Perth. The Polar Star? Nicked it. The Gem of Gibraltar? Nicked it. The Damiani raid? Distraction while I nicked everything in the vault next door. Big stones, trust me.
(behind Hardison, Parker is pacing angrily)
eliot gives her a Look™ when she looks like she’s going to interrupt hardison because he KNOWS how pissed she is
- - - - -
(Parker is at the kitchen bar, locks and picks spread out in front of her. She’s focused on picking a lock)
Eliot: Ice Man?
Hardison: Hey, I put a lot of work into that character. No, no. No, I bought new clothes, ugly as hell, too.
Eliot: This always happens when you go on the grift, Hardison.
Hardison (*): I put stories on the website.
Eliot: You go too big.
Parker: Sophie told me to say as little as possible, let the character do the work.
Nate: When did, uh, Sophie say that?
Parker: A long time ago. Maybe last Christmas. I don't even think it was Sophie.
Nate: I'm gonna go put more pressure on Kerrity. I want you guys to be on the clear-out. Ice Man, play it cool. That's just an awful, awful name.
Hardison: Genius.
Eliot: See?
Hardison: It's genius.
Eliot: When you get in too deep on this, I ain't bailin' your ass out.
Hardison: I don't need you to bail me out. I'm the Ice Man.
Eliot: Not. Gonna. Help
parker picks locks when she’s upset/annoyed/distressed and I love that continuity for her in the show
also eliot you buffoon you’ll always help hardison you’re fooling literally no one
- - - - -
Guard: There's a Mr. Sterling here from the insurance company.
- - - - -
Eliot (on phone): I know. He's driving me crazy. How, huh? I'm backup, they can't rely on me. All right, all right. Hey, thanks. Don't tell Nate I called.
Parker: Who was that?
Eliot: Cable company
eliot is more upset than anything because he’s been put into a position where he can’t protect them as well. THATS what he’s mad enough about to call sophie about it.
also this picture meme describes the situation perfectly
- - - - -
Eliot: Whoa! Whoa! What are you people doin' here?!
Woman: We work here. Who are you?
Parker: We're with OSHA.
Eliot: We issued a class-one evacuation notice for this facility effective 24 hours ago.
Parker: This place is on lockdown for chemical exposure.
Eliot: Nobody read the memo?
Parker: Did nobody read the memo?! You, cough!
(Parker holds a pad to the woman’s mouth and she coughs into it)
Woman: What chemical?
Eliot: Given the set-up for this place, it could be a matrix of solid phase sulfates, uh, nitrates.
(Parker shows a blackened pad to the woman)
Woman: That's inside me?
Eliot: Honey, your lungs are a parking lot, sweetheart.
Parker: And in that parking lot, the diagonal lines are painted with poison.
(parker turns and looks at eliot, who shakes his head slightly in exasperation)
Eliot: People, move towards the door, all right?
Parker: Do not inhale unless you are 50 feet from the entrance. Yeah.
(all the workers leave the room)
eliot just sighing at parker’s antics is beautiful
- - - - -
Nate: All right, nice work, guys. Tomorrow, when he shows up with the diamonds, the state police will be there.
[Exterior Street]
Eliot: Why, so they can arrest Hardison's ego?
Hardison: Be cool, baby. Ice cool. Hey, who wants to go for a spin?
Eliot: Can't believe you rented a Ferrari.
Hardison: Rented?
Parker: I'll get a ride home with Eliot.
(Eliot and Parker move away and get into his truck before driving away)
Hardison: Y'all are just jealous. Oh, they just jealous, baby. Don't worry about that. Look at ya. Lookin' better than green-
okay so now we know hardison in canon owns a red ferrari convertible
- - - - -
Hardison (makes call): Yeah, yeah. Sheila, not makin' it in tonight. Yeah, work thing. Bugger all.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: Hardison? Are you calling me in character?
[Russian’s Office]
Hardison: I told you, butternut. It's work. I can't get out of it.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: What accent is that? Ooh. Ooh, you've been nabbed.
[Russian’s Office]
Hardison: Afraid so.
Sophie: Is it the mark?
Hardison: No. No, muffin, no.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: It's the goons. You oversold the part.
