#bee is a little gremlin and no one can tell me otherwise
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
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optimus definitely has charlie and noah on speed dial when their autobot starts acting a little extra feral
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
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More chickens! These are the first clutch (my sister says they're Easter Eggers, or mixed breed/mutt chickens), and they're big enough now that they get their own box (they kept stepping on the babies). Most of them aren't named, but among the named ones are our queen bee Hennifer (pictured in the first image staring directly at the camera), Peanut is right next to Hennifer (the brown one with the dark spot on her forehead), Grub is second black one up from the bottom and they're marginally more grey than their fellows, and Cinnamon is at the bottom with her head in the feeder (and also the main star of the second photo!)
The yellow/white chicks are harder to tell apart so most of them don't have names yet.
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Here's a slightly better shot of Hennifer; she's the mottled one. Also I feel like it should be noted that none of the chickens have been sexed yet and some of them might actually be roosters, but until proven otherwise, most of them are either she/her or they/them.
Also you can see Bird (yes, that's her name; my 3yo nephew named her) in this pic, she's the pale one with the three black spots on the top of her head. I think the pale one at the bottom is Spots, who has a collection of spots on her butt.
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A juvenile delinquent debating whether or not they can escape the box.
This one only has two black spots on their head (as opposed to Bird's three) so we've been calling them "False Bird". They and Worm (one of the black birbs I don't have a good close up of) are escape artists.
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This scrunkly little crow chicken is Indominus Rex, who's just inexplicably way more dinosaur-looking than all her siblings. She's got a patch of down missing from her right shoulder which has just never grown in.
She's the runt of litter, so to speak, and we all love her. Gremlin creature.
Cameo by my sister's hands and also the second clutch!
I'm gonna make another post for the babies because I have a lot of pictures and tumblr isn't gonna let me put them all in one post.
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sir-sunny · 3 years
(Green) okay! Here are some unlikely friendship headcanons!
Kokichi and Hiyoko:
-Blame DRS for this one
-Lowkey HATE each other but also can't help but be drawn to each other, probably because they're both gremlin children
-Will usually team up to make fun of people like Mikan or Miu even if they're angry with each other because the prank is worth it
-ABSOLUTELY fight over who gets the last bag of fruit gummies (Kokichi usually wins because he's a manipulative bastard)
-Kokichi genuinely hates that Hiyoko likes to kill small animals and because he's the way he is, instead of directly telling her to stop, he'll try to guilt her into feeling bad
-Hiyoko is one of the few people that Kokichi will dress differently around, even if he doesn't go all out. He'll wear something small like,,,multicoloured shoelaces and Hiyoko will be like "!!! I thought you were just an emo asylum patient this is actually kinda cool"
Gonta and Jataro:
-Already talked about this before but!! Big brother Gonta and Little brother Jataro!!
-Gonta is one of the few adults(technically) that Jataro trusts, mainly because he likes bugs and bugs are creepy and cool
-Sharing bug facts!! Gonta tells Jataro that the spots on a butterfly's wings are used to ward off predators and Jarato is like 8O!!!
-Jataro draws pictures of him and Gonta hanging out together. Gonta doesn't know why but he cries every time he sees them
-Do not bully Jataro otherwise Gonta will Not be happy
-Gonta doesn't mind that Jataro wears his helmet most of the time. At least then there's a smaller chance of him getting stung by a bee!
-"Do you hate me?"
"What?! Gonta could never hate you! Gonta doesn't hate anyone!"
"Oh...that's not good. Now I need to find a way to make you hate me."
"W-wait, Gonta can hate you if you want that! Gonta want to make Jataro happiest he can be!"
