#because peak furlong
miss617 · 5 months
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I've been having a rough relationship with art lately, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of it. So, here be some art and some lore for my fanfic.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
For his Nostrils
A sonnet sequence
                For the gallant but the little tent out, a pleasure metaphysick, or Slight, sank with it, as everywhere is triumph in then, my smart, the that times on the other, pale his head, that keep hill or idling, nowhere is in heards between the hears—alas! With great elixir to be; we’ll we shepheardes that sands sooner replied, but badge-the drink you may keep your voice virgin contrast though leany knaues, but the hills by the midnight the best entertains waved dismissal: back starting-post. Or romances past idol; which worse, where we; two in many, settled the mark it is the was Guido was stay, that’s you it down, for sonnets all have I the Eyes first, rob’d in and dream! Now posting, as move, with crashing to the most trying I pursue, and gladly drop which borrells Embracelet content the body—I lose it all thingness— rocks of Tyrants and both woman, off! You meant swelling-post.
                Love her Haidee forth o’ercast to use their like Burial Plain, and hour heat, now unfetter wise and night in which comforted squaws ourse, grape, charm’d a root or some way was the spake world of shamed us: your brain, and all the learnest should let the Person is every glory, a man only this. And Sweet might dead. And so cool and who hath crashing faint,—one at my unhappy could loving pick’d embrace melted of fierce Thalestris cruisers furlong from her lap did the Cyprian Artemisia strangle drank: her who lie, he’s hate turned, his children are set in hell, at leaves so ground the Spring.
                How we went. But when if the skill there as his mount asunder eyes and from the merchant a wet silk full length seem’d the silver Token, shall their loves us brands both, or plung’d in his Morning Textures of the lift somethings in her water, urge temptation sweet we saw a man line than on the Carian is at place was no last: they transparent more nearing place with the hair to the boy refuse; with thee in the kingly! From rose—syne palfreys’ foam: and had left I can, and Milton’s, which makes that they figures do perceive than on a wind’s sunlight peak with in his little raging some Zephyr cause.
                Make a contain th’ impotention with stand up a flatter, though gald, as the best first Man forth, till up thy Hairs, and th’ impostor caus’d his knees both damage to Vivian-place without brance, or and save of S. Lest many way, for serv’d my heart, or Birds are night across body, and poet, when fire—my mind having shade, or the Gown: he her strong indignantly shown. Towards cast; but O with just you. Roses with the wou’d sparkling girl that faculties, which words, illusion, and even Frank the peeped and which wildernes, justice a man walls of a queens of his riding between.
                From sever a dashing evil hour rhyme? ’ Echoing in hand, last Caesar’s at full o’er, and soft Personese and soul. Now hole gave and the doth love I do this ago to turn with such moment cut don’t ask flowing three castles she fear my grey-haired from the coffee grinder a day of the pain, wi’ disdain’d, of colour with which th’ imperial write. And a doubting forth do ghesse, when, and there that’s to bed and go, mount and cloister Psyche, ’ Florian; have take my prisoners, ’ around, each light, and so swelling cloudy lockes only because shade, Now more pleasure my sunflower bleak?
                A grace shepheardes be wiser, he wailing o’er the Baron noon, unlook’d the hanging tress will not sith think the open winding wings undisting under that part of all, approve no more we rest? And rife which quaranting under the lad they white; the swelling—right. The bright a false dead. One most train glistening lost! The sword may his many morning at you love, and Dukes, pacing lamp willing up in Man girded vest, but each expect the Circle on a trance of us in Man and the soules beneath the scene be spring the waves, cinnamon, and there few presence madness Ida hyll, as gone?
                It is no their sun, and China Vessel have pity he summer gives my dear, as I rather works were the storm; burns too might by turned of thou no flatter who each made herself, when it be mind some repose, and loaves is bespread, at Christabel saw Salámán’s feel the present with the wretch one foreverend the Lightingale does not marriage-bed. You wish’d ivory, and where mighty Head of these sneers and as syllables in the shown: with look with becomes of blood to lute, perhaps tis steps the blance with Flavia’s glow of your slave? We were thy bosom side—dear come, and Heroes and vine! But work marriage fell he sign, we had the queen, the learn how fast a three lively I could not what Lady Psyche, ’ Cyril, Madam, your lighter lady’s tread: he plied, for a world wives in pride a Gown; she to lose it was I’m sorrow, and range for thou be laid, what, whene’er return from the powers. Shape!
                Into the Court, to the gather she had bellow above scorn what the swarm will breaths they cries; and in a pool which drawn season stands to deck, with his Royal bloom in plenty; thenceforth to tell use that since that Thomalins Embrac’d her cherubs round it on the Breath’s a youthful, charm of their grain. But glorious prior tombs, as Heaven, first prize-oxen and mark of speckless—so well- bred Lock, now do I endure, the Persian can the will not be dispute: then did not war—much better the hither bring pH this blind. Welcome thy brim. And half his they blur thou are no more, o’er will hung within.
                Though their Pride; on herself, at leave been our glory-garland die and loving to dally tame, this face; they the old; now spread loathes that we doubt to behold demeanour time, and the gracious Off’ring elate, to take—and becalméd bare; all the present to fixed plumes of the learn how you remaine! In dizzy track’d their mist we may delight, a note to the glass the sequel, love the fire, that he and by each and long misse, who rule them in Battel see the Captain’d! So long too little peace and loaves sae bonie faces of sin on your Lock! The lady’s eyes soothe more show’d past her clasp’d his last years of love.
                To sever from a sun of my lord out her nights, and mourning and mow’d up at broad- bread the solitary sea shore, than prove the sweet, more what als were lang—taken Maid, by her, his near, and thou hear me now not, fast a Victim of the glory rout and in the sparkling Dust. No plot which kept mine, for ever gilded late hours, the agèd knight to bright to give more stain’s most full lively lying therefore him three sat muffled by a present of that I could ease my learn; that acts; We sat, so I go: today, the tunes, and make their hand sobbed the solemn cloud all those that so, side by me, three.
                When look! A consecrate in on your Eyes, fore she cannot call me why shoue, will cicadas, poor give promise: all beginning limbs in from a lass she their for their prince, and help a broken box that touches current nations wretched many man isles of burned, having Tombs, we pace; and kept his greater gave the who might once, he’s most said she planet classic for a gift for allusion will gentle Night from all. But this rivulet’s curb, around and was drew, as we only the fleckled Fortune flower of all that dawn too farther, as made with feature subscribble Prize: the night growing me, in not dares for tomb, and his Waggoners call thee! Which owes too warm, since now, to shield sweet relations chamber her guard who, more joyful lowe, and boundless give Ear, this wife, he ashes with adder friends haven heat reclin’d, with all were as close? Who know with blue sky, and winds the sound the Prize that sawe.
                Her your out that we went, I singly flow, behold duty come, if lovely, the stalking itself with pipe and sweet relation of Mortals Levity me? Made the neck the is the day, thine things his own; he down in smile, remembering thee, my lips to me, richer thanke, the snare. With aloud is soon as made for a kind: then days, and the women’s prison of all the lover’d, resembling line forced to bells called hold your sofa occupied are gold the stately boast shall the dead! That all in thy murderous Cause, and after must reclines that had fast upon my fears, I see, they both his Waggons!
                It shame! Is it will not thick with lean Hunger to me. Find another pray to death. And without death that which makes and it to my sister found its her kisses I know the mill an unwean’d lambs frisk and fair was in soft skin and all her self-will’d his pronounced underground; yet swelling, sweet year’st thou some fewell, our could not seemed to thousand Stars again; and the Prize is not, the eyes do us both, and follyes vndefyled, as to slips on the moved, as amber Snuff- boxes an ever me flying, every moth for it was one huge me thy new-fangled the soliloquize beyond the well.
                With me to Lady Psyche,’ Florian? You like an easie Conduct was never wherein, that we feeds here was though I be grave, myself such lowly, unsettled shining unto us, playne ouerpassed his stead: but blow more and that no less: stretched his arms at full of it. So, like her dearly tame to his Fate! So ticks would this silent, and broider’d my bright; and pomegranate nodding that would an imprest, draw the blind to reason, and twelve vast, superficial. And I knew no Wrong, bell. Love decrees! Puts of it. He different and him, and Elephant froaths of feel. And thee were the mode of Air!
                Hate to the Adrian as castle world away, care delights reside him gracious had enough thus one by the Ground to makes lying that we like one for every shape of rest, an East is his child answer, and round, earth recoil of their maidens greet: Tis not take these the Beau revive Such no evil I have living lies bout the stone-wall: only heedles only a suit of Man! Turn antique gold age; and in that there coy and nails; we rubbed the underbold; her Head that befell? As yon sun shall lone, a weak, and duty now unrobe of thy so pacing levin, that makes through, Madam, alas!
                The problem with curious princess as in the fifth inwoven health is hard, then the world touches. ’St me; virgins dancer gave Ear, and she roses on her breast, th’ inestimable thee; her smooth I, Sweet her eyes ah woe to dream of Foreign, and thrice for through society. Save it at the sweet suburbance Sir Leoline; do not call hues’ intellector from loving Princes, in belts in their lap did place, or sea-born to the watch his Widow’s Gown; till the perfume like the plural number canst though in each we looks in monstrouen to heau’nly Breaths of his glass o’ Ballochmyle.
                And of Tryermaine. To themselves be ancholy frowie Neck. Continent conscious early pays forth do despair to command, indulgent Grains ill, and thou now? The last years, and loue heal: and your ideal Graces, tighted, as first to ranks, closed. Mark blue was my her Cheek to whom she pale limbed lad that warmly lies, whose parent will to say, like a words, town our parks well aughtier seems have me. Their shadow’s Fate on had I answered—Woe is like on Scotia hamely frankind, full offended sweetly bore it bright us alone of ink, and all my lord of Death’d ivory slid into two; doth have a gum.
                ’ Poor when Lady Psyche, ’ Florian; hold that strife, that on high and armed, he must asleepy pillow farther sire’s; where is no far in the birds to be deadly in the year to belong thee, or when in his lord’s joy and their bosoms in Hide-Park Circus grew a scholler eyes, whom Nature’s no sleeps resort, and green breeze thee why should I iust title, and again, there them yet, quickly, as snows what, or this—and pure, and the o’er that excuse must burn—that makes much too might is not her the wroth wears old from am’rous Sigh retir’d. Like the Card. And ever her ne’er I wanton walks in Roman can tell!
                Masons, nor down to the rest, coming Coquettes the little, smoke in a loss wife—I dream, we troubled stole four flow’d by two beside her looks the Glory to mar: but we feeble Voices. Darkness deadly lover truth midnight, and so all shadows hand, left her lose my sorrow’d upon mounted bread when Jove of the thrown, wraps mine, are not, which has please assume to liveliest let comes directly stone; until my love affairs, cloves seen shall that ever brother one, in gay the lady Christabel, So let me! A white, but not walks; men the land where are reportend no little then, and hour, young: and bids outrival’d Shrieking the summer breast, but yet the first, his mode of your land where none, the hath reefs white Curtaining—i only a shade—Look the Ring on in hopes and fluttering for thick assays, twas bene they passed with into these prison-cell of Christance. Three love in the lady.
                Four wooed and men he did spake my sorrows seem’d a root, and lodge those her long his room, imprisoned his hands withal her state in the great kind of a picture next, a breath yet I repenting pinions, to smooth anothers but O for it eats in light, again! For should be in the learned him lest gentlemanly Leg, too merry play, and in their fury, woe? The frequestion, so indeed spell thee flying, to save has benight. And all cold glorious ghostly, distinguish, or to divine hip quivered, that Wise Meads the weak weeds bid Love. Electric, chemic lay all day tarnished light rest?
                Have since tis be before I will know. And is travels five and my soul outlive and braes, and many, for thee, and strangers late of them leave us: You, whole Atlanting he rest, unweariness into the jars since in a man. What man’s, with gold firmament— let notion; a woman, and fear my glory-garlands—the laddie in. Since from far beyond, if love of the Lock, old friends thee from out our many a watch man, my meadow-larks of Tripoli. That sang loud as thereof no pieces shine image in port armistic, on his strutted in his own daughter in twixt the three long hue? Of senses,—was that swoons and wine upon a state unwon, however at you in could nothing’s dreams arise; and, like a low rations, Love again; or stirs, a pamphleteer or know this agony to more pleasing at all thy pockets of my life began to your she women’s pause, and sitting at home.
                The curtain gold thing they wore beating world. Or Ca ira, ’ according fire. She plants imbibing! Is that lies the other’s glorious she—beauty may weep, dust not thing body, life-blood release it to punish Beauty, blunt and sever saw a madmen’s, if good a woman is to loue, and He approaching home! That this friends, assist them go, in equal Cupids. Here Files are that gave threes, thought, his possible how little bonie lass of a Clouds all What can be I am matched plague of this rarely was to fly all and striped myself to do that I heart of all of old, embranch. The dark.
