#because she obviously has a crush on Skywarp
krattgirl124 · 1 year
We need a moment in Earthspark season 2 where Hashtag just hangs out with Starscream and the other seekers.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I adore the idea of ES Overlord flirting very obviously with Tarn to Tarn's annoyance. Overlord's just confidentiality assuring him the squishies couldn't possibly understand. And all the human's going "um..." except for Dot who is telling the children to cover their ears. Someone asking Megatron to talk to the "murder boyfriends" about the innuendo and out right pornographic talk on the clock. Starscream overhearing this and cackeling like a lunatic.
Tarn's giving him the death glare and giving him the fancied up Tarn equivalent of "not now honey" and Overlord has just the biggest smile at the fact of him fucking with Tarn and everyone else.
Now, Dot knows™️ and she's so tired of it immediately. Anyone who has worked with Cybertronians has had all the time to learn too goddamn much, and Overlord is not helping by being so blaringly obvious about things. He's about as subtle as a hammer to the face.
Tarn, at least, has some sense of professionalism in this in my mind. He's trying to reign this massive bastard in and desperately failing because it is blindingly obvious who's got who wrapped around their little finger.
I just love the idea that some of this is Overlord taunting Megatron because he knows/assumes Tarn has/had a crush on Megs, and it's his way of saying "He chose me :3" Megatron is neither into Tarn nor amused by this. He will definitely try to talk to them about this and it'll be hilarious.
Starscream of course finds this fucking hilarious, he's glad he's separate from these idiots now and I like to think Skywarp's recording this all for shits and giggles and because Starscream suggested it.
Soundwave's over here having flashbacks because this is exactly the type of shit that used to occur in meetings back during the war
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 3: This One’s All About Skywarp. Honest!
It’s a beautiful day during Cybertron’s apocalypse, and Starscream is talking to a corpse to work through his emotions. He goes through a very brief rundown of what happened last issue, I guess because Swerve’s too busy being in space to do the Story So Far, and caps it off with an apology to Metalhawk over killing him. Rattrap watches this go down in the background, because this is Skywarp’s toy tie-in issue.
After this very incriminating conversation, Starscream goes out to see to the massive crowd standing outside, including Scoops’ little Targetmaster buddies.
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I don’t care for that man’s beard.
Starscream promises to go talk to the Titan, though he really doesn’t want to, and Rattrap catches up to him to touch base. The two of them go to see Megatron, who’s still trapped in the forcefield hamster ball Wheeljack stuffed inside his chest back in RID. Starscream teases Rattrap about trying to be conniving, comparing it to his own endeavors as the Decepticon SIC, and offers a bit of advice.
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Implying that Starscream hasn’t been flying by the seat of his proverbial pants since he became a main character in Phase Two.
Starscream, having met his daily quota of rubbing his success in Megatron’s face, goes off to see what he can do about this Titan situation.
Over at the Titan itself, the Autobots and Decepticons are duking it out, with the man of the hour gracing us with his presence.
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Outstanding, you funky little robot.
Arcee tries a little banter, but it falls flat, and instead she just decides to sword fight a cat. Bumblebee asks Soundwave just what the hell he thinks he’s doing, and Soundwave gives a complete non-answer in the form of Decepticon propaganda, because anything else would make things too easy. This is where Starscream shows up and has his little chat with the Titan.
Back over in prison, Rattrap’s getting the skinny on the dark prophecy Scoop introduced into the narrative last issue. Rattrap wants to know just how this information got passed around so well outside of jail, and Scoop suggests that there are people who perhaps have a vetted interest in what may or may not be happening with Starscream. Then Rattrap makes it weird by A) not being terribly concerned about the potential end of the world and B) being impressed by the idea that Starscream somehow planned said end of the world.
This Skywarp issue is really good.
Over with the Lost Light, Ultra Magnus has taken command, and the lads are about to make the quantum jump to chase after Jhiaxus. But wait! Something’s off! The ship’s moving in a way that it shouldn’t be! Very odd, that. Brainstorm calls with answers, asking Magnus to grab Getaway, for some friggin’ reason, and head down to the shuttle bay.
