#Donna nobel
The fact that 9 didn't have a companion like Ace is so rude to me.
Mr leather jacket anarchist and Miss "I make my own explosives that I carry in my backpack" would be the BEST duo ever.
And Im so mad it wasn't a thing.
I love Rose but I want more 9.
Also mad 9 never met Martha or Donna, he'd love Martha he'd think she was Fantastic.
And he and Donna would be able to sass a dalek into killing itself.
Also I think Martha would have been great with 3 & 4, she's so smart & 3 did really well with that professor chick, she was amazing.
Also just thinking about Martha sharing 4's scarf with 4 and Sarah Jane. They're using it like one of those leash backpacks to keep 4 near them.
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donut1642 · 10 months
sobbing over the doctor who ending
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unabashedthingsublime · 3 months
A bit of Dialogue I wrote for Fourteen, Donna, and Rose
the Doctor is underneath the console, tinkering with some obscure TARDIS system, while Rose is sitting with him working on her plushies, and Donna is handing him tools (and snacks). (He's more likely to talk while he's doing something with his hands, and it spares Donna's household appliances from being tinkered with.)
Doctor: I got to actually talk to her once.
Donna: Who?
Doctor: You know, The TARDIS. (Pats console)
Donna: She can talk?
Doctor: Not usually. We got pulled into a pocket universe by an evil planet that eats TARDISes, and he threw her into the body of a human girl.  (Indignant) She bit me!
(With a bit of wonder in his voice) I thought I had stolen a TARDIS and ran away, but it turns out we stole each other, isn’t that right, old girl? I stole you, and you stole me.
For a moment, for one mad, impossible moment, my oldest, best friend in the universe was here, in front of me, and we could talk. Because the thing is, while a TARDIS is alive, and this one more so than most, she can’t directly interact with linear time in the same way that we can. I can feel her, and usually she finds a way to nudge me in the right direction, but she can’t talk in any real way. Not even to me.
Rose: So what happened?
Doctor: Of course, it couldn’t last. The human body just isn’t meant to contain the an atemporal 11th dimensional entity, and that body started burning itself out almost as soon as she got thrown into it. With the matrix gone, the entity, House, took over the TARDIS, and used it to leave to leave the bubble universe he was stuck in, with my companions, Amy and Rory still inside.
We built a makeshift Tardis, from the pieces of all the ones that had been destroyed and managed to get back to my TARDIS with a little help from Amy and Rory. We landed in a secondary control room, and tricked the entity that had taken over into bringing us to the main console, where the Tardis was able to return to her rightful place, and finish it off.
Rose: But that also meant that she had to go back, right?
Doctor:  (quietly) Yeah.
Donna: Oi, come here spaceman! (The Doctor comes out from underneath the console, and they hug)
They break the hug, and Donna considers what he just told them.
Donna: Wait, did you say you stole the TARDIS?
Doctor: Yeah, in my very first life (Darkly, as an aside) That I know about anyway…  (forcibly checks himself)
I was fed up. Fed up with Gallifrey, fed up with the Time Lord’s endless bureaucracy and pontificating. So I snuck my granddaughter, Susan (although that name came later), to the storage room where the decommissioned TARDISes were kept, and we stole one and ran away.
Or maybe the Tardis stole me. She was the one who opened the lock…
She’s always been there for me. Seen me at my best and my worst, and still hasn’t given up on me, even when I’ve given up on myself.  
Rose: Wait, I get it. You two are married, aren’t you?
Doctor: Uh… well, in a matter of speaking, I guess we are.
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queer-reader-07 · 10 months
starting The Giggle, place your bets now: am i going to cry?
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esonetwork · 1 year
The Unicorn and The Wasp
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/the-unicorn-and-the-wasp/
The Unicorn and The Wasp
The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble team up with Agatha Christie for a spiffing top hole whodunnit. Mike, Mike, Mary, and Shannon Clute look for clues among the usual suspects and try not to get stung.
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music-is-love-90 · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Original Female Character(s), The Doctor/Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, Martha Jones/Mickey Smith Characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor, Original Female Character(s), Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Rory Williams, River Song Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, This is a rewrite of an old story, condensed into one story instead of like 5 Summary:
The tale of the Doctor and the Phoenix, last survivors of Gallifrey.
Previously published on Fanfiction.net as Never Gonna Be Alone, Savin' Me, Someday, I'd Come For You, and If Today Was Your Last Day. Edited and reworked.
Ch. 2:
Everything was set.
The flowers were perfect, the band was ready, everyone was dressed in their very best, she looked fantastic, and, best of all, at the end of the aisle waited the most perfect man in the world, ready to marry her, Donna Noble. 
Life was just about as perfect as it could get.
The organ began its famous call and Donna gave her father a nervous smile as the butterflies in her stomach doubled, tripled.  She began her march down the aisle towards her perfect future and they grew even more.  Kind of painfully.  Really painful.  Donna came to a stop as the pain grew ten times, a hundred times more painful.  The only thing she could do was scream as the world went black.
The next thing she knew, she was in an odd, dome shaped room.  She heard something behind her and spun on her heel to find a very skinny man in a pinstriped suit, next to the oddest contraption she had ever seen.
“Who are you?” she demanded.  He started sputtering, but she cut him off.  “Where am I?”