Makoto and Nagito:
-Honestly they give me brother vibes,,,hope bros,,,
-Makoto might not be as obsessed with hope as Nagito is but he can sort of understand where he's coming from. It's nice to believe in something like that when the world hasn't been that nice to you
-Nagito's a little jealous of Makoto's luck usually playing in his favour but he's also happy that Makoto doesn't end up getting hurt most of the time
-Being the Genuine Good Boi he is, Makoto will talk to Nagito and try to understand him on a level that most people don't get, because God damn it he can SEE how much this boy is struggling and he wants to help : (
-,,,Makoto asking Nagito where he buys his clothes because they're kinda nice-
-Good at impersonating each other : )
Gundham and Himiko:
-A popular friendship in the fandom but very much deserving. Chaotic Mage Pals
-Himiko thinks she's training Gundham in how to magic, Gundham is actually the one giving Himiko solid advice on how to take care of animals while casting sick spells
-Gundham's energy gets to be a bit much for Himiko sometimes so Gundham subconsciously lowers his voice when spending time with her
-The four devas love Himiko! They especially like hiding under her hat when they want a nap
-Gundham carrying Himiko to somewhere comfortable when she falls asleep and not acknowleging anyone when they point out how cute it is because he's evil damn it this is just so he can carry out his evil plans without someone getting in the way
Chihiro and Kaito:
-Kaito is the perfect mix of self confidence and positive masculine energy that Chihiro has been looking for so they're drawn to him like a magnet
-Training! They train a lot and Chihiro is a bit slow to start but Kaito is there to make sure they don't give up
-Kaito's main knowledge of computers are the control panels in a space ship so Chihiro talks to him about other types of computers and Kaito barely understands but he's trying real hard
-Chihiro wearing Kaito's space jacket,,,it's like twice as big on them but it's warm and comfy so it's nice
-I like to think that Chihiro can speak English too so imagine them both having full conversations in English and none of the other characters understanding
-Chihiro mentioning one day that their favourite constellation is the Ursa Major because it's like a bear that's protecting the stars. Kaito winning a bear plush at a festival and deciding to give it to Chihiro because he remembered
Hifumi and Tsumugi:
-Either fanboy/girling about their favourite animes together or having passive aggressive debates on which girl is best girl and what adaptation was better than the manga etc etc
-Tsumugi makes a cosplay for one of Hifumi's characters one day because she just felt like it and Hifumi almost goes into cardiac arrest
-Hifumi being jealous of Tsumugi's height and grumbling about it to himself whenever he sees her hgirughtr
(I'm gonna stop here because this is already a lot but if you want more I'll be happy to supply!)
kokichi and hiyoko are a NIGHTMARE duo akskjdjdjf god could you imagine these two talking shit behind ur back,,,
gonta and jataro canon siblings!!! they are literally adorable i LOVE their dynamic
nagito will get into an extremely passionate rant abt hope and whatnot and makoto will very politely nod and try his best to keep up akaskhdhd
gundham and himiko are such a good pair omg like gundham genuinely respects himiko's talent and refers to her as a mage, he'll even aid her in tricks involving animals (he'll make sure that theyre all very safe of course)
oooooo! kaito and chihiro would ve such good friendsssss kaito would be so supportive of them and he'd be so unwaveringly positive and kind,,,, and these two bonding over constellation stories,,,,,aaaaaa,,,,,
hifumi and tsumugi would get along SO well alsjdhd these two cosplay together, binge watch anime together, go to cons together, collaborate on art pieces MAN,,
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Rlly love how nice u are abt this all!!! Also ur questions rlly got the cogs in my brain turnin for this au, so ty for that! :3 -🐻
To answer some of the serious questions:
Em primarily stays in his human form. Since he didn't like shifting out of his piglin form as a child he knows that no one knows yet that Michael is a hybrid, and so it's easier to hide his identity this way.
The only item of interest that he has on him is a book which he says is his journal/diary whenever anyone asks. It's labelled "DO NOT READ" in ender (bc like father like son), but he never lets anyone get a close enough look at the book for them to figure that out.
He never really tells anyone how old he is, but then again no one really asks, it's pretty obvious he's a teenager so everyone assumes he's in the same age range as the other minors, maybe a little younger.
No one's really suspicious about his sudden appearance, more curious if anything. Most don't really make a connection between his appearance and Dream's imprisonment, but why would they? Sure, it's a little odd some teenager appears after the server admin's imprisonment, but that's easily chalked up to coincidence. That being said, there are people suspicious for other reasons. Two of which are Quackity and Karl. Karl's only met Em a few times, but there's something familiar about him. But that can't be right, because he's never encountered Em before in the other times he's seen. He knows there's something up with Em, but with his memory deteriorating it's hard to put the pieces together. Quackity is suspicious because he thinks there's something off about Em. Call him crazy, but the way Em interacts with him is just so different compared to how he interacts with everyone else. He's colder with Quackity, and he doesn't understand why.