Getaway asks Magnus how it feels to be big man on campus, and Magnus seems to think it’s a bit overrated.
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Wow, someone needs to go talk to Xaaron about maybe thinking through his debate topics before he posts them, so he doesn’t get pegged as a space racist. The Universal Killswitch happened, like, last week, my dude.
The two of them get to the shuttle bay to discover that Metroplex’s thumb- which they picked up back in Spotlight: Trailcutter- is floating, and more or less pushing the Lost Light off-course. Getaway is pretty jazzed to see this thing on the ship, sort of missing the bigger picture. Brainstorm hypothesizes that Metroplex is using his severed thumb to guide the Lost Light to him.
Not sure why Getaway needed to be here for this.
Back on Cybertron, Everyone watches as Starscream flies up to the Titan. Arcee is ready to blast him out of the sky with a gun as big as she is, but Bumblebee wants to see where this goes. This pisses Prowl the hell off, and he starts yelling, but Bumblebee tells him to shut up. Bumblebee tells a lot of people to shut up in “Dark Cybertron”.
So we’ve got a team-up going on between the Autobots and the Decepticons- Bumblebee says it isn’t, but it pretty much is. Soundwave and Prowl get into a bit of a scuff, as Starscream lands and asks the Titan to chat.
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Yeah, that doesn’t really work out too well.
Starscream manages to escape the Titan death blast in his alt, as the poor bastards on the ground below begin to dissolve into black fizz.
But Skywarp’s okay, so it can’t be all bad!
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Yeeeeah, Skywarp.
Prowl starts yelling at Bumblebee again, as if he can’t see that the friggin’ death wave the Titan shot out of its face is still heading for Iacon, Starscream just barely managing to stay ahead of it. He lands as it hits, screaming about how Cybertron is his and he’s not gonna let some murder energy to steal his thunder, bracing his arms out as if that’ll do anything. Everyone watching him do this has about the expression you’d expect from witnessing such madness.
As the Iaconian populace gets dusted, someone else wakes up from the dead. It’s Metalhawk, and it’s time for him to become a tool of the narrative.
Metalhawk launches into the air and lands on top of Starscream, interrupting his personal diatribe to gripe about how he killed him. Still, there are bigger fish to fry, as he kicks Starscream through a wall and walks into the room where they keep Megatron.
Metalhawk releases Megatron from his hamster ball prison and carries him away, despite Starscream maybe insinuating that Megatron is dead somehow? It’s not super clear. Anyway, Metalhawk must do some pretty intense arm exercises, because he carries Megatron out and shoots into the air, holding him one-handed to his side.
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Eat your veggies, kids, and you too can kidnap an entire warlord.
As the city falls apart, Rattrap and Scoop enter the scene, the prison likely having collapsed in the aftershocks of the death wave. Good thing they’re giant robots who can’t be killed by mere crushing damage. Rattrap tries to connive, but Scoop is more concerned with the fact that many people are dying, because he’s a somewhat decent person. Some of these people have begun to turn on Starscream, who takes it about as well be you’d expect.
Back on the Lost Light, the lads have decided to go find Metroplex, and to hell with bringing Jhiaxus to justice. At least for now. Of course, Ratchet tries to argue that they should do what Orion wanted them to do, but Orion isn’t here right now, is he? And Orion isn’t the space pope at this present time, now is he? So yeah. Metroplex time. They quantum jump, ending up underwater, with said water swarming with robots. That might be an issue, especially since they don’t seem to be terribly friendly.
Back in the Crystal City with Shockwave, Metalhawk’s dropped off the package, and Shockwave reminds us that he installed a space bridge in Megatron’s torso. Scientists sure do like to shove random bullshit into Megatron’s torso.
Let’s talk about the NAILs for a second.
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This is Tappet. I’ve been calling him Hat Guy up until this point, but his name is Tappet.
Everything Tappet done in the last 20+ issues of RID can be explained without him being the subject of the sentence:
The Decepticons kicked Tappet’s ass. Prowl sent Tappet to prison. Metalhawk bailed Tappet out of prison. Metalhawk brought Sky-Byte to the trashcan fire to talk to Tappet and some other neutrals. Starscream takes off his top as Tappet watches.
