#it is Not
tsuki-no-kaeshi · 2 hours
can't believe I hurt myself doing the hokey-pokey
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francixoxoxo · 12 days
Me throwing headcanon smut at you all to make you forget I haven’t posted a real fic in forever and haven’t touched my series: yum yum isn’t 1 paragraph just as good as a fic 😼
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maidthings · 12 days
weird how learning something that you already suspected was true and does not impact your life in any way shape or form can completely fucking ruin your day regardless. thats probably normal? I think?
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An update, an apology, and a hope.
Hey everyone, it's Medusa here. I know I've been mostly MIA, but I wanted to talk with all of you just a little bit. Firstly, I wanted to apologize for not being around and filling requests like I used to; or at all. Life and mental health have taken a nosedive, and the first thing I lose is my will to write. It's not even necessarily a creative issue, just the strength and focus to write. Which is a shame, for it is something I deeply love doing. Some of you know I take commissions in my personal blog, but that's essentially work (It shouldn't be, but mentally I can't take the pleasure I normally would in writing), and I wish I had the energy to do a little something here too, for enjoyment's sake.
I'm truly sorry for not being able to do so.
I see that everyday new people still find this blog, and I see how much you all love it despite how inactive it is. It warms my heart that so many years since this started, it still brings joy to so many. The requests are old, but I'm so proud of everything my fellow mods and I have done, and I'm so grateful for the love you all seem to have for our silly little blog.
With a bit of sorrow, and gratitude, I bring my hopes; I'd like to tell you all that I have no plans of abandoning this blog. But as it stands, it'll remain quiet. I don't know when I'll be sharing anything new, but I have hope that I still will. Likely it'll never be as lively as it was in its early years, but still here. A continuous little presence, the shadow of Dracula's Castle, always looming just out of reach.
With love,
Medusa, bringer of tears.
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-evil gay wizard
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quillkiller · 27 days
Jennifer why are you in a bad mood rn
when me and my childhood best friend had known each other (and been best friends !!!!!) for seven years she dead ass asked me if my real name was jennifer
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onewomancitadel · 28 days
If I were to play psychoanalyst, I also think fragility framed as a virtue online has something to do with this. It's not an issue of political persuasion; I think there has been a whole deeper cultural shift.
And being emotionally strong or having convictions in your ideas and being willing to defend them is fascism or something I guess.
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pixiesinspace · 1 month
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Clearly my attraction to men is very normal and chill
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read War Games (Karl Hansen, 1981), (no relation to the movie Wargames), and this was a book. technically well written and i liked the prose but the plot was flimsy and characters very much devices for it and he almost managed to have good takes on war/colonialism/sex/childhood trauma but failed to commit to any of it. copout ending too. was deeply enthralling in a perverse way: would never recommend. a better writer should steal the timestone idea though because that ruled.
also i read it in the break room during my lunch hour and you should never be reading funky genital porn in your work breakroom
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billyiswriting · 1 month
I was going to write today. And that is good enough.
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glitter-stained · 1 month
A very important thing to me about the batfam magical girl AU is that the rest of the characters are classic dc comics characters. Which means that while they have many similarities (magical girls are like lantern corps with more glitter and less police anyway, and the magical batfam story can get really dark and tragic at times), they're constantly faced with the clash between comics logic and magical girl anime logic. By which I mean:
Bruce, waking up the morning after adopting Dick on impulse and then sleeping the sleep of the dead: Wait, since when do I have a son? Eh, it doesn't matter.
Clark, who was listening into Gotham for whatever reason: The fuck it doesn't?
Lex Luthor: How did you know about my evil evil plan?
Tim: A little bird told me.
Kon: Really, robs?
*cue glittery red robin with a crescent moon on its head landing on Tim's shoulder and speaking in an annoyingly high-pitched voice*
Jason: With the power of love and this gun I found-
Kyle: Can you be serious for one fucking second?
Jason: No actually I am. I was gonna shoot the guy and accidentally left my heart open to channel the energy of the Galaxy and in doing so I saw the man for all that he could be and the magic of the Robin and the Wolf combined to make the gun magic and when the bullet hit him it changed the man on a fundamental level and he realised he wanted to follow his lost dream of selling portraits by the beach instead of trafficking people.
Kyle: what-
Jason: he died a few minutes later though. I did still shoot him in the heart.
After Justice League shenanigans lead to a multiverse portal opening:
Failsafe!Batman: -so I pulled out the shark repellent to fight he jokerized space sharks, and then I fell from the moon-
Magical!Batman: That doesn't make any sense! Shark repellent spray is an absurd thing to have in your utility belt and besides, you don't just fall off from the moon!
Green Arrow : Finally somebody said it.
Magical!Batman: You have to take the magic portal on the other side of the moon!
Green Arrow: ...Spoke too soon.
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caprigender · 2 months
oh I am Not beating the dumbassery allegations on this day
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altfire · 2 months
revisiting my werewolf farmer in the sims and just totally in love with my lot ugh
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(ignore that lights r off i have autolights on) (yes he does juice fizzing) (i made this whole save just to cope with not getting horse ranch and thus not having the nectar making)
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kyle watching the baby while my sim is rampaging outside. ignore the wild fox i hate henford on bagley (it's my second favorite world behind moonwood mill/evergreen harbor which r tied)
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natabatts · 2 months
can’t take my adderall this late at night bc i Won’t Sleep. so instead i’ve resorted to watching clips of Richie Lipschitz to increase my serotonin levels
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 months
I glanced at my phone quickly and I thought Lux’s discord pfp was shadow the hedgehog
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shaunashipman · 2 months
aaaaaand there's a problem with the alarm again
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