#because he didn'T wanted to get cought by dad eating them. but he was cought and then my dad had to like.... scoop the tumbling out.
chiptrillino · 2 years
What about the adults? Iroh would probably make some kind of apple tea but accidentally give himself indigestion with a mild dose of cyanide. June feels like she'd slice an apple while beating someone up. Hakoda totally slices apples for his kiddos (maybe makes a happy face out of them). Not sure about Ozai, Bato, or Jee.
i feel like i have to do a graphic for the atla characters and their apple preferences hahah my problem is... i know many kinds! but only german names.... i didn't think much of the adult. also because i think some don't like apple, could have a mild allergy or are really indifferent about them. like the only thing i am sure of is that gran gran cuts an apple open. lets it out till it shirwls up a bit and then eats it. it gets softer, is less acidy for the teeth, say locals old grannies form my place. i can't find anything online to back me up hahah
i guess its a given that parents slice apples for their kids. and i am sure that hakoda has a scar on his thumb for cutting to deep once on accident. but i also think that in the pole if they have apple they have like really small ones. like they grow like apricot size (they do exist! but i do not live on the poles.... so not sure how it fits with atla poles flora... ) eitherway bato challenged him to fit 5 in his mouth. lets say... don't do this at home kids. luckely hakoda survived (bato: he only fit 3. <-fit 5 in his mouth kya: looser <-fit three in her mouth hakoda: i hate you two) i don't think everything for iroh involves tea though hahah. i like the idea that he accidentally poisons himself. but i am sure he cuts apples up for zuko on the ship and serves them with some tea while zuko has his nose buried in old books and scrolls about the past avatars.
june shares her apples with nyla!!! she bites off peaces and gives it to her lovley shirishu! does nyla only eat meat? probably. but i think small peaces as a treat could still be good for the animal. (so june eats eats apple like a normal person (if she is not accessing her dominance in the pub of course)
jee doesn't care as much??? he eats one as a snack by just biting in them. on a ship they are usually old grainy stale. maybe not as pleasant? so he just here and there eats one maybe he has a bad day and squeezes one in his hand may or may not imagin it to be a certain princes head...
now that i think about it firebenders could like make something like candied apple. they heat the apple up. dip it in sugar that sticks to the hot surface. and then heat it up again till the sugar melts and then hardens clear.
ozai deserves to be chained to the plaza and people get to trow rotten apples at him.
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
can you tell us more about Criminal AU?
Sure, why not tell the bottom context once for all? Let's tell this story from Chris's point of view.
Why, why him? We were just walking around the little forest! They could've left us alone.
When those two men appeared, I knew the fun was over, Martin stood up for me, because they wanted to take me. He told me to close my eyes... And as an innocent nine-year-old kid, I did so. All I heard were screams and struggling.
I didn't see anything, until my mom grabbed my hands, uncovering my eyes, she was freaked out, my dad was telling at those guys, running after them and Martin was gone. Mom told me to run back to the car and hide wherever I could. I asked for Martin, she just said "we'll get him back" As she told me, I ran back to the car with the keys in my hand and locked myself inside, trying to fit behind the door under the back seat. I started crying silently so anyone would hear me. Half day passed and my mom returned with my dad, I realize now that the injury he had in his shoulder when they got back was a bullet hole, I was scared, Mom started the car and we left.
"where's Martin?!" I cried out.
"We'll get him back soon, Chris, I promise." My dad said.
I didn't know what he meant.
Martin was missing for a whole month and two weeks, the police was about to shut down the case and declare him dead, until...
He came back! One day, we heard a knock on the door, when dad opened, I swear I could see tears on his face, because Martin was back, in a very bad state. He was wearing a hospital row, he was walking without shoes, he looked tired and pale, even his eyes had lost that vivid blue and turned more greyish, but he wasn't blind. And the worst of all, he was half fainted and covered in blood. He won't tell us where he was or what happened to him. By now, he still refuses to tell.
Ever since that day, he wasn't the same. He almost didn't eat, almost never slept, he looked really pale and tired all the time, he became really cold and distant... And he almost kills one of our friends, we didn't know how, but since he never did it again, we kept the secret.
When he was 22 and I was 18 we found out about a so-called-cure fore this strange illness of his. We knew the advertisement was talking about him because, first; those were the two men who kidnapped him in the first place, and two; Martin had all the symptoms mentioned... But we didn't had enough money to pay for it and if we got honest jobs, we could spend years just to get the half. Well, we have the half now, 3 years later, he doesn't get better except for a few good symptoms.
