#been a bit since i used my stock png images.........
tiredead · 2 years
Trick or Treat!  🎃 (I'm so sorry oh god)
A HALLOWEEN TREAT!! / accepting.
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did my attempt at making a header for your sideblog!! no pressure to use it etc etc, and if you would want smth diff abt it hmu! happy halloween bestie <33
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Ravenous by @rageprufrock
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This is my first time trying to upload a post on my phone, so here we go -
38448 words || 148 pages
Titling: Playfair Display
Chapter Headers: Alchemist Serif Font
Body text: Charter, 11 points
A quickie bind in between 2 chonky chaparral_crown binds! This fic was recommended to me on the Renegade Discord and after I read it, it immediately leapt to the top of my to-bind pile. Sometimes you just need a taster of short fic bind while you procrastinate on the next few steps. I have a great appreciation for rageprufrock fics (have been reading them since the Star Trek days of yore) and damn, is this Hannibal fic absolute gorgeousness.
I had initially planned a wound man design on the cover (went so far as to convert an image to a black and white PNG but the image quality wasn't great, and due to violence, it might have been a rather disturbing cover to post publicly so I changed my mind last minute and did something else instead. The spine was too small for titling - I had initially wanted to go for block letters a la Annihilation style on the front cover as the title is 8 letters, but it hadn't looked as good as the serif no caps font rotated 90 degrees - so serif font it was. Hannibal doesn't seem like a man who likes san serif fonts anyway, so perhaps this was the right choice.
I'm deeply fond of this particular bookcloth and its colour iterations but I need some colour variation on my shelf - next book will be green, I swear.
I kept the bind relatively simple and relatively classic. The endpapers are foiled, though the foiling doesn't show up well in photos. I used a chattering of starlings on the chapter headers, and can totally imagine Hannibal drawing little artistic birds for his own amusement while incarcerated in the psychiatric hospital. For the title page, I had wanted to do a face with a moth in the style of Silence of the Lambs, but couldn't find a nice enough stock photo, so I foiled a solitary moth with the help of toner reactive foil. The laminator didn't like the foil so much and left a line across the paper.
The HTV itself adhered largely like a dream other than the thin stringy bits that were a tad difficult to weed. The gold metallic is a standout and I didn't melt it this time. (hurray!)
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20dollarlolita · 3 years
Okay, Cricut digitizing tutorial, part 2:
So, as we went with in the last one, anything that's a solid black-and-white image can translate into Cricut, even if it's not a vector image. The Cricut thinks in vector images, but Design Space is good at two things: converting raster images made to be vectors into vectors, and advertising Cricut Access.
So, since I think this is a little easier than vectors, let's make a design in our image editing program. I use GIMP, and I've been using GIMP for over 10 years, and when you insult it, you insult my children, and I don't have to have a Creative Cloud subscription, so we're using GIMP in my tutorial. It's free. I love me some free and open source programs.
I'm aiming this tutorial at people who aren't super familiar with image editing software. If you are familiar, the answer is "if you can do it with your color mode set to a 1 bit indexed color palette and make a transparent background, you're good."
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And no, I didn't crop my screenshots. Start by buying and obviously not stealing a stock image of what you want to make.
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Somewhere on your screen (on the right if you have GIMP set to default settings), there's a layer box. Make a new transparent layer (it'll default to transparent) above your layer with your image. Select your reference layer and use the lock button that looks like a paintbrush. This will stop you from editing the layer, also accidentally doing this all on the reference layer and making things hard for yourself. Ask me how I know.
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If you have keyboard shortcuts set to default, hit your N key to access your pencil tool. Otherwise, grab it out of your toolbox like this.
Your pencil tool, unlike your paintbrush tool, will paint with a hard edge. There's no gray or semitransparent pixels around the outside of your stroke. This makes it look a lot blockier, but it also makes what we're about to do possible.
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Pick where you want to start digitizing, and click there. A nice thing about the pencil tool is that it doesn't matter how hard or soft the brush you selected is designed to be. The pencil tool will make it a hard edge.
If you hold down your shift key now, you'll see a little line stretching from your last click down to your current location on your brush. If you click, it'll draw a line between your last click and your current location.
So start shift+clicking your way around the sections you want to draw. This is a lot easier than trying to freehand it, especially if you're not using a tablet. You can make this a little bit blockier than you might think, because the cricut will smooth things out a little bit when it cuts.
Around tight spots, you might need a smaller brush. There's a size option in the lefthand tool box, but you can also press [ for shrinking the brush and ] for making it bigger.
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Once you have your area outlined, grab your bucket tool (Shift+B on default keyboard shortcuts) and fill in the areas you've outlined. Since you used the pencil tool and not the paintbrush, it'll fill the whole area up nice and neat.
If it fills your entire canvas when you click, check to make sure that your outline doesn't have holes in it, and make sure that your paint bucket tool is set on "fill similar colors" and not "fill entire area."
Since you're making this image in a single color, you will need to figure out how to make the different parts of the design clear. I like leaving little gaps between the parts. Figuring this part out is really the secret to good digitizing.
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Once you have your design made, you can turn off your background layer by clicking the eye next to that layer. (You can also make things easier for yourself by using multiple layers as you digitize). The checkboard background that shows up means that your background is transparent. That's good.
Then, go to your image tag and hit "crop to content." The computer will cut out all that extra space around your image.
You can then export it as a .png file to preserve the transparency. Go into Design Space and open it up. Since you uploaded a transparent file, you won't need to go through the process of deleting your background.
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Design Space likes to interpret my png files as GIGANTIC, which I think is GIMP being set to default at 300 ppi and Design Space thinking it's 72ppi. But you can just go into that top bar and shrink it down to something reasonable. You just use the adjustment option in the righthand corner of this screenshot, and you can change it from 35" down to 6".
Remember to never steal stock images and trace them without paying. Obviously I can't encourage that.
Anyway, yes, you can get smoother lines using the pen tool, but if you're going to use the pen tool, you might as well just use an actual vector software. Shift+click is still pretty good and is pretty intuitive and easy.
Coming up later, we'll have actual vector software involved. But remember, if it works, it works. If you do all your cricut digitizing in microsoft paint, and it looks good, it works.
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jonathanraychapman · 6 years
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My PlayStation Classic Experience
Basic summary:  I believe this device is worth $50 or so, but - unless you like the default games - be prepared to spend some time setting things up. Also, there’s a good amount of trial-and-error here.
So I bought a PlayStation Classic on discount (paid $58 shipped.. Unfortunately I didn’t get the lowest $35 price) with the sole purpose of hacking it to add my own games.  I keep getting asked why I bothered - since it’s just (poor) emulation and the hardware isn’t spectacular.  Well there’s a few reasons (I’m not saying they’re good ones).  First, I’d like to take it on trips and use it at the hotels (especially for two players).  Second, I like doing little projects like this because it gives me something to do (mainly as a hobby).  Lastly it reminds me of titles that maybe I’ve forgotten about.  
The great thing about this hack is (once the USB stick is set up) that you just plug it in the player two port and it just works.  Then you remove the USB and it goes right back to stock.  And if you needed to, you could just copy the USB and use with another classic (in case you had two people with two different sets of games).
So trying out the emulator, there are good things and there are bad things.  The first on the good is that the game select menu seems pretty cool and the reset button will take you to the main screen from inside any game.  And each game has a memory card option as well as a save state option.  As far as this goes, I really like the unit.
Also - once properly configured - the games do run pretty well (much better that people are stating).  I was playing Tekken 3 and the emulator was hitting 60 frames per second.  There was a little slow-down but not enough to really impact the gameplay.  I’m not sure why people are complaining.  The games look like they did originally from what I saw (maybe a little more dithering that desirable).
The bad news starts with games like Tekken 3 - where the sound comes from the CD tracks - not playing sound (at least the version I tried).  The rest of the audio works but not the audio tracks.  Some games work fine though.  There are also audio glitches with the intro FMVs on games like Bloody Roar.  You will need to skip the intro with the start button on the controller before the screech of bad audio drives you nuts.  I also had games like Final Fantasy Tactics where the FMV had no sound but at least played and then the game did have correct sound.  Dead or Alive and Soul Blade fall under the same sound issues as Bloody Roar and Tekken 3.  I was able to replace the images for the Castlevania games and get the sound to work (see below).  A lot of this has to do with the images you’re working with so your mileage may vary based on that.  I’m not going to blame the emulator for images that were not ripped correctly so keep that in mind (that this may have been the game images I was working with).
Also, the video format is set to video instead of just NTSC.  So games like Tekken 3 - which run at 60 frames a second tend to run as if they were PAL games and run at 50 instead.  This causes some play issues of course.  The fix for this is to get into the emulator menu with a USB keyboard and force the game to NTSC.  Not every keyboard works either - so that’s a bit frustrating.  I also played around with adding scanlines and it just looked horrible.  So stick with the basic setup here.
