#cut the shit beemoov
linaselandbasil · 2 years
Whitewashing in Eldarya: A man of science rant about beemoovs bullshit pt.1
What is whitewashing?: this word has a couple of different uses, but in this context I mean deliberately making things more 'white' and thus alienating and erasing POC.
For example, they try so hard to make Lance white. Bitch, just draw him like god intended and stop complaining!
Okay introduction over. Let's cover the less extensive topic I want to talk about.
Huang Huas character design:
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She looks weird. I always hated her character design. I think what happened is they didn't know that darker skin has to be shaded different.
She looks grey (in retrospect, this may be coz she wears a lot of orange and yellow, despite having a pink undertone. Although, she should not have a pink undertone, when the skin is this dark, its more accurately described as having a red undertone), probably because the artist messed up and thought that simply lightening her complexion would make her face look less.... I dunno. The point is that it didn't work as intended.
Dark skin is more reflective compared to light skin. It might appear that the glow simply looks more prominent because of the contrast, but that's not all there is to it. Melanin absorbs UV to protect them from sun damage and it also reflects some of it. The absolute darkest skintones of sub Saharan Africans provide as much protection as SPF 25 sunscreen. (The minimum recommended by dermatologists for everyday wear is 50) So, my point is, you can't just use light skin techniques to draw Dark skin. You need to make the contrast between the lightest and the darkest colors more drastic.
Her undertone... It makes me want to just evaporate. I love good art and I love beautiful people, this is simply not it dear. If you look up a tutorial for drawing dark skin they might tell you that the darker you go, the redder to make it. This is because there's five different types of melanin, two of which I'll tell you about. Eumelanin is more prominent in dark skin, it has brown and black subtypes. I, for example have a warm undertone (yellow, not pink) so I have this. Pheomelanin is more prominent in lighter skin and this gives ginger hair and freckles it's red color. (I assume it's a recessive trait, since light skin is a recessive trait) So, in lighter skin, there's a lack of eumelanin, the pink color of the skin is mostly from the blood underneath and the yellow undertone (if you press on your flesh for a long time and release you will see it) is from subcutaneous fat. (which is not white like duckfat) The darker you go, the redder the undertone gets from the eumelanin covring the yellow fat. The blood doesn't get conealed because it's not as deep down as the fat.
Okay, I'm done talking about her skin. Let's get angry about something else: her facial features.
She has basically no afrocentric facial features, I accredit this to the artist not knowing how to draw them, so I'll try not to roast too much.
She has dark skin, which is a dominant trait, but a small nose, thin lips and straight (alright, wavy) hair, which are all recessive traits. This is a rare combination, but not impossible.
(They do have very simmilar face shapes, supporting my phoenix magic skin color change theory)
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Her home is the land of the Ren Feng Huang, her people have been described by Erika as "dressed in Chinese style clothes". I feel like this is a microagression, please shut up Erika... She, so far is the only dark skinned Ren Feng Huang. So the case might just be that her Phoenix powers grant her dark skin to protect her from the sun's flames and she's just as white as Huang Chu (who has freckles, that's pheomelanin). Feng Zifu looks vaguely east Asian, but he also has a lot of European features like the sharpness of his cheekbones and his deepset eyes. (And his non-existent lips 💋)
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The Feng Huangs are made out to be this holy Saint never did anything wrong ever totally crimeless nation, so they might just have good immigration policies, I dunno.
So anyway, her homeland looks like a very simplified view of 'china'. Bunch of bamboo, cliffs, terrace farming. I assume the climate is what we can expect from "china", humid summers and cold winters. (Although China is fucking huge. The country has more than one climate region.)
For breathing warm, humid air, wide noses are most adapted. For breathing cold, dry air, tall and long noses are adapted, for dry, hot air, hooked noses are most adapted. She appears to have a small, pointy nose with narrow nostrils, which is not well suited for any climate and is a recessive trait.
She has a little mouth ad well as moderately thin lips. Lip size is not that important for survival, but I should note that thin lips emit less heat, therefore they're better for cold environments. Big lips are a dominant gene, thin lips are recessive. If someone has one copy of the dominant gene (one copy comes from each parent) and one recessive, then the dominant gene will determine their appearance, but they can still pass on the recessive gene to their offspring. Some genes work together to make an in-between. Small lip gene+big lip gene makes something in between. (I don't know how recessiveness effects this phenomenon) Two toned lips (pigmentation on top, no pigmentation on the bottom or partial pigmentation on the bottom) are very appropriate in her case, kudos for that. (Im pissed that they forgot it when they drew Lance and Val. I demanded an apology) Also, some people with a lot of melanin often have yellow tinted scleras because there's some of it there too. This used to scare me because I thought they had liver failure. It's not something that every dark skinned person has, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Okay, now about hair. This has to be the most controversial topic for some fucking reason. Thick, dark and curly are dominant traits. Thin, light and straight are recessive. A gene combination of curly and straight work together to make a softer curl pattern or wavy hair. (Wavy hair is just very lose curls, I have wavy hair but it appears straight because it's silky and thick, causing gravity to straighten it. When i was a child it used to be a lot thinner and i had really nice 2A waves.) I don't know what benefits there are to having straight, thin hair, but apparently this weak recessive trait is so beloved by our one and only beemoov that they made nearly every single POC character without curls. Thick, curly hair is better at basically everything it's supposed to do. It shrinks into a dense protective layer, shielding the head from the sun like an afro helmet, it traps more air underneath to keep the skin warm when it's cold, it's straight out just harder to pull out. I don't know which dumbass, cousin banger ancestors of mine decided that straight hair is pretty enough to srlect for, but I digress. I can live with it. (At least I have green eyes, which is the only recessive trait that I find beautiful. It's still dominant over blue though)
Have a look at this handy chart:
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Okay I'm done with Hua. Pt.2 is about Lance and Valkyon because I'm low-key obsessed with them. My bebes.
Have a great day! (I swear of this doesn't spark a conversation nothing will.)
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one-last-puku · 4 years
I also saw the post that Beemoov seems to confirm that Love Life is ending soon.
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I just get this sinking feeling it's ending for good this time. I saw my mcl life flash before my eyes and that's not a good sign.
Admittedly, what more is there to do with Candy's story now? What are they going to do now? Sure, they could have her get married and have kids, but a lot of people really aren't behind that and for me, what's the point? I'm personally not that maternal either(by myself that is), myself and it's not even with Ken.
I mean, due to the fact Ken has been killed off for nearly 3 years now, I've been able to step back and see the story for what it is as a story. There just isn't much there, in my opinion and with Beemoov, I can't see them making marriage and having kids interesting. I dunno.
I mean, as for me, since losing Ken and my real life love, I've just... lost the energy for otomes in general. These days I much prefer fantasy or even sci-fi, but Eldarya just doesn't cut it for me, especially since none of the available choices catch my eye or seem my type. I dunno, I'm just tired. I used to get so excited to play MCL, I always looked forward to seeing Ken again. It felt like he was real in his own way, y'know? I just liked the everyday, domestic feel of Highschool life. Sure, I love drama and sex, but my gosh, it's just... so unimactful in Love Life (I didn't get far in University Life.), it's just stress and stress and stress and not fun most of the time.
If My Candy Love were to become fresh again, there needs to be a new, innovative, coat of paint to bring energy to the game. Perhaps new mechanics, new ways to play, maybe do more than just a visual novel, but they just don't care about innovation anymore. They seem to only care about how it can generate money, how it can be comparable to other similar games. You can't even freaking play an episode when it comes out without visiting the bank. Holy shit, you can't play a whole episode when it comes out, much less replay like they expect you to do, without paying out the wazoo. Holy moly, I've said it before, but the player base isn't stupid, it won't generate anything but frustrated and unhappy players to be so blatantly not free to play. Not to mention, it's all a trick! The whole episodes, if you calculate it, are not WORTH the amount it costs to play them.
Sure, you can trick people into paying for bland, tasteless, uninspired episodes, but at what fucking cost!? No one truly enjoys playing like they used to. Even people who love the new LIs, ask yourself, are you really happy playing the game when it's not the rare romantic occasion with said LI? Maybe some of the drama is a bit interesting, but aren't we just grasping for something to hold onto?
We have given suggestions on how to better help them make the earnings, but they insist their master marketing plan is fool proof. I don't know about anyone else, but this is miserable. I'm trying so hard to enjoy little plot scraps that seem mildly entertaining like the police side stories, because I've loved this game for so long, but I'm miserable.
I'm miserable because I used to have so much fun in the community, mods used to be heard, the team even seemed to have more fun and enjoyed creating for the game. Everything is so rushed, it seems that perhaps they have fun with yearly events, and even I enjoy those, but now it all feels so grey and corporate. We used to have a connection with the game team, but over the years they've insisted on distancing themselves from the players. I get where it's come from, but something must be done, or it's just over from then on. It'll never blossom again.
I'm just tired, I ended up getting a bit spirited in the end and now my thoughts are all jumbled, so I aught to end it here, but I just wanted to share my feelings.
