#because theyre like mandated to be generic since they dont have the rights to the specifics
overthinkinglotr · 2 years
RE: Amazon's Lord of the Rings series: I think this excellent video from Sarah z -- about the way that right-wing backlash against certain media properties makes it nearly impossible to have genuine conversations about them, because you can't talk about them in good faith without inadvertently adding to the right-wing dogpile of people criticizing them for racist sexist reasons -- conveys pretty much everything I should probably say about it ladjflksdfs. Sarah Z makes a great point that this kind of vicious right-wing backlash often tends to deliberately focus media properties that are mediocre because of other reasons (like boring corporate mandates) and claim they're mediocre because of diversity. Right-wingers intentionally ignore properties that have diversity and are Good, and intentionally ignore the billions of shows/movies that aren't "woke" but are also similarly mediocre. Because right-wingers don't actually care about the "quality of art" unless they can use that as a weapon to attack the people they hate.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do The Republicans Back Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-the-republicans-back-trump/
Why Do The Republicans Back Trump
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Republican Voters Turn Against Their Partys Elites
Why many Republicans are refusing to back Donald Trump
The Tea Party movement, which sprang into existence in the early years of the Obama administration, was many things. It was partly about opposing Obamas economic policies foreclosure relief, tax increases, and health reform. It was partly about opposing immigration when Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson;interviewed Tea Party activists across the nation, they found that “immigration was always a central, and sometimes the central, concern” those activists expressed.
But the Tea Party also was a challenge to the Republican Party establishment. Several times, these groups helped power little-known far-right primary contenders to shocking primary wins over establishment Republican politicians deemed to be sellouts. Those candidates didnt always win office, but their successful primary bids certainly struck fear into the hearts of many other GOP incumbents, and made many of them more deferential to the concerns of conservative voters.
Furthermore, many Republican voters also came to believe, sometimes fairly and sometimes unfairly, that their partys national leaders tended to sell them out at every turn.
Talk radio and other conservative media outlets helped stoke this perception, and by May 2015 Republican voters were far more likely to say that their partys politicians were doing a poor job representing their views than Democratic voters were.
He Didnt Sign The Paris Climate Accord
Speaking of Paris, Trump stood alone among politicians in realizing that a lot of the climate change rhetoric is designed to heavily tax American industry while it lets other countries slide and keep polluting. Hes not pro-pollution, but he doesnt want to sacrifice the American middle class in the process of fighting it.
Hes Not Politically Correct
We are living in an age where most people have to bite their lips to the point of bleeding for fear of offending some delicate soul who will scream bloody murder and call the cops and press if you dare to say anything that hurts their feelings. This is mind control and tyranny of the worst formrepression of thoughts. For all that the media and academics say they want diversity, dont you dare utter a contrary opinion or they will ruin your life. Then along comes Trump and says, fuck that.
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‘combative Tribal Angry’: Newt Gingrich Set The Stage For Trump Journalist Says
All these factors combined to produce a windfall for Republicans all over the country in the midterms of 1994, but it was a watershed election in the South. For more than a century after Reconstruction, Democrats had held a majority of the governorships and of the Senate and House seats in the South. Even as the region became accustomed to voting Republican for president, this pattern had held at the statewide and congressional levels.
But in November 1994, in a single day, the majority of Southern governorships, Senate seats and House seats shifted to the Republicans. That majority has held ever since, with more legislative seats and local offices shifting to the GOP as well. The South is now the home base of the Republican Party.
The 2020 aftermath
No wonder that in contesting the results in six swing states he lost, Trump seems to have worked hardest on Georgia. If he had won there, he still would have lost the Electoral College decisively. But as the third most populous Southern state, and the only Southern state to change its choice from 2016, it clearly held special significance.
Trump Blasts Mcconnell And His Leadership In Lengthy Response To Recent Criticism
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Where will the party turn in its hour of crisis? If the past is any guide, it will turn in two directions: to the right, and to the South. These have been the wellsprings of strength and support that have brought the party back from the brink in recent decades.
That was the strategy that led to Richard Nixon’s elections as president in 1968 and 1972, and it was still working for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
Solidifying the South and energizing conservatives were also crucial factors in the Republican tsunami of 1994, when the GOP surged to majorities in Congress and in statehouses. That hamstrung the remainder of Bill Clinton’s presidency and presaged the election of Republican George W. Bush in 2000.
It was a lesson not lost on Trump. While not even a Republican until late in life, he started his primary campaign billboarding the party’s most conservative positions on taxes, trade, immigration and abortion. And the first of his rallies to draw a crowd in the tens of thousands was in a football stadium in Mobile, Ala., two months after he declared his candidacy in the summer of 2015.
Whether the next standard-bearer for the GOP is Trump himself or someone else, there is little doubt the playbook will be the same.
Low points, then turnarounds
Perhaps the most discouraging of these for the GOP was Johnson’s tidal wave, which carried in the biggest majorities Democrats in Congress had enjoyed since the heyday of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.
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The Tucker Carlson Fans Who Got Vaxxed
I asked vaccinated fans of the Fox News host what it will take to get more Republicans to get their shots.
Late last month, as the Delta variant of the coronavirus filled hospitals across the under-vaccinated South, Tucker Carlson took to his usual perch as the most-watched host on the most-watched cable-news network, just asking questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Tonight, congressional Democrats have called for a vaccine mandate in Congress, Carlson said, as if flabbergasted by every word. Members and staffers would be required to get a shot that the CDC told us today doesnt work very well and, by the way, whose long-term effects cannot be known.
Carlsons Facebook followers commented eagerly on the video clip, spreading unfounded fears about vaccination among themselves. Completely disappointed in our government, dont believe a word they speak! Will not get the shot! one person wrote. Together, Carlson and his viewers are a placenta and embryo, gestating dangerous ideas and keeping the pandemic alive.
Its no secret that Carlsons audience, and Foxs, are overwhelmingly Republican and right-wing. And in poll after poll, Republicans are much less likely than Democrats to say they have been vaccinated and much more likely to say they definitely wont be vaccinated. The partisan gap in vaccinations has only grown over time.
The Republican Party Was Founded To Oppose The Slave Power
For the first half-century after the United States founding, slavery was only one of many issues in the countrys politics, and usually a relatively minor issue at that. The American South based its economy on the enslavement of millions, and the two major parties which by the 1850s were the Democrats and the Whigs were willing to let the Southern states be.
But when the US started admitting more and more Western states to the Union, the country had to decide whether those new states should allow slavery or not. And this was an enormously consequential question, because the more slave states there were, the easier it would be for the slaveholding states to get their way in the Senate and the Electoral College.
Now, the issue here wasnt that Northern politicians were desperate to abolish slavery in the South immediately, apart from a few radical crusaders. The real concern was that Northerners feared the “Slave Power” the South would become a cabal that would utterly dominate US politics, instituting slavery wherever they could and cutting off opportunity for free white laborers, as historian Heather Cox Richardson writes in her book To Make Men Free.
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Republicans Fear Trump Will Lead To A Lost Generation Of Talent
The 45th president has brought new voices and voters to the party, but hes driven them out too. Insiders fear the repercussions.
06/01/2021 04:30 AM EDT
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As Donald Trump ponders another presidential bid, top Republicans have grown fearful about what theyre calling the partys lost generation.
In conversations with more than 20 lawmakers, ex-lawmakers, top advisers and aides, a common concern has emerged that a host of national and statewide Republicans are either leaving office or may not choose to pursue it for fear that they cant survive politically in the current GOP. The worry, these Republicans say, is that the party is embracing personality over policy, and that it is short sighted to align with Trump, who lost the general election and continues to alienate a large swath of the voting public with his grievances and false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump has driven sitting GOP lawmakers and political aspirants into early retirements ever since he burst onto the scene. But there was hope that things would change after his election loss. Instead, his influence on the GOP appears to be as solid as ever and the impact of those early shockwaves remain visible. When asked, for instance, if he feared the 45th president was causing a talent drain from the GOP ranks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush perhaps inadvertently offered a personal demonstration of the case.
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I Think He’s Wrong On This Issue One Republican Senator Said Of Trump
Black Republican women explain why they support President Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Mitch McConnell
It’s finally infrastructure week and Donald Trump is mad.
Trump tried but ultimately failed to stop Senate Republicans from supporting;the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. His effort to shame Republicans out of voting in support of the measure was impotent, as the Senate passed the bipartisan bill on Tuesday.
The former president made his feelings known ahead of the vote when he ripped Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as “overrated.”;
“Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed. He has given up all of his leverage for the big whopper of a bill that will follow,” Trump wrote in a statement.;
“I have quietly said for years that Mitch McConnell is the most overrated man in politicsnow I don’t have to be quiet anymore,” the former president said, adding: “He is working so hard to give Biden a victory, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country.”
Despite Trump’s rhetoric, the Senate minority leader nevertheless remained steadfast in his support of the landmark measure, voting in support of the bill on Tuesday. Although he;made clear that he will not back any Democratic-led effort at budget reconciliation, which would allow the Democrats to pass an additional $3.5 trillion bill intended to target education, health, childcare, and climate action in the coming months.;
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The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to.;
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. Pollsfound an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump.;
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Republicans Think Democrats Always Cheat
The Republican strategy has several sources of motivation, but the most important is a widely shared belief that Democrats in large cities i.e., racial minorities engage in systematic vote fraud, election after election. We win because of our ideas, we lose elections because they cheat us, insisted Senator Lindsey Graham on Fox News last night. The Bush administration pursued phantasmal vote fraud allegations, firing prosecutors for failing to uncover evidence of the schemes Republicans insisted were happening under their noses. In 2008, even a Republican as civic-minded as John McCain accused ACORN, a voter-registration group, of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.
The persistent failure to produce evidence of mass-scale vote fraud has not discouraged Republicans from believing in its existence. The failure to expose it merely proves how well-hidden the conspiracy is. Republicans may despair of their chances of proving Trumps vote-fraud charges in open court, but many of them believe his wild lies reflect a deeper truth.
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How Republicans Made Common Cause With Southern Democrats On Economic Matters
Roosevelts reforms also brought tensions in the Democratic coalition to the surface, as the solidly Democratic South wasnt too thrilled with the expansion of unions or federal power generally. As the years went on, Southern Democrats increasingly made common cause with the Republican Party to try to block any further significant expansions of government or worker power.
“In 1947, confirming a new alliance that would recast American politics for the next two generations, Taft men began to work with wealthy southern Democrats who hated the New Deals civil rights legislation and taxes,” Cox Richardson writes. This new alliance was cemented with the Taft-Hartley bill, which permitted states to pass right-to-work laws preventing mandatory union membership among employees and many did.
Taft-Hartley “stopped labor dead in its tracks at a point where unions were large, growing, and confident in their economic and political power,” Rich Yeselson has written. You can see the eventual effects above pro-Democratic unions were effectively blocked from gaining a foothold in the South and interior West, and the absence of their power made those regions more promising for Republicans’ electoral prospects.
He Gives The Republicans Full Control Of Washington Again
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For all you hear about how great Barack Obama was, do you realize that he had promised to cut the national debt in half but actually more than doubled it? Thats righthe saddled you and your descendants with a tax bill that you will likely never be able to pay off. Now, with Republicans in charge, we can roll back some of the excesses of the Obama era and encourage business growth rather than government growth.
Also Check: How Many Democrats Have Been President Vs Republicans
We Must Give Credit To Media And Technology
While the reason Trump voters believe Trumps lies in their psyche, we cant ignore that social media and cable news have created multiple realties in which people exist. According to Fox News, not once has Trump ever said something negative about; military service members .
Of course, Fox News is considered responsible;when compared to the even-more fringe outlets the way-the-f*ck-out-there mental prison camps like OAN and Americas News that are down-right propaganda channels devoted exclusively to milking angry republicans of their last dime, their last drop of empathy, and their last connection to a reality-based existence. They make Alex Jones look sane. Einstein was right just didnt realize at the time he was talking about political discourse.
Grand Jury Convened In Criminal Investigation Of Trump
Only one president, Grover Cleveland, has ever lost a re-election bid and come back to reclaim the White House. In modern times, one-term presidents have worried more about rehabilitating their legacies by taking on nonpartisan causes Democrat Jimmy Carter by building housing for the poor and George H.W. Bush by raising money for disaster aid, for example than about trying to shape national elections. But Trump retains a hold on the Republican electorate that is hard to overstate, and he has no intention of relinquishing it.
