#because he isnt doing more or less. hes doing the same top-tier stuff but for a slightly different reason
minor thing i really like about luke (and the rest of the band honestly) is that they give their all in every single performance whether it’s one person watching or a whole crowd. you can really see it in flying solo like they would never slack off on any performance even if it’s just in a studio for one girl whom they barely know. i single out luke because his whole deal was wanting a connection with the crowd no matter how big or small. he wants that connection and energy with everyone who sees him play that’s what he does it for and i think a marker of a true performer is no matter the skill level they put their heart and soul into every performance they do and i always appreciated that aspect of luke’s character 
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Launch/Corridors revisit
We rewatched the first 3 eps of she ra s5 on stream!
I cannot stress how important the sound design of this show is. It is some top tier stuff, at least for cartoons - Season 5′s sound reminds me of Mass Effect. which I actually went back and played after finishing She-Ra because of how nostalgic the show made me feel for it. (Still havent done the ending, maybe this weekend, I wanted my friends to watch.)  
I missed the first ep, but I was there for “Launch” and “Corridors”.
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  I feel kinda bad for Perfuma in “Launch”. Like, she’s trying. I mean, fuck the rope gag anyway, but Perfuma is a great ball of Stress. She was trying to be polite to Entrapta and eventualy snapped alongside the rest of the group.   
I’m also VERY interested in Scorpia’s feelings because she spent the entire ep looking like she wanted to say something but was too worried about getting involved in conflict. That’s a Bow moment for her.  The lack of statement from Scorpia perhaps made the fight at the end inevitable. .
Of course, Entrapta’s side of things is very.... yeah, it brought someone working on the show to tears and I can understand why. The way she isnt responding to things like they do, doesnt show the same doubt or remorse, so they get angrier and angrier and treat her like she has no feelings and she feels so terrible because she didn’t notice until it was too late as she’s so bad at reading people, and this keeps on happening and she feels it always will because of who she is, that is an autistic story. The fact Entrapta has to go through the monumentally difficult task of explaining how she feels, and everyone realises they fucked up. And Mermista running after her, it has always invoked some distant memory for me. More than anything else in the show could hope to do, besides maybe those early Adora episodes - it reminds me of when I was struggling to make friends with the cadets that I respected, and used to break down and run off, and the other kids would try to help even though they didn’t get it. They were good kids, but I was kinda not good at working with them.     
(Young Catradora also have vibes of that but I get so unreasonably angry every time I see/hear 8 year old Adora. I’m not sure if it’s the really bad child acting, or if it’s because Adora’s COMPLETE LACK OF UNDERSTANDING for how Catra feels reminds me way too much of my younger self.)  
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I do feel like this scene could’ve done with more reinforcement later on - have a small scene where she genuinely bonds with one of the good guys, other than Wrong Hordak. Also maybe less wacky hijinks and ropes in this ep. But alas. I’m really glad, regardless of everything else, they got Entrapta’s POV across.   
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(lol @ Bow seeing someone tear up and immediately starting to BAWL. he is so soft)
The scenes with Adora in this ep, the silent She-Ra form she just spoke to about her feelings on destiny, they were also great to watch and listen to again. I love that it was complete silence when she woke up, until Bow walked in, then Chaos started happening again, with Mermista SHRIEKING on the voice call for them to deck it to Darla, while Entrapta geeks out about finding glimmer and Bow is Stressed. I love it. 
Catra and Glimmer, for the first 3 eps (the scenes blur together in my head), ugh. These are the BEST INTERACTIONS IN THE SHOW, hands down. I don’t know. There is something so nuanced about how when they’re all stuck on the space ship together, they thirst so hard for a bit of familiarity that they are willing to turn to their gratest enemy for companionship.  
Catra and Glimmer have so much in common.  They have both nearly destroyed the world at this stage, they are both responsible for Prime being here today. And you can really tell  that the isolation is getting to them both, because they start bonding over Adora..  
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I love the interactions between Catra and Hordak in this ep too. It’s... the last time they ever speak in the show. But the way Hordak is still so angry at Catra for what happened, he presumably thinks Entrapta’s dead or something, and he is more than willing to erase his memories, but is still... terrified. Like, Hordak has so many feelings about Catra, because of her betrayal and how they had been working together and he thought for a moment they could relate with each other but it turned out to be built on a lie, and if only he had figured it out sooner, figured out Catra’s deception rather than sulk about it like a teenage boy, he’d still have his friend.  
