#because thats just the nature of kids! you have no promise that theyll be just like you!
rxttenfish · 10 months
PLEASE tell us more about virina mishra im such a sucker for nextgens
virina!!! my beloved virina!!!! littlest froggy!!!
aaravi and miranda very much both wanted to actually, you know, have a family. its one of those things where you come from someplace so shitty and so terrible, that you just cannot imagine someone else going through that same thing, and you cannot bear the thought of making someone else go through the same thing. to be fair, they are both TERRIFIED of just repeating the past and ending up in the exact same loop that their parents did, terrified of just heaving back on the same generational trauma and wreck of a childhood, but there comes a point in being afraid of something where you just need to get rid of this fear. its too constant, its too forever, its too eternal. sitting through it and avoiding it isn't making it go away, and they already fucked up avoiding it by finding each other and loving each other, so dancing around the issue isn't helping. instead, what they mutually land on is just... a want to prove that fear wrong. a want to prove that fear wrong, to prove that they aren't doomed to be just a weapon and just a source of death in all its forms, that they can hold something in their hands and make it grow. best way to avoid repeating the past is to take responsibility by the leash, after all. they want to go back in time, to give themselves the childhood that they always missed, and the best way they figured to do that is to give that to someone else.
this is something that very much existed since their relationship started to get serious with each other, and something that's been in the background the entire time since, so its not like its a mystery or anything. if anything, they've been using this want as a motivation, as a need to keep going even at the worst of times. they will have this happy future. they will make it through this together. they will make it work. no more ifs, no more buts, no more doubt. stop living in the doubt and start acting as though their happy end is a foregone conclusion and something that they are going to have no matter what, give no room for fear or guilt or shame or depression or self hatred to sneak in. they will be happy. they will make someone else happy. they will be someplace safe, not just for themselves, but for their loved ones too. they will be good. they will be.
even after everything blows over (mainly from miranda's family, she is still crown princess and stepping away from that was never going to be an option they gave her), it still takes a few years for them to broach the topic of having a kid for-real. just to make sure everything's settled. just to make sure everything's safe.
they have virina later in life than some of their other friends or just in general, but they were planned and wanted for so long that the wait is worth it. the name, as i've mentioned, comes from aaravi. she knows her mom was a... complicated woman, she knows her own raising wasn't perfect and that there were things that she still cant fully forgive her mother for, but she had a hard life too. she too deserved better. despite it all, aaravi still loves her mom, despite despite despite. and so she does the best thing that she can to honor her mom, to honor her memory, to give her the life that she never had the same as aaravi herself, and gives it to virina. the mishra last name was a no-brainer already, miranda already look aaravi's last name and preferred being a mishra over a vanderbilt anyday.
years later, virina also earns the nickname of "froggy" - primarily because of their own love for the animal, constantly finding them and bringing them in from outside. likewise, miranda and aaravi decide to raise them genderless, and to let them decide for themselves how they want to be referred to when they're older.
virina doesn't really take much after either of their moms, though. mostly they're quiet, shy, keep to themselves. where both of their moms are brash and dominant, very confident in themselves and willing to bowl over quieter personalities, virina seldom speaks, and when they do, its soft-spoken. they get easily spooked and cry easily, especially when it comes to other people. they cling to their moms legs, hide behind them when other people come around, prefer the company of animals over other people, tend not to like new things or new people and greatly prefer sticking to their simple, easy routine. they just can't figure out other people, seemingly, not understanding them or how to make friends or even what's appropriate or not to say in a conversation.
this isn't to say they aren't deeply intelligent and curious. they quickly learn to love venturing outside with their moms, playing in the garden or chasing bugs and frogs. they come in with sticks and rocks, make mud potions, try to build things out of sticks and befriend birds. they prefer books over people, ending up much more of a bookworm than either of their moms ever were, and ends up a very big nerd as they get older. theyre close and affectionate with the friends they do make, but this is a small handful of their very most trusted, and they never get much better at figuring out social norms.
