#because it really resonates with what I tried to learn manually as a child
emyluwinter · 2 years
As far as I understand, there is a lot associated with knitting or "weaving threads" in the Thorn Valley.
Sorry, the information is slightly different in different translations. I can't be exact.
What do you think if there is something similar to the traditions of the fabric?
For example, one of the families or kind has a certain pattern that only they can wear. Cage, polka dots, stripes and so on. The use of various techniques for knitting and making high-quality fabrics. Which are passed down from generation to generation, with diagrams and occasionally improved tools.
Maybe there are some family tapestries or canvases that work something like a family tree.
It would be so exciting.
Are there traditions related to the fact that if a fairy /human or any other resident of Thorn Valley knits or spins any thing for his partner / lover, then this is considered the highest indicator of love and sincerity?
The better and more expensive the material, the more "luxurious" the gift will be, as well as the fact that a lot of effort and time have been invested in it, which will be very valuable.
I remember when I was little, I often visited my grandmother (mother on my mother's side) in the village. And they still have an old wooden spinning wheel.
Here is such as in the picture.
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As you can see, it is slightly different from the design that was shown in "Sleeping Beauty"
And I couldn't figure out how it works!And I was a very curious child, take my word for it. Previously, it was used to make wool from sheep wool - wool thread, which was later used for woolen shawls. Very prickly by the way! I never liked them, even though they were very warm. And they also tickled the skin a lot if you were careless and the woolen handkerchief came into contact with bare skin.
From my father's side (his family is also from the village), I know that my grandmother made a beautiful large carpet that hung in our entire wall for a very long time.and she made it by HAND. The carpet was very large and heavy. Oh, I remember how I hated to wash the floors and roll this thing into a roll to remove all the dirt and dust under the carpet. When I was with my grandmother on my mother's side.
ahaha…excuse me…I'm getting carried away.
In any case..
I AM VERY INTERESTED IN THIS SIDE OF TOBOSO-SENSEI. Please give me at least a little information about this.
The idea is that Malleus probably knows about the old traditions associated with yarn, knitting and weaving. Because his staff is a spindle for yarn threads.
Honestly, my dear, I don't understand how you carry this bulky structure every time…????????
It would be very interesting to hear about it. Maybe Sebek would tell you that each of the types of fairies has certain preferences in threads.
Northern or nocturnal,ones pay more attention to warmer and stronger threads, with dark colors to meet the cover of the night. With sharper patterns and often not the most pleasant to the touch.
Southern or "fairies of light" would prefer lighter threads, with bright colors or perhaps even some kind of inserts in the form of beads or feathers. Why not.
Comfort versus practicality, bright colors versus muted. Surely there are even some legends or stories related to this.
Don't mind San just wants to talk about it a bit.
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