Catra feels... terrible about this. She has every right to hate Hordak, and yet still feels awful about what shes done to him and what Prime’s doing to him, and still nearly found comfort in him being present, until he hard rejected her and got traumatically mindwiped.  
The music that plays during these scenes, when Prime is onscreen, it is so terrifying. This continues to be the case through to the finale, but it’s especially effective here, before he has shown any vulnerabilities.   
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And... Catra deciding to do her villain u-turn to rescue Glimmer, after bonding with her, feels really significant to me. I know she did it “for Adora”, but I find more meaning, personally, in recognising her ability to connect with someone other than Adora, even if she refuses to admit it.  
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(The space ship scenes in this ep are SO FUNNY. I often cite the SPACE moment as the funniest scene in the show, and it’s largely because the surrounding scenes are so... tense that having Entrapta’s space fever finally get payoff after 4 seasons, with her having the happiest reaction ever, was so fucking funny. Bow losing it, and Adora being a total himbo, also have series-wide buildup for added comic relief. All we’re missing is Glimmer stabbing things... which we do get in this ep, so it’s fine.)
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My Hero Academia, the series, the fan media, the community all was a mistake of our time
I hate this show. More than Naruto and more than Fairy Tail. I hate Izuku, I hate Kstsuki, I hate how everyone and everything is just being forced to like everything about them, I hate All Might, I hate the Hero Association, I hate how light hearted and shallow arcs end. And I hate how things ended up with my once favorite character, his ship and everything I ever expected to be better became much worse and theres no male based fan media to or communities that allow my project myself in shouto anymore, seriously hes manly than "Cant stop Sparkling" guy now adays based on all the fan stuff he has about being with deku.
Todomomo was a mistake and Todoroki is a mistake. All bnha ships are unholy and wrong. Bnha is all shallowness and impure GARBAGE. I used to love bnha and was a big todoroki fan. But the more I invested through time in this character, the more i felt alone and isolated from the fandoms intention on shouto being bland fangirl fuel, the more I felt more distant from the character and not even the manga supports my reasons to invest in todoroki whom hori treats like the most shoehorned false hype emo in the show. And that offends me deeply, you got all these characters and the ones that you are expected to take seriously (and live through vicariously) are the most important characters in the show. Deku, Bakugou, All Might, Mineta, Kirishima and even Endeavor are these character and he obviously builds up there hidden character development in abilities and progression, shouto still struggles with his own personal development and is basically the same as he started with the added bonus of jobbing.
Oh and all the hype about him being cool and attractive, just irrelevant blanket statement extra tidbit filler, nothing meaningful but to make shouto explained why hes special, I prefer it if the story elaborates this by "showing" it, which the author just skims through with him and hand waves consistancy with contradiction in other following scenes making him seem like a weaker/dumber from before(ex. Fighting Festival(shouto a top tier student in every respect according to deku) to Stain Fight(Shouto is nothing but quirk reliant) according to Stain). Strongest quirk wise, this is all he has for him but even hes not even the most talented or intelligently trained with it, which makes me wonder of all shouto is just a blanket statement based character that just meant to exist to explore how insignificant he is with all his power and advantages compared to the main duo and other coming of age based events involving the cast. Even his father represents this more than his son.
Todomomo seems to relate to this, but its meaningless, just like everything else shouto has been portrayed by fans, based on how much the author puts his narrative into play which is also meaningless in the grander context of the story. Why make momo and shouto work together in the first place only to not build that relationship in future developments.
That pairing I hate(todomomo), I didnt hate in the beginning only to me because it was the only humanizing aspect todoroki had not related to his family and later the forced shoehorned dynamic with deku and bakugou, it made sense because the two are socially awkward people despite their supreme standing in the class and as first years and yet they both encourage each other by standing firm to overcome their own lack of socialization skills to grow as ideal people and improve socially, which seems to be working for momo now not shouto who's still the brooding loner elitist type(only has friends with elitist characters like friends too) . Now it's a husk and a relic of a potential investment in shoutos own story, I dont give a damn anymore, shoutos has no real anticipating developments to compel him to me, his quirk is boring as fuck since it's just a shooting targeting spammer, he isnt a good character to entertain me from a personal way, he really is a broken record of the same issues with a new idea, his family outside of endeavor and overcooked guy is more boring than him, and god I hate him with deku and bakugou which gives me more a reason to not bother with anything about him specifically since they will always overshadow him as story narrative and progress development narrative types, and I hate those two more. They are really just stand ins as horikoshi escapist fantasies, and both of them get more attention than any character as narratives who pretty much get the most attention in doing the most awesome feats and accomplishments as main roles. The new movie was about that. Shoutos accomplishments center around how he plays second fiddle to that basically instead of exploring the potential of being a pure equal to deku and bakugou, he gets the second in command villains or does something less than them in battles they already excell at in quirk control.
