#because i remembered lion-o looking like the 80s version
crowjodojocasahouse · 11 months
why is tygra from thundercats kinda gender tho
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
11/25/2020 DAB Transcript
Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalms 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14
Today is the 25th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it's wonderful to be here with you today as we take the next step forward like we do every day, the next step. It's funny, just the next step is what we take and then we…we end up having moved through the entire Bible and then through an entire year. And it's such a vivid portrait of what next steps can do when we take the next right step and letting the Bible be a voice in that next right step. Well that's why we come here every day around the Global Campfire isn’t it. So, let's dive in. And right off the bat here we’re moving into new territory in the old testament brand-new book.
Introduction to the book of Daniel:
This book is called Daniele and it’s an intriguing book to say the least, maybe one of the more intriguing books in the Old Testament. And it’s…it’s an historical account and is certainly helpful and valuable and gives insight into the…the kind of times, the times of exile that we've been reading about for quite a while now. It hasn't been that long ago, but it seems like it’s been a long time ago that we read the story of Solomon and we came to like the apex of ancient Israel's culture and civilization. And since that time we've…well…we've been in a lot of territory but this theme of exile, this thing of conquest and Jerusalem being conquered both historically and prophetically have been kind of where we’ve been camped out and we get a different perspective of that in Daniel. But Daniel also though contains these incredible visions and these visions have been poured over for thousands of years in eschatological studies - the studies of the end, the end time prophecies. Daniel is a centerpiece in that study. So, here's what's interesting. We just read the book of Ezekiel and Daniel was contemporary with Ezekiel. He was…he was taken into exile when Jerusalem first fell to Babylon in 597. And we know because we’ve been reading these stories of deportation and exile and prophets both in exile and in Jerusalem. So, we got Jeremiah prophesying from Jerusalem through all of the turmoil and we’ve got Ezekiel prophesying from exile in Babylon during all the turmoil. So, we know that it was not a good easy time whatsoever for those who were being displaced and Daniel was one of those people. And despite the struggle of being deported to a different land Daniel was favored by God. He was gifted. He was young. He rose to become an influential advisor. He was of utmost authority in the Babylonian kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar. But there's quite a story that got him there. And even though Daniel was exiled and was a Hebrew and was a prophet he really wasn't a prophet for or against Israel, which makes his voice unique because this isn't a particularly Jewish set of prophecies with the other prophets. We need that…that Hebrew context that we’ve been drilling into all year long to sort of understand the grievances that are being laid out before the people of Israel and what repentance might look like for them and what things might look like if they continue on the road that there on. Daniel’s not really prophesying with that kind of voice at all. So, we’ll notice that Daniels’s…it’s not broken up into two different halves or anything like that, but we’ll see that generally the first part of the book is the story of Daniel's life. So, we get to know Daniel in the first part of the book. And we’ll find some of the most famous of Sunday school stories in in this part of the book like the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace or the account of Daniel in the lion's den. Then once we kinda move through that narrative, move into the back half of the later part of the book, it shifts then to Daniel's prophetic visions. And he has visions of four great world empires. And it…it's…it's apocalyptic literature. So, as a genre, it's highly symbolic and allegoric and we’ll see almost cinematic in nature as its retold to us. Remember when we…remember the wheel within the wheel and all of that imagery in Isaiah when we’re trying to think this all through and picture all this. We’ll be doing that with Daniel as well. And of course, if…if eschatology, the study of the end times is a passion of yours then there's no way to avoid Daniel. It’s the centerpiece of that type of study in the Bible. But whether or not figuring out the end of all things, the end times, the apocalypse is…it is important or not in your faith journey, what Daniel portrays through all of his visions, if we had to kind of boil things down we would see that Daniel is revealing that God is sovereign over every kingdom of the world for all time. Like, God is the most-high God and He is sovereign over all. So, let's let’s dive in. Daniels gonna to carry us into the final month of the year, which is the month of December and we’re just days away from that.
