#because they'd been engaged.... for a hot sec
petralynnluna · 1 year
Selena stalking the bats because well... Batcat reasons
Spots another stalker, much smaller with camera
Is interrupted by a rouge deciding to recreate Godzilla but in Gotham and without the monster.
Ends up scooping the small child up and bunkering down while the city goes to shit.
The smaller stalker is... A strange child. Very well mannered, very aware of how much of her space how much of her time he is taking up. Very apologetic about everything.
It takes longer than it should for her to remember that children typically have parents. And that while the kid was fine with her assuming he was a street kid he had a very expensive photography kit. And not nearly enough meat on his bones.
It takes just a little and then he's opening up, but not really he thinks he's trying to convince her to let him walk home alone. My parents think I'm very self sufficient, no of course I don't have a nanny I'm not a child he very much is a child, their in Egypt they don't keep up with the news, well I guess you would be interested in the jade cat l.
So he agrees to let her drive him home.
She makes a detour, tells him to play along. Introduces him as her son, to batman... Not that he's supposed to know Mr. Wayne is batman.
He doesn't break character, neither of his "parents" are blood type O... And doing a field blood transfusion... Is going to raise some questions.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I see alien and conspiracy theorist reader who is also hilariously oblivious/ refuses to believe the fact Alien is an alien. Like they're too OBVIOUS about it and it doesn't line up with their theories about what the ACTUAL aliens walking among us are like. Like, it can't be Alien, they don't have crab claws or a lizard tongue or anything. They don't even have a tail rendered invisible by hologram, but Alien doesn't mind when reader grabs their ass to check.
This is exactly where I was going with that-
Alien wouldn't even be in reader's radar for potential suspects. Their frequent insistence they're just a regular human guy is a little suspicious, but no real alien would walk around wearing a mask like his because it'd just draw unwanted attention to them. Writes off their glowy bones as paint. The fact they're more flexible than rubber is just a genetics thing.
Alien thinks it's nice to have some recognize them as human at first - but eventually they start to think how hot cool it would be to be the extraterrestrial reader scraps to a table in their study and grills for hours about their anatomy and the place they originate from.
"Did you bring the stuff?"
"Yea, gimme a sec."
Fiddling with the gate to the laboratory, your assistant turns their back to you as they retrieve a small vial from their pocket. Alien pushes the gum they'd been chewing against the wall of their mouth, gathering the saliva collected from their glands on their tongue and filling the bottle with the blackish substance. They grab a bag of white powder from another pocket and dumps it into the small opening. The concoction bubbles, fumes crawling along the cylinders walls as they face you once more. They push you behind them - sealing your body with theirs as they raise their fist.
Hurling the vial, its glass shatters on impact in an explosion of black sludge and white smoke. The slime eats away at padlock holding the gate closed and enough of the wall for you to poke your head through before Alien finally kicks what remains open. They stand off to the side, bowing as they extend their arm forward.
"After you."
Your eyes linger on the smoke wisping into the air. "What... was that?"
"My spit. Mix it with baking soda it becomes corrosive..... or was it acidic?"
"...Right. Well, let's get this over with before anyone arrives. We're lucky this was all this place really has in terms of security." You ease past Alien who skips behind you as you march towards laboratory's doors. Not wasting what little time you have, you pull off your backpack as you walk - removing the test tube brought with you from its protective sleeve. Alien eyes the teal tinted fluid sloshing around in the container curiously - a strange sense of unease hitting their stomach like a brick.
"So.... if I'm allow to ask questions - what uh... what are we doing here again?"
You hold the vial up for then to see - contents fluorescent in the moon light. "I found this strange substance on a tee shirt I left in my bathroom. It's oddly sweet, but left my mouth with a tingle sensation after I tasted it."
Beads of sweat roll from their neck down their shirt. "You... tasted it?"
Alien thinks for a while. They had broken into your house while you were away. They found your shirt in your bathroom. It smelled just like you. Kinda tasted like you too. They thought they cleaned up everything after they were done. They did not.
