#because they're such different kinds of mean and I find them both sooo fascinating
sergeantpixie · 10 months
top 5 Grimm’s fairytales, top 5 mean girl characters <3
you really get me tbh <3
Grimm's Fairytales:
Little Red Cap
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The Robber Bridegroom
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The Juniper Tree
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The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces
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Mean Girl Characters:
Alison DiLaurentis from Pretty Little Liars
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Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl
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Jennifer Check from Jennifer's Body
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Chanel Oberlin from Scream Queens
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Addy Hanlon & Beth Cassidy from Dare Me by Megan Abbott
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
Okay sooo this is a weird ask but I was curious. I love both TID and TLH and was wondering... why do you like TLH so much more? I really enjoy both just in different ways and I'm interested in what might have tipped the scale for you.
I mean, I don't want people to get it in their heads that I don't love TID, because I do. TID always will have a special place in my heart, even if I prefer TLH. My love for TLH is a positive thing about TLH, not a flaw in TID.
That being said, here's why TLH hits different:
Matthew, Alastair, Thomas, Cordelia, Grace, and Christopher.
But for real, the characters. In TID, I absolutely love Tessa and Will, but while I like all the side characters, I don't feel the all-consuming 'I'd take a bullet for you' feeling for any of them. In TLH, I would take a bullet for 6 full characters and like/am interested in almost everyone else. So like, I have a much more widespread stake, and I find them more interesting.
The character dynamics. I don't just mean the ships, though Thomastair & Jordelia & Gracetopher are imo complete perfection. I mean the entire group's dynamic. All of them are neurodivergent. All of them have unique ways of relating with everyone around them, and the relationships they build are a fascinating web. Like, if you throw Lucie in a room with Thomas or Grace, she becomes immediately interesting even if I don't really like her much; Anna's dynamics with Matthew and Cordelia are enchanting even if she frustrates me sometimes. All the characters have their place and they all have such an intricate and enticing web connecting them together.
The miscommunication. I know this is why everyone gets mad at TLH, but... you have to ask why. Why are these miscommunications happening, psychologically? What makes these characters tick at the frequencies required to make them miscommunicate like this? In my opinion, every TLH character is to some degree sympathetic in their miscommunications; they all have valid reasons for lying and concealing the truth. What's driving them?
I also really like the emphasis on human trauma. Alastair and Cordelia grew up in an abusive home; Grace's mom was also horribly abusive to her. All three characters cope with that. Alastair deals with an abusive partner who groomed him. Matthew deals with PTSD and addiction, and he needs to confront that (and does so). James has to cope with some really horrible sexual trauma and does so in a very realistic way. Thomas deals with grief in an underrepresented way (taking the form of action). There's a lot.
I think by this point you're getting that I just really love the TLH cast. It's character-driven. TID's more plotty and the characters (to me) feel a bit less fleshed out, even if they're wonderful.
Belial is an extremely cool villain. I love how erratic and inhuman he is. Mortmain is boring AF despite his rich backstory. He just has all the personality of overcooked pasta.
I'm a much bigger fan of light academia than dark academia. Give me spring sunshine! Flowers! Spinny dresses! Picnics! Sledding parties! Balls! Gorgeous outfits!
I'll also admit it's just nice to see the weird, cringe, neurodivergent queer friend group save the world for once.
I just genuinely think Cassie grew as a writer in the past several years, and the prose of TLH is better than that of TID. I do think that TID is a better-plotted and better-paced series, but I don't think the writing style is as good. This is a hats-off to Cassie.
The end of TID is distressing and grim, and reminds me that like, good things don't last. By contrast, I really like the end of TLH, it's the exact kind of ending I like: open-ended and hopeful.
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riversofmars · 4 years
Could you do a story where Thirteen bumps into the tenth doctor and Donna and thirteen pretends that she's not the doctor but then post-library river comes along and causes mischief please? Also I REALLY love your fics, especially The Oncoming Storm! Yours were the first fanfics I read and they're one of the few I like (I'm picky) so thanks for doing such brilliant stories!
Aww thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say!! Sorry this took a little while longer, hope the wait was worth it! Turned out a bit longer than expected. Hope it sort of fits the brief lol! Really hope you like it!
