#beemoov explain yourself
linaselandbasil · 2 years
Whitewashing in Eldarya: A man of science rant about beemoovs bullshit pt.1
What is whitewashing?: this word has a couple of different uses, but in this context I mean deliberately making things more 'white' and thus alienating and erasing POC.
For example, they try so hard to make Lance white. Bitch, just draw him like god intended and stop complaining!
Okay introduction over. Let's cover the less extensive topic I want to talk about.
Huang Huas character design:
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She looks weird. I always hated her character design. I think what happened is they didn't know that darker skin has to be shaded different.
She looks grey (in retrospect, this may be coz she wears a lot of orange and yellow, despite having a pink undertone. Although, she should not have a pink undertone, when the skin is this dark, its more accurately described as having a red undertone), probably because the artist messed up and thought that simply lightening her complexion would make her face look less.... I dunno. The point is that it didn't work as intended.
Dark skin is more reflective compared to light skin. It might appear that the glow simply looks more prominent because of the contrast, but that's not all there is to it. Melanin absorbs UV to protect them from sun damage and it also reflects some of it. The absolute darkest skintones of sub Saharan Africans provide as much protection as SPF 25 sunscreen. (The minimum recommended by dermatologists for everyday wear is 50) So, my point is, you can't just use light skin techniques to draw Dark skin. You need to make the contrast between the lightest and the darkest colors more drastic.
Her undertone... It makes me want to just evaporate. I love good art and I love beautiful people, this is simply not it dear. If you look up a tutorial for drawing dark skin they might tell you that the darker you go, the redder to make it. This is because there's five different types of melanin, two of which I'll tell you about. Eumelanin is more prominent in dark skin, it has brown and black subtypes. I, for example have a warm undertone (yellow, not pink) so I have this. Pheomelanin is more prominent in lighter skin and this gives ginger hair and freckles it's red color. (I assume it's a recessive trait, since light skin is a recessive trait) So, in lighter skin, there's a lack of eumelanin, the pink color of the skin is mostly from the blood underneath and the yellow undertone (if you press on your flesh for a long time and release you will see it) is from subcutaneous fat. (which is not white like duckfat) The darker you go, the redder the undertone gets from the eumelanin covring the yellow fat. The blood doesn't get conealed because it's not as deep down as the fat.
Okay, I'm done talking about her skin. Let's get angry about something else: her facial features.
She has basically no afrocentric facial features, I accredit this to the artist not knowing how to draw them, so I'll try not to roast too much.
She has dark skin, which is a dominant trait, but a small nose, thin lips and straight (alright, wavy) hair, which are all recessive traits. This is a rare combination, but not impossible.
(They do have very simmilar face shapes, supporting my phoenix magic skin color change theory)
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Her home is the land of the Ren Feng Huang, her people have been described by Erika as "dressed in Chinese style clothes". I feel like this is a microagression, please shut up Erika... She, so far is the only dark skinned Ren Feng Huang. So the case might just be that her Phoenix powers grant her dark skin to protect her from the sun's flames and she's just as white as Huang Chu (who has freckles, that's pheomelanin). Feng Zifu looks vaguely east Asian, but he also has a lot of European features like the sharpness of his cheekbones and his deepset eyes. (And his non-existent lips 💋)
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The Feng Huangs are made out to be this holy Saint never did anything wrong ever totally crimeless nation, so they might just have good immigration policies, I dunno.
So anyway, her homeland looks like a very simplified view of 'china'. Bunch of bamboo, cliffs, terrace farming. I assume the climate is what we can expect from "china", humid summers and cold winters. (Although China is fucking huge. The country has more than one climate region.)
For breathing warm, humid air, wide noses are most adapted. For breathing cold, dry air, tall and long noses are adapted, for dry, hot air, hooked noses are most adapted. She appears to have a small, pointy nose with narrow nostrils, which is not well suited for any climate and is a recessive trait.