"Well I had to make sure it wasn't something I ate. This is clearly a sign. Once I get my hands on the microscopes in this lab I'll finally have concrete proof of aliens!"
Alien snatches the vial from you and throws it into the tree-lining. "On second thought let's just go hunting for aliens like normal people."
"What the hell-"
Alien tightly grips your shoulders. "You can have another taste once we're official, but you are not putting my fluids under any lenses until we are engaged!"
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
Oh my god!! Welcome back!!!
This is my first time requesting, I've been reading your works for a long time now...
Can I please request, the yandere bullies on how they'd react to their darling getting another girl pregnant, like a secret girlfriend, and then darling marries her out of responsibility and love but not only that, the girl happens to be wealthier than the Coldwells.
TW/Tags: mentions of pregnancy // rich people (that's an tw of it's own lol) // kidnapping // implied torture // angst // this is pretty short and messed up // mentions of sadism and mentions of unhealthy worship // implied unrequited touch
Wedding vowels [Yandere!Bully OCs x Amab!Reader x ??? - Headcanon]:
Way to subtly flex your hot wealthy gf on them 💀 If you tell me that she isn't a possessive, obsessive AND abusive partner then damn, they're screwed.
I mean how can you do better than that?? She is perfect and they're a complete mess, I'm pretty sure you can imagine how they would feel.
I'm going to assume this darling is amab, though I'll keep referring to them as they/them because I can.
This is pretty short but I'll say it again, it's kinda depressing.
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
A private call between two best friends has been recorded without the knowledge nor permission of either parties.
"- I can't even begin to explain how happy I am! The preparations for our wedding have just begun and there's just so much stuff to do!"
"- Oh my God congratulations! I'm so happy for you, I know you two have been together for a long time so it's not really a surprise that you would get engaged-"
"- Yeah- Hahaha! Oh I forgot to tell you how it happened! You should have seen their proposal, the ring- Sigh, just so beautiful- Though, again, it's not like we weren't planning it for a while already-"
"- I know but… Aren't you two may be rushing things? Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, it's just that this was all so sudden and you didn't even graduate yet."
"- See, I have other news to tell you, I didn't want to tell others because you know how things spread around the academy."
"- Absolutely, I mean people are thinking you're dead or stuck in [Y/n]'s basement- Some have even made up that you're pregnant!-"
"- … Well~ I guess it's no new news then!"
"- Oh my God- OH MY GOD, NO WAY-"
"- I'm sorry!! Again I didn't want it to spread like wildfire, ya know??"
"- But you know how I need to get emotionally ready before any major event, how am I going to spoil your kid if I don't get a heads-up first??"
"- It's been just three months."
"- And I heard about it just now, Sophie!"
"- Ugh, you're so dramatic~ It's no big deal anyway-"
"- No big deal??! Girl-"
"- What? I'll just be marrying the love of my life and having a beautiful family together and I'm totally NOT on cloud nine right now."
"- Sophiee~"
"- I'm just- I'm just so happy I can barely contain it, ya know??"
"- Sophie?"
"- … I just - I love them, and I can't-"
"- Sophie, are you crying??"
"- Y-Yesh."
"- Sophie Anderson, you better cheer up right now because I'll personally invade your house and hug the shit out of you."
"- But I am cheered! I'm overjoyed, words can't express how much this means to me."
"- Well, I know, I know that- I'm just trying to stop you from crying!"
"- Heh, I know. Thank you, Vans. But don't worry, there's no way in hell that I would ever be sad, not from now on at least."
"- Awn, I wish the best for both of you, I hope you'll be happy!"
"- Thank you..!"
"- I'll have to go now, but I want ALL of the details okay?? You still didn't mention how they proposed, knowing them I bet it was a mess- I'll call you soon alright? Please take some rest."
"- Pfft- Hey, give them some credit! It was just the sweetest thing (and not messy at all!), I'll tell you all about it later then, see ya soon!"
End of recording.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Can you imagine how pissed off and devastated this girl is??
"- NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!! This isn't FAIR!" She would scream while banging her head on the table, which I guess anyone would do if they were in this weird situation.