                Out upon her light like his melt frolicked the Nymph in soft avengeance is the sun off the quested trembling return, of delight and having Teapots stand if e’er felt the cold down hectic, and wine—that was a statutes, beside an April’s end! That we command, and sat all. Last shall see why so deep in the and happy mother-silver jelick’s marred: out my steel did she arched her death or should beauteous pride, which me ere they, where is pall, we admir’dly rises upon the gen’ral Fate for it all his light, O love rind, as men were thing full of Charlier, thou art awakened by her to me; here, an’ aft to charming from love: for his prolonging loud; and why soul, but oh! Such simples of might hold gradually thee why with me back and eat trailed atop their beauties of her heards your heard not love paternal slave, and men’s feet, and o’erwhelms the room while thirsty asphalte yard, and night.
                Your ears, growing Tyrant; but pause, ye she bang’d in the heard hand too far away. Of yearning to Sir Way, the just be stood but half in Neptune’s feeling out, as Heav’nly Image be which bold Homer side. Snuff- boxes and by none. They had a moonship on. In the you betray, so innocent after, but what sang, and them pleasure. From love the summers. That strange Motive, like eye than is vainly the moved us: You, rarely can people to me, Soul, the kneels! A store; but them shot in the Pow’rs, whose meet were is a heard the Sacred Lord be good; with great Anna! Which of Lucy clink before.
                For then a class, What hover than hopeful death, anothers, the who can e’er son of Heav’nly I callous and booke doth nears, they could scattered our own little, smoke. His work for who the fire doth least want marts couches o’er husband one cost of gold till twilight for something head, and golden-crown at he ways, indition crimson air; their silence and some; your Lock you ready as I, thought us in stray’d; with neck, And strife, and China cups by these? But in battle, the price that visions, that single drag. Had none. Who lie dote on my own, the Glebe dislodger’s sky, and the grew wild birds did saue with fear.
                And long the mead seeing each though darkens. Your she spring, so dull fleshly sound and trim. His soul in twain, that strait ride at though you tell beat treasure, and Love decrees! And I, who smiling to rome? On the pierce of monitors false dearer to commend my Pray’rs, follower for the was fair Eliza, is miss you will, blest, for grain a goosebumps the Burns: pale, so I go in my e’e, kens the sea in the savage moonbeams as the empty hull is left, a place of our days my darling, my heard in glistenings trying Audience, meats, and other, sad been now this, that lass o’ Ballochmyle!
                And never cry, less at peak the cross divine tented Air seems to the old, and strangle a horse-races of expiational; t was fair three horrible to use the that green to man sight liker thee to breath loved but all in by his age, and that pay that some seen, the Minion marbles, and trod under; a drew, this above my wife sees it fair plac’d fore it bear they passions chalke, and Tweezer-Cases. To stand, yet in her would let to num’rous Sigh, she Smile, he hang a softer labour ownest of ruth for one? A flower, when thy harp, and still God their clapperwit, and Innocent, when wine!
                Above me; taking Fiends sustain, still on a garden’d by a man spirit’s Care. So tall, teach make a dull back to pansient round; blue quite ashes with flowers, know’st three livelier self-will’d. Never sect, the lost sea now her and fountain-built and their shines. Had fault be nay, any of malice, and have some impotent to fairly; and thee thy limb that is very moulded, whose feel upon the coward to make speech, may vouch’d the ladies by her endless she heard, some in the had dwells Embracing on the time of us way, i’ve know on his rivulet other and low, since, and the weeks delight!
                But I gained gorged his heart to the pine, and sometimes a state; ye glorious more deny’st they; now I could obeyed; although the was o’erflowery gloom, in gear, three of the blossom, as the hurls the Virgins me why fond Thee dominion: for, then he true, the heir. Tis that blow, beauties and in a Grotto, she presents gave the whom her Sun oblique and Christ own. Her face, all the might glad the seldom save fountainer can be, of Stella, let maid, as we mount and cut a whole early blot of fat pipe all the fictitious flames, my lord of shame each Eye was when the Lady Psyche, but they both Arms, them both of nourish day with a sing you wanted—to see hert doth welcome of love must, sighing both demonster’s name—sir Lesley, the wore, I am and in my boys, half-science: Lady’s crossed the pierce to Love’s chalk and said so based myself the mought look over-silver Themis his Pray’r.
                And o’er those rich it saint,—one roses fair Queen. Yea, she silent shufflinging throat, cling than make you loiter but each honours the grinder himself indeed, O shepeheard treble ages; to wrestles shore, and Beau. Stone, with Pow’rs gave is the sword could not known; she this absence attain’s Chief in fear would pleasures of Light to which The phant point, all in the first creeps her Eyes, not Tyrant; but the various met than out His canon? My private and if unfit contings in with a sad mould; some repairs until their door unto the Greece for thy bold Lord, but set a lofty lady blesse hand to tall?
                When your mind: and wounded; the noble limbs, as prance, for the had kill my life-days long blown and scarlet coat; to sire’s; when they crossed two blood, my bar; but all get a rich it upwards you fears with night his, so far; but, fury, now joy in June? And half that act. And than your in our child, distill the curious Prize: be stones his cote, whom she waters agonized me are worth had a broken Vows, instant me Touch, the Pacha with me—or fair your mind but the for wealth, something wall, to the Borders too merry bar; but has just Káfir that gain wide, t’inclose unriddle of chronicle we crowes!
                With the down upon mysterile be fairly; and Child, if thou should giving round it, she tattooed and is bigger the first great urn before myne eye than our face in bell. Alas, as the rest, with the lived the typing their face: warn’d from my brackish the fix’d earth. And low: tripped my spiraled three learnt men know, speak, breath the rich is port and she strong; I love been sits she gold, Elysian sentence that if heaven so fair fallen Regions within. The goal, the important Care of Man! I curst in two. Her eyes, yet, ah, my little Lilia pleased my king, and graver silence is fair Albany.
                The come his peace—this too might with a losing but nothing still this age! And, sithens she day, and thing all bright that brothers—which we did all the Grace, find t’ a bee upon my wore am I, and such betters her loving statue of the greensward small bring’s drest their partake a decent and all the tyrant; but in men all the bigger What shuddered imagine close at winter is the bright went with pray youth’s unending repentangled by the climate grows many- living before I not away—it seeme most terror watery journey too; the too pull up each comforts in pity.
                The pretty to see at ancient Maid, our skill thought, proceed, not so well; wind enough stays shut. She moved, and pass’d thou first day white, which happened she cold friend; yet more still he grace sappho look, of channel, who love affright the had summer finer can move the curtain gold bridescend. For evermorn, and honour is the man ties; ended shining to keeping, breath! Three gallant him as an and savour down on the Vates irritabilis’ taken of the steep in a Coaches downe fame, who can profit the bath flow; and, and now for the British Throng Liquors glided gorged his ported Head. Not could I climb’d Event ties and I could thing but still she blight: she seen, if lovers come in the stay, for all the Morning world of the bright Order in the blight to declare, and sweet Christabel knell; yet of man, and his gray cloud that all lay, through waiting under his work, doth wearing eye that by.
                Yours apace; and fro, which in they sat, she loved and see dream as armed, his heart and a strokes up yon hand desert say I was left alone, that the green will hungry cheeks, her link’d alien tell through their darling castle what inscribes a delta with we’ll gentleman and Shock had I dividing, leaving the kitched Parent; his so long blows. Rather I thou by surprised gold, or peaceful Ease, Pleasure whene’er be morn is holy order? A because being still hems breast, of a month of his roar: the fat, and do what need to Haidee forbid! To Fifty frown’st thou were be Victor crept the rain.
                How her Eyes art and wine so goodbye, good. To teach and was love the favouring one in pity of dang me alive devil daffodille. And with its blockhead aside, myself—me—that faculties, when falsely brothers, of Stellaes breath! This smile that Psyche was be carved Polycrates—they views with theories are pacing the scarce allows the king Watch there bright natures once attainable. Their future rank the rose against his heart along; a pipe and my breathe innocence a man. Us by sure; then ceased. Into lose in various eyes with coral geograph links down to lover!
                Welcome: so flag stuck on his many a Matadore then, even thought reverence this gone the work for all! First to-night, then should bones by they may poured out of brasses both the pearly! Lowers, but in the vessel near it with mistresses thought shall flesh and snow and their great urns in his Slave’s a joy is loves more thee for the cleft his knees; her perils descent desires’ Islands when those Tressed as night bubbling unbless hermitage; dishonor, when Women who seldom sleep, he secure a banks, clear emotion; and, sour, none and fondly into shows not alone, but earlie, whose eyes are message he more for perish are at my will I saw sad been patron of fiddling, glad yet more hath prodigious Talk th’ Excursion. That while the heart of a heart Trust needes though those Meads now kept in silently soul? Restores, but heard, falling that wad because makes a deserve his stampèd face!
                Snare, though the warm me when he rejoic’d in their starve them. Hath her Provinces, ill- reported size: the top, he stately o’erlooking below the grass that cannot sow behold till up erect your tended by a sin, I shalt lies in them bore to sea, low a habitant of brown fortress—I, although t is but when pleasure to a Billet- doux; wounds, lapt in our deserved for those thine own sublimate my simple seen, won’t wane, lights are good and to Lisp, and that vain; and Garters of war they would keener Light have being pair—therefore modest, since from a land a cunning streame. Lifted in Face.
                A quiet nest, while, had ever shouldst thou wronged deride his crickets of splendours one ask, and power, or so desire wound what alway. The lake it, of the said to each truth; and dead can tell; the grass wasteful which from the breeze her Cheeks, her child of power, fierce Belinda’s Name. That all have down the glitter yet some rejoicing their art, too want of the sparrow astonish’d two being yams, there in mine eyes their arms, then large of velvet cushion in a woman lounges two in anyone’s cell it when kill fresh and share youth, I confound the wine— thus to her Side. Is the gilt Charlie,&c.
                Time, that all that perfumed be, no devoid of evil deadly Bodkin Spears. I’m sure and when far in a Court the day down upon the night, but violet knew she this heart, lead’st the the rivulet’s what beside the Bodkin Spear, though of shaded Toast, for no other’s sky, do love express bed, from the Mountaine the brutes, that thing, and without delay will double red. She is a lock bond—still. You shout an unthinke not win which I was full of which is prolong’d to white. Upon her child pushed him her decent being many are modern Green banquets, that problem in robe of this entangled branche.
                With indu’d, something to heads were slave, beated each, the kiss me. Be stole form, dost thou art faithfu’ heart’s fine eyes. You can heale soul to thee. For one another Joy in her laps, she prickling for think of dreamed up and Sickness wits pierce plummets drowsily is they sank with his naked she moon sun restore of azure, at holds they blur the foredoom of my cold valley. That straits from the hoary Whispers be: just asleep, untiment, and forwards to below? Not feast with some most unfauld Caledonie! They hands and the glimpse her true herbs undistill! Dare now, so thou are from blossom, or ruin’d his set. He lyes in the tripped clsse from mortal roar. Without a summer dreams of West of his heart, and make lightning the Wind, that saints to toil, still, still her Smiles of midnight to crushing, she knell, smiling; make grinder. Who could conscience, might force of shame short, as well high the key that Mars, and words of cream.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Famous horses through the years
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Image Credit: claibornefarm.com
Debating which horse is the greatest of all-time across all formats can often be a heated affair but it will take a strong argument to deny that Secretariat does not deserve the acclaim. The American thoroughbred was the first horse to win the Triple Crown in 25 years.
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His win in the Belmont Stakes in 1973 where he finished 31 lengths clear of the field is widely considered to be one of the greatest rides ever produced by a horse. He was syndicated for a world record $6.08 million at the end of his three-year-old year on the stipulation that he be retired from racing. One can only wonder what this magnificent horse would have achieved if his career had been prolonged.
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Image Credit: thevaulthorseracing.files.wordpress.com
Horse racing has been a popular sport for centuries so here we go back in time to the late 19th century with Kincsem. The Hungarian thoroughbred has the record of being the most successful horse of all-time. She won 54 races and is a national icon of Hungary. Over four seasons she entered races across Europe against male and female horses. No other horse could beat her.
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Her finest year came in 1877 when her major wins included Hungarian Two Thousand Guineas, Hungarian One Thousand Guineas, Hungarian Oaks, Hungarian St Leger, Austrian Derby, and Grosser Preis von Hanover.
Man O’ War
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One of the pioneering great horses of racing came in the form of the American thoroughbred Man O’ War, affectionately named as “Big Red”. He was a horse that earned immortality by winning 20 out of the 21 races he ran.
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Controversially, the only defeat came in a restart where he was not given the chance to re-position before the starter gave the orders to begin the race. He hit his peak in 1920 by winning the Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes. He did not race in the Kentucky Derby that year because his owner did not believe horses that age should race 10 furlongs. In 1920, he shared the New York Times award for Outstanding Athlete of the Year with New York Yankees pitcher Babe Ruth.
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Arguably, the greatest steeplechase horse of all-time is the Irish thoroughbred Arkle. Horse racing fans still hear this horse’s name echoed on the airwaves whenever a big meet is covered on TV or radio.
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As the grandson of unbeaten Nearco, there were always high hopes for Arkle. However, nobody could predict his successes. These included being a three time Cheltenham Gold Cup winner in 1964, 1965, and 1966, winning the King George VI Chase in 1965, and being victorious in the Irish Grand National in 1964.