[Russian’s Office]
Sophie: You fell into the trap of the overzealous henchman.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: Don't worry. It happens all the time. As long as they're not Russians.
[Russian’s Office]
Hardison: It's gonna be a bit of a problem.
Sophie: It's the Russians? I'm gonna have to phone Nate.
Hardison: Uh, leave it off, crumpet.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: No, no, no, listen. Hardison—
[Russian’s Office]
Sophie: --you cannot talk your way out of Russians.
[Interior Van]
Sophie: I mean, you can stall them maybe for a bit, but whatever you do--
[Russian’s Office]
Sophie: --do not tell them you can do anything else. (hangs up)
Hardison: Smooches. Love her. (puts down phone)
- - - - -
Eliot: I had courtside seats, man. Tell Hardison if he makes it out alive, I'm gonna snap him in half.
Nate: Uh, Eliot says hi.
again, eliot, you ain’t foolin no one
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parker sitting on the dining table,,, I love it when she perches herself on things
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eliot is wearing a checkered/white plaid shirt with flowers on it it’s adorable
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(Kerrity is placing a necklace on a woman’s neck)
Kerrity: Wow, that looks beautiful. Three hundred thousand dollars on your neck. (Nate knocks on the door) Oh. Amy, I'm gonna meet you at the bar, sweetie, OK? You'll earn that later. Let's go. Excellent. This had better be important.
y’all nasty
- - - - -
we love to see eliot knocking people out with one punch
+ him apologizing to the unconscious guard after
- - - - -
(Parker lays a magnetic strip over the two halves of the sensor)
Parker: This will hold them together.
Eliot (hands her a screwdriver): Electric's faster.
Parker: Vibrations will set off the seismic sensor.
(Eliot leaves the vault as Parker moves the sensors to one side and replaces them with false sensors. She then works on getting the combination)
- - - - -
Eliot buzzes Hardison in. Hardison fakes punching Eliot, who goes down. Hardison continues to fake beating Eliot up)
Eliot: Next time, I'm playing the thief.
Hardison: I'd like to hear you do an accent.
Eliot: I'd like to hear you do an accent.
Hardison: I went to Second City in Chicago.
(outside the Russian and his men watch Hardison beating Eliot)
(Parker writes the combination to the vault on the handle in what looks like invisible ink)
Eliot: When’d you find time between that and karate at the Y?
Hardison: You know what? Just shut up.
Parker: Shut up, guys
chaotic ot3
- - - - -
(Parker hangs on to the vault door as it swings shut, then jumps to an overhead pipe)
[Kerrity Diamonds]
(Eliot watches Parker move across the vault in a security monitor)
Eliot: Stuck it
this is cute okay, his proud lil face
- - - - -
hardison also carries a black light on his keychain ???
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I’m sorry, I’m but a simple wlw and parker hanging upside down doing her thing is beautiful
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Hardison: Shh! Do you hear that? Diamond Jim's comin' down here. You go and stop him while I nick the diamonds.
(the Russian and his men turn to the vault doorway. Hardison backs away. Parker steps out of one of the larger boxes and pulls Hardison into it)
Hardison: Thank you, and I mean thank you, but how are we gettin' out of here?
(Parker pulls out some sort of electronic device)
Hardison: What is that?
Parker: Shh! Pull your arms in.
(the device beeps as Parker enters a code. After a moment, an explosion collapses the floor beneath them and they fall into the tunnels below where Eliot helps Parker to her feet)
Eliot: Det cord.
eliot helping them off the ground? domestic ot3
- - - - -
Eliot: What are you smilin' at? You still screwed it up.
Hardison: I'm smiling 'cause you said if I got in trouble, you wouldn't help me.
Eliot: Parker made me.
Parker: No, I didn't.
Hardison: Come on, man. Let's hug it out.
Eliot: I'm not huggin' it out, Ice Man.
Hardison: Just hug it... Just a little man love.
(Hardison puts his arm around Eliot’s shoulders. Eliot tries to push him away)
Eliot: I'm not huggin' it out with you. No...
Hardison (stands to move closer to Eliot): It’s not—
Eliot: Sit down in your stool.
Hardison: Don't make this awkward.
Eliot: What are you doin', man?