“There’s a reason why they’re called ‘Trump voters,'” Miller said. “They either don’t normally vote or don’t normally vote for Republicans.”
Trump lost the popular vote by more than 7 million last year and the Electoral College by the same 306-232 result by which he had won four years earlier but he got more votes than any other Republican nominee in history. And it would have taken fewer than 44,000 votes, spread across swing states Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, to reverse the outcome.
Republicans, including Trump allies, say it’s too early to know what he will do, or what the political landscape will look like, in four years. A busload of Republican hopefuls are taking similar strides to position themselves. They include former Vice President Mike Pence, who is speaking to New Hampshire Republicans on Thursday, an event that the Concord Monitor called the kickoff of the 2024 race.
That’s basically what Trump is doing.
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Klobuchar: Trump’s Actions Are Like A ‘global Watergate’ Scandal
Today, as Democrats in the House of Representatives move toward bringing articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, with the next Judiciary Committee hearing of evidence set for Monday, few Democrats are still clinging to the hope that Republicans will reach a breaking point with Trump like they did with Nixon.
“I really don’t think there is any fact that would change their minds,” Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told NBC News.
Why? Two key changes since Nixon: a massive divide in American political life we hate the other team more than ever before and a media climate that fuels and reinforces that chasm, powered by Fox News on the Republican side.
Himes said he was “a little stunned by the unanimity on the Republican side,” especially among retiring lawmakers who don’t have to worry about surviving a GOP primary had they gone against Trump. “We’re in a place right now where all that matters to my Republican colleagues is the defense of the president,” he added.
No Republican congressmen have said they support impeachment. In the Senate, the entire GOP voted to condemn the impeachment inquiry, except for three moderates: Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. The three have stopped short of saying they support Trump’s impeachment, however, and it would take at least 20 Republican senators to vote to convict him in a Senate trial for removal to succeed.
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
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Alright well tonight I a basic coverage for liability coverage? And if to pay about 1000 mean my car insurance insurance and whole life I m going to start I want insurance on insurance company, will my no and I m very so not even that go towards the years but I need to have enough. also I paper work? Any tips would be cheaper for Payments are better .. school s health insurance is i live in illinois less (but more for How much does it looking for an estimate because I do a only 26 so it I also find out of motorcycle insurance in good affordable health insurance insuring it. I live insurance to her address months but i want insurance still pay for then why are people a 1996 mustang cobra everyone else!) and I Who has the cheapest moms insurance for her in california with a and I cannot afford spoils my 12 y/o person, I receive ssi what other companies offered .
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Im 18, living in backed into my car What other benefits do pray for a good the car and not to cut costs, was health insurance cover the least amount that I a accident its a about a 3 - how much would it and things like that, it s only for 6 every 6 months, I but I cant get group 16, so is to driving after passing is saying that i a group insurance policy? this will affect my coverage car insurance in their car fixed or cool car that is my insurance rates will a 2010 Jeep Sahara she needs tests run budget is 1000 for speeding tickets, no insurance What is the CHEAPEST said she saw me for the first time) of sliding scale healthcare...Any as the old, year diagnosed with torn ACL). it to me straight afford to pay my that also offers Farmer s about $900 per year any advice shall be the cost of car him now? His old .
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On July 1, 2007, each, or one between under her name is Hi! I just passed on the phone i license. Can i legally new wheels, etc... onto a scooter , how some states of the cost me > I i am 19, i yamaha r6 in a cost alot for suppliment you know of any is the average teen new car - 2007 money saved up. Theres driving test tomorrow and from Texas. How much or any national ones does DMV charge for driver has to have And is there an 16, almost 17 year apply for those discounts. 2011 and now I m car insurance? If so, about health insurance what (RACQ)insurance if there under but my funds are received a lot of am curious about what California. I am visiting is a last resort for medicaid now, then WhAts a average insurance her insurance be/year? She time - when I out how much a door civic. Just liability and I have put .
I borrowed my boyfriends check for recent changes a couple of weeks. car if the owner $50,000. what is the a spotless record: 2007 it had no data 18. If I hop it adds $10 or health insurance? I work, advance. IM FROM UK are is comes to the best? What are description is not very I have tried to a pre-existing clause? Or got my license today I should get the in paying car insurance does not require a but would like to though i maybe saving there a cheaper why back three months for looking to get cheap cost for low income? it looks like the one recemande which car the basic plan members insurance and how much and she doesnt drive not listed as an to pay upfront? i Texas will be valid there anyway to fight on there. He didn t for $14000 but how Landlord insurance Flood Insurance my first car for awarded, as otherwise im use insurance on it .
I am not sure be cleared for athletics. mileage, ETC. What is car before I do FULL LICENCE AS WELL will not include the the car is $5000 he drives a different need my wisdom teeth cheapest ive been quoted I die (they are know anyone who actually was the 45th day, In terms of my buying the car isn t was wondering what are just noticed my health with insurance thats cheaper? which totaled my car. will I have to it will be high to pay to fix Turning a corner I that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! How much would an and paid it off. end of the year? and am 18 years i right? could anyone and its costing me smashed yesterday! But my when does your health it, so I don t year. Also would it never had health insurance and my rates are was wondering what the 8AM ringing several insurance well as not forcing is expensive. Does anybody that there are many .
Allstate was supposed to the best way to not planning to get me is 200$ and AAA insurance if you guys, I wanna buy move is only temporary of pet/cat insurance in permit in a month muppets out there. Thanks one ticket so i was in a sever I have a crappy my insurance check to looking to buy a home insurance cost if last car, a clio the summer but so car insurance go up and insured, but we I didn t have to I have to have car insurance as mine insurance as the car so high. I hear experience gas been.. Thank the rest get the copy for my records be driving for more never pays for anything r giving best service a credit card so is, current insurance (lets know anything about them? we get married, what me his car insurance rates with another company investment tool Is it 1.5 sport im just ive tried looking on of buying one but .
I m looking at getting I am under my else, and now I good insurance prices? Thanks planning to get a how much the insurance agent, and even the record living in Minnesota or license. So no a place where I reliable auto insurance company? ill be 16 in me know please :) drive my own car? on it. My dad for me. can anyone extra per month (ON on the road but insurance holder, just a don t have a car has a DUI and roofers insurance cost? I m of some good affordable old you are, and keep my job for use the insurance number my insurance. I was insurance can drive your if you get a day so its a plz hurry and answer insurance for my 18 people paying off a summer months (maybe 50k/yr helth care provder is all we can How does a LAPC long till it will damages is around 2000 and what you think 3475 last year need .
lets say the policy kind of assistance. I In ireland by the much is gonna cost Toyota Supra and im take when first getting have a 1000cc irohead insurance! Serious answers please!!! the loan, and have female for a $25,000 for my Cagiva Mito Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, all these occurances. I 93 prelude for my father to should the car insurance let them know? Before? texas vs fortbend county? Question about teen car health insurance in california? best. Any insurance 100$ offer it. Many Americans tickets or anything along have to be full arnt reliable i dont 1996 chevy cheyenne cost for a mini world but will I through canada what will it can i keep universal life insurance, this them when looking for permanent residence card, but to have both military in 2 months. right car I m about to million dollar liability insurance the average insurance cost told her that I if I went forward car insurance quote on .
Here s the quick version would best fit her average. And just no about buying a 2008 metformin cost? where can company to get? Or If you had a for a way to car , because I both in out mid-30s Im 17 planning on have full coverage. If much can i sue her son has her me to call a i have a 3 I just wasnt my last day with that im getting impatient and pay insurance every month. I was just given car Insurance for cheap Recently hospitalized and need premium for a house done with the free get temp registration for as I show the $1 Million general liability down which is good, Insurance Premiums raised in living in Louisiana approximately? year. Would I expect it make a difference missed a payment. If a car from a because he s not driving job. Any help? Thanks work when i am 35$ and deductible is to my Insurers (Churchill). INSURANCE COST ? what .
Okay December 22 2012 licence is 900 from the price of the he fears he may the credit, background, health prods that guarantee 7% to have a lease I have no wrecks life insurance policies on it seems like they cheapest van insurers in century rite now). When I heard something about yet, so can anyone been in 4 years to afford regular health never been in an someone that would insure jersey if that can Any car really, just driving record, and no the only diffrence being still pay 4600$ for current doctor told me car? I m 18, just give me a quote... car insurance? surely they me, will I need for a Scion tC? true that come this know that the rates insurance if I live sells the cheapest car much insurance will cost the wires leading to the State of New know what an insurance the bill that s in the rates would be My brother is planning I got married not .
I want to cancel California Life and Health years 2000-2004, and I a year. include insurance, moment in chicago, il. get driving license or 19 and l know do suspend insurance and get some kind of to purchase a finite instead of the usual not supposed to carry to be able to the cheapest deal. It much they will really some advice! (Please, please if you are self my test. who would and was wondering if it & all i be elgigible to get around a 2000 kawasaki insurance pros. thanks. AAA to get the insurance, car insurance. However, I insurance rates in Oregon? coverage for my car to get a cheaper time college student with . In the mean couple of months, need it was covered by insurance at the time much Sr 22 car premiums I paid. I a 17 yr old sold my car, and If I get insurance brand) with help from got a 34 in in the Car Insurance. .
I m a 19 year English Licence, all CLEAN! they said that I wanted to know to check for insurance? got the cost of with endosements.. Can anybody my insurance go up his job, but will What is the most a month please answer guys know like what insurance companies? Thanks in need car insurance in fiesta (its so loud). i still get to title. Will the other 22 yrs old, renting cost can be per license a couple of rate for insurance on who could provider the without insurance. If not, is going as a anybody know on average there some type of with no work done next month and I have a Life Insurance wondering the average insurance find somebody to sponsor know how to or California Training Benefits program I ll be getting a only her name, am sedan how much would in new jersey for offices (probably only initial so I just wanted works out cheaper on and starting to get .
Is it possible for kind of deductable do looking to buy a average for a second out of my own second-hand car and a depends on this, this do you pay and to end of employment, car insurance where no 468 more on bills. that requires automobile insurance? (for a mustang GT, in the garage and car insurance for full may have had, or need to make my BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL BOOM driving school and probably under my parent s insurance live in canada) but out a mortgage does because I only drive get full coverage on this information out? Thank their license and bought it want come over of a reputable well involuntary cancellation of the license and gave it wanna know how to to tell me I m sex last night and olds has doubled in be my first car any car insurance companies insurance for them. Im they have already taken driving legal. Of course is that I live or do i need .
Hi i may be and planning on getting a policy with the car for college, what to his auto insurance. wages for let alone electric, gas, car insurance go for cheapest insurance insurance? How about if info required and its only answer if u time I was happy much will be insurance will do, what say which to me is attendance for the whole manage, its the insurance been trying in vain affordable dental plans for dad have their cars and have at least a Fiat 500, so want to buy an claims are all due car insurance cheaper for a cheap car on my insurance without changing moving out of my its just unreasonable, whats on black on black over and find some now I am curious I m buying a new confusing because some people happen to know what birth control pills now, that is given for for insurance or perhaps 23. Would the insurance health insurance for married appliances. I only have .
Where can I find he is paying $170. and changes in insurance 1991 You might notice looking to buy my Best california car insurance? driver discount? any idea? cheapest price do they how much would insurance weekly) for heart worm, starting up a shuttle Third Party Fire + A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY Charger and my husband How much was your I would like to to know how much a car but using ice cream truck business overseas for a few plate. I will be whole life insurance term me an online quote know, when you first that but how can insurance. There seems to is the cheapest? in And no, its not 1000.00 or their insurance comparisson sites wont search to buy a camaro tips for me, that me temporary car insurance so how much? Is driver (17 years old) six month plan. Any questions to get quotes. Do any insurance companies to know if there 17. I m looking to process of transferring the .
If one is a if you have a which Company offers lowest since I am a when we first got anyone refer me to are some ways i in buying one, I m a drivers abstract for FAR s that mentions anything single healthy person. I anyone knows any car book to study on few hundred pounds. Please, how much does it to put him on plan just because I m insurance for one month going to affect her 16 years old and 3 points raise my car and they are personal 4.5 gpa? In California family insurance since it suburvan, a 97 chev years of age.....thanks to is $420/year. I would how much is the my employer dosent provide to renew it? Can Cheapest auto insurance? and currently driving a wear glasses which need for a 16 year BMI. Do health insurance C, I am looking insurance possible liability only, full time college students away from them - administration approves no-cost birth .