The point I’m trying to make here is that Tappet doesn’t actually do anything. None of the NAILs actually do anything, other than die and fill out crowd shots. Sometimes they bitch about the current situation, but even then, a lot of the time, those more vocal NAILs were actually involved in the war at some point.
This is an issue, because we’ve been presented with this entirely new group that’s in direct opposition of the war caused by every character we’d met prior to The Death of Optimus Prime.
And they have zero agency within the story. Shit just happens around them and they react. In fact, one of the major point points of RID is whether or not the Autobots should let the NAILs have agency within the very government that rules them, and it is such a point of contention that it takes literal in-story months and several disasters for them to reach a consensus. A decision that barely involves input from Metalhawk, the guy who is a NAIL, and is meant to be their advocate. Metalhawk, who is supposed to be on the same level as Bumblebee in terms of sway in the narrative.
At first, he did- he was the subtly conniving bastard who would trip Bumblebee up in front of others to make him look bad, and then deny anything of the sort happened if questioned. It was an interesting dynamic with a character that was new to the continuity. Metalhawk was interesting.
Then Starscream got involved, and Metalhawk’s role was reduced to yes-man and character motivation to both of them, because conniving is Starscream’s thing, and obviously we can’t have two bastards gang up on poor, sweet lil’ Bumblebee.
Who had a remote control that could blow up people’s heads if they pissed him off.
You remember when Bumblebee was the kid appeal character? Because I do.
The point is, the NAILs exist, but their existence isn’t justified within the story. They’re set-dressing, not characters. And now Metalhawk in particular is a prop for Shockwave, and somehow I doubt the other guys are going to be doing a hell of a lot in this story.
I dunno, it just seems like a bit of a waste.
Anyway, Skywarp sure was present in his toy tie-in issue, huh? Remember when he did that thing? And the stuff? Ah man, that was so cool!
Yeah, someone probably crossed their I’s and dotted their T’s on this one, because I’m pretty friggin’ sure this wasn’t meant to be his, even if the exclusive cover says otherwise.
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caribouwritings · 6 years
This is from 2015 or 2016...
This isn’t actually in my fan fiction because I went another route with how I had Skywarp met my oc Hummingbird.
A little backstory about my fanfic that I will never post fully (because it so bad and has a lot rushed areas), Skywarp and Thundercracker are bothers and cousins to Starscream. Skywarp is younger and takes inspiration from his G1 version (jokester, warping) and Animated version (shy, cowardly).
My oc, Hummingbird, is not fighter in some chapters and a warrior goddess in others (good work high school Caribou! Way to plan out your hundreds of robot ocs! 10/10!) but a constant with her is she was a lawyer before the war, she is—by Cybertronian standards—quite beautiful, fearful of heights, and a helpless romantic wanting to fall in love.
(And a side note: later on in my fan fiction after Skywarp and Hummingbird start dating, Thundercracker and Skywarp run away are made wanted Decepticon traitors because they join the Autobots after Megatron tried to kill Skywarp for letting Hummingbird escape)
Enjoy this scene that makes me cringe because of how cheesy it is...
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The night was glittered with a million sparkling stars in the Earth's velvet blue sky.
Hummingbird looked up at the sky from where she sat and wondered when she would meet the mech who will love her unconditionally, flaws and all.
Then she saw a seeker fly across the sky with purple ascents in his design.
Frightened, but not wanting to leave, she tried to remain still, but the seeker must have spotted her because he landed next to the tree near her.
He leaned against it watching her curiously.
Hummingbird tried not to look but the fear that he might shoot her got to her. Nervously, she turned towards him and met his eyes.
Most Decepticons showed their allegiance to Megatron by changing their optic color to red, but instead, this seeker had a captivating set of yellow optics.
They remained staring into each other's optics until he broke the silence.
"You blinked, I win."
Hummingbird became confused, "wait what?"
He suddenly disappeared in a purple haze and reappeared kneeling before her, "staring contest, me vs you. Round two, go!"