Can you imagine falling in love with someone, but then hearing that not only they had a partner already- They were ENGAGED and were going to have a CHILD TOGETHER??!
To add salt to injury, it was fuckin SOPHIE ANDERSON, because of course it was!!
"- That two-faced, darling snatching whore! How could she?! How could she, how could she, how could she, how could she, how could she, how could she?!!"
Sophie and Alexandra weren't exactly the best of friends, but at least they weren't exactly on "bad terms" (not until now at least). I like to think they used to know each other from some sort of choir that Alexandra participated in when she was younger (and when people couldn't really judge her horrible singing voice).
Sophie Anderson wasn't considered a public menace like the Coldwell twins, but people did know she was rich.
"- Oh I bet she BOUGHT them with her kindness and stupid loads of money, God, darling you're such a CHEAP HOE!"
She is fuming with rage and betrayal, thinking that Sophie was aware of her crush on you. Her "tsundere af" crush on you.
Okay let's be honest, it wasn't exactly a secret that Alexandra had a thing for you, but everyone including you just assumed it was part of the bullying schedule to be pinned down and whispered twisted sweet nothings.
Oh, and how could you, how could you impregnate another woman, an absolute nobody who's only good at singing because her parents are rich music fanatics! She knows how much money they wasted in making that girl a "natural talent".
She has cried and screamed for hours after hearing the recorded call, I guess you can imagine how awful it would feel to be in her position and see you proudly take responsibility over a kid that shouldn't even exist (in her eyes). She wished she could go back in time and be the exact person you see in Sophie, maybe then you would have given HER a kid instead of this- Wicked siren! Who stole you away from her!
"- What does she have that I DON'T!?! What could she ever provide to you that I couldn't make it double, you selfish brat!!"
One day before your wedding the only thing you saw was the look of an enraged Alexandra who had painstakingly planned your entire new life beside her overnight. Or more accurately, under her.
"- I give you freedom and the first thing you do is betray my trust, I thought you would know better than to sleep with some lowlife- CLEARLY, you need someone to teach you a lesson or two about respect!"
"- You stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-" She can't find the words to continue, she wants to curse you, to yell at you and to punish you from misbehaving.
But then again she also wants to kiss you and be held by you, to be reassured that she isn't this monster you're so desperately trying to crawl away from, but she is.
She knows she is. She knows why would have chosen sweet Sophie over her, Sophie never bullied you.
Sophie probably wouldn't have kidnapped you and hurt you to get your love back, because she doesn't need to do that.
You love her for who she is, you love her without being told to and that's something Alexandra will never have.
"- I… I can be better than her-! I can give you a kid too- I can give you anything… As long as you obey. As long as you're not stupid again, dumbass…"
For a moment she considered comforting you, but after a regretful torture session she doesn't have enough courage to look at your fearful and spiteful eyes and give you a slice of her softer side. But since you're here with her now, she'll have plenty of time to rebuild what she completely destroyed.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Can you imagine how absolutely depressed and devastated this boy is?
He hasn't come out of his room ever since hearing the recorded call between Sophie and her friend. He kept trying to "wake up", as childish as this sounds.
"- … It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare, it's not real, please…"
Can you imagine falling in love with someone, but then hearing that not only they had a partner already- They were ENGAGED and were going to have a CHILD TOGETHER??!
And to add salt to injury, it was Sophie Anderson, the little singer wannabe.
"- Heartless…" He couldn't believe he helped boost her music career by using her song on some of his reels. He'll be deleting those if he doesn't end up just deleting his Instagram account.
Differently from Alexandra's relationship with Sophie, Adrien DID consider her a friend, or at least someone trustworthy- He had never suspected that you two were a thing…
"- You're heartless- You're also so fucking heartless, darling!" He didn't come out of his room that day, just mumbling to himself and whimpering at the thought of you not only marrying someone else, but also building a family with them.
Just because he can't give birth to a kid, doesn't mean he wouldn't go above and beyond to give you one- If he knew that it was something you dreamed about then he would bring your fantasies into reality, be through adoption, artificial insemination, tube babies, he doesn't care!
