#been getting my bf caught up so i have someone 2 talk to 😔 and last night we got to the ahsoka episode so that was interesting
pinkfey · 2 years
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i’ll never stop thinking about her
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taegularities · 10 months
Rid I've been meaning to come to your inbox to scream about Jungkook's concert the second it ended but I had things to do 😤😤😤
But now I'm here and this man!!!!!!! He's so talented and cool and cute and army's best friend fr!! I loved how the concert felt like his weverse lives, the way he was chatting with the audience and trying to hear what they have to say as well 🥺🥺🥺 And then don't get me started on the encore songs, I sobbed so so hard and it felt cathartic, like just what I needed. I also couldn't stop tearing up afterwards every time I would think about him because of all the love I felt 😔😔😔
And don't get me started on the gcf video 😭😭😭😭 Jungkook vlogging always has such boyfriend vibes but this!!!!!! this!!!!!! The motorbike helmets???? And the sanrio plushie?????? And then he FILMS HIMSELF WORKING OUT SHIRTLES AND SHOWERING?!?!!?!!??? I swear I have so many thots thoughts in my head about that... Whyyyyy does he have to be so hot and know it? Why does he have to be such an exhibitionist lmaoooo.
Anyway this might sound delulu but I swear every time I start thinking about a guy irl too much, Jungkook does something like this that makes me not able to think about anything but him lol 😭😭😭
Sorry for dropping this rant lol but clearly this man is making me have a lot of thoughts as always. I hope you're doing well Rid, and that this insanity has been a welcome distraction from anything bad that might be going on, I know it has been for me. Love youuuu 💞💕💞💕💞💕
IVI!! damn all the things we have to do!! i got so lucky with that live bc mondays are my free days (from work) and i caught the entire showcase right before my online class!! but GAWD, wasn't it a masterpiece?!
it truly felt like chatting with him, but with him occasionally breaking out into songs to serenade us 🥺 did you see the way he looked at the audience during the tender love songs?! or when he sang still with you? oh my god, i've never seen this much affection and so many stars in someone's eyes :( jungkook oozes kindness.. how he spoke to armys. so cautiously, like he's handling us with care? but then, he's also such a dork?! telling a WHOLE STADIUM not to talk at once bc he can't hear them 🤣 the effort to listen to as many as possible, though 🤍
oh god, i don't even wanna talk about how much i cried during and after still with you (yes, i do though). idk what happened exactly, but i couldn't stop crying for a good while and am tearing up even now, and it's been 2 days LOL. he's my comfort person fr. like, he's everything good in the world and it hurts so much that i can't tell him and give him all the love i have for him specifically, does that make sense? sigh.
NO BUT THEN AGAIN, THE GCF WAS SOOOO WRONG OF HIM!!! i can't physically deal with whatever tf happened in there?! the saNRIO PLUSHIE?! the way i'd swoon if my partner brought that home. the gd helmets... like... wbk but........ and just the vibe in general, the entire video was so bf. the bit of him with his hair combed to the side/back and the black oversized shirt, and him taking his chain off. cemented in my brain. will drown and die in that very moment ::( i love him sm ivi, what do we do with all that affection i don't understand hwjfksidhs. and i get it omg. everyone just fades compared to him, and i'm starting to get worried about it lol 😭 he's like the crush one keeps coming back to. but also, a guy irl huh 👀
i'm glad you found distraction in this, love. i definitely did, too. today's a bit rough though, so i gotta ask, how are you doing? in general and regarding the announcement, have you been feeling okay? if not, then here's a hug, and we'll live through this together and i'm here to rant anytime 🫂 i love you, iviiii 🤍
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astrojoy · 3 years
Astrovations #5
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● Please remember that everything matters. Thus, planets aspecting definitely play a role on how certain may play out in life
● Debilitations upon planets happen! (Definitely know this upon personal experience and my mothers chart)
Thank you, now enjoy you beautiful strangers 💚
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🍃 Moon in the 12th can make someone hide their emotions a lot. My older brother has this and also a celebrity I see online. My older brother legit gets mad or leaves if I catch him crying (which is absolutely rare, like so rare that I've only caught him twice in my life and hes 20 now) but anger shows easier weirdly enough. The celebrity shows tears more at times but doesn't show anger as much 💀
🍃 An extreme case of pluto dominant reminds me of 'The Living Ken