Everything just feels so wrong now. Everything feels so dead and stale.
Edit: Admittedly, yes, there are some things that I've enjoyed, but just... let me have this rant this time without having to OCD police and quintuple check what I wrote to clarify every possible avenue to cover my tracks of missing something and the psychological warfare.
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fenristheorem · 3 years
I was wondering if you could write headcanons for Lance during episode 26? Maybe the most significant moments in the chapter but from his perspective and how he felt
Hello there! This is such an interesting ask! I've always considered what Lance may have been thinking through episode 26, but I honestly never actually thought too deep on it. I hope at some point Beemoov gives us a long conversation between Guardienne and Lance in ANE that talks about his perspective in that episode...
Also, sorry this took so long to write. Tumblr ate this ask a few times and spit it back out (I guess it didn’t taste right lol) so I’ve been inconsistent on when I could work on it. Then I somehow ended up re-writing one specific part of this three times over so I had to figure out how to combine all of that information and edit it properly. And then Tumblr freaked out on me and deleted some recent edits - twice - but fortunately I remembered what I did so it didn’t take too long to re-write it. This may also be the longest headcanon I’ve written so far lol. The ask had one hell of a journey in it’s making but I think I love it even more because of that. 😂
~Below the cut~
Lance's POV in episode 26:
Oh how enthralling it was to have Guardienne on his ship! Not only was she his ticket to escape, and a prized asset - therefore collateral - for the guard, but she knew how to access the dragons. He would find his people by using her knowledge.
He knew she had spirit, but he considered sometimes that perhaps he should have thought a little harder on ways to get her to shut up and obey him. He certainly loved the thrill of banter and having her break her persona of peace for him, but by the Oracle was she irritating sometimes. Of course, he already knew she was also pretty amusing as well, with her wild thought processes and ideas. She could have been a bit friendlier with his kraken though... 
He wasn't sure if he was surprised by how blunt Guardienne was at times. He had chosen the site in the forest because of its tactical advantage, but when she revealed her bad experience with that area, he could do nothing but apologize. She wasn’t trying to provoke him or stand in the way of his plans at the moment - it was a bad memory for her - so Lance understood her distress at staying there and didn’t wish to put her in further distress. There was no way that they were moving camp though.
Lance had her show him the island, and he was nearly surprised when she didn't try to escape. His attention was held by the ruins for most of the time; she could have tried to slip away thinking he was distracted. He was also quite surprised when she didn’t try to throw him off the cliff - it was the perfect opportunity, but she didn’t even seem like jumping at the chance.
Later on, when Guardienne talked with his mercenaries late at night, he tried to get a read on her. She seemed so unhappy stuck on the island with him, and yet she was so persistent on talking to his followers. She seemed to hate Lance, and yet she was so determined to understand why others decided to follow him. This sent his head spinning. Was she interested in joining him? Certainly not. Was she just curious? Most likely, but the typical person in her situation makes a point to not talk to those who hold them hostage...
He wakes her early in the morning, eager to find the gateway to his people, but his excitement drops when he realizes that Guardienne is in no mood to help him. She had been promising her resistance for many days, why did he expect any different?
This pissed him off of course; he was so close to finding his people and now he had to find a way to get her to comply. Threatening her didn't work too well, but she decided to lead him somewhere anyways. They go towards the library ruins and she leads him through a dark corridor that opens up into a room of alchemical concoctions, cages, and blood spattered walls before stopping. Lance knows immediately that she’s mislead him.
He turns on her, raw fury bleeding into him and coursing within his bones until he’s sure he’ll kill her. However, out of kindness and mercy, he gives her a second chance to show him to the dragons.
Lance didn’t know what he was expecting really, of course she would deny him again. So he takes her to the cliff to threaten her - and then those closest to her once he realizes she won’t crack. He really didn’t want to do this, he wanted things to go smoothly with little damage done, but more than that; he wanted to talk with his people.
She finally gives in and takes him towards the Door of the Dragons, but he nearly throws himself at her when they step into the library ruins again. However, she leads him a different way this time, and he can feel it in his bones that they’re heading the right way as they get closer.
Finally he witnesses the first monument of his people: the doors to their realm.
There’s a weight that settles on his chest and shoulders - after all these years wondering, searching, fighting to reach his people, he’s finally made it. Suddenly he’s aware of the blood surging through his veins, his breathing sharpens and the door is all he can look at.
He knows he's trembling as he reaches to brush his fingertips across the etchings in the stone doors, and he knows that she sees that as well, but he doesn't pay mind to it. In that moment, all that mattered is that he's finally among his people - the ghosts of them at least. 
He snaps himself out of the awe the grand doors put him in, turning to Guardienne and requesting her to show him how the doors open. She does as told - finally - but the doors don't open... 
Oh like hell he was going to deal with her shit now that's he's this close to knowing his people. She wasn't an issue before, but now she's standing directly between him and his people.
He turns on her again, his blood burning hot and arctic cold at the same time, but she's already explaining that they repeated the ritual the same way as last time. But perhaps...  the moon could be an issue?
He's impatient again - there's no way they can stay on that island until the next full moon. Fortunately he brought a few toys to help... 
Some time later, after many different attempts to open the door forcefully - all failed and leaving not even a scratch on the ancient stone - Guardienne comes bolting into the room screeching like a psychopath. As if it weren't bad enough that the doors aren't opening, now he has her to deal with again... 
He's irritated but holds himself well - there's still the battering ram that may work. 
Of course, Guardienne cuts in again, spitting wrath at him about his people and how much of an idiot he is. He humors her a bit, playing the hurt card (even though some bit of it holds true in some ways), and finding his own amusement when she thinks she actually hurt his feelings. Goodness she can be so adorable to fuck with. 
The Draflayels come when night falls, drifting in the air with musical trills. Guardienne has found herself entranced at the beauty, but Lance seeths. How dare these creatures mimic his people? How dare they act as a replacement for the dragons?
She stops him as he goes to cut them down, saying that they'll show them something important. If he weren't so desperate to speak with his people... 
He lets her lead him to the cliff, following the vile creatures as Lance glares at them, and they gather in sparkling clusters around them, singing their songs the whole time. Lance tenses his whole body and trembles - what he wouldn't do to get rid of these creatures - but then Guardienne steps into the cloud of Draflayels and begins... dancing?
He relaxes faintly, suddenly taken by surprise and slipping into hesitant curiosity as she twirls with the companions. She was so... happy, and carefree. How could she be this joyful with these useless creatures? Didn't she understand that they exist only from the sacrificial genocide of a grand race?
But she still dances with them, entranced by their harmony and twirls, and he's entranced by her as he watches her, careless and free, reminding him of the days where he was like that. 
Wasn't it tiring? To be so cold and hateful for so long?
Didn't he miss the days where he ran free and proud, fighting valiantly alongside his brother?
Pain sparks in his chest as he watches her, his face betraying no emotions but the clawing agony welled in his chest and left him breathless all the same. He did miss it... 
The Draflayels disperse and Guardienne backs away - straight into him. She's startled for a moment as she looks into his eyes, but he makes it clear that he's no threat.
As he stares at her, a different emotion stirs within him - a wistful wishing, whispered admiration, ghosts of jealousy and bittersweet knowing. She was so beautiful and happy, and he wanted to have that again as well, but he never could - not with everything he knows now. 
Brilliant blue essence swam through the air, and Lance quickly turned his attention to it. A ghost appeared - one of his people - and spoke in a grand, cavernous voice to him. Guardienne - and all he once wished for - forgotten, he stepped forward to pursue his chosen path. 
He had to argue to be allowed in sooner, but Lance regretted nothing when he was finally standing in front of the Door to the Dragons again, this time being welcomed in as family. However, he hesitated as he stared into the grand doorway; what information would he find hidden within this realm?
He allowed himself to spare a moment to think about his family... he would avenge them, with every bit of brittle, exhausted energy he had, he would avenge them. His heart twisted as he fell among them. These dragons were family... 
Fafnir shows him around, and he keeps an eye on Guardienne the whole time - she could attempt to run away. But he wants her to like the dragons and their realm as well, so he keeps an eye on her for her well-being also. She did help him after all... 
He argues with Fafnir much of the time, not understanding why the dragon is so steady and accepting about the destruction of their race. Fafnir is calm the whole time, a stable boulder underneath the rush of icy water that was Lance's opinions and emotions. He seemed so sure that Lance would change his mind about his quest for revenge, and even as Lance argues that, Fafnir still continues to show them around.
Fafnir mentions his mother not too long after, noting the similarities between them, and Lance is taken off guard. What would his mother think of him? What did Fafnir want him to know about his mother? Was it true that they were so similar? Would he be able to meet her ghost?
They continue their tour, and Lance knows immediately when Guardienne becomes uncomfortable as they step into the lava realm. Every change in her body language tells that she feels like she's drowning in heat, so he provides a layer of cooled air for her. Whether or not she wanted to, she provided him with invaluable help and remains invaluable as long as the guard is after him, so he might as well try to make her comfortable with him... 