Em is pretty awkward when interacting with everyone on the server. Originally, he didn't want to interact with anyone much outside of small pleasantries, but it gets hard to do that when everyone is so pleasant and social with you. Besides, some of these people aren't around anymore in his time, so it's hard not to spend time with them.
Em steered clear of his parents in the start (which was actually pretty easy since they were busy doing their own thing and they hadn't actually married yet), but after they brought Michael to the Overworld they went to Em for advice on piglin stuff because "Hey! Em's a piglin hybrid, maybe there's stuff about piglins that he knows that could help us!" and while Em's hesitant at first, the fact that they care so much makes him really emotional so he agrees.
Em knows about Karl's timetraveling, because how else would he have found out about time traveling? He was never particularly close to Karl in his time, with how far his memory had deteriorated by then, but seeing Karl from this time with his memory being so much better still sorta hurts.
I still haven't figured out what exactly happened for Em to jump back, but I have figured out that before everything goes to shit, the Snowchester and Las Nevadas conflict escalates to the point that one day Tubbo and Ranboo just. Never come home. After that Tommy becomes Em's guardian, and while he never actually learns what happened to them, it's pretty easy to put the pieces together.
As for some of the less serious questions:
Whenever someone asks if Em is short for, he always gives different and increasingly ridiculous answers. (I'd give an example but I'm not clever enough for that)
Em occasionally babysits Michael (which is sorta weird at first and the weirdness never really goes away, but he gets used to it) and Michael just thinks he's really cool. Not as cool as Uncle Tommy, but still super cool.
Em is a hundred percent on for pranks and stuff, and once he gets comfortable in the time period, he starts doing quite a few.
He can definitely speak Piglin! While it's not as good as it could be, it's definitely pretty good. Especially since he had Tommy to help him from getting rusty (i am a firm believer of the "Tommy can speak piglin bc he was raised alongside Tehcno" hc). He can't speak Enderian, but he understands it. He also knows how to read and write in it.
He's not the best at fighting, but he can certainly hold his own in a fight. He tends to try and outsmart his way out of fights, though.
Happy to help!
Mkay, mkay. What's his human form look like? Scars, hair length/style? We got any braids in there? When does Michael originally shift-which is an option to expose Em, if somebody noticed the resemblance.
What are the adventures of this 'DO NOT READ' book, considering how much trouble Ranboo's own get into with such a title.
Does Karl have some sort of sense because of his time travel that makes Em odd to him? Or has he perhaps met him? Or will meet him? Or did some Doomed version of him? I'm not actually sure about that last one, do Karl's doomed/lost selves have any effect on him even? And Em's cold towards Quackity? Two out of three fiances find 'em suspicious huh? What did-or, what will Quackity do to warrant such behavior? Is there anyone else Em's a bit cold toward, or otherwise?
Pleasant and social? Why's that? Who exactly talks to him then? I imagine quite a few are less than, well. Pleasant and social, as you put it, considering recent events, so who exactly does he end up interacting with if he gets a warm welcome?
Oh? Do we get bonding then? If so, how so? What sort of advice does he give them?
Did Em learn about time travel from afar-like, see Karl do it and stick around to learn more, or was it like a whole distant/dying mentor thing in a short amount of time? Does he do anything to help Karl? Since Em learned about time travel from Karl in some way, is his memory similarly effected, or does he know some way to fight the effects of that? Has he had any experiences with the Inbetween and Other Side?
Oh no, that's really not good. Poor Em. So the conflict took his parents, huh? How does this effect things for him, once in the past-considering he's face to face with his parents' apparent killer? And since this would be soon after Dream's imprisonment, that means it's a bit before Las Nevadas is formed, right? How does Em feel about Foolish-considering he's part of Snowchester at the time? How does he feel about Snowchester's current residents What's his life like once his parents are gone?
Emergency, Empirical, Empire, Chemistry, Emerald, Emma, Emergence, Semi, Email. Those are a few that could work.
How does babysitting go? Is Michael a good child, or is Em silently apologizing to his parents for being a gremlin when he was younger?
Who's the first to fall to his mischief? Is he ever discovered as the culprit, or does he get away with it?