So for BleemSync (the hack/executable at play here that lets you put extra games on a USB stick and boot it from the second USB port) the process is pretty straightforward and there are already tutorials for it (which you should follow instead of what I write here), but I’ll just give you the basic breakdown of what I did (so that you can see what you’re getting into):
Gathered CUE/BIN files for the games - occasionally fixing them to make sure the reference in the CUE file matched.  Also this emulator doesn’t seem to support games with multiple BIN files (tracks).  There are ways of merging them I believe, but it didn’t bother me that much to leave the games out or find where someone had already done the merge.  Some of the games I had to re-rip from the physical game in my collection.
Unzipped BleemSync zip and copied CUE/BIN files to the USB stick.  Then I created the folder structure required for BleemSync to do it’s work.  I ended up using cygwin and created a bash script to help me with this.  Two-disc games needed the second game copied by hand here (my script wasn’t that intelligent).
Ran BleemSync (the win32 version) - which builds the .ini files inside the folders and tries to retrieve the icon images for the games.
Ended up finding some problematic games during the BleemSync executable process and going with new rips/images.  Then I just redid the folders, etc because I wanted everything to be in alpha-order.
Ended up finding games that were missing the icons and creating those with the 226x226 image size.
Ran into an issue where the USB controller wasn’t recognized in the games.  I ended up copying the cfg file in the BleemSync zip out to all of the games (using a bash script).  Then that was working.
Found a keyboard that allowed me in the menu with the Esc key and tried out setting the region to Ntsc for games like Tekken 3.
I found out the while only one bin is supported, this is only partially true (which allows more if the audio comes from the CD audio tracks).  The ini file expects one bin with the same name as the png and the CUE file.  But in the CUE file you can refer to other tracks with their names and that seems to work.
So I hand-picked my Playstation Classics with the following guidelines.
Limited down to 1 game per franchise/genre (So Crash Bandicoot and Crash Team Racing count as two different games).  I made some exceptions - like having two Castlevanias and two Mega Man games (well I added 8 and X4 - which might even be different franchises).
I shied away from multi-disc games - only adding Metal Gear Solid.
I picked games with one-track as BIN/CUE files.  There are ways to combine these tracks, but I just kept it simple.
I added games that represent a genre or defined the system for the most part - like Spyro, Crash, Parappa the Rapper, GT-2, etc.
I was trying to fit all of this on a 32gb USB drive so that’s also a limitation I added.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls - “Twas the Fight Before Christmas”
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Written by: Lauren Faust, Craig Lewis
Storyboarded by: Lauren Faust, Greg Colton, Brian Larsen, Paul McEvoy
Music by: James L. Venable, Thomas Chase, Steve Rucker
Art Direction: Paul Stec
Animation Direction: Robert Alvarez, John McIntyre, Randy Myers
Seasons Beatings!
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Narrator: ‘Twas the City of Townsville, and all through the town
all the townsfolk are stirring, as snow is falling down
It's bitter and freezing in the dead of December,
But there's reason for joy, if you can remember.
For it's this time of year that our story unfolds,
When our hearts are the warmest, despite all the cold.
Yes, it is Christmas, just two days before,
And all through the town, none can wait anymore...
No doubt about it, this is a Christmas special. Not only is it snowing and freezing, the Narrator speaks entirely in rhyme. Fitting, as this plot is similar to a Dr. Seuss classic that took place during Christmas. Well, sort of.
The special starts two days before Christmas, as Townsville awaits that “one certain fat guy”. This is especially true for the kids at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Ah, Pokey Oaks. Not only does the Narrator say it, we see the sign right there.
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Bubbles is singing Deck the Hells as she’s taping drawings of Santa on the bulletin board. Buttercup is gloating about her long Christmas list, the only readable word being “Gimme.” Got to love the subtle background jokes.
Not so subtle is a reference to the Red Ryder BB gun as made famous by A Christmas Story. This was long before A Christmas Story was mass-marketed to the point where they made an awful sequel to it more than a decade after the original. Hmm, sounds a bit familiar. No points for anyone who can guess the response to this, courtesy of Princess.
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Parodying so many movie posters that it’s hard to tell which one its referencing, Princess comes up to the Powerpuff Girls to tell them that, since Daddy gives her everything she wants anyway, she only has one thing on her list: to be a Powerpuff Girl. Duh, she’s naughty, and the Powerpuff Girls even give a list that is essentially a best of for the people who aren’t familiar with her:
She bought the city and legalized crime! (Bought and Scold)
She hired Mojo Jojo and tried to destroy the Powerpuff Girls! (Mo Job)
She gave the Powerpuff Girls a bomb for their birthday! (Birthday Bash)
She teamed up with three felons and went on a crime spree! (Meet The Beat-Alls)
She tricked their friend Robin into stealing, and then tattled on her! (Super Friends)
I believe this is the only episode that actually mentions Robin outside of Super Friends, actually. I can understand why: new characters being added late in the show is a great way to jump the shark. Still, such super friends! As Blossom walks away, she tells Princess to change her ways, or else she's getting coal in her stocking. For the record, even in the original, a walking Powerpuff Girl looks awkward.
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Princess completely scoffs at this idea that she’s spoiled and naughty, as she steps on Ms. Keane’s foot on her way out. She asks her driver if she’s naughty, and we get a whole skit. It could have been a short all to itself, it’s a classic.
The same scene happens with a servant and a nanny, and this episode’s biggest problem shows its head here. This special is 44 minutes long, four times the length of a normal Powerpuff Girls episode. Season 4′s problems with pacing in certain episodes due to their double-episode length are exacerbated here, as I feel a lot of scenes are here just to fill time. This is far from the worst example.
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After opening her closet to get more pillows, as her maid quickly decided not to say anything and leave the room at her "naughty or nice question", only to be completely covered in a mountain of coal apparently stored from previous Christmases. She uses the coal to put lines under her eyes, and she puts on an all black outfit. Princess is planning something big, the Narrator fears in rhyme. But first, we got to take a detour.
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Some people put up their decorations early, and some people put them up really late, and the Powerpuff Girls home is certainly in the latter, waiting until at least Christmas Eve Eve to finally put up all the decorations. Then again, when your kids can fly super fast, there’s no need to spend a whole day putting up everything.
Indeed, we see the Powerpuff Girls decorating in a super hero way, all in a race to see who gets to put the star on the top. Does this actually add to the plot? Not really, but it’s still a great scene to show off the more mundane ways the Powerpuff Girls use their powers. It is also a great way to have footage a promotional music video would use.
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The Professor is here to make this not-so-generic tree lighting day special by lighting up the tree. Unfortunately, he has a bit of trouble with the lights, as we see for the next minute. I can see what they could have taken out if they wanted to condense this into a regular episode. A 22 minute episode, but still.
Professor Utonium: I can make three girls out of seasoning, but I can’t get these lights to work!
Thanks, I needed this quote.
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We get a small tour of Townsville awaiting for the next day, which is used for contrast with future scenes, but is mostly just filler. Highlights include a shot of a My Little Pony parody being awaited by the Mayor, doubly funny considering one of the credited writers of this special, and Mojo Jojo trying to hang an ornament on a metal tree.
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Princess infiltrates Santa’s workshop in a way similar to a spy movie for the next three minutes. I will say, wearing all black was probably not a good idea in the bright and cheery Santa's workshop, but it works anyway. There's some creative imagery, being Santa's workshop and all, but I didn't remember too much about this scene. We're only waiting in suspense to learn the obvious that she couldn't realize.
She gets to Santa's private office, and is horrified to see the truth: all of the girls she hated are on the nice list, and she's on the naughty list. Actually, there's a lot more to it than that!
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See, Princess was so naughty, that she’s the only person on the naughty list. He didn’t even need to make a list; he just has the naughty sticky note. She was just that bad; everyone else is nice by comparison; even Mojo Jojo is going to get something for Christmas. Remember that when you got presents even though you totally stole from the cookie jar: Princess sinned for your sins.
That, and it’s pretty convenient for Princess’s plot.
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Using a magic pencil that can erase ink, she swaps the two headings. Hey, it is Santa Claus we're dealing with, he probably has an eraser with a blue part that actually does erase ink. Of course, Santa can’t possibly think that every person except for one kid was naughty, right?
At the Powerpuff home, we cut back to the Powerpuff Girls slowly going to sleep. Bubbles wakes up early because she heard sleigh bells, only to find the cookies not eaten, no presents, and a lump of coal in her stocking. Bubbles decides to investigate further.
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Bubbles flies around every house in the residential area of Townsville, looking at other people’s presents with her x-ray vision. She goes to one house, she goes to another house, and then another, and another, and another, and so on. Remember when I said "worst example"? I didn’t get out of my seat and yelled "okay, I get it already!" I only thought it loudly. Honest.
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At least there’s some payoff to this, as Blossom and Buttercup tell Bubbles that she must have gotten coal because she looked through other people’s presents. Buttercup tells her this again later on, leading to this great reaction from Bubbles. It’s just the way it’s animated; there’s no need for No Me Gusta. Well, there's a quarter for the "reboot jabs in original reviews" jar.
Rewinding a little bit, once they see that they got coal in their stockings, too, Blossom and Buttercup realize something is terribly wrong, too.
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The Powerpuff Girls, after changing into their normal outfits off-screen, yeah, that’s it, go up the chimney to find Princess. Princess is flying, and it’s not because they didn’t know she couldn’t. Since Princess is the only nice girl in the entire world, Santa decided to give her what she always wanted, and give everyone else coal.