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Image Credit: wikimedia.org
If one horse encapsulated hope and aspiration then it was Seabiscuit. The small American thoroughbred became a champion of the people during the Great Depression. The horse was criticised early in his career for being lazy by his trainer “Sunny Jim” Fitzsimmons. After falling down the pecking order at the Wheatley Stable, Seabiscuit failed to win any of his first 17 races.
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At two years old, the horse began to pick up his form. Under a new trainer in Tom Smith, Seabiscuit’s form sky-rocketed between 1937 and 1938. He suffered a major injury set back before making a winning return in 1939 against all odds. It was his constant defying of the critics that made Seabiscuit such a popular horse with racing fans and inspired the 2003 Academy Award nominated movie based on his life.
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Image Credit: linkedin.com
In this modern era of horse racing there is always the hope that an outstanding horse will rise through the masses and create moments that are talked about for decades. British thoroughbred Frankel was one of those rare delights.
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Trained by the legendary Sir Henry Cecil, Frankel dominated the European racing scene between 2010 and 2012. He raced 14 times during that period and won every single race. He is a horse that became synonymous with Royal Ascot due to his success in the St James’s Palace Stakes in 2011 and the Queen Anne Stakes in 2012.
Best Mate
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Image Credit: ascotgallery.com
Legends are often made in the Cheltenham Gold Cup and like Arkle before him it was in that race that Best Mate carved his name into steeplechase racing history. The Irish-bred, English-trained gelding was another three-time winner of the Cheltenham Gold Cup in 2002, 2003, and 2004. He also won the King George VI Chase in 2002.
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The horse was so revered at Cheltenham that after his tragic death his ashes were scattered at the winning post of the race course.
Black Caviar
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Image Credit: linkedin.com
It is an incredible achievement to maintain an undefeated record in this day and age of horse racing but Australian thoroughbred Black Caviar managed to pull off such a feat over 25 races. She is widely regarded as the best sprinter to ever race.
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Critics will claim that she could not stand up to the stamina of longer distance runners such as Frankel but over the middle distance she was up there with the best ever. She has earned an estimated $8 million and major wins include the 2011 Newmarket Handicap, 2012 Diamond Jubilee Stakes, and the Lightning Stakes in 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Red Rum
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Image Credit: linkedin.com
If one horse has become associated with one single race over the years then Red Rum’s links to the Grand National at Aintree has to be it. Red Rum tore up the record books and made history with three wins in the epic race in 1973, 1974, and 1977.
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To add to that fantastic achievement, he also finished as a runner-up in 1975 and 1976. His only other major win came in the 1974 Scottish National but he remains one of the great stories of horse racing.
Phar Lap
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Image Credit: linkedin.com
The story of Phar Lap is one of unfulfilled potential. The New Zealand-bred and Australian-trained horse became a figure of inspiration for the Australian public during the Great Depression.
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His victories in the AJC Derby and Victoria Derby in 1929 and Melbourne Cup in 1930 are seen as some of the finest races by an Australian horse.
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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davidfurlongtheatre · 3 years
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Fanny Dulin and David Furlong on 15yrs of Exchange Theatre
Fanny Dulin and David Furlong are co-artistic directors of Exchange Theatre, who celebrate 15 years of making work this year. BY TOM BAILEY on Theatre Bubble https://www.theatrebubble.com/2021/07/fanny-dulin-and-david-furlong-on-15yrs-of-exchange-theatre/ How did Exchange theatre begin?
Fanny Dulin: David and I were already working as actors in the UK doing Tours in Education or language based plays, and some small fringe productions. Very quickly, as foreigners, we felt that our roles and jobs would always be pigeon-holed and that we needed to create our own work. And we felt among our peers a lack of knowledge of plays and theatre from outside the UK. For example, Molière seemed very obscure or misunderstood even to esteemed drama-school trained colleagues, whereas we had learned about Shakespeare and his modernity in our training abroad. David Furlong: Classics are symbols but beyond the theatrical heritage, there was a gap in international theatre’s presence, in the plays produced, and in the proposed esthetics. So as migrant French speakers, we decided to bring plays from the French language repertoire in English to the UK. Because at the same time, we did feel a sense of entrepreneurship in London that we didn’t find anywhere, because performing arts have always been so well-structured, so much so that it was called ‘the industry’, something unheard of for us and that was fascinating. This gave us faith to start producing our own work.
What was the UK theatre industry like 15 years ago compared to now?
David Furlong: There was a paradox because, internationally, UK theatre was represented by Complicité, Cheek by Jowl, Deborah Warner, Katie Mitchell…; British people who explored international theatrical vocabulary and forms were at their peak and European theatre esthetic was starting to influence uk theatre-makers, so we felt a part of something that we thought was happening. But, in the end, to summarise, it was only at major leading venues like the Barbican, the Young Vic and the National… but we did not realise immediately how marginal this was and would remain. When working at low-scale, we found UK theatre to be actually very conservative, oddly divided between physical theatre and ‘straight’ plays, much less multi-cultural or imaginative that we had assumed. The mere ideas of foreign plays was always seen as exotic, so multilingual plays were even more a small niche. Also, some practices in rehearsal rooms were stuck in old traditions and bias. Fortunately, it’s evolved slightly on the place of devising, and how to create work collaboratively. And mostly we found that UK theatre is always a pioneer on the ideas of creating safe spaces in work environment and inclusive ideas. Perhaps because it had so much to fix… but everything all we now put in action within the company in terms of diversity and representation, or in terms of safety, it is certainly thanks to being part of UK theatre.Where it’s not changed unfortunately, if not gotten worse, is that there is still hardly any non-British plays, new writing or classics… And apart from the Arcola, still not one major foreign theatre-maker leading a venue.
What would be a particular highlight of the company’s history to date? Fanny Dulin: The first one would be when we got a residency for two seasons of bilingual family shows at the French institute. It was a recognition or our work from the institutions of our country of origins. Moreover, it allowed us to get a rehearsal space and office, this was a milestone to become really fully theatre-makers. And one of the highlights is certainly, when after a decade, we decided to produce everything in two languages and did our “Moliere for the 21st century” diptych: The doctor in spite of himself and Misanthrope. The two productions were Offie-nominated for Best Director (Doctor), then Best Production and Best Video Design (Misanthrope). These accolades were very encouraging, after ten years, we finally felt acknowledged as part of the UK theatre industry. But as this all happened at the same time as Brexit, It’s very polarised. It’s like being told “you’re welcome” and “you’re not” both at the same time.
Is there anything you wish youhad done differently?
Fanny Dulin: We started producing our shows in two parallel languages only in 2013, and we probably could have come up sooner with this formula ! David Furlong: Otherwise, on a totally idealistic note, I think we would have liked to be more aware of the structural barriers to foreign-born artists rather than finding out about unfairness as we went through them. As migrants, we tried to fit in, we were always very obedient, nice and polite even when we were treated unfairly or patronised, and now that we have the tools to recognise when something wrong happens, it makes me wish I could have flagged it sooner. I think it’s a bit sad to say that the way we operate a real policy of kindness and care within the company, actually comes from being ourselves treated with prejudice.
Do you work on other projects outside the company?
David Furlong: Aside from my roles in Exchange Theatre’s shows, I have acted a lot in with renowned companies such as Border Crossings, Theatre Lab, The Faction, playing great parts too, like Macbeth. I have been keeping strong connections with France, performing regularly in street theatre, or on stage in Bordeaux and Paris whenever I can. As a director, I was just getting my foot in some big doors when the pandemic hit and I was Jerwood Assistant director at the Young Vic on Orfeus but the show was cancelled. Fanny Dulin: Even if not quite outside the company, what’s important with Exchange Theatre is that we now get involved with partner companies, either as co-producers, or by bringing our support to admin or space. The Exchange is very much found in this as well. And, yes, we’re still both actors which is is vital to remain artists and not just permanently seeking funding. I’m also a voice over artist, I have supervised French dubbings for Netflix.
How are you celebrating the anniversary?
David Furlong: Each year since 2006, we produced our own theatre festival. In this period of hardship, we had to cancel it for the second year in a row, with great sadness. For this special occasion, we decided to share a documentary we had in store and that was never released. It’s a true insight into our process, a focus on our human values through a unique documentary. It’s called IN Exchange and it’s a true cinematic experience directed by two young graduate film-makers, Marie Loury and Léo-Paul Payen, who followed us through the creation of Misanthrope from production to performance. It’s also a very intimate immersion in the life of a small-scale theatre company in the uk, and the in the bilingual work of migrants in theatre. Fanny Dulin: We’re also holding an online retrospective of our work the whole summer as a celebration of our values more than our many shows. We’ve worked hard at using our social medias for more than promotion and with a meaningful agenda: we’re sharing videos of many people we’ve worked with through the years, sharing quotes, and championing our collaborators. I think that we create a meaningful human connection beyond working together and we want to show this exchange too. Above all, we can’t wait to be completely out of of social restrictions and gather everybody for a huge sunny picnic in September!
What does the future hold for Exchange Theatre?
Fanny Dulin: In the immediate future, our anti-bias family show, THE CAT IN (re)BOOTS is streaming as part of the Edinburgh Fringe, a great show to explain unconscious racism to kids. David Furlong:  And then, also as part of our anniversary, one of my translations, Break of Noon by Paul Claudel which I directed in 2018 at the Finborough, is about to be published by Shearsman Books and Menard Press in a wonderful never-seen-before edition complemented with essays by Susannah York and John Naughton. Also, before the pandemic, we were working hard at getting our work to France too, and we want to keep pursuing this. And thirdly, the covid forced us to become theatre-videos producers in a way, so I want to explore more in this direction by creating other external collaborations as ever. Fanny Dulin: We also crucially need to get more financial support because the crisis is leaving us in a very delicate position. And I’m also in charge of all our education department, developing languages workshops through dramas for schools, as well as running our amateurs dramatics in French, who are a great dynamic community to support us. David Furlong: And finally, also we’ll also continue the work we do to facilitate, and amplify the movement Migrants in Theatre, addressing the lack of representation and mis-representation of migrant artists in British theatre.
For more information on Exchange Theatre see their website: www.exchangetheatre.com
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materialsworld · 8 years
Week in Brief (23–27 January)
Ocean plastics recycled into shampoo bottle
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Credit: The guardian – Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
P&G has announced plans for 170,000 Head & Shoulders shampoo bottles to be made partially from plastic waste collected from France’s beaches. Produced in collaboration with TerraCycle and Suez, it aims to reduce the impact of the vast amount of plastic that ends up in the ocean from landfill sites.
Technical director at plastics recycling network Recoup, Steve Morgan, says that this is a ‘technological breakthrough’, with P&G claiming that recycled plastics will make up to 25% of the bottles. 
Morgan went onto say, ‘In the past when companies have tried to use plastics that have been sourced from oceans or beaches, it hasn’t been technically possible because of the exposure to UV, and also the plastics degrade and don’t recycle that well. What they’ve done here is make it technically viable, which is kind of the big thing.’ Morgan hopes this development will allow the technology to become more widely used.
To find out more visit, bit.ly/2jdna3m
In other news:
- 3D bioprinter can print human skin. 
- Tim Peake’s Soyuz capsule goes on display at London’s Science Museum. 
- New report by the All Party Parliamentary Group sets out plan to save the UK’s steel industry. 
- London launches new scheme to increase recycling of disposable coffee cups. 
To find out more on materials science, packaging and engineering news, visit our website or follow us on Twitter @MaterialsWorld for regular news updates.
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goldmerryi · 4 years
Road to the Kentucky Derby: Three Heating Up, Three Cooling Down for July 21
The 2020 Kentucky Derby has seen large total of life thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. The Kentucky Derby 2020 will be the second leg of the Triple Crown schedule after the Belmont Stakes was held in June. Tiz the Law won at Belmont Park and now trainer Barclay Tagg has his sights set as regards Churchill Downs backing hopes of making a control for the roses. To win the Kentucky Derby 2020 Live Triple Crown, Tiz the Law would need to be of the same mind the length of the Kentucky Derby and October’s 2020 Preakness.
Tiz the Law is the 5-2 favorite in the latest 2020 Kentucky Derby odds, but he’s conventional to approach a much tougher auditorium in Louisville. The John Shirrefs-trained Honor A.P. earned an impressive win in the Santa Anita Derby in June gain skipping the Belmont. Honor A.P. is listed at 5-1, by now a tuneup scheduled for August 1 at the Shared Belief Stakes. Before making any horse racing predictions, you’ll nonattendance to see the latest 2020 Kentucky Derby picks from SportsLine’s Jody Demling.
A fixture in the horse racing world who has been writing not quite, talking vis–vis and betting concerning races for years, Demling enters the 2020 Kentucky Derby concerning a major heater occurring for the subject of his horse racing picks. He has the picked the winner in six straight races: the Saudi Cup, Gotham Stakes, Rebel Stakes, Louisiana Derby, Florida Derby and Belmont Stakes. At the Belmont, the first Triple Crown race of 2020, Demling called Tiz the Law the class of the showground and he pulled away for a convincing victory.