He would have preferred using witchcraft to birth a demon child (despite his skepticism and disinterest in the occult) than to ever see you holding someone other than him in your arms.
"- … You're evil… You're so, so evil dear… I could have given you anything, I was READY to give you anything you desire… I just wanted you to be mine…!" His voice is pathetically wimpy for someone who has kidnapped you just a day before your wedding, probably because he hasn't taken really good care of himself during the meantime, only focusing on planning for your new life beside him. Or more accurately, above him.
He has been broken down so severely that although he is aware you look at him with nothing but hatred and fear- He doesn't care anymore, he just wants to be able to have you and worship you.
It wasn't a secret that Adrien had some sort of weird crush towards you, though you just assumed he was infatuated with the pain he used to bring you, not WITH you.
"- I gave you freedom and the first thing you did was to betray me… I thought you would know better than to sleep with some- Traitor. But that's okay- I can still fix this! I can show you how much you can truly be adored…"
How sickening, to be crawling to you as if you were a deity and he was the dirty mortal trying to beg for forgiveness, and in a sense, he was!
But deep down, despite his worn-out condition and overall adoration towards you, his pathetic attempts to make amends with you are hiding his desire to take you by force and smother you with love and hate.
He wished that YOU would have been in his position, to be the one to beg for forgiveness and to come close to him willingly- To worship him and prove to him he isn't this vermin of a person who adores you but also loathes you.
"- I can give you so much, I could be so much better than she could ever be… Why don't you just listen to me, for once!" He begs you, the gagged and heavily tied down victim, to give him a crumb of your attention.
But as he notices your reluctance and clear disgust over his presence, he is sure that this isn't just his mind talking- You really do think he is a vermin! A pest poisoning your veins with each word of praise, with each trembling soft kiss and with the callused touches wherever his filthy hands get on your body.
He knows you can never love a vermin, he knows that you'll never look up to him as you looked up to Sophie. He knows he can't give you what your heart desires, he knows that even if he could give you a kid, you wouldn't be affectionate to it like you seemed to be to your "other" kid.
But even if he can't offer you a real family, he can offer you his servitude! His loyalty, his desire, his soul, his body, all of his money. All of his love, even if he doesn't have enough courage to openly say it, he feels unworthy of even saying he loves you.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 19
• It's our WEDDING DAY. But it looks like Anton wants to make it our Deathday first.
• For the kind of wait most of the stans have been keeping since this book has begun, seeing our MCs finally married to our favourite LIs is quite...satisfying. Well. For most of us at least.
• Title: You Are Cordially Invited. To see me get married or to see me die?
• Mara goes outside, vowing that to get through to us they'd have to get through to her first.
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• Madeleine and Bertrand barricade the door with a couch and Bertrand warns everyone to have something in hand (Olivia is one step ahead, obviously, with her sharp-as-fuck stilettos).
• That girl is ready and prepared to commit maritricide, y'all! XD
• Hana picks a vase, Madeleine keeps her clipboard, Penelope is panicking at the back with Merlin and Morgana (this was the shit I was trying to avoid with court, Mom! I can almost hear her thinking), but if you really want to see a legend minus the legend points...I should point you all to Kiara:
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I repeat. A legend I stan.
This is someone having a trigger attack, and steeling herself despite the trauma of two previous experiences before plunging herself into a possible third one. That takes serious guts.
• Madeleine isn't exactly prepared to fight (clearly being Queen never seemed to involve fighting assassins before for her, strangely enough), but Olivia sure is. She says "do you want to keep bleating like a defenseless lamb or do you want to get ready to fight?"
• Honestly though Olivia delivers some of my favourite lines this chapter.
• Ana is staying out if this - (in public) because she "does not have the equipment for this" and (in private) because she wants to capture the scoop of the century!
• THANK YOU MAXWELL for gifting me that sword!