“What the hell is this place?” Her voice started to rise. 
She was fairly certain the man was an idiot, given how he was just staring at her.
“You can’t do that, I wasn’t even – But we’re in flight!” he exclaimed, tripping over his words.  “That is – that is physically impossible.  How did you – “
“Tell me where I am!” she demanded, cutting him off again.  “I demanded you tell me right now: where am I?”
“You’re inside the TARDIS,” he told her, looking more and more confused.
“The what?”
“The TARDIS.” He began moving around the console, taking readings.
“The what?”
“It’s called the TARDIS.”
“That’s not even a proper word!” she spat.  “You’re just saying things!”
“How did you get in here?” he demanded.
“Well, obviously when you kidnapped me!  Who was it that put you up to this, huh?  Was it Nyeris?  Is this her?  She finally getting me back?”
“Who the hell is Nyeris?” he demanded, completely mystified.
“Your best friend,” she replied, sneering at him.
He looked her up and down.
“Hold on, wait a minute.  Why are you dressed like that?”
“I’m going ten pin bowling,” she said snarkily, motioning to her white gown and veil.  “What do you think, dumbo?!  I’m getting married!  I was half-way up the aisle!  I’m gonna have the police on you!  Me and my husband, as soon as he is my husband, are going to sue the pants off you!”
As she was ranting, she spotted doors to the side of the room and took off, ignoring his shout to wait.  She flung them open, only to be brought short by the sight of a nebula in deep space. 
The Doctor calmly walked up behind her, silently asking the TARDIS if she would get Lily to the control room somehow.
“You’re in space,” he told the other woman calmly.  “Outer space.   This is my…spaceship.  It’s called the TARDIS.”
“How am I breathing?” she asked.
“The TARDIS is protecting us.”
“Who are you?” she asked finally.
“I’m the Doctor,” he replied simply.
“Human?” he asked, looking at her.
“Yeah.  Is that optional?”
“Well, it is for me.” He turned back to the open doors.
“You’re an alien.”
It wasn’t a question, but he answered anyway.
They stood in silence, observing the turn of the universe.
“It’s freezing with these doors open,” Donna said finally, rubbing her arms.
The Doctor gave her a look and quickly closed them before running back to the console.
“I don’t understand this,” he said, quickly moving around the console, “and I understand everything.  This, this can’t be happening.  There is no way a human being can lock itself on and beam itself into the TARDIS.”  He grabbed an ophthalmoscope and started looking at her.  “Impossible.  Some sort of subatomic connection?  Something in the temporal field?  Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon shell.  Maybe something macro mining your DNA within the interior matrix.  Maybe a genetic – “
Donna slapped him.
“What was that for?” he demanded, recoiling in shock.
“Right!” he yelled back, dropping the device and moving back the console.  “Fine!  I don’t want you here anyway.  Where is this church?”
“Saint Mary’s, Paytor Road, Cheswick, London, England, Earth, The Solar System!”
Donna spotted a woman’s jacket hanging over one of the corrals and grabbed it, brandishing it at him.
“I knew it!” she sneered.  “Acting all innocent.  I’m not the first!  How many women have you abducted?”
It took a moment for the Doctor to figure out what she was waving in his face, but his eyes grew cold when he realized it was Rose’s jacket.  It had been an unspoken agreement between him and Lily.  She didn’t mention the jacket that still lay where Rose had thrown it that last day and he didn’t mention the leather jacket that had gone missing from the wardrobe. 
After all, they were both grieving in their own way.
“That’s my friend’s.” he told the newcomer, struggling to keep his emotions in check.
“Well, where is she?” Donna demanded mockingly.  “Popped out for a spacewalk?”
“She’s gone.”
“Gone where?”
The Doctor tried to look away from the jacket, but he couldn’t seem to make himself actually do it.
“I lost her.”
Donna opened her mouth to respond, but they were both distracted by the sound of breaking china.  The Doctor turned to see Lily in the doorway, growing paler by the second as she stared at the other woman.
The three of them stared at each other. 
“What?” the Doctor demanded, looking between them.
Ten minutes earlier
Lily had wandered away from the music room in search of a cup of coffee.  She was fairly certain the Doctor had snuck back to Earth while she was sleeping one night to get her some, given he only drank tea.  He never mentioned it, it just appeared one morning, and she couldn’t help but think it was very sweet of him.  She was almost done when she felt the TARDIS nudge her.  She was used to her TARDIS in her Universe doing the same thing when the Doctor needed her, so she sighed.
“So, what did he do this time?” she asked the ship, leaning against the counter as she stirred her coffee.  “Cross two wires and set himself on fire again?”
The time ship nudged harder and Lily sighed again.
“Alright, I’m coming.” she said, heading out the door.  “But he better be dying.”
She made her way towards the control room, noting that the TARDIS had rearranged to make it a straight shot.
“Must actually be serious,” she muttered.
She entered the room and froze, the cup slipping from her hand.  What she was seeing couldn’t be true.
“Donna?” she whispered.
She vaguely heard the Doctor say something before she felt her legs give out, but she never felt herself hit the ground as the memories overtook her.  Flashes of one of the worst days of her life, flowing through her mind, unrelenting.  She couldn’t make it stop, even as she felt her power slipping through her grasp.
She was losing control.