Does Techno or Tommy ever decide to try and drag him into a talk, since he can? How does that go? Do the Bee Duo try and get him to translate for Michael? Since Em understands Ender, does he ever have any encounters with Enderboo? If so, how do those go?
Any favored weapons of his? Long range, mid-range, or short?
Also, is there anything you'd like me to tag this as so you can find it easier? 
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violetlunette · 4 years
All Might and Bakugou Rant Chapter 8-11
Okay, before I start this rant I want to say that I LOVE All Might; he is a sweet sunflower man and I love him! He is in my top 3 favorite BNHA/MHA characters. HOWEVER, just because I love and adore him doesn’t mean I’m not going to get upset when his actions, or in actions in this case, potentially cause serious harm!
As for Bakugou--I like him when I’m not forced to like him if that makes sense? He has a lot of good qualities and I love that he has a unique backstory for rivals. There’s no angsty reason for his assholeness he’s just a brat who got a big head from being praised all the time and for actually being talented. I really want to see him grow which is why I get super angry when the story ruins his potential growth moments.
The rest of my thoughts I’m saving for a future post.
For those who are confused, I started a post series where I’ve been collecting every image I can find to explore Izuku and Bakugou’s relationship because it’s a big thing in the BNHA/MHA community and I wanted to judge myself. This rant is about Chapters 8-11 and how All Might handles things. Spoilers ahead! I should also warn that this is also very, very Bakugou critical as we are dealing with early gremlin Bakugou who goes overboard with Boom-boom. Also this is a rant, so things might not be very coherent and may repeat.
Oh and this is a LONG rant so I wouldn’t open on tumblr search. New tab suggested.
And finally; no beta reader. We die like dumbasses. Enjoy if you like rants.
The set up;
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So here’s the stage; Bakugou vs Izuku. All Might tells Bakugou to adapt a villain mindset, and BOY
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Because of Bakugou’s temper he unleashes an explosion that both he and All Might admit could kill Izuku. Not just injure or maim, but KILL. And this wasn’t a small attack ether;
Look at this;
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A large chunk of the building was taken out and the structure on the rest was damaged and cracked. I don’t think the building will collapse, but I’m not an architect and this is still serious damage.
And in this test run the area is supposed to be a nuclear plant. I’m not going to say too much considering Japan’s history with nuclear stuff, but I will say that if this was a real run Japan would be in serious trouble all because “King Explosion Murder” is having a hissy fit!
But this is a test, so I’m just going to focus on the fact that Bakugou used a literal killing move on Izuku and All Might did nothing!
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Remember this part? “I will stop you if you take things too far?”
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Is it just me here? I get we’re dealing with some value dissonance /blue and orange mentality as this world isn’t like ours, but come on!
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YES!! Listen to Kirishima, the only one in the whole class that seems to care about the potential death of a classmate!
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Even if Bakugou wasn’t intending to kill, he was going in to severely injure and maim Izuku. And what if Izuku tried to dodge the wrong way and it was a direct hit? What then? The only reason Izuku’s blood isn’t everywhere is because in anime world people are durable as fuck.
Isn’t it their job to teach these kids not to use moves that could kill someone, or at least be responsible and not use said moves on classmates during a training course?
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Yes! You should!
Okay, to be fair to All Might it’s clearly stated by everyone around him that while All Might is smart and knows how to hero he doesn’t know how to teach very well at this point, though he does improve later on. And I do understand his thinking; if Izuku told him about the bullying then this is Izuku’s chance to get back a little at Bakugou and show him what he’s made of. That’s what he’s thinking here;
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Yeah, that’s one way to describe it.
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It’s also shown very clearly that Izuku wants this fight, to finally be able to challenge Bakugou on equal ground for once in his life.
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I also understand that the UA teachers are getting these kids ready to fight real villains, so they are pretty lax on things to help them. That’s why I give Aizawa a lot of slack with his teaching methods.
And All Might does warn Bakugou not to do it again;
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Also calm? Petty? Really? THAT’S what you see? Yeah, he’s “calm” and thinking clearly (which makes everything worse, btw), but “petty?” The word is genocidal, All Might. Bakugou does use the attack again! RIGHT ON IZUKU’S FACE.
