#because even though azul is an only child and a mer kalim has a big *big* family
merakiui · 1 year
thank you scalding sands event for reminding me of just how crazy rich kalim is... orz i often forget how spoiled he is and how willing his parents (especially his father) are to do all that they can to ensure he's happy. like remodeling the entire scarabia dorm to fit kalim's vision so he wouldn't be too homesick. or owning giraffes and elephants. or even having an entire private park attached to their already massive property. he is so rich. it's driving me insane. T_T
i wrote about the tweels using their family's influence to essentially "buy" you, but the real buying of you quite literally happens with kalim. you, the servant he's grown so fond of, will suddenly find yourself swimming in wealth. all of these things are gifts, courtesy of kalim. your family is spoiled rotten, and it's such a whiplash. you try to be humble because that's how you were raised, but kalim insists. take these jewels! take this aureate statue! take this car so that you can get yourself a license and drive him around in it! kalim isn't even trying to curry favor with you by drowning you in excessive opulence, even though he very well could. he just wants to give you these things because he likes you and wants you to be happy! but it's so suffocating; you have to thank him because he's your master. your family will forever be grateful to the asims. but it's so awkward. you don't want any of these things. you just want to work in peace.
of course you can't possibly imagine yourself in a relationship with kalim. he's very sweet, but you just don't see him in that way. the gap in wealth is too great, as is your social status. so it's shocking when his father personally visits your parents with kalim, where he gives his blessing for kalim to marry you. and in addition to that, he delivers a very expensive care package, a means of goodwill. "our families will be one now," he says with a radiant smile, "so please think nothing of this little gift!" and you try to say no, but your parents won't hear it. how could you say no to kalim al-asim?! are you foolish? do you not see how lucky you ought to be?
but you can't quite call it luck or a blessing. it feels more like a curse. kalim loves you, yes, but you don't want to love him for his money or his willingness to mindlessly spoil you. but you don't have much say in this matter. kalim's made up his mind and so has his father. the two of you will be wed. it's a nightmare. jamil would pity you, but he's known kalim long enough that any sympathy he might extend to you has long since shriveled.
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
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DCA Dorm Leaders + Sophie turns into Kids?!
It happened at different times but the experience was shocking nonetheless. Everything odd just happens when you interact with NRC students. For some reason, the one time the ten dorm leaders of DCA visited or interacted with NRC something unexpected happened...
She was spilled with a potion that a student was carrying but accidentally dropped it from the window of the alchemy class. Her form shrank in the puff of purple smoke and when it was gone she was suddenly a toddler. 
Epel who was escorting her around the campus grounds started to panic and decided that in cases like these he must go to the dorm leader. As soon as he brings her to Vil, she's going to be dolled up in little frilly dresses and ribbons while an antidote was being made. 
Evonie's two dads always dress her up in cute clothes which shouldn't be a problem… But she was used to cotton and animal onesies, Vil was making her wear silk and a bit of lace that are kind of itchy. 
Epel just feels odd with the entire scene he is witnessing. Evonie looks very displeased, he can only look back with a look of understanding her ire. He hates lace too… 
When Epel has to look after Evonie, she'd sit in his room chewing on apples and rolling around the blanket. She wasn't very active but she never made a fuss, Epel thinks that the Evonie right now and the older Evonie barely has any difference, which puzzles him.
A lot of students are dropping potions from the window nowadays, Ella is the latest victim to the falling chemical and this time Rook was with her. 
There she was, a toddler who looked up at Rook with her big eyes, he almost forgot what he was going to do since he got distracted by her cuteness. 
Of course, he reports the incident to Vil who reports to Divus. While waiting for the antidote, the Pomefiore dorm is blessed with the image of a cute doll-like toddler waddling around following Vil. The first moment Ella's eyes saw Vil she immediately points to him and says, "Pwince". 
It was so endearing and it got a chuckle out of Rook and Vil. If Vil was too busy to look after her, she was left in Rook and Epel's care, she'd busy herself playing princess with Rook and clumsily doing curtsy, Rook laments on how he wished he had a sister as charming as her. 