Now the Doctor was even more confused.  Lily had been slowly telling him of her life before she joined him, and Donna Noble had featured heavily in many of those stories.  Lily Carter’s best friend, a firebrand and braver than anyone she knew.  He knew she had died and that it had been awful for Lily, but he didn’t know much beyond that.  But it wasn’t the fact that she was alive in this universe that confused him.  No, it was trying to reconcile the kind, funny, empathetic woman Lily had told him about with the woman who had just slapped him!
None of that mattered, though, when he saw Lily fall.  He managed to get to her fast enough to keep her from hitting her head and he saw that, while her eyes were open, she was not seeing him.
“Lily?” he called, shaking her slightly, but she didn’t respond.
“See, I was right!” Donna crowed.  “Where did you pick her up?  Disney World?  Probably doing all sorts of freaky alien things to her!  She definitely looks like she’s on – “
“Donna shut up!” the Doctor yelled, surprising the woman into silence.  Content that she would stay quiet, the Doctor turned his attention back to the woman in his arms.  “Lily, can you hear me?”
There was no response.  She didn’t seem aware of anything that was happening around her, too deep in her own mind to notice him.  What was even more troubling was the gold flooding her eyes. 
He knew she had power, that the Vortex still lived inside her, and it looked like she was losing control.  Who knew what a release of that kind of power would do to the TARDIS, much less him and Donna?  There was no other option.
The Doctor laid Lily on the grating, taking her face between his hands as he entered her mind.
Every where he looked, there was chaos.  Lily’s memories were a jumbled mess, trapping her inside her mind.  As he moved through them, it became easier to distinguish what was from before she had met his counterpart and what came after.  He saw familiar places and familiar faces that he tried to not look too hard at, trying to find the path to the memory that she was trapped inside.  As he moved deeper, he saw more and more death as her memories turned darker and darker, giving him an idea of exactly why his counterpart had been willing to risk everything to send her to him.
No one should have had to endure this much darkness, much less someone as bright and kind as Lily Carter.
Finally, he located the memory Lily couldn’t escape and he entered it.
The room was clearly of Dalek design, sparce and unfeeling, and in the center was a table with a young woman strapped to it.  Her red hair was matted, and she had clearly been tortured, as blood still flowed from many of her wounds.  Some of the wounds seem half healed, while others were very fresh.
She had obviously been here for a while.
The door opened and Lily ran in.  She took a moment to assess her situation before running to the table and starting to undo the straps.
The younger woman paused what she was doing at the whisper, grabbing her friend’s hand and holding it tightly.
“Hey, girlie,” she said gently.  “How you doing?”
Donna chuckled weakly and blood dribbled from the side of her mouth.
“I…I’ve been better.”
Lily laughed softly.
“Well, don’t you worry.  We’re gonna get you out of here and get you back to the Doctor.  He’s gonna fix you up, good as new.”
The forced cheerfulness sounded so brittle in the air.
“You shouldn’t have come,” Donna protested.  “The baby – “
“Would never forgive me if I didn’t come after their Aunt Donna,” Lily interrupted.  “So, stop distracting me so I can save your sorry ass.”
She squeezed her friend’s hand and let go, returning to the straps. Finally, they were done, and Lily wrapped her arm around Donna’s waist to help her up.  They only made it about halfway to the door before Donna collapsed to her knees, vomiting blood all over the floor.  Lily tried to get her up, but they just slipped in the blood.  Lily pulled her into her arms as more of her wounds reopened and the blood surrounding them grew even more.
“Shh.  You’re gonna be fine,” Lily comforted her, stroking her hair.  “You’ll see.  Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Lily, I’m sorry.”
Lily started to cry as Donna weakly took her hand and pulled it up to her chest.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she told her friend fiercely.
“I didn’t tell them anything,” Donna whispered.  “I kept you safe.  I kept the baby safe.”
“I know you did.” Lily was sobbing now.  “I never doubted it for a moment.”
“Don’t…don’t blame yourself,” Donna said, growing weaker by the moment.  “I wouldn’t…have traded it for the world.  Tell…the Doctor…tell him…he better keep you two safe…”
“I will,” Lily assured her.  “And I will make sure my little girl knows she had the best aunt in the universe.”
Donna smiled softly.
“You’re…you’re my best friend, Lils,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper.  “Love…yo…”
And she was gone.
Lily stared at her, her face slack in shock.  She pulled Donna’s body to her, rocking her slowly as the body slowly began to cool.  A little while after that, the air began to change.  Where there had been stillness, electricity now crackled.
And Lily’s eyes turned pure gold.
The scene faded for a moment before resetting and the Doctor realized Lily was stuck in a loop, reliving the death of her best friend.  A woman who now stood in their ship with no idea of who Lily was.
He pulled back slightly and saw that Lily’s eyes in the real world will also gold.
She was losing control, reacting to the memory of one of the worst days of her life.  He could tell she was fighting, trying to push the memory back, but she couldn’t do that and keep control of her power.  So, he dove back in, fighting through her trauma to help her lock the memory away.  It wasn’t perfect, and she would need to deal with it eventually, but it was the best option for the moment.  As his mind joined with hers, he felt something he hadn’t felt in centuries: the comfort of another mind.  He had been so alone for so long that he couldn’t help but bask in the comfort of someone else to reach out to, settling into the hole the Time Lords had left.