She threatens to fly all the way to Santa Claus to tell him that those three jealous girls that always denied her is now going to destroy Santa’s workshop in retaliation for their much deserved coal. Why would he believe her? Because she’s the only nice child in the entire world, silly! As she starts flying off, the Powerpuff Girls chase after after her.
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There are boring ways to fill time, and there are good ways to fill time, and while the driver scene is close, there is no better way to fill time in the Powerpuff Girls than with an action sequence. They must have known this, too; almost an episode’s worth of time is spent with them racing towards the North Pole, them fighting, pulling each other’s hair, and much, much more.
There are so many highlights I can bring out of this, but I got to leave something out of the review or I'll be here forever. I should highlight one scene in particular, though: Blossom has ice breath, Bubbles has the ability to talk to animals, Buttercup can roll her tongue, what does Princess have?
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Crown-controlled telekinesis! Well, Bliss isn’t so special, is she? Alright, fine, enough with the reboot jabs; I'm running out of quarters to put in the jar. As she throws this giant ice ball, she ends up splitting this ball into three, shaping it into her face. A neat touch.
Princess: Cool it, girls!
Even Princess is good at the one-liners.
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In a speed more rapid than eagles, 8 minutes to get to the North Pole from somewhere in the US is rather impressive, they finally arrive at the North Pole. Yes, I timed it. They destroy everything in sight thanks to a hair tug caused fight. Princess ended up being right about the Powerpuff Girls destroying the workshop, as said earlier, though it was all her fault.
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We get to see ol' jolly Saint Nick himself, except he isn’t so jolly. He's sad that every kid in the entire world is bad except for one kid. Maybe he shouldn't have skipped over the whole "he sees you when you're sleeping" part in the beginning. Considering how Bubbles is demonized for doing so earlier in the episode, maybe they didn't want to point out the hypocrisy.
How did they get Santa to believe that Princess is wrong, and they are right? Simple: all Santa needed to hear was that they were the Powerpuff Girls. Knowing who they are, but not knowing what they looked like; what kind of Santa are you? He's still cool.
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Then again, Princess calling him "Santa Clod" probably helped with his next decision.
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Santa realizes that, no, he doesn’t have to follow a list to know who's naughty or nice when it's clear to him. He tears the sticky note up. Who's to think that the only person that learns a lesson in this special is Santa? I can't even think of a time where that has ever happened before.
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Well, there is one list that he will follow: the crew vanity Permanent Naughty List, as Santa noses Princess’s name on it. Maybe I should explain that: when he pokes his red nose, Christmas magic happens. I feel sorry for poor Bill and Ryan; Santa taught of them before thinking of that next guy.
Santa: Bum bum bum!
No, really, he says “bum bum bum” as the camera zooms into this face when he does this. Even with his utter lapse of judgment, I can still say this is one of my favorite portrayals of Santa Claus.
Another "bum bum bum" is that it's just too late; he's already done his journey. The fact that the workshop is in ruins doesn't help at all, but he doesn't hold it against the Powerpuff Girls. If only there were someone that can fly super fast.
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The Powerpuff Girls become Santa for a year, saving Christmas like all those characters in the 80's. We don't see them go all around the world, just through Townsville's residential area. We can just assume the rest of the whole world didn't wake up to coal in their stocking, as the Narrator does.
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We almost end on a joke with the Professor trying to wake the girls, but they're too tired having to do Santa's job in an inkling of the time it took Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, and et cetera. It could have ended with that, but that wouldn't have been as cheerful for a Christmas special, so they wake up and celebrate Christmas after all.
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The Narrator ends the show like how every Powerpuff Girls episode ends, in a more rhymey and Christmassy way. Just wanted to highlight that because I miss it so much. Maybe I should make some plans for the new year.
Does it still hold up?
Minus a few scenes that lasted a bit too long, it’s a great special from start to finish with lots of actions and some creative humor. There’s not a lot of Christmas specials that can claim that, especially the former.
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All I can say to end this review is...
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Marry Krismas, Ms Kene.
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newsmanmdgn · 4 years
Today’s Top Stories: April 27, 2020
Sorry, no video today. Too many things in the hopper and I have a sore throat anyway.
Do some reading. It’s good for you.
Today’s Top Stories is brought to you by My Daily Grind News.
Coronavirus update:
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2,992,970 confirmed infections, up from 2,735,117 Friday. 207,518 confirmed deaths, up from 192,019 Friday.
Relevant COVID-19 stories:
Will We Ever Return to Normal?
Tyson Foods warns that “the food supply chain is breaking’ as plants close
Famotidine: New York hospitals studying heartburn drug as Covid-19 treatment
San Francisco had the 1918 flu under control. And then it lifted the restrictions.
Poll: 69 percent of voters support Medicare for All
Trump looks to Hope Hicks as coronavirus crisis spills over
Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe Biden for president
Freed of briefing duty, wounded Trump airs full collection of grievances on Twitter, retweeting claim of ‘coup attempts’
Economy Update:
Trump faces big decisions on energy industry rescue as U.S. runs out of places to store abundance of oil
Editorial: Remember in the ’70s and then the ’80s, ’90s, two thousands, and finally, like yesterday, oil reserves had all been found, were finite, and would “run out soon?”
Well, here we are: We have a glut of oil with nowhere to put it. Factories aren’t using as much and consumers aren’t driving much, if at all.
See? We had a solution to this problem all along? And the planet will thank us.
I’m being a bit sarcastic and dark here, but we always DID know the answer: Use less.
Ironic how Mother Nature forced our hand.
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The Dow is up 200, breaking through the 24k barrier.
Upcoming economic reports this week:
Last Friday – Consumer sentiment index – DOWN from 89 in March to 71.8 (down from 101 in February)
Tuesday – Case-Shiller home price index, Consumer confidence index
Wednesday – Gross domestic product, Jerome Powell press conference
Thursday – Initial jobless claims, Consumer spending, Core inflation
Friday – Motor vehicle sales (annual rate)
Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/calendars/economic
Relevant Economy stories:
Second round begins for small business loan program after problems hampered first rollout
Joe Biden says corporate America is ‘greedy as hell’ – Well, duh?
Check out Gig Economics–Learn how to thrive in the gig economy. Don’t ever be that cube monkey again!
Offbeat Story of the Day:
Editorial: I’m leaving this one here because it got a ton of play last week and over the weekend. I even lost a few friends over it because they believe him. I don’t know which stance they believe (that he was spit-balling solutions, he was being serious, he was being sarcastic), but they believe him.
This is, of course, proof that Trumplodytes are members of a cult.
“Give me Biden or give me bleach!”
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ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland’s health department fielded hundreds of calls from residents asking about ingesting disinfectants after President Donald Trump wondered aloud if that could fight COVID-19, Gov Larry Hogan said Sunday.
The Republican governor spoke about the emergency hotline calls and Trump’s offhand comment during appearances on CBS’ “Face The Nation” and ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday morning. On Friday, the Maryland Emergency Management Agency tweeted a “reminder” that under no circumstances should any disinfectant be injected or ingested.
Hogan said “communicating very clearly on the facts” has been important to him since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“I think when misinformation comes out or you just say something that pops in your head, it does send a wrong message. We had hundreds of calls come into our emergency hotline at our health department asking if it was right to ingest Clorox or alcohol cleaning products, whether that was going to help them fight the virus,” he said during his ABC appearance.
During a press briefing on Thursday, Trump said research was underway into the effect that disinfectants have on the virus and questioned if they could be injected into people.
“Is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?” Trump asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.”
The White House accused the media of misrepresenting the president’s comments. Trump said he had been speaking sarcastically.
Hogan said Trump needs to “stick to a message and make sure that these press conferences are fact-based.”
“I think other people in the administration have been trying to make that clear to him, as well,” he added.
Sponsored by the Drive Thru Jesus Show.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the MyDailyGrind.news YouTube channel.
The article was originally published here! Today’s Top Stories: April 27, 2020
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gudlyf · 5 years
Hallowhen [Short Story]
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(Edited photo by Brandon Warren)
Something I’ve been wanting to do since the first @thenosleeppodcast live tour is write something the voice actors would read on-stage. I’m told the following story might be making its way around the 2019 tour, though I won’t know for sure until it hits Boston in October. If you’re hearing this elsewhere, please let me know!
I had this idea of someone knocking on a door for Halloween, only it not being Halloween. The original idea was quite different than this, but when I thought of something that might do well as a live reading, this is what I came up with.
I still think I should tighten up the idea some day. I saw comments that I may have spoon-fed the twist a bit too much toward the end. I get it: I’m a wordy sumbitch at times. Most times? It’s how I roll.
Bill left the den air conditioner on again. I’m sure I will never understand why that man insists it be as cold as an icebox on the North Pole every blessed moment in this house. And my lord is it noisy. The quiet night air is just fine without it this time of year, so off it goes. Well. He will just have to settle with being a tad “stuffy,” as I seem to recall him putting himself. Better stuffy than catching your death, I say. 