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(All the screenshots, except for the Maxwell one from the HIMEME channel, are mine)
I have better bodyguards inside this boutique than I do outside. Look at all of these people. Picking up clipboards, stilletoes, vases, mannequins, scissors, THEIR OWN BARE HANDS, and defeating these dudes. Like...like...they may have been incredibly sheltered and protected by their families but all of them know how to make the best of a situation where their lives are under threat. And mind you, at least two of those women openly struggle with issues related to their mental health and still manage to emerge from this doing what they can.
• I loved the sword scene! It was a nice look back at TCaTF (esp Book 3) and a nice way to celebrate the Choices anniversary. In TCaTF books 1 and 2, you had different point systems for Kenna and Dom: prestige for her and power for him, to show the rise of Kenna as a formidable leader and the gaining of Dom's fire powers. Because he possesses enough power to transform into a dragon by the end of Book 2, the focus then shifts to them gearing up for their biggest battle yet - the one with Empress Azura of Ducitora (though part of this book is spent with Dom trapped inside an airship fighting a particularly frightening form of mind control from Hex). The implication is that Kenna becoming a legend consolidates her position as the uniter of the Five Kingdoms, which is what she becomes by the end of the story. It's therefore fitting that the legend points feature here, just before the MC's wedding - for like Kenna, she has just returned from reuniting the nobility (or not) into supporting Liam's right to the throne through her wedding, and like Kenna she needs to fight a Nevrakis, while possibly having the support of other Nevrakises...well, just one in the case of TRR.
• If you're marrying Hana, she features nowhere in this scene, and Olivia stabs the assassin who attacks Madeleine with knives. If you're not, she is part of your entourage, and particularly is shown taking action when Madeleine's life is under threat. If they hadn't already been hinting at Madeleine's "feelings" for Hana, and the latter's convenient amnesia regarding the events of the engagement tour...I wouldn't have minded. But I do. Very much.
• Maxwell only features in this scene if you choose him as a bridesmaid, but I would highly recommend choosing him as one at least once (if he's not your LI that is) because he and Bertrand do so amazing fighting together here.
• Ana's motto will be "my life may leave me but never my desire to catch proof of a burning-hot scoop".
• Gee, Bastien, you took a while to get here. Like...8 chapters or something.
• Mara comes back with an injury and an attempt to say our code name, which...sure thanks Mara but you still suck at your job. If guarding us is really your job at all.
• Bastien and whoever is with him have managed to capture the remaining assassins but Anton managed to escape. If that doesn't come back to bite us in the ass later...
• Why is Madeleine so involved when it comes to MY dress? Her hand is literally trembling. Please don't tell me this design was intended for her wedding. That'll be a waste of 25 whole diamonds.
• Or perhaps she's just shook coz THERE IS FYDELIA LACE INVOLVED YOU PEASANTS.
• "I need to have security remove any guests wearing white," says the press sec who tried to sneak in a white dress to wear for my wedding.
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(Yes. I plead guilty. I just needed an excuse to cram in a Brian May gif there. I can't help that this man is the Meme King of Queen).
• We've finally reached the cathedral! After threatening to either drive the carriage through the premises, cry or sue Cordonia if we don't get there soon enough.
• I see the Applewood people! You get loads of options to greet the crowd. And of course I was going to try getting Esther to say " 'sup" once lol. I think depending on how you wave to them, the press will either see you as graceful or playful.
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(Screenshots: Hana's is mine, Maxwell's from the HIMEME YouTube channel, Penelope's from @sgt-peppers-coffee-club , Olivia's from @i-dream-so-i-write , and Kiara's from @callmetippytumbles )
Here's all our Maids (plus one Man) of Honour! All of them speak about this day being a long time coming, but also reflect with the MC on what it took for them all to get to this point. I think Olivia (by virtue of being the Fighter of the lot) and Kiara (because of what she's faced at least thrice now) get some particularly meaty lines for their MOH scene.
• You get to choose whether Bertrand should accompany you down the aisle, since it's tradition to be done so by a member of your House, and the Beaumonts have been her sponsor from the beginning. Cue an emotional moment with Bertrand, who regards you as family now and is immensely proud of you. The Maxwell stans got a similar conversation in the vows diamond scene, but in more detail because it's his kid brother you're marrying, but now we get it as an honorary Beaumont as well. He gets super super emotional if you ask him to walk you down the aisle.