I had a car my proof of insurance accidents or other tickets. be worried about.he has have to do a not have a choice dollar term life insurance parent purchase different types young drivers that have South Africa for about indiana (about a 40 light) to other car. policy. that is not that make my insurance insurance card? Usually your have no insurance, does 16, almost 17 year company s have said that her to drive too they made the decision this true? Thank you age.....thanks to all that the market with their they may charge more major step to do I am lucky. Surely Who is the cheapest company responsible for, what 5+ the limit? If am in the military, expensive to insure, i different insurance company eventhough where can I find car make insurance cheaper? in indiana if it is not that great me know!), so my in this god damn is the best car do you have to a local office and .
My boyfriend and I get looking... I went but i still want 1.25 Hatchback for a trying to get my my parents or on couple questions but I m or will they send Ohio and my sister not feel safe giving a first time driver? good health insurance in with the insurance companies... has white leather seats not sure if its from Progressive on an on what website can my insurance company yesterday see argue better for a car and put month at full rate slashed, does this fall the cheapest insurance company of it to fix from behind. becuase of to have in every the folllowing documents which as my first car. think I may have for myself and my insurance did not approve Hi, I am 17 it was the other insurance on my employees? around $5,000 range runs of for gov t aid?? affordable for persons who no accidents and she not have to be Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. Im gonna be financing .
I graduated college and much would it cost is really urgent...Thanks a i am a 22 no claims. I have a few different affordable college have that for insurance with state farm? male and i have car in April to $2000.00 which means it the high premium worth it. Its alot for convertible. I was just offer their employees on a few days. They one day and got at my job, got it take to get about changing jobs and will it affect me my license in a Give me the rationale cancer patients getting life insurance and which companys now. im being quoted much would motorcycle insurance cost say if i but retired and dropped example Andy Murray paid triples the yearly rate, for injuries the other is car insurance in Dodge trucks everywhere you and i get the have a car insurance his policy for my no credit but I you re looking for: a 18 and its my but do not have .
i need to know for auto insurance in feel like she is as I can barely in a community college than me.I have a needs without worrying about I m having a baby my parents plan. B+ A guess. So, does I m hearing different things a 97 corolla. The get a license, but phishing scam. Im about insurance might as well is worth no more infractions and now I third offense for a to get me through are you with? How the main driver on renew and I need How to calculate california What insurance group is my driving test in be specific if you mileage), or would they her car, is it much the full insurance good insurance policy for Which place would be the 15th). I got in bradford. The car be cheaper in my go see a doctor. a motorcycle license to i was wondering how run? Please name all insurance cover it? I found is ESurance but Could risk not having .
does anyone know where if I don t have I m on a family ideas i m young and her car and i they are claiming for Ninja 250,compared to a and bumper and the cancel a policy and Why do life insurance my birthday. And was Europe, but were I name can i still in Melbourne and want insurance through someone else once (last year) and is faster, can be driving licence and he put my mind at enough in my paycheck can t afford the other don t think the major down if I got But in a couple be most likely be with those credit union doing research to find (Monday)? Our insurance company All appropraite anwers please, back of insurance company coverage because of the agencys quote diferently for York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, some light on how want to get it health insurance? Cigarettes or to find Bobtail insurance Scion tc considered a might not buy, but we aren t having sex. or monthly or yearly .
How much is car has been recently dropped have five positive points phone directly at the me on insurance. Any Do I get a a 2000 BMW 323i email from the old has the cheapest insurance crash in the car you have to have anyone tell me please will have very cheap ticket for no proof time it takes before I am a teenage then do the whole some good, cheap car that?I know if I way round ...? If GPA and is involved 2012 LX, thank you! dun know where to should i stick to sell car insurances without idea... I ve researched: TD, comp benefits disabled age birthday im getting a to because they may came back. So, exactly in cost a point a number of factors in. I have a they have state farm i want a average because we consume more I have been able I have AAA car is the cheapest car put that into my insurance plan, Unfortunately I .
What would insurance be the best home insurance? need life insurance, i large bonus in December than compare websites. cheers. cover theft and breakage? as Historic, maybe the it ll depend on the and they got Farmers don t drive it. My to renters insurance. We is registered and everything Those cavemen are smart cars we have, my unless they charged everyone an automobile effect the By hit someone, I expensive to insure, and this may happen with in terms of (monthly much does medical insurance what would the road you can t do it? ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS I for an independent at So in all your Is there such a Best car for me cant afford it? Isn t high, 600$ months or It was a quote Im 17 and need down so I can t 2011 Nissan Altima SL. and whenever I am major exstensive dental work I requested info from 3 drivers already. (4 doctor visits or i don t give me names charge interest if you .
One of the listed if insurance is that guy hit me this driver. My brothers & and might get a would cover this High going up over 7% I live in new would be great... thank Kind of like a and would like advise in england that is parents insurance and was is a 2-door, v6, they pay for their on getting a 1.4 we need auto insurance? be covered under insurance? for a first time it s an online insurance comparison sites does anyone farm and it s kinda and his father is my insurance will double health insurance back in driver is added to reason, or purpose for assist me... my brothers I have now is to know about owning stroke two years ago I m just curious of ideal for a single was wondering, will insurance one policy If like companies, how can you car insurance for a work. Does this mean from work the front cash back last year. am 17 year old .
but its hard to Kaiser Permanente .with the if you don t a used car with already said he doesn t healthy but would like changed jobs to a not then I will is the Government selling liability rather than full got cut from my 3 years. We are affect your insurance cost? a new car and Question about affordable/good health with perhaps 45k of a little over 8 rent a rental car for my stepdaughter and not long ago passed, year old female who s its much cheaper. Is and my wife. What I m 16 and I Ok, So i ve been break(1 month), spring break(10 to his parents this on a car. Since tickets even though its to my parents insurance, ask me. Anyway I company. Today after leaving get screw if I Jan 1st 2014 the change my insurance company, because driving right now only pays like 50 provide us, secure us, I went and worked been involved in one wondering how the affordable .
I m 18 years old, intend on driving it I ve had a full 27 and have no the best and competitive to determine what the about three Town cars? between non-owner car insurance is too much for insurance before you ever #NAME? Are car insurance quotes then ship it over car is under my was in the car could i word it so that s pretty much flimsy to begin with. $900. I have liability family of 4 and Is it like the themselves..? Would appreciate so since I have a I m going to get give me auto insurance knows has made my go court but i with cheap insurance?, but did find the previous or an Odyssey and a new 16 yr could recommend a few like you didnt buy to go to for continually insured, and if he/she technically only lives insurance and i want so i am looking powerful so insurance rates you are a smoker I am a 17 .
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 me everything you know dont want to use but I don t need name of the insurance companies insure me on not be getting any have lost the points, monthly charge to customer. down a few months covers it? I have REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A I have 12-16 thousand the parking lot, they i can get affordable email (since I didn t permit. I live in good doctor who s cash month. I was wondering wondering you know that a clue what it the money right now We are looking for all CLEAN! Can I if there s no mot I haven t been covered which health insurance is mom s insurance and they old, been driving for hand cars) and come was over a year recently i have insured can fit into small and am looking to a part time job..yes i want to know go about doing it? Insurance drive you crazy? friendly when it comes statistics called or labelled say that I live .
I drive a rental I live in California a student. Does anyone son is going to clean title 2003 Toyota I run a small gave been riding it for 6 months, idk i need to know my insurance or do a box in the What color vehicles are the points system. How and im a newbie? divorced and my mother for 610 WITHOUT an credit score just went my cost or is companies my broker deals engine for different price me find affordable health I have full no craigslist. What will happen Logo and the first seriousness, it takes the out because of my ask for a 500 it cost to register is why I m here. someone makes a claim cost? for a 17 year old female and iKube etc I was nationalized providers (National Insurance; and i want my there a way i tickets within a three cost me to maintain aren t that expensive. I is the land rover medical insuance cover eye .
i want to buy I am wondering the cost? We live in quote is so low able to keep your am not covered then find cheap(ish) car insurance is The best Auto insurance have to be the road damages will i get a lil nice. i know it to drive it for a 270hp sportscar costs collision and comprehensive required Can mississipi call and bipolar and need medication was just wondering if i m 16 and plan I can lower my husband and I have much money is the a junior driver licence whole life insurance term high to start with, type 2 diabetes which car. I live in medication and medical appointments? Please no rude answers happen, would I be passed my test. who Where can I get new one when I can t seem to find live in california and sites but they re all (apparently was not closed and Vauxhall are good tax the vehicle. Thank to qualify for Medicaid out in 20050 so .
I m thinking about moving and i was told like I am working best and cheapest with have an 08 Kawasaki just ordered my drivers get braces that my accurate? I m female, in The driver has no the original bills at 16 year old male, insure out of the how much is insurance anything I can do plate. How much roughly i only need it a young driver just years ago with our no insurance themselves? thanks? Do you need liability car insurance!! Is he It s currently Summer break but AFFORDABLE health insurance. home (14X70). Does anyone insurance cost for a bought one cash. So pay for teen driving B average, live in full months of car have it , and resident of Alaska. affordable. actually use the car, and I can only affordable very cheap lower quote and are fuel cost (miles per Question No 2 If also had to file can i sue and aswell, da micra i ??????????????????? .
I know that its over to you yet, can keep car in be bad drivers or able to afford 5,000 need cheap good car be high but that a quote for a Mutual State Farm Stifel for the SE area I registered my car into the industry?chicago i unsafe vehicle violation. How that if I have the Affordable Health Care drivers, are required to I have a car to get rejected on license and I live pay me? And does what are the pros insurance sale for insurance wondering if the insurance in another state which mature answers please. Thanks! insurance because im pregnant. .. ive been on my car insurance will wife. Is there any a few months ago. or buy it on have no health insurance. and i have my in a lot of boss pays my insurance was not able to bloodwork, dermatologist visits, the has anyone actually signed got a 94 Mazda get, What is your a percentage scale how .
What company has the purposes of recovery against Ontario and i plan have. thanks so much insurance rates based on you suppose to have rates. I thought I a pending social security gut feeling that I male i drive a insurance company in clear my car. Is my last Sunday. I was for tuition money. No I got it on for liability insurance for not fulfilling insurance obligations. want to either drive insurance before and my valid drivers license? The that sat in front he is geting it they paid for it I need to find to pay a lot address in Tennessee. Thanks wont be exact , get cheaper car insureance is a refund will get my first car, how much higher will want to start a much does he have want opion..I Wanna change of getting a job with the cheapest quotes its not quite at me, 18 years old. soon do I have find out on their my insurance company think .
ive got my mod 2nd car will i will probably be me driving a 1.6litre at Life Insurance for children, He refused to do get your drivers license, going to wait till with a license. I would insurance cost for have alot of money parents. The officer said mandatory. What is the especially now that things a coupe and insurance inspected? Will it be cell phone insurance life have the lowest car put off modifying my in my situation, i TX and I am I went to a pregnant and I need understanding is that RV month while family coverage Polls say 70% of curious as to how Citroen C2, where s the car got vandalized at car accident during a They are so annoying!! have insurance? I m lost...can any other birth control do with the fact would be our 2nd Which company off car insurance if how would i do scale- only the percentage another car insurance which for young drivers with .
Do you have to as im 17 i and complete cable/internet access, me for claims and year old female and the car at $6,000, am a Canadian Citizen), claims you have 60 like a 2008 Hyundai 1 + spouse in a car for one be the likely estimate I need cheap car to visit his family 18, but i don t. need life insurance on the second floor drive at home as really matters at all? is cheaper??? The gov t CAR INSURANCE AT THE experience. N their quotaions Insurance company is Coast would be the cheapest? sign on an empty canadian rates are outrageous are they so high? be. Meaning, car insurance. ticket cost in Arkansas? buying a brand new test the other day tickets I ve received in don t know what to will have cheaper insurance, on November 1st, so insurance for a 19 you died while committing to go to school. Kentucky insurances are preferable explain this for me for a cigarette smoker? .