And, man tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. It’s also China's birthday. So, I’ve had two major holidays land on two birthdays in my family. Jill’s birthday’s July 4th. So, that's a constant. Of course, China's birthday is the 26th of November, but it happens to fall on Thanksgiving. So…so we’re…we’re really at the threshold. This is like Thanksgiving Eve, everybody's cooking lots of food and after this we move into warp speed so quickly that we just need to take a deep breath as we move into this new territory, reminding ourselves that God is sovereign over all things and continue to do what we talked about just a few minutes ago, the next step forward, day by day, no matter what the chaos or…or all the stuff that's going on swirling around. Even though it's festive, the rhythm we've established is what's gonna carry us into the new year. So, we’re reading from the New International Version this week. Daniel chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 23.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another day. We thank You for bringing us into new territory. It's always exciting to turn the page and move into new territory. And, so, we thank You for the book of Daniel, and we ask Holy Spirit that You would awaken our minds, quicken our hearts that we might hear and learn and see whatever it is that You have for us as we continue this journey day by day, step-by-step. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it is the website, and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, everything that you can find at the web is also in the app, just push the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. Be aware of that.
Be aware of the Community section. That's where the Prayer Wall is and lives and continues to be a resource 24 hours a day seven days a week. So, be aware of that.
There are also links there of where to get connected on social media, etc. So be aware of that.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Thank you. If…if what's happening as we continue to sail across the year together in the Scriptures, as we continue to be a community around the Global Campfire, if that is important and makes a difference in your life then thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can dial 877-942-4253 or you can hit the Hotline button in the app, it's the little red button up at the top. And no matter where you are in the world you can share from there.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey this is Jared calling from Duluth Minnesota it’s 2:53 in the morning on Sunday November 22nd, day 575 of my renewed journey in the DAB family. I was so moved today by __ of joy who’s been cycling down for three weeks and can’t move, is scared, not going out of the house, completely alone and your desperate cry for help. Want you to know that we are praying for you and that I’ve been there before in a dark place and so difficult to get out of that…that hole sometimes but __ can help and God will be your rock in time of need. And also, for Rosie, Free in Jesus where one year ago her son disowned her like my son has disowned me and your husband died and contemplating suicide. And again, I’ve been in those dark places. I want you to know that we’re praying for you and that God would just supernaturally bring peace, comfort and joy in your life today and in the future. God bless. Bye.
Hello food DAB family this is Vonnie from Northern California calling on Sunday morning the 22nd of November. Just heard Sheer Joy crying out for help this morning and even though I know it’s been a few days I am praying for you dear sister and know that the Lord sees you and hears you. And even though your family is praying for you a few days after you called God sees you exactly where you are at that moment and He is going to come in and He is going to enter in His Holy Spirit to help you. And we’re asking, O Father please in the name of Jesus we ask You to bind the enemy and keep him from our dear sister, Sheer Joy. Bring back the joy, restore the joy of her salvation dear Father. Help her in Jesus’ name come in and eradicate any part of the enemy’s plan to bring her down. Bring someone else in, a friend, somebody who can bring light and joy and comfort and encouragement to our friend and bring her out of this pit. I think of David and the psalmist calling out from the pit and she’s doing exactly that Lord Jesus. I pray that You would restore the joy to her, fill her with the love that casts out all fear and all dread and bring her back to fullness and to healing and hope and to health. We thank You in Jesus’ name.
Good morning everybody this is God’s Smile here. Just like to share a little about Maria my helper. Maria had an experience. She’s had two this year. She’s been with me two years, Maria, and our relationship has really grown close. We’ve had some chats about the Lord but that’s as far as it’s gone. Maria had sleep paralysis twice now and, in that paralysis, she sensed evil and her hands were tied in front of her outstretched and she couldn’t speak or move, and it really frightened her. So, when I heard this, I said to her, “Maria there is power in the name of Jesus and so to use that name. And she said, “how do I use that?” and I said, “if you can’t speak it Maria just say it in your mind.” So, we conversed like this and I gave her a little prayer to say and gave it…spoke to her about the Lord and His love for her. So, Maria is covering around tomorrow to…she’s a teacher but she cleans for me. Isn’t that lovely? And, so, I felt…I felt the Lord saying get her a Bible, but I wasn’t sure when to give it. So, this Bibles come today. So, I’m…she’s been messaging me, and I really have this rise deep inside my heart that the Lord is in all this. Of course, He is. But you know, faith is rising to believe she is very close to receiving Him as her Lord and Savior. So, would you pray for us? My discerning about the right time…time’s ticking away…give her the Bible. Bye-bye everybody. Love from God’s smile. Kiss kiss.