Ella would assume Epel was a princess but he can't be mad at her because she's a kid. He'll just tell himself repeatedly that she's a kid and doesn't know any better.
Well, the incident happened in the alchemy lab in DCA this time. She got turned into a toddler and while the students were busy trying to calm down and prepare an antidote, Allison sneaks off through her door and onto Heartslabyul grounds. 
She starts looking around and sees Trey and Cater, she rushes towards Trey and grabs onto his leg, startling him. They were shocked to see a child here of all places and at first, they thought it was a little sister of one of the students. 
Until Allison used her doors to get away from Cater who was trying to grab her that they realized that it was indeed, Allison. 
The game of tag starts, at first it was Trey and Cater chasing her around the garden but she kept on using her doors to transport into various spots in the dorm area, she ended up in the lounge than the kitchen, and so on, the entire dorm was on high alert for a pink-haired toddler and magic doors. 
What about Riddle? He was already informed when he saw students crouching around trying to find something or someone… 
He tries to be calm and order the students to get her out quickly, but as soon as she sees him and calls him a "The Grumpy Tomato" he forgets that she's a kid and chases after her only to have her use a door and he nearly crashes into the wall. Allison is definitely going to get an earful from Riddle after this fiasco.
It happened during the time she visited NRC, she was hit with stray magic in the main building and it turned her into a toddler. Everyone in the area was panicking while Briar was confused and startled by the yelling from the students. 
The one who found her was Lilia and the moment he sees that gold hair he rushes towards her only to find her… very small and very young. This was amusing for the old fae and it brings back memories of nostalgia. He can easily remove the spell cast on her but he allows himself to be a bit selfish and bring her over to Diasomnia.
Lucky for him, Malleus and his two guards are in the lounge chatting. The three of them froze when Lilia plopped Briar on the coffee table. Her big blue eyes scanning the faces of the people in front of her. 
Briar first went for Sebek and he was clumsily trying to carry her as she poked around his cheeks because his fangs caught her attention. 
Then when Silver got a hold of her, he fell asleep after a few minutes and Lilia had to catch her. 
Lastly, she sees Malleus and approaches him. Malleus was a bit lost on what to do, this child is Briar but at the same time, he doesn't know what she's like as a child. Briar raises her arms to him asking to be carried, when he did she gently put her small hands on his horns, marveling at the texture. Lilia has a picture he sneakily took to preserve the memory of a stunned Malleus and a baby Briar.
Cerule got toddlerized when she tagged along with Floyd making a potion in his room. Of course, Floyd being… Floyd, he put in something weird cause he was curious then a puff of purple smoke turned Cerule into her little mer-serpent self. 
Floyd was now preoccupied with a small oarfish child who was chewing on the black strand of his hair. "Ce-chibi, does my hair look like seaweed?". 
Jade came in the room some time to witness this scene, he doesn't need any explaining to know what happened. But, he takes the opportunity to see how Azul would react so the twins went to show the dorm leader. 
Needless to say, Azul dropped his pen when he spots that familiar red and white hair. 
Cerule as a child was… filled with a lot of chewing, she doesn't have sharp teeth due to her natural diet consisting of seaweed. She also tends to wrap her tail around someone's arm or leg so as not to fall off, Floyd put her tail around his neck and made her a scarf. 
Azul was planning on making the antidote… but Cerule's doe-eyes and cute habits sparked the instinct of a businessman. He decided against it because he'd rather not worry the students at DCA.
It was a book she saw in the NRC library that just happened to be cursed and reading out a spell turned her into a toddler. Luckily for her, the one who was showing her around was Jack. 
He may have been a bit startled but he has little siblings, he knows how to handle children. 
Though he is quite worried about how nervous Rozeline is… she never lets go of his hand and even hides from the other students behind him. She doesn't seem to like crowds and it makes one wonder what happened to her to make her like this? He just carries her towards Divus's office to get the problem sorted right away.
It was during her visits to Scarabia that she ended up getting hit with a stray magic beam and she was turned into a toddler. The students who were sparring went pale because they hit a royal who happens to be friends with Kalim. 