She has a little mouth ad well as moderately thin lips. Lip size is not that important for survival, but I should note that thin lips emit less heat, therefore they're better for cold environments. Big lips are a dominant gene, thin lips are recessive. If someone has one copy of the dominant gene (one copy comes from each parent) and one recessive, then the dominant gene will determine their appearance, but they can still pass on the recessive gene to their offspring. Some genes work together to make an in-between. Small lip gene+big lip gene makes something in between. (I don't know how recessiveness effects this phenomenon) Two toned lips (pigmentation on top, no pigmentation on the bottom or partial pigmentation on the bottom) are very appropriate in her case, kudos for that. (Im pissed that they forgot it when they drew Lance and Val. I demanded an apology) Also, some people with a lot of melanin often have yellow tinted scleras because there's some of it there too. This used to scare me because I thought they had liver failure. It's not something that every dark skinned person has, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Okay, now about hair. This has to be the most controversial topic for some fucking reason. Thick, dark and curly are dominant traits. Thin, light and straight are recessive. A gene combination of curly and straight work together to make a softer curl pattern or wavy hair. (Wavy hair is just very lose curls, I have wavy hair but it appears straight because it's silky and thick, causing gravity to straighten it. When i was a child it used to be a lot thinner and i had really nice 2A waves.) I don't know what benefits there are to having straight, thin hair, but apparently this weak recessive trait is so beloved by our one and only beemoov that they made nearly every single POC character without curls. Thick, curly hair is better at basically everything it's supposed to do. It shrinks into a dense protective layer, shielding the head from the sun like an afro helmet, it traps more air underneath to keep the skin warm when it's cold, it's straight out just harder to pull out. I don't know which dumbass, cousin banger ancestors of mine decided that straight hair is pretty enough to srlect for, but I digress. I can live with it. (At least I have green eyes, which is the only recessive trait that I find beautiful. It's still dominant over blue though)
Have a look at this handy chart:
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Okay I'm done with Hua. Pt.2 is about Lance and Valkyon because I'm low-key obsessed with them. My bebes.
Have a great day! (I swear of this doesn't spark a conversation nothing will.)
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jxcotts · 2 years
in love life: episode 12 candy tells nina that she is only 5 years older than greta thunberg. she graduated from university 3 or 4 years ago, which means that she is around 27, while greta is only 19. explain yourself, beemoov. the details-
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reiraland · 3 years
Eric - Happy (belated) birthday
Finally I finished the fanfic for Eric’s birthday! It took me way more time than I had expected, but better later than never, right? hehe. I planned to write a fic between 500-700 words, but ended up writing 2600+ words. my love for Eric is unquenchable  
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I’m thristy for more Eric’s content. I wish Beemoov added him in the future events or release a spinoff.  Beemoov, just take my money 
I would have liked to write also an Eric’s POV, but recently my work schedule is hectic. I might try, but it’ll take a while. 
I apologize in advance for any typo or grammar mistake.
Happy Birthday, Eric! (04.26) Shaken off from my slumber by the emanating vibrations from my smartwatch, I lazily opened my eyes. The world was still dark outside. After turning off the alarm, my heart filled up with joy as soon as I laid my eyes on my beloved. By his rhythmic breath, I could tell Eric was still sound asleep. Reaching out my hand, I caressed his disheveled black hair and gently ran my fingers along his jaw as my heart beat firmly with ecstasy.
“God, he’s so attractive…” I murmured to myself. 
Nothing could bring me more bliss than staying a few more minutes in our heavenly nest, but today I had an important task. For the past two weeks, I had been mulling over the ideal way to celebrate his birthday. Although I wished we could go on a trip together, he was currently busy with a new case, plus my schedule was tight too; having several auctions planned for the next three months consumed most of my time. In the end, I made a reservation at a trendy, popular restaurant, and since neither of us could take the day off from work and I wouldn’t see him until the closing time of the café, for starters, I decided to surprise him with a special breakfast. 
“Come on. No time to waste!” 
After slipping out of the bed stealthily, I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed as quick as a flash. When my phone buzzed twice, I went outside, racing down the stairs all the way out to the street where Hyun was waiting for me with a small box in his hands.  
“Thank you very much for delivering it so early in the morning and especially for putting up with me for the last week! I am aware I have been fussy about the flavour… verging on nitpicking.” I said apologetically. 
“Please, don’t mention it. What are friends for? Also, you’re one of my favourite customers, I can’t let you down,” he responded with a smile, “and don’t concern yourself about the flavour anymore, I’m positive Eric will be delighted. I’ll be looking forward to your feedback.” He added cordially before waving goodbye. 