He helped her push the memory back and reluctantly pulled away to find her eyes finally seeing him.
Thank you.
He could have wept at the sound of another voice in his head.
I know I should have asked, he told her sheepishly, but there didn’t seem to be any time.
He felt her smile more than he saw it.
I prefer to be alive, rather than all of us dead, so it’s probably best you didn’t wait for permission.
He started to pull away, but she grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.
For the future, you have permission to enter my mind any time you think it necessary, she told him.  I trust you.
He felt a feeling rush through him that he hadn’t felt in so long.
She might be in a human body, but Lily Carter was a Time Lord at heart, which meant he wasn’t alone anymore.
He smiled softly and nodded.
Lily stifled a sob and the Doctor pulled her into his arms, ignoring the other woman completely.
“Will you be alright?” he asked softly, and Lily hesitated for a moment before nodding.  “She isn’t your Donna,” he warned.
“I know,” she whispered.  “I’ll manage.”
He nodded, getting to his feet and holding his hand out to help her up.  When she was on her feet, he squeezed her hand before letting go and heading to the console.
“Did he kidnap you too?” Donna demanded, walking towards Lily.
The other woman swallowed thickly, looking anywhere other than the red head.
“No,” she told her softly, resisting the urge to either run away or throw her arms around the other woman.  “He’s…protecting me.  He’s my friend.” She glanced at him and saw him smile warmly, giving her strength.  “I had something happen to me and he gave me a soft place to land.  He’s one of the good guys.”
“Well, I don’t need protection,” Donna said with a sniff.  “Get me to the church!”
“Right,” the Doctor said grumpily.  “Chiswick.”
He threw the TARDIS into flight and Lily grabbed the railing, hanging on for dear life.
“Doctor, I take it back!” she yelled.  “I’m pretty sure you’re trying to kill me!”
“It’s not me!” he yelled back.
“You always say that!” she shouted without thinking and winced.  “I imagine, I mean.  I think she’s starting to take offense!”
“What do you want from me?!”
“I want to make it to London without throwing up!”
“Well, talk to her!”
“She’s your ship!” Lily shot back.  “You talk to her!”
“WILL YOU TWO STOP TALKING LIKE THE SHIP’S ALIVE!” Donna screamed at them from where she was holding on for dear life.
They both turned to stare at her.
“But – but she is!” the Doctor sputtered, looking a bit like a child who had just been told that Santa wasn’t real.
“It’s a ship.” She told him slowly, as if speaking to a simpleton.
“Yes, but she’s grown, not made.” The Doctor explained excitedly.  “TARDISs are sentient.”
The TARDIS chose that moment to touch down, throwing them all to the ground.  Faster than anyone could have thought possible in a floor length gown, Donna was up and through the doors.  As she looked around, she realized they were nowhere near a church. 
The Doctor and Lily followed her out and she rounded on them.
“I said St. Mary’s!” she shouted at them.  “What sort of Martian are you?”
The Doctor had already turned his attention away from her and towards the TARDIS.
“It’s like something’s wrong with her,” he said to no one in particular as he stroked the side of the shell.  “It’s almost like she’s…RECALIBRATING!”  He ran back inside and straight to the console.  “She’s digesting!”
Lily knew he was talking to her, but she was more interested in watching Donna’s reaction to the outside of the TARDIS.  It was almost physically painful to watch this woman have the same reaction as dead woman she had loved more than almost anyone while having her face and not being her.  Lily was caught between wanting to rage at her for the sin of not being her Donna, while wanting to gather her in her arms and never let go.
“Who’s this man you’re marrying?” the Doctor called as Donna took off down the alley.  “Are you sure he’s human?  Hasn’t got a zipper on his forehead, does he?”  He poked his head out and saw only Lily.  “Where is she?”
She just pointed at Donna’s retreating figure.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Lily met his eyes and he saw the pure grief there and he nodded.
“Come on,” he said, exiting the TARDIS and holding out his hand.  “We can’t let her get too far before we figure out what’s going on.”
Lily nodded and took his hand, letting him pull her after Donna.
“Donna…” he called as they caught up.
“Leave me alone!  I just want to get married!”
“Donna, just come back to the TARDIS,” he insisted.
“No way,” she said, shaking her head.  “That box is too weird.”
Lily smiled at that and the Doctor squeezed her hand.
“It’s bigger on the inside, that’s all,” he told the other woman, as if this explained everything.
“Oh!” she rounded on him, staring at him.  “That’s all?”  She glanced at her watch and groaned.  “Ten past three!  I’m gonna miss it!”
“Can’t you phone them?” Lily asked.  “Tell them where you are?”
“How do I do that?” Donna sneered at her, motioning to her dress.
“Oh, right.” Lily agreed sheepishly.  “Mobile phone’s probably not a big consideration with a wedding dress.”
“Why not?” the Doctor asked, confused.
“I don’t have pockets!” Donna screeched at him.  “Have you ever seen a bride with pockets?  You know what the one thing I forgot at my fitting at Chez Allison?  You know what I forgot to say?  I forgot to say GIVE ME POCKETS!”
“This man you’re marrying, what’s his name?” the Doctor asked.
Donna’s whole personality changed.
“Lance,” she told him dreamily.