He hardly gets hurt by anything, he can even fall from a fifth floor and only twist an ankle! And he's really smart too. That's why nobody can catch us, due to our physical abilities and Martin's IQ, we never get cought by anyone. We just hope to get the money to buy the cure before someone else buys it.
You might think, why don't we steal it? The lab where it's hidden it's way past Martin's plan making, it's like every plan would work but there's always a "but" and it all falls down. Not even Martin can crack a way in that includes a way out, or a way out that includes a way in, so it's a hard pass to go on and steal it.
So, here we are, stealing as much as we can, I wish we could quit it, but we really need that cure.
We don't want Martin to go crazy again...
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axelwassup · 2 years
This is a David and Angel one like I said in my last post on how I got in a fight with my sister and how I said I was going to make a fic about it but I didn't say that I was going to add a plot to it so yeah I'm doing a plot hope you enjoy😃👍🏼
Tw: mention of self-harm, curse words, car accident
It can't be...
Angel went to their parents house to visit them and stay there for a couple of nights. They didn't know that their parents also invited their 3 siblings so they all could catch up.
Angel never had a good relationship with their parents when they were young but that changed a lot once they got old. Their siblings and they were on good terms when they were growing up they were close but still got into fights here in there.
"bye Davey I'll be back in a few days!" I said while getting the rest of my thing and walking out the door.
But before I could he grabbed my hand turned me around and kissed me. This wasn't the first time he's done that. He'd do it when I was leaving some where. Like when I went on that trip for a week.
"you sure you have everything?" David said not wanting me to leave anything behind. "Yup!! I have everything!" I told him. I was excited to see my parents after a long time. We would talk here and there but never really visited each other as much.
"I'm off! Love you Davey!!" I said to David giving him a kiss. "Love you too Angel. Be safe." David said while he let me go. "I will!" I said to him while getting into my car giving him a wave and getting one in return.
I smiled then drove off. I was smiling the whole way there playing my favorite songs that reminded me of Davey. My parents house is 1 hour away sense I moved into the empowered side of Dahlia with Davey. They didn't know that David was empowered. I never told anyone in my family. Not even my closest friends from diapers!
The only thing I told them when I first met David was that "oh! I met this really cute guy! He seems nice!" The reason why I told them was because they'd bully me about "not having a boyfriend" and how "I was going to stay lonely forever because I couldn't find the right person I'm willing to marry and have kids with one day." The first time I introduced them to David their jaws dropped.
After that day they wanted to get to know him more sense there all over protective and don't want any of us to get heart broken but they trust him now that they got to know him more.
I introduced him to my parents and they seem to like him! They think that we were meant for each other! Yeah my dad and brother didn't like him at first but after some interrogation from them they started to get along! Mainly my brother sense he told me that " if your ever going to date a guy ask him this one question! And then I'll accept him!" He would say and my response would always be "oh yeah and what is that question?!...I swear if you say-" I would say untill he would cut me off and say "can he, she or they cook"
I would curse at him and tell him to fuck off. That I don't need a someone to cook me shit. And then he'd call me out like I'd only eat ramen and pop tarts every week when I was back in college and do nothing more then eat, sleep, and study.
When I got into a relationship with Michael my brother never liked him. He said that he got a bad vibe from him. I should have listened to him then because after that break up I was a wreak.
I was all cought up in my thoughts that I haven't even noticed that I was pulling into the neighborhood that I grew up in. I was letting my feet and hands do all the work while I was just in my thoughts. How? I don't know?
I started to see familiar houses. They may have changed a little bit but that was ok sense I grew up in this neighborhood! It still looked the same! Well at least to me.
As I started to get to the house I grew up in I could see that there was two cars in the driveway and they looked so familiar.
I parked my car just Infront of my parents house. As I was walking up the stairs I could hear some laughter. The same laughter I heard as a child. It was my dad!
Just hearing my dad made me feel kinda like home. And I say kinda cuz Davey's not here. I quickly run up the stairs exited to see him after some years of not seeing each other.
Knock knock.
I could hear footsteps heading twords the door and as the person got closer I got even more excited I just couldn't wait!
The door swings open to reveal that the person at the door wasn't someone I was expecting so I stood there shocked.
It was my brother!
"Hey!" My brother said hugging me. "Hi! I didn't expect to see you?! How have you been?!" I said hugging him back.
"I've been good!.. where's you bags? Are you not staying??" My brother said with this confused look on his face. "Oh I left it in my car unless this was the wrong house!" I said while chuckling a little. I could just imagine to myself if this was the wrong house and I just show up with my suitcases like a crazy person.
"Oh! That makes a lot of sense!" He said laughing. "Alright I'll be right back with my things!" I said while walking back to my car. "Here let me help you!" My brother said I was about to protest but didn't sense he wouldn't back down and still help me.