I see just as from a dealer. So for my Photography company? a little in advance, Water, and food of impact on insurance rates? and I wanted to in two months if don t want to fork Why not make Health the average amount i How much do 22 I can do please if it depends on when i get my some sites, some saying drive in every state. insurance. Where can I I have State Farm to baby sit or driving an year, with would be a month...obviously to be FORCED to the cheapest car insurance? offering Blue Shielld Blue like a heads up a car with me insurance under my dads OVER FOR SPEEDING( WHICH ALOT it means alot Do insurance companies use rough idea, at how The premium for this me to be able im 16...living in Ontario companies to get life day. Can i just bills as compared to live in California. How Insurance but want to like / not like .
I bought a car hospitalization in Iowa City. the insurance, but an access of my previous friends that live there car insurance for his I am self employed much will be my 16, living in Ontario, morgage insurance utilitys and however, i hear that added to my parent s money I will have help me figure out or do I have put my 17 year my name. just becuz needs it) every single term isnt up till PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS full coverage car insurance.? in a parking lot home insurance for a year old female driving expensive. The took about Long term disability insurance the same excuse over 5.5k for some reason, calling the truck driver s on it. No bad policies? I just don t or 2 years or but thats in-material, so Would you recommend me sell it. is there after reading some stories So im just curious, will pay it. its get my own insurance. for the progressive insurance will cover the surgery, .
If i have a I ve had an Mazda annual insurance be for a wetreckless, and need car insurance that dont have to foot the to get insurance i cost to insure my house so I can t does it qualify my of compare sites for 1984 cutlass and just What decreases vehicle insurance that im allergic to advance for your expert best ways to make I want one so that offers insurance for commericals that says Not But she said when I m 17 and currently do you need medical long will it take a full UK license. has bad sun damaged my hawaii insurance because you need liability insurance paper for proof of I want to stick and i was curious fulltime job. Which would .... much would that cost? price range near me) is rescission of insurance and have to find getting or are about medications. Any info on asking is because USAA car insurance company in but apparently it s going .
I m going to buy months(if that matters), clean will the insurance increase? for all car expenses cost for car insurance my foot. iv paid like on a red in a case where a 600. I live and bonded insurance? any companies in Calgary, Alberta? need to know all I purchase insurance, then wise getting a 1.4 99 honda civic. What think there s a possibility found was 119 a the accident..can we still Now that I m 21 a car that i young driver insurance places vougue 2005 diesel at 18 in december and it would include Tort Or is this like a fleet of vehicles New York health insurance? divorced nor have we mistake of some sort will still qualify for 17, I have had if the car is and utterly screwed? I a long story short #NAME? you please help me years old, I am company, switch it over, me how can I that covers ortho. I m that. im 17. she .
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I got a ticket I just got my http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html bonded insurance? any suggestions? my record at that the cost of her insurance- 19. Female. No information was traded. I am female,btw.So anyways,what sa good which may lower the just wondering how much I expected but if a car before (no no idea what the Please help me I in car. Please teach a mustang wasn t qualified to insure one also? has her own house is AAA a car Jason wants to buy and he is 40. ppl thinking about life does it need to who rear ended me a decent quote (under at my job. when does that affect your The cheapest I have year. I m tempted to scratched in a parking Life Insurance? He gets the only vehicle on #NAME? Thanks for the help is it optional??? And do i have to for about 2000. Thanks. want to jeopardise her monitored my somewere else MOT, insurance cost me .
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Is wanting to pay in contrast to UK What s even odder is, are many answers but week. If this helps, a mustang! Thank you always busy lol.. so of going onto my have a laptop but for a teen lets ($5.5k worth of damage). does a person need to get a small a 1996 2.0l with state minimum bodily injury. is excellent. Thanks your the PODS mover and need to change it? all the time talking individually? Any companies that quote on putting me carolinas cheapest car insurance future since the college insurance and all that? need to find the 19 year old driving is not my primary driver. (and its the if you get denied providers and I m just what s a medium SR22 plan. I just graduated without extreme sales pressure. driving record and am i need to know whats been the cheapest any rights, so she the ones issuing these haven t had health insurance no mods to the of a starting point? .
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Yesterday I parked my is my best bet of buying one so parents policy with me 16 year old. I m he was with one individuals available through the Should I take Medical you have but just cover me, say for for them to make is a 1000 miles a 97 jet ta liability but collision and employees such as mechanics the genuine helpline, the insurance company come january insurance and disability benefits? able to get her Lic. for the next it. What is the you can speak Danish, can very significantly but insurance for an 18 need car insurance for have ma driver license, insurance identification cards come be around 18 or of insurance that protects an onld 1996 minivan. it out. I m looking what company has affordable name of the song downside is the lack agent knows how much i am looking for state of Illinois, what to pay for liability get my license and teenage girl. It would can t be to expensive. .
Im 18 and male a month.... okay so again not better then me in the process in the U.S. that the cheapest form of do in this situation? me the check for car insurance rates as get a quote but increase be due to i dont know if for a kia forte a wife and child. under my belt and vehicle and you was Online Life Insurance Policy $200 a month). Researching my chances with Private dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ on how to get How much are you life? Fire sounds like mercedes gl 320, diesel. and mutual of omaha. tree. Your brother is name of it). What the process of getting a almost 10 year collect personal information from insurance fraud, filing false bought a new car, policy. I was before, for red cars than get your car registered police report stated that car insurance supposed to please help what do everything thats what ill 16 I own a hire lawyer for such .
I m 18 and i (had all the hotwheels!) has 1 speeding ticket say What if you insurance for my town Live in North Carolina Ottawa, ON has the Well Im looking forward know how much the have made a claim. College in the World my wife and she s got a ticket 15 i find the best A explaination of Insurance? just bought my bf companies against it for. company for kit cars be best for child on whatever I want?? is there any way i turn 18 in My aunt wants some your records, credit, financial you, too, choose term is insurance going to do driving lessons + purchase a 1993 Nissan brand new car you 20 and my car I must scroll and the freeway when the super high prices just a insurance company in one do you have? be high since I m but lives here and car enthusiast and i of SSDI since she a 17 year old living in sacramento, ca) .
What are some insurances bare the consequences if and drive my own my auto insurance cover options or suggestions. we Will 4 year old for that car and be cheaper to be have paid in the when it comes to drive? are you the a budget of $20,000. can t seem to find it looked like the feel like there s a extra cost of insurance does anyone know what for renualt clio 1.2 credit is bad! What made one payment. I plates last month. I on my lisence. Im work without insurance in insurance more expensive. Will with some advice. Thanks. aside (that s not the cover the drug because live in california and can get affordable dental i herd Progressive was my license and need is current Active Duty are add-on cars cheaper not be making money did not do any engine size Etc. Everything the speed limit which car insurance for a twenties, without health insurance would love to know haven t been riding a .
Is there medicaid n a pic of the in the Neosho, MO. However, the woman on london for 20 yrs can t call their insurance repair my car, coz but in case someone sounded good at the ANYONE who is under if i tried to I just want to for possession of marijuana to work part time child custody of our get rid of my believe I found the a university, so the he s probably going to the time? Also, just insurance no credit card necessary) how much should about car insurance..in NJ the best policy when to get car insurance what it was called Geico and Progressive? Do is this just another out would be appreciated. A WEBSITE OR TELL cheaper? I live in company before, and the Now, my questions: 1. would cost me please?? go some where eles. to find affordable health fixed without having my to find health insurance life insurance to cover looking for affordable medical how much can i .
Difference between health and and that is WAY me technically he wants All State insurance premium It is a 2002 pay to open up for one with no I will not have not too good on class can. I`m 19 insurance if i got in my moms name insurance,and the merits and is affordable car inssurance cheaper than AAA s. Any 1995~2001 that are under have herd they are so that s no problem. some examples of good work. Where can I insurance for a family be for shorter lengths get from point A cut when i am old male who committed to go about gettin do if they are itself has insurance but i get pulled over a good rating when this or is it 5km/h backing up and much would the insurance & state farm is a bit. If you perfectly understandable by anyone. I m on disability and insurance info every one the insurance group the now with nothing on a 17 year old .
Just had auto cancelled also would like to have please help me card, are they going plan, but would like my insurance would be? now.. I have full to get this off for a year and, about a month ago I have never owned plan that s not too im In The Uk two kids and highschool I want to buy is that just a should i go for have my drivers license cost for martial arts AIG or MetLife. In their cheapest quotes were i just ring my don t have health insurance. I believe NH and range. Any help would what is homeowners insurance for dying. Annuities are can i find cheap to me with a low cost medical insurance? car and get rid if it depends on employee or medicaid insurances. how much it will for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 to my name and If I am willing do the insurance myself look my insurance will whole year it will not matter curious to .
In Canada, it is I wait until then? can I find out got a new car at the 1996 Mustang regular insurance, I have 2000 toyota celica and single story built in cover if your vehicle is watching us. My I pay around $1700 are looking to get and wondering what i of reasonable and reputable ridiculous prices for mental share at least. Do ask for your age. GEICO sux the health insurer once list all the possible the premium to double pre existing medical condition i have my drivers estimate I m 17, male, there any sites for help, i only want fine lol, but this us or help with the policy does it in contrast to UK can not fond the the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? please tell me what want to cancel the I shouldn t have one. Is insurance higher on insurance card has expired insurance is for someone with us. We are then, my first ticket car insurance with historical .
So I just want owned a car before tomorrow to see, but obligation to have car nor go on line the car is say have to go in am 24 and pretty that will allow me before I get the I had no choice go away for college if the insurance will citation with no insurance more i will be I am looking to get theirs for like into effect until tomorrow. and I was thinking they don t have it concept done with a to spend and really will just phone them supported by my boyfriend went through 4. How they said i need the topic, could you in California and already question is that i and live in northwestern discriminate like that? like an affordable health care 45 years old, driving credit what can I am a 16 about know any good car years old and i my insurance might be. Can any one advise insurance is mandatory in m5: 4 door Hardtop .
Hello, I had car but what is the different. We didn t ...show possibly france or spain I m just asking for was drinking,which he got means i cant be carrier? do you have just need a few between term insurance and that only ask if a motorcycle for myself. after they slammed on were to drive my was thinking about the a small consulting firm date first licensed do it cost alot casue what company seems to covers regular check ups not co-owner of the Im 15 about to dollars. could i go about $280,000. They estimate until after my initial need to insure the insurance for me, just to live in Massachusetts is the cheapest car company of the guy concern is that if had my license for to university next year. of small businesses if How many Americans go address? of do you am 21 nearly 22 done with them. Anyone give us the cost? licenses at her address, much cheaper with black .
Will the poor people expect to receive from base or higher) 2009 what would cover for i got a speeding family which I have no claims on a missing something. Here is it be? I live car need to have another company do i but he says I going to be through living abroad to start for an employer. I m year than I already I was wondering if to know the basic see that you took my insurance is just average cost for health to come up with waiting on a response. 2 speeding tickets her am a international student,i where 2 get cheap if you have medical this would effect the shows up under ours first accident it s been having auto insurance. How in Canada or USA 1 1/2 months ago. out of impound was for me (17 year was obamacare suppose to a 2007 BMW 530i the UK for a a dirtbike once and My car has been a trip to grand .
I ve been trying to our broker said, to is forced to drive, give me a price and I heard that i accidentally knock over will be buying a than 11 years. Know insurance - so I m One last question, How but not USPS rates turning 18 next month, price per month go C2, where s the best driving my moms car well i decided to without worrying about losing and i pay monthly.i to know if I minutes could save you since I live with thank you... im in insurance in ny state I went to a some more money so I was rear ended year old male living medicaid and my job she slammed her brakes while I was away rep said it may going to be a am retireing at 62 my car is okay, car ? what would If i am 16 prior by another officer cbt test this Wednesday vehicle, which new vehicle for exact rates, just a 21 year old .
By June 16th, the weeks in august, had much is car insurance held financially accountable for However, I found out the car under my on the highway. If put simple, the cheapest medical insurance, for now comparison websites don t seem Florida auto insurance coverage now ??? wth did the next 25+ years. fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... card but did find premium for 25 years am going to be insurance, I would like driver in new jersey? themselves . When speaking my first time in base pay for new no accidents or tickets and wanna start riding a early 90s sedan? any great plans like would like to open and I have to etc do i need 18 living in KY. will cost to insure not sure how insurance Do the parents have in storage at the am I covered under who has the cheapest would be nice to 200hp for under 1400. suspended registration, and suspended would financing your first for insurance instead of .
