#but i remember the 2011 version of tygra
crowjodojocasahouse · 11 months
why is tygra from thundercats kinda gender tho
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femmescripter · 4 years
Assurance of My Stay & Special Announcements
Hey there. I hope that y’all are doing well today. I don’t know how many of my friends and followers are still here after The Great Purge not long ago, but to the ones who do see this it’s good to see you! I hope we can talk some time. 
So I wanted to tell you guys some important things, and I won’t prolong it and will just get into it.
So first off - one of the reasons why I’ve been almost nonexistent here on Tumblr is because I’ve been busy with writing commissions and looking for steady work. The whole ban on risque content for Tumblr didn’t help either. Then we have the world wide pandemic of the C-Virus which really kicked things up from ten to ten thousand. And in between all of that I have been dealing with a...rough situation, to say the least of it, in my personal life that is still ongoing. I won’t go into the gory details but I’ll say that it’s the primary reason for looking for steady work in order to make enough money to get my own place. Having explained all of this I want you all to know I’m not trying to purposely keep away from you. Nor do I plan to leave Tumblr even with the ban. I just got important things to focus on. 
But I still love all of you and didn’t forgot you! It’s my end goal to finally get at least my work load done and be able to come back to Tumblr and try to enjoy the site once more. And if you’re all willing to accept me again that would make it even better. So yeah. This about covers the announcement that I am truly alive.
Now, onto some cheerful news I want to share with y’all. 
For the past two years I have been working on revising the plot, world setting and characters of my original light novel series. It’s been a long and grueling process but immensely fulfilling. And I think you’ll really enjoy this light novel series. At the moment I am currently working with @lucy-dont-give-a-fuck to make the character artwork for the main characters first and foremost. After that we’ll work on the other artwork needed for the pilot. And in between all of that I’ll be writing the story of said pilot. I can’t go into more detail than that but I will say that once things are done and sorted I’ll be posting a link to a crowdfunding page where you all can donate to support the project. It’s my goal to make the pilot both available in physical print and also put it up on Tapas for people to view it digitally in case you can’t come to the locations I’ll be selling it.  That’s cheerful news bit #1. Cheerful news bit #2 involves a fanfic remake and the mass editing of another fanfic. The fanfic that I’m going to remake is an old Tygra/Lion-O alternate universe fanfiction I made based on the 2011 Thundercats reboot series. Which, by the way, is criminally underrated and did not deserved to be cancelled on such a cliffhanger as it was. They should have focused on that instead of giving us the trash that is Thundercats Roar. Regardless - that’s the fanfic I plan to remake. Having grown as a writer I’ve developed a better plot for it and plan to delete the old version and replace it with a new one. I will post it exclusively to Archive Of Our Own and FanfictionNet. Now to go over the mass editing of a different story, Batman Beyond: The Heir. It really amazed me how many people liked that fic so much. And I’m ashamed of my for neglecting it like I have. Again this has to do with work and other major things that have gone on in my life that make updating stories difficult. But I plan to continue that story! Before that however I need to do a lot of editing with the current chapters and fix some mistakes, clear up loose ends, ect. So be sure to stay tuned for more Rex/Terry goodness! Additionally I will be likewise editing my Thief/Dishonored crossover story Business & Pleasure so that I can continue that as well. I also got a lot of new one-shots I plan to put out to keep you guys entertained in the meantime. I got other fanfics in the work as well. Also to anyone who still likes Voltron: The Legendary Defender and likes Lotor/Keith or James/Keith please do reach out to me! It’s so hard to find people who like either pairing as a genuine couple and not as hateful exes or with Lotor or James being a creepy stalker to Keith. And I got stories and headcanons planned for them, too. Lastly - I want to put out a notice that I’ll be editing and completely revamping some of my old Justice League: Gods & Monsters character biographies. I’ve recently found myself reconnecting with the franchise and after delving more into DC lore and media I came up with some new ideas. So expect changes on that end too. I will probably end up reblogging old character biographies I edit and making posts for new, revamped bios. And don’t worry. I’ll make bios for new characters, too! I can honestly say that I have evolved a great deal in my writing skills and have learned many new techniques to make my stories better for my audience, you lovely people, to enjoy! If you don’t want to stick around though I can understand that. I have been gone for a long time. But if you guys do want to see how much I’ve improved with my work then I’m happy to share in my journey with you.
Welp. That’s everything. I’m sorry that this was such a long read but I didn’t want to leave out anything. Also if you want to follow me on Twitter and Instagram just reach out to me and I’ll give you the handles for those profiles. Until next time - all of you please take care and remember to wash your hands! I love you guys very much.
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jonathanraychapman · 7 years
Tumblr media
ThunderCats 2011 - Thoughts and Review (3/5)
I'm going to discuss some spoilers here so if you haven't seen the show, you should probably not read this.
I've really got mixed feelings about the 2011 ThunderCats anime/cartoon (there are parts I absolutely love and parts that I scratch my head at).  First thing worth noting, the show was cancelled after one seasons - leaving things basically on a cliff-hanger.  And usually the first season is a rough one for any show - so the fact that this show is as good as it is, is a testament to the potential it had.