“Good luck, Lance.”
Lily elbowed him in the side.
“Oi! No stupid Martian is going to stop me from getting married,” she yelled at him, walking away again.  “The hell with you!”
“I’m – I’m not from Mars,” he called after her.
“Well,” Lily said, linking her arm with the Doctor’s, “she may not be my Donna, but I can tell you that you might as well give up now.  She’s never going to care.”
The Doctor just shook his head, leading her down the road after the other woman.
They caught up with Donna as she tried to hail a cab and had no luck.  Lily stood back and watched as the Doctor tried to help and had no better luck.
“Why aren’t they stopping?” he demanded, confused.
“They think I’m in fancy dress,” Donna replied, annoyed.  Another driver drove by, yelling for her to lay off the sauce.  “They think I’m drunk!” And yet another told her she wasn’t fooling anyone.  “They think I’m in drag!”
For a moment, Lily thought Donna might give chase to that one.
“Both of you, stop,” she ordered, stepping out to the curb. 
She put her fingers to her lips and let out an ear-piercing whistle.  A moment later, three cabs had stopped.
“Et voila,” she said as they approached the nearest.  “Perks of growing up in New York.”
“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” the Doctor groused as they got in.
“I was enjoying watching you try.” She shot back with a cheeky grin.
He shook his head, a slight smile passing over his face.  Donna was giving the driver the directions when he informed them that it would be double, due to it being Christmas and all.
“Oh my god.  Have you got any money?”
“Um, no.  Haven’t you?”
“Pockets, Doctor,” Lily said, rubbing her temples.
They quickly found themselves back on the street.  The Doctor got Donna situated with a nearby payphone before taking Lily’s hand and leading her over to stand in line for a cash point.  Lily smiled as the Doctor shifted his weight, clearly impatient.
“Would you like me to distract him?” she asked with a smirk.
The Doctor took in her loose sweatshirt and jeans with an arched eyebrow and she smacked his arm playfully.
The Doctor’s expression fell, and he swallowed, turning away from her.  A moment later, he felt her hand slip into his, squeezing it tightly.  He squeezed back, taking comfort from the fact that he wasn’t alone.
Finally, the man left, and Lily angled her body to block The Doctor as he used the sonic screwdriver to get some cash out of the machine.
“You know, stealing is a crime.” She teased as they walked away.
“What are you going to do, turn me in?” he shot back, swinging her arm.  “Oh, officer!  My Time Lord friend here just stole money from the cash machine using his amazing sonic screwdriver.  Yeah, that’s going to work.”
Lily wrinkled at his attempt at mimicking her accent.
“I do not sound like that.”  The Doctor just smirked at her.  “I do not!”
They arrived back at the road to see Donna getting in a taxi.
“Thanks for nothing!” she shouted, slamming the door shut.
Lily sighed, shaking her head, but the Doctor was distracted by a band of Santas playing nearby.  He looked back at Donna and Lily caught his look.
“What is it?” she asked.
“The band…”
The taxi carrying Donna drove past them and they saw one of the Santas driving.
He grabbed her hand and started pulling her back.
“What’s happening?”
“I’ve seen those Santas before,” he told her, looking for an escape.  “Last Christmas, when I regenerated.”
“I think I remember that story,” she said, backing away.  “Pilot fist to the Sicorax’s shark, right?”
“Just to confirm, this isn’t the same Christmas, right?”
“Just how bad a driver was your Doctor?”
Lily just smirked as the band started to head their way.  The Doctor quickly began looking for an escape route and spotted the cash machine they had just used.  He pointed his screwdriver at it and cash spewed out of it, driving the crowd into a frenzy, and allowing them to slip away in the confusion.
They ran back to the TARDIS and the Doctor quickly put them into flight.
“So, why do they want Donna?” Lily asked, holding on for dear life.
“No idea,” the Doctor replied, flipping a switch.  “This didn’t happen in your universe?”
Lily shook her head.
“We met her when her temp job was attacked by Cybermen.”
Spark flew as the TARDIS tried to shake herself apart.
“Behave!” the Doctor shouted, hitting the console.
“She doesn’t seem to like it when you do that!” Lily called.
“Yes, well, she can complain later.  Right now, she can do as I say!”
They flew down the motorway, tracking Donna and only hitting a few cars as they went.  The Doctor motioned for Lily to take over and she quickly took his place at the console.
“When I say, pull the lever!”
She nodded and he ran to the doors, flinging them open to find them next to the cap carrying Donna.
“Open the door!” he screamed at her.
“Do what?” she screamed back.
“Open the DOOR!”
Donna tried the handle, but it wouldn’t budge.
“I can’t!  It’s locked!”
The Doctor pointed the sonic screwdriver and the window opened.
“Santa’s a robot,” she told him dryly.
“Donna, opened the door!” The Doctor ordered.
“What for?”
“You’re going to have to jump!”
“I’m not jumping, I’m supposed to be getting married!”
The RoboSanta sped up at that moment, leaving the TARDIS behind.
“Now!” the Doctor shouted.
Lily pulled the lever and they pulled level with the car again.  The Doctor stumbled at the TARDIS jerked forward but he managed to use the sonic screwdriver to disable RoboSanta.
“You’ve got to jump!” he told the red head.