As she recovers and looks around, pride blooms in Lance’s chest. This may be the lava realm, but she had a right to stare in admiration at one of the realms of his people. The glitter in her eyes and awe on her face were enough to tell him that she thinks the world of the strange realm, and curiosity suddenly sparks in Lance. She hasn’t seen firsthand the power of the dragons; him and his brother are the only ones she’s been around enough to witness anything, and his brother doesn’t know how to evoke his abilities... What would she think about Lance’s abilities? Would she stare at him with the same look of awe and curiosity?
Lance dismisses his thoughts and probes Fafnir for information on his parents again - first discovering his father's element - but the ancient ghost hesitates when he begins to speak of Tia. Silence fills the air for only a moment before Lance yells at Fafnir to answer his rest of his question.
An ice dragon...
Fafnir compares him to his mother again, and once again Lance is taken off guard. Was he really that similar to his mother?
Lance begins to dig further into the reasoning for their sacrifice, and this only leads down a long path of arguing between him and Fafnir until the ghost finally snaps. They're brought to another location within their realm and Fafnir begins to question Lance's decision of partnering with the demon. Lance is nearly surprised when Fafnir doesn't ask who it is, but the solid weight of... shame? lands on his chest and shoulders as Fafnir seems to scold him for creating a pact with the demon.
So Fafnir knew about that then... 
This shame was short-lived, though, before Lance quickly jumped to defend himself and explain the wrongs done to their kind and the foolish decision they made.
Fafnir eventually snapped and Lance quieted, feeling overwhelming irritation at the ancient dragon’s persistence. There was a rift forming that Lance could feel - an expanse hollowing out between him and Fafnir as he withdrew from Fafnir’s knowledge.
Lance watched as Fafnir created a sphere, faint images flickering within, and he was told to walk into the sphere if he wanted to understand the dragons’ decision. He hesitated, suddenly unsure if he wanted to understand in the first place. What if all of this was for nothing? Why would his people - upheld with such esteem within himself and around Eldarya - purposefully make such a foolish decision if it wasn’t forced?
Guardienne snaps him out of his thoughts and overwhelming anxiety, encouraging him to step into the sphere to find the answers to his questions. He hesitates further, but follows her as she steps into the sphere. Lance knew she was right; he came here to find answers, and Fafnir was giving him answers.
Lance isn’t very interested in where the sphere takes them to - it’s the dark-skinned woman who appears that catches his interest. She was talking to a man, pale skin and hair, and Lance quickly caught on to what he was seeing.
His mother and father... 
Shocks freezes him and quivers through his body as his throat constricts. He calls out to them. Was he finally meeting his parents? Would they recognize him? Would he be welcomed home by them?
Fafnir quickly explains that they’re only a memory - that they can’t hear him - and Lance’s emotions collapse in on himself. He wouldn’t be welcomed, they probably wouldn’t know who he is, he was left without a family because of the sacrifice and it will remain like that. Pain and rejection hits him in a crushing wave; he finally met his parents, but they’re not even aware of him.
Regardless, he follows them as they fly off, desperately seeking just another second with them - just another facet of information that he could learn from them.
At the cliff, witnessing his mother’s own temper, Fafnir once again compares him to his mother. Lance retaliates again, not wishing for Fafnir to speak so fondly of him or his mother. He could barely stand the idea of not knowing her, but knowing how similar they are and yet not knowing anything about her bothered him in ways that left a yawning hole in his chest.
He starts to think things over - his people willingly sacrificed themselves, but certainly his mother must have known better! She must have been forced by her people! Fafnir agrees that she didn’t agree to the decision, but claims that she still did so of her own free will. In a thunderous state of denial and anger, Lance turns and storms off. He can’t believe that his own mother just abandoned him to sacrifice herself for a decision she didn’t agree with. It doesn’t make any sense!
Fafnir chases him down and, despite his anger, Lance agrees to keep exploring his mother’s past.
They follow Tia to the doorways within the Dragon Realm, where she talks with Fafnir. As much as Lance wishes to ignore it, he notices that her aggressiveness does mirror his own.
His thoughts wander about his mother for a bit while Guardienne and Fafnir talk, until Lance finally has enough with waiting and interrupts to continue on.
Fafnir takes them to the Council Room now, where they see discussion of the Blue Sacrifice taking place. Many arguments take place until Fafnir finally tells him that Tia kept looking for another solution - to no avail.
He’s silent now as Guardienne and Fafnir talk again. Everything tells him that this was the only solution, that the dragons had to do this, that there was no better way, but he couldn’t accept it. If that was true then everything he did was for nothing... If that was true then there was no need to avenge their deaths because it was their own choice...
A cavern of something similar to dread forms within his chest as he wonders if he set out to wage a pointless war, almost afraid of knowing if this was truth. He couldn’t be in the wrong, right? They were his people, certainly they could have thought of something else... right?
Fafnir calls out to make sure he’s ok before suggesting a break, and Lance finds himself nearly running from the memories - almost regretting learning everything he knows and hoping to leave it all behind alongside the confused assortment of emotions that nearly breaks his sanity. It was so much easier when he thought they didn’t have a choice...
He flees to the old camp area and Guardienne follows before calling out to him, asking if he’s alright. He’s heavily shocked when she explains that she does care about him, despite the assumption that he hates her.
After everything he’s done, why would she care? Does she think this will stop him?
She avoids his conflicted gaze before he turns and walks away. He needed time to think everything over; the sacrifices, his parents, even Guardienne’s sudden change in demeanor towards him. Nothing makes sense to him anymore.
Lance realizes that she's not following him. He turns and asks if she’s coming or not. One would think if she’s so worried about him, she would actually bother to follow him.
He wanders aimlessly for a while, not knowing where he wishes to go, but eventually finds himself at the cliff when Guardienne asks if he’d like to talk. Lance turns on her; he’s not in the mood for her to play false nice with him. He knows she hates him.
Guardienne contradicts that, though, claiming instead that she hates his actions but has faith that he can be good again.
Was she right? Was there some possibility of redemption? Did he even want redemption? What about everything he’s done to get to this point? Was any of it even worth it anymore?
Confused questions flood his mind in tidal waves until he nearly has a headache. Hesitantly, he begins to open up to Guardienne. If there was some chance that she could understand. If there was some chance she could help him understand...
He seeks her opinion on why his mother left him and Valk to the world instead of sacrificing them, and Guardienne explains that it’s normal that a mother would want her children to reap the benefits of her actions. Lance says he would have rather died.
Guardienne pauses at this, surprise flitting over her features and she goes to comfort him, asking why this is all so important for him.
Why is it all so important? He’s so confused, unfamiliar with these doubtful emotions now sweeping through him. Why was any of this important? What does he do now? Is everything he learned really true? Would his people actually be ashamed of him knowing he’s hurt others in their name?
She offers an ear to listen to his troubles, and as much as he doesn’t wish to confide in her, he does so anyways. He doesn’t know what else to do.
Guardienne is quiet as he explains their birth and the village, and he relaxes and allows himself to soften - just a bit. It was... nice to finally have someone to talk to. It’s been so long since someone actually sought to truly understand him...
This calm is broken when he speaks of the kind people who raised them - and Guardienne speaks up to explain that every world will have good people and bad. Lance turns on her in anger; what would she know about good and bad? She hasn’t needed to hide her nature because of others! She hasn’t needed to learn about the sacrifice of her people for the sake of these people! She hasn’t needed to suffer her whole life the way he has!
He explodes in anger, forcing himself to take a moment to cool off as Guardienne watches with a conflicted expression, and then turns back to her to reveal the horror of the Guard and faeries hunting down the dragons who survived the sacrifice.
He’s nearly happy when she reels back in disgust, refusing to believe that the faeries could have done something that terrible, but it was true all the same, no matter how hard she refused to believe it.
Lance turns away again - he needs to know more. He needs to know why him and his brother were abandoned to this world alone.
He manages to track down Fafnir and demands to know why, but the only response he receives is to follow and see for himself. They go back and forth, Fafnir pressuring him to witness the memories again while Lance argues it. He can’t see it again, he couldn’t bear seeing the past through memories...
Guardienne startles him when she lays a hand on his forearm.
Why was she doing that? Why did she care this much? What’s the reason for any of this?
She tells him that he needs to keep exploring his mother’s past if he wants to understand and find his answers, and while he doesn’t want to do that anymore - he can’t possibly do that again - he knows she’s right. It’s the only thing he can do right now in the mess of emotions he’s feeling. Guardienne promises that she’ll stay by his side the whole time, but that doesn’t help as she was probably hoping it would. Why is it comforting that she’s promising to stay by his side - he should be irritated at that thought!
Lance agrees, feeling more lost than ever, and ghosts back to the past memories alongside Fafnir and Guardienne with no further argument.