Hardison: This is uncomfortable now.
(Hardison lays his head on Eliot’s shoulder as Eliot continues to try and push him away)
Hardison: Get in the pits.
Eliot: I'm gonna break your frickin’ arm.
parker shuts eliot down immediately because eliot needs to step up for his actions
also this meme sums up the entire episode
* sorry the script said something wrong and I don’t feel like going back to check lol
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His Dirty Little Secret
I woke up and rolled out of my bed, slowly shuffling to the bathroom in my dorm as I went for my shower. I turned on the water as I got in, letting the hot water relax my muscles as I attempted to wake myself up for the day. I quickly washed, shaved and dried myself off, putting moisturiser on my legs to make them smoother. I then blow dried my hair before getting dressed. I put on my tights, skirt, shirt, tie and my school shoes that had a little bit of a heel on them. I made sure my skirt was higher than the school rules allowed, then I curled my half black, half red hair. I then grabbed my school books and bag, and went downstairs for breakfast.
I walked in and saw my brothers all sitting at our house table. I went and sat with them grabbing a green apple and pouring myself some pumpkin juice for breakfast. "Why do you always only eat green apples Emma?" My brother, Jackson asked. "Because red apples taste funny. That's why." I replied, pulling out my potions homework that was due today. Snape would kill me if I didn't have it done. As I was about three quarters of the way through, my bestfriend Ashleigh walked over and said she needed to talk to me. I got up, grabbed my book bag, and followed her out. We went back to her common rooms and sat down on her bed. "Help. Dilemma. Make up crisis. Sebastian wants to take me to Hogsmeade as we have a day off and I am useless when it comes to makeup. Please help." She pleaded. I sighed and went through her make up, thinking of what would work, trying to match it up with her outfit. I eventually decided on a smoky cut crease for the eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, a light foundation and blush, and a dark pink lipstick. I did her eyebrows, helped her change out her nose stud for a nose ring, and then she was ready to go. I also quickly put on a deep purple lipstick and did a smoky eye for me. "Thank you so much Emma. What would I do without you?" She asked. "Probably die." I replied as we laughed. I heard the bell toll, signaling my first class of the day, Herbology. I quickly hugged Ashleigh, wished her well on her date, and rushed to the greenhouses.
"Greenhouse Three today guys." We heard Professor Sprout yell out from behind us. We had Herbology with the Ravenclaws, so I paired up with my bestfriend from Ravenclaw, Amy. "Girl you are gonna get in so much trouble with Snape for your skirt today." She informed me as we sat down. "Incase you haven't noticed babes, I really don't care." I replied as we completed our task. We then parted ways as I headed off to Transfiguration and she went to Ancient Runes. I successfully turned my turtle into a teapot, and got ten points awarded to my house. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, we were up and out of there so quickly. I rushed to the Great Hall, wanting to get a seat with my brothers. As I sat down next to Freddie, I noticed a certain blond Slytherin staring at me from across the hall. "He is staring at you again little sis. Can I deal with him?" asked Freddie. "Nahh. I can handle him." I said as we ate our lunch and talked about Quidditch and the team trials that were coming up. I finally agreed to try out for the team beater and then headed off early to my last class of the day, Potions.
As I was waiting outside for Professor Snape, Malfoy and his gang came and stood next to me. He clicked his fingers and they all went and did something else. "Sit next to me in Potions today. We need to talk about certain things." He demanded and walked off before I could reply. I sighed and went in as Snape walked in. I took my seat at the back of the classroom and Draco came and sat next to me. We received odd looks from others, but between his cold stare and my resting bitch face, they all looked away. "Today, we will be doing theory work with who you are sitting with. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to tell me the uses of Wolfsbane, Draught of Living Death, and Veritaserum. Understood?" Snape drawled in his monotone voice. We all nodded and got to work. "Want to explain to me what the hell you are doing wearing your skirt that short?" Draco hissed at me as I started writing down the uses of Wolfsbane. "I wear it like this everyday, Malfoy. You know this." I said as I rolled my eyes. Draco let out a sigh of anger as he started writing down what we needed as well. "How about why you were with Zabini last night, past curfew? I know you weren't studying." he queried. "How do you know I was with Zabini? Also, what I do with my life is none of your concern. If I wanted to have fun with Zabini, I could. You don't control my life Draco!" I whisper yelled as I got up, handed my finished essay and my homework in, and left to go to my dorm. I was so frustrated with Draco at the moment. Honestly, who does he think he is? Thinking he can control my life and what I do. I got out of my school uniform and changed into my black ripped skinny jeans, my Machine Gun Kelly shirt, Rap Devil hoodie and my combat boots. I put my hair into two braids, and put on my EST 19XX bandana. I grabbed my firebolt and my wand, going out into the corridors before mounting my broom and flying out of the window.