It’s just as well, with him busying himself with lord-knows-what in the cellar again while I’m left to my lonesome upstairs. 
Lonesome. I can’t say why, but I feel as though I should be saddened by the thought. I love Bill dearly and all, but the man can be quite nonsensical at times. Most times, that I can recall, I say. An enigma, he is. Never can understand him. 
There is what sounds to be a light knock on the porch door. At first I think the sound to be Bill again, messing with his doo-dads and what-nots in that hellish place down below. But sure as snowflakes, there it is again. A light tap-tapping sound, just outside. 
I think to myself, “what an odd hour for a visitor.” Here, at the end of this farm road that’s sure to be a clear half-mile long. A neighbor, perhaps? I hope they’re alright. It is quite late. 
Bill usually likes to answer to visitors these days, so I wait for him to head on up. But again the knocking, and I’d say with a fair level of some insistence for an answer now. 
Oh, to Hell with Bill. I call out, “Coming!” As the the last knock falls. Though the porch light is on, its door is without windows, so I cannot see who might be outside. I think to open it before my wits overcome me. 
“Who is it?” I ask. It seems a dog’s age before there’s a reply. “T- Trick. Or. T- Treat.” I cover my mouth to stifle a laugh, and I shake my head in sheer disappointment in myself for having not known what day it was. Of all the blessed days of the year, how could I have forgotten that today was Halloween? 
I’ve had no time for decorations! No candy! Why, no costume of my own! How could Bill have not reminded me? That scoundrel of a man. 
Without further hesitation, I pull the door open to its widest. There on the front porch is a solitary figure: a child, who couldn’t be but ten. A little girl, or so I believe, as her costume is by far and wide one to behold. 
“T- Trick-”
“Oh, would you look at you!” I exclaim. “That is a scary costume you have there. So ... gruesome!” 
And indeed it is gruesome. Delightfully so. While she wears an adorable blue fairytale-like dress with a white smock, it is near-fully soiled by soot and costume blood. The mask she wears is indeed a terrifying sight, the appearance of what was once a beautiful girl, now a ruin of flesh and bone so much as to be unrecognizable. There is only but one eye I can see, precariously dangling from what appears to be fine thread. Only half of what would be gorgeous locks of golden hair cover her head, the rest a mass of reddened scalp beneath exposed skull. An elaborate piece that, I must say, I do admire. 
“Tr-” Her speech is but a gurgle, what with all the flesh parts of her mask covering her mouth. 
“It’s a wonder you can speak! Tell me, did your folks help you put that together? Your mum?” 
At this she falls silent. Her breath ragged. Only her empty bag hangs open before her. It, too, as soiled as her garb. 
“OhMyGoodness. I’m so embarrassed. Sorry, my ... mind is not so sharp these days. I don’t have any-” 
But I do. I do, and I may just about jump for joy if I could at the recollection. I hold out a finger of wait to the girl and rush back inside. 
Bill has forever had a sweet tooth. I and his dentures could not forget this unfortunate fact. Reaching the kitchen, I open his cabinet nearly clear off its hinges and reach inside. A Hershey’s chocolate bar. It’s the only one left, with two squares already taken. I suppose I will just fault Bill for not thinking so clearly himself, in that it is he who’d kept his own stock so light and will now have to go without. 
I arrive back to the porch. The girl remains, seemingly swaying to an unsung song, patiently awaiting her bounty. Her costume, it appears, has gotten the best of the remains of her dress, it now more red than not. 
“Here we are. I’m so sorry, it’s ... opened. My husband has a way with candy, I guess you could say. Hope you don’t mind.” 
I place Bill’s last bit of indulgence into the girl’s bag, careful as I can not to have it covered in the mess that continues to issue from her mask. 
“M...M...” She speaks, but for the life of me I can’t make sense of what she is trying to say. But there ... is something ... 
“Where did you come from, dear? Where are your folks?”
Again, there is ... something.
My mind. God damn, my mind.
“Have I ... seen you around before, sweetie?” I’m not sure what I’ve done to cause it, but she turns and walks away. Down the porch steps. Down the pebbled driveway. Out into the night; a night cold enough to bring my own breath to a fog before me. Much too cold for air conditioning, and far too dark for a little girl to rightfully be traveling in alone. I motion to call out. I stop something that compels me to run off after her. If there is nothing else I know, it is that my frail, God-forsaken legs would not carry me far, least of all down the stairs. 
Just as I close the door, Bill is in the kitchen. He’d come up and I hadn’t noticed. 
At first I don’t answer. There is something within me that has something to say yet ... it just will not come. Something.
“Irene. Did you eat my Hershey’s?”
“No, Bill. I ... Bill, why didn’t you tell me it was Halloween?”
“Halloween! Halloween! You didn’t ... you didn’t think to remind me it was Halloween!” 
“Halloween? Well what gave you that idea?”
“There was ...”
Bill’s concerned. He has that face again. He doesn’t care about the chocolate anymore and comes into the living room, pulls me into his big arms. He smells like the old boxes of things we store our photographs and memories in. Sometimes the entire house smells like him. Sometimes — like now — I think I like it. 
“Honey. Honey. Halloween. I know. Your favorite ... holiday, you used to call it. Used to wonder why the station didn’t give me the day off.” 
“It ... was my favorite day, wasn’t it?” I say. And then I remember. “It is my favorite day.” 
He laughs a little, like he’s remembering something too. “You could say that, yep. Used to have this whole place decked out in spiderwebs. Had me play scary music from the stereo. Lord knows nobody came up to this neck of the woods for candy, but that didn’t stop you.” 
He laughs again, but it seems different now. “You used to dress up to scare the Devil himself, I swear. Last time ... Lord, it was so long ago. I think I recall you and Bonnie dressed up as fairytale characters. You were ... Oh! You were The Mad Hatter, only with his head cut off. You held a bloody melon with a hat in your hands! You were mad, alright! But not Bonnie, she-”
His hug gets tight. It feels good, but I know there’s something not quite right.
“Yeah,” he says, and swallows hard in my ear. “She ... she just wanted to be Alice in Wonderland. Nothing scary. Just ... so pretty.” 
“Who’s Bonnie?”
Bill pulls away and hides his face from me, wiping cellar grime from his face and eyes. 
“Our girl, Irene. Our Bonnie. After all these years, I still miss her. It’s why I’m downstairs all the time. Looking at the old pictures we have of her. And today ... today, of course ...”
He laughs, sounding a bit more like himself. “Today she would have been forty years old. Her birthday. Forty, can you believe that? Christ, are we old.” 
He holds me again. “Twenty-nine years. I thought I’d lost you both.” He lets me go and starts into the den. I still can make no sense on what he’s going on about. 
“Y’Know, there aren’t a whole lotta blessings I can come up with these days, but there are three in particular that help me sleep at night.” 
“What’s that?” I ask.
“Well. One — and sorry to have to admit this — that the accident made you unable to ever drive again. And two, that ... horrible thing you went through the last time you drove ... with Bonnie ... it did something to your mind where you can’t remember what happened to our little girl. Sometimes I envy you of that. And I thank God you’re mostly okay.” 
Little girl. Bonnie. I feel at any moment my Bill is going to hop right into the Halloween spirit unlike he’d ever done and tell me this is all some scary story — some awful, awful nightmare of a story — and that Halloween is as special of a time to him as it’s ever been to me. 
“And the third?” I ask. “What’s that?”
He presses the button on the air conditioner, and the silence of the night is as gone as my recollection of why we are having such an odd conversation in the first place. 
“Air conditioning. Sweet, sweet AC. My god, is it stuffy. It’s the middle of July, Irene.”
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
The Latest Trend In Flower Outline Drawing | Flower Outline Drawing
On the music video for ‘breathe’,  the latest distinct from Julia-Sophie’s admission EP, a boutonniere of flowers is set on fire. It’s a almighty allegory for the Oxford-based singer-songwriter’s music, which unfolds abundant like a adorable annual – a affair of adorableness that has developed out of pain, consistently in chase of its own roots. On y?, Julia-Sophie address into the centermost genitalia of her anima to try to acquisition a faculty of resolution, which additionally involves against those active affections and ambience them alight. The aftereffect is annihilation abbreviate of hypnotic, a mystical admixture of ablaze and black propelled by apocalyptic synths, aerial vocals, and adroit assembly that activity backbone through vulnerability. What charcoal is a beam of hope: “With your affection in my hand/ I feel safe,” she sings on the stand-out opener ‘breathe’, and that faculty of peaceful boldness emanates throughout. y? ability be about absolution things go, but these kinds of accommodating sentiments – and the songs in which they acquisition a home – are account captivation onto.
We bent up with Julia-Sophie for this copy of our Artisan Spotlight series, area we advertise advancing artists and accord them a adventitious to allocution a bit about their music.