It's all worthless, shouto should not be this popular anything, and eventually this reflects in the popularity polls recently, which I noticed in the west from the previous one, shouto was less recieved by a significant margin compared to the main leads as a third place holder, maybe it shows me that todoroki is losing favor slowly, it makes sense, the author is not doing anything with him that makes people catch interest with the plot about strong heroes and villains getting more relevant as major players, while hes stronger than most the class but not plot relevant with his strength like deku has. Bakugou is like just like deku since the plot focuses on his strength to and is naturally stronger than Shouto via being the more badass and more aggressively driven he gets and thus gets as strong if not stronger and more skilled than shouto out of sheer plot armor. Shouto is just getting hotter and cold, bigger and more raw and unrefined in his power, so he has to control it which is still not as grand as bakugous perfect skills and genius and deku grander scaling in brains and brawn. If I were to make a guess, shouto is just going to to be behind them both as a stronger quirk user eventually and more about being a defensively capable than battle capable like kirishima and ochako, fitting for a major yet minor character, which disappoints me even more since shouto can be more battle creative than both of them if the author didnt have a bias in making deku and bakugou better than him despite having a stronger quirk.
God I hate this series. Theres no likable characters that are relatable or even human, there all shallow power and fanservice fantasies, the only character in class 1s that acts less cartoonish and serves as a stand in audience Surrogate is jirou and tail guy, but they are all about being generic looking compared to the unrealistically attractive guys and girls, the looney toon designed comic relief, and the recycled shonen trope cast. But if anything shouto represents all these shallow functions the most, and it's made him a less than a character too, it made him a sellout fan appeal type with no credibility as a character, which is why men dont like him due to not showing much concern to connect to him as a human narrative, at least the characters compared to him are showing why they(despite acting like shallow cliches) are interesting characters to care about, shoutos thing is telling about how tragically sympathetic his character needs to be as the only important thing about him, not as a part of him as a character to endear towards while he grows and helps build up a leading narrative with his development. His story doesnt help any part of the main lead or rivals growth, or his class, or his own personal objectives for his goals as a hero(being like all might and surpassing all might is a all purpose blanket statement to keep him near deku and bakugou as a power hype, not a individual self defined person). Dragging out objectives(season 1: being anti endeavor on surpassing all might which in the end pledges to learn not to do that and become better, season 2.Learning from the festival and from then on to being able to take endeavors legacy and take his training seriously which compared to deku and bakugou isnt enough to show much, Season 3. Promises to make people depend on him, doesnt happen since hes still the unapproachable person people in his class know him for. Season 4. Still makes promises hes gonna be a dependable hero, still accept his fire side, still be his own hero, things he repeats and fails to attempt because hori is lazy or just doesnt care about showing how much hes changed compared to his mary sue duo. etc) that dont happen and are inconsistent with new story details is why shouto is dead to me. High expectations about him are problematic since the author has agendas that don't involve story relevancy about him compared to the actual leading roles, plus the fan reception helps effect how I feel about shouto to, hes not even popular enough to have drawn pornagraphy with most all the girls and high quality momo hentai fanservice artists and circles, fucking mineta and your average joe otaku faceless male is more likely than shouto instead. That's how much the value shouto means to anyone than just a fangirl targeted audience which is just gay or bishi equivalent to sasuke fanworks and the feminine answer to male targeted audiences of characters like deku, bakugou and mineta, the worst and most common types of shonen stock characters in the series.
I hope this series and all the fans get tired of this shit when it gets eventually cancled. Or maybe it has. I dont really keep up with it anymore.
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sunnyvaiprion · 5 years
Since my followers happen to like Julius here’s another Julius as a unit in FEH appreciation long post because I said so.   