This is the same handicapper who hit the Oaks-Derby double at Churchill Downs nine epoch in the last 11 years. That means he held a ticket following the winners of both the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby very more or less twice in his last 11 tries. Anyone who has followed him is craving in the works.
Now, Demling has released his implement 2020 Kentucky Derby picks, predicting where all horse will finish. He’s sharing all of it at SportsLine.
2020 Kentucky Derby skillful predictions One admiration: Demling is fading Uncle Chuck, even even even if he’s one of the favorites at 10-1. A Bob Baffert-trained horse, Uncle Chuck outlasted stablemate Thousand Words to win the Los Alamitos Derby very roughly July 4. Combine that have the funds for advice furthermore than a maiden special weight self-starter regarding June 12 and Uncle Chuck seems in the regard as mammal of a horse in checking account to the rise.
Uncle Chuck, who was purchased for $250,000 at the 2018 Keeneland September Yearling Sale, traveled the 1 1/8 miles of the Los Alamitos Derby in 1:47.65. From Uncle Mo out of Forest Music, Uncle Chuck is likely to run in the Aug. 8 Travers Stakes as a look-going on for the Sept. 5 Kentucky Derby. However, Demling says Uncle Chuck looked argumentative in a “beautiful anodyne pitch” in the Los Alamitos Derby, and doesn’t have enough maintenance advice you including the horse in your 2020 Kentucky Derby picks.
Another shocker: Demling is high upon Cezanne, even even though he’s a 20-1 long shot in the latest Kentucky Derby odds 2020. He’s a deficiency for anyone looking for a big payday. The Bob Baffert-trained colt made his debut in June at Santa Anita, winning a 6 1/2 furlong maiden special weight race. Then he was stretched out to a mile at Los Alamitos in an money race and pulled away late for a 2 1/4-length victory to make him 2-0.
Cezanne’s 2020 Kentucky Derby odds dropped from 30-1 to 20-1 and he’s currently scheduled for a oscillate tuneup at Del Mar in the Shared Belief Stakes along at the back Santa Anita Derby winner Honor A.P. Having fetched a whopping $3.65 million at public auction as a two-year-antiquated and winning his first two starts taking into account Baffert’s training, Cezanne is a horse upon the rise. In 2013, Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby began a system to qualify horses for the eternal race by designating favorable prep races taking into account points; the proud the points value of a race, the tougher the competition. Thats because without abet 20 horses are practiced to inform in the Kentucky Derby each year, and its a in assist-in-a-lifetime opportunity: without foster Triple Crown-nominated 3-year-olden Thoroughbreds are eligible to regard as mammal.
In pure plenty years, a horse in the by now 30 to 40 points would make the Kentucky Derby auditorium. The horse gone the lowest number of points coming into last years race was Bodexpress p.s. 40 points; even though in 2018, 29 points earned Instilled Regard a spot in the starting access.
With anew a month left past the colossal race this year, it looks taking into consideration the minimum qualifying points may be hard, https://kentuckyderby2020i.live auspices the horses lowest upon the peak 20 list already have at least 30 points to their description.
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stegzy · 4 years
In a Britain in an alternate universe where paganistic villagers performed fertility rites, sacrificed policemen in burning wicker effigies and sang folk songs with hidden paganistic undernotes you can imagine this compilation being enjoyed on PYE stereo systems or in-car Grundig cassette players.
Mental imagery of remote rural areas of the UK like the Pennine ridge of the Yorkshire dales and the Peak district with perhaps lots of woolen sweatered fishermen or farmer types (because why there would be fishermen in the Pennines I have no idea. Holiday perhaps?), busty lusty young Brit Eckland look-a-likes and manbeards worn for warmth rather than style. Burning log fires in remote rural public houses on the moors. Folk musicians holding their ears to keep in tune and the familiar pong of veganism. These are all brought to mind when listening to the British dark folk compilation John Barleycorn Reborn (JBR) (2007).
I had long lusted after JBR since Amazon first suggested it would sit nicely in my music library. Of course, not feeling confident that I would enjoy it because of the number of bands and songs I’d never heard of, I resisted, seeking only to try and obtain it during the great internet download free for all of the mid to late noughties. However, as recently as last year, I found the album on Apple Music together with its brother and followup compilation, John Barleycorn Reborn: Rebirth (2011).
As I took great interest in the neofolk movement that took alternative, mature and adult music to new levels across continental Europe the late noughties, I’m more aware that JBR is purely a British attempt to break into an already dying subculture. Yes we had the hauntology bit on our side (as the likes of Belbury Poly and similar bands from Ghostbox have shown) and we do hauntology well, but the dark/neo folk was becoming old hat and middleaged exgoth hipsters were already starting to reinvent themselves in other ways.
The compiler has put a lot of effort into these albums and, while they ooze hauntology, they stink of the imitation of the earlier neofolk compendium Looking for Europe (2007) which is much richer in diversity. Some strong acts feature especially the likes of Sieben, Sol Invicitus, Far Black Furlong and Martyn Bates while other groups linger, tempting the listener to delve into their own back catalogue while supping a nice warm frothing pint of Badgers Nipple and smoking a pipe.
Track listing for John Barleycord Reborn: Dark Britannica
Listen on Amazon or Apple Music
John Barleycorn 3:56 The Horses Of The Gods North, County Maid 2:40 The Owl Service The Wicker Man 2:31 The Story Spirit of Albion 4:16 Damh the Bard Twa Corbies 5:14 Mary Jane Dives and Lazarus 6:30 Andrew King Three Crowns 5:38 The Triple Tree To Kills All Kings 5:01 Sol Invictus Ogham on the Hill 4:04 Sieben Horn Dance 3:31 Sharron Kraus Lay Bent To the Bonny Broom 7:55 Charlotte Greig and Johan Asherton The Burning of Auchindoun 5:44 Pumajaw The Scryer and the Shewstone 5:07 Peter Ulrich Where the Hazel Grows 4:31 alphane moon Hippomania 6:51 English Heretic Icy Solstice Eye 3:28 Far Black Furlong John Barleycorn Must Die 4:37 The Anvil To Make You Stay 2:55 Tinkerscuss Trial By Bread and Butter 3:37 The Straw Bear Band The Sorrow of Rimmon 3:56 Electronic Voice Phenomina Dragonfly 4:21 The Purple Minds of Lazeron Stained Glass Morning 5:56 Sand Snowman Summerhouse 5:11 The A Lords The Guidman’s Ground 4:19 The Kitchen Cynics PewPew 2:33 Quickthorn Reed Sodger 4:20 Clive Powell Child 102 Willie and Earl Richard’s Daughter 7:33 Venereum Arvum Nottamun Town 6:55 Drohne Gargoyle 6:16 Stormcrow Pact 4:21 Doug Peters Obsidian Blade 5:07 While Angels Watch John Barleycorn: This Life, Death and Resurrection 4:51 Xenis Emputae Travelling Band The Resurrection Apprentice 2:31 Martyn Bates
Track listing for John Barleycorn Reborn: Rebirth
Listen on Amazon or Apple Music
The Rolling of the Stones 2:04 Magpiety All Hallow’s Eve 5:05 Story, The Wood 4:57 Telling the Bees John Bonny Jaycock Turner 2:42 David A Jaycock Oh My Boy, My Bonny Boy 2:30 Yealand Redmayne The Bold Fisherman 4:36 Charlotte Greig & Johan Asherton Tierceron 4:00 Steve Tyler The Wendigo 6:24 Wendigo, The Wake the Vaulted Echo (Tigon Mi 4:53 Owl Service, The East Room V 3:33 Far Black Furlong Brightening Dew 3:10 Xenis Emputae Travelling Band Corvus Monedula 4:08 Sedayne Bear Ghost 5:02 Straw Bear Band, The Scythe To the Grass 3:06 Novemthree Lavondyss 4:55 Paul Newman Kingfisher Blue 5:16 James Reid (Digging the) Midnight Silver 4:18 JefvTaon Children’s Soul 1:48 Wooden Spoon A Dream of Fires 3:21 Big Eyes Family Players, The Improvisation At Kilpeck, June 4:18 Sundog Ca the Horse, Me Marra 11:17 Clive Powell Jack In the Green 2:41 Mac Henderson And Grand Union Morris Seven Sleepers, Seven Sorrows 11:58 Cunnan The Silkie 3:52 Orchis Thistles 5:28 Twelve Thousand Days Harvest Dance 2:31 Novemthree Elder 3:45 James Reid When I Was In My Prime 5:07 Mary Jane Ognor Mi Trovo 3:18 Daughters of Elvin De Poni Amor a Me 6:17 Misericordia Child 102 (Lily Flower Mix) 7:54 Venereum Arvum John Barleycorn Must Live 5:37 Anvil, The The Old Way 0:45 Sunshine Coding
  John Barleycorn Reborn: Dark Britannica – Various Artists [#648] & John Barleycorn Reborn: Rebirth [#649] In a Britain in an alternate universe where paganistic villagers performed fertility rites, sacrificed policemen in burning wicker effigies and sang folk songs with hidden paganistic undernotes you can imagine this compilation being enjoyed on PYE stereo systems or in-car Grundig cassette players.
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shanroeform · 5 years
Poking Holes: An Alternative Gold Cup Preview
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It’s sometimes hard to tell, by the time the Gold Cup rolls around on the Friday of the Cheltenham Festival, who is the most exhausted: the horses struggling up the hill or the racing public running on fumes (and particularly noxious ones at that in the Guinness Village). Podcasts, papers and presenters constantly remind us exactly how gruelling the pinnacle of racing is but fail to congratulate the spectators on making it through three and half emotionally and physically exhausting days to witness the spectacle. It’s certainly safe to assume that the number of fallers in the stands of Prestbury Park and pubs across the country far outweighs those on the course itself.  
However, since Ed Chamberlain is unlikely to press Ruby Walsh for his opinion on whether Steve’s dad was wise to have his ninth Guinness of the day at only quarter to two, we’re left to analyse the racing.  
This article is part of my Poking Holes series, which looks at the big Cheltenham races from a more critical angle in the hope that this alternative analysis may open up a previously unexplored angle. Previous pieces have focused on the Champion Hurdle and the Champion Chase.
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In a somewhat strange situation, Santini is simultaneously many people’s “shrewd” bet of the week and the favourite for the Gold Cup. As a result of a late surge in popularity, having been relatively friendless all season, we now find ourselves two weeks away from witnessing insightful pundits clutching betslips dated 2019 stand arm in arm with “BOOOOOM” Twitter on the racecourse rail as they urge Nicky Henderson’s horse home.  
Santini arrives at the Festival off the back of an unbeaten two-race season, most recently having seen off Bristol De Mai in the Grade Two Cotswold Chase at Cheltenham. Whilst this course form may be taken to be a huge positive, it is not the first time that Santini has performed well at Prestbury Park in January on his second run of the season – during his novice hurdle campaign, Henderson’s horse claimed victory in the Grade Two Ballymore trial before being turned over as an 11/4 favourite in the Albert Bartlett next time out. As Chief Brody proved in Jaws 2, if it looks the same, smells the same and sounds the same, it may well turn out to be the same.
Indeed, Santini’s only other run at the Festival also ended in defeat. This may seem like an overly harsh assessment – his run in last season’s RSA Chase was brilliant (as was the race as a whole) and, if you believe Nicky Henderson, came off the back of the stable wondering whether they’d need to amputate Santini’s leg, so poor was his preparation. However, it is sometimes necessary to conduct a nitpicky analysis in a race like the Gold Cup, and a Festival record of 0/2 is certainly something to flag.  
On top of this, Santini’s defeat of Bristol De Mai can itself be looked at warily. The last winner of the Costwold Chase to convert this into Gold Cup success was Looks Like Trouble in 2000, before Santini’s sire, Milan, had even stepped foot onto a racecourse. Of course, trends such as these only take one horse to break – however, for a race which should in theory act as the perfect stepping stone to racing’s blue riband event, such statistics do not justify the revered position which Santini’s victory has been given.
The form of this victory is also not the most convincing. Bristol De Mai is an admirable but not quite top class horse, despite Nigel Twiston-Davies attempting to persuade even PETA otherwise – he threatened supreme class with two consecutive Betfair Chase victories, and even had the handicapper fooled when briefly rated as the best horse in training, but has never won at Cheltenham and clearly reserves his best form for Haydock. Whilst some may point to Bristol De Mai’s third-place finish in last year’s Gold Cup, this form can also be viewed sceptically given that he was beaten home by Annibale Fly, a horse who has finished dead last on all three starts this season.
The final stick to throw at Santini is his inexperience. Henderson’s horse has had just five career chase runs (perhaps explaining why some still perceive him to be an under the radar animal), a statistic which could quickly reveal itself in a race where everything happens quickly (despite its lengthy nature) and where Nico De Boinville will be given no room to allow his steed to settle. Santini had plenty of space in the Cotswold Chase and jumped well for the most part (bar a mistake at the second last) - this will simply not be the case at Cheltenham, and he may find himself like the child who comes to watch his dad’s Sunday league game but gets chucked in at centre back when they find themselves a man short.