The Blue Sacrifice was being held soon, countless dragons sprawling across the land and swooping through the sky as Tia talked with Fafnir... about a pregnancy test. She doesn’t want to sacrifice her children with her. Then she speaks of her sons - that she had seen them.
She’s seen him and his brother before, can name their hair and eye color, and she thought they were... beautiful.
Lance watches intently as the memory plays out but he still has questions. She could have stayed with them if she had the choice, why didn’t she stay with them?
Fafnir further explains what happens after that - his mother and father leaving for a while and then returning to carry through with the sacrifice - but Lance’s thoughts are still scattered, and he demands that he sees his parents’ final moments. He needed to see everything in order to believe this...
They return to the pathway where the sacrifice will take place. Many different races are gathered, paying their respects to the dragons, and Fafnir points their attention to another group talking to his mother. Humans.
Lance is subtly shocked; why were they there? And why are they so close with his mother? 
Fafnir says that they’re family; his uncle had fallen in love with a human, and Tia was hugging his cousin.
He has humans in his close family!? And they had children... Him and his brother weren’t the only dragons then! But Fafnir explains that they’re weakened due to the dilution of the genetics.
Lance doesn’t know how he feels about this. Was he nearly happy that he had surviving family - even if they were human? Were they really considered human in that case, or dragon? Should he be happy that those humans can’t compare their power to his because of their weakened genetics?
Lance is confused about himself again, shifting into anger at the realization that he’s thinking this only because of what happened; his closest living family is humans, and they’re only alive because they couldn’t have been hunted down by the Eldaryans. Fafnir tries to compare this to Guardienne and speaks of her angel genetics.
An angel?
Lance is truly surprised at this; she’s an angel? He has an angel in his clutches?
Fafnir seems shocked that Lance didn’t know, but the ice dragon is busy turning to Guardienne, many of his other questions now being answered. A wave of painful anger hits him, and he feels... jealous? That demon got to spend every day around this female angel - of course he’d be interested in her; they could attempt a revival of their race!
He had said to much. Lance collapses, pain wracking his body as he heaves for breath and clutches at his chest. The pact they made knew he had said too much. His vision fades into black and the last thing he hears is Fafnir telling Guardienne to help him bring Lance back to the real world...
Lance wakes... alone. Why was he alone? Where was the angel!?
He bolts up, cold burning anger flooding through his veins. After all he said to her! After he explained his past and reasoning for this war! After she promised she would stay by his side! She goes and tries to run away!
He quickly finds her urgently walking around - probably looking for some way off this island - and he approaches her in blind anger as she shrinks in front of him. He was glad, pleased, that she was terrified. She should be scared!
Lance can’t keep himself from yelling as he advances on her and draws his sword. He’s been so nice to her up until now, but that time is now long since passed. She cringes as he raises his sword... and stabs it into the ground next to her. Why did he find himself unable to do this?
Guardienne quickly begins to explain her reason for leaving, but he cuts her off. It doesn’t matter why she left - there was no way he could trust her on any account anymore. Of course she would try to escape, she’s still a hostage. He feels foolish for ever having believed she could possibly care for him.
He grabs her wrist and heads back to find Fafnir, thanking him for sharing his energy to strengthen him again. The ancient ghost asks if he understands everything now, and Lance admits that he doesn’t, but he does realize something important now - family needs to defend and stay with family, so he needs Valk with him.
Before anything else can happen the energy of the islands shifts - he can feel it and he knows Fafnir feels it too.
They have visitors, and it’s the guard.
Time is up, Lance realizes, and he quickly takes hold of Guardienne and drags her with him to the beach shores to find a horrific sight awaiting. 
There are many boats sailing towards the island - too many for the kraken to take on. Lance realizes that he needs defense lines and orders Orion and his mercenaries to hold the guard back. He needs to find a good place for them to be found at if the guard gets past his lines.
Hints of panic start to crack his steady thoughts - they’re surrounded with no direct way off this island, and how the hell does he get his brother on his side!?
The angel; the thing they came here for! She’s his bargaining chip!
But she’s intent on not making this easy. She spits bitter truths at him that he doesn’t want to hear but knows it true all the same, and he turns on her to shut her up. 
He paces around the island with her as the sounds of the battle rage on at the shore and she kicks at him, unbalancing him and tearing herself away as he regains his balance with pain shooting up his leg. Lance doesn’t let her go very far, though. He evokes his powers, pulling her back to him and snapping at her as he drags her around again, heading towards to cliff.
The roar of the waves is drowned out as Lance scans the cliff with screeching thoughts, finding no coverage and then choosing to place himself with her at the edge of the cliff. There’s nowhere else to hide, nowhere he can set traps for the guard, nowhere he can keep her while he attempts to fight off the guard - or even better; bargain with them for Valkyon. He can only stand here and brace himself.
Finally they arrive, and Lance calls to them to stop when they’re a comfortable distance away, holding Guardienne to the cliff for leverage. They stop, but his brother tries to convince him to let her go. Guardienne calls back, but Lance is tried of hearing her input and quickly shuts her up. This was between him and the guard, and if she convinces them to not worry about her, he’ll lose his bargaining chip.
As soon as everything is silent Lance begins to speak, calling out for his brother to join him - but he resists of course, and offers the opposite instead. Lance explains that the guard will kill him in no time, and his brother quickly gives in after that; choosing to join Lance as long as Guardienne is let go.
Just as he had hoped for.
He’s not even bothered as Guardienne cries out anymore, and lets go of her as soon as Valk asks - but he’s sure to keep her trapped on that ledge with a wall of energy. He knew if he just let her go they would attack him, so he assured his safety by keeping her at risk.
They say their tragic goodbyes and Lance rests a hand on his brother’s shoulder as they walk away, elated at the fact that he has his brother with him now. Things are exactly as they should have been since the beginning of this war.
He can hear Guardienne arguing with the others as they walk away, and when they’re a safe distance he drops the wall... letting it take the cliff she was standing on with it as it crumbled away to submerge into the surging tides below. She was no longer needed and it would be better if she were gone now, or at very least it’ll delay the guard from following him and his brother as they make their escape.
Lance learned many lessons from that journey - many things that were useful, and some that were... complicated, and he intended to use all of this to his advantage.
I hope you like this! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; this ask went through hell and back from Tumblr in it’s creation process, but I love it even more because of the quirks I encountered.
Thank you for asking!
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
To answer some Fanfic Questions...
So, this is my response to @broxklynn‘s post... I decided to make this its own post... So that It can be properly answered.
1. How and why did you start to write? Is there some kind of story behind it?
I started writing in general when I was in elementary school... Back when I just had a Platform 9 3/4 journal, not many friends, recess, and a desire to immerse myself in the world of Harry Potter. I enjoyed writing, and even joined the Writer’s Club in High School (but I eventually left to join Anime Club and Divergent Thinking Society). As for writing MCL fanfiction, I began writing Sam’s and Alana’s stories as early as when I first got into the fandom, back in 2013. Alana’s story started out as “A Fresh Start”, had a one shot called “When I Wake”, then turned into “Let The Dawn Be Broken”, and is now “The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster”. The final product barely has any hints of the first 3... In fact, Sam’s story, “Fighting Darkness”, has been completely debunked due to what I’ve decided to canonize in “The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster”. Writing MCL fanfiction has been a major help in distracting me from the depression that was caused by family issues, severe abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, my mom’s disease and her death, as well as working at several shitty jobs. Writing has helped me escape reality and keep myself sane enough to not be a black hole of hate, anger, and sadness to my friends and boyfriend.
2. What do you struggle the most with your writing?
There are 2 major things I struggle with... 1 is Timing. I often set deadlines for myself that I never meet and it makes me so frustrated that I miss them... There are currently things in my drafts that were meant to be “Holiday Specials” for Valentine’s Day and Halloween 2020 that are still unfinished... It makes me feel like I’m letting my readers down, when its more of me letting myself down... The other thing is Inspiration. Because I hate my job, I often think about Alana’s story in an effort to not be completely consumed by the fact that I do hate my work... Due to that, I often come up with ideas for my story that I think are FANTASTIC for my story... But, by the time I get home, I’m either in too much pain or too tired to write, or I’ve forgotten the ideas...
3. What is your favorite genre to write?
I love writing Romance with a bit of Slice of Life and a hint of Action/Adventure... 
4. Slowburn or “Flame”/PWP?
Slow burn any day.
5. How do you overcome writer’s block?
If I absolutely can’t write... I work on other stuff I need to do... Typically, something around the house, or something online I need to do... I also look for cool stuff to add to wish lists... I’ll occasionally play videogames or read comic books... In an effort to subvert writer’s block, I like having multiple chapters in my drafts at once. If I’m not in the mood to work on one chapter, I can work on a different one.