Once we got all of our things and got into the house and said hi to my 2 sisters and my parents and hugged them we started to cook. I knew a lot of things to cook know sense Davey taught me. They were surprised when I told them what I could make. "Years ago you would just be my helper and once you got older you didn't know what to cook but your raman and Pop tarts" my brother said raising his eye brow.
"it must be that boyfriend David!" My sister said in a teasing voice. "Oh fuck off raman and Pop tarts lasted me that long and hey I'm still living aren't I?! AND!! You would have done the same thing if you were me!" I said giving them a glare for them to shut up.
"yeah but we're not you!" My little sister said looking up from her phone from the kitchen table. "Your one to talk! Your not even doing anything!" I said to her while she just laughed. "So your saying that you boyfriend David teaching you how to cook is a bad thing???!" She said still laughing.
"at least I have a loving and caring boyfriend that could teach me thing! You don't even have a boyfriend! Not even in you ENTIRE life!" I said laughing and giving her a chicky glare.
"HEY!!" She said her face red like a tomato. Everyone started to laugh. "You guys are so annoying!" She said. " Oh you want to talk about annoying?!" I said raising an eyebrow.
"No! I really don't smartass!!" She said laughing. "Ha see that I am smart! Someone just proved it!" I said a chicky grin on my face. She stuck her tung out at me and I did the same. It was something we would do as kids when ever we would get mad at one another or just do it in a playful way.
After we were done eating dinner we played some games and I won some and lost some.
It was like that for a couple of days that I had stayed there but this night was one that I would remember...
"MAN! That food was good!" I said with a big smile on my face. "I told you that was a good restaurant!" My sister added.
We got back to my parents house and started to talk. My little sister left the kitchen because she had something to do and my brother also left sense he got a call from someone important so it was just me and my sister. She was 2 years older then me but we were close when we were younger and told each other everything!
"Hey.. remember when we were younger and you told me something..? Like when you told me that you always hated me and stuff...? And when I asked you why you were telling me you just said that you were being honest..?" I said to her afraid to bring it up. It was something that happened years ago. But it always stuck with me. I never stopped thinking about it. I didn't want to bring it up at the time because she was older and stronger when we were younger but now that I'm older and strong enough to take anything I though it would be right. I mean she was always out of town and she never had time to talk to anyone.
"yeah..why?" She asked a confused look on her face as why I asked about it. "Well I just wanted to know why..? I mean why did you hate me? Was it something I did? Something I said? Like what did I do to make you hate me..?" I said looking her in the eyes. I'm pretty sure that if I brought it up back then I would be looking down.
'i don't know? You just pissed me off that's all." She said laughing a little. "Is that all..?" I said with a stern voice. "I mean yeah..?" She said. "So I went through all that trouble because I just pissed you off..?!" I said try not to raise my voice.
"hey is it my fault that you did piss me off?!" She said also try not to raise her voice but I've known her this long know that any moment she'll start explode.
"I've tried EVERYTHING to be a good sibling to you but did that work?! NO!" I screamed at her holding back a little bit.
"WELL I NEVER ASKED YOU TO TRY-" She screamed back but I quickly cut her off. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME TO BUT I STILL DID!! WHY BECAUSE I FUCKING CARE FOR YOU! MY WHOLE LIFE I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ASS AND WHAT DID I GET IN RETURN?!" I screamed waiting for a response. "WHAT? TELL ME WHAT YOU GOT!" she tried to say in a calm voice yet it was no use sense she still screamed it.
"OH IM SO GLAD YOU ASK!" I said with a fake smile looking at her. "I GOT YOUR BULLSHIT!!! THATS WHAT I FUCKING GOT!"I said to her not holding back anymore.
When even I was mad I would always cry because it was the only way I could release frustration.
"I HATE YOU!" My sister said.
"I HATE YOU EVEN MORE!! SOMETIMES YOUR SO FUCKING HARD TO RESPECT!! I HATE YOU!!" I said slamming my fist on the table and walking to the room that I was staying passing my two siblings and parents that I didn't realize were there.
Once I left the room I could hear my sister talking to my parents but I didn't care.
"Where are you going?" My mom asked. She looked like she wanted to cry. Like she never wanted her children to turn out like this.
"sorry ma...I'm going home.." I said looking away from her. "Mkay then..." She said giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead.
I felt another pair of arms hugging me and it was my dad. My family members always said that my brother and I looked more like my dad then my mom.
"I'm sorry.." I said pulling away from their hug.
"I'm leaving early...I'll text you guys when I get home.." I said turning around opening that door.