Rating: G
Ship: Ten/River, Thirteen/River
Word count: 2400
Read on AO3 or below
River Song Has Been Saved
“Hang on a minute, Doctor.“ Donna walked back over to the TARDIS doors after the Doctor had closed them with a snap of his fingers. She thought she’d seen something, just as the doors had closed.
“What’s wrong?“ The Doctor frowned and followed her, both sticking their heads out.
“Oi, lady!“ Donna called stopping a young woman that had just strolled past the TARDIS and was heading back deeper into the Library. Everyone was supposed to be evacuated by now.
“Sorry?“ The woman looked around, blonde hair framing soft features and big eyes. She looked to them as if she hadn’t expected them to be there.
“You can’t go in there.“ The Doctor gestured to the door that lead further into the Library as they stepped out of the TARDIS again. Only a moment longer and they would have taken off and missed her sneaking in here.
“Ahh… so close. Just a bit too early, wasn’t I, hate it when I do that…“ The blonde said to herself more than anything else.
“Did you just come here? The planet has been sealed off for a hundred years, how did you…“ The Doctor frowned, confused as to how she’d got in.
“Yeah, been meaning to check it out.“ The woman grinned. “The hair is magnificent, isn’t it.“ She eyed the Doctor up who looked back at her utterly bewildered. There was something familiar about her.
“Do I know you?“ He asked.
“No absolutely not, never mind me, I’m sure you got important things to do, so.“ She gave a little wave, intend on heading off.
“You can’t go in there, we’re evacuating the planet.“ Donna backed up the Doctor.
“I know, you have a nice day now.“ The woman grinned.
“Sorry, I can’t let you do that.“ The Doctor was quick to overtake her and step in her way. “This place is gonna get swallowed up by flesh eating darkness soon, you might want to head out not in?“
“I got to check something out of the library, I’ll only be a minute.“ She waved off his warning and tried to push past him. “And like you say, the window of opportunity is closing, so, you should probably leave this place yourselves…“
“And you can’t find your book any other place?“ Donna asked dumbfounded.
“One of a kind, sorry, got to run.“ The blonde replied with a grin pushing past him.
“Alright, have a nice day as well.“ The Doctor let her pass.
“Thanks!“ She grinned and sprinted off.
“Doctor, you're not just gonna let her go, are you?“ Donna asked thoroughly confused watching her leave.
“Not a chance. Just giving her a head start.“ The Doctor winked and they headed after her, careful not to be spotted. They took cover behind some tables in the main area as the blonde headed straight for a computer terminal.
“That was close, stupid box, always with the timing…“  She was mumbling to herself. “Couldn’t have hung on two minutes…“ Without further ado, she started pulling some sort of electrical equipment from the pockets of her impressive coat. There were a lot of parts to it and Donna couldn’t believe it all somehow fit into her pockets. They watched her as she hooked up the equipment to the computer.
“What is she doing?“ Donna whispered to the Doctor who shrugged.
“I’m more concerned with who she is… whatever she is doing, that’s complicated tech…“ He mused, watching in fascination as she continued her work.
“Ouch… alright then.“ The blonde pulled her hands away as she seemed to have gotten an electric shock. She stood and engaged the computer terminal. “CAL, hi, sorry, I know, bit confusing, different face.“ She started talking to the computer and the Doctor and Donna exchanged concerned looks. How did she know about CAL? What she was saying was making very little sense to them without the second half of the conversation. They couldn’t make out what CAL responded. “Just popping in to get what’s mine, alright? Don’t freak out, it’s really me. Can you put her on?“ There was a moment of silence. Neither Donna nor the Doctor said anything but there were only very few people she should be looking to talk to on that computer. This was about to get even more investing than the whole experience had been already. “Hello Sweetie. Surprise! This is gonna be great, you’re gonna love this, had Dorium track it down for me, took a while but here we are.“ The woman sounded thoroughly excited. “Get you coat, honey, let’s see if it works.“ She took a step backwards and pulled something from her coat pocket, pointing it at the computer. Sparks flew and the mechanism engaged.