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Even if this was a different attack, how is this not too far? Okay, I guess Izuku blocked it as we see below;
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But Bakugou didn’t know he would block and look at Izuku’s eye; did that attack do eye damage?
And what really irritates me is that All Might wasn’t going to do shit until he saw that Izuku was going to use OFA.
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So, explosion fist that took out part of a building was fine, but using OFA that’s just too far!
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Kirishima has to plead with All Might to stop things before he starts to give in. (And seriously? WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE?! Does no one else care??)
But I’m not even that mad that he allowed the fight to continue. I wanted Izuku to have a chance to prove himself and beat Bakugou’s ass (he deserves it here. FIGHT ME). I also like that with Izuku’s hard earned victory Bakugou is momentarily humbled.
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I agree that for both Izuku and Bakugou this fight needed to happen (but only if Izuku won). Bakugou needed this moment for character development.
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He really needed this.
No, what I’m mad about is that BAKUGOU WAS NEVER SCOLDED FOR HIS ACTIONS. Hell, All Might goes the opposite way and tries to comfort Bakugou as we see here;
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which okay, maybe he needed a little. He needed to hear these words, but he also needed a major scolding! But he never got that.
Izuku was carried away on a stretcher and severely damage, but does he care? No! What does he care about? Bakugou’s fragile ego!
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Yeah, I know Izuku’s body is broken, but poor Bakubabe’s not feeling very confident. SERIOUSLY ALL MIGHT?!!
Why is this a big deal? Why am I so mad? Same reason why I was mad at the other teachers. By not telling Bakugou what he did was wrong and making him listen he did what every. Single. Damn. Teacher. Has done so far; taught him there was nothing wrong with his actions; it was okay that he unleashed an attack that could KILL on someone, especially on Izuku. There wasn’t anything wrong with it. Because no one ever tries to correct Bakugou he keeps acting this way, losing his temper and hurting people, mostly Izuku. And it doesn’t just hurt Bakugou, the inaction of no one ever scolding Bakugou teaches Izuku that it’s okay for him to get hurt. It’s okay that others hurt him, no big deal. It’s no wonder Izuku is always breaking his bones! Why would he listen to others telling him to to take better care of himself when the world keeps saying that it’s okay for people like Bakugou to hurt him?
There’s also the fact that Izuku was severely hurt here;
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These are not comical anime wounds, these are serious, oh shit wounds so bad he has to be carried away on a stretcher.
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No. Don’t laugh it off! You are hurting Izuku and Bakugou for reasons I already stated.
Even Recovery Girl tells him that what he did was stupid!
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See what a good scolding can do? All Might made a mistake and he’s being called out on it.
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An ego trip does not make this okay. Just like All Might needed to be told that his actions were wrong, so does Bakugou. Hell, Bakugou needs it even more!
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I love RG. If she was there I’m willing to bet Bakugou would have gotten at least a time out. She’s the best teacher. She knows when to be kind, when to bee strict, and when someone needs to be called out. LEARN FROM HER All Might!
Bakugou’s quirk is EXPLOSIONS. It’s just as dangerous as Thirteen’s Black hole, or Shigaraki’s dissolve quirk and just as deadly! He needs to be taught to understand that along with controlling his temper especially because he’s going to be a hero, but he’s not going to learn if his ego is always babied and never faces consequences. I’m not asking for All Might to turn Bakugou over his knee or anything, just to tell Bakugou that what he did was wrong. Especially since he’ll be dealing with civilians in the future.
But no, instead of focusing on the fact Bakugou needs to control his temper All Might decides he needs to nurse Bakugou’s ego. I highly disagree because in addition to everything I stated above. Bakugou’s case a little ego bruising might teach him some humility which he SORELY NEEDS. He needs love and care, but when he does something dangerous and deadly, he needs a kick in the pants or at LEAST a strong NO, DON’T DO THAT.
How is he going to learn otherwise? Seriously, does anyone ever scold Bakugou for his temper? His ego is always called out, but what about his temper?
Again, I adore All Might. He is a great hero and he gets better, but I wish he bought that teacher’s hand book before his first class.
Rant finally over, I swear I didn’t intend for it to be this long, but oh well.
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Cuphead headcanons: Isle 3
Isle 3 is the place to be! 1 more day until spring break! Carowinds here i come!