Back at the apartment, I heard the shower water running, and immediately got anxious. I had less time than originally planned. 
“I hope I can wrap everything up just on time,” I sighed nervously. 
I conscientiously got down to work with the breakfast preparations. While brewing a new type of coffee I had specifically ordered from one of Cosy Bear Café’s suppliers, I set the table and sliced the cake into equal pieces. I clasped both of my hands together happily after getting everything ready. The fragrance of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air reassured me since it reminded me so much of Eric’s embrace.  
The sound of footsteps brought me back to reality. Eric was leaning against the door frame, gazing groggily at me with his golden eyes. As he covered his mouth with one hand to hide a yawn, he put his wet hair back with the other one. The mere sight of him took my breath away.
“Morning…” His voice was still low and rough.
“Good morning! Just in time! Breakfast is ready! Summoned by the coffee’s scent, right?” I asked jokingly.
Eric’s eyes twinkled with amusement. He walked over to me, leaning down on my face until his lips found mine. A pleasant feeling unfurled in my stomach as I kissed him back with adoration. 
“What can I say? A great day starts with a cup of coffee...” he trailed off suddenly, “but you know what?” He enquired conspiratorially, giving me a playful smirk.
“What?” I whispered back mischievously. 
 “A day without you is always incomplete, nothing could fill the void of your absence”. 
“Not even the finest coffee?” I attempted to wear a blank expression, but my tone gave me away. 
The corner of his mouth quirked up before shaking his head in denial, staring deeply into my eyes as he replied with more amorous words. My heart began to pound like a drum and I was certain my cheeks were blushing furiously as if to mirror his flushed face.
“Definitely, you are turning into more and more a romantic every day… a hopeless romantic like myself … I’m absolutely in love with you.” I stated softly, swallowing down the emotion that comes with my words, suppressing tears of happiness that threatened to fall down from the corner of my eye. 
A few seconds later, Eric held me in his strong arms and rested his forehead against mine, letting out a contented sigh when I hugged him back. Lost in each other's eyes, time seemed to have slowed down. The closeness between us felt so natural, like it was meant to be. However, reluctantly, I pulled myself away from his warmth, he raised an eyebrow in response.
“If we don’t hurry up, coffee will get cold and we won’t be able to have breakfast without rushing” I explained. “Today’s menu is a bit particular. Sir, I hope you find it to your liking. By the way, Happy Birthday!” I spoke teasingly. 
Eric’s eyes showed a hint of surprise for a brief moment, then he grinned from ear to ear, while squeezing my fingers gently. I summarized quickly about the coffee and the cake, he listened to me attentively as always. I watched him restlessly, as he brought the mug to his lips and tasted the pastry. Relief washed all over me after he nodded approvingly, flashing an encouraging smile. That peaceful moment was engraved in our memory, it might have been just an ordinary breakfast for others, but for us, it meant a great deal. When we finished eating, we cleared the table and as I was about to wash the dishes, he stopped me with a hand up.
“You prepared breakfast, it’s only fair I’ll do the dishes.” He said warmly, not letting me a chance to protest. 
At first, I just observed him while he was focused on the task at hand, but then, I tiptoed closer and circled my arms around him from behind, burying my head in his back. Inhaling deeply, his scent infused my soul with tranquility and comfort. 
As soon I noticed Eric was done with the chore, I took a step away from him. At the same, Eric turned around, and without a warning, lifted me up, slowly spinning me around until we reached the living room. He tenderly laid me down onto the couch as we locked eyes. He looked extremely amused, just like a child plotting mischief. The next thing I knew is he relentlessly tickled my ribs as I burst into giggles. The sound of our laughter echoed through the room.
I wanted that moment to last forever, but duty called. As his silver watch catched my eye, I furrowed my brows. 
“Eric, we need to start moving now… I don’t feel like leaving, but look at time…”, I pouted.  
“Time really flies when we are together, right? You know… we can stay a bit longer, if you will.”
“But If we don’t leave now, we’ll be stuck in a traffic jam and neither of us will be on time for work”.
“If we turn the siren on, a traffic jam won’t be an obstacle.” He pointed at, letting out  a small, low chuckle. I couldn’t refrain myself from tittering at his statement. 