6. What kind of thing you dislike the most, when reading a fanfiction? (for example: particular plot, grammar mistakes)
One thing that makes me upset (and it makes me madder when I do this) is misspelling... Especially when it looks like its almost blatant... You have autocorrect, USE IT! Or when a fanfic is so awful, yet the author acts like their work is a gift from god... I don’t mind a “bad” fanfiction... Hell, the concept of “My Immortal” is so bad that its hilarious... But Fifty Shades did a lot of damage and E.L. James acts like she’s bigger than Jesus... Seriously, she wrote Twilight fanfiction, changed some minor details and names, people who have no knowledge of BDSM ate it up, and she acts like she’s a “Sex and Relationship Guru”...
7. What’s the biggest issue for you, when writing a Beemoov fanfiction?
The biggest issue for me is finding out when to allow for Beemoov’s writing and placement to take place in my story. I don’t like a lot of the events of UL and LL, so I’m often finding myself in a position where I have to watch video playthroughs and go “Okay, how can I omit this character, but keep this scene?”. I’ve had to do that A LOT with Alexy and Rosalaya.... Although, to a certain extent, I’ll often cut their scenes out altogether. I really hate what Beemoov did to them. They were great characters in HSL, but became utter shit in UL and stayed shit in LL. To make up for Beemoov’s writing style, I’ve created my own characters, added in old characters (like Kentin and Armin), added in bits from the manga (like Viktor, Severina and their fathers), and gone off on my own storyline. The Melancholy Of Melody Alana Roster is close to MCL at times, but often veers off onto its own road.
8. Have you ever created a character based on person in real life? (celebrity, someone that you know, etc)
YES!!! A LOT of characters in my story are based on real people! Alana’s step-father, Nate Films, is closely based on Nathan Fillion. A lot of her family members are based on members of my own family, just changed a bit to fit the story. Lynne Roster, Alana’s mom, is what I had always dreamed my own mom would be... Hell, Alana’s cat, Sylvester, is based on my own childhood cat, Luna.
9. How do you feel about your own characters? Do you think of them as your babies or have rather love-hate relationship with them? (And, do you have favorite one?)
I love most of my characters. I do hate 3 in particular... But, you’re supposed to hate, or at least not respect, them... That’s why I poured my hatred into them... Those 3 are Carol, Kai and Azrael. Carol has aspects of my abuser in her. You’ll see more of her when I finally post the HSL related chapters... And understand what I mean... Kai is based on one of my real life cousins that I’ve not been happy with for years (the one who my bf has deemed “the family failure”). You mainly see him in the Cousin Mels chapters, and in the Christmas Special... Azrael is the one who is seen the most in the UL chapters, and she is a main adversary for Alana. She is the one who broke her the most, the one who ended Alana’s relationship with Nathaniel, the one who truly traumatized her. As for ones I love... The one I love the most is Alana... I know, she’s a reflection of me, so that’s kind of vain... But, she’s a part of me. When I do finish her story and am at the point where I need to say “Goodbye”, it will hurt....
10. Enemies-to-lovers or friends/bestfriends-to lovers?
Definitely friends/best friends to lovers. I also like toying with what happens when best friends turn to lovers, but circumstance parts them and one moves on...
11. Is it easy for you to get inside your character’s head? Can you empathize with them? Is there’s some similarities between you and your main character?
It is VERY easy for me to get into Alana’s head... Like I said in #9, she is a reflection of me. She looks and acts like how I’d like to in a lot of situations... Her life is more interesting, traumatized, and more well off than mine... But, she is still me in major ways...
12. Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?
Definitely my boyfriend. He doesn’t really understand the game itself... But, he likes how happy it makes me and he respects how much of my heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears that I’ve poured into writing my story. He loves listening to me read passages from it to him while I’m working. He gives me advice and his opinion is highly valued... My family knows I’m writing a large story, and have seen some of the images that I’ve gotten commissioned, but they don’t really know or care about the game. They do respect the fact that I am writing. They love the fact that I’m slightly following in my mom’s footsteps in that regard (she wrote 3 books and several poems). My online friends have been very supportive as well! I’m constantly updating them on what I’ve worked on each day in my Discord Server and the words of encouragement always help.
13. How do you handle criticism?
Not well. Due to the abuse and family issues mentioned in #1, for a good amount of my life, I’ve gotten nothing but harsh criticism... So, now that I’m away from all that, at 26 years old, I’m just now getting to a point where I’m starting to take it better... But, I’ve got a long way to go.
14. Do you like giving your characters trauma? Why/why not?
I hate sounding like a sadist... But, I’m going to anyway, so fuck it... Yes. I have done awful things to Alana over the years. In A Fresh Start, she got sexually assaulted and ostracized. In When I Wake, she gets into a car crash, put into a coma, and in her dream state murdered by Francis in front of Nathaniel. In Let The Dawn Be Broken, the plan was for her to end a war. In “The Melancholy of Melody Alana Roster”, her childhood cat dies, her mom gets sick, she gets abused by Carol, her best friends get ripped away from her for a bit, she gets sent to a country halfway around the world alone, she gets assaulted and ultimately turned into a weapon of mass destruction.... I’ve even thought of killing her mom off at one point... But decided against it...
Now, granted, A Fresh Start and Let The Dawn Be Broken never saw completion, but happy endings were planned for them...
I do this, all while giving Alana happy endings in each story because “If Alana can go through utter hell and make it through, then so can I.”... I know, I’m “god” in that regard and I can control how Alana’s life is.... But, the fact that in my writing, she ends up standing tall, happy, with everything she wants, after everything she goes through does make me feel better.... 
15. Are you proud of yourself? When you look at first piece you wrote and compare it to the latest one?
Yes. If you look at A Fresh Start, you can tell it was written by someone fresh out of High School. There’s no real depth to it. Let The Dawn Be Broken isn’t much better... But, The Melancholy of Melody Alana Roster has become my magnum opus. It is the largest piece I have EVER written, and will probably remain the largest piece I write. I am very proud of what I have created... And when its last word is written, and I am ready to get it made for it’s place on my shelf, I will feel very bittersweet about it... That being said, my original plan for a sequel involving Nathaniel’s and Alana’s daughter, Aurora, has been discarded. I don’t believe Aurora could ever have as much of my heart that her parents do...
And there you have it! Some insight into my world, writing, and history!
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valkyons-obsidian · 4 years
I’m so mad - I had such a nice dream where the season 2 info was released and Val was back (although they Riku-ed him and cut a bunch of his hair off, but he was alive again nonetheless) and then I had to wake up and realize it wasn’t true and remember this is Beemoov, so us Valkyon stans are probably just shit out of luck and they don’t care and he’s not coming back.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Answering my penpal anon
Gonna put her ask here, with a cut on the Genshin’s history spoiler, if you haven’t played Genshin yet and intend to, don’t read this ask xD 
I actually can't believe I forgot that about the 4 stars so fast lol even tho I didn't know for sure she was one
Watching videos really can't be helped. I watched some, I think I understand a bit better about the rates, but your explanation was pretty good already. I am almost surprised at your understanding of the game, you sure did your homework!
Probably because both of us aren't native english speakers, nor fully fluent we sometimes can get our ideas mixed up, but it's fine! I get it now, thank you for taking the effort to explain again, Fa, I appreciate it very much!
To have more characters with that flexibility and distinct abilities should balance the game, I guess one example is the combo with Zhongli's shield used by Childe. They complement one another's strong points and make the battle just that easy.
The resin system is not a problem to me yet, but I think it's so unfair now!! You just stop and there's nothing else you can do! Even the meme video about it is depressing, I just think of the lost potential... Mihoyo disappoint me, I thought they were nice for doing surveys and communicating, but I saw a person on tumblr who lost their account and the thief got to keep it because they paid more money in it, so infuriating, and that's an understatement.... I guess if I want a good company I should go with dulcet games, but who knows, I just heard rumors about their good deeds.
I'll just let it go for the plot. Actually I am speeding up and the fastest way I found to level up was focusing on the storyline. (You could tag as spoilers since other people interested could see) So I just got to where we see the sibling as the abyss ruler or smth, and I got so shocked?! My cluelessness is blessed, I didn't think it was actual plot, since I had only seen fanfics about lumine abyss princess as an alternative universe. I recovered my spirit with this! I thought Aether was put in a pot by the deity. I kinda regret picking Lumine, just a bit. To me she was the one that should be all badass ruler, grr. How did you feel about it? Were you shocked or did you already know?
And, you're welcome, penfriend!!
I’m sorry for taking so long to answer, those last days my head has been in another place... and I wasn’t sure about how I could answer this without spoiling to anyone that haven’t played the game yet. Like that thing about Aether-Lumine situation is the big plot twist in the start of the game!! 
I only realized that they add the new four stars that comes in each new banner, after Klee’s banner (that came before Childe’s) xD at that time I was already playing the game for weeks. 
I needed to do my homework G-G I really wanted Zhongli. I needed to be aware of all my chances of getting him. But thank you for saying so. I’m glad that I could help xD I do think it’s better seeing the exacly rate numbers than having me vaguely talking about them, I would hate ruin the game for you in some way. 