“I’m not jumping on a motor way!”
The Doctor sighed.
“Look, whatever that thing is, it needs you.  And whatever it needs you for, it’s not good.  Now, come on!”
“I’m in my wedding dress!”
“Yes, you look lovely.  Come on!”
Donna opened the door with a groan.  Looking down at the road flying by beneath them and back up to the Doctor, she shook her head.
“I can’t do it!”
The Doctor went still.
“Trust me,” he said, just loud enough for her to hear.
“Is that what you said to her?” she demanded.  “Your friend, the one you lost.  Did she trust you?”
“Yes, she did,” the Doctor replied, his face hard.  “And she is not dead, she is so alive, now, JUMP!”
Donna hesitated for a moment longer and then threw herself out of the car.  She landed in the TARDIS on top of the Doctor as the doors slammed shut.
“Time to go!” Lily called, pressing the necessary buttons to take them away from there.
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littlespacereader · 6 months
Sorry for the long awaited 10th Doctor fic. I won’t lie, I was really trying to figure out what I was going to write. That’s when I came across this gif! My favorite duo! The Doctor Donna duo! They always had such a fun dynamic in the show that I said to myself “what if they were the reader’s Caregivers?” So please enjoy this cute fic!!
Who Broke The Vase?🏺💙
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Caregiver! 10th Doctor, Caregiver! Donna Nobel, & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - hurt/comfort, DoctorDonna duo are the cutest, stuffie, broken glass, mention of violence at the end (just playful banter no worries), hugs and forehead kisses
Nicknames - Mama for Donna, Papa for The Doctor, space boy for The Doctor, munchkin, little one, little rose, darling
“Are you sure you’re okay here by yourself for a couple of minutes?” Donna grabbed her purse off the counter top and looked over at me.
“Of course! You’re just going around the corner to the Tardis. I’ll be fine. I’ve got Sir Teddy the second to watch me.” I gestured to the stuffie on my left.
I was sitting in the living room, legos spread throughout the floor. I was making the coolest building for Mama when we both heard the sound of the Tardis in the distance.
The Tardis meant Papa was home! He always brings me the coolest gifts or even better he takes Mama and I on the coolest adventures! I wonder what it’s going to be this time.
“Alright, I’ll be back soon with Papa. Don’t you or Sir Teddy the second do anything stupid while I’m gone.” She joked with a wink.
I smirked and rolled my eyes, “We won’t.”
She walked over and placed a kiss to the top of my head and one to Teddy’s head before she left out the front door. “Love you munchkin. Be back soon.”
“Love you too Mama!” I called back to her before the door closed.
The Doctor Donna duo were the farthest thing from a couple. They are what you like to call platonic soulmates. On one of their adventures they met me and were extremely kind and compassionate about my regression.
They surprised me one day and said they would be my Caregivers, not as a couple but as two separate Caregivers both wanting to love and protect me. What more could a Little ask for?
I played with my legos for a little bit but I couldn’t really focus on them. I was so curious to what Papa had been up to since he left. Maybe he found a new alien race? Maybe he solved world peace on another planet? Maybe he saved another spaceship?
Wait! I looked into the kitchen at the fridge. At the very top of the fridge is the picture of the Tardis I drew with a magnet on top to hold it in place. And this isn’t just any drawing! I drew this one especially for Papa!
It’s Mama, Papa and I on the beach with the Tardis resting under an umbrella. Papa would find the Tardis to be so silly! He would absolutely love it!
So onto my feet and off to the kitchen with Teddy I ran! Except when I got to the fridge I had a problem…the drawing was at the vvvveeeerrrrrryyyy top of the fridge and was hard to grab, even on my tippy toes.
This was a problem, but not one I couldn’t figure out. First step was getting something to stand on. Mama has a step stool somewhere…Ah ha! In the pantry!
I grabbed the step stool and brought it to the front of the fridge. But even at the top step it wasn’t enough! Now we had to result to drastic measures. Holding onto the fridge handle with one hand and Teddy with the other, I swung him in the hopes that he would hit the picture and knock it loose.
I hit and hit and hit and with one final swing, the magnet fell and my picture slowly started to drift down. But I also hit something else…
Teddy’s leg managed to snag the handle of the white and blue vase at the top of the fridge. Teddy’s leg snagged it and threw it off the top, shattering it on the floor below.
I stood there on the step stool in total shock. My heart started to race as a million thoughts ran through my mind. One thought stuck and stayed, I am in so much trouble.
I’ve never been in big trouble with my Caregivers before. What were they going to be like? Angry, loud, frustrated?!
Tears started to fall down my face as my beautiful picture landed near the mess. What was I going to do? Was there enough time to clean this mess? Maybe Mama wouldn’t notice the vase missing.
But soon I heard Papa and Mama’s voice in the distance. I couldn’t think, I was just starting to panic. I just started to run, leaving the mess and my picture behind. I grabbed Teddy and ran upstairs to the safety of my room.
The Doctor swung the door open with his usual grin on his face, “Y/N! I’m home!!”
But instead of seeing his little one run as fast as they could over to him, he was met with a silence. Strange…Y/N is usually happy to see him.
Donna scooted past him and walked into the house worried, “Y/N? Y/N?!” Where had their Little gone?