in time, they lean a little bit more towards the femme side of things, growing their hair out long and liking long, swishy skirts that they can spin and sway over and over, that doesnt cling too tight to their legs. they end up needing glasses, and end up picking a pair thats large and circular, making their eyes seem all the more owlish. they settle on they/she, but never have particularly strong opinions about gender regardless. they can be blunt and quick to frustration, especially if they feel people arent understanding them, and are forever going to be deeply embarrassed over how their moms dote on them. i very much see them getting intensely interested and starting to study either linguistics, literature, history, geology, or any biology that takes them closer to the marshes and wetlands that they love.
they never think very much about how one of their moms used to be a princess, heir to a kingdom. beyond an instance as a kid that ended with them dropping a training sword repeatedly and crying, they never get very interested in following the slayer line of work. they fuss over small stakes, have their moms grate on them sometimes in both of their old ways, and they live a normal life.
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#monster prom#asks#Anonymous#anon#you might notice this as a theme with my fankids#in that i very much LOVE making them be the opposite of their parents#or otherwise be a personality that would have - if it were one of their peers - have annoyed their parents#because thats just the nature of kids! you have no promise that theyll be just like you!#theyre just their own little people! and you cant control that!#and hopefully. you come to accept that and love them regardless.#because theyre still just little people. they have no control over this. they need you to take care of them.#and thats okay actually.#...... also yeah it annoys me to no end when people make fankids and just. fuse the parents.#instead of having them be their own character with their own feelings and personality....#like! nah thats a whole ass other person! they came from these other two people but that doesnt mean shit!#also tbf i think miri and ravi would be THRILLED that virina would get annoyed by them sometimes#specifically in the sense of FUCK YES LOOK AT HOW FAR THEY'VE COME#they have reached the point where the habits that they developed out of necessity and a need to survive#are now just annoyances and no longer appropriate for the world they created together#THEY MADE IT. LOOK AT HOW GOOD THEY'VE DONE!!!#fully the type of moms to kiss all over virina's head and hug them to death while they squirm and whine that#MOOOOMS. YOU EMBARRASSING THEM.#what bliss to be embarrassing!!!
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overdorks-blog · 6 years
(Blind date anon!) i was thinking probably more focused on Genji and dva!
Oh! I got it now. Thanks! 
Request: Mchanzo blind date where Genji set things up on mccree’s side and dva set up on hanzo’s (but of course they stalk the date and sit in disguise a few tables away to make sure it goes well)?
this was so great to write, except the dialouge. It’s so irritating because the shimadas dont,,, use,,, contractions when they speak. I also edited it a little because I thought it would be more fun this way :3
-1:23 A.M, Watchpoint: Gibraltar-
ginseng: you up?diva: duhdiva: what would make you think I wasn’t? ginseng: your stream activity indicator was offlinediva: so?diva: you and i both know that means literally nothingginseng: yeah i guess thats trueginseng: anywayginseng: i was talking to mr. grumpy hakmadiva: oh boydiva: …diva: waitdiva: you did NOT tell him about my collenction of unflattering candids of himdiva: did you?ginseng: what? ginseng: no shut updiva: …ginseng: thanksginseng: as i was sayingginseng: apparently Hanzo hasn’t been on a date since his last omaiai diva: youre serious?ginseng: dead.diva: wowdiva: no wonder he’s wound so tightginseng: I knowginseng: it’s ridiculousginseng: we need to do something about itdiva: uh, Yeah!ginseng: I think i have an idea. diva: ?ginseng: shooting range tomorrow, ten sharpginseng: and get some sleepginseng: we cant do this if youre tireddiva: ewdiva: okay diva: goodnightginseng: goodnight hana
-10:09 AM, Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Training grounds)-
“Are you kidding me? This is your big plan?” Hana demands, crossing her arms. A stray bot whirrs by, and a shiruken buries itself into the back of it’s head. She scowls at it, turning slightly from the bot to look at Genji. 