“Can’t have come cheap, that.“
“Dorium Maldovar is known drive a hard bargain, she must be a hacker or criminal of some kind to have those kinds of ties.“ The Doctor mused, trying to make sense of what they were picking up.
“Perhaps Dorium just owes her a favour…“
“Dorium doesn’t do favours.“ He huffed. It was a ridiculous notion.
“He will.“
“Doctor.“ Donna touched her hand to his arm.
“Shush, Donna, I don’t want to lose the element of surprise.“ He kept his eyes firmly on the woman in the middle of the room who was looking around now, apparently waiting to see if whatever she had tried to do had worked.
“Doctor.“ Donna repeated.
“How much longer until he notices, you think?“
“Doctor?!“ Donna grabbed the Doctor by the shoulder and pulled him around.
“Donna, what?!“ He growled but stopped dead in his tacks when he found River Song standing behind them. He had been having a conversation with her without even realising it. She was dressed in a white flowing dress, a stark contrast to the environmental suit he’d only seen her in, and a grinned spread across her beautiful features.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ She chuckled.
“Oh my God, River, what, how…“ The Doctor couldn’t find words.
“Well, Sweetie, what do you think?“ River grinned at the Doctor.
“Of what?“ He was still in shock. He had watched her die only hours ago, he had managed to somehow, miraculously save her consciousness and now suddenly she was here again? “How did you get out of the computer? What did she do?“
“Some sort of teleport I believe, but like a really clever 3D printer, materialise the body, download the consciousness, boom, brand new wife.“ River explained, enjoying the dumbfound expression on both their faces.
“River!!“ The blonde had finally spotted her and River waved to her.
“Speaking of wife…“ River smirked and the Doctor exclaimed:
“Wife?! I thought you and me, we…“ He looked around to the woman heading straight for them, feeling a wave of jealousy. He knew he’d technically only met River today but he knew how important she would become to him.
“We are.“ River chuckled giving his an amused smirk: “But you know, you can’t talk, all I’m gonna say is: Elizabeth I… so…“ She couldn’t carry on as the blonde rushed around the counter and threw herself at River who pulled her close and twirled her around.
“River.“ The mystery woman took her face in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes, clearly overcome with emotion.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ River smiled the softest of smiles and leaned in to kiss her.
“Sooo… how do you feel about this?“ Donna looked to the Doctor, feeling like they were intruding on a private moment. “You think we should go, or…“ She could tell from the annoyed expression on the Doctor’s face, however, that he had no intention of just leaving it be. He pulled himself up to full height and cleared his throat.
“Okay, so thank you for saving my future…“
“Wife.“ River helpfully supplied the word as they stopped kissing and just held each other close.
“Whatever she is. But who are you?“ He jabbed his finger at the blonde.
“You haven’t figured it out yet?“ The woman let go of River, seemingly reluctantly, and turned to face him. She kept her hand intertwined with River’s.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy River isn’t dead but my future self spent a lot of time thinking about how to save her and then you just waltz in here having to do one better?“ The Doctor crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Well, sadly, you’ll not remember that I came here.“ The woman replied.  
“What?“ Donna was utterly confused now.
“Why not?“ The Doctor demanded to know, unsure whether or not that was supposed to be a threat.
“God, you’re slow. Did I give you a concussion when I knocked you out?“ River raised her eyebrows playfully.
“Maybe it’s cause of the hair spray…“ The blonde mused.
“I don’t use…“ The Doctor was going to protest but River had already changed directions:
“Don’t tell me you’re not using hairspray now.“ She ran her hand through the other woman’s blonde bob.
“Naturally falls like that, thank you very much.“ She huffed in response. “Regeneration is a lottery as you should know by now.“
“Are you a timelord?!“ The Doctor exclaimed, not sure how to interpret the statement.
“Yes.“ The blonde replied in amusement.  
“But I thought I was the last…“ The Doctor stared back at her in shock.
“Yes, which makes me…“
“You can’t be.“ He shook his head.
“Yes I am the…“ The blonde started but the didn’t allow her to finish.
“You can’t be the Master, he…“
“So close.“ The mystery woman sighed hanging her head theatrically.
“It’s like watching one of those dumb and dumber movies, isn’t it.“ River chuckled to Donna who had long given up trying to follow.