This is for Dorothy the special ed teacher who called in with compassion fatigue and for all teachers, front line workers, nurses, doctors, police officers, first responders and I would add veterinarians for we’re doing our best to provide good medical care and love on our patients while providing curbside service and it’s just so difficult for people. There aren’t enough hours in the day and the dogs are so frightened. But we’re doing our best Lord. And I also want to lift up a prayer for the student who called in with so much anxiety she couldn’t leave her apartment. She was too anxious to stay in bed but too depressed to get out of bed. Oh Lord I lift up my prayers for mercy for from 138. I give thanks O Lord with my whole heart and sing your praise because when we call on you, you answer us. And the strength of our souls you do increase. You know that though we walk in the midst of trouble you preserve our lives. You stretch out your hand against the wrath of all that would threaten to overcome us, and your right hand delivers us. You will fulfill your purpose for us, and your steadfast love O Lord endures forever. For I know that you will not forsake the work of your hands but instead pour your Holy Spirit on us. Fill us with your living water. Lift us up with the power that raised Christ from the dead. Renew our strength. It will mount up like eagles. Lord I give you my thanks and I pray your grace and mercy on all of these who have called in. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Donna from Pennsylvania.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Wonderfully Made in Albuquerque. Today’s the 23rd of November. I have a prayer request. I have been struggling with some really really extreme anxiety related to work stresses. The work that I am involved in deals with a lot of regulatory compliance issues and I lead a team that supports…has…is a support group for customers. And I…there are some customers that are pretty combative, and I am not the kind of person that deals well with that. I want peace I hate conflict. I know that conflict exists in this life, but I shut down when I have to deal with people who are like that. And I…it’s Monday, I‘m anxious, the emails are pouring in and I’m starting to shake because I am scared of what I’m going to have to deal with. And, yes, I could leave my job and go to a different job but the challenge with that is there’s always going to be people that are just very abrasive and mean and….and so I’m dealing with…I’m struggling with that, especially with how I respond as a Christian. I really don’t lash out in anger at people but what happens is I…I hold it in, and I think through conversations I want to have which I know won’t be edifying. So, anyway I’m just really really struggling, and I need prayers. Thank you so much.
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resilivero · 5 years
Please do 40-81
40. Do you track the music you listen to through last.fm or renaissance or similar apps?
No, but I’m thinking about getting spotify.
41. Flags and signs at concerts: yes or no?
Nah, I can’t hold something up for so long. xD
42. Name the top 5 albums you could listen to for the rest of your life
 Bloody Kisses & October Rust - Type O Negative; British Steel - Judas Priest; Inside the Electric Circus - W. A. S. P.; Follow the Leader - Korn
43. If you could meet your fav artist to have a chat around coffee, what would you tell them?
I’d tell them, that their songs really helped me through some tough times and that I:m thankful that they shared their creativity with the world.
44. Is there a festival you’d wish to go to some day?
I always wanted to visit the Metal Days, but that isn’t possible anymore. Hmm… the WGT would be awesome.
45. Meet and greet at concerts: yes or no?
Depends on the band… But mostly: No.
46. What was the loudest crowd ever? Tell me about it
I’d say Iron Maiden at Wacken 2016. I didn’t even actively watch them,because there were too many people, but you could here the crowd from far away.
47. Who was the first artist you saw live?
A german metalcore band called Callejon.
48. Do you have concerts planned?
I do… Queensryche,The Sisters of Mercy & Knorkator… All playing in Berlin in Autumn/Winter.
49. Tell me about the next release from an artist you’re really looking forward to
I’m always waiting for more stuff from Judas Priest,but there’s nothing specific that I’m looking forward to right now.
50. Have you ever made a playlist for someone?
Nope. Haven’t really made any for myself either.xD
51. What is your fav instrument?
Drums & Bass Guitar
52. Do you play an instrument yourself or sing?
I do sing, but you really wouldn’t want to hear me…>,>
53. Have you ever been to the first show / tour of an artist?
I don’t think so. 
54. Have you ever been to the last show / farewell tour of an artist?
I’ve been to the last show of Twisted Sister in Germany; Wacken 2016.
55. Have you ever been inside a recording studio?
Technically yeah… My boyfriend has a small recording studio and I’ve been there watching him do recordings.
56. The cheapest and most expensive tickets you ever bought: who was it? was it worth it?
Most expensive: Wacken 2018 and it was very much worth it. The least expensive: A local band whose name I’ve already forgotten, but it was still worth it because the night was awesome.