I flew around the castle, over the trees of the forbidden forest, and then to the Quidditch grounds, where I lazily floated in the air, casting random spells and practicing for our charms quiz later this week. After about half an hour of flying around, another person joined me. I looked over to see the ever so annoying Draco Malfoy flying next to me. I rolled my eyes, not ready for another argument with him, and slowly started flying away. It started to drizzle as I was flying around so I decided to just take it slow. Malfoy was still following me, which was making me even more pissed off. "And what in the world could you possibly want now Malfoy? Haven't you got Pansy to go and be with?" I asked him, letting my anger seep through my words. He looked shocked, but quickly recovered as he replied with a witty comment. "I really don't want to be around that clingy bitch. I would rather annoy you to the point of breaking." I sighed and flew down to the ground, heading off towards the castle. "We aren't done with our talk yet little miss." He yelled as he sent our brooms to their respective places, picked me up, and apparated to his dorm. "What the bloody hell are you doing you numpty?" I questioned as he cast the Muffliato charm on his dorm. I rolled my eyes at the fact that of course the Prince of Slytherin got his own dorm, and went and sat on the couch. He walked over to his bed, took off his shoes, socks and his jumper, loosening his tie before lying down and motioning for me to join him. "I'd rather not thanks." I said icily as I turned back to the fire and continued to stare into it. I heard him sigh loudly in annoyance before he went quiet. After an hour of nothing being said between us, I sighed and finally joined him on the bed after taking my shoes and socks off.
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore Emma? We used to talk everyday before the holidays, and now you are just ignoring me and swanning around with other guys that aren't me. What's going on?" He asked me as he put my hood of my jumper down. I looked at him and saw that he truly was hurt, but I honestly did not feel sorry for him at this moment. "You know what you did Malfoy. You know why I'm not talking to you. You don't control my life, and if I choose to go around enjoying myself with other men, then I can. And you can't stop me Malfoy. It was YOU who made the decision to join in with your stupid friends when they gang bashed Jason. It was YOU who had no intention of stopping them. It was YOU who I thought would have the common sense to realise what you were doing. But you didn't. You fucked up. You just can't accept that. So no, I will not stop messing around with Zabini or anyone else I want to." I finished my rant and wiped away the tears that I wasn't even aware were falling down my face. I went to go get off the bed and leave when I felt Draco's hand wrap around my wrist and pull me into a hug. "I am so sorry for what I did Emma. I know I can't fix it. I know that what I did was irreversible and I can't take it back. If I could have done anything to help, you know I would have. I am so sorry for what I did and I want you to forgive me so bad. I know that you hate me right now and I shouldn't be trying to control who or what you do. I just want us back. I want you to be mine the way we were before I fucked up. Please Emma. Please give me one more chance." he started trembling as he spoke and I knew the tears were going to start soon. I pulled back from the hug and wiped his tears. I noticed he had rolled up his sleeves, and when I looked down I recoiled from his touch as if it had suddenly become acid and was melting my skin. He noticed and then realised why I had.