Hummingbird tilted her head, "is this a trick?"
"No. And you blinked again," he scooted closer to her, "I win again, Autobot."
"No wait, what are you doing?" Hummingbird demanded.
"I told you," he said, "we're having a staring contest. I thought you Autobots were suppose to be smart."
Hummingbird sat up straighter, "you are not seriously here just to play games!"
The seeker looked amused, "yes I am."
Hummingbird tilted her head, "okay then... I'm thinking of a number..."
"Four." He replied immediately.
"How did you...? Never mind." Hummingbird frowned, "you're obviously testing out a new toy for Megatron."
The seeker snorted, "as if Megatron would trust me. Why? Does Optimus Prime trust all of you guys with stuff like new weapons and information?"
Hummingbird shrugged, "depends... I guess..."
"All Megatron trusts me for is warping placing and retrieving stuff," he then disappeared and reappeared again sitting behind her, he gently and cautiously pulled her back to lean against him, "by the way I'm Skywarp, I like having fun, flying around, and I am in no way planning on hurting you... this is me showing you by the way."
Hummingbird relaxed a little resting against his frame, "nice to meet you Skywarp, I'm Hummingbird. I also like fun but I feel like it might be a bit different from your version, I am not particularly fond of heights, and I am in no way planning on hurting you either."
Skywarp glanced up at the sky, "don't like heights, huh? What if I held onto you? What if I held you close to my chest and you had your arms wrapped around me? Would you be okay with that?"
Hummingbird stiffened up, "no, I don't think I-"
Skywarp smiled down at her admiring her, "you don't trust me yet?"
Hummingbird gulped, "how do I know you won't drop me?"
Skywarp rubbed his chin, "hmm, I guess you don't. But that's the point of trust, right?"
Hummingbird sighed, "I must be really stupid if I'm allowing you to do this..."
Skywarp booped her nose, "alright little Autobot, hop up then."
Hummingbird nervously got up and he got up, only then did she realize she was only two-third's of his height. Along with that, he was well built in strength and could probably snap her in half.
Skywarp stretched, "alright, Hummingbird, you ready?"
Hummingbird nervously backed away.
Skywarp frowned, "you chickening out? But I wanted to show you something cool."
Hummingbird's heel hit the root of a tree and she started to fall, but Skywarp warped over catching her in a bridal carry.
Hummingbird blushed, "uh..."
Skywarp held her close to him giving her a stern look, "I know I look intimidating, but trust me, when I say I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you."
Hummingbird blushed even more, "are you going to carry me like this?"
Skywarp smiled, "yes. Now wrap your arms me and hold tight."
Timidly, Hummingbird wrapped her arms around his neck, "promise not to drop me."
Skywarp warped them away, "I promise."
Hummingbird looked around, they were in the air, surrounded by stars and a shimmering light that changes colors.
Hummingbird gasped softly, "the Northern Lights?"
Skywarp slowly flew around letting her take it all in, "isn't it beautiful?"
Hummingbird nodded, "yes, I wish we could see more places like this..."
Skywarp chuckled, "oh? Well..."
He warped again and this time they were above the ocean and shooting stars flew overhead.
Hummingbird laughed, "this is amazing!"
Skywarp smiled, "and those stars, according to those human creatures, make wishes."
Hummingbird tilted her head smiling, "how do you know that?"
Skywarp blushed, "the Internet..."
Hummingbird looked back up at the shooting stars, "I wish... I don't think I need one."
Skywarp frowned, "everyone needs wishes."
"But you're already here." Hummingbird said, then she realized it and covered her mouth blushing.
Skywarp gave her a puzzled look, "me?"
Hummingbird looked away embarrassed.
Skywarp studied her, "you mean... you like me too?"
Hummingbird glanced back at him, "too?"
Skywarp's cheeks turned red, "I kind of have a crush on you that started the minute I saw you in combat... I know that's cheesy, but-"
Hummingbird cupped his face, "say no more," then leaned in and kissed him quick.
Ask me questions about my horrible fanfiction, it gets worse. I promise! (*`艸´)
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