You’re so right about characters complementing the other. I saw a youtuber talking about it, in how Noelle, Diona, Xinyan and Zhongli are a game changing now and actually must-to-have in certain situations because they improve the survival of the team. 
About the resin... I saw a youtuber talking about how they will increasing the number of World Bosses (now we have the dragon, the wolf and Childe as big bosses) and each costs us 60 resins, they all together costs 180 resins per week, and if they keep adding more and more weekly bosses, without increasing the amount of resin or shorting the time for the recharge, the game will become unplayable and I agree with him. 
Well, they’re in a some extend, listening to the community, they have a discord channel for Genshin and all..... but they still surely have a long way to go, like I said, I think Beemoov and EA are worst, Mihojo still get’s a slack because they’re still figuring out in how to make the game work and keep content coming while trying to solve basics issues like account security. 
The history quests and chests always give a lot of xp to level up the player’s level!! It’s actually the best way to keep it going. Lumine DOES looks badass as the abyss princess!! It was a huge plot twist for so many of us, I got to shocked and gasped so hard when it happened kkkkkkk that’s why I wanted to keep this answer under some sort of savety thing. It’s one of the best things in the game plot-wise. 
I had no idea she would be the abyss princess, I picked Aether because I normally go for male MCs in rpg games, since I played Pokemon kkkkk I always pick the male main character because I like looking at them xD I was super clueless about it kkkkkk it’s such good reveal KKKKKK 
I can’t wait for when we met her/him, shit will go down kkkkkkk 
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neilada-d6-meghah · 5 years
My opinion on every route for episode 16
As usual Priya’s stuff came a day late, so today I finally found a playthrough. Now prepare for a long post.
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In general
I loved this episode, I liked the fact that almost everything was different on every route.
I don’t usually talk against the AP system, but this time I have to say it. Now we don’t waste AP for nothing, but we can’t have a long episode because that would be too expensive, and that’s a problem for Beemoov, but I can’t help to compare the sex scenes of this episode, to sex scenes in Eldarya. It was well written, but it was rushed, because of what I said.
Eldarya has basically the old AP system (you can think about episode 40 in HSL in the old AP system too, if you like), the first time there, when you meet your boyfriend, you have a really long scene with him awesomely described as it should be on their first time. This was the special “first time” in mclul, and the AP system cut it short because otherwise people would complain, and for good reasons. That pisses me off, because I want long episodes, I want informative long scenes, or having long pointless conversations with the crush, but we won’t have it because every single thing we say costs AP.
I did like that they included the condom on the scene, that was the right way to do it, unlike the dam thing. Just make it a part of the normal dynamic, don’t make a class out of it right on the scene, thanks.
Now, my thoughts on every route.
I worried at first when he got mad, I didn’t want to feel him as an overprotective boyfriend who feels like he is on his right to treat you badly just because he was worried. I actually took one of the negative answers for him on purpose, because I didn’t want to just go with it when he was talking shit about my hurted friend. But he stopped and properly apologized, at least for my taste, and actually went down to a cuter level of worrisome.
I loved that we are getting close to be the official girlfriend of Crowstorm’s Castiel. I’m a little surprised we’re not everywhere on internet yet, but well, we are being seen by his fans slowly.
I have mixed feelings on the text messages because of the damn translation. In Spanish server he said things that melted me, but they’re not on the English server, so now I’m waiting to see if he said it on French server.
The scene in the Snake Room got me a little awkward at first because I didn’t understand what was the point of it, but once I finished that scene I stop to analyse and I LOVED IT, it was such a sweet thing to do. It was Castiel introducing the love of his life to the other love of his life and I couldn’t think of anything more especial. Castiel opened up entirely this episode, and the talk about Demon was clearly a relationship development sign (remember when we had the chance to ask him about it in episode 5, I think, and the l’o’m dropped down?).
I found funny the freaking out over the lingerie thing because I thought it only happened in Castiel’s route if you were his ex, as a little wink to the pineapple incident (HIMYM flashback) in HSL, but turned out it happens always with everyone.
The date was perfect, he buying everything because he wasn’t sure what did she like (as his ex I felt a little offended, but whatever), his stressfulness, the talk, the hot moment that he stopped was also cute. I like their dynamic when they are together for a long time, and him suggesting that she should stay in his apartment for the entire week was precious. The massage scene is gold, the sex scene was perfect, I loved that he finally said that he wants us to go with him on the tour, but Candy didn’t say a thing about it, and she really should have.
They had sex with the curtains open again, let’s hope there are no pictures this time.
Basically, on this episode I felt comfortable with him, and that’s pretty much all I was asking for this route in UL. I absolutely loved it, and I appreciate that they are making this so romantic now, because at one point it felt emotionless and all I wanted was to leave his route. I understand that he is a wilder, but he had a late entrance, and got together too fast, I wasn’t in love with him at all, that’s why I totally agree with them making his route so… tender? thoughtful? cute? you pick the word, but now they are making me fall in love with this guy, and it worked because I couldn’t be more sure that this is the route I’ll follow. Just give it some time and he’ll be the hottie he has always been again.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEIR FIRST MOMENT. It was SO heartbreaking, she just broke down in his arms in front of absolutely everyone, and he couldn’t do anything for her because that hug was already too much for a professor-student relationship. I would’ve like to see what did he came up with in the beginning to go with the group to look for her on the fair, especially because he went back home in episode 15. I picture his worrisome when he decided to go back for her when she disappeared. And it is funny to think that half of the group actually knew what was actually going on before the hug (Chani, Rosa and Leigh knew from us, and Castiel figured it out), and still Chani was shocked too.
It was gold, but then came the meeting in the library. I thought everything was going to be alright when she got there and asked him if she could sit there because it was the only free chair, because from that place they had complete control of who is coming close to them or who could hear them, but they didn’t took any attention to it afterwards, and it got risky because they are so obvious pretty much jumping away from each other every time someone got close and shutting up suddenly.
The visit to the apartment wasn’t that risky at all in comparison. I was a little annoyed by the fact that he didn’t even show her his beautiful apartment before having sex, they went straight to it, but then Irealized it makes sense since they don’t get to touch each other like the other routes, they always have to hold themselves when they’re together, and this was the very first time they could be physically expressive without worrying about anything else.
The sex scene was good, but I felt a little cringy reading it, but it was a personal thing, like I felt I made the right decision when I didn’t change my route when I wanted to. But, I totally approve this episode for his route.
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[x] Good for you, Beemoov, you didn’t rush it, I keep my faith.
It was a really sweet episode with him, it was really sad in the end. I was hoping more blood and drama in the beginning, but it’s fine, we got the drama in the end.
I like that Nathaniel didn’t steal the entire episode for people in other routes. I hope they keep it that way on the other arcs, because right now it feels like Nath is the purest love in the entire game, and I’m ok with it, because is his arc, and I hope they make me feel the same when we face Castiel’s.
The sex scene felt a little out of place, especially for someone with stitches, and because he was in pain with just a hug. I don’t know, I don’t understand how can you get in the mood for it in that situation, but for the dramatic touch, it was ok.
I know I’m not saying too much about him right now, but I feel like everyone already said all the good words for it.
I liked the fact that he cleaned up his room this time, and him living Candy his apartment and credit card was such a pure thing for me, I can’t even-
He was cute as usual. I laughed SO HARD at the little “cheating” text message-drama, because if there is anyone I wouldn’t EVER buy it, it’s him, it was hilarious.
I like how they are all confident to let his sisters get to know Candy.
The Toy Story thing was awesome, although I didn’t quite get if it was a joke from Morgan and Alexy or an actual mistake, since he mentioned that they were also going to see a movie, but I doubt it, I think it was just another mistranslate.
On the sex scene I definitely got surprised when he went wild on the table, I was expecting him to be more shy, but he wasn’t. On everything else… he was just cute, that’s it for him.
Now things with her are getting cuter too, but sadly, it’s still behind all the other routes.
I liked the fact that she didn’t agree with Castiel and actually tried to understand Candy’s decisions (I hope it wasn’t just to disagree with Castiel, it annoyed me that she is still not over his proposition in episode 11)
I hope she keeps calling Candy Pumpkin. I’m happy that she can take the exam, if I were her I would’ve been crying for those two whole days, she is awesome for that. I liked the fact that she was the only one to notice the necklace.
About the date, I loved her room, I loved that she put on her pajamas, that was a cute detail too, like a different kind of intimacy. When she falls asleep was a real plot twist, it would’ve been so funny if the episode ended there, and next episode started with the conclusion of the date.
About the illus
Rayan looks gorgeous and passionate, I love how his hair looks, but he looks a little too alive, I remembered him more grey than that, but I’m fine with it. Candy, on the other hand, looks awful, her face is drawn weird, she has one giant boob, and a nonexistent one. Well, that or she totally broke her shoulder. I’m getting a little annoyed by the way they shadow the muscles lately, makes it all confusing and unrealistic in my opinion.