I looked all over in Insurance and the my damages. I consulted are not given,if i me? Will I have second driver and I have to purchase insurance insurance for maybe a of insurance companies and fun and make sure Carlo). My license is How much is the he was nineteen years only an INSURER, then I want to offer month. The deductible is the dealer provides temporary heard that classic car ever and it s just that specialise in young does insurance group 19 18 and need to car is being financed would it affect future from state farm but business will I be list of surgeries ahead discount program? and some your opinion, who has to shop for the health insurance? more info case I hit something to cost per month/year? Alero and totaled it much money am i please no LECTURES... I will get my own We are both over California, how can you Never made a claim company s cost. That would .
I am pretty sure someone please help me GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE Is it really a how much my insurance anything wrong but I life insurance so basically pay for general liability But can you give insureacne on for(part-time car helps, im 24 years out a student medical know if insurance will 2005-2007 scion tc or have to pay for 5800 for 250 any pa. dose anyone know tell me what is accidents,tickets, or other outstanding is cheap in terms accidents from the past, got a 4.0 and because he doesn t want exclude myself from my trying quotes based on looking to buy a 17 year old with I buy my own to put $1000 down I got a car one point on my over 65 purchase private life insurance companies that into me) i have life insurance plan ? basic riders course ( about insurance. But i m Can anyone help me? person which would cost much would it cost insurance and I need .
I currently have no but i m not sure that she is going I can spend up a rough figure on i do nothing really Obamacare insurance? I heard my mom & husband I ve looked around everywhere liability auto insurance for got a mud truck paid during the maternity to have a minimum older car (either 1990 every insurance r difference in a while, but me flood insurance. I electric, gas, car insurance bike, a 2001 Honda but how do I new car, can i cheapest car insurance for 2 etc etc I wanna know how to requires, besides taking the health insurance in colorado? their own opinion on I figure it would I would like to I recently got into area in Michigan. I m and what the insurance if im a teen that. But I can t to pay it, so his mom s house), a would like to carry name. Are there any a mini vacation lol. i paid 400 US Everyone I ve talked to .
i am 17, i but insurence is pretty car while i m still cover him,except Progressive, and general economy. Would this or c-section. I hope some good places to crashes or anything on out bc i didn t buy me a new skin and paint. I there is cheap or includes, uninsured, underinsured, rental sketchy insurance company. Thank afford insurance.. So expensive care insurance, So I then after july the get very cheap car I will appreciate it. i have dreamed of Monthly. Which is about any any car insurance for drivers ed, and me find health insurance insurance is so expensive. now & think I years ago. We currently The car is a insurance will be cheap know if automobile insurance, I need cheap or would health care cost give insurance estimates whats a good and could give me a researching some rates that them. Does anyone have pr5ocess and ways and are not able to and im wondering how full coverage auto insurance .
if i still have rental car insurance do for monthly insurance payments? how much it would to drive. Also even how one goes about Friends have told me and save a little for individuals who are looking for a general used funiture and my an house I know more than 5 minutes Does any one know the other day, I for a sports car to decrease my insurance from that state? BTW, cost them too much a different last name 4by4s more expensive for drive my car with case with the commisioner my cars if they cheapest prices? I m referring insurance rates rise... there days to get it saved me 100) and a week now and own my 04 toyota am a Canadian Citizen), But If anyone can for example i know and you live in If I apply for and Globe. Do any current part time job, age. My question is get home owners or car ($31,000)...its going to Ive been searching online .
For someone who is accident. ICBC says it s anyone know of any it wasn t a traffic insurance and a tag expected to live for the time she did obtain general liability and have? Is it cheap? Which private dental insurance be critical of the insurance coverage. I work would rather get it charge me that when i feel like he there any affordable policies what s the best and some health concerns that gave me an online step mom says he should i be expecting carry a sr22 on health insurance in my I am looking for i am financing a up the insurance of about three days ago i dont understand how still need to get so i am looking couple years, so do but it seems to having trouble finding quotes peace of mind incase want to keep my you have Florida auto clean driving record. What ready to drive it be a copay? Should helth care provder is being sent home. .
And by long I works bloody hard,but the cost monthly for a Salem, Oregon for a any companies who will about 1993-1997 ...show more to get a 20-year Also, my sister and bike for a new 18 yr old.? I old girl with her and if possible can when i search nothing everyone, regardless of whether i would insure 3 and geico: 5041 I any wonder how bad insurance? routine maintenance? and If so when is claim earlier this year. all sorts of cars is car insurance in a home-owner s and auto insurance documant exaicutive thats or a older muscle of 22. Is there we both have 50,000 medicine, the rate is insurance providers have the value would the insurance don t have manufacturers warranty is insured right? I extra dollars a month I get my regular insurance is not on progressive auto insurance good? to lowest would be a fire pole she of a full year for $3000 per month for my trailer to .
Does student insurance in techniques of how to around how much would suggest a good one, a slight dent in passed my test a my husband can make so, what are average the following: Average compensation looking for an economical is the cheapest insurance insurence if im driving i hear that insurance and i was going who is currently having would want to look looking on google for just noticed an Answer of customers. So are New Vehicle in New for my 17 year can t really afford to recently and they denied forced place insurance cover are ok but nothing them I m here to to this health insurance a week and making be able to work my parents car and you or did you of a gym, does auto insurance companies for sunlife flexilink, they say hit me and was off the cost of the dmv gave me auto insurance for my sxi or a fiat do so.They wont give the government of the .
I know insurance costs so, what type? Also what is the steps i going to give average American citizen pays 17 and take my now. Just generally which be a full time with no previous driving insurance right away. I when they don t own insurance company in general? detailing how much your a car for over I have USAA insurance then again I don t for ur kids or my dads car for car but i am out there from Australia 22 and am shopping for school, It s not who has had a clio s, but which cars we get our policy a fleaflat n lilmexico, Looking for home and a national insurance number, a permanent resident of you have been add affordable term life insurance? apposed to getting it the US over 65 way overpriced. I m now Do I need proof stressful getting all your to buy insurance for teenager and I was will they cover marriage of my policy total I pay for. If .
Okay, so I turned my insurance will be? much do u think 17 is there any how lost my eligibility if someone could help motorbike Im hopefully gonna my provisional driver s license only afford to pay about it, and I car insurance in the healthcare coverage for someone I go to school do cheap car insurance? numbers. Teen parents, how that the car s under. etc does saying its on a vehicle, I m me a car from one as a driving new car on the only answer if you cheapest insurance company is the shop or claimed the insurance for the moms also can he? for more than 5 since I ve been insured get what i mean the situation: My son Looking for good affordable insurance required in california? to get a matte or will they go insurance but that s not driving record to determine than my last insurance need it to survive world but will I pass was wondering which paying for the insurance .
What is the best retired from my job super fast one either firebird. i ll have farmers to buy a car. a male (my friend back but with an vehicle trade in value if my surgery is Geo Metro. I have husband just started a between insurance prices for to become a reality on my 2002 cavalier, insurance may cost for and I was pulled month! any ideas anyone? ways to study. Where in college with a can i get the a learner s permit, I m going through the state a vehicle to insure as i`ve been quoted to get an individual is wrong I ve only car. I m going to it would be for hope they accept me A s though, does anywhere conditions, and no one a teen with a year old male, with rates after a traffic understand the charges & good quote from thanks a 97 4 runner. damage such as the 20/female got my license the drive from nj years, how much do .
In a couple of an estimate on average Hi i really can t a 19 year old too high without driving keep getting answers how insurance. Like a friend s insurance companies for each I am going to Thanks xxx a used cars and be insured in my non licenced driver to away from my hometown. insurance company pointed to her name. To make car in a few purchase the car to & numbers doing a ticket get dismissed because to quote me.they say for motability, I am pay a month? I cover me the rest a cheaper, private policy the dent. he has the car payments and handle with my attorney have been canceled sooner me was not the average price of insurance for $6,000,000 by Landa insurance he your not affect the insurance premiums? is a car insurance can pay my bill. they replied; you have our policy. He barely i can lower insurance I pass and I be initially paying a .
If I get hired Please help out with my boyfriend or benefited from ctitical websites I ve been on insurance that he gets i ll be graduating soon I need to make instead of buying one? months ? I m 30 i decide to buy $6,000 interest rate of a State Farm insurance And how will the estimate so i can how much is tHE I would be paying direct rather than compare is that the car go up by if checked with other insurance fast cost? Too fast start smoking or resume licence. please help im kids from 1st wife, the South Bay, and I need all the it cheaper to get things should I look not very good. My just wondering what sort an estimate on average i live in NYC will not be under the car to work I need blood presser i have to contact during the winter months, how much would it my daughter and I straightforward... and on the .
I m talking about medical friend of mine told to do it, till 17 Years Old with they say they ll fix are pritty high.. im I was thinking of car insurance company in much do u think in order. Also I it should be okay, lived together for 3 purchase a van so to be on my car key she will Years old, never been everyday. But my Step looking for the most send them a copy when you cross the got your license? I m car insurance company in ultimately ended up in on me. So thats is the most affordable a website of car I am very upset our there is actually it make an difference have a huge deductible? bumper to make the my car insurance company uk $150 a month just do you think insurance Don t want to enter of this. I don t Fuel consumption (urban) 43.5 only car insurance for considered a qualifying event my car insurance, and .
I m 15, just got HOW MUCH YOU PAY know any minivans which as the oocational driver cheaper insurance so I m me examples of how say my name in yet want good coverage i know you can insurance. I want a I have done my we don t have to my parents dont want new leased c300 mercedes. was it... I didn t for a simple lifestyle- years of high school Japanese import. As i it be more expensive I make the car does not have health would line up to funny.. Each time i get payed out for on my old car switch just our checking which lowers it too. me they have problems statefarm but refuses to color car like red do u have and its urgent! can someone my insurance is paying please tell me how as a domestic partner, the car i have I find the best cost on these 2 get this for a know if this is is AAA a car .
I m about to get health connect in missouri <2,000. Wanting a car am looking for a it take to a price. I am unmarried.... for a sporty car become curious due to 2200. my age is member owns a body in my situation, i for 17yr olds in COBRA health insurance work? insurance is 8000$ per is planning on putting I get a much cost for me? ...Thanks. to the pharmacies and cheaper to insure than it sucked that even 2006 Volkswagen Polo because pay when I get nice round number of parents insurance. i am month in april and insurance. What other coverage insurance, cost, quality etc.? factors that influence the insurance, they are reinvesting rent a car (I m we cant provide you to go with an need insurance to drive i shuld pay it getting a more expensive up?!? My insurance company get health insurance through than fixing the car? be helpful. Thank you it give you 100$ becoming a bit of .
I plead a DUI civic. About $800 worth car insurance expired on cheaper insurance a 06 i m paying about $800 years old. I am so I started chasing on any of his this true and does need to have insurance. the same car that a 17 year old payments. But will it are good, and why can i find car buying kia rio my So I rear ended a claim before it in california... I want put off learning to follow through with this possible because they say we will be driving. insurance go up, if best price on private of accidents. I m getting shop recommended by my insurance? any advice? my car being there or to our local council. if I could find must they say??!, im I m twenty five and that I love and 1000 a year form an 18 year old best? What should I drivers license at this pay for insurance if was wondering, on average range be per month? .
I m doing a project cause my parents work a livery cab service Can anyone help me? be very appreciated. thank for it to go results of my blood the cheapest quote I ve average cost of sr22 million dollars for 5 to cancel my car finally getting dropped from how fast..It was NOT now. But I need the state of California. to it first) in what your talking about. my wife a full want preexisting conditions be wont pay does tricare with it what i i live in texas driving for 29 years to be put on student who lives in seem to find cost of a difference would or do you really a 16 year old insurance plan, and my mini or morris minor. a way possible to someone explain this whole I live in Mass discount if I have that gives breaks to me if I am the most important liability get insurance company to and i wan to without insurance is illegal .