I’ve never been acceptable at talking about how I feel, and I’ve consistently been in awe of bodies who apperceive absolutely how they feel and are adequate with who they are. Aback I started authoritative music, animosity that had sat central me started to emerge. Since afresh I’ve consistently acclimated music to try to accurate and acquire myself. The admiration to stop arena a part, focus my affect and be myself,
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burmacotton5-blog · 5 years
64 Good Models Of Ceiling Design for Small Bedroom 2015
design house atrium 1 light ceiling fan 30" white design house atrium 1 light ceiling fan 30" white hampton bay ceiling fan amazon possini euro design white flower 15 3 4" wide ceiling 15 3 4" wide x 12" high canopy is 5" wide takes one maximum 60 watt standard base bulb not included semi flushmount modern ceiling light with a flower petal design tips hi jolene you want your pendants or lighting 30″ – 35″ above your countertop because you have a vaulted ceiling you can hang a bit on the higher side but in general the height off the counter is the height to measure from don’t worry that your ceiling is vaulted possini euro design glass sphere 15 light ceiling light i ve been waiting for this lamp to go on sale and it finally did so i finally picked it up for my high ceiling bedroom installation was a breeze as the lamp base is very light since it s shipped without all the bulbs and glass orbs detached how to plank a popcorn ceiling edith & evelyn but i think i am leaning toward painting the bedroom ceiling white all of the wood work will be white walls a soft gray same color as in the kitchen and wide plank hardwood floors
Home » bedroom » 64 Good Models Of Ceiling Design for Small Bedroom 2015
possini euro design glass sphere 15 light ceiling light i ve been waiting for this lamp to go on sale and it finally did so i finally picked it up for my high ceiling bedroom installation was a breeze as the lamp base is very light since it s shipped without all the bulbs and glass orbs detached how to plank a popcorn ceiling edith & evelyn but i think i am leaning toward painting the bedroom ceiling white all of the wood work will be white walls a soft gray same color as in the kitchen and wide plank hardwood floors how to install a rustic wood ceiling with stikwood e we’re making over our master bedroom for the e room challenge this fall and so far i’m thrilled with the progress i decided to dive right in to the makeover and start with what i think will be my favourite part of the room – the diy reclaimed wooden tray ceiling big design ideas for small studio apartments decoholic go for the industrial style if you really want to be unique and make the most out of the wide variety of small studio apartment ideas and designs available on the market go with a high exposed ceiling microhouse small house bliss wanting to be closer to her family sylvia recently moved from north dakota to this modern “granny flat” in her daughter’s seattle backyard hunterfan control our simpleconnect™ smart home ceiling fans by using voice mands and smart home integrations like google assistant amazon alexa and apple homekit A Bright Cozy Space with High Ceilings, source: pinterest.com غرفة نوم False Ceiling Design False Ceiling Ideas Drawing Room Furniture Bedroom Ceiling, source: pinterest.com Image result for wooden false ceiling design for master bedroom, source: pinterest.com Modern Bedroom as for bedroom modern ceiling design ideas moder FalseCeilingLivingRoomDarkWood, source: pinterest.com Living room ceiling ideas with many light spots that are hidden and only illuminates the ceiling and the walls in the center of the ceiling there is a, source: pinterest.com Arc Hamza Ayyad Bedroom design, source: pinterest.com
Gallery of ceiling design for small bedroom 2015 <![CDATA[.bingkai width:100%;float:left;display:block;.crwidth:132px;float:left;position:relative;padding:0px 6px 6px 0;display:block;.cr a img height:90px;]]>
big design ideas for small studio apartments decoholic 25 awesome pictures ideas to inspire you decorate a small studio apartment a home doesn’t need to be big just smart and there are plenty of big ideas microhouse small house bliss wanting to be closer to her family sylvia recently moved from north dakota to this modern “granny flat” in her daughter’s seattle backyard when her hunterfan shop from the best ceiling fans and accessories at hunterfan the brick house guest suite azevedo design what would you do with just 94 ft2 8 7 m2 of floor space that is the floor area of this former mechanical room previously used to house the boilers for Related Posts:
59 Lovely Images Of 1980s Bedroom Decor
45 Luxury Models Of Jake and the Neverland Pirates Bedroom Decor
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49 Beautiful Ideas Of Diy Wall Decor for Master Bedroom
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Source: https://blimeyoreilly.org/ceiling-design-for-small-bedroom-2015/
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thepurpleorchidblog · 6 years
I hardly travel. The last vacation I took was in 2013 where I visited the state of Rajasthan on a guided tour with my college. Since then I had always wanted to visit another place but never got the time until now. Ooty has always been on my bucket list. The picturesque landscape, the cold weather and the tea plantations made me want to visit for a really long time so when a couple of friends and I planned a trip early this year I couldn’t contain my excitement.
The town of Ooty, also known as Ootacamund or Udagamandalam is situated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu at an elevation of 2,240m above sea level. Because of its elevation the town experiences a pleasant to cold climate all year round which makes it a popular tourist destination during the summer months. The nearest city is Coimbatore which is about 86km away.
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Mumbai to Coimbatore. Picture Courtesy: Wikipedia
We set out from Mumbai on Monday, 16th of July. Traveling from one side of the country to the other it was going to be a long ride. In total, the journey took us approximately 32 hours and we pulled into Coimbatore around eight in the morning on Wednesday, 18th of July. If you plan on going to Coimbatore from Mumbai, I wouldn’t recommend taking the train if you don’t like staying in one place for a long time. Take a flight, it’s faster and cheaper if you book early enough. And if you do take the train then make sure you carry enough entertainment with you. Fortunately for us, our compartment was quiet empty and for most of the journey we had it all to ourselves.
Train travel across India is a beauty in itself. Each state has its own unique geographical characteristics and one can’t help but fall in love with the view it offers. The train we took, the Coimbatore Express, took us across the state of Maharashtra into the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana until finally, we entered Tamil Nadu.
Sunrises over the countryside
Coming from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu was very new, very colorful and very exciting. We stopped over at a local restaurant for breakfast before heading up to Ooty. The drive up the Nilgiris took us around three hours. We soon left the heat and bustle of the city behind us as we started the never ending climb up the mountain range. With hair-pin bends and blind turns at every corner and with trucks, buses and smaller cars moving up and down the trip is not for the faint-hearted. But it is beautiful and was worth every second. 
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We were still some 40 minutes away from Ooty and decided to halt for a bit on the way in Coonoor. After being cooped up in a train and then in a mini bus all the way, we wanted to stretch our legs and bit and go for a little stroll. What better place to do this than Sim’s Park? Laid out in 1874, the botanical garden is home to a number of flowers and trees both exotic and native. Spread over 12 hectares and on a terraced slope it really was a walk. 
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After spending an hour or so in Coonoor we continued up towards Ooty refreshed and re-energized. We reached Ooty in the late afternoon and after a quick lunch we headed to our villa. Set atop a hill, we were greeted by spectacular views of the valley and the rest of the town beneath us. We unloaded our luggage and headed to our rooms to relax for a bit before heading into the main market area to stock up on warm clothes (Ooty being colder than we expected) and a few groceries.
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View from the villa
I loved walking around among the marketplace. It is something which was so different from what I’m used to  and time would fly. It was soon dark and we headed
 back to the villa for dinner. After a hearty meal and a movie we called it a night and went to bed.
And so was my first day in Ooty. I am breaking up this trip into parts. Check out my other blogs where I write about our time spent on days 2, 3 and 4.
Ooty: The Queen of Hill Stations Part 2
Ooty: The Queen of Hill Stations Part 3
Ooty: The Queen of Hill Stations Part 4
    Travel Blog – Ooty: The Queen of Hill Stations Part 1 I hardly travel. The last vacation I took was in 2013 where I visited the state of Rajasthan on a guided tour with my college.
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ohwowbabee · 7 years
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross bonus
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Make Money Online is the best, it will save your time and money.
Your customers will receive a non-transferable PLR license to this graphics package, meaning they can resell the product with personal usage rights and keep 100% of the profits. They can ALSO use the images for their own marketing efforts. As with all of my product launches, I’ve also stacked the sales funnel to optimize each sale and make YOU the most money possible from every single customer you send our way.
In order to explain this properly, I have to state right off the bat that while this is a graphics package (images package), it’s also being marketed as a PLR product or “business in a box” like most of my products are. The meat of the package comes with 100 social poster images based around positive thinking quotes, and then there’s also 100 PSD Photoshop files included so that your customers can edit the images however they see fit.
Beyond just the images, there’s several other modules that your customers can utilize to make reselling this package an absolute breeze and a half…I’ve included a front end sales page, a full out professionally designed graphics package with product mockups and all, an awesome HD sales video with the voice over, some email swipes, and instructions regarding how to set it all up.
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules is the best. You will be like a proViral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesessional.
Get Now Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR :
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR OTO / Upsell / Downsell :
FRONT END 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules. Customers are permitted to sell these posters ONLY with personal use rights.
This package includes the following:
Module 1: 100 Social Poster PNG Files
Module 2: 100 Social Poster PSD Files
Module 3: 100 Quotes XLS Spreadsheet
Module 4: Graphics Package w/ PSDs
Module 5: Front End Sales Page
Module 6: HD Sales Video w/ Voice Over
Module 7: Social Swipes Kit For Promotion
Module 8: Camtasia Video Project File
Module 9: Private Label Rights License
Module 10: Setup Guide
UPSELL 1 The first OTO is a the motion poster upgrade for the front end set of posters.  Basically this is a video version of the quote poster that animates the text or the background to keep it catchy and then loops the animation. Each video then has the project file and  GIF version too. There’s also the reseller modules and PLR with this upgrade so that your customers can also resell it for 100% profits.