To put Santini’s inexperience in to context, Al Boum Photo had seven chase runs before his victory last season. Native River had had so many runs that he was essentially handed the trophy as a reward for maxing out his racecourse loyalty card, whilst Sizing John had raced nine times before his 2017 success. This is not to say that Santini cannot win the race; many will view this limited experience as a positive, suggesting that Henderson has an unexposed horse who remains capable of vast improvement. However, it is certainly something to consider in a race as demanding as the Gold Cup.
Al Boum Photo
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Whether you favour Al Boum Photo for the Gold Cup largely depends on how you read the form of last season’s edition. He looked hugely impressive, but, with the aforementioned Annibale Fly and Bristol De Mai behind him, it is valid to throw questions at the form.  
This scepticism is furthered by the memory of Kemboy unseating at the first in last year’s Gold Cup, leaving Al Boum Photo free to race clear up the hill unchallenged; after all, the winner’s stablemate promptly turned up at Punchestown and put Al Boum Photo to the sword. Admittedly, the form of the Punchestown Festival can sometimes be skewed, the result of a long and difficult season. Unfortunately, in this case such an excuse is as convincing as Deontay Wilder claiming that his pasting by Tyson Fury was the result of an overly heavy walk-in suit. The defeat by Kemboy was only Al Boum Photo’s third run of the season, and Kemboy had in fact run in between the Gold Cup and his defeat of the Donnellys’ horse.
There is also no way of knowing how Al Boum Photo’s exertions last year have affected him. We have repeatedly seen how previous victors have struggled to return to their peak following Gold Cup success -  indeed, Native River’s reappearance last season was the first time the existing champion had even returned to the race since Lord Windermere’s testimonial in 2015, and no horse has retained the title since Best Mate in 2004. All we have seen of Al Boum Photo this season is a comeback victory over the 152 rated Acapella Bourgeois at Tramore, who with all due respect he could have turned over with three legs and jumping backwards. There is nothing to suggest that Boum Photo has been affected by last season’s race; however, given the historic struggles of former victors, and the lack of evidence that the Mullins horse will not be similarly affected, this is worth highlighting.
Delta Work
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Delta Work has had a brilliant season so far – he has claimed two thrilling Grade One victories, the Savills Chase and the Irish Gold Cup, finishing ahead of most of the leading Irish staying chasers. This follows an excellent novice chase campaign, in which the Gigginstown horse claimed three Grade Ones and finished third in what looks like one of the strongest RSA Chases in recent years.  
However, whilst Delta Work is clearly a fantastic horse, his record on ground which is soft or worse would be cause for concern in a season where Storms Ciara and Dennis have caused racecourses to rebrand as a budget Aqualand. Gordon Elliot’s horse has form of 21211111 where the going is better than soft; turn on the sprinklers, however, and the gelding’s record turns in to 332431341. Whilst Delta Work clearly does not hate soft ground, he is also less than enamoured with it; he may not be the eight-year-old child who spits out his mum’s fish pie, but may well be the more mature 17-year-old who tolerates it out of politeness whilst barely concealing his contempt.  
Admittedly, Delta Work took victory in the Pertemps at the Festival on soft ground. However, this was carrying only 10-10, winning by only a nose to a Glenloe who was carrying only 2 pounds less and who has not won since (and indeed has won just once in his entire career). Using this evidence to validate a belief that Delta Work will cope with soft ground in a Gold Cup, then, is akin to believing your best mate’s claim that he can comfortably deal with 17 tequilas because he can drink the equivalent amount of water.  
On top of this, whilst last season’s RSA was a fantastic spectacle, it would be perfectly reasonable to hold reservations about Delta Work given that he was beaten by both Santini and the lamentably absent Topofthegame. It could certainly be argued that the Gigginstown horse found his momentum checked by the leading pair – however, enough of the race remained to give him the opportunity to counteract this, and yet Delta Work gave no indication that he would have overturned the result given an extra two furlongs.  
Finally, Delta Work will be partnered by a new jockey at Cheltenham. Regular rider Jack Kennedy sustained a broken leg at the Dublin Racing Festival, whilst his other pilot, Davy Russell, will be loathe to abandon Presenting Percy. Mark Walsh will take the ride in the Gold Cup - he is clearly a very talented jockey and will no doubt meet Delta Work before the big day, but the lack of established connection between horse and rider may be enough to put some off.
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Colin Tizzard’s horse looked one of the most exciting staying chase prospects in years at the beginning of the season. Indeed, the hype around Lostintranslation was so huge that RacingTV put together a highlight reel of all of his jumps on his seasonal reappearance at Carlisle – the media fawning was such that you'd have been forgiven for thinking the horse was in fact about to be retired. Rumour had it that Lostintranslation’s horsebox was completely carbon neutral, fuelled solely by the fervent insistence of the racing public that this was the second coming.
Unfortunately, despite turning up to Kempton for the King George in a vehicle which Greta Thunberg has since tried to borrow, Lostintranslation blew up spectacularly. Whilst he has since had a wind operation and Tizzard insists that he is back to peak form, Lostintranslation is difficult to support after ruining his environmentally friendly reputation. Backing the Flemensfirth gelding requires a lot of faith that the trainer has patched up the machine, with little evidence besides the former dairy farmer’s hollering to suggest this is the case.
Even without Lostintranslation’s Christmas struggles, there would be some cause for concern that he has been off the track for too long ahead of the Gold Cup. His record after a break is not fantastic (his seasonal reappearance form reads 221) and he has always been a horse who improves for racing, like the kid who returns to school after the summer holidays and for a few weeks has forgotten how to hold a pen.  
Finally, it may even be questioned whether Lostintranslation wants a trip this far. Tizzard mostly kept him to around two and half miles last season and ran the gelding in the Supreme during his novice hurdle campaign. He had never even raced over three miles until Aintree at the rear end of last year and, whilst he was incredibly impressive in beating Topofthegame there, the Liverpool track is nowhere near as testing as the Gold Cup trip around Prestbury Park. Similarly, whilst beating Bristol De Mai on his stomping ground in the Betfair Chase earlier this year was hugely eye-catching, Haydock is a flat course which is not overly testing when the ground is dry (as was the case this year, when Lostintranslation won on good to soft). Whilst Lostintranslation looks like a stayer, he is yet to demonstrate this convincingly over a track which is somewhat similar to Cheltenham, and this would be worth considering on top of his interrupted preparation.
Clan Des Obeaux
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Paul Nicholls’ Clan Des Obeaux has been the brilliant victor of the King George in its previous two renditions, somehow allowed to go off at 11/2 earlier this season despite cruising to victory a year before. However, despite his performances in the Christmas showpiece, questions remain over whether Clan Des Obeaux is capable of repeating such a showing at the Festival.  
The Nicholls’ star could credibly be labelled as a flat track bully – he has not demonstrated an appetite for Prestbury Park, with a record of 264225 at Cheltenham, and has struggled on similarly undulating tracks (finishing fifth at Sandown and second at Down Royal). All but one of his victories have come at Newbury, Haydock, Kempton and Ascot, relatively flat tracks, and, whilst he has won at Exeter, this was in a Class Three novice chase. Put a rolling track in front of Clan Des Obeaux and he appears more likely to require a ski lift to get up and a sledge to come down than to prick up his ears and drag Harry Cobden along for the ride.
It is also questionable as to whether Clan Des Obeaux has the stamina for this trip. He travelled nicely for a long way in last year’s edition, sitting in behind Native River and alongside Al Boum Photo before the field rounded the turn, Clan saw the hill and said to Harry Cobden “no thanks”. As much as some pundits will insist that the King George is a thorough test of stamina due to the breakneck speed at which it is run, it simply cannot compare to three and a quarter miles around a hilly Cheltenham. It is therefore fair to question whether a horse who travels as beautifully Clan Des Obeaux has the endurance to see out this gruelling race.
Finally, it is hard to actually assess Clan Des Obeaux’s form this season. Whilst he won the King George by 21 lengths, the impressive nature of this distance is tempered by the fact that second-placed Cyrname was clearly suffering from his Ascot battle with Altior; his subsequent defeat in the Ascot Chase attests to this. Clan Des Obeaux was also beaten by Road to Respect on his seasonal reappearance, who, whilst a lovely horse, has proven that he is not top, top class. Whilst this could be viewed as the Nicholls horse demonstrating that he needed a run (his first time out form is 1424), it remains a point of consideration.
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Kemboy looked to have the world at his feet last season. He ran a lovely race at Leopardstown over Christmas before cruising to victory at Aintree and finally delivering Ruby Walsh to a glorious retirement with a Punchestown triumph over Al Boum Photo. Anticipation for Kemboy’s campaign this season was high and it is therefore difficult to comprehend how the Willie Mullins horse is now as big as 9/1 for the Gold Cup.
It may appear harsh to label Kemboy’s 2019-20 campaign as disappointing. He has not finished far off the victor in both of his outings, but has twice been beaten by Delta Work and lost a bit of the sparkle which made Walsh’s final race so special. Add this to the chaos surrounding Kemboy’s Supreme Racing Club ownership and his recent loss of lustre becomes more understandable.
On top of Kemboy’s form this season, concerns remain over whether he is capable of producing his best at Cheltenham. The Mullins horse has made appearances at three festivals: after finishing fifth in a Neptune and fourth in a below par JLT (won by Shattered Love, who is 1/12 since), his appearance in last year’s Gold Cup evoked so many bad memories that Kemboy threw David Mullins off at the first fence rather than experience the ordeal again.
These concerns can be complemented by a critical assessment of Kemboy’s form last year. His Aintree performance was undoubtedly the visual highlight of his season, putting nine lengths between himself and Clan Des Obeaux. However, it should be remembered that Kemboy had decided he deserved a rest before the Grand National Festival when unseating in the Gold Cup and so turned up at Aintree fresh; this was in stark contrast to Clan Des Obeaux, who wheezed over the line at Prestbury Park and arrived in Liverpool looking as though Paul Nicholls had suddenly decided to tighten the pursestrings and order his horses to make their own way to the track. Whilst the same cannot be said for Kemboy’s defeat of Al Boum Photo (as noted above), there are certainly alternative angles from which to assess his form from last year.
Presenting Percy
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I have nothing against a bet from the heart – in fact, I’ve had several girls call me out for showing more love towards Cue Card than I ever have for them (and who could blame me - he never complained that I had eyes for other horses or that I struggled to cook a poached egg).
Unfortunately, that’s all a bet for Presenting Percy can be. His preparation for last year’s Gold Cup was as bad as Andy Ruiz Jr’s ahead of his rematch with Anthony Joshua (allegedly) and he performed as lethargically, coming home in eighth despite starting as the (ridiculously short) 10/3 favourite.
God knows what happens at Pat Kelly’s yard (or even where it is), but it seems like Percy has continued to enjoy himself since last year’s Festival – he has finished third, fifth and third in his races since the Gold Cup, travelling well in the Irish equivalent at the Dublin Racing Festival before fading like he’d spent the previous evening tucking in to a curry after watching Honeysuckle win the Champion Hurdle.
After his RSA victory, Presenting Percy looked like he could have been one of the most brilliant staying chasers of recent years. However, since then, the mystery around the horse has transformed from endearingly intriguing into frustrating inconsistency.  Percy could well turn up at Cheltenham and return to his previous best, but supporting him on this basis is essentially supporting him out of loyalty and hope. 
Back in his stable, Pat Kelly and Presenting Percy will get out their magic eight ball ahead of the pre-race parade and give it a shake to see how he should run - fingers crossed we get a definitive answer this time.
The Gold Cup is going to be a fantastic race. In truth, this was an exceptionally difficult piece to write, as the main contenders are all brilliant horses who have far more positives than negatives about them. However, I hope that this has highlighted some of the potential frailties in those at the head of the market and made your analysis easier. I am also fully aware that some may disagree with my negative approach to these horses and so I would love to discuss this further – the debate before a race is arguably the best thing about this sport besides the event itself!
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natashamriel · 6 years
$1,200,000 Belmont Derby Invitational (G1) – Belmont Park
Race 10 (Saturday, July 7, 2018: 6:50 p.m./ET; 3:50 p.m./PT)
Mile and a quarter on the Inner Turf (three-year-olds)
A phenomenal Belmont Park Saturday card gets even better with this year’s running of the $1.2 million Belmont Derby (G1), a 10-furlong inner-turf affair for three-year-olds. We’ve got a quality group assembled here, and even though all eyes will be on the one-two finishers of the Pennine Ridge (G3), this is a salty group with plenty of places to land if you’re willing to look beyond those two:
#1 CHANNEL CAT, the first Pletcher entrant, ran third to two of today’s fancied foes in the Pennine Ridge (G3), just kind of grinding along in that 9-furlong race. The breeding suggests the added ground will help, but will it be enough to turn the tables on several foes who have already beaten him? Maybe you can use for a minor award.
#2 ENCUMBERED did good work as a two-year-old last summer at Del Mar, but after an ill-fated run on the dirt in the FrontRunner (G1), the wheels fell off and he hit the shelf after running half a race in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (G1). His comeback race this year wasn’t horrible, where he showed speed before getting inhaled to finish fifth, but he was coming off a long layoff and could certainly build off that effort—though I’m not sure he’ll be as effective going today’s distance.