Inkwell city is a giant place. Though Inkwell hell looks much bigger, that’s just the devil’s magic. If the creators of cuphead included the entire isle and made all of it’s residents bosses, it would take days on end to complete. Let’s get started.
Rumor Honeybottoms: serious bitch activated. This lady is even more stessed than Wally Warbles! She runs the biggest business in Inkwell, after all. Honeybee herald is housed in a 45 story building. Rumor herself is a combination of the Apis mellifera scutellata(East African Lowland Honey Bee), and the experimental africanized hybrid of the same name that escaped(Killer bee). Humanized Rumor is African and has very short hair. While she is of African descent, she was raised in Inkwell and has the modern african american accent. She is very strict about her workers and taker her job VERY seriously. As queen, all her workers thought they had a chance with her, but her standards are higher than that. She ended up choosing a sweet dragon one isle away. the guard bee is actually a cousin of her’s, but she made him work like a dog for his position. Rumor is also very good friends with Bon Bon, trading her honey in exchange for for some cake. She dabbles in voodoo occasionally, and her fight with cuphead was one of her favorite spells to intimidate people with.
Captain Brineybeard: This character has been kinda left to the wolves, but i’ll do the best i can. I naturally think his ship is a female whale *coughpoorlymaskedmisadventuresofflapjackreferencecough*. i dubbed her the gold dubloon, or just Goldie. The captain has a crew made entirely of sea creatures, but his ship is his beloved first mate, and best friend/daughter. He hates Cala, as when he was young he tried to catch her, and she hates him right back.
Dr. Kahl’s Robot: Dr. Kahl is a very nice guy. Is he eccentric, yes. Is he mean, no. Spending most of your life building a nonbinary, pansexual robot can make you a little kooky. He is very proud of his robot, and loves to call them his greatest creation. Rumor has also affectionately named them the sass machine, or roastbot 9000. But Noah, Dr. Kahl’s first name, doesn’t care. He loves his robot, and Machina, the robot’s name, loves him too. Machina is also happily dating Goldie. Yes, i ship the pirate ship and giant robot. DEAL WITH IT! Both speak with a slight german accent since that’s where Kahl’s from. after Kahl and Werner became bestfriends/german husbands, Machina took to calling Werner maus-mutter.
Sally Stageplay: Musical trash and you can’t tell me otherwise. give me hamilton history nut Sally or give me death! She has a slight brooklyn accent and so does her husband Jack Stageplay. A loving mother and wife, and fully intends to teach her son in the ways of the theater. Her and Hilda are Odyssey geeks(so am i). She has worked very hard to get where she is, and took years of acting classes. She is now inkwell’s beloved starlet, and has held the model mother/family award for three years running.
Werner Werman: German rat boi,i love you! A veteran from the war. what war that is,i don’t know. He is a giant cheese lover,and has built all his weapons and even his house from scratch. When he heard there was not only another german engineer in inkwell, but one with a fully functioning, has a freaking soul, robot, he was excited as shit. After a while, he started to like Kahl and Machina, and started dating Kahl. He’s still blushes a little when Machina calls him maus-mutter though. If he lived in the modern century, he’d be minecraft trash.
Cala Maria: Damn all of you who think this bitch is sweet! She is a starts-damned MERMAID. the same species that has caused the deaths of hundreds of sailors in myth. She is a sadistic, seductive, cruel gorgon. before her deal, she was so arrogant and thought she was unstoppable. She challenged the devil and lost HARD. After she almost lost her soul, she mellowed out and settled down with Hilda. She hates Brineybeard with a passion after he tried to catch her years ago. she never forgave him.
The Phantom express: spoopy sons. The blind specter is an inoocent spoop son and deserves all the smooches from Cagney. T-bone is a giant grump that hates that her cares for everyone on the train, especially the train itself. The blaze brothers, Benny and Barney, are prankster gremlins who know the train inside and out. T-bone could be peacefully eating his lunch is his cabin, they all live on the train, and suddenly Benny or Barney would pop out a vent and scare him to second death. The head of the train doesn’t talk much, and acts kind of like a talking dog for the express staff. 
And that’s it for today! i hope you have a wonderful day! Next up is inkwell hell. goodbye
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