#because tiny murder wife and tall beef wife make an adorable ship if i do say so myself
faunusden · 5 years
Murder-Bird and Other Such Pet Names
"Mmf..." The early morning sun glared through the window, illuminating the bed with a pale beam of warm light against the cold air permeating the room. Yang Xiao Long awoke slowly, blinking sleep from her lilac eyes as she surveyed the still dark bedroom, save for that crack of sunlight seeping in. Her alarm listed the time as 6:00, that was way too early, nobody should be awake before noon. The blond haired girl tried to rise from the bed, but felt something tugging her back, something that did not want her to leave the warmth of the covers. Looking down at her side, she remembered the cause. Neo Politan. "Neo...I have to get up." Yang whined, gently trying to dislodge the clingy girl's vice like grip on her arm. Her flesh and blood arm that is, Yang's prosthetic, yellow and black arm was untouched. "Please?" the tiny girl signed. Neo was mute from birth, using Vale Standard Sign Language to communicate. "Its so cold, you really have to go?" "Neo, if I don't go now, Blake and Ruby are gonna kill me, ya know? We had a whole day planned to go out and do stuff!" Neo pouted silently, her face scrunching up cutely. Yang couldn't help but chuckle at her girlfriend's grumpiness. She gently pulled her  closer, lowering back into the bed and allowing Neo to shift position. Her tail feathers flicked out as the covers around her rear were moved away during the snuggle. The taller blond's organic arm traced its way down Neo's supple back and the fingers found themselves entwining into the brown and pink feathers above the smaller girl's butt, Neo let out a very rare, audible gasp. "You know, before I met you, Neo, I'd never seen a bird faunus before." Yang mused, continuing to gently play with Neo's tail feathers. "What kind of bird are you again? Some kinda raptor?" Neo sat up in the bed, the oversized t-shirt she was wearing for decency, so large on her frame that it covered down to her thigh. Her pink and brown hair was loose and bedraggled, a night of...activity, fun as it was, did murderous things to the faunus girl's well kept locks. Her mismatched, pink and brown eyes narrowed in what Yang assumed was irritation at her not knowing. "Shrike. I'm a shrike, Yang." she signed, in the same "tone" as someone drawing out a sentence for emphasis. "You can remember that..." she fumbled over the signs needed, "Blake, is a panther faunus, but can't remember me telling you five times this week?" Yang felt slightly hurt. "Hey like I said, never met a bird faunus before, let alone a murder-bird one!" "Murder-bird?" Yang grinned, a sight that always made the smaller of the two flush red, such a lovely grin. "Yeah, 'cause shrikes are also called butcher birds aren't they? They skewer their prey like Mistrali kebabs! And well, you do like to stab things..." Now Neo grinned. "Murder-Bird...I like it." came the signed response. "Any other nicknames?" "Hmmm...well, there's always Bird-butt." Yang giggled, kissing the small faunus on the lips before standing up from the bed at last, towering over her tiny girlfriend and clad tin little more than a tank top and panties, making her way to the atrocious pile that she kept her clothing in. She didn't turn around again to see any signed reaction to that teasing pet name, but she didn't have to: Neo was already reaching for the pillow and aiming it at the back of Yang's head, eyes alight with mock anger and mischief. What was one thrown pillow before Yang left her alone?
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