Speaking of which, Kalim just happens to witness this incident and immediately runs over to pick up a tiny Vidya into his arms. Then Jamil runs into this scenario and is told of what happened, now he has to make sure Kalim didn't get her hurt from giving her a piggyback ride. 
Vidya as a child is no different from her older self, she has proper manners and Kalim gets flustered when Vidya calls out on decisions that could lead to disasters. She sticks to Jamil a lot though, mostly supervising the magic training of the students. 
Her mature temperament just made them realize how she molded herself to be a perfect ruler at an early age which made Kalim feel bad since he thought Vidya smiling at parties meant she had a carefree childhood. Jamil is reminded of how his childhood was like when he sees Vidya's attitude and habits. They try to coax her into acting more childish, even for a little bit.
Jinlong was toddlerized after one of the Savannaclaw students were having an argument and they struck each other with magic, only problem was that the magic hit Jinlong. 
Now she was a kid in the middle of a dorm filled with beasts, most of them didn't bother with the kid and went to go tell Ruggie about it. But the ones who do bother her are met with a shocking surprise kick. Jinlong studied under an outcast master in secret, she was put through a tough training regimen. 
Jack who witnessed the event along with Ruggie, was shocked and amazed. Ruggie goes to inform professor Divus. Jack follows Jinlong to make sure she doesn't get lost but she's just standing there wanting to try out a training dummy. 
But being a child with the mentality brought up in her hometown she isn't comfortable around the male students. 
Until Jack takes her somewhere isolated and prepares a dummy for her that she starts to lose her nervousness and get hyped up.
It happens during the time she was sparring against Leona during the DCA festival. Both were close to hitting each other when a puff of purple smoke hit Elu and Leona was thrown off balance when he didn't hit anything solid. 
When the smoke dispersed he saw Elu but smaller and younger. Turns out that smoke was a miss from one of the game booths. She was still feisty as a cub, so seeing this big lion man made her raise her paws and starts to hit him. 
Her punches weren't that strong and it felt like he was getting a massage. He found this amusing and just continued to tease the poor cub, by holding her back with his tail, and when she tries to do any semblance of damage he just sits there with a smirk. 
The entire image is just so amusing to everyone that the girls from Sagamore weren't mad at Leona, it just looks like typical siblings being siblings situation.
Perrine wanted to try out Allison's recipe for mystery cookies then she contacted Trey if he wanted to taste test it with her.
Allison mentioned that the effects vary but none that is harmful to the person, it’s a recipe full of whimsy so it makes sense. When they both ate a cookie, a puff of purple smoke and Trey had four-leaf clovers growing out of his head which made him chuckle a bit but when he looked to Perrine he nearly had his glasses knocked off from surprise. 
She was a toddler now! Luckily for Trey he was skilled with handling kids because of his younger siblings. 
Perrine was adorably diligent, while waiting for the effects to wear off she would always be behind Trey ready to assist. 
While he was on rose painting duty she was already putting newspaper around the bush to make sure the grass didn't get paint. 
And when he was cooking, she was zooming about the kitchen handing him the ingredients he needed. It was endearing for him and it was almost a shame that it was only for a moment, he's going to miss his little assistant for a while.
Sophie was given the role of a tour guide for the first-year squad, and they stopped by the Futterwacken tea party to try out some of the mystery cookies. 
After consuming the cookies, Ace had sparkling eyes, Deuce could see in grayscale, Jack's wolf-like features turned into a poodle's with the ears and the fluffy hair, Epel had a deep voice which he thought was manly, and Sebek was speaking in gibberish. 
Sophie was turned into a toddler and the first-year squad is in a panic to who has to make sure she's turned back. It's a hilarious scenario but the Futterwacken students have seen their fair share of oddities so they shrug and walk off. 
It didn't help that Sophie was curious about everything, she starts crawling about and climbing around. It was chaotic until they handed her over to Sebek, she started to put her hands in his mouth curious about his fangs, and Sebek just speaking nonsense but still held onto Sophie.
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