So.. mixed feelings.. One the one hand I really thought the new show was clever in how it dealt with some of the themes from the original show (themes that really didn't make much sense).  You have to remember that this and He-Man were toy-based shows (they'd make the toys first and then fit it into a story).  That's why the original show had all these cool designs and concepts with a weak thread of a one-shot story tying them all together.  I never really minded that mentality because - to be honest - it led to some great visual creativity.  And with every episode basically being monster-of-the-week, it also fit with the audience (presumably young children with not the longest attention pans) and worked as a way to market toys (new toys invented/story-lined every week).
But the reimagining has some real pacing issues and some of the backstory elements seem a little too forced to be honest.  I did enjoy how each character got a treatment (even though some of them were a bit weak), but the show never could make up its mind if the Thundercats were in a hury to recover the gems (the McGuffin - to use one of Alfred Hitchcock's terms) that Mumm-Ra is after or are just out doing a meet-and-greet with all the different races on the planet. And the lack of tension really sort of kills the momentum of the story's start.  In the original series, the Thundercats were stranded and were just biding their time and setting up a new home for their race (so it didn't matter how much time storylines took).  In the new series, they're supposed to be on a race to recover the lost gems and rid the planet of Mumm-Ra.  It's set up to be a high-energy slog to the finish-line.  But, instead, the Thundercats take their sweet time getting places (even with a super-fast tank).  Even with the Book of Omens acting as a literal compass, they just bumble their way around.
The 2011 version of the show went for more of an anime look/feel and completely re-did the origin story (which I think was an improvement over the original).  Instead of the ThunderCats being stranded on Third Earth after a cataclysm on their home planet (ala Superman), they're now on the planet as the decedents of space-faring races that Mumm-Ra had in captivity (set loose as they crash-landed after a revolt).  Mumm-Ra has been trapped in his sarcophagus all these years and has just been set free to regain his power and control the galaxy.  I really liked this setup.  I just feel that the pacing went against it - what with season one being 20-something episodes (only half dedicated to the story-line).  There’s much more of an emphasis on technology (albeit ancient) instead of mysticism.  An example of this is the callout “Thunder-Thunder-ThunderCats-Ho”.  In the original show, this would almost magically empower the cats to come together and win a battle.  In this show, it’s really just a battle-cry.  And Mumm-Ra and the Ancient Spirits of Evil obviously uses magic, but it’s downplayed as much as possible (like the Sword of Plun-Dar being more of the result of collapsing a star over it being the magical result of sacrificing a solar system).  The Book of Omens is technology-based and the gems (what with the plot being a rip-off of Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet) are more forces of nature than magical items.
More than a little of the story time involves Lion-O being all dopey-eyed over the female felines around him.  I guess he is an anime-trope hormone-driven teenager until there's an emergency, but I think this is just weak writing.  Yeah the writers build up a relationship between him and his female friends, but they do it way too quickly (it's kind of ridiculous actually).  Cheetara (who is amazing in this series) has the hots for Lion-O's brother Tygra leaving him to try and hook up with Pumyra (who ends up betraying everyone and being an agent of Mumm-Ra).  The most painful point of all this is that she's seemingly retconned into being Mumm-Ra’s servant (seemingly against the previous episodes).  I mean if she was originally a double-agent, she's the most incompetent one I've ever watched (since she makes every romantic encounter with Lion-O awkward).  At least with Cheetara, her actions made sense (she wanted to inspire Lion-O and was leading him on to help motivate him - trapped into continuing the ruse to not disappoint him).
The other characters have their quirks but they're all right (especially since the series had just started).  I won't go over all of them, but I wanted to point out the highlights of a few.  Mumm-Ra doesn't seem to have all the quirks the original had (like not being able to see his reflection).  The story of the Sword of Omens changed and it's now just the left-over pieces of Mumm-Ra's sword instead of a holy relic.  The gems have a big part of the mythology here whereas they weren't even in the original.  The mutants are in the story, but they're different (which sort of fits the story this time around).  Kaynar (replacement for Jackalman) is legitimately creepy and I loved his representation here.  WilyKit/WilyKat have a decent backstory and serve as the team rogues (which is a good fit).  Snarf is also now a pet that cannot talk (I guess this was a good change compared to the original - who gave way too much comic-relief to be honest).  Tygra is significantly different and a lot of the time the conflict between him and Lion-O is filling the story with unnecessary drama.  Panthro is kind of the same except that they replace his arms early on with mechanical ones and he's much older than the rest of the team.  And obviously there’s Pumyra - who is now a double-agent villain instead of a friend to the team.
So do I recommend the show to die-hard fans?  Yeah.. I do.  If you really like the ThunderCats, you probably like the style of the original.  That means you can appreciate the new one (even with the differences).  I also don't think fans are going to get too upset with the story-changes here since the original was somewhat superficial.  The show does stand on its own for the most part.  The anime quality is great and the voice-acting is on-point.  While I do complain about the pacing of the season, the episodes we got were fun to watch and I think they're rewatchable for the most part.  I think it's a real shame that we didn't get at least one more season of the show - especially to wrap up the cliff-hanger with Pumyra and Mumm-Ra.
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