#3 ANALYZE IT showed that equines are not machines when he surprisingly lost the Pennine Ridge (G3) to Catholic Boy after looking invincible mid-stretch at twenty-cents on the dollar. He’s capable of turning the tables on that foe, but one has to ask if he’s going to be nearly as impressive as he was in his first three starts while going today’s 10-furlongs. No doubt, there is an abundance of talent here, and who am I to doubt Chad Brown if he thinks this one can move forward today going longer, but I also don’t want to take too short of a price on a horse who had no real excuse last time out when coughing up the lead late.
#4 HUNTING HORN (IRE) looked good beating Group 3 foes on June 21 at Ascot, winning at today’s distance, so it’s no surprise he ends up here off his solid European form. It’s also encouraging that his best race came on good-to-firm ground, so he might be able to take another step forward today on firm turf and adding Lasix. Ignore O’Brien and Moore at your own peril.
#5 MARAUD, the second Pletcher runner, is a pretty honest foe, but he’s already been handled by a few of these, so he’ll need to step up his game today. He got caught up in a speed duel last time, so you can be forgiving of that one-mile race, especially since all of his wins have come going 8.5-furlongs, where he’s logged in more-than-respectable come-home times. He’s not impossible with his very best, but he does look like a cut below some really nice ones in here.
#6 KINGSTAR (FR) looks to be sitting on a peak race today, making the second start of his sophomore campaign after doing decent work in his native France. That said, he could only manage second in a Group 3 last year, and his comeback race was an easy win against a weak group on soft turf. I typically upgrade these French horses because they are used to going a good gallop, like we usually do here in the States, but this seems like a tough spot for a horse with just three career starts.
#7 CATHOLIC BOY anointed himself as a legitimate threat in this division when he beat the much-ballyhooed Analyze It in the Pennine Ridge (G3). He won the battle and the war in that roughly run race, so it will be interesting to see if he regresses off that peak effort—especially since I’m sure that rival trainer Chad Brown will be getting to the very bottom of Analyze It today, making this guy’s chances to beat that foe yet again a very tall order.
#8 HAWKISH scored an eye-popping victory in the Pennsylvania Mile (G3), inhaling foes as if they were standing still. Granted, he was the favorite, so he was expected to win—but he did it the right way. In fact, all three of his mile victories have been very impressive-looking—but the one time he raced beyond a mile, he kind of flattened out. Will distance be an issue for him today? We often see these miler types lose their quick turn of foot when going longer, but Toner is one of the most underrated trainers in America, and I have to think he’ll have this one ready to show his best today even with the added ground.
#9 MY BOY JACK was 6/1 in the Kentucky Derby (G1), much to everyone’s—but not mine—amusement. He was a legitimate contender in that race, even if his odds were ridiculously short in that big field. The sloppy track coupled with his strong come-home times on dirt made him an appealing exotics key in that race, but after a brutal trip filled with traffic, the best he could manage was fifth. He’s been freshened up since that taxing effort, and the smart Desormeaux brothers have him back on turf today, the surface of his maiden-breaker (which happened to come in an overnight-stakes race). I’ve always liked him, and I think he has a good future ahead of him, but he’s a dead closer who will need everything to go his way today. Plus, he’s facing some serious turf animals.
#8 HAWKISH – Eye-popping (and clock-stopping final quarter-mile) run last time.
#3 ANALYZE IT – Lost a little luster last time but no denying his sheer talent.
#4 HUNTING HORN (IRE) – Proven at today’s distance for top international connections.
LONGSHOT VALUE PLAY-#6 KINGSTAR (FR) – Looks overmatched based on light French form, but he’s the X-factor in a very competitive race.
This race is all about the board, as we’ll see which of the top-three (#3 ANALYZE IT, #7 CATHOLIC BOY, and #8 HAWKISH) take the most money—but there’s little to gain by using all three in your exotics, so let’s take a stand with #8 HAWKISH as our key horse and use him with #3 ANALYZE IT in exactas, and then in trifectas with some of our longer-priced contenders.
 BANKROLL PLAY ($50 Budget)
$5 Trifecta: #8 HAWKISH with #3 ANALYZE IT with #4 HUNTING HORN (IRE), #6 KINGSTAR (FR), and #9 MY BOY JACK ($15).
$25 Exacta: #8 HAWKISH with #3 ANALYZE IT
$10 Exacta: #3 ANALYZE IT with #8 HAWKISH
    The post $1,200,000 Belmont Derby Invitational (G1) – Belmont Park appeared first on TVG - HORSE RACING INSIDER.
$1,200,000 Belmont Derby Invitational (G1) – Belmont Park published first on https://tvgnetwork.blogspot.com
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tvgnetwork · 6 years
$1,200,000 Belmont Derby Invitational (G1) – Belmont Park
Race 10 (Saturday, July 7, 2018: 6:50 p.m./ET; 3:50 p.m./PT)
Mile and a quarter on the Inner Turf (three-year-olds)
A phenomenal Belmont Park Saturday card gets even better with this year’s running of the $1.2 million Belmont Derby (G1), a 10-furlong inner-turf affair for three-year-olds. We’ve got a quality group assembled here, and even though all eyes will be on the one-two finishers of the Pennine Ridge (G3), this is a salty group with plenty of places to land if you’re willing to look beyond those two:
#1 CHANNEL CAT, the first Pletcher entrant, ran third to two of today’s fancied foes in the Pennine Ridge (G3), just kind of grinding along in that 9-furlong race. The breeding suggests the added ground will help, but will it be enough to turn the tables on several foes who have already beaten him? Maybe you can use for a minor award.
#2 ENCUMBERED did good work as a two-year-old last summer at Del Mar, but after an ill-fated run on the dirt in the FrontRunner (G1), the wheels fell off and he hit the shelf after running half a race in the Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (G1). His comeback race this year wasn’t horrible, where he showed speed before getting inhaled to finish fifth, but he was coming off a long layoff and could certainly build off that effort—though I’m not sure he’ll be as effective going today’s distance.
#3 ANALYZE IT showed that equines are not machines when he surprisingly lost the Pennine Ridge (G3) to Catholic Boy after looking invincible mid-stretch at twenty-cents on the dollar. He’s capable of turning the tables on that foe, but one has to ask if he’s going to be nearly as impressive as he was in his first three starts while going today’s 10-furlongs. No doubt, there is an abundance of talent here, and who am I to doubt Chad Brown if he thinks this one can move forward today going longer, but I also don’t want to take too short of a price on a horse who had no real excuse last time out when coughing up the lead late.
#4 HUNTING HORN (IRE) looked good beating Group 3 foes on June 21 at Ascot, winning at today’s distance, so it’s no surprise he ends up here off his solid European form. It’s also encouraging that his best race came on good-to-firm ground, so he might be able to take another step forward today on firm turf and adding Lasix. Ignore O’Brien and Moore at your own peril.
#5 MARAUD, the second Pletcher runner, is a pretty honest foe, but he’s already been handled by a few of these, so he’ll need to step up his game today. He got caught up in a speed duel last time, so you can be forgiving of that one-mile race, especially since all of his wins have come going 8.5-furlongs, where he’s logged in more-than-respectable come-home times. He’s not impossible with his very best, but he does look like a cut below some really nice ones in here.
#6 KINGSTAR (FR) looks to be sitting on a peak race today, making the second start of his sophomore campaign after doing decent work in his native France. That said, he could only manage second in a Group 3 last year, and his comeback race was an easy win against a weak group on soft turf. I typically upgrade these French horses because they are used to going a good gallop, like we usually do here in the States, but this seems like a tough spot for a horse with just three career starts.
#7 CATHOLIC BOY anointed himself as a legitimate threat in this division when he beat the much-ballyhooed Analyze It in the Pennine Ridge (G3). He won the battle and the war in that roughly run race, so it will be interesting to see if he regresses off that peak effort—especially since I’m sure that rival trainer Chad Brown will be getting to the very bottom of Analyze It today, making this guy’s chances to beat that foe yet again a very tall order.
#8 HAWKISH scored an eye-popping victory in the Pennsylvania Mile (G3), inhaling foes as if they were standing still. Granted, he was the favorite, so he was expected to win—but he did it the right way. In fact, all three of his mile victories have been very impressive-looking—but the one time he raced beyond a mile, he kind of flattened out. Will distance be an issue for him today? We often see these miler types lose their quick turn of foot when going longer, but Toner is one of the most underrated trainers in America, and I have to think he’ll have this one ready to show his best today even with the added ground.
#9 MY BOY JACK was 6/1 in the Kentucky Derby (G1), much to everyone’s—but not mine—amusement. He was a legitimate contender in that race, even if his odds were ridiculously short in that big field. The sloppy track coupled with his strong come-home times on dirt made him an appealing exotics key in that race, but after a brutal trip filled with traffic, the best he could manage was fifth. He’s been freshened up since that taxing effort, and the smart Desormeaux brothers have him back on turf today, the surface of his maiden-breaker (which happened to come in an overnight-stakes race). I’ve always liked him, and I think he has a good future ahead of him, but he’s a dead closer who will need everything to go his way today. Plus, he’s facing some serious turf animals.
#8 HAWKISH – Eye-popping (and clock-stopping final quarter-mile) run last time.
#3 ANALYZE IT – Lost a little luster last time but no denying his sheer talent.
#4 HUNTING HORN (IRE) – Proven at today’s distance for top international connections.
LONGSHOT VALUE PLAY-#6 KINGSTAR (FR) – Looks overmatched based on light French form, but he’s the X-factor in a very competitive race.
This race is all about the board, as we’ll see which of the top-three (#3 ANALYZE IT, #7 CATHOLIC BOY, and #8 HAWKISH) take the most money—but there’s little to gain by using all three in your exotics, so let’s take a stand with #8 HAWKISH as our key horse and use him with #3 ANALYZE IT in exactas, and then in trifectas with some of our longer-priced contenders.
 BANKROLL PLAY ($50 Budget)
$5 Trifecta: #8 HAWKISH with #3 ANALYZE IT with #4 HUNTING HORN (IRE), #6 KINGSTAR (FR), and #9 MY BOY JACK ($15).
$25 Exacta: #8 HAWKISH with #3 ANALYZE IT
$10 Exacta: #3 ANALYZE IT with #8 HAWKISH
        The post $1,200,000 Belmont Derby Invitational (G1) – Belmont Park appeared first on TVG - HORSE RACING INSIDER.
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Going To Hamrong Mountain Range.
When you create the switch by means of middle age in to maturity, the situation has a whole lot of correlations to the method this shows up. If you have an interest in bike touring, a mountain bike along with narrower steering wheels a better choice compared to a street bike. If you prefer to stay in community and are in need of a mountain bicycle, New Paltz' own Bicycle Rack ought to suffice your requirements. The initial step in making your Mountain range Cur suitable for respectful provider would be actually to potty train him. Several knights had stemmed from afar to try their good fortune, yet it was in vain they tried to climb up the hill. And also only a friendly tip, mountaineering is actually a severe and also typically hazardous sport. G-Form PRO Knee-Shin Guard pads ($150): G-Form is actually distinct among the ever-expanding collection of mountain bike pads, which are actually growing to equal need. Iron Hill monitoring does see some neighboring complementary acquisitions as achievable. I kept placing my nigh side shoe down for balance - the one closest the hill high cliff. The Waves, located on the ravine Coyote Buttes between Utah as well as Arizona in the USA, is actually considered as the best spectacular surges on rough hill.
I would now prefer to transform the meeting over to your bunch David Whittle, Interim Head Of State and CEO of Hill Province Diamonds. His academic background is in geography with an importance on mountain property procedures. Downhill as well as freeride hill cyclists typically use goggles much like motocross or even snowboard glasses together with their complete face headgears. Rocky Hills, informally referred to as Mountain ranges, are actually mountain range on North America. Also when snowboarding along with a mountain overview, that is actually very significant to become knowledgeable about your environments and the possible risks around you. The next part of the tour adheres to Route 100 as that neighbors the Veggie Hill National Forest. Around 12PM, we made a decision to get back and also head to the Simbahang Bato located in some portion of the hill. This set will certainly give you exactly the greatest locations for combining geocaching with the research from background, geography, as well as just simply appreciating the liberty from the path on usmiechnietanatalia.info a mtb. Today Iron Hill is a market innovator in storage space and also information monitoring services, serving 155,000 clients in 36 nations on five continents. Cleared up only off the speed in the onset, Fallon asked Mountain range High to speed up along with 2 furlongs to operate and also rapidly placed sunlight in between themself as well as his rivals. Although street bike purchases have actually peaked recently, mtb continue to be the absolute most popular selection. In 2012, PepsiCo asked to possess the case put away because, they stated, there was actually no chance anyone can possess discovered a rodent because certain can from Hill Dew. An attractive region, among its own prominent places for guests and natives is actually Bear Mountain Condition Park. He is actually a happy member of the Rocky Hill Bicycles group, as well as is recognized to become one of the first individuals to be sponsored in the free-riding group. At that point possess all of them use their hands (which we'll claim are the flood waters) push under the 2 ends from the play-dough to drive this up in between to make up a mountain. This saves a ton of loan, however be actually planned for problems as well as added prices as soon as you come to the hill if that is storming as you'll be actually compelled to analyze a 4wd to get to the park entrances.