"HOW COULD YOU DRACO?! YOU PROMISED ME YOU NEVER WOULD. YOU SAID YOU WOULD RATHER DIE THAN GET THAT DONE!" I yelled as I got up an went to leave. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME EMMA! I HAD NO FUCKING CHOICE! HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME IF I DIDNT. I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU, BUT YOU JUST WOULDNT FUCKING TALK TO ME. IT'S BAD ENOUGH BOTH OF OUR FATHERS ARE WITH HIM. IT'S EVEN WORSE THAT NOW WE BOTH HAVE OUR MARKS!" He yelled as he grabbed my arm and pushed up the sleeve of my hoodie. I ripped my arm away and glared at him. "DON'T YOU DARE BRING MY FATHER INTO THIS! I SWORE WHEN I TOOK THE MARK THAT NO ONE WOULD KNOW. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME AND MY BROTHERS TO HIDE IT FROM PEOPLE? YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE SCHOOL THAT KNOWS DRACO! SO DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TURN THIS ON ME!" I retorted. His face was red with rage as he tried to think of a reply. I was so prepared for him to yell at me, so when he kissed me, I was shocked. This wasn't the slow, gentle kind of kiss either. This was the rage filled, passionate, demanding type of kiss that sent shivers down my spine. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, climbing back on top of me as I threaded my hands through his hair. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned into the kiss. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth as his hands slowly trailed down my body, sending electric shocks through my body wherever he touched me. He pulled my hoodie off and discarded it somewhere in the room, along with my shirt. I loosened his tie enough that I could pull it off, before ripping off his shirt, buttons flying everywhere. He smirked at me before dipping his head down between my breasts, leaving kisses all over my chest as he unclasped my bra and threw it somewhere in his room.
He took one of my nipples in his mouth and started sucking on it whilst playing with the other. I moaned when he bit my nipple as it sent a pleasurable pain through my body. His hands trailed down as he came back up to kiss me, undoing my belt in the process. He took of my jeans and my panties before I flipped us over and took control. I took off his belt, jeans and boxers, and threw them somewhere in his room, not really caring right now. I looked up into his lust filled eyes as I slowly made my way down to his cock, leaving love bites all over his hips as I went. I licked and sucked on the tip, keeping eye contact the whole time. Draco moaned out in pleasure, and I was glad he had cast that spell. I slowly started taking him in, inch by inch, until I had all of him in my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down as Draco laid back, moaning in pleasure beneath me. I pulled off and slowly licked him from base to tip, tasting his precum before going back down. I went faster and faster as I started pumping him as well, trying to get him to his climax. "Ahh. Shit. Emma! I'm g- gonna --" He emptied his load into my mouth before he could finish his sentence. I swallowed it all and licked him clean before showing him. "Holy fuck." He whispered as I moved on top of him. I smirked and then giggled as he rolled us over so he was on top.
He slowly started kissing down my neck, sucking on a few spots to mark his territory. I moaned as he found my sweet spot and I felt him smirk against my skin. He continued sucking on that spot, leaving a dark purple hickey on my pale skin. He then continued his journey down to my core. He kissed my inner thighs, and made his way up to his destination. He licked a long strip up my heat as I let out a long, loud moan. He put my leg over his shoulder and then put his tongue inside my heat. I was in heaven. He slowly started working his fingers in as well as his tongue and it felt so good. I was moaning and biting my lip, trying not to scream out from the pleasure that I was receiving from him. I threaded my hands through his hair and was tugging so hard, I was surprised I didn't rip his hair from his scalp. Draco started to rub his thumb against my clit and within a few seconds, I reached my climax, moaning out Draco's name as I came down from my high. I pulled him up and kissed him long and hard. I then put his fingers in my mouth and licked them clean. Draco groaned at the sight, and his eyes darkened even more. "Fuck me Draco. Now." I demanded as I laid down on his bed, stretching out on his silk sheets. That was all Draco needed to lose all control. He slammed into me, hitting my spot right on the first time. I screamed out as he thrusted hard and fast, continuing to hit my spot dead on. Our kisses were filled with passion as our tongues danced and our bodies collided. I was reaching my climax. I could tell that Draco was as well. I tightened my walls around him and he started get sloppy with his thrusts. I screamed out his name as I reached my climax and he did the same as he reached his. We rode out our highs before he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to me. I tried to catch my breath as he pulled me into his arms, putting the sheet over us. 
"Well, if that's a way to get rid of our anger, I suggest we do it more often." Draco spoke, panting as he also tried to catch his breath. I looked up at him and grinned, nodding my head in agreeance with him. He kissed the top of my head, wrapped his arms around me, and held me as we fell asleep. We would deal with the hell that was to come for the both of us in the morning. But for now. Sleep.
This is so bad. I’m sorry
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