Donna searched the living room finding the legos left abandoned. The Doctor searched around for any sign of the Little. He paused in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Donna? Did you have something white and blue made out of glass?” He asked over his shoulder.
“What?” Donna joined the Doctor in the kitchen as they looked over the mess.
Pieces of glass surrounded the fridge and the step stool. On top of the mess laid the picture Y/N had drawn for the Doctor.
The Doctor picked it up and smiled at the picture. He always loved all of Y/N creations. This one was especially funny to him.
“Doesn’t take Sherlock Homes to figure out what happened here.” The Doctor joked.
“You think they’re okay? Maybe they got hurt?” Donna looked around the room frantically.
“No, no, I think they’re okay. If they were hurt they would’ve ran to us right away. I think the accident just scared them.” The Doctor said looking over the pieces. “What was this anyway?”
“It was a vase my mum bought me. I never really liked it but she insisted I have it to lighten up the room. But she doesn’t know that glass and Littles usually don’t mix.” She laughed.
“You’re right about that.” The Doctor stood up and looked to the stairs. “We better see if they’re alright.”
“Hold on just a minute their space boy,” she grabbed his arm. “We need to be on the same page with this. No good Papa, mean mama routine anymore.”
“Well, it was just a vase. One you didn’t even like that much.” He pointed out.
Donna rolled her eyes, “The vase doesn’t matter. What matters is they could’ve gotten serious hurt while we were gone. That’s what we need to focus on with them. Just, follow my lead with this and don’t be mister good guy.”
“I’m not always Mister good guy! I’m stern.”
Donna just riled her head and gave him a look, a look that said ‘you’re the biggest softie there is’. He sighed, “Alright.” He pocketed the drawing before following Donna upstairs.
And with that the two made their way up stairs. They immediately went into Y/N’s room, their door was wide open but they were missing from the room.
The Doctor Donna duo was about to leave when they heard soft sniffling and sobs from the closet. The Doctor’s hearts and Donna’s singular heart broke hearing the upset Little.
The Doctor carefully opened the closet door and couched down. There in the back of the closet clutching their stuffie sat Y/N, tears running down their face as they cowered away. “I’m sorry! I’m sowry!!”
“Awwww, Y/N it’s alright. Papa and Mama are not angry. Come here, we just want to make sure you’re not hurt.” The Doctor said holding a hand out for them.
But they didn’t move from their spot. They just shook their head, “ ‘m fine.” They said with a broken voice.
Donna took a seat on the ground next to the Doctor, “I know you’re fine darling but Mama is so worried about her little rose. Could you come out so I can make sure my rose isn’t missing a petal?”
The Doctor smiled at Donna, knowing she would only save such a nickname for someone as special as Y/N. Her soft and gentle voice started to relax Y/N a bit. They crawled out of their spot and over to Donna who held her arms out to them. Y/N was then wrapped into Donna arms, getting a big comforting hug from her.
“There we are. You’re okay my little rose. You’re okay.” She whispered as she rocked them back and forth in her arms. Y/N turned and buried their face against her shoulder.
Now, let’s have a look at your arms,” The Doctor leaned over and lifted their arm high up then back down. “Alright this one looks to be okay!”
“And now let’s look at the right arm,” the Doctor did the same thing, overly lifting their arm then bringing it back down. “Everything look alright with me Captain.” The Doctor winked to Donna.
“Thank you sergeant.” She winked back. “We can’t have our best soldier getting hurt now can we?” That brought a small smile to Y/N face.
“Now let’s check on Sir Teddy the Second. Would you mind lifting his left paw?” The Doctor asked.
Y/N had stopped crying, watching the two with amusement as they first examined them then Teddy, making sure they were both okay.
Once the two Caregivers had settled their Little down, it was time to ask the big questions. “What happened to you and Teddy? Why did you leave the living room?”
Y/N expression dropped hearing that they could maybe be in trouble again. “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to!” They began panicking again.
The Doctor took their hand in his right away. “No, no, no, we’re not angry! We were so worried about you. We thought the worst that maybe you got hurt or cut by the glass.”
Donna wrapped an arm around them, “Darling you know I didn’t like the vase Nan got us. That’s not an excuse to break it, but the vase is not what matters. You’re what matters to me.”
The Doctor decided to help, “Was it to get this beautiful picture for me?” He held the picture in his arms.
Y/N nodded, “Yeah I wanted to give Papa the picture with the Tardis.” They leaned over and pointed on the Tardis under the umbrella. “See, we’re all at the beach and the tardis is resting under the umbrella.”
The Doctor chuckled, “That is hilarious. I could just picture the Tardis resting under an umbrella. It’s a beautiful picture!” He smiled at the picture. But his eyes soon caught Donna’s serious ones.
He cleared his throat and continued on, “But while it is a beautiful photo. It’s not something that should put you in danger.”
“It was at the top of the fridge! I wanted to get it before you came home. So I used Teddy to get it and….the vase fell.” They tried to explain.
“Yessss but you could’ve asked me to grab it before he saw it in the kitchen.” Donna reminded.
“Oh…yeah…” Wow, that all made sense.
The two Caregivers couldn’t help but laugh. “Listen, I think you learned your lesson. Just never do something dangerous like that again please. If you need help with something always ask Papa or me, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll never do it again.” They shook their head.