Here are the 7 modules that will be received in this upgrade:
Module 1: 100 Motion Poster .MP4 Videos
Module 2: 100 Camtasia Project Files
Module 3: 100 GIF Posters
Module 4: Upgraded Graphics Package w/ PSD Files
Module 5: Upsell Sales Page
Module 6: Upgraded License Package
Module 7: Setup Guide
UPSELL 2 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers will already be very warmed up to the idea of the social posters – now they can grab a TON all at once. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package containing ANY 6 of the various quote poster packages that have been released so far (or in the future). Your customers can take these quote posters, modify them, and change them around in any way they want to fit their plan. Additionally, your customers will receive the private label rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute each package however they see it.
Here’s some of the topics covered (more added regularly):
Time Management
Goal Setting
Healthy Eating
New Years / Resolutions
DOWNSELL This is a bit different from the front end offer and the OTO in that it doesn’t come with any PSD files. It IS however a SUPER bundle that I’ve assembled from my insane collection of social posters from previous product launches. There’s something like 1,000 total social posters in this OTO upgrade, and I’ve even put together a reseller sales page and modules too.
Here’s just some of the topics:
Affiliate Marketing
Social Network Marketing
Stress & Anxiety Relief
Anger Management
Email Marketing
Internet Marketing (VA)
Membership Sites
Audio Marketing
Online Security
Account Security
Parenting & Busy Moms
Video Marketing
Anti-Aging Topics
UPSELL 3 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers can easily utilize this upgrade in their marketing efforts to get more traffic. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package of infographics with PSD files included spread across various different niches. Your customers can take these infographics, modify them, and change them around in any way they want to fit their data. Additionally, your customers will receive the resell rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute this package however they see it.
Here’s some of the topics covered:
Internet Marketing
Making Money
Generating Wealth
Various Online Marketing
Build Your Own (Kit)
Self-Help / Improvement
And So Many More!
UPSELL 4 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers will already be very warmed up to the idea of the stock audio – now they can grab 3 packs all at once. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package containing our 3 best selling stock audio PLR packages all at a massive discount. Your customers can take these songs, use them, resell them, or do with them a variety of things just like the initial FE package. Additionally, your customers will receive the private label rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute each package however they see it.
Here are the 3 genres covered in these 3 packages:
Acoustic Rock Band Style
Lounge Beats & Ambient Music
Blues Rock Band Style
If a customer isn’t interested in all 3 of the FULL packages. Still a discount, and still well worth the price.
Both yourself and your customers can do the following with any and all of these social poster images:
– Establish yourself as an authority or major player – Generate traffic from any network or website – Become a beacon of “insight” in any niche – Provide valuable help and insight to others – Add your name, brand, logo, icon or URL to any image – Distribute them however you see fit (within usage rights) – Post them and easily have others share them passively – Create viral traffic streams using any of the images (x100)
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesorget about wasted time end payment high price,. Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR is something I’ve been waiting Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesor, I had seen these kinds on many sites beViral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesore but didn’t now oViral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules any tool that could create like Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR. My advice don’t wait around, jump in! Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR will pay Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesor itselViral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules as soon as you start using it.
Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR is the best soViral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulestware on the market right now (as Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesar as I know). Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR comes with easy to Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesollow instructions. You don’t need any technical experience to make these improvements. is good news Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Get 100 happiness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modulesor online bussiness. Viral Social Posters Happiness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
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morapandora · 7 years
It’s an exciting day for Pandora collectors the world over, as today sees the last drop of the Pandora SS17 season, with the launch of the Summer 2017 collection! This year’s release offers the usual tropical colours and themes, with vibrant aqua shades, pretty white orchids, and some lovely murano glass. It plays heavily on motifs and designs that we’ve seen in previous collections, but this does mean that these new beads will work work well with charms you purchased before!
Image by @sarinak23 – please do not reproduce without credit
The collection should have launched in most, if not all, regions in store and online today, although what exactly has been released varies by country – not all regions get all the items. If you’re in the UK, then authorised retailer The Jewel Hut have the in stock online!
For a full overview of the charms & jewellery coming out today, have a gander at the Pandora Summer 2017 tag – otherwise, read on for lots of live shots and updates on what’s coming out where!
Pandora Summer 2017 Collection Release
To celebrate, I have a delightful selection of images from both readers and stores online, which really show off the new pieces. For me, the highlights are undoubtedly the Mint Glitter muranos, but I also have a real soft spot for those pretty white Orchids, and the new aqua Radiant Hearts also looks stunning. It’s interesting to see how different the muranos look in varying lights, so I’ll be keen to see those in store.
#gallery-0-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Image by Sue Lloyd
Image by sarinak23
Image by Jessica-Alice Fox Gibson
Image by kathrynshallmarksfionas
Image by Pandora Oakville
Image by R A Georgetti
Image by Jessica-Alice Fox Gibson
Image by Jessica-Alice Fox Gibson
Image by Lisa K
Image by Pandora Markville
Image by Pandora Fairview Mall
Image by Pandora Fairview Mall
Image by Pandora Southgate
Image by Pandora Oakville
Image by kathrynshallmarksfionas
One of my favourite Summer 2017 stylings I’ve seen so far has been this one by @sarinak23, which pairs the new White Orchid beads with the lilac murano from the Spring 2017 collection. The overall effect is so delicate and lovely; the soft purple of the murano really highlights how pretty the stone is in the Orchid beads. It’s given me inspiration in terms of one of my current works-in-progress!
Image by @sarinak23 – please do not reproduce without credit
I also absolutely love this bracelet combining the two colours of Glitter murano by Jessica-Alice: it looks so lovely and summery, just like ice cream! 😋
Image by Jessica-Alice Fox Gibson
The Japanese-inspired Koinobori muranos were launched earlier in the year exclusively in Asia, but they’ve now seen a wider release for Summer 2017. The UK hasn’t received these, unfortunately, but they’ve made it to North America!
Image by Sue Lloyd – please do not reproduce without credit
And, finally, the double-wrap white leather bracelet that was originally intended as a Mother’s Day release has been launched with the Summer 2017 collection as well!
Image by Jessica-Alice Fox Gibson – please do not reproduce without credit
Pandora Sunny Doll Asian Exclusive
Pandora are releasing Asian exclusive beads on a semi-regular basis these days – with this collection comes the Sunny Doll, a traditional Japanese good-weather charm called a ‘Teru Teru Bozu’. This has only been launched in Asian countries, and is retailing for $85 SGD / $499 HKD / ¥ 8,100. As many people have pointed out, it’s a little ‘ghosty’ in its detailing and perhaps could be subbed as a Halloween charm as well?
Retailers aren’t allowed to ship internationally and so, if you’d like to get your paws on this bead and you don’t live in Asia, you’ll have to find a friend who can help you out. 🙂
Image by Patty Ng – please do not reproduce without credit
I have one of these on its way to me and I can’t wait to add it to my Asian-inspired red bracelet! It’ll be replacing the bunny. ^^
Pandora Disney Parks Dumbo, Alice, and Carousel for the US…?
While the full Pandora Disney Parks exclusive Spring 2017 collection seemed to have made it to the Disney Parks in Hong Kong, many collectors were disappointed to find that Alice, Dumbo and the Disney Carousel were missing from the US release. The latest information from a few sources has suggested that these should be out in US Disney Parks with the Summer 2017 collection.  I haven’t had this confirmed for sure, but keep your eyes peeled on the Disney Store online – I’ll be looking out for any reports of them being available from today in the Parks themselves, too!
#gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Pandora Open Bangles Launched in the UK
The Pandora Open Bangles were originally scheduled to make their North American debut on the 11th of May, and started filtering into shops, only to be abruptly pulled from sale a few days later. They hadn’t reappeared anywhere since, but, happily, they appear to have been released in the UK with the Pandora Summer 2017 collection today! They’re listed on Pandora.net UK, and I’ve heard from a couple of people who have seen them in store, also.
The plain silver version is retailing for £60, while the pave version is £100.
I’m rather keen on the plain silver version, which I think would be beautiful to showcase a single murano or dangle. Hopefully they prove hardy, as there were reports of them feeling a bit flimsy or potentially having production issues – we shall see! 🙂 I’m going to Spain this summer, and am thinking of potentially trying to pick up the Protection murano that I can’t get here to wear with the silver open bangle.
My Comment
There might not be a lengthy wish list for me to work my way through for this collection, but I’m rather over-excited for the pieces that I do like! The Glitter and Koinobori muranos look stunning from all the live images I’ve seen and, judging by pictures I’ve seen online so far, seem to be the most popular pick of the collection. I was also rather bowled over by pictures of the White Orchid pieces – the delicate pinky-purple stone with the white enamel is lovely – and the colour of the Aqua Radiant Hearts could not be more Caribbean perfect. The Sunny Doll is so fun and cute, too – the Asian exclusive beads are often cultural and quirky in a way that a lot of Pandora’s other more modern beads aren’t these days.