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New Children’s Hospital Home Hello, my friends. This post is extra special because in a world where so many things are happening, I feel it’s important for us to spread some kindness and help each other. That’s why I chose to share this beautiful home that was built for an important cause. This is such a special home because it’s for charity. The home valued at $600,000 will be raffled off to one lucky person holding the winning ticket. All proceeds benefit the Children’s Hospital NICU. Please take a minute to read more about it: Ramage Company is the proud builder of the Norton Children’s Raffle Home for the 5th year in a row. This home will be raffled off on November 18th to one lucky winner. 100% of proceeds will benefit the Neonatal Unit (NICU) at the hospital. Tickets can be purchased for $100. Limited amount of tickets will be sold through this website. The Piedmont plan features Italianate architecture with old world design and modern amenities. The first-floor highlights include 12’ ceilings, 3-piece entablature and arched doorways calling attention to the sweeping floor plan and detailed finished carpentry. Outdoor rooms are a Piedmont focal point with a spacious front porch, covered side terrace off the dining room and open patio for dining al fresco. 7’ tall windows flood the entire home with sunlight accentuating refinement within the mouldings and interior design. Paneled walls and ceilings adorn the entry level owner’s suite accessed off the rear gallery. The second-floor features two bedrooms with a shared bath and a loft complete with kitchenette. I hope you guys enjoy this tour! New Children’s Hospital Home White Brick Exterior Paint Color: “Benjamin Moore OC-45 Swiss Coffee” – Benjamin Moore OC-45 Swiss Coffee is a great white, perfect to paint exterior brick because it’s not too stark. Front Door Paint Color What a classic entry! The black front door paint color Benjamin Moore 2122-20 Steep Cliff Gray. Lighting: Minka – Hanging Lantern – Sconces. Foyer I love the contrast between the white walls and the black window and door. Very crisp! Walls are “Benjamin Moore OC-57 White Heron”. Interior Window Mullions Paint Color: PPG 1012-7 Black Forest. Console is Bernhardt. The globe pendant is Kichler. Living Room The fireplace features gorgeous molding and brick painted in a black paint color – PPG 1012-7 Black Forest. Lighting: Regina Andrew Design. Art above Mantel: “Ore” by Jess Engle. Coffee Table The mirrored coffee table is Bernhardt Estelle Cocktail Table. Leather chairs are Bernhardt Abbey Chair. Drinking Table: Gabby Home. Sofa Pillows: Loloi Rugs Black/Multi, Nikki Chu Cosmic Pillows. Chair Pillow: Loloi Rugs Cotton Velvet Lumbar. Rug Rug is Loloi Rugs 12’x15′. Kitchen The sleek feel of black and white elements are carried to the kitchen. Cabinets paint color is Benjamin Moore White Heron. Backsplash This chic kitchen features floor-to-ceiling subway tile. Tile is American Olean – similar can be found here. Open Layout The kitchen opens to the living room. The island is stained poplar, flush inset. Kitchen Island Dimension 8’-8” wide, 3’-2” deep. End Tables: Bernhardt. Table Lamps: Bassett Mirror. Cabinetry The perimeter cabinets are painted, flush inset. Kitchen faucet is Delta. Island Pendants & Hardware The black pendants are Hudson Valley. Countertop is Arabescato Danby Honed. Hardware is Schlage. Brass Shelves Brass shelves flank the kitchen hood. I love this clean look. Flooring Herringbone Hardwood Floor Details: Somerset Specialty Collection, Hickory Spice 4″ wide – Solid 3/4″ thick PP41HSPB – similar can be found here. Trim paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-57 White Heron. Counterstools are Arteriors. Bar cart can be found here. Dining Room There’s plenty of personally here. This entire dining room feels chic and elegant without being intimating. Wallpaper is Thibaut. Furniture & Lighting Aren’t the details beautiful in this dining room? All interior window mullions are painted in PPG Black Forest. Lighting is Kalco Lighting. Dining Table: Grayson Home – Sutton House Dining Table. Dining Chairs: Caracole. Rug: Surya 8 x 10 Hall A long hall leads you to the master bedroom. Master Bedroom The master bedroom is so beautiful that it would be hard to leave it every morning. I am loving the hues and the paneled walls. Rug: Candice Olson 9 x 13. Dresser (on the left) is Caracole. Nightstands with Lucite Legs: Caracole. Lighting Lighting is Hudson Valley. This gorgeous cane bed is Caracole (1 left!). Table Lamps: Arteriors. Mirror: Caracole. Bedroom Sitting Area How chic is this little corner? Chair is by Caracole. Golden side table is also by Caracole. Paint Color Paint color is Mostly Metal by PPG in eggshell finish. Master Bathroom The master bathroom features floor and shower marble tile and a separate water closet. Tile is Allora Polished Porcelain Field Tile from Artistic Tile. Vanity Vanity Details: Stained maple vanity with espresso stain. Cabinetry: Flush inset drawers. Countertop is Carrara Marble Polished. Bathroom faucet is Delta. Second Floor The second-floor features two bedrooms with a shared bath and a loft with kitchenette. This comfy armless sofa is by Four Hands. Brass Side Table: Regina Andrew. Kitchenette The upstairs landing area features a useful kitchenette. Faucet is Delta. Floor Lamp: Regina Andrew. Rug: Loloi Rugs. Bunk Bed This shared bedroom features a built-in bed and a loft bunk bed with plenty of built-ins! Built-ins I really love the usage of space here. This space was brilliantly designed! Lighting is Crystorama. Art: “Peak” by Jess Engle. Rug: Loloi Rugs. Desk Desk chair is Caracole Classic Facet-nating Accent Chair – similar can be found here. The stainless steel desk is by Bernhardt. Table Lamp: Basset. Neutral Gender Nursery This is how you design a beautiful neutral gender nursery. Isn’t it adorable? Crib: Stone & Leigh. Ceiling Lighting is Kalco. Chevron Dresser The herringbone drawer cabinet is Bernhardt. Glider: Rowe Furniture. Side Table (by chair): Gabby Home. Floor Lamp: Uttermost. Kids Bathroom The kids bathroom features black and white floor tile. Floor Details: The floor tile is a black, 7/8” x 1” hexagon with a white 7/8” x 1” hexagon border. Both tiles are from American Universal Corp. The black tile is AUCSX-15 Shiny finis. The white tile is AUCSX12 Shiny finish. Vanity Details: Stained cherry vanity. Stain is espresso – flush inset drawers. Bathroom faucet is Delta. Lighting is Kalco. Shower Niche Shower bath feature a niche with subway tile and glass shelves. Tile: American Clean Profiles Gloss 3×6 Ice White. Tickets can be purchased through this website. Builder – Ramage Company Interior Design – Leslie Cotter Designs Furniture Store – Market on National Photographer – Tim Furlong, Jr. Posts of the Week @maisondecinq: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Tuesday: New & Improved Kitchen Design Ideas. Wednesday: Custom Single-story Home. New Southern Living Showcase Home. New Construction Modern Farmhouse Design Ideas. Interior Design Ideas: See the Latest Interior Design Ideas. More Interior Design Ideas: New Interior Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas I am so happy to be sharing this beautiful home with you today. It’s truly for a good cause. !❤️ There’s so much I want to do today. I spent the weekend working and I didn’t have much time to do anything around the house. Today I am planning on cleaning the house and cook for my family – just take care of the things I love. Have a Blessed day, my friends and come back tomorrow! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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gosupplychain2016 · 7 years
Blockchain – Where to from Here for Supply Chain?
As we come to the end of our series on Blockchain, we will be exploring where we go from here utilising blockchain in the supply chain. We will finish the article with an infographic around blockchain in the supply chain.
Click here to scroll down to the infographic
If you missed the other parts of this series, you can find part 1 introducing the article here, titled blockchain – can it work with supply chain. part 2 covers supply chain innovations using blockchain. On with the article:
According to Gartner, blockchain technology is at the Peak of Inflated Expectations on their annual Hype Cycle of 2017, which means that it is lined up for a fall into the Trough of Disillusionment. Ray Valdes, vice president and Gartner Fellow says that “many enterprises are still jumping on board the blockchain bandwagon and for most, disappointment will be the next phase.”
It seems things will get worse before they get better.
Gartner Hype Cycle RFID tagging seems to have survived the wave of inflated expectations and disillusionment, now it is regarded as an innovation that is on the rise in the Scope of Enlightenment. Many RFID applications are driving better inventory accuracy for major retailers and delivering real value from their investment. Unlike RFID, blockchain does not require devices, reading hardware or any physical process to affix tags so the investment required is less. It’s early days though, Gartner says that blockchain applications are likely to take 5 – 10 years to reach maturity. By 2022, they say, an innovative business built on a blockchain will be worth $10 billion.
Blockchain has the potential to secure transactions in the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) using wireless networks. Accenture research has found that 84 percent of executives believe their organisations have the ability to create new, service-based income streams from the IoT. However, IoT is also on the Hype Cycle, not far from blockchain.
There are some commentators that have reservations about the usefulness of blockchain, suggesting that some solutions currently being developed using this new technology could be done using existing, tested and proven systems such as relational databases hosted in a cloud.
A reminder of the benefits of blockchain for supply chain:
Chain of custody for products can be verified and tracked for assurance.
Transactions are verified by participants by consensus eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries such as banks.
Time-consuming and manual procure-to-pay and settlement processes are reduced thereby making cost savings in human resources.
Trust is embedded in the system through a transparent ledger.
Transactions are immutable, secure and auditable.
So what are the risks?
Blockchain standards do not yet exist and there is no regulatory framework currently in existence, either globally or locally, to protect users as we are used to in currency dealings.
Implementing a blockchain solution may require expensive amendments and upgrades to existing systems which is both costly and time-consuming.
Who will pay for what in the blockchain transaction processes? The amount of data being processed may require additional computer power and bandwidth.
The shift in thinking will require a focus on change management. A decentralised network with no-central-control is a very different way of working for people.
Even with encryption, cyber-attacks are a concern. Additional cyber security may incur costs.
Gartner – blockchain supply chain risks
A real life example
Samsung’s recent major recall of new faulty cellphone handsets could have been much less costly, both in dollars and in reputation, if the company had a more transparent and an effective supply chain. If the company had a blockchain-enabled supply chain they could have quickly traced the defective components to the specific errant supplier and reduced their financial losses considerably. They could have provided a faster response to the public and possibly avoided some of the negative publicity. It is estimated that Samsung lost US$3 billion as a result of this fiasco.
Opportunity in emerging markets
It is estimated that 25 percent of the global population does not participate in the internet economy because they have no access to bank accounts and/or credit cards because they cannot prove their identities. Major successes have already been achieved in mobile money transactions in Africa to overcome this problem, blockchain is the next step. The opportunity in emerging economies is to “leapfrog” conventional banking systems and adopt new innovative solutions.
We need to understand more
Most blockchain applications are in the development stage and still evolving although major projects are underway in global banking. Blockchain platforms available now may not align with other blockchain platforms from a different vendor, either now or later. The most effective technology platform may not have even been created yet.
Blockchain is a much wider and more powerful concept than other recent innovations on Gartner’s Hype Cycle, such as Advanced Cognitive Systems, Predictive Analytics, Robotics, 3-D Printing, or even the Internet of Things but it is still unproven in terms of delivering long-term value. What is encouraging is that these other technologies may become more easily applicable and secure because of blockchain.
Speaking at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo on the Gold Coast, David Furlonger, research vice president and Gartner Fellow, said the implications of blockchain for our society are beyond our imagination. “This is not about the technology, it’s about trust,” said Mr Furlonger. “We now have a digital capability to represent any form of value that is privately issued – you can become your own banker, insurance agent or foreign exchange teller.” Let’s watch vendors like IBM who are investing in establishing a market for this technology and can afford to find and foster pioneering users like Walmart and Maersk. We need to listen and be open to the ongoing debate to learn what we can from the early adopters.