“The siren is only for special occasions. If we used it regularly, you might get caught by one of your fellow police officers. And then what?” I dismissed his suggestion with a playful tone. 
“You promised to visit me in prison, wouldn’t you honor your vow?” He replied in the same way. 
“Needless to say, I would. However, I’d rather have you with me every day. I think you’ll agree with me.”
“I can’t argue with your reasoning.”
He made as if to rise up from the couch, but promptly sank himself back, showering my cheeks, my forehead, my lips and neck with light kisses. I giggled merrily.
“Just one more minute, please.” He pleaded in between kisses. 
I silently agreed, enjoying every second of the sweetness of his love. 
For the rest of the day I was in high spirits, despite being a busy one. I had a meeting with a supplier and had lunch with Yael to address some remaining minor issues regarding our upcoming exhibition. I also passed by Leight’s shop to pick up my outfit for that night. I had purchased it last week, but Leigh had insisted on adding a few details on the sleeves. 
Eric arrived at the café past the closing time. After greeting me with a kiss and complimented my dress, he started to carry the tables and chairs from the terrace to inside the café, while we had our usual conversations.
“How was your day? Complicated?” 
“Kind of, but now that business is successful, I refuse to complain about having a pile of work. When I remember last year … I was about to be forced to shut down the Cosy Bear.” I shuddered in cold sweat. 
Eric put a hand on my shoulder and affectionately kissed my temple as I closed my eyes, indulging myself with his display of tenderness. 
As soon as we stepped into the restaurant, the waiter greeted us politely and led us to our table. 
“This place is highly recommended, not only for its tasteful dishes and its amazing presentations, but also because of reasonably priced food. I must add, I find the decor magnificent.” I said, offering him a smile and he did the same in return.
“I was just flipping through a magazine when I spotted a review about this place. They’re usually overbooked, but Yael happens to know the manager, so I was able to get a reservation for tonight.” I commented joyfully. 
“This is my best birthday since I was a child. I’m grateful to you for putting so much thought and effort, I know you did.” He remarked knowingly.
“You seriously need to stop playing the mentalist card.” I sighed in defeat. “I did research trendy restaurants, it took me a while to find a few of my liking. Yael’s help did come in handy for getting a reserve here, though.”
“You are adorable. I love you.” He murmured tenderly. 
Soon enough, our meal was brought to the table. Before I knew it, Eric had already emptied his plate. He looked away sheepishly, it was so cute that I found myself smiling widely. 
“It was thoughtless of me...” he attempted to sputter an excuse.
“The way you gobbled up all that food, one would think you haven’t  eaten for days.” I remarked pretending to sound casual, then I winked at him. He let out a throaty laugh in response. 
“Today it was hectic at work. Showing the new recruits the ropes was more strenuous than usual. Moreover, the investigation about you-know-what case is no longer stuck. I wish I could give you more details... Well, the fact is we made quite considerable progress. And in the end, I barely had time for lunch.” 
“You mean you skipped lunch, don’t you?” I pointed out with concern.
“It’s not like I was on an empty stomach... I had a snack-” he stammered.
“Eric…” I cut him off in a flat tone. 
His face shadowed while he looked sideways, scratching the back of his head. 
“Eric, I need you to take care of yourself properly. Just going to the gym regularly won’t keep you healthy. Skipping meals is a bad idea, a terrible one, in fact. Don’t underestimate its negative effects. Eric, I want to stay with you until we're grey and old. So, please, promise me you will be more careful in the future.”
“Umm… sure… right… I mean, I’ll try to avoid skipping meals… umm…” He responded to me, almost stuttering. 
His face turned as red as a beetroot. It took me a moment to realize why.
“It did sound like a proposal, didn’t it?” I thought bashfully, finger tapping on the table. 
Eric reached his hand over the table to touch mine while he spoke to me, while looking into my eyes.
“I don't see myself living without you either. I swear to you I won’t lose sight of the most important.”  He swallowed, and continued, “I’ve been doing some thinking. How about going on a trip the following weekend after the last auction is planned for the last week of June? How does that sound? I bumped into Yael a few days ago and had a little chat about an opening in your schedule. I thought it’d be a good idea to set the trip for that date as you’d be less packed with work. You’ll definitely need a break, it will do you good.” 
“But what about your work? What if--?”