“Why not?” He shrugs, twirling one of the sharp blades between his fingers with a practiced ease, looking over the balcony of the training area to the man in front of the practice targets. The cowboy hat made his silhouette unmistakable. “Why not!?” Hana seems incredulous.  “Okay, there are plenty of reasons why not. We can start with the fat that this is Jesse. He knows better than anyone else what you went through! He was the closest thing you had to a best friend at the hardest point in your life that was caused by your brother! If you really think Jesse hasn’t taken that into consideration when Hanzo came here, then…well. I don’t know. But I know how much Jesse cares, and I don’t think-”
Genji raises a hand, and Hana falls quiet. “I have made my peace with my past, and McCree knows this well. The anger he may have felt in his heart for my brother spawned from my own. As mine has passed, so has his. Jesse is much more of a forgiving person than you mat realize.” Genji smiles behind his visor, standing straight from where he had been leaning against the railing. “I know my best friend, and my brother. I believe that this will work.” 
 The pilot doesn’t seem convinced, but she nods anyway, rolling up the sleeves of her jacket and retrieving her blaster from the pocket of her hoodie. “If you say so,” shaking her head, she pills her blaster out of her pocket and points at him in a playful accusation. “I’m trusting you.” 
Before she can blink, she’s lifted off the ground by strong arms, and she squirms, laughing and pushing at him. “I have had your back more than you realize, Hana!” Genji teases, and she really can’t do anything but giggle as he swings her in a circle, setting her down gently after. She grins, arms tightly around his shoulders. “-And I’ll have it here too. This will work, I promise.” 
She can only hope he’s right. Infighing, in a place like the newly reformed and still unstable Overwatch…could be disastrous. “Okay. I trust you.” She nods, pulling out of the hug. she gives him a little wave as she heads for the stairs and down into the range. After all, where better to talk to Jesse than over some target practice?
This was such a bad idea. Why did Hana even agree to this? In fact, the idea is so bad, that Hana briefly wonders if there might be a consequence for misuse of comms devices. 
Since Genji isn’t exactly covert, or easy to disguise, it’s left to Hana to secretly chaperone the date. “This is absolutely and entirely rediculous.” sne mutters into her cup, the mic in the charm of her bracelet catching her quiet words. She has headphones in, plugged into a laptop that’s open to some random fashion blog. 
‘But it’s working.’ comes her answer, into her headphones, and she rolls her eyes. ‘If nobody has recognized you as D.Va in two hours, then there is no way they will notice you, either.’
She sighs in defeat. What he says is true enough. She looks nothing like her usual self, even in her time off. Her hair is tucked up into a mildly toned beanie, and she’s wearing plastic glasses and a flannel that’s just a bit too big for her. she looks like an entirely different person.
 ‘Here they come. You are doing great, Hana.’
Damn right she is. It took her talking to McCree for multiple hours on multiple days to coordinate this. Not that she dislikes the cowboy, but there’s only so much Clint Eastwood quotes she can take in such an expanse of time. Sighing, she sits back and sips from her drink again, cradling the warm cup in her hands like she’s cold. “Party in sight.” she murmurs softly.
‘…You know you do not have to use foraml code, right? it is not like this is an actual mission.’
“Well, next time you can be the sit-in, then.” She hisses, and sets her cup down, hunching over her laptop a little bit to play her part. She messes around, typing some nonsense into a text box, and clicking into Yuna’s stream to drop a good-natured challenge and watch her chat go wild. She smiles a little, but her amusement is short lived. 
‘Hana!’ She blinks, instinctively looking up. ‘pay attention!’ Genji chides, and she make a face, clicking open their private chat and tapping out a message.
diva: i cant like, stare at them!diva: theyll know! 
There’s a groan through the earpiece, and she looks over to where Jesse and Hanzo are sitting. Jesse says something, and Hanzo’s eyes go wide, and then narrow, and he looks away, face dusted pink. she snorts and shakes her head a little. 
diva: i think we have this in the bagginseng: are you sure?diva: if them flirting like schoolkids is ant indicationdiva: yesginseng: finally!
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