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You already know it but I think Julius is just absolutely crazy, but I’m constatly reminded of that in real life, like I just went against yet another pulse team in AR, and what is my instinctive choice when I see 5 units with pre-charged Luna? (and L!Azura who is just there for dances, blue with 49/42 is nothing for him its just easy facts) Which is probably the worst special for Julius because it scales of HIS defences, which is 99% of time higher that enemy’s... Nah, sniping isnt safe and Reinhardt isnt killing that Micaiah because she has 42 res at the start and horse effectiveness anyway, that’s just too much. Right, Julius just goes in, no visible buffs because I had def but I entered idiot mode, in a spot where notably Flora then Micaiah (other options were Micaiah and anti-dragon H!Sakura, no thanks) can reach him. These girls right here. Physical damage and blue damage huh, which is pretty bad for Julius?  
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 He then takes Lunas from a red dagger and a blue mage with 53 and 63 attack respectively (brazen was active from bolt tower proc), under ever-present chill res on Ophelia above  I hate chill res so much you dont even imagine. Every time I see that a team has no chill res I just feel like Julius got a +7 buff to res instead . And kills both of them plus a stray L!Azura because he didnt die from them. Like... my god, why do people sleep on Julius, this is absolutely stupid damage, and without those pre-charged specials (which took most team’s C slots by the way, and offed the posibility of a tactics team cause too many infantries) they’d be 0-ing him or close (mind you, I forgot to put visble(s) on him) and he deals legit damage in return, his attack stat paired with Iceberg just deletes people even if it’s blue Micaiah with 49 res (brazen active) just ... go home 36 damage (not 100% health but she would have 7 less res if not for brazen) . That’s right, his special is named “Iceberg” but it’s actually called “DIE” and it has 3 cooldown. Which essentially means every second round of combat if he gets attacked. Greens and frail red/colorless dont even need the Iceberg but still charge it. 
 And that’s not for chosen few units, this is actually worse-end scenatio with pulse and stuff, he spits on like ... absolute majority of ranged units in the game, no matter the color or stats. Only exceptions are non-green daggers with bucket/cloud fan/kitty paddle (but not always) OR full-charge bladetomes/super high attack blues with dragon fang pre-charged (fully pre-charged, not even 1 tick left, and AoE isnt the same.). I personally find ranged units harder to avoid because of ... their range, and if range overlaps with some melee you can just snipe them out of the way with another (PP) ranged unit (if Julius cant just do it himself) and reposition away with Julius in range of only ranged units again. But if you can’t do that, depending on who the melee unit is, Juli may be able to ignore them at least for a turn too, leaving them at player team’s mercy then (but without anti-dragon prfs yeah). Greens - definitely, reds and colorless -  maybe, usually it’s a yes but calculations required. Blues - usually no... but well if they cant double then maybe. I had lance Hector (special fighter in B so no auto-follow-up) hit him once. It scared him but he didnt die mmmhm.
 He just doesnt die almost ever he just... he doesn’t care. He is invested in (with a cheap build though, it costs 20k feathers and 170 coins that’s it), but... so are all those units he’s fighting. It’s AR tier 21+ top 1000 baby, you get lucky if only 3-4* available units are +10 and not the whole 6-people team minus possibly the dancers. (5* locked are usually like +1 or +3 but full teams of +10s pop up too. Micaiah in particular was +10) Not that it matters to him, it gives them a chance sometimes I guess?
No, really, how do most tier lists have him very low, he’s equally or even more stupid than Reinhardt, coming from a person who loves Reinhardt and has him just as invested. His stats are just right and his prf is also great but maybe because he’s so unpopular and people dont use him he might get a refine (not that it’s a criteria) which will make him even stronger even if it does literally nothing for him like... a def ploy. You can pick 2HP 3def, It will still count. And people will still not use him ayyyy ... but what he has now is not something you can get on just about any unit, not in red mage pool or any other (there ARE similar ones, though).
I think Julius deserves more recognition than he has now. He’s great. 
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toomanyskeletons · 7 years
do all the oc asks ALL of them for AT LEAST two of your ocs (evil laughter)
you act as if talking extensively about my ocs does not bring me joy (i’ll only do two probably bc i do have some asks from other people so i’ll have to do those with other ocs, and i’ll try to stick to the same two for the most part.
or three. maybe three.)
anyway let’s begin
1. if they had a tumblr, what would they post about?