• Oooh pretty! And so many stained glass windows! Why was Leo complaining so much about this cathedral in RoE Book 3? I would have given an arm and a leg to get married there.
• NEW MUSIC!!! Lots of lovely flowery piano notes and trumpets. Very regal and very much a wedding march tune.
• So technically I'm guessing this is where we get to see the results of our tour, because in my playthrough everyone is here.
• If you're marrying Drake, you get to see his mother Bianca, and she speaks to you after the ceremony. I can kiiinda see where Savannah gets her "I only met you ten seconds ago but OMG WE'RE GOING TO BE BFFS" vibe comes from.
• WTF none of these people changed clothes it seems 😂 Everyone's else is wearing what they usually wear. Guys, this wedding is going to be freaking TELEVISED and these nobles are wearing their usual dusty outfits 😂😂
• The Best Men/Women, are depicted positively - whether they have feelings for the MC or not. Drake is said to be showing a "rare, unabashed grin", and Liam is "smiling proudly". Kiara is "smiling excitedly".
• So as you all know, you can choose between Liam (if you're marrying Hana or Maxwell), Leo or Regina for officiating your wedding. The speech is largely the same - they all mention the seed and apple tree analogy, the traditions of Cordonia and how important love is - but the opening lines vary.
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(Regina's is from mine, Leo's is from the Bizzy's Choices channel, and Liam's is from @kennaxval )
Regina's is distant and formal, which suits her and suits the scale of the occasion. Leo's is humorous, and Liam's is flowery and poetic. This suits both of the men as we know them. Leo is known to not take himself very seriously, and Liam's language is very ornate by default.
• The vows (I'm talking about the LIs' ones here, since the MC's is customizable) are all beautiful. Every single one delves into their history with her and how their relationship with her grew from strength to strength. You can see why they decided to go off-script for their vows. Their story with her has always been personal and these vows are about acknowledging the long, hard journey that got them to this altar.
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Liam's is about how the MC taught him to believe in possibility, to believe that he needn't be stuck in the rut of royal stoicism to be the king his people need. Hana's is about the freedom the MC gave her from a future carefully charted out for her, into a better, brighter one. Maxwell's is about how he has found a woman whose very presence represents adventure for him, someone who will raise him up rather than tie him down. Drake's is about embracing change, accepting the love the MC has for him and the love he tried to deny having for the MC. I love them all.
• In my mind this is the improved version of the wedding scene in TCaTF, as is the RoE wedding. I recall, way back when Kenna got married, fans (rightly) pointed out that while her LIs' vows sounded heartfelt and acknowledged their relationship with her, the few options given for Kenna's vows made her sound impersonal and not very involved in comparison (for instance, even though Diavolos appeared only by Book 3, Kenna still was made to sound like the relationship had been there for longer). In RoE, they attempted to correct that, by giving us the diamond option to personalize our vows (still using their choices, but we got more options here and went into more detail). In TRR they've gone a step further and have US type what we want with our wishes, because even when you have the same LI - no two people can view one character the same. There's space for shitposting haha, but it's also to ensure that we have enough say in the vows we want our MCs to repeat.
• If you don't choose either your corgi or Bartie, the Cordonian children become your ringbearers. In this case, they are Valerie and Marco, the little ones from Lythikos, which I think is a very interesting choice. Because it does show us that though the Nevrakis clan seem to want to destroy Liam and his line, Lythikos itself - represented by Olivia - is in support of him. If Liam doesn't marry you, it makes even more sense that the children meant to represent Cordonia come from Olivia's estate.
• Lol everyone got the same ring. At least it isn't the cheapass one Madeleine had us pick up for her in Book 2.
• Vows exchanged, tears shed, and we can be as thirsty as we want in public without anyone saying a thing (wink at the LI, tell them you wish you both were alone instead of at a cathedral, give them a steamy kiss after your vows are exchanged).