"hey. We love you kiddo." My dad said. "Love you too" I said back.
I shut the door behind me walking to my car. Why does she always have to do this! I thought to myself.
I still wasn't calm down. I put on music in my car and started to drive. Hot tears running down my cheeks like they did when I was fighting with my sister. She'd always been a bitch to me and I've tried to make a good relationship with her. and I did!Yet that relationship was fake...I should have known..
I wiped at my tears harshly. why should I be crying?! why..? Why? WHY!
I kept wiping my tears harshly to the point that my eyes hurt but I didn't care.. I was in so much pain I didn't care about anything.
I was too focused on my thoughts I didn't hear my phone ringing until it rang multiple times.
I saw that it was David I was going to pick it up but I didn't in time before the phone hung up..
Than it rang again..and again...and again..
I could hear the phone ringing people screaming.
"call the cops!" Someone screamed.
"someone get that assholes license plate!" Another person screamed.
"I got their license plate already so don't worry about it! Just get the damn cops over here!" Someone else yelled.
I heard people screaming but I couldn't understand them. My ears were ringing. I just wanted it to stop... And it did and it went black...
It was like I woken up in heaven? But it was just... white...?
"were am I?"I said.
"your in a white room" A voice said.
It sounded familiar? But it wasn't a voice that I grew up with.
"Gabe?" I said. I was unsure. No that's silly David's dad died years ago..
"That's right" The voice said. I turned around..and there he was.. standing in front of me..like really there.. and with his wife! David's mom!
"H-how...is this possible..?! Am I dead?! Does this mean I'm never going to see David again?!" I said tears running down my face again.
David's mom gave me a hug and then his dad...but it felt so real like they were there and alive..?! "Your not fully dead.." his mom said. Not fully...dead?
"what do you mean fully dead..?" I asked my eyes widening.
"That means that your still breathing." Gabe said while him and his wife pulled away from the hug. "How could I go back before I die?!" I said. "We don't know..." Said Gabe.
"I have to get back to David! He was calling me when the crash happened and I was going to pick it up but I couldn't! Is that a good thing because if I did pick it up he would have heard the crash! But then again I didn't pick up the phone so he must be worried because I usually pick up!"
I started to ramble but Gabe cut me off. "You have to get back there and get to him. Show him that your okay. He won't care if you picked up his calls or not. Hell he'll probably get into a crash if he hears what happens to you and tries to drive over here!" He said chuckling a little.
"yeah I guess" I said also chucking. "Do you know how to get back?" I asked. "I think you have to remember all of the nice times you've had with people that you love." He said.
I tried to think about every good memory I had with my friends, family, and David..
David was the most important thing in my life right now and don't get me wrong I love my family but it seemed like David was more important..no one has ever loved me like him...
He didn't make me feel insecure, he didn't make me feel worthless, he made me feel like a person..
He made me feel loved...
"Chill out David their probably doing something with their family and have their phone on silent. I mean it is 10:30 pm they might be asleep?" Asher said trying to calm his best friend down
"I know the time but they haven't texted back like they said they would..that's not like them...and they can't be asleep I know them well enough to know that for a fact.." David said putting his phone up to his ear once more.
"David you need to chill out" Asher said looking at David with worried eyes. David hated when he did that because when ever he did do that David would put whatever he was doing down so David just turned away facing the kitchen where they had half eaten brownies laying on the kitchen island that they had baked almost an hour ago.
After Asher saw that the look he gave his Alpha didn't work he plopped down on the couch and started to switch channel to channel just like David tried to call Angel again and again.
He kept switching thought the channels untill one cought his eye.
A car crash..?
He thought. He was worried since he knew were the crash happened. It was near the grocery store were they most of the pack went.
"a car crash here in front of --- street were a drunk driver crashed into a innocent civilian trying to get home. Coming into you Ben." The lady said
"thank you Anna. As you heard there is a car crash and you could see behind me." The reporter continued on.
"David.. you might want to see this.." Asher said. He recognized a familiar car and that's when he realized.
"Asher not right now." David said still not facing his friend. " No David..you need to see this right now!" Asher said. "ASH I SAID NOT RIGHT NO-" David said turning around but stoped mid sentence once he saw the TV screen.. his mate's car was messed up..
It was a wreck...there was blood..and over all it looked like a crime scene.
"it can't be.." he muttered.
Then he saw the bottom of the screen.
It seems that the victim of the car is ----
It was his Angel..his Angel was the one in the car..the car that they were showing..the car that looked like a crime scene..it was theirs..
David dropped his phone got his keys and ran out. Asher running right behind him.
That's were I'm ending it right now but I will be making a part 2 really soon!
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