Sam: hmm i think probably some blog like. Mostly trans positivity posts with scattered posts abt how much she loves her gf
Amelia: considering her popularity status she’d run some blog like. U kno the blogs tumblr celebrities run i guess? So like. Reblogging a few general funny posts and answering select asks while getting like 200 every day.
 2. what’s their favourite colour?
 Sam: she likes blue :o like. Light blues. Also she keeps her hair dyed light blue as well
Amelia: purple. Honestly idk much more i can say about this.
 3. What makes them laugh?
 Sam: shitty puns and memes, mostly. The type of person who laughs out loud when u just say ‘egg’. She’s probably still into ‘xD tacos’ random humour.
Amelia: the polar opposite of sam in this regard. Laughs at intellectual humor. Like. rich fancy people. I know it exists but i cant think of any specific examples. Politely laughs at things people say are funny but she does not find them actually funny.
 4. If they had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
 Sam: “lmao dw i’ll probably just go to hell anyway” wait no context is important. She’s like. Actually how do i make this not sound bad rip. Uh. basically she is a business partner of lucifer who is actually p chill but that’s another story
Anyway that means like. If she dies she’ll probably just come back as a ghost or a higher tier demon.
O fuk now i really wanna draw that
Amelia: panicking and trying to find a way to not die. She had things she wants to do and a public record to maintain and jeez  i just realised how much ames has changed compared the the first universe she was in. i mean YEAH completely different life experiences but rip
 5. Do they have any annoying habits?
 -this is really subjective bc of what different people consider annoying but
Sam: people say she laughs too much. That is not her annoying habit is, her annoying habit is tellling lucifer when people say that so lucifer can like. Ban them from reincarnation or put a curse on them or something like that. Also sometimes when she cant be bothered to go that extra step she might go into the past and become that person’s grandmother.
...that second one isnt really an annoying habit to most people but to the one guy who has to help keep control of time, it is a very annoying habit and what makes up like half of his job doings.
 Amelia: sometimes goes very over the top with things. One time she stole a magic book by becoming a security guard at the place where it was kept and then took the book and ran. So like, instead of doing things illegally, she did it also illegally and got a month’s pay from it as well.
I guess she’s like. Extra™
 6. What’s their favourite movie genre?
I s2fg i have mentioned this sometime in one of the long texts i have written involving these characters but i cant remember so
Sam: tbh probably more realistic/contemporary stuff, rom-coms, slice of life, coming of age etc. Like. her life is a science fiction/fantasy movie she’s a time traveler working with the dark lord lucifer ffs. Also she’d probably get annoyed on tiny details while watching historical stuff like
“That never happened”
“Sam it’s fiction, it’s a movie, how would they have known that”
“Well maybe they didn’t know it but it’s still fucking annoying”
 Amelia: probably similar to sam, her life is fuckin busy and always people and she’s famous so like. Escape from her life is to indulge in the normal things.
 Just as a side note this does take place in a modern-ish fantasy world so idk what fantasy movies would be considered there but. They exist. I’ll work this out sooner or later
 Also bonus character bc its fucking funny - Zeph: zephyr likes horror movies. She also likes to watch horror movies with her brother. Her brother does not share her same passion for horror movies. He has a certain threshold before he has to flee the room and cuddle someone. This is mostly why zeph likes horror movies. She is pretty picky with what she considers ‘good’ and spends most of her time making fun of horror movies.
And, like the rest of us, secretly freaks out when she is alone at night and hears a sound outside. But for significantly less long because she knows exactly how to make fun of it.
 7. What are their religious beliefs?
 Alright i might not (read: will not currently) answer this bc i’m still working out how to handle religion in this, bc basically there is historical evidence for how the world was created. But obviously that’s not the only component to religion?
Another point would be that actually i still havent got around to creating any religions yet.i still gotta get around to getting down a more detailed history of the world first but i am planning it
 8. What’s their current job (if they have one)?
Yes BITCH i have been WAITIGN for a question like this
 Sam: basically she made a deal with lucifer and runs many errands for them. But also they helped her a LOT when they helped her escape a shitty transphobic environment and also the two became best friends? So i mean she doesn’t get paid but that takes up a lot of her time
Also she, at one stage, becomes part of this thing called the council which i haven’t quite worked out how they work in this universe yet. Theyre a bunch of strong magic people who work in coordination with the Champion (more on this below) to put down rules about magic. Theyre a reused concept from this story i made when i was like. 10. So the idea does need some reworking.