Donna and the Doctor smiled then placed a loving kiss to the top of their head. “Then all is forgive darling.”
The three stood up but immediately Y/N put their arms up and made grabby hands at the Doctor. His face lit up as he picked the Little up and into his arms.
“There we are. Now, let’s see the present Papa brought home for you!”
“Present?!” Y/N’s eyes lit up.
“Yes! Straight from 45 BC Rome! You know I met Julius Caesar when I was there?”
“Reallly?! Wooooowwwww! Did you warn him he was about to get stabbed in the back?”
“What?! No! I couldn’t tell him that! It could change history as we know it!”
“That isn’t being a nice friend though.”
“Stabbing him in the back is not being a nice friend, I’m just protecting history.”
Donna couldn’t help but smirk at the two antics. Whether the Doctor liked it or not he was truly a softie when it came to his Little Y/N. But she wasn’t the stern one her mother expected her to be either.
Just like the vase she was breaking the model of what it meant to be a good parent or in this case a good Caregiver.
“I agree darling I don’t think the Doctor was being a good friend.”
The Doctor turned around shocked, “You two?! I can’t win can I?”
Y/N and Donna smiled, “Nope!” They both said together.
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eggto0ast · 1 year
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Donna wip?!?
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one-for-one · 10 months
It's a shame the doctor was so protective of donna this episode cause I'm 100% certain she'd have kicked the toy makers ass in about 5 minutes. At every point she was immediately able to accept the rules he set and beat them whenever she was confronted. Also on a side note, love how it's cannon that of everyone in unit, Donna is the fastest on a computer.
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klavierpanda · 1 year
Hate on your favourite characters all you won't be don't shit on them in a meme about them
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bitethebullets · 10 months
getting fed up trying to watch the rest of dr who so i can watch the new eps
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atomicqueenkingdom · 1 year
La 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐚 𝐝𝐢 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 si trova nella parte centro-occidentale della Svezia; è un'oasi naturale, ricca di laghi (sono circa 10.000).
In questo luogo bellissimo, risiede 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐟: prima donna a vincere il Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1909.
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unabashedthingsublime · 3 months
15(ish) prompts for the 14th Doctor
1.  The long awaited return of Bessie
1a. The Doctor starts insisting on Driving Kate everywhere in Bessie while reminiscing about her dad.  ("Good old Brigadier. Always could recognize me no matter what face I had, and absolutely nothing could fluster him. He once met me in my Sixth face, the one with that incredibly colorful coat (not sure what I was thinking back then), when I was traveling with Evelyn, and without missing a beat, said (switches to an impression of him) “To judge by the clothes, the unexpected arrival, and the manner of your greeting, I can only conclude that I know exactly who you are. I take it there’s a police box somewhere in the vicinity.")*
2.  Rose getting to see the Tardis wardrobe Room (it’s like Narnia in here!)
3. Rose (and eventually Donna) trying to get the Doctor to teach them a little Gallifreyan, so he could have someone to actually speak his native language with
3a. Donna and Rose trying to get him to talk about Gallifrey, in general (Because Timeless Child or not, The person we know as the Doctor did actually grow up on Gallifrey, looked into the Untempered Schism, graduated the Academy (if by the skin of his teeth), and earned the title of Time Lord)
4.  Rose introducing her friends to her weird alien uncle
5. The Doctor slowly taking apart every electrical appliance in the house in an attempt to “improve” it
6. The Doctor telling the Nobels about so many of his old friends   (Have I ever told you about Romana?  She was a time lord like me, and she was remarkable lady. She traveled with me in my fourth face.  Eventually became Madam President of Gallifrey, etc)
7. Rose and Shawn realizing the TARDIS is alive
8. More Companion reunions!
9. The Doctor vs nosy neighbors
10. The doctor talks about that one time he got to actually talk to his oldest, most loyal, best friend in the universe, the TARDIS. Bonus points if they also learn that the doctor stole the TARDIS.  (Or was it the other way around?)
11. General Sarah Jane Adventures level alien shenanigans
12. Helping befuddled alien tourists navigate the strange customs of earth
13. Rose and her alien uncle getting into shenanigans
14. The Aliens have invaded Rose’s school.  They are actually pretty cool
15. A scene from the companion support group
* From the Spectre of Layton Moor audio drama.  Seriously, go listen to six and Evelyn stories, they are great.
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s-memorando · 2 years
Annie Ernaux: Una donna
Annie Ernaux: Una donna
 È strano che gli ultimi due libri che ho letto, dopo un periodo di apatia, siano stati due libri che si occupano di morte, perdite, ricordi. Del primo “Cambiare l’acqua ai fiori” ne ho parlato qualche giorno fa, proprio su questo blog, del secondo mi accingo con emozione a parlarne. “Una donna”, una madre vista attraverso gli occhi della figlia in un percorso che inizia il giorno della sua…
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esonetwork · 1 year
Doctor Who | The Planet of the Ood
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/doctor-who-the-planet-of-the-ood/
Doctor Who | The Planet of the Ood
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The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble take on the Ood, the bad, and the ugly. And what are Mike, Mike, and Mary gonna do when Ood-a-mania is running wild? Be warned! This episode contains Oodles of puns.
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viciers · 2 years
finished canne al vento. 10/10 would recommend per un po' di piantini
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