Nathaniel’s illu is probably the best one, but I think Candy is a little too high up, and it’s weird not to see her nipple there since we’re seeing almost the entire boob. Now, my real problem with it is that they decided to make a sexual illu on every route, but on this one, it wasn’t the more important moment at all. I totally would’ve preferred a picture of them crying together, or Candy alone when she woke up, that would’ve been heartbreaking. Yes, some people could disagree with me, because it can be ‘unfair’ but nothing stops them from having a sexual illu on further episodes.
Castiel’s face looks weird, although every time I see it, it gets better. Is cute to see him blushing, but his body looks weird, especially in the shadows on his torso, and the perspective on his legs. Candy looks gorgeous, I think this one has been her best illu so far, I don’t quite get why people say she’s looking at us, but I can’t deny she has too many toes, lmao. This illus is the cutest one, the way Candy is looking at Castiel is so loving, and him looking straight to her face while blushing is so romantic. This one is my favorite.
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Hyun got the worst one. He looks weird, the position is weird, Candy looks weird. I think they should’ve gone for something more classic here. Although his left hand is getting brave.
Priya is a goddess, she is so pretty. The only thing that annoys me is how dark it looks for a morning, and Candy’s back is broken as everyone had mentioned.
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tetrakys · 5 years
I have just finished playing MCL with my hybrid account on Sweet Crush. It’s a gameplay following a borderline route between Castiel and Nathaniel, each episode I chose to get the illustration of one or the other (or both if there was the possibility).
The goal was to have the date with Nath in episode 10, switch crush to Castiel after the breakup, sleep with him in 11 and see if the game allowed to switch to Castiel’s route.
I expected it of course, but it’s crazy that now I have 70 LoM with Nath and 110 with Castiel and I am still on Nath’s route. I even recorded it, but I’m not going to upload the video, once edited it’s basically half an hour of me insulting Beemoov and the writing.
It would have been so easy to add one line of dialogue saying something like “After our night together I feel closer to Castiel” or something like that, and then have his ending. Basically zero effort on the writers’ part. But no, even one line was too much.
Moral of the story kids, whoever you kiss in 10 stays with you FOREVER, one kiss and you’re not allowed to change your mind.
(unless something else happens in the future, which I doubt)
This, however, opens up an interesting discussion:
Beemoov is afraid of criticism regarding Rayan’s route and has basically reduced his route to a family-friendly comedy OR completely cut him from the game for everyone else. This only because he is our professor (in uni, where we are both adults).
However, they seem to not give a shit about people suddenly finding themselves dating a drug dealer without option of rejecting the situation. And I am not trying to bash on Nath, I am still going to play his route, it’s not a problem for me, I may be annoyed about his choices but I am not disturbed. However, there may very well be people feeling uncomfortable about this. Hell I don’t care, but on a scale of dating your slightly older teacher to dating a drug dealer, the drug dealer seems the more problematic one for me. And I don’t think I’m the only one thinking this.
Anyway, all this long discourse which seems just pointless and whingey, has actually a purpose, and that purpose is:
You gave us a drug dealer
You gave as a murderous demon
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aloy97 · 5 years
commentary episode 15 MCLUL
ENG:  With a bit of delay, cause work, I leave here too my commentary of episode 15. TRASH and Fan fiction as a child of 11 years, I think are reductive as terms.( and only from this you already understand that no, I did not like the episode) The relationship with Castiel is a continuous doing 500 steps back like shrimps, neither one can really understand what they want , I explain myself better : Castiel has always been very fragile and insecure when it comes to relationships, I understand it very well because after the story with Debrah it is difficult to jump into a new relationship  but I do not conceive that if the candy  say “A”, he immediately changes his mind. Because he if he backed out was to respect what Lynn said in the last episode. Which WAS that SHE doesn’t want to plan anything and basically  think  about the future. It does not seem sensible to give in just because she  went  against what you say, because at this point there is a fundamental problem about what you and her  really wants. I see so much confusion but more for  candy, because Castiel from the beginning has  said that he wants to make things work and if the nagging is because he can’t stand behind her, he can’t even understand how to move. In fact, when everyone was at rosalya’s  home  to study, as much as he doesn’t love the effusions, Castiel stopped her because  he stayed at the " I want to live day by day". The route of Castiel is very close to my heart and I certainly do not mean for any reason to cut it off, because I have always loved complex and messed up relationships but it must also be said that this is also too much, I don’t  thinki beemoov that we ask  too much but  only,at least, to maintain a WIRE of consistency with what is said. Because honestly with Castiel as well as curbing the drama on fame, you are from two episodes to this fomenting a whim of two boys of 12 years, not of 23. I want to hope therefore that from the next episode there is a bit of consistency and that the beemoov understands that the candy is with a rock star, as a result you can not concentrate on a bickering without neither head nor tail , the drama VERO is the one that also involves the protagonist. Bickering over the question of the " we do not want to be together/ but yes / however  candy don’t want to think about the future". These aren’t bickering as adults, they’re bickering as five-year-olds. The pros of this episode were vaguely the date and well the spicy romance of cass , along with the fact that he tries to live serenely his relationship. For the rest the ending  SEEMS  promises well, but overall how episode was a SHIT I therefore hope that things will take a clear turn with Castiel, because now it is a tangle of arches and nothing concrete. It doesn’t seem difficult  , there are  SO MANY dramas, anime and manga Shojo about rock stars getting engaged to a fan or however a normal girl. p.s     yeelen Beginning to understand why it is so but still keeps on bugging me
Priya: I hope you can overcome this difficult moment, your bow was now begun
ITA:      Con un po' di ritardo, causa lavoro, lascio qui anche io il mio commentary dell'episodio 15. TRASH e  Fan fiction da bambina di 11 anni, penso siano riduttivi come termini.( e solo da questo si capisce già che no, non mi è piaciuto l'episodio) La relazione con castiel è un continuo fare  500 passi indietro come  i gamberi, nessuno dei due si capisce realmente cosa vuole , mi spiego meglio : Castiel da sempre quando si parla di relazioni diventa molto fragile e insicuro , lo capisco benissimo perchè dopo la storia con debrah è difficile buttarsi a pesce ma non concepisco che se la dolcetta gli fa due moine, cambia subito idea. Perchè lui se  si è tirato indietro è stato per rispettare quello che Lynn nello scorso episodio ha detto.Ovvero che lei non vuole programmare nulla e in sostanza pensare al futuro. Non mi sembra sensato cedere solo perchè lei va contro a ciò che  dice, perchè a questo punto c'è un problema di fondo su ciò che si vuole realmente. Io vedo tanta confusione ma più per la dolcetta, perchè castiel sin dal principio ha detto che vuole far funzionare le cose e se la assilla è perchè non riesce a stare dietro a lei, non riesce nemmeno lui a capire come muoversi. Infatti quando tutti erano a casa di rosa per studiare, per quanto non ami le effusioni , castiel l'ha fermata perchè è rimasto al " voglio vivere giorno per giorno". La route di castiel mi sta molto a cuore e di sicuro non intendo per nessuna ragione al mondo  troncarla, perchè ho sempre adorato le relazioni complesse e incasinate ma  bisogna anche dire che così sia anche troppo, non mi sembra beemoov  che vi chiediamo tanto ma almeno di mantenere un FILO di coerenza con ciò che si dice. Perchè onestamente  con castiel oltre che frenare il drama sulla fama, si sta da due episodi a questa parte fomentando un capriccio di due ragazzini di 12 anni, non di 23. Voglio sperare perciò che dal prossimo episodio ci sia un po' di coerenza e che la beemoov capisca che la dolcetta sta con una rockstar, di conseguenza non ci si può concentrare su un battibecco  senza nè capo nè coda , il drama VERO è quello che coinvolge anche la protagonista. Bisticciare sulla questione del " non vogliamo stare insieme/ però si/ però non vogliamo pensare al futuro"..Non sono battibecchi da  persone adulte, sono battibecchi da bambini di 5 anni.DI un immaturità unica. I pro di questo episodio sono stati vagamente l'appuntamento e  beh il romanticismo piccante di cass , assieme al fatto che cerchi di vivere serenamente la sua relazione. Per il resto il finale SEMBREREBBE  promettere bene, ma nel complesso come episodio è stato penoso. Spero perciò che con castiel le cose prendano una piega  chiara ,perchè adesso è un accozzaglia di archi e nulla di concreto. Non mi sembra una cosa difficile , ci sono NON SO QUANTI drama, anime e manga  shojo su rockstar che si fidanzano con una fan o comunque una ragazza normale.
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
Literally everyone: These vile beings have lost their title as aengels. Such a betrayal, they've refused to help the Fae. Evil-
Leiftan: I think I'd rather you just call me a slur.
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fayrelynn-trinity · 6 years
Overall I remember when we first found out about University Life and how hyped up we all were! We were scared, and nervous but overall everything felt super positive. It was going to be the next step in MCL and everyone was on board.