“I had a conversation with the chief to let him know in advance that weekend I would be out of the radar.  He was quite understandable. Well, you haven’t given me an answer yet.”
“Haven’t you already guessed it? I thought body language was your thing.” I tried to sound teasing, but I just ended up giggling.
The grip of his hand slightly tightened on mine, before he leaned over to kiss the back of my hand. I got up from my seat and ran to hug him without letting go of his hand. That drew the attention of other customers, but even if I felt sheepish, I focused on Eric. 
“I'll take that as a "yes", then”. He hummed jovially, “we just need to decide where we want to go.”
For a moment I was a little taken aback because I had just assumed he had already decided on his own, but Eric wasn’t that kind of partner. He always treasured my opinions. His thoughtfulness was like those peaceful waves on the ocean, as soothing as calming. 
“Planning the trip together will be twice the fun.” He affirmed.
I agreed with a nod, my smile didn’t leave my face for the rest of the evening.  
After having a great dinner, we headed back to our apartment.
[The following scene is kind of steamy. Just warning!]
The moment we reached the bedroom, we practically collapsed onto the bed. Entirely eager for one another, impatiently getting rid of our clothes as if they were on fire. We lost ourselves in waves of ecstasy, forgetting the entire world. His hands slid down my body, claiming every part of me with his touch, making their way to my most sensitive spots. I didn’t even bother trying to suppress my moans. I didn’t remain passive either, I devoured him with reverent hunger. As growls of desire escaped his lips, I felt proudly satisfied.
Breathless from the intensity poured out between our lips, still unwilling to release the other one, not even for a second.
When both of us came together, flames of heated fervor clenched inside me. Caught up in the rhythm of his body against mine, relishing that sensation while I realized every one of his movements matched mine, we were in complete sync.
“I can’t get enough of you.” His voice, ragged with lust. 
I couldn’t even manage a reply, I just dug my nails into his back, pulling him closer, feverishly urging him to continue. 
Finally, glistened with sweat and gasping for air, we collapsed into each other's arms, both exhausted but elated. Snuggled together, in no time we surrendered to the realm of dreams. 
My last thoughts before dozing off were dedicated to the wonderful man next to me. Eric had shown me such deep, earnest love that swept over me, marking a before and after in my life. What could possibly be better than that?
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one-last-puku · 5 years
A little pissed off
Whatever, some people enjoy the game, some don’t. I’ve stood by while random anons bitch about the other side, but I draw the line if you’re going to go out of your way to go to someone’s ask and tell them that no one cares and shit like that, like fuck you? May I please? I don’t give a fuck if you wanna bitch to the rant blog, that’s what it’s there for, but can you please refrain from sending hateful messages to people who are seriously minding their own business? For fuck’s sake. Someone wants to announce that they are leaving, maybe you don’t care, but I’m sure that person has plenty of people who do care and are sad that they are leaving and fed up over being spat at all the time. Maybe you care too much? It’s funny to say that no one cares when you go to the trouble to send an ask. “Ruining everyone’s Sunday”, my ass. No one’s fucking Sunday was ruined, if yours was, my god, you are sensitive. Yeah, no one’s Sunday was ruined except for maybe the person you decided to go annoy and hurt. 
Allow me to annoy you some more. I don’t give many fucks about UL or LL. I am still here because of Ken and because I can. Jeez, people don’t suddenly drop off because a series ends. I just dooon’t understand what’s so annoying. For people so passive over “a game” a lot of you guys sure go to your guns over the damn thing. Sounds interestingly familiar, hmm.... 
Poke, poke, poke. I am allowed to be here. I do not care if it annoys you. I want them to add Ken back and the other missing boys. poke. poke. poke. I don’t have much attachment to the new options, I try to be optimistic and make content about the new game even if I don’t care much to play it. at all. HSL was the peak of MCL. poke. poke. poke. I’m going to keep making posts about Ken and High School Life, because I can. It is a thing I can do. I love the original game and it still exists so I’m allowed to talk about it and love it.
They still haven’t made an event like Japan Expo since HSL ended, the community has been a shit storm. We are all merely trying to work together as best as we can after the long drought and wreckage. There is no merch of your new LI, lol. The merch store never came back because UL sucked and too many people were mad. poke. poke. poke. Come @ me. I will chat with you if you are bored, angry anons. Send me anything you want, I will give you a response you want. I will cry for you. Wah. boohoo. You’re so mean. I am hurt. My day is ruined. 