I’m hoping to be able to make it to the shops later in the day to scope out the new things; otherwise, I’ll be popping into store on Saturday to see everything! I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the Mint Glitter muranos will look pretty on this bracelet with my Tinker Bell beads:
What are you getting from the new collection? Have you seen anything in person yet?
Today's an exciting day as the Pandora Summer 2017 Collection launches worldwide! As usual I have lots of live shots & some other updates! It's an exciting day for Pandora collectors the world over, as today sees the last drop of the Pandora SS17 season, with the launch of the…
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ohwowbabee · 7 years
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best 100 “Fitness” based quotes / social poster images
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross bonus
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Make Money Online is the best, it will save your time and money.
By taking the images, they can share them anywhere they want, change them and add a URL or logo, or anything. After sharing them, they can market them and watch as they go viral. People see the image(s) and share with their audience. It continues to spread endlessly.
My team and I then designed 100 amazing looking quote poster images, included the source files for Photoshop, and I went ahead and put together a nice reseller kit.
The quote poster packages allow marketers, business owners, fan page owners, bloggers, and even resellers the opportunity to tap into the widespread evergrowing viral marketing aspect of generating traffic. A quote poster image is simply an eye capturing photo with a catchy and relatable quote or saying placed on top. People share them everywhere. You’ve probably even seen them.
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best 100 “Fitness” based quotes / social poster images is the best. You will be like a professional.
Get Now Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR :
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best 100 “Fitness” based quotes / social poster images
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR OTO / Upsell / Downsell :
FRONT END 100 fitness based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules. Customers are permitted to sell these posters ONLY with personal use rights.
This package includes the following:
Module 1: 100 Social Poster PNG Files
Module 2: 100 Social Poster PSD Files
Module 3: 100 Quotes XLS Spreadsheet
Module 4: Graphics Package w/ PSDs
Module 5: Front End Sales Page
Module 6: HD Sales Video w/ Voice Over
Module 7: Social Swipes Kit For Promotion
Module 8: Camtasia Video Project File
Module 9: Private Label Rights License
Module 10: Setup Guide
UPSELL 1 The first OTO is a the motion poster upgrade for the front end set of posters.  Basically this is a video version of the quote poster that animates the text or the background to keep it catchy and then loops the animation. Each video then has the project file and  GIF version too. There’s also the reseller modules and PLR with this upgrade so that your customers can also resell it for 100% profits.
Here are the 7 modules that will be received in this upgrade:
Module 1: 100 Motion Poster .MP4 Videos
Module 2: 100 Camtasia Project Files
Module 3: 100 GIF Posters
Module 4: Upgraded Graphics Package w/ PSD Files
Module 5: Upsell Sales Page
Module 6: Upgraded License Package
Module 7: Setup Guide
UPSELL 2 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers will already be very warmed up to the idea of the social posters – now they can grab a TON all at once. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package containing ANY 6 of the various quote poster packages that have been released so far (or in the future). Your customers can take these quote posters, modify them, and change them around in any way they want to fit their plan. Additionally, your customers will receive the private label rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute each package however they see it.
Here’s some of the topics covered (more added regularly):
Time Management
Goal Setting
Healthy Eating
New Years / Resolutions
DOWNSELL This is a bit different from the front end offer and the OTO in that it doesn’t come with any PSD files. It IS however a SUPER bundle that I’ve assembled from my insane collection of social posters from previous product launches. There’s something like 1,000 total social posters in this OTO upgrade, and I’ve even put together a reseller sales page and modules too.
Here’s just some of the topics:
Affiliate Marketing
Social Network Marketing
Stress & Anxiety Relief
Anger Management
Email Marketing
Internet Marketing (VA)
Membership Sites
Audio Marketing
Online Security
Account Security
Parenting & Busy Moms
Video Marketing
Anti-Aging Topics
UPSELL 3 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers can easily utilize this upgrade in their marketing efforts to get more traffic. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package of infographics with PSD files included spread across various different niches. Your customers can take these infographics, modify them, and change them around in any way they want to fit their data. Additionally, your customers will receive the resell rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute this package however they see it.
Here’s some of the topics covered:
Internet Marketing
Making Money
Generating Wealth
Various Online Marketing
Build Your Own (Kit)
Self-Help / Improvement
And So Many More!
UPSELL 4 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers will already be very warmed up to the idea of the stock audio – now they can grab 3 packs all at once. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package containing our 3 best selling stock audio PLR packages all at a massive discount. Your customers can take these songs, use them, resell them, or do with them a variety of things just like the initial FE package. Additionally, your customers will receive the private label rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute each package however they see it.
Here are the 3 genres covered in these 3 packages:
Acoustic Rock Band Style
Lounge Beats & Ambient Music
Blues Rock Band Style
If a customer isn’t interested in all 3 of the FULL packages, we’re offering them the ability to buy all 3 of the FEs. Still a discount, and still well worth the price.
forget about wasted time end payment high price,. Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR is something I’ve been waiting for, I had seen these kinds on many sites before but didn’t now of any tool that could create like Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR. My advice don’t wait around, jump in! Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR will pay for itself as soon as you start using it.
Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR is the best software on the market right now (as far as I know). Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR comes with easy to follow instructions. You don’t need any technical experience to make these improvements. is good news for online bussiness. Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
Get Now Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR :
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Viral Social Posters Fitness Quotes Package PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
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ohwowbabee · 7 years
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best New Self Confidence Quote Social Posters images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross bonus
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross Make Money Online is the best, it will save your time and money.
Instead of charging you an arm and a leg for this package, I’ve decided to let you in at the bottom dollar for a limited time. However, I don’t plan to keep this offer open forever, because I don’t want the content to become oversaturated around the web.Because of that, I’m running a limited time dimesale. That means the price is low at the moment, and it’s going to increase with every other sale until it hits a ceiling.From there, I’ll be gauging the number of sales, and when I hit a certain number, I’ll pull this entire PLR package down from this page and it will be gone permanently.Having said that, if you’d like to get in at the lowest possible price, have a ton of traffic generating images with tons of potential, and even receive a reseller kit for this package (so you can profit from your investment), then right now you have to make a decision.
Beyond just the images, there’s several other modules that you can utilize to make reselling this package an absolute breeze and a half…I’ve included a front end sales page, a full out professionally designed graphics package with product mockups and all, an awesome HD sales video with the voice over, some email swipes, and instructions regarding how to set it all up.You will receive a non-transferable PLR license to this graphics package, meaning they can resell the product with personal usage rights and keep 100% of the profits. They can ALSO use the images for their own marketing efforts.
We’ve done all of the hard work, hired top notch graphic designers, and prepared an awesome package of “Confidence” based social poster images for you to use.Better yet, you’ll even receive the .PSD Photoshop source files as well. This means you can easily go in and modify any of the quotes in any way you’d like.To top it all off, you ALSO get the “private label rights” license to this full package, plus some awesome reseller kit modules too.You can use these images for yourself and your clients, OR you can resell them and keep every single cent or revenue that you earn.When you truly think about it, the possiblities are MASSIVE with this kind of package. By leveraging our hard work, building an audience and generating viral traffic has NEVER been easier.
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best New Self Confidence Quote Social Posters images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules is the best. You will be like a professional.
Get Now 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR :
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR Review and Bonus by Darren Ross – Best New Self Confidence Quote Social Posters images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR OTO / upsell :
FRONT END 100 self-confidence based social poster images with the PSD files and a full set of reseller modules. Customers are permitted to sell these posters ONLY with personal use rights. This package includes the following:
Module 1: 100 Social Poster PNG Files
Module 2: 100 Social Poster PSD Files
Module 3: 100 Quotes XLS Spreadsheet
Module 4: Graphics Package w/ PSDs
Module 5: Front End Sales Page
Module 6: HD Sales Video w/ Voice Over
Module 7: Social Swipes Kit For Promotion
Module 8: Camtasia Video Project File
Module 9: Private Label Rights License
Module 10: Setup Guide
UPSELL 1 The first OTO is a bundle of 2 sets of 100 social posters each based on various topics similar to the front end offer’s topic (which is self-confidence in this case). Each “Social Poster Package” includes the same 10 modules as found in the main front end offer. Here are the 5 topics covered in the OTO:
Topic #1: Courage & Bravery Quotes
Topic #2: Leadership Based Quotes
UPSELL 2 This is something that ties the entire package together, since your customers will already be very warmed up to the idea of the social posters – now they can grab a TON all at once. In this Upsell, customers will be presented with a MASSIVE bundle package containing ANY 6 of the various quote poster packages that have been released so far (or in the future).Your customers can take these quote posters, modify them, and change them around in any way they want to fit their plan.Additionally, your customers will receive the private label rights license along with a reseller kit (sales page, graphics, etc) so that they can distribute each package however they see it. Here’s some of the topics covered:
Time Management
Goal Setting
Team Work
UPSELL 3 This is a bit different from the front end offer and the OTO in that it doesn’t come with any PSD files.It IS however a SUPER bundle that I’ve assembled from my insane collection of social posters from previous product launches.There’s something like 1,000 total social posters in this OTO upgrade, and I’ve even put together a reseller sales page and modules too. Here’s just some of the topics:
Affiliate Marketing
Social Network Marketing
Stress & Anxiety Relief
Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence
Anger Management
Email Marketing
Internet Marketing (Various)
Membership Sites
Audio Marketing
Online Security
Account Security
Friendships & Relationships
Parenting & Busy Moms
Video Marketing
Anti-Aging Topics
Being An Entrepreneur
All Of The Tedious Work Is Done For You!