57. Have you ever regretted seeing an artist live?
Not yet.
58. Have you ever wrote a song yourself?
Nah, I don’t have that kind of talent.
59. Post a picture from a gig that you’ve taken and that you’re proud of
Will do that separately.
60. Have you ever been to a concert just for the opening act?
61. If you could bring back one artist/band, who would it be?
Peter Steele. And I will never change my mind about this.
62. What was the longest time you’ve queued for an artist and who was it?
It was Korn and I had to wait in line for almost an hour.
63. Name 3 songs that you could have written
She burned me down - Type O Negative; No Surrender - Judas Priest; The Real Me -W. A. S. P.
64. Name 3 songs that empower you
Wild Child - W. A. S. P.; I miss the Misery - Halestorm; We hate Everyone - Type O Negative
65. What is the theme song of your life at the moment?
Sweet Cheetah - W. A. S. P.
66. Name your fav artist from your country
Nina Hagen & Oomph!
67. Who is your fav musician?
Of all time? Peter Steele. Still alive? Rob Halford & Blackie Lawless.
68. Tell me about a soundtrack in movies or tv shows that really left an impression on you. It can be just a song during a specific scene
The Tarzan Soundtrack left a huge impression on me. Still love the songs.
69. Do you have specific memories from your childhood that are music related? Tell me about it
I remember my mother always listening to 80’s new wave and some rock. That left it’s mark on my taste in music.
70. What is your go to song for a karaoke night?
I don’t do karaoke… :D
71. Who is your fav songwriter?
Peter Steele.
72. Do you like songs from an artist you can’t stand? who is it and which ones?
Not really, no.
73. What is your fav musical?
I’m not really a musical person, but I think I would really like Tarzan or The Lion King or Cats.
74. What is the name of your most original playlist?
I don’t have any playlists.:/
75. Is there songs you just never skip when they come on shuffle? Which ones?
Most definitely! Painkiller -Judas Priest, Angry Inch - Type O Negative, Walk - Pantera, and many more,
76. Are there songs you only listen to when you’re in a specific mood?
Tons of them… generally I have to really be in a certain mood for Korn, Henry Rollins Band, Danzig, Kidneythieves and quite a few others.
77. Give me the title of a song i need to listen to right now and I’ll give you one
Sleeping (in the fire) - W. A. S. P. , because it’s just beautiful.
78. What is your fav song from the year you were born?
Black Forever - W. A. S. P. (if you take the release date for Japan)
79. What is the most important to you in a song: the lyrics, the melody, the voice range?
All of them together. There’s nothing worse than a song where one of those doesn’t fit with the rest.
80. If you had to choose one live album, what would it be?
he Origin of the Feces (Not Live at Brighton Beach) - Type O Negative
81. What is one song that doesn’t have a studio version but really should?
Korn ft. Slipknot - Sabotage Cover
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liodensim · 7 years
Art Update: Late Mane Night and Underground Sneks
A little late but stuffed!
Firstly, sorry about the few hours of delay after actual Friday, but you can only imagine how work hours get clogged when you move and have visitors in your house checking it out to rent after you! My apologies! Secondly, I really really hope all people in southern states and Middle America stay safe, specially Florida and Cuba and all the islands around it, it's a very very horrifying time for you all, and I wish all the best of luck during the hurricane attacks. It's three in a row already within days and a fourth forming, I can't imagine how scary that must be. Good luck ;0;