Yeah, you can do whatever you want, and you got your attention. 
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How lovely, how grand! Cheers! 
Okay can we be done now? No one’s going to stop bitching about the other side, but why don’t we do something more productive with our time? If you love the game. Talk about it. Make something for it. Play the game. Stop letting yourself be bored. 
On a serious note: With the more sane fans of UL, could you please explain why it’s so annoying to see people voice their displeasure of UL? Is it because so many people say similar things? Do you feel like Beemoov’s going to yate your LI because of it? Because it’s just not going to happen anyway. Beemoov doesn’t care about any of our opinions in that regard, at least not the people making the big decisions. Is it because it’s futile? Can you really not ignore it? I really am curious because I just can’t feel anything reading the rants anymore. I don’t know how anyone still does. I’m just dead inside with this game. Not much life left in me except for Ken and the memories. and my creativity. And FRIENDSHIP!!
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
I have questions, beemoov.
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Mainly, why??
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
I play Eldarya muted, but every once in a while I unmute it just coz, and bitch the music is doing too much. It's not that serious, it really isn't.
If guy.exe was playing on loop the whole time it would be more than enough, let's be honest.
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
I am a Man of quality worldbuilding: A rant.
I'm just so pissed that it's been hinted at that the faeries literally stole the friking library of Alexandria and we still didn't get to visit it.
Remember the guard questionnaire? One of the questions is if you'd rather go to this this or that place. Well one of the options was the library of Alexandria and Erika said the fuck, it burned down like a thousand years ago. And it's on earth. Keroshane said -f u c k- and changed topic.
And after that there's nothing about this until we first go to memoria and Leiftan mentions that the buildings were taken from earth because Erika mentioned how much they resemble Greek ruins.
So like.... Are we going on a field trip to the library of Alexandria?? There's like 3 episodes left to make up the rest of your lackluster plot, better give me something good or I'll forcefully hire myself as creative director and main writer to fix this game.
Also, a library date with LI?? Bitch that's potential right there. Also, a copy of Erika's journal might be there, after all, she's Jesus right now. Since she's not dead anymore she might want to take them back so people won't be reading her do do list that was literally Leiftan written four times... because they were fornicating ferociously every ten minutes.
You know what? They probably Anne Franked her, editing the hyuck out of it to make the guard look less shitty and it's a best seller now. That's where the guard of El gets their funds. It's all royalties from sales.
So anyway, I'm absolutely putting a diary retrieval mission in my fanfiction.... like four years from now when I get to that point.
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
Jeez, I was about to write a jury duty headcanon for Lance but I realized that he's a felon 💀
he doesn't have to go lmao ✨️
You know what, fuck it. Everyone gets jury duty headcanons:
Leiftan-felon. Before he was caught though? He'd probably be very serious about it. He even puts on shoes that don't have his toes hanging out.
Valkyon-probably a felon since his job is to kill people, he for sure killed unprofessionally. Anyway. He'd judge fairly, since he grew up on the streets he can tell a desperate attempt at survival apart from simple malice.
Nevra-He did kill some people, but his daddy's rich so he was in prison for exactly 0 seconds. He dresses up really fancy and takes it seriously. He usually doesn't care about the social problems that lead to most crimes (because he knows very little of poverty) and condemns thieves who just want to eat to the same degree as people who beat up others just coz they can.
Ezarel- The first time he'd get dressed up nicely- wait he's a felon too 💀 he was literally kicked out of his homecountry for stealing stuff and sending a human back- DOESN'T MATTER! HE'S IN EL NOW! Anyway, he takes it seriously the first time, but after that he just goes in pj's and dares anyone to do something about it. Zero fucks about the formality but he takes care to judge according to the highest justice he sees.
Mathieu-He probably has an exemption because he's so stupid and annoying. Nobody needs this toddler in court. Sorry I just want to strangle him so bad. Stupid.... he's a felon too since he betrayed the guard. 💀💀💀💀💀
Lance- if he goes to court, it's probably not because he's on jury duty😭 but he doesn't get caught often, so there's that
Why is every datable man a literal criminal? Beemoov? Hmm?
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
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The fuck is that
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