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(Screenshots: for Drake and Maxwell it's was @sgt-peppers-coffee-club and for Hana it was @kennaxval 😄)
Ngl I was super super emotional when I saw the wedding portrait it took us so LONG and it was so BEAUTIFUL 😭
• Esther wants to call the monarchy the "DuPont dynasty" right now haha. I think there are some playthroughs (for instance Maxwell's I think) where Hana speaks of creating the Lee dynasty which...well...is odd if you're not marrying her, yes. This chapter had a whole bunch of goof ups going on.
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• From rats in a dumpster to this...what a journey.
• We now have a reception to go to! There is a teaser about whether this reception will be the one we hoped for (which is shorthand either for "gear up for drama folks" or for "you didn't spend enough diamonds for this, sucks to be you" 😒).
General Thoughts:
• How many of you folks have seen Cold November Rain? That music video from Guns n Roses? In that one, there's a wedding and Slash, the band guitarist (cum best man who seems to be in love with the bride) drops the ring in the bridegroom's hands and then steps out into a...desert for this:
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Would have been epic if either Drake or Liam left the ceremony midway to perform an epic guitar solo to the bustling crowd in Cordonia 😂 (you know the writers have friendzoned Hana and Maxwell hard enough that that will never happen for them).
• For the most part this chapter definitely did live up to the hype. This wedding was the culmination of everything we've been through since the book began so of course it was going to be big - and it was. I may have lost a lot of love I used to have for this book, but damn did I feel emotional when I read those vows, saw that wedding screenshot, heard the wedding music, fought alongside my girls.
• I think there may be two chapters left. Next chapter will be dedicated to the reception, and we'll see the following choices we made play out, most of which are certainly diamond-options:
1. The nobles (free, but it largely depends on whether you won them over or not)
2. The main course (from the food festival in Castelserraillian). Liam also showed us a chocolate souffle from there which he was suggesting for the wedding but IDK if that one will feature.
3. The wedding cake (Capitol cake scene) and the surprise dessert for the LI (baklava, cheetah cake, s'mores, hot chocolate).
4. The chocolates/macarons for guests
5. The gifts for the LIs (all of which open up a special scene).
6. The presence of Drake's mother (if you are marrying Drake).
That's a whole lot of stuff to code so get ready for a few goof-ups here and there, fam. As long as it's not as bad as the one they did at Hana's wedding that would be fairly okay.
• Now I know the "husband and wife" thing was a goof-up with the code, as is Liam not wearing the white uniform if you chose it for him and Hana's comment on the Lee dynasty with the MC (which somehow never showed up on my Liam playthrough). And technically, not many would actually be this angry about it if it weren't for the fact that Hana has been treated like crap by her writers before this, and on a smaller scale so has Maxwell. It's bad enough that she is the only option out there. It's even worse that while Drake gets extra development and extra scenes and extra characters (they worked hard enough to do the artwork for his mother for just that one playthrough), Hana is stuck with lazy writing and the person shown having a crush on her was her bully in the previous book. Having Liam announce that Hana and the MC are "husband and wife" even after different options had been given or chosen, would feel like a slap in the face.
Thankfully, PB has recognized how badly this could alienate fans, especially fans of characters like Hana and Maxwell who don't get the attention they deserve, and not only apologized but recognized how hurtful it was and tried to compensate.
I mean, how would you feel if the LI you liked was constantly being treated like they didn't matter? Wouldn't it frustrate you? Wouldn't a "glitch" like this one be the rotten cherry on a huge crapcake?
I'm saying this because I have seen at least a few say "this is a glitch lmao why are you guys complaining so much". This is why. It goes beyond just the glitch. It goes into why "husband" has to be the default here. It goes into chapters and chapters of shitty writing given only for certain LIs. That frustration is bound to boil over at some point.
• We'll also definitely be sneaking out and doing some post-matrimonial banging at some point. And if I don't get lingerie before that happens Ima be very very angry 😡
• I think it would be better to spread this out into two chapters.
• Is there a chance Anton might actually try something at the reception? Possibly.
• Will it be enough to warrant another full-length book? I don't know. I hope not.
• Alright, it's time for Chapter 20 now!
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