Finding Tons Of Quotes While this may seem like a mindless and easy taks, it can quickly become tiring and boring.  Not to mention, finding 100 quotes or sayings related to one specific topic starts to get tricky after a while.
Acquiring Stock Photos Whether you’re going and grabbing some royalty-free images, or you’re purchasing them with credits on a stock photo store, this costs either time or money.  We have the perfect images for each quote.
Designing In Photoshop Perhaps the most difficult and expensive part of the process, we’ve hired some of the best graphic designers to create eye-catching top quality social posters and including the PSD files for each image.
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR Modules :
Module #1 – 100 Confidence Based Social Posters If you’re looking for fresh content, especially content that you KNOW will generate real engagement (ie: images), then this is by far one of the easiest and quickest ways to do it.You’ll receive 100 (sometimes more with variations) social poster “quote” images in PNG file format.  Each image will contain a different quote, and a stock (royalty-free) photo as the background scene. Everything is clean, safe, and entirely ready to use right from the get go.
100 Social Poster Quote Images
1080 Pixes By 1080 Pixels Image Dimensions (Size)
PNG File Format (Uncompressed High Definition)
Fully Licensed Stock Images As The Background
Module #2 – 100 PSD Photoshop Source Files Want to edit any of these social posters?  You can effortlessly do that because we’ve included all 100 PSD source files for the quotes.This means you can change the font colors, font type, add a different image, brand it, or really do anything else that you’d like.You could even make new social posters using the basis (templates) from these 100 posters.
100 PSD Files (One For Each Quote)
Edit With Photoshop (Paid) or GIMP (Free)
Add Your Name, Brand, URL, etc.
Modify The Quote or Anything Else
Module #3 – 100 Quotes In A Spreadsheet With 100 quote images, you’ll probably want to check out the various quotes in text format as well.  This will allow you to utilize them in various ways.We are including a nifty little spreadsheet packed full of every single quote and who said it.This means you can include the text in your blog posts or where ever you choose to post these images.
Module #4 – Professional Reseller Graphics Package Making this product look even MORE professional and top notch, we went ahead and had our graphic designer whip up an absolutely beautiful minimalistic e-cover.This cover graphic perfectly highlights the power and simplicity of this product, and you’ll even receive editable source files and blank files so you can rebrand it however you’d like.
2D (Flat) & 3D (Mockup) Product Graphics
PSD Source Files Included (Edit Them)
Blank Versions Included For Easy Branding
Header, Logo, and Icons Images Included
Module #5 – Front End Sales & Thank You Pages Considering that you can resell this graphics package and profit from it, as well as using it for your own traffic efforts – you need some assets to sell it.What would a PLR package be without a completely done-for-you high quality sales page with effective sales copy and beautiful graphics? And of course, we’re including just that.  Check out the preview of the sales page below.  Better yet, we’re including Darren’s standardized “2-step” download page sequence as well.  (It’s all explained inside) And the sales page has a bit more in between those two images.  Plus you receive legal pages as well so that you can stay fully in the lines.
Module #6 – ‘WOW’ Sales Video & Voice Over With the digital age, and everybody being wired to the Internet and constantly on the go, people don’t really have the time to be reading through tons of text.That’s why we decided to put together a unique but highly effective explainer style sales video that is fully geared towards the topic of the product. Complete with a professional voice over as well.You will be receiving a 1080p MP4 video file for the sales video.  Furthermore, this sales video is already implemented into the sales page, so that saves you the hassle of doing it yourself.
Module #7 – Swipes Kit For Reselling Package Tying a lot of the promotional efforts together with this package, we felt that just providing “email swipes” was really skimping out.That’s why we went all out and decided to put together a kit of swipes that you can use for various methods of promotion.All you have to do is determine which way you’d like to promote, assemble your swipe using the various pieces of the kit, and then proceed to post away.
Module #8 – Camtasia Studio Video Project File As another massive added value to this package, you’ll also receive the Camtasia Studio Video Project File for the high def sales video.What this means is that you can easily go in and edit the text, change the colors, add to it, hire for a new voice over, or do anything else you’d like.This project file is yours to edit and modify however.  And it’s super easy to use.
Module #9 – License Package Not only will you receive the private label rights license that outlines everything that you CAN and CANNOT do with these images and this package, you’ll get something even more.You’ll receive a professional written and elegantly formatted end user license agreement which is based around an extended (commercial) royalty-free license agreement.You can provide this to your customers so that they know what their usage rights are with the images.
Clearly Outlines Your Usage Rights
Legally Notarized To Protect You
White Label For Convenience
Distribute To Users (And Know Your Rights)
Module #10 – Step-by-Step Setup Guide We’re not going to send you out into the wild without a sense of what to do or where to go with this kind of super lucrative graphics package.That’s why Darren took the time to record a series of videos that will show you not only how to use these social posters, but also how to set up the reseller kit including the sales page, graphics, and uploading it to your web host as well.You’ll know exactly how to utilize this package and start benefitting from it immediately.
Here’s Some of What You Can Do With These…
Post them on social networks and drive traffic anywhere to any location
Share them on Pinterest to get viral exposure
Build a targeted following on Instagram around these topics
Use them in your blog posts to create buzz and conversation around the subject
Generate a viral buzz on Facebook
Create a dedicated following on Twitter
Make blog posts for self-confidence with them
Resell the “images pack” as is for 100% profits
Sell the “social posters” individually and keep 100% of the profits earned
Use them for self-confidence in your own business or for your own customers
Include an image in your follow ups and broadcasts to your audience
Rebrand this package and sell it in any way you’d like while profiting 100% of the way
This Is An Easy Way To Generate Traffic!
Tons Of Images / Quotes To Choose From
Eye Capturing Design And Styles For Each
Can Add Your Logo Or Brand Text Easily
Set Them On A Schedule And Automate Posting
& One of Many Methods For Using These Posters…
Step 1: Choose One of The Images There’s 100 images to choose from, and they cover all sorts of quotes, sayings, and even statistics related to the main topic.  Meaning you should have no trouble find more than a few “social posters” to fit your audience.
Step 2: Add Your Name / Website / URL / Etc. Whether you have Adobe Photoshop (Paid) or GIMP (Free), you can easily add your name, website title, brand logo, or URL to any of these quote images.  Heck, you can even use an online image editor if you’d like to do it that way.  Or you can skip it!
Step 3: Post It On Any Site Or Anywhere You Want This is perhaps the easiest step of the process.  All you have to do is venture out to one of the many websites populated by people that will share your image.  Simply post your quote image, add some relevant tags, add a link to your site, and enjoy.
Check Out The License Terms Outlined Below…
Can resell with personal use rights (Minimum $17 Price)
Can distribute individually with personal use
Can post on any site or network you want
Can add or edit the images in any way you see fit
Can claim ownership of the images (within reason)
Can post on client’s pages, sites, etc.
Can use as templates to sell / create quotes for various client’s
Can use them as content on sites or pages
The Guarantee Policy
Due to the nature of this product and being that it’s both a graphics package and a PLR package, there will be no refunds available for this. That means that all sales of this package are final.  There are 100% no refunds. Please view the details of this product carefully before making your purchase.
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR : Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q: What file formats are included? You will receive PNG files for the actual social poster images themselves.  Additionally, you’ll receive the PSD Photoshop source files for each of the social posters as well, so that you can easily edit them.
Q: Can I edit or change these posters? Yes, you are permitted to modify these images in any way you see fit, whether by using the PSD files or not.
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee? Due to the nature of this product being mostly images, and you being able to see the quality of the images clearly on this page, there are no refunds.
Q: Can I sell these social poster images? Yes, you can sell these social posters with personal use rights only.  Whether as a whole or individually.
Q: Will I receive a license agreement? Absolutely, you will receive a license agreement that outlines what your usage rights are.  You will also receive a license you can give to your customers too.
Q: Where can I post these images? There’s really no limit to where you can post them, examples are Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Q: Are the photos used royalty-free? Yes, the images used in this entire package for the backgrounds or any icons, are indeed royalty-free or fully compensated for.  Guaranteed!
Q: Can I sell resell rights to this package? No, the license you are receiving allows you to only distribute these images with personal use.  You cannot distribute this package with resell rights in any way.
forget about wasted time end payment high price,. 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR is something I’ve been waiting for, I had seen these kinds on many sites before but didn’t now of any tool that could create like 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR. My advice don’t wait around, jump in! 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR will pay for itself as soon as you start using it.
100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR is the best software on the market right now (as far as I know). 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR comes with easy to follow instructions. You don’t need any technical experience to make these improvements. is good news for online bussiness. 100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
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100 Confidence Quote Posters PLR by Darren Ross Bonus
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