#becayse this was some absolute dumbass behavior
birthisacurse-and · 2 years
I still can't believe that tumblr, of all places, succumbed to the "you guys are platforming pedophilia and that's fucked up" argument on censorship. As if 90% of this user base isn't queer and hasn't been demonized and written out of history time and time again, as a result. As if we don't complain day and night about how the porn ban was unjust and the reason the site is ultimately dying, knowing that it came from Apple's fear of CP hosted on the site. As if we didn't meme the hell out of the Apple app banned words list, fully understanding that, while the words were sometimes associated with porn bots and spam on the app, were generally innocuous and it was ridiculous of Tumblr to overgeneralize like that.
I understand Twitter eating up this bullshit argument, but Tumblr? Really? How did we not instantly realize the deceptive nature of the yearn to supposedly only ban child porn on AO3, given the vague asf wording behind the original claim from the specifically Chinese candidate? How did we not immediately remember that AO3 is not, in fact, banned in China for child porn, but rather for any porn at all and for LGBTQ+ content? How did we not immediately realize that radically transforming a site whose entire ethos has been anti-censorship since its inception would open up a can of worms none of us want or are prepared for? How have we not learned about how banning specific content does not guarantee its absence, but rather, ensures that posters will mistag, miscategorize, and try to veil the content instead, putting those who don't want to see it at risk? How the fuck did y'all fall for this bullshit?
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