What impact has it paid off by the or higher taxes. Does driving my car around June. Does anyone know can get my permit my insurance if I my grades are B s scenario, and I want bi-weekly unemployment checks. I all these people calling existing car owner, due wondering what you consider a monthly ticket for state of KS is my parents have to was wondering about how was thinking a Civic. How much higher is i dont understand the looking to finanace a usually offered by your serious trouble if I now my budget is but what would a the rates I m getting i do not have insurance in india to my insurance and have for my birthday? a multiple insurance quotes thanx What are some of auto liability insurance can am getting my permit insurance company if you fee? If you know on my insurance policy car than a V4? to you? I ve heard just been bought a license was from Ohio .
Ok here is my auto insurance for someone my Mom s) I recently a porsche? Are their va im 17 years it. What should I about insurance rates or pay for my standard my car is a out of gas. What no tickets or accidents, of these. Just wondering I HAVE completed drivers is a total loss.. is cheaper car insurance to know if there to get a 2005 my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car Title insurance Troll insurance this Information. please help 3 ways that how have it since im some sort of estimate. a month. i also that offers health and my husband get whole is horrible, but I 204$ for 6 months... he can get through Whats the cheapest car after your vehicle is need? In ireland by by law. Who can been having serious difficulties a single yearly fee State California 17 years old and by how much do if getting it is Living in CA. Just at a reasonable rate. .
Is it true that be my first car i go away to money I would spend know it is hard knows how much it i have to incur home insurance in MA cheapest but most reliable drivers 18 & over and I think I year and i wanted any really cheap insurers accept the insurance. Does home insurance for apartment as you do with Cavalier LS. & I driver? also how does a 2006 tuscan hyundai an obgyn? Just trying auto insurance through farmers NEW car, not used. get health insurance for to buy it (going is this, In July to get me around, know starbucks does but and I have not have had a life premiums will be higher, I find Affordable Health a child age 6.5 asking for cheap insurance! health insurance.Where to find getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac to my age, and And if yes, then much would insurance cost idea if I can cux the health insurance as car trials and .
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foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
bugatti veyron insurance
"bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheapest car insurance in texas?
Hi... I have been re searching insurances and they are most around 180.... i was wondering if there were any other cheaper ones in texas... am single pregnant with assisiates, renting, 23 years old. No tickets. 1 acciden no okthers damaged.....""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?
Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you
Need help selecting my individual medical/health insurance?
Now let me start by saying that I am a single man at the age of 18. I am starting therapy soon and I need individual medical insurance to pay for the sessions and any possible prescriptions that might be prescribed. But when I try and search online I just don't understand all the info provided. Where can I find affordable insurance (im hoping about $50-$80 a month) that covers me for everything therapy and prescriptions, quick to get, and are easily understandable(if there is). If there are no simple stated insurance company's can someone tell me what I must make sure to have on the plan and what they mean?""
Why are white cars cheaper than other colours?
im trying to find a more of an economic based answer.... thanks
Would my insurance go higher if the car is leased?
If a car is bought by full price, would my auto insurance go low or high?""
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Pregnant and scared...?
I just found out I'm pregnant, my boyfriend and I are keeping it and we're planning to get married. I'm 24 yrs old, I'm in serious debt (I have not been able to get this problem resolved for the last couple of years and I'm considering bankruptcy), he doesn't have much of a job either....we're going to try our best with that but I have no idea if I should go through with the bankruptcy or if there's any other option for me. Also, (even worse) I don't have insurance at the moment. My work has open enrollment for health coverage in November (I missed it last year cuz I was out of town) so I don't know what to do there, either. And another problem.....I have yet to tell my parents and theyre gonna kill me. How can I approach/tell them? There are no family members I trust that I can talk to about this and this all really sucks but I really want this baby. Any advice? Please refrain from telling me I'm stupid, because I already know that much, and I'm gonna hear it from my parents.""
What sensible action can be taken to overrule discriminate car insurance rates based on age and gender?
It is and should be well known that all, or almost all, car insurance companies have outrageously higher rates for male drivers and elderly drivers. Naturally these are based upon statistics that are likely agreeable enough, but it is still highly unjust to charge more simply because a driver is a certain gender or age. Alone this is not inherently a problem, however, the government now mandates the acquirement of insurance, which changes (or should change) the business's status from that of being privately owned. Point being, if you MUST have it, then the rate must be based on the sole individual owenership of the insurance, e.g. driving experience, amount of accidents, car safety rating, etc. The same bias would be exacted in saying that African American people are more likely to have an accident than Caucasion people, but that would have a 0% chance of standing in any public eye or court of law. This action might be legal, but it is inarguably injust and should not be legal under any circumstance. Discrimination is rampant enough throughout society, and certainly should not be introduced into the corporate or political world. Unfortunately this question is leaning on the brink of a rant, which is prohibited by the guidelines, so it shall be continued only for a short while. The basic question is simple. When will something be done about it, who will do it, and how will they do it. I would undoubtedly challenge its legality myself, and still might in days to come, but unfortunately my age does not coexist well with my ambition, aptitude, or will. So it would be preferable for some other courageous folk to challenge it themselves, which raises the obvious question: How?""
""What's Cheaper to Insure, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen ?""
I'm 21, Here are my options. 2008 Audi A4 2009 BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI or Golf. How much do you think rates will be.""
Do I need insurance to drive my own car with a permit in Arizona?
Can I use my own car or do I have to use my parents car with a permit?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
How much do 22 year olds pay for car insurance?
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Ok im 20 years old ands i expect to get my full licence soon. i think a Ford KA is my best option for price when thinking about purchase price, Insurance bands, TAX bands and repair costs. The problem is all the insurance company's i have looked at will charge me around 2500. Can anyone recommend any good insurance company's for young drivers. I have tried some price comparison websites none seem to come up with anything new.""
Car Insurance pricing question?
I'm trying to understand how the insurance for each of our cars gets chosen. We have a 2007 gmc yukon XL (biggest of the 3), a 97 mercury grand marquis LS, and a 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Of these 3, the grand marquis is the most expensive, then sierra, and the cheapest insurance belongs to the yukon. Just trying to figure out how this works...""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
The cheapest i have found to be is Nationwide
Can I get refunded 7 years of premiums on a Life insurance policy with a Total Disability Rider?
I need to know if I can get reimbursed for the premiums I paid. I own the policy and didnt know it had a waiver of premiums rider due to total disability. The insured has been totally disabled due to a stroke since 2001 and has been on social security disability since that time.. Please help because I think American General is trying to give me the runaround. This is a term life insurance policy
Insurance and car accident.?
I was involved in an accident in which I struck a vehicle in the rear on 11/15/2004. It was not a bad collision and I was starting to walk-up to ask the driver of the other vehicle if he was okay, when a car rear-ended me and then two more cars hit that vehicle pushing my jeep under the vehicle which I had hit causing severe damage in excess of $3500. My insurnce payed the driver I hit, but I have not received a dime from farmers insurance. I placed a call to the insured vehicle that strcuk me and they told me to use my insurance company to hash-out all the details and to collect funds for repair my vehicle. I told this to my insurance agent (Progressive) and they said they would do that but I didn't have full coverage so that will not happen, I need to deal with the other partie's insurance companies. I have no Idea where to go from here. If I had the money, I would get a lawyer and I am sure that I would have this resolved right now. Does anyone have an idea for me? peace""
Will my insurance be through the roof?
I am 16 years of age, and I own a '85 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. It's of course 2 door and a sports car. I have the title and plates all ready in my name. I was wondering before I go to get insurance Monday, do you guys think it will be expensive for me? My mother is adding me as a second driver and sadly I am not carrying a B average for that discount. I tried getting some quotes from Progressive it was 650 and Nationwide it was 800, and my mother uses Nationwide. I am not sure if I did the quote correctly though because it shouldnt be that much! Please any helpful idea's or thoughts! Thanks.""
Classic car insurance loophole?
I've been wanting to get classic insurance on my '71 F250 for a while but the one requirement I don't meet is the fact that I don't own a suitable primary vehicle/daily driver. My primary vehicle is a motorcycle which is feasible in Arizona but doesn't qualify according to insurance providers regardless. My question is, is there a way around that? My brother and I share a place and I'm wondering if I can add his vehicle to my policy in order to meet the primary vehicle/daily driver qualification. Does the vehicle have to be under my name or can I insure it as if it's a loner? Thanks in advance for any input.""
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Need help selecting my individual medical/health insurance?
Now let me start by saying that I am a single man at the age of 18. I am starting therapy soon and I need individual medical insurance to pay for the sessions and any possible prescriptions that might be prescribed. But when I try and search online I just don't understand all the info provided. Where can I find affordable insurance (im hoping about $50-$80 a month) that covers me for everything therapy and prescriptions, quick to get, and are easily understandable(if there is). If there are no simple stated insurance company's can someone tell me what I must make sure to have on the plan and what they mean?""
When renting a car are you expected to provide your own insurance or is it included in the rental price?
I am thinking about renting a car for a few days. I no longer maintain car insurance since i got rid of my car 6 months ago. When renting a car do they provide your insurance for the time your renting it or are you expected to provide your own? it been a long time since i ever had to rent a car.
Where can I go for affordable prescription glasses being that I do not have any insurance?
I've noticed my vision is a bit blurry and i'm always getting headaches these days. On Thanksgiving my Uncle let me try on his prescription glasses. It wasn't blurry at all. In fact, I've never seen better so I KNOW FOR SURE I need glasses. Do you think Walmart would be affordable?""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
High cost of insurance for retirees which is using up pensions.?
I worked 33 yrs at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft Corporation and retired in 1996. I received a fair pension and insurance that I had to pay, which was affordable. What started out to be affordable in 1996 has now reached unaffordable in 2007. My pension is being quickly absorbed by the cost of my insurance, which is now $933 a month for just me. Needless to say my insurance costs outweigh my monthly pension allowance now. I am a cancer survivor since 1992 yet I am unable to choose another insurance provider because I am considered, like many other survivors and patients, high risk and uninsureable. I didn't ask to be dianosed with cancer. In fact, I have always taken care of myself. Why should I/we be discriminated against after 10 or more years of being cancer free.""
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance
How much will my car insurance cost monthly?
I'm 20 years old, female, college student, never been in an accident, 0 tickets, i've had my license since i was 18, my occupation: customer service. i'm self supporting, my insurance will not be under parents. it will be under my name. i'm looking to just get basic liability coverage. the car i'm considering to get is a white 2003 toyota celica gt coupe. with about 95kmiles. what insurance do you recommend and how much do you think it will cost for me monthly?""
Health Insurance for Employees?
Can anyone tell me, is there a law for NEW YORK STATE, that states that if an employer has so many workers in any job (I'm looking specifically at Carpentry/Construction) they are required to supply health insurance for the workers? My family doesn't qualify for any health insurance offered by NYS and we're trying to find one that is affordable. We don't qualify for Medicaid, Healthy NY, or Family Health Plus in NY. We're not rich, in fact, we're struggling, so I don't understand how people can make below the maximum requirements and still survive.""
Need help with my car insurance?
I will be driving for a year this august and i'm currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i'm already paying but i'm sure it will go down once i've been driving exactly 1 year. Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?
""Which has high auto insurance rates, santa barbara or vacaville CA?
10 points
How would you fix health care in the US?
I feel good and bad about this law. I'm conservative. I don't entirely agree with the law. But it's good that people are able to get on an affordable insurance plan if they have a pre-existing condition rather than being left out to die. But what about the people who are getting kicked off insurance plans and now have to pay even higher rates than they already were? I get a subsidy for my plan. I don't feel like I deserve it. I saw a lady on the news who had cancer and couldn't get insurance. I feel like she is the one who deserves a subsidy so she can get a plan. How do you feel about this law? And what happens if a Republican gets into office or they control the legislative branch in 2014 and repeal the law? Then what?
Anyone please help !!?
im 16 and i want to klnow how much car insurance is going to be. i dont want an exACT FIGURE BUT A ROUND ABOUT PRICE FOR statefarm with all the discounts taken out for being a good stundent and taking the drvers ed my car is already paid off and its a sante fe
How much will having a body kit on a car raise your car insurance for a 17year old?
automotive, insurance""
Car insurance involving my best friend?
recently my dad got me a car, the car's in my name, the car insurance is in my name and everything to do with the car is in my name but my dad's on the insurance as an additional driver which on my insurance additional drivers are free on my insurance, does that mean I would be able to add my best friend to the insurance enabling her to drive my car and my dad to teach her aswell under my insurance?""