Important Bug Fix
**** Giving Tree bug that wiped cubs has been fixed today!
New Mane Markings & Recolours
90 new markings guys. 90!! Let's start with fresh things, these are new mane marking shapes:
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Cowl - Common/NCL - onyx, golden, black, dark brown, brown, chocolate, copal, heather, henna, clay, mocha Crest - Custom - onyx, white, black, dark brown, brown, clay, coral ** Now, the rest was designed by players! Remember I have to keep them flexible for our variety of mane shapes and colour pool. ** Waves - LINK designed by Meedle (#7615) - Custom - onyx, white, golden, black, dark brown, brown, red, clay Ticked - LINK designed by Catastian (#9261) - Custom - onyx, white, golden, brown, quartz, red, henna, blue Sideburn (mane version) - LINK designed by Sobie (#33695) - Custom - onyx, white, royal, cream, golden, black, dark brown, brown, chocolate, marigold, red, coral Ringed - LINK designed by Natanocte (#61) - Custom - onyx, white, royal, cream, golden, black, dark brown, brown, chocolate, quartz, marigold, red, blue Side Band - LINK designed by Sleepy (#37687) - Custom - onyx, white, cream, golden, brown, red
New Mane Marking Recolours
Due to popular demand, a lot of markings got recolours: ** Common/NCL: Dark Brown Back Hair Dark Brown Low Flow Dark Brown Half Cream Low Flow Golden Back Hair Golden Low Flow Henna Back Hair Henna Low Flow Henna Half ** Custom: White Ends White Flow White Low Flow White Back Hair Cream Back Hair Cream Flow Onyx Beard Silky Back Hair Silky Flow Silky Low Flow Silky Half (front) Silky Ends Henna Flow Henna Top Henna Ends Henna Beard I have added 90 new mane markings today. You can imagine this is what took so long :D unfortunately, I'd rather have the news out now rather than continue to work on mutations, so some will miss it. Following mutations show the new markings right away: - Primal Felis (all stages) - Primal Smilus - Primal - Female Manes Following mutations will get mane markings caught up this weekend: - Tailless - Bobbed Tail - Folded Ears The rest (like poor leopons or dwarves) has to wait until next art update or when I am moved out for good, because it's extremely time consuming. By September 27th I should be 100% in new place settled in with great internet and finally free to work full time again and I really really want to catch up with all missing files SO much! Knowing they're waiting and waiting is like a nightmare shadow sitting on my chest every night I swear to elbows I will get this done as soon as possible.
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New Bases
Steele - Black Countershaded Medium Common - usual custom base Teardrop - Cream Solid Light Special - Teardrop is a breed only base (like Ebony). EDITED Note: Buttermilk (previously breed-only) will act like Onyx now and is a custom special. It works just like before, but is applicable now. Teardrop just took its place as breed-only base. Sorry it was gibberish before, I think I was sleepy :D
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New Decors!
Monkey Business will be selling now 3 new butterflies!
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Arrow Sphinx Moth, Noble Swallowtail, and Danaid Eggfly!
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New Reptile Roundup Level!
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Reptile Roundup has now a new common level called "Underground Tunnels" - you guys voted in the poll and this level was the top pick to appear soonest! It comes with a Cape Coral Snake skin and awesome rewards! It's available right away to everyone! Following rewards need minimum points of: Rock - 20 Fluffy Bunny Carcass - 25 Hare Carcass - 25 Falling Petals - Soft Pink - 38 Wary Cape Coral Snake - 42 Falling Petals - Rainbow - 46 Meerkats - 50 Rough Roots - 55 Snake Skin - Dark - 70 Withered Roots - 70 Snake Scent - 80 Burrows - 100
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Reptile Roundup also had a small revamp regarding the mechanics: * Added ability to pause (can use "P") * Updated "Location" menu to separate difficulties and make the UI tidier * Fixed swiping issues * Fixed pointer cursor * Added "Impossible" locked difficulty but it is under construction right now
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Shad has added a new set of tags for September!
Crunchy Worm
The item has been removed from Prophet Shop. I actually decided it'd be pointless for it to compete with GMO cows - I will introduce that item in October or November instead (depends where the currency could use a nice consumable breeding item). You can "blame" this on me entirely, I honestly think the item would "die" this month and GMOs would be picked over it. Why not fill up a shop that usually has only decors, instead? The item is planned to affect litter looks in a specific way, but in case the coding can't be done as planned, I just don't want to reveal the effect in advance and then it turns out we have to tweak it and dissappoint players. So for now it will be a vague breeding item until it's time to put it into a shop.
Raffle Lioness
Congrats Jingo (#117150)! You have won the last raffle lady! New lady with the Rainforest is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!
Polls and Dev Notes
Wawaweewa! Looks like you guys would love the beetle corpses to turn into Amusement items after all. I can arrange that by Sept 22nd! Very nice! Yes? LINK - New poll! Since this update is focused on manes, I browsed the suggestions a lot. A specific Vitiligo suggestion appeared and had so many supports, but I was not sure which way to lean regarding the designs and actual introduction of the mane markings.Should they match body Vitiligo markings, making them Mane Vitiligo 1, 2, 3 etc?Should they just be few Vitiligo markings since it's just manes, and make them "Scarce, Medium, Heavy" markings for manes?Should they be raffle mane markings to have something unique to breed for? We never had those before :O maybe custom ones would be easier to match existing lions with body vitiligo markings? I REALLY NEED YOUR VOTES FOR CONCLUSION!