“Hang on!“ The Doctor exclaimed as the penny dropped.
“Yes, crossing time streams, you won’t remember this because you are crossing your own time stream right now! I am you.“ The blonde Doctor sighed, she couldn’t believe she had to spell it out for him like that.
“Pretty boy and pretty girl.“ Donna found herself chuckling almost involuntarily.
“Aren’t they?“ River agreed with a smirk. “The mind races.“
“River. Shut up!“ The Doctor chanted in unison.
“But you’re short!“ The younger Doctor groaned in annoyance as he looked her up and down.
“I am actually rather average height, as it happens! Why does everyone call me small?!“ The older Doctor huffed. “Did I really use to be so obsessed with my height?!“
“Size isn’t everything, darling.“ River pipped up.
“Still not ginger then.“ The younger Doctor carried on.
“None of the next four, no.“ She replied with a shrug.  
“Four more regenerations and only now did you work out how to save her?“ He exclaimed looking to River.
“I actually gave her the screwdriver last time we met, thank you very much. One step at a time.“ The older Doctor huffed and turned to her wife: “I booked that suite on Darillium again, by the way, for a few nights, just, you know, if you haven’t got any other plans.“
“Well, this is going to be a whole new experience.“ River smirked looking her up and down. This was the first she was seeing of her spouse’s most recent regeneration and she was beyond intrigued.
“Like it?“ The blonde Doctor asked with a little smirk and River grinned:
“Love it.“
“I don’t like her. Do you like her?“ The younger Doctor turned to Donna, just as his future self pulled their wife in for another kiss.
“Are you jealous of yourself?“ Donna teased and he gave her a playful shove.
“So you’re really him? Just older?“ Donna turned to the future Doctor, still struggling to believe that they were the same person. She knew what regeneration meant but it wasn’t like she’d ever seen the result of one.
“Different face, same dumbass.“ The Doctor retorted with a grin.
“Well done for saving her, Doctor.“ Donna smiled as they looked to River who said her goodbyes to the younger Doctor at present. “She really needed you, this version of you.“ Donna thought back to how devastated River had been at the total lack of recognition on the Doctor’s part. She had missed her Doctor so very much.
“I know. I remember.“ The Doctor gave a sad sort of smile as she thought back to when she had first met River, remembering the pain and sorrow in her eyes. “Donna, I can’t know, you know. You can’t tell me, else I might not get here, details my change and a paradox will be created if I know River lived.“ The Doctor turned to her to explain and Donna nodded slowly, they had mentioned it on the way back to the TARDIS already. This Doctor’s TARDIS was parked right behind their’s where they hadn’t been able to spot it as they got out. “Just be there for him. He’s already struggling, even if he doesn’t show it, even if he doesn’t know her yet, he still knows what and who he’s lost.“ The Doctor tried her best to explain to her what was going on in her younger self’s head.
“How long as it been for you? Since she died. How long have had to carry that with you?“ Donna asked taking her hand comfortingly.
“Some questions are better left unanswered.“ The Doctor shook her head and smiled. “It was good to see you, Donna.“ She pulled her into a hug.
“It was good to meet you, this version of you.“ Donna smiled and let her go, just as River and the other Doctor joined them.
“Well done, Doctor.“ The younger Doctor smiled and extended his hand to her.
“You too, Doctor.“ The blonde smile in return and shook his hand.
“You sure you don’t want to come in for a cup of tea, or…“ River suggested pointing to the TARDIS:
“Down, girl.“ The older Doctor smirked and took her hand in hers.
“You’ll be seeing me again soon, Doctor.“ River smiled at the younger Doctor who grinned:
“I look forward to it.“
“No telling.“ The older Doctor reminded Donna who nodded and smiled:
“My lips are sealed.“
“Now about that suite.“ River smirked at her wife as they turned to their TARDIS.
“Think the TARDIS bedroom will do for now, don’t you?“ The Doctor chuckled as she unlocked the door.
“Bedroom, kitchen, console room, wardrobe hall…“ River smirked and pulled her inside.
“Good for you, Doctor, so you’re not an eternal virgin then.“ Donna teased pulling her Doctor along to their TARDIS before he could get any more jealous.
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