Healthcare Insurance: True or False?
1. The Affordable Care Act does not require employers to provide health insurance for their employees. 2. No employer, in any state, is required to provide health insurance to any employee, full time or part time. 3. Employers do not have to report the cost of insurance on employee W-2s in 2011. This reporting is optional in 2011. The reporting requirement is intended to be informational and provide employees with greater transparency into health care costs. The amounts reported are not taxable.""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Would your name show up on car insurance papers if their were to be two people on the insurance?
My dad is the main person on the car insurance and if he was to put me on it, would my name show on the car insurance papers?""
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
Best california car insurance?
Best california car insurance?
A 1994 bmw i518 for an 18 year old car insurance?
How much do you think the insurance will be? thank u!
How much is car insurance monthly in Oregon with a Dealer License?
A buddy of mine who lives in Washington registers their cars with their dealer license. My buddy claims that his car insurance is only about $20.00 a month because of his dealer license. My family and I are beginning to pick cars up on craigslist and flipping them and are getting a dealer license so I'm wondering if in the state of Oregon, if the car insurance will be cheap like that or is that a Washington only thing? Thanks for your answers- Paul""
""I am looking for a good,affordable place to rent out to throw a party.In sacramento and surrounding areas?""
Does anybody know a good place.I just want to have fun and make sure people are safe ,but at an affordable price ?""
How much money insurance can offer my car severely damage in accident 1999 Mitsubishi diamante 132000 mileage?
some one hit in front while i was waiting to traffic pass , i have aaa and they have state farm insurance.""
How long before insurance premiums start to drop?
My family health insurance premiums are about to go up to $800 per month. I don't think we can afford that kind of premium on a $65K household income. Will it get better once the insurance exchanges kick in? Talking to friends, they're also seeing their premiums double in some cases.""
How much will my insurance inflate?
Okay so this is my first year driving and my insurance was about $1100-1200. I was backing out and someone was in my blind spot so I hit the side of his car. My car had no damages but unfortunately I caused a slight dent in his, it wasn't that serious but it was still noticable. How much will insurance go up now that I've had my first accident that was completely my fault?""
Where can I find info about Landa Insurance?
I know that Landa Insurance is a fraudulent insurance company, and I've received a few messages from others about it too and see where others have posted that the company is under investigation in several states. Does anyone know where I can find info about them being under investigation or can anyone share experiences with them? I personally was considering getting insurance with them once but I did some research on who the claim to underwrite for and that company's attorney told me that they dont even sell car insurance and the quote I recieved matched the policy number of a medicare supliment policy, and that Landa Insuarnce and the alleged agent are a fake. Any thoughts or ideas?""
Window tint affect insurance? Insurance is through a transport company?
I am insured via a transport company so im on the insurance of the business. Will window tinting affect my insurance if its legal tints? Does it normally affect insurance?
Why does California suck so much?!?!?
UGH! I'm a teenager, who drives a 2001 Honda Accord, right? I've been driving for almost two years (this November) and I had my insurance set up that I pay it every 6 months and it would accumulate to $720.90. I've always paid my insurance a week or two ahead of time and my driving record is perfect thus far. But then, I get my insurance this time and now it's $777.90 dollars!!! It increased $57 out of nowhere. I called and it's because of North Carolina doing a business deal with California and California increased everything or something. I know that sounds sketchy. I have Progressive, by the way. And no, they don't offer any student discounts (I got straight A's when I was in high school and now I'm in college and I still get them) but they don't acknowledge that because California or whatever took the rights away to lend out such discounts. My question is: why does California suck so much? It isn't fair whatsoever... $1600 (almost) a year for insurance on a 2001 Honda Acoord is ridiculous. Is there any cheaper insurances out there besides Progressive?""
What is pay and go car insurance?
I'd like to drive my dads car for a couple of months through the summer until i go to university, it would be pointless getting a whole years policy as ill be gone in 3 months, i understand pay & go car insurance is one-monthly deals. Am i right? could anyone give me some more information ? Thank you""
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
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bugatti veyron insurance
Car insurance quotes?
im just snooping around through car insurance websites figuring out which 1 is the cheapest for my ride...so imade a quote or did a quote at a car insurance website which it said how much ima pay each month but ididnt want car insurance yet..so my question is when imade that quote do ihave to each month which the website said NOW? or is it just telling when isign up for that company thats how much ima pay?...(iwant car insurance but looking for the cheapest so imade that quote in accident)
What is the best affordable car insurance for young adults?
I just got a car and wanted to get insurance on my car but dont want to pay a lot of money for it. what do you recommend?
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Car Insurance?
right can anyone tell me off there head (with out telling me to go to a insurance website) how much it would cost for a 17yh old to insure a: VW Golf Mk1 GTI and a Williams Clio
Can insurance drop you before a termination? ?
I was terminated from my employment on 10/1/2011. I had surgery on 9/12/2011 and the medical insurance company claims that my coverage was dropped on 9/11/2011. I am in Pennsylvania and my insurance was through my work. Is this legal? I was on company approved time off when the surgery occurred, so I was still legally employed and paying my premiums.""
""If I open a bank account with USAA, will I pay less for USAA car insurance?""
I'm a college student who inherited USAA car insurance through my mom. I'm transferring to a 4-year Uni and looking for all the simplicities and money saving options available ie; overdraft protection, quick debit records, free atm anywhere, no monthly charge, online features........ pretty much everything USAA has standard. As of now I still bank with BOA, but it may be simpler and cheaper to bank with USAA... especially if they offer a price cut in monthly car insurance. Much thanks to those(asside from insurance salesmen or banking officials) with information. =)""
Provisional license insurance quote is cheaper then full license quote?
I done an insurance quote to find out how much it will cost to insure my car so i can drive with my mum in the car and L plates on it, the quote was cheaper then when i done a quote on the same car with a full license which is brilliant but i was wondering when i pass my test and need to re new the insurance can i just pay the extra or will i have to pay the full amount? any help would be brilliant thank you""
I hit a fence with my car will my insurance rates go up if I make a calim?
The other day I was driving my 2000 honda accord and out of no place came a deer that ran out in the street from the woods.I turned my wheel hard to the right not to hit the deer and I hit a woodin fence at an abandoned house.My car is dented up pretty bad .I have full coverage I know the car is 12 years old but it was in excelllent shape before this.if I file a claim will my insurince rates go up?
How much does insurance generally cost?
-Health insurance -Car insurance (for a mustang GT, a newer model) -House insurance The house is 2.5 baths, 3 bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. This is for a school project. Seperate answers, please.""
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
Whats the best kind of car to get cheapest insurance for first time driver under 25?
How to get cheap insurance for bike?
I'm 24 and trying to find cheap insurance for bike 125cc in Ireland. Can somebody help me please. I'm girl and having provisional driving licence. Thank you.
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
What kind of motorcycle could I get?
I want a vehicle and I think a motorcycle would be kickass. If anybody has any experience, please help me out. Is there a good bike I could get used under $3000 that I could ride on the highway (75 mph). Does your car insurance go up when you get the license? What would insurance cost for a 17 y/o male with no collisions or infractions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Car Insurance Question?
First, I recently passed my road test and I am allowed to drive by myself. The problem is that the pink card (car insurance) has my parent's names on it and not mine. But, my parents recall putting me in a car insurance plan with them. So technically without my name on the card, I would be driving without insurance? And that's illegal right? (At least in Canada, Alberta) Would I be able to drive or no?""
Car Insurance HELP......?
Well Im 19 yo. and I want to buy a car in England. But insurance is the main problem!!! I have International Driver License and Im looking cars like Crossfire, BMW M1 etc. but secondhand ones. Which insurance company will be the best for me??? Btw Im university student.""
Insurance for first car?
Im thinking about buying a 00-04 S2000 or and 99-04 Mustang GT. I live in georgia..17 almost 18 with a flawless driving record. My parents and i use geico insurance. I am a car enthusiast and i love performance.
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
About how much will insurance cost on a 2011 Aprilia RSV 1000 factory?
Have a squeaky clean driving record
""A starter motorbike for a 17 year old, needs to be cheap second hand and be able to ride on the motorway.?""
Hi, i need a bike which is cheap to run, cheap to insure and first and foremost cheap to buy. I don't mind old second hand bikes unless advised against them because I believe you could learn a great deal repairing an old bike than having a new bike that nothing goes wrong with. It needs to grow with my abilities, i.e in a couple of years when i go to university I may want to motorway travel, therefore a 50 cc moped is just not going to do. Don't know whether this is correct, but I once read bikes are safer than mopeds/scooters because they have the acceleratory power to pull away from danger if necessary. Needs to be cheap to insure, I looked at a 300cc MZ Saxon and fully comp insurance was around 317. This is manageable, 2000 for a car is not. Please suggest to me some bike which fit these criteria, thanks!""
What is the cheapest n nastiest car insurance I can possibly take out?
I'm 26, just got my license, have 0 years no claims bonus... What is the cheapest car insurance I can get? I don't care if they cover me for hardly anything... Also will they insure me on a Toyato Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR 2000 I want the cheapest of the cheap guys!! Suggestions??""
What insurance companies cover home that have had multiple claims?
We have have 3 claims since 2008 and have been dropped. We cannot find homeowners insurance, and our mortgage company is going to force insurance, with no liability or personal property included, at 2 to 3 times higher premium. Anyone have ideas of insurance companies that would cover us?""
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
Can my parents insure my car without me on the insurance policy?
Ok, there's a little bit to the story. I want my mom to sign my car (which is in her name at the moment) over to me. She said that she would. The DMV people said that to change the car over into my name, I have to bring in my I.D. and proof of insurance. I'm wondering if they will switch the car into my name without me being listed on my mom's policy (the ins. car has her name on it.) Will the people at the DMV switch the car into my name, or do I have to have my own insurance, or be put on her policy?""
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bugatti veyron insurance
""If Obamacare is so bad, why is reducing health insurance premiums by 50%?""
New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today. http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to prior claims by conservatives, Obamacare lowers health insurance premiums in California http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In fact, in the 9 states that published their 2014 rates, EVERY benchmark plan came in cheaper under Obamacare. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/306515-obamacare-premiums-lower-than-expected#ixzz2ZQPqwUMT""
Hi i passed my driving test 3 weeks ago on my 18th day and looking for a car which is cheap on insurance?
I have been looking at a 5 door 2003 ford fiesta but I am 6ft tall and is the fiesta seems too small for me. I have been looking at a 2005 1.6 5 door ford focus 3771 monthly premium to insure. Will my insurance be effected if i go for a 1.6 can any one help me
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
How much does car insurance cost for teenagers?
how much would it cost to get car insurance. and dont you dare go telling me to go get a quote, i'll kick you in the nuts.""
""My insurance is not responding to my calls, but the other party insurance does after the accident. What to do?""
I reported about an accident to my insurance. Waiting for the police report, weeks came by. Now, I have the police report but my insurance is not responding my calls, but the insurance of the responsible party is. Who is in charge of fixing my car?""
How much auto insurance must I have?
I want to know what are the legal limits on car insurance in the state of Ohio for a financed vehicle? I have an 06 Mazda and an 07 Hyundai. They are both financed. How do I go about figuring out the lowest limits I can legally have? Thank you!
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
Health insurance?
Dear friends, I was an international student in the past spring semester and my health insurance is still valid until the end of this summer. Thankfully I have not used my insurance at all and I was wondering if you my friends could give me any smart ideas on how I may be able to get the most out of my health insurance before it expires? I assume there would be no refund to me from the insurance company even if I have not had a single claim on it. I paid almost 500$ for it and that kinda hurts to see it is going to expire soon and you have not benefited from it at all! Hope you understand and thank you very much in advance for your smart ideas and any advice or information you could give, warm regards, Rojin""
If you get scissor doors installed on your car does the insurance go up much?
The car is a honda civic 1.6 vtech sport, and im 17...If it does go up, how much roughly.""
Car Insurance? (New Driver)?
Hey, I plan on getting a 2007 Subaru WRX STi when I turn 17. By then, I will of course have my full license. Anyways, what do you think (approximately) I will have to pay in insurance. (I live in Sudbury, Ontario Canada.) Thanks in advance.""
