#because im a walking cloud of stress that wasnt meant to function in a capitalist society then i guess anything that makes it easier
hmmbb.... since one of the primary reasons I endlessly procrastinate selling sculptures and clothes I make (or old clothing, like mori kei stuff I dont use anymore or etc) and etc. is like... Setting Prices Is Hard.. then maybe I could just... start an ebay or something?? If I set everything as an auction or whatever that people bid on, then I’d just have to calculate a low base price that will cover cost of materials/shipping/etc. but if people want to pay more or something then that’s fine too, and I don’t really have to worry about evaluating value or how much extra I should charge for something (’oh this shirt is cool/this sculpture took me a while/etc., maybe I should make it more expensive!! but then... i dont know... hmm.”).. It would take the burden of pricing and value estimation off of me, all I have to do is set a reasonable base price and then the people who want it get to decide whatever they feel it’s worth by how much they feel like bidding on it..
Would that be weird though?? I intentionally avoid bidding on things and I only ever buy stuff with a set price because I feel like it’s stressful to keep up with lmao, I wouldn’t want to make it harder on people who want to buy my art or something...??? Like does it sound like a really bad idea to leave the pricing of sculptures and stuff up to bidding? How much do you think that would dissuade people from attempting to buy things? I know not everyone loathes bidding and stuff the way I do so it may not be as much of a problem to others as it is to me, maybe I’m over-estimating lmao.. thus I thought I would mayhapps, ask the opinion of the General Publique 
#like if you're someone who's interested in buying my art or old clothing or etc.. would having it be an ebay auction like...#massively affect your decision to do so?? or would it make no difference???#also i acknolwedge that etsy is definitely better for selling art stuff in terms of market i guess like#its obviously geared towards crafts and stuff#whereas ebay is so broad#but i think a majority of my traffic is from me posting links on my social media when i sell something anyway so i dont#think it would matter much where i sell it. it's not like a ton of people are discovering me on etsy because of the Craft Market~~~ or somet#hing all purchases probably still come from people who directly follow my art blog so#i don't think it would really make a difference.. like if this plan worked out and i just had an ebay instead of an etsy idk if that#would even matter. and the main point is making selling comfortable for me i guess and if i cant handle setting prices#because im a walking cloud of stress that wasnt meant to function in a capitalist society then i guess anything that makes it easier#on me is what would make it worth it.. which not having to dwell for weeks about what to price something would do that#especially clothes i have so many things i need to get rid of and get the hell out of my house taking up space but the idea#of putting so much thought into every individual wretched item usually stresses me out too much. among other things. clothes are just hard#to sell in general but. mostly sculptures i guess is what I'm referencing here#since i think selling clothes on ebay is fairly normal but selling sculptures is like the weird thing im unsure about#anyway idk... lette... me know.. if you have any... Thoughtes#and I'll probably reblog this later i know a fresh middle of the damns night is not a great time to throw out a question but#i have to just rip off the band aid and post stuff like this when i feel on a whim since if i'm left to think about it too long i usually ne#ver get around to it because i'm afraid of interacting with people lmao .. even if it's just random vague questions like this
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