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germanottaisgodxo · 7 years
All the top threes..
1:Top 3 ice cream flavorsToffeeChocolateCookie dough
2:Top 3 Disney MoviesSnow whiteLion kingRapunzel
3:Top 3 vacation destinationsFranceAustraliaAmerica
4:Top 3 places to shopPrimarkNew LookAsda… hahaha
5:Top 3 subjects of study/classes to takeEnglishBiologyGeography
6:Top 3 make up productsI don’t use make up so
7:Top 3 music artistsLady Gaga x3
8:Top 3 spices/herbsBasilCan I count korma since it’s a curry spice (??)Can’t think of a 3rd
9:Top 3 drinksIRN BRUApple juiceMilk
10:Top 3 apps to useLike game wise?Choices: freshman yearDiner dashVirtual families
11:Top 3 months of the yearJuneJulyAugust
12:Top 3 clothing itemsHoodiesSkinny jeansDecent top
13:Top 3 binge perfect tv showsBig bang theory (I need to catch up ahhh)8 out of 10 cats (does countdown)Jeremy Kyle hahaha
14:Top 3 romantic datesI honestly have no idea cause I’ve never been on a date haha
15:Top 3 kinds of flowerDon’t like flowers really
16:Top 3 christmas moviesMiracle on 34th streetElfThe one where 2 sisters are reunited- one was adopted- cause they end up as neighbours, idk the name of it
17:Top 3 OTPsGX rivalshippingSharkbaitshippingScoopshipping
18:Top 3 quotes to describe your lifeNo
19:Top 3 characteristics you love about yourselfI don’t hahahaha
20:Top 3 kinds of candyFruit pastellesJelly babiesChewits (especially tropical fruits)
21:Top 3 ways to exercise/ be activeUsing gym equipmentRun Crying’s good exercise haha
22:Top 3 spirit animalsLady GagaJon RichardsonRussell Howard
23:Top 3 petnamesPet names are ew
24:Top 3 books read outside of schoolAny that’s a biography/autobiography really
25:Top 3 most used websitesThis, facebook & indeed
26:Top 3 people you last textOooh, I’ve not texted anyone in ages haha so I can’t remember
27:Top 3 hashtags you useI don’t really
28:Top 3 instagram accounts you followGaga’sMy friend’s@glittermatsu-trash ’s because cute kitties
29:Top 3 guilty pleasuresFood x3
30:Top 3 summer activitiesGoing on holidayGoing to a water parkHoping that we actually get more than 4 and a half days of sun here??
31:Top 3 things to draw/doodleMy crush’s name hahaThat weird S symbol thingThose massive overlapping circle thingies that you colour in
32:Top 3 aesthetics???
33:Top 3 things you’d buy if you gained three million dollarsPay off debtsGive loads to family, friends & charityHoliday
34:Top 3 ways to treat yourselfEating loads of food haha
35:Top 3 celebrity crushesStefani GermanottaJon RichardsonRachel Riley
36:Top 3 books from your childhoodTorey Hayden’s series
37:Top 3 accents to hearIrish!!FrenchAustralian
38:Top 3 scentsLady Gaga’s fame perfumePickled onion crispsPetrol (ye idk??)
39:Top 3 “Friends” quotesI don’t watch friends haha
40:Top 3 cupcake flavorsTriple chocolate chipStrawberry & white chocolatePlain chocolate
41:Top 3 fruitsPineappleKiwiPears
42:Top 3 places you’ve had amazing pizza fromAsda (seriously)Pizza hutDominos
43:Top 3 sports teams to watchSports is a load of shite
44:Top 3 crayola colorsCan’t think
45:Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in collegeTo go back???Gain new skills/better my qualitiesGain more confidenceTo do well overall to get to go to uni
46:Top 3 fanfictions you’ve readCobaltBehind blue eyes (both versions)Can’t think of a 3rd ffs but there’s got to be thousands I’ve read in the past 10 years so don’t make me pick
47:Top 3 people you miss right nowMy best friend & her babas My mum & all my familyPeople I used to stay withStaff & kiddies from my volunteering, more than 3 people but oh well
48:Top 3 fearsLike phobias?LiftsThe darkDogs
49:Top 3 favorite literary devices???