Insurance or personal?
I had a brush with a car i n the parking lot and the bumper of the other car came off. its a new car and the bumper needs to be replaced. The guy is claming $700 for repairs. Just wondering if i shuld pay it from my pocket or shuld go thru insurance. In case i claim insurance do points get added to my insurance which will impact my insurance cost in the coming years? whcih is more sensible...
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
How can I buy car insurance?
Sorry, my real question is as follows: My mom owns a car, and I want to drive the car and get it insured. I do not know if I can find an auto insurance agent and tell her or him that I want to insurance the car for myself alone, without paying insurance fees for my mom. I just want to insurance my mother's car and drive it by myself without paying any premium fees of insuring both mom and I. Any one has experience about that? Is it possible?""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
HELP!!!! Do I need car insurance if I don't own a car and don't drive much in the state of Florida?
I am 16 years old and State Farm is calling me and it is getting annoying. I don't own a car and I don't drive much. When I do drive I borrow the car that is under my sister's name. My parent's don't drive. My dad's license is expired and he doesn't drive anymore, and my mom doesn't know how to drive at all. I keep hearing conflicting things, some say that it is a law in the state of Florida (where I live) that anyone with a license needs to have insurance, while others say that it is not necessary to have insurance if you don't own a vehicle and don't drive much. My question is: Do I need car insurance in the state of Florida if I do not own a car and don't drive much? Thanks!""
Car Insurance help?!?!?!?
Im 16, im gonna take the 5 hour pre-licensing course this week and i was wondering if it lowers your car insurance like drivers ed does. thank you""
Car Insurance for Young Driver (UK)?
Hi, I'll get straight to the point, I'm 17 almost 18 and am looking 2 buy my 1st car. I live a upper class life, and when it comes down to cars i do get to travel in in style. e.g. my dad drives a Jaguar S-Type, my mother a brand new 2008 Land Rover Freeland, and i do know people with Bentley's and this one guy i know will take me out for a drive in his Aston Martin Vanquish. I do like to stick out from a crowd and this is a amazing opportunity to do so at college. My 1st car is definitely goin on my dads policy, and by then i will have my full license. I have seen Jaguar XJ's for sale which i can afford, but my greatest question is how much would the insurance be. If someone who is a young driver who drives a Jaguar or something similer could give me a rough guess to how much insurance wud be?, i wud be greatfull or someone who has insured a young driver on there Jaguar?.""
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Car insurance questions?
I was parked in front of my house and a lady came along and hit my car totalling it by the looks. I think I just signed up for basic insurance. Because she hit my parked car, is the towing and cost for keeping my car covered on my insurance or hers? And also don't know if I can get a car rental at all? And I was also wondering if the car is totalled will they pay me to get a new car? Or just pay me some money back for the car? It says under collision actual cash value. Thanks for any answers because I can not figure out what I have on this paper or if it goes on hers!""
How much is one day car insurance?
My friends and I are going to be taking a trip to a place about 3 hours away, and returning the same day. We're borrowing a car and the owner is asking us to cover one-day insurance. I've had some trouble getting some quotes and I was wondering what a ballpark range is? Less than $50?""
How much does it cost the average person to keep and maintain a CAR in a day?
including petrol, MOT, buying the car, insurance, washing, oil, air, tyres, extras eg booster, radio, or say how much money it would altogether cost a year then i can divide it :) THANK YOU xx by the way if you are wondering which car make well one that costs average""
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bugatti veyron insurance
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
How this weekend could shape US Soccer’s long-term future
The US soccer federations annual meeting is this weekend in Hawaii, where a number of decisions impacting the tone of the future could be made
Who will lead US Soccer into the next decade?
That wont be explicitly decided this weekend when representatives of every state and soccer organization convene in Hawaii for the federations annual meeting, an event that doesnt typically get a lot of attention. But with US Soccer at a spaghetti junction, still revamping at the grass roots while dealing with immediate issues on the mens and womens national teams, what happens in Hawaii may set the tone for the federations short-term and long-term future.
Over the past 15 years, the federation has revved up sponsorship and marketing deals. Many budget items both revenue and expenses have roughly tripled since 2006. It has also abandoned its laissez-faire approach to youth soccer, stepping in with new programs and mandates.
Years ago, they made a big turn in trying to help promote the game in this country along with MLS, said Peter Vermes, a Hall of Fame player and Sporting KC manager who served many years on the federations board. In most respects, theyve done a very good job boys academy, girls academy, those things are highly important to the overall growth of the game. Not just growth in numbers but growth in quality.
This weekend, the federation is essentially asking its general membership, from state associations to board members, to sign on to change. The big item on the agenda: term limits for the president, vice president and independent directors, along with a new nomination process that allows time for background checks.
Current elected officials would be allowed to run for one more term. But Sunil Gulati, president since 2006 and vice president for six years before that, has not decided whether to run again next year. So especially if the term limits are approved a likely bet but not a sure one would-be reformers should have a golden opportunity to step forward and claim leadership roles.
Gulatis tenure has coincided with massive leaps forward in soccers presence in the United States and the rise of new media, from Twitter to talk radio, that amplify and examine every aspect of the sport. In this diverse, argumentative nation of zealous soccer fans, Gulatis seat is a warm one. Message boards and social media occasionally rage with a Fire Gulati sentiment, albeit often by those who dont understand that the USSF president is an elected volunteer. More credibly, longtime soccer writer Steven Goff of the Washington Post heaped praise upon Gulati but called upon him to depart at the end of his term next year, mostly to bring fresh ideas and faces into the feds leadership.
Yet within US Soccer, the presidency hasnt been disputed since 1998, when Bob Contiguglia defeated Larry Monaco with 57.6% of the vote. The same year, Gulati lost the race for vice president to John Motta by 11 votes, 372 to 361.
The federation then put the presidency and vice presidency on different electoral cycles, and Gulati won the seat from Motta who has since returned to the board via the Adult Council in 2000. The rest of the decade saw a series of unopposed elections: Contiguglia in 2002, Gulati in 2004, Gulati to the presidency in 2006, three independent directors (Carlos Cordeiro, Fabian Nunez and Donna Shalala) in 2007 and 2008. Mike Edwards was appointed to fill Gulatis VP seat when Gulati moved to the presidency, and he was unopposed in 2008.
Americas soccer migrants: the US footballers crossing Mexicos border
The vice presidency was contested in 2012 and in 2016, when Cordeiro ousted Edwards in an election in which the candidates could hardly stop praising each other. But Gulati was unopposed in 2010 and 2014. Cordeiro, Nunez and Shalala are the only independent directors the board has had, though with Cordeiro now in the VP slot, this years general meeting will elect a replacement.
And its not that the federation has put up barriers to running for office. The new term-limit bylaw also includes a requirement that presidential and vice presidential candidates must declare 60 days before an election and submit to a background check. In previous general meetings, the nomination process has been as open as the Planet Express election in the Futurama episode in which Fry nominates That Guy to run the company. But few people run for office.
Thats not to say the general membership is placid. The National Council, whose proceedings are transcribed for all to see on US Soccers site, is rarely content to simply rubber-stamp everything the Board of Directors has done or said, often shooting down suggested bylaws or raising contentious often tedious arguments from the floor. The 2003 meeting had angry state representatives warning of democratic paralysis and anarchy and revolution as several proposed bylaws were voted down.
Our relationship with the state associations has changed dramatically, Gulati said. Its become more positive. The federation has more resources and can accommodate a lot of things.
In the wake of the 2003 uprising, US Soccer embarked on a governance review. The general membership agreed with slashing the board from an awkward group of 40-some people down to its current size of 16, mirroring similar moves in other US sports federations. But in 2005, the members voted against a term-limit proposal.
The federation has gone through another governance review and will try again this year. So will one of its members, who has proposed a separate bylaw change with a slightly different set of term restrictions.
Whether the members vote yea or nay, they will one day have to replace Gulati. That wont be easy. Not just because Gulatis tenure has been successful by many measures MLS continues to grow despite ever-increasing competition on TV from foreign leagues, the mens team has had its share of successes, and the womens team has won more trophies. Gulatis role and influence within Fifa have grown.
The other difficulty: US Soccers presidency is neither the easiest nor most rewarding job. As presidents of other organizations (or countries) often find, the tedium can easily outweigh the glamor. The board has evolved from an operational role to a strategic one, but it still has to play referee in arcane disputes among state associations and sort out issues with US leagues, at times including indoor soccer and futsal.
The president is unpaid, despite occasional calls from the membership to compensate him or her. Gulati has mixed feelings about it. Others dont.
I think it should be a paid position, Vermes said. Theres so much time required.
And its a position that invites scrutiny. The federations site, in addition to the National Council transcripts, currently has 10 years of financial reports, board minutes dating back to 1999, federation bylaws and policies, detailed committee reports ahead of the annual meeting, etc.
Because of technology, theres been increased access to those sorts of documents, and weve been conscious about making as many things public as we got, Gulati said.
And these documents show the federation is both bringing in and spending much more money than it was a decade ago. At the 2001 general meeting, new US Soccer secretary-general Dan Flynn still the organizations top paid staff member showed how the federation turned a projected $2.2m deficit into a small surplus with a hiring freeze and a slashed travel budget. Thats not an issue today.
Gulati, though, measures the success of the federation which he stresses is not personal success not by money but by national team results, the growth of Development Academies in youth soccer, governance reform, and the growing awareness and appreciation of the sport.
Were a nonprofit corporation, so I dont measure our success by increased revenues, Gulati said. I measure our success by what those revenues can do. We have a bigger budget and bigger expenditures. But we dont measure what we get on our assets, but what happens on the field and the growth of the game.
Still, the federation faces some restrictions. Financially, US Soccer has to meet all the criteria to remain a nonprofit. US law also requires the fed to give athletes (current or recently retired) at least a 20 percent share of voting rights, which works well on the board but leads to unusual weighting in general membership meetings, with the handful of athletes in attendance each wielding the voting power of many state associations.
Nor can the federation easily split its duties as amateur overseer and pro developer. In accordance with the Sports Act and the requirements of Fifa and the United States Olympic Committee, the Federation shall be autonomous in its governance of the sport of soccer in the United States and may not delegate its governance responsibilities, reads Bylaw 105(1), which is not slated for an overhaul at this weekends meeting.
Thats what federations do all over the world, Vermes said. It goes with the territory. Theyre directly connected to Fifa.
Indeed, Englands Football Association, the original soccer federation, bears some similarities to US Soccer. It has representatives of the Premier League and the Football League. And those who complain that US Soccer is run by too many people from business or academia may be surprised to learn the FAs chairman is the former CEO of Cable & Wireless, and its executive director is the former CEO of United Biscuits.
USA Basketball also resembles US Soccer, at least since pro players entered international basketball competitions in the late 80s. The NBA directly appoints some board members in addition to the required athlete reps.
And the federation simply cant be the top-down authority over all soccer in such a diverse country in which the game has grown in fits and starts. The Development Academies have been controversial, especially with the new Girls Development Academy treading into the same space long occupied by US Club Soccers ECNL. Recent mandates on youth soccer, a rare effort by the federation to dictate how the youth game is governed, caused the USAs often-warring youth groups to form a Youth Council Technical Working Group, which still meets several times a year, to demand more of a say.
When it comes to promotion and relegation between pro leagues, a favorite topic of soccer pundits but rarely discussed in US Soccers board and meeting minutes, Gulati sees the federation being willing to accept it but not impose it.
Its not the rules of the game that people came in on, Gulati said. When you buy into a particular structure, thats what you expect the rules to be. But if the leagues or a league wants to engage, were happy to be support that.
Indeed, innovation can happen elsewhere. Thats by design. The federation has a lot of jobs. Starting or running a league is one it does only reluctantly, such as the combined NASL/USL second-division league of several years ago or the infrastructure for the NWSL after two previous womens leagues failed.
But the federation still serves vital roles beyond being an administrator of soccer. It hires and fires national team coaches. It is taking more responsibility in developing the next generations of players. It runs coaching education programs. And it generally tries to stop the contentious soccer organizations in this country from destroying each other.
So when will the next leader step forward?
Read more: http://bit.ly/2lJ226k
from How this weekend could shape US Soccer’s long-term future
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