And then...Beemoov began releasing some information here and there and everyone seemed more and more nervous. New sprites, new characters, new systems. Everything was changing. BUT THEN they only bring back two of the boys Castiel and Nathaniel - one of who which had a total personality shift for reasons still unknown - the majority of the fandom is heartbroken, we lost Armin, Kentin and Lysander who were all amazing characters.
Some of the fandom, myself included, is sad but willing to give the game a chance. A female option is promised how exciting! The characters are released and okay cool enough designs, a girl, a coworker, a teacher, a singer and a bad boy is the basic run down. I still personally tried to remain optimistic throughout everything, but, it was hard.
I started playing the game, the AP system wasn’t too bad but I didn’t enjoy it for sure. Now the more I play the more issues I find with it.
First and foremost: The AP and $ ratio simply don't apply to the games logic. They have you buying $15 gifts and $5 dollar bus passes as well as $200 outfits all while only giving you $5 every day. That’s it. With how often episodes are released, it’s physically impossible to play an entire episode without spending some real money. Unless you want to wait a few months to play. The same goes for AP, if you’re going to change AP from movement to dialogue then you need to give players more AP to begin with that way we have more then just half a monologue per day. (because let’s be real, candy suddenly has a lot more to say now that dialogue costs AP)
But okay, lets pretend their logic is totally normal and nothing else was screwy, let's just get to the basis of my anger: the characters.
Holy fucking shit, let’s just start right off the bat with Rosayla right now. Back in MCL she was one of my favorite characters, she was happy with whoever you ended up with and supported you, she played match maker but never forced anything. She was assertive and funny and always knew what she wanted, yeah she was stubborn but it was never a bad thing. In the end she always had candy’s best interest at heart. Then. we have MCLU Rosa. She’s self absorbed, pushy, rude, and let’s be completely honest, she doesn’t give a damn about Candy. She’s turned into a borderline toxic friend; not letting candy study when she needs to, forcing a boy onto her who she might not like, controlling Candy’s movements and overall just being not a great friend. Her biasness towards Nathaniel is what really pushed the whole thing over for me. I’m sorry I’m too tired to give more details but Beemoov has ruined Rosayla as a character and I feel so sad about it
Alexy. Okay I honestly never really liked Alexy, but ever since he and Morgan got together? Ditching candy, leaving her hanging, bringing Morgan everywhere, not understanding that he can do things with his friends without his significant other. The over sexualizing relationship? As much as I wanted Alexy to find love like everyone else, this relationship feels like a cheap fanfiction. Something that was just thrown in there to make the fanbase happy and to overlook every other shitty thing about the game. Not only that, the relationship I personally feel has made Alexy take 10 steps back as a character. He and Rosayla are not the two best friends that candy needs in her life. 
Hyun. Hyun hyun hyun. He started off so cute? Like he was shy and flustered and was a sweet coworker who obviously was into Candy. And then he got pushy, and Rosa got pushy and Alexy got pushy and EVERYONE is forcing candy to be with him. Like the game ruined him before they could even develop him. He’s just, he has such a bad and cringy vibe about him now and I really don’t know what the writers were thinking when they made him. The way he treats other romance options and the way he gets jealous and salty if you show interest in someone else. It’s just....gross. 
The characters I feel have been done right though: Castiel, Priya and Amber. I wasn’t the biggest Priya fan but I have respect for her, Castiel has grown up and matured and he’s just overall nice to be with and Amber I want to fucking date or at least be her best friend.
The game is failing, they continue to do things in their own best interest that’s hurting their fanbase heavily. But you know what? What they’re doing is guaranteed to give them more money from the fans that do stay. It’s guaranteed they will make profit from these cuts. Less AP and $? More people go to the bank. Beemoov knows what they’re doing and that’s the worst part of it all. They took a really unique little Otome game and turned it around to be like every other game out there. They took away their illustration customization (or at least minimized it) each character now fits into a trope without ever leaving it: Bad Boy with a soft side, designated girl, Famous one, boy next door kinda guy:aka the best choice, and the forbidden older one. The writing is cliché and focuses too heavily on the side characters.
While I love the characters and would love to get to know them better I also don’t want to waste all of my very limited AP to learn about them to this extent when I’m playing a ROMANCE GAME. I’m here for the romance, and the love and the crushes and everything. This company has singlehandedly taken this beautiful game and ruined it into something they gain profit from.
They should have let MCL die when High School ended, focus on their new games and let this one die peacefully. Doing this has created so much hate within the fandom and so much bitterness. The company is running itself to the ground and yet,, they’ll never crash.
All of these beautiful and wonderful characters that I have had the pleasure of growing up with will now forever and always be tarnished. Throwing away three main characters and bringing back two was the worst choice they could have ever made. You either keep the main 5 or change all 5. Bringing two back is just straight up cruel.
This rant is a little all over the place and it doesn’t really have a main focus, but if you ever want to know my feelings on the game @sakurina-mcl explains it, beautifully in all of her posts so go ahead and check out hers. She puts all my thoughts into words better then I ever could
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I’m Done
I’m sorry for those who are fans of this blog, but I’m done. University Life is only three episodes in and it’s been killing me inside since day one of its existence. I can’t even get my thoughts together to properly explain why I’m so hurt over this. These last fifty confessions are over a month old, but most of them hurt to read because it’s still a problem that’ll never get fixed. And seeing some of the reactions to the more depressing confessions... just leaves me brokenhearted. Though I should be used to that by now, I guess it’s just everything hitting me all at once, there isn’t much time to get over the first blow.
But the final nail in the coffin is from the game itself. I’ve tried really hard to avoid spoilers from UL. I knew it was futile, but I could mostly handle it as long as I had my Happy Ending in Epsiode 40 of HSL. I could cry over the shocking new spoilers for an hour, go the rest of the day feeling dead inside, but just look back on HSL and remember this is my Happy Ending and be fine the next day. But Beemoov just couldn’t let me have that.
Just a warning here, there are University Life spoilers ahead, specifically for Nathaniel, but I’m not putting it under a cut since I honestly don’t care anymore.
In the canon game of University Life, if Nathaniel is Candy’s ex, she’ll say that going to bed with Nathaniel back in Episode 40 was a mistake that she won’t make twice. Candy views her first time to be a mistake if it was with Nathaniel. Just... How fucking dare you, Beemoov? How fucking dare you make my character say that going to bed with the boy she loved and shared her first time with was a fucking mistake? I’m struggling to even process it. In canon, Candy views my Happy Ending as a mistake. When I look back on that illustration, my Candy is supposed to view that moment as a mistake.
I’m done. This game is dead to me. I didn’t spend six fucking years and all that money just for it to be pissed away and mean absolute shit, to be told that everything I did was a mistake. I can’t even enjoy the old game. It’s unplayable with this new system and every illustration is just a constant reminder that the future is terrible.
Again, I’m sorry to the fans of this blog, but I only made it because of how much I loved this game. And I don’t anymore. It’ll still be here, I’ll leave the inbox open, I suppose, but... this is now a dead blog.
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Episode 16 things
✦ Miiko: “You wanna go to Balenvia? SURPRISE US. Because we have 0 plans and can’t solve shit!”
Gardienne: “ (눈_눈)“
✦ Ewelein is so EVIL omg i love her even more now
✦ Kero is angry! Please dont leave :( Someone give him a snickers bar
✦ Nevra is making me feel really bad, i CAN’T HANDLE SEEING HIM THIS GUILTY... Am i softening up too much urgh
✦ Karuto’s reaction to Gardy giving him a kiss on the cheek was just ADORABLE ♥
✦ More backstory on Gardienne, yey ! Her dad cut ties with his parents at some point, I wonder why?  I wanna meet Mami Paulette and Papi Lucien...
✦ Smol Gardienne thought that the men in hazmat suits were setting up a circus, thats SO CUTE!
✦ Gardienne re-invents oxygen masks. SUCK ON THAT, MIIKO
✦ You can decide whether your Gardy draws well or not, that’s cool!
✦ KARUTO IS SUCH A CARING FRIEND HE’S SO PRECIOUS! I want to stick his note on Gardy’s closet ! (The P.S part though lol)
✦ One word: COLAIA ♥
✦ “Shau’kobow” REALLY? ...Nice ref though
✦ Siblings? NO. Fiancees? NO. Lovers? NO. ....Friends with benefits? YES. Lol nice one, Beemoov
✦ One cannot infiltrate a cave without looking FABULOUS (=^・ω・^=) *:・゚✧
✦ I like Gardienne’s character development so far.
✦ Gosh the Oracle is so pretty!
✦ Now I wish I could've run into Huang Hua's arms instead, wonder how she'd have reacted...
✦ Nevra is acting like a kicked puppy, oh my heart :(
✦ Chrome is such a precious wolfie ♥
✦  I loved the description of Haglae's funeral, it was truly bittersweet.
✦ omfg Miiko "oh and btw GARDIENNE IS AN EARTHLING"
✦ ok I love how plot-oriented this episode was, especially since the Balenvia issue was hanging around for a while. I hope we get more time with our LI in the next episode!
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