 Amelia: amelia is the champion, which is basically the title given to the person who wins at a big magic competition. Its a p big job, lots of publicity and pr and often regretted by the people who do end up getting there
(like? This one guy? He was kinda like “oh yeah sounds fun” and then he fucking won and he was like “lmao i’ll lose next year” and then he kept the position for 7 years and after that got so fucking sick of it he faked his assassination and became a reclusive mysterious millionaire)
Anyway she enjoys it for the first while until there is a real threat of her being assassinated unlike the aforementioned dude
But she enjoys being around people to an extent, and like. She enjoys making people happy, so
 9. How do they react to confrontation?
 Sam: similar way to what i described before. Like. jsut the little things. Cursing them with the help of lucifer, becoming their grandmother, you know. The usual ways people deal with confrontation.
Amelia: curiosity, further questioning, keeping calm, kinda just. Being chill about it. She wants to make herself a better person, in general, and if someone is deliberately being a confrontational asshole she prefers to just state her point calmly.
 10. Do they have a criminal record?
 Sam: you know? Probably? She kills a bunch of assholes where it’s required, but also she legally doesn’t exist? So? Idk? She’s been arrested a few times, but considering there is no information on her existence at all-
*shrugs* idfk how the law works.
 Amelia: well, technically, no, she only did illegal things last universe and had a pretty fancy upbringing this universe, so there was no reason for her to do the illegals and also like. Public image and stuff. She worries a lot about public image.
 11. What’s their favourite plant?
 Another thing which i feel i have mentioned somewhere but idfk where
 Sam: likes hydrangeas. They’re pretty.
Amelia: can i just say. It is definitely not catnip. Actually. Maybe? Like. she had some pretty fuckin negative experiences with catnip where she destroyed reality for like a solid five seconds by accident and went to purgatory, but also she made two life friends out of it, so? Maybe catnip after all.
 12. Can they play any instruments?
 Sam: “does the kazoo count”
Amelia: nope
 But because this was boring, i’m going to do a special guest feature from her half brother ryan who is a semi-popular youtube vlogger/musician-y dude. or . whatever this world’s equivalent of youtube is. Uh. metube. Yotube. I’ll think about it.
 Ryan: he plays the guitar and sings and he’s damn fucking good at it and he knows it. Also he shares the same combination of forgetting how to outlet his anger in healthy ways + poor impulse control which means that about once every six months he has to buy a new guitar because he couldn’t get that song right and he hit the guitar against the floor.
(his dad is a writer and also an archangel,and one time he couldn’t work out how to start off a scene right so he exploded his laptop and had to use a typewriter for the four weeks while his other archangel buddy was fixing it - i’m getting off topic here)
 13. What are they proudest of?
 Sam: i guess just. Her life in general? Like. she’s survived up to this point, she’s doin shit, maybe not the shit she expected to be doing or the shit she imagined she’d be doing but she’s still doin it. Like. fuck you life. I survived. And she’s proud of that.
Amelia: that one time when she managed to keep her champion title the first time? And also when she made friends with the guy who she thought was a girl and also dead who turned out to be not a girl and alive and also was the champion for seven years rememebr that guy yeah that’s this guy. Anyway she made friends with him after settling some differences. And also when she stopped a whole organisation from murdering her yeah that was good too.
 14. What’s their biggest insecurity?
 Sam: okay this is Definitely Not Me Projecting here (hint: it’s me projecting) but she hates being seen as masculine at all and is very insecure when people refer to her or see her as masculine? Like if u call her butch She Will Cry and also why would you do that bc her and her girlfriend are femme as heck
Amelia: public image public image public image public image
Like. she doesn’t want to look bad, or like a bad public leader, but also, she just wants to do her own thing, u kno?
 15. What do they most often dream about?
Like. literally dream or daydream?
 Sam: probably. Mostly happy stuff. Plus random occasional vivid recollections of tramatic experiences.
Amelia: honestly who the fuck knows (i’d answer this properly but I am Almost Out O f Time)
 So yes almost out of time but thank you so much and doing this has inspired me to just completely rework my first book to make it more interesting
I know that sounds bad btu its not i promise i love oyu
(also there was a bunch of different formatting like italcs etc that was lost when icopied from here to docs sorry)
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