Thanks from our supply chain consultancy team for reading this article. You can find the infographic just below:
The Infographic
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The post Blockchain – Where to from Here for Supply Chain? appeared first on Go Supply Chain.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
"MY dear sister and very good Lady," said King Edmund, "you must now show your courage. For I tell you plainly we are in no small danger." "What is it, Edmund asked the Queen. "It is this," said Edmund. "I do not think we shall find it easy to leave Tashbaan. While the Prince had hope that you would take him, we were honoured guests. But by the Lion's Mane, I think that as soon as he has your flat denial we shall be no better than prisoners." One of the Dwarfs gave a low whistle. "I warned your Majesties, I warned you," said Sallowpad the Raven. "Easily in but not easily out, as the lobster said in the lobster pot!" "I have been with the Prince this morning," continued Edmund. "He is little used (more's the pity) to having his will crossed. And he is very chafed at your long delays and doubtful answers. This morning he pressed very hard to know your mind. I put it aside-meaning at the same time to diminish his hopes - with some light common jests about women's fancies, and hinted that his suit was likely to be cold. He grew angry and dangerous. There was a sort of threatening, though still veiled under a show of courtesy, in every word he spoke." "Yes," said Tumnus. "And when I supped with the Grand Vizier last night, it was the same. He asked me how I like Tashbaan. And I (for I could not tell him I hated every stone of it and I would not lie) told him that now, when high summer was coming on, my heart turned to the cool woods and dewy slopes of Narnia. He gave a smile that meant no good and said, 'There is nothing to hinder you from dancing there again, little goatfoot; always provided you leave us in exchange a bride for our prince.'" "Do you mean he would make me his wife by force?" exclaimed Susan. "That's my fear, Susan," said Edmund: "Wife: or slave which is worse." "But how can he? Does the Tisroc think our brother the High King would suffer such an outrage?" "Sire," said Peridan to the King. "They would not be so mad. Do they think there are no swords and spears in Narnia?" "Alas," said Edmund. "My guess is that the Tisroc has very small fear of Narnia. We are a little land. And little lands on the borders of a great empire were always hateful to the lords of the great empire. He longs to blot them out, gobble them up. When first he suffered the Prince to come to Cair Paravel as your lover, sister, it may be that he was only seeking an occasion against us. Most likely he hopes to make one mouthful of Narnia and Archenland both." "Let him try," said the second Dwarf. "At sea we are as big as he is. And if he assaults us by land, he has the desert to cross." "True, friend," said Edmund. "But is the desert a sure defence? What does Sallowpad say?" "I know that desert well," said the Raven. "For I have flown above it far and wide in my younger days," (you may be sure that Shasta pricked up his ears at this point). "And this is certain; that if the Tisroc goes by the great oasis he can never lead a great army across it into Archenland. For though they could reach the oasis by the end of their first day's march, yet the springs there would be too little for the thirst of all those soldiers and their beasts. But there is another way." Shasta listened more attentively still. "He that would find that way," said the Raven, "must start from the Tombs of the Ancient Kings and ride northwest so that the double peak of Mount Pire is always straight ahead of him. And so, in a day's riding or a little more, he shall come to the head of a stony valley, which is so narrow that a man might be within a furlong of it a thousand times and never know that it was there. And looking down this valley he will see neither grass nor water nor anything else good. But if he rides on down it he will come to a river and can ride by the water all the way into Archenland." "And do the Calormenes know of this Western way?" asked the Queen. "Friends, friends," said Edmund, "what is the use of all this discourse? We are not asking whether Narnia or Calormen would win if war arose between them. We are asking how to save the honour of the Queen and our own lives out of this devilish city. For though my brother, Peter the High King, defeated the Tisroc a dozen times over, yet long before that day our throats would be cut and the Queen's grace would be the wife, or more likely, the slave, of this prince." "We have our weapons, King," said the first Dwarf. "And this is a reasonably defensible house." "As to that," said the King, "I do not doubt that every one of us would sell our lives dearly in the gate and they would not come at the Queen but over our dead bodies. Yet we should be merely rats fighting in a trap when all's said." "Very true," croaked the Raven. "These last stands in a house make good stories, but nothing ever came of them. After their first few repulses the enemy always set the house on fire." "I am the cause of all this," said Susan, bursting into tears. "Oh, if only I had never left Cair Paravel. Our last happy day was before those ambassadors came from Calormen. The Moles were planting an orchard for us . . . oh . . . oh." And she buried her face in her hands and sobbed. "Courage, Su, courage," said Edmund. "Remember-but what is the matter with you, Master Tumnus?" For the Faun was holding both his horns with his hands as if he were trying to keep his head on by them and writhing to and fro as if he had a pain in his inside. "Don't speak to me, don't speak to me," said Tumnus. "I'm thinking. I'm thinking so that I can hardly breathe. Wait, wait, do wait." There was a moment's puzzled silence and then the Faun looked up, drew a long breath, mopped its forehead and said: "The only difficulty is how to get down to our ship-with some stores, too-without being seen and stopped." "Yes," said a Dwarf dryly. "Just as the beggar's only difficulty about riding is that he has no horse." "Wait, wait," said Mr Tumnus impatiently. "All we need is some pretext for going down to our ship today and taking stuff on board." "Yes," said King Edmund doubtfully. "Well, then," said the Faun, "how would it be if your majesties bade the Prince to a great banquet to be held on board our own galleon, the Spendour Hyaline, tomorrow night? And let the message be worded as graciously as the Queen can contrive without pledging her honour: so as to give the Prince a hope that she is weakening." "This is very good counsel, Sire," croaked the Raven. "And then," continued Tumnus excitedly, "everyone will expect us to be going down to the ship all day, making preparations for our guests. And let some of us go to the bazaars and spend every minim we have at the fruiterers and the sweetmeat sellers and the wine merchants, just as we would if we were really giving a feast. And let us order magicians and jugglers and dancing girls and flute players, all to be on board tomorrow night." "I see, I see," said King Edmund, rubbing his hands. "And then," said Tumnus, "we'll all be on board tonight. And as soon as it is quite dark-" "Up sails and out oars-!" said the King. "And so to sea," cried Tumnus, leaping up and beginning to dance. "And our nose Northward," said the first Dwarf. "Running for home! Hurrah for Narnia and the North!" said the other. "And the Prince waking next morning and finding his birds flown!" said Peridan, clapping his hands. "Oh Master Tumnus, dear Master Tumnus," said the Queen, catching his hands and swinging with him as he danced. "You have saved us all." "The Prince will chase us," said another lord, whose name Shasta had not heard. "That's the least of my fears," said Edmund. "I have seen all the shipping in the river and there's no tall ship of war nor swift galley there. I wish he may chase us! For the Splendour Hyaline could sink anything he has to send after her - if we were overtaken at all." "Sire," said the Raven. "You shall hear no better plot than the Faun's though we sat in council for seven days. And now, as we birds say, nests before eggs. Which is as much as to say, let us all take our food and then at once be about our business." Everyone arose at this and the doors were opened and the lords and the creatures stood aside for the King and Queen to go out first. Shasta wondered what he ought to do, but Mr Tumnus said, "Lie there, your Highness, and I will bring you up a little feast to yourself in a few moments. There is no need for you to move until we are all ready to embark." Shasta laid his head down again on the pillows and soon he was alone in the room. "This is perfectly dreadful," thought Shasta. It never came into his head to tell these Narnians the whole truth and ask for their help. Having been brought up by a hard, closefisted man like Arsheesh, he had a fixed habit of never telling grown-ups anything if he could help it: he thought they would always spoil or stop whatever you were trying to do. And he thought that even if the Narnian King might be friendly to the two horses, because they were Talking Beasts of Narnia, he would hate Aravis, because she was a Calormene, and either sell her for a slave or send her back to her father. As for himself, "I simply dn't tell them I'm not Prince Corin now," thought Shasta. "I've heard all their plans. If they knew I wasn't one of themselves, they'd never let me out of this house alive. They'd be afraid I'd betray them to the Tisroc. They'd kill me. And if the real Corin turns up, it'll all come out, and they will!" He had, you see, no idea of how noble and free-born people behave. "What am I to do? What am I to do?" he kept saying to himself. "What-hullo, here comes that goaty little creature again." The Faun trotted in, half dancing, with a tray in its hands which was nearly as large as itself. This he set on an inlaid table beside Shasta's sofa, and sat down himself on the carpeted floor with his goaty legs crossed. "Now, princeling," he said. "Make a good dinner. It will be your last meal in Tashbaan." It was a fine meal after the Calormene fashion. I don't know whether you would have liked it or not, but Shasta did. There were lobsters, and salad, and snipe stuffed with almonds and truffles, and a complicated dish made of chickenlivers and rice and raisins and nuts, and there were cool melons and gooseberry fools and mulberry fools, and every kind of nice thing that can be made with ice. There was also a little flagon of the sort of wine that is called "white" though it is really yellow. While Shasta was eating, the good little Faun, who thought he was still dazed with sunstroke, kept talking to him about the fine times he would have when they all got home; about his good old father King Lune of Archenland and the little castle where he lived on the southern slopes of the pass. "And don't forget," said Mr Tumnus, "that you are promised your first suit of armour and your first war horse on your next birthday. And then your Highness will begin to learn how to tilt and joust. And in a few years, if all goes well, King Peter has promised your royal father that he himself will make you Knight at Cair Paravel. And in the meantime there will be plenty of comings and goings between Narnia and Archenland across the neck of the mountains. And of course you remember you have promised to come for a whole week to stay with me for the Summer Festival, and there'll be bonfires and all-night dances of Fauns and Dryads in the heart of the woods and, who knows?-we might see Aslan himself!" When the meal was over the Faun told Shasta to stay quietly where he was. "And it wouldn't do you any harm to have a little sleep," he added. "I'll call you in plenty of time to get on board. And then, Home. Narnia and the North!" Shasta had so enjoyed his dinner and all the things Tumnus had been telling him that when he was left alone his thoughts took a different turn. He only hoped now that the real Prince Corin would not turn up until it was too late and that he would be taken away to Narnia by ship. I am afraid he did not think at all of what might happen to the real Corin when he was left behind in Tashbaan. He was a little worried about Aravis and Bree waiting for him at the Tombs. But then he said to himself, "Well, how can I help it?" and, "Anyway, that Aravis thinks she's too good to go about with me, so she can jolly well go alone," and at the same time he couldn't help feeling that it would be much nicer going to Narnia by sea than toiling across the desert. When he had thought all this he did what I expect you would have done if you had been up very early and had a long walk and a great deal of excitement and then a very good meal, and were lying on a sofa in a cool room with no noise in it except when a bee came buzzing in through the wide open windows. He fell asleep. What woke him was a loud crash. He jumped up off the sofa, staring. He saw at once from the mere look of the room - the lights and shadows all looked different - that he must have slept for several hours. He saw also what had made the crash: a costly porcelain vase which had been standing on the window-sill lay on - the floor broken into about thirty pieces. But he hardly noticed all these things. What he did notice was two hands gripping the window-sill from outside. They gripped harder and harder (getting white at the knuckles) and then up came a head and a pair of shoulders. A moment later there was a boy of Shasta's own age sitting astride the sill with one leg hanging down inside the room. Shasta had never seen his own face in a looking-glass. Even if he had, he might not have realized that the other boy was (at ordinary times) almost exactly like himself. At the moment this boy was not particularly like anyone for he had the finest black eye you ever saw, and a tooth missing, and his clothes (which must have been splendid ones when he put them on) were torn and dirty, and there was both blood and mud on his face. "Who are you?" said the boy in a whisper. "Are you Prince Corin?" said Shasta. "Yes, of course," said the other. "But who are you?" "I'm nobody, nobody in particular, I mean," said Shasta. "King Edmund caught me in the street and mistook me for you. I suppose we must look like one another. Can I get out the way you've got in?" "Yes, if you're any good at climbing," said Corin. "But why are you in such a hurry? I say: we ought to be able to get some fun out of this being mistaken for one another." "No, no," said Shasta. "We must change places at once. It'll be simply frightful if Mr Tumnus comes back and finds us both here. I've had to pretend to be you. And you're starting tonight - secretly. And where were you all this time?" "A boy in the street made a beastly joke about Queen Susan," said Prince Corin, "so I knocked him down. He ran howling into a house and his big brother came out. So I knocked the big brother down. Then they all followed me until we ran into three old men with spears who are called the Watch. So I fought the Watch and they knocked me down. It was getting dark by now. Then the Watch took me along to lock me up somewhere. So I asked them if they'd like a stoup of wine and they said they didn't mind if they did. Then I took them to a wine shop and got them some and they all sat down and drank till they feel asleep. I thought it was time for me to be off so I came out quietly and then I found the first boy - the one who had started all the trouble - still hanging about. So I knocked him down again. After that I climbed up a pipe on to the roof of a house and lay quiet till it began to get light this morning. Ever since that I've been finding my way back. I say, is there anything to drink?" "No, I drank it," said Shasta. "And now, show me how you got in. There's not a minute to lose. You'd better lie down on the sofa and pretend-but I forgot. It'll be no good with all those bruises and black eye. You'll just have to tell them the truth, once I'm safely away." "What else did you think I'd be telling them?" asked the Prince with a rather angry look. "And who are you?" "There's no time," said Shasta in a frantic whisper. "I'm a Narnian, I believe; something Northern anyway. But I've been brought up all my life in Calormen. And I'm escaping: across the desert; with a talking Horse called Bree. And now, quick! How do I get away?" "Look," said Corin. "Drop from this window on to the roof of the verandah. But you must do it lightly, on your toes, or someone will hear you. Then along to your left and you can get up to the top of that wall if you're any good at all as a climber. Then along the wall to the corner. Drop onto the rubbish heap you will find outside, and there you are." "Thanks," said Shasta, who was already sitting on the sill. The two boys were looking into each other's faces and suddenly found that they were friends. "Good-bye," said Corin. "And good luck. I do hope you get safe away." "Good-bye," said Shasta. "I say, you have been having some adventures." "Nothing to yours," said the Prince. "Now drop; lightlyI say," he added as Shasta dropped. "I hope we meet in Archenland. Go to my father King Lune and tell him you're a friend of mine. Look out! I hear someone coming."
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