50:Top 3 pet peevesPeople calling the person they’re in a relationship with (or married to) partnerThose stupid leash things you get for kidsWhen people put an x instead of a question mark when asking a question- looking at you middle aged people I have on Facebook
51:Top 3 physical things you find attractiveSmileEyesHair (??)
52:Top 3 bad habits(I’m assuming my ones?)Licking my lips all.the.damn.time Peeing like 700 times a dayPicking scabs
53:Top 3 pets you’ve had/wish to haveCats/kittenSnakeHamster/gerbil
54:Top 3 types of foreign foodToo lazy to try & think of any haha
55:Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetimeCan’t think
56:Top 3 dog breedsNone
57:Top 3 cheesy romance moviesPS, I love youThe vowSilver lining
58:Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speakFrench!!GaelicJapanese
59:Top 3 series (book, movie, television)(I’ll do one of each)Cathy Glass’s biographies/autobiograpiesRoomBig bang theory
60:Top 3 pizza toppingsCheeseHamPepperoni
61:Top 3 youtubers you’re subscribed toI’m not subscribed to any
62:Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideasI really wanted my tragus & industrial done & my ear(s) stretched but they’re too wee 😞&Fix the tattoo I haveGet positive vibes only on my wristPortrait of the gags somewhere
63:Top 3 awards you want to winNone tbh
64:Top 3 emojis💖😂😛
65:Top 3 cars you dream of owningDon’t really care for cars
66:Top 3 authorsCathy GlassCasey WatsonRosie Lewis
67:Top 3 historical figuresIdk
68:Top 3 baby namesNo idea tbh maybe Ally (short for Alison) Louise, either double barrelled or first & middle names
69:Top 3 DIYsDon’t care for them
70:Top 3 smoothie combos/flavorsEhh I’ve only had a strawberry one so
71:Top 3 songs of this monthThe cureColdGreenlight
72:Top 3 questions of this post you want to be askedWell I’m answering them all so73:Top 3 villainsNone, don’t like villains haha
74:Top 3 Cities you want to seeParisSydneyNew York
75:Top 3 recipes you want to tryHave more than 3
76:Top 3 dream jobsTeacher or classroom assistant
77:Top 3 lucky itemsDon’t have any
78:Top 3 traditions you haveSleeping all dayComplaining Winding people up
79:Top 3 things you miss about being a kidNone of it
80:Top 3 harry potter charactersDon’t like Harry Potter
81:Top 3 lies you were toldIdk
82:Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right nowThey’re all screenshots of quotes or jobs I need to apply to
83:Top 3 turn onsI wouldn’t know…
84:Top 3 turn offsSee above
85:Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to readNo idea
86:Top 3 things you wish you had known earlierCan’t think
87:Top 3 spongebob episodes😂
88:Top 3 places to be in the worldMy bed x3
89:Top 3 things you’d do differentlyEverything
90:Top 3 TV shows from your childhoodTeen titansPokemonPpg
91:Top 3 meals you loveChicken fried riceMacaroniSpag bol
92:Top 3 kinds of teaNone
93:Top 3 embarrassing momentsEvery moment of my life from birth till the present
94:Top 3 holidays to celebrateChristmasNew yearEaster
95:Top 3 things to do in the rainStay inside
96:Top 3 things to do in the snowBuild a snowman Snowball fightEat it
97:Top 3 items you can’t leave the house w/oKeys
98:Top 3 movies you’d like to seeDunno what’s out just now
99:Top 3 art mediumsDunno what this means
100:Top 3 museums you’ve been toCan’t remember their names, does Dynamic Earth count?
101:Top 3 school memoriesLeaving
102:Top 3 things you don’t/Won’t missSchoolBeing unemployedStruggling cause of the above
103:Top 3 pick up lines“It doesn’t matter what you call me, as long as you call me”“Are you a stamp? Cause you’re world class”“Are you today’s date cause you’re 10/10”
104:Top 3 sports to watchWas this not already a question…?
105:Top 3 taylor swift songsShake it offNew romanticsStyle
Thank you for these! Bit late cause I was out all day yesterday & most of today (soz they got shite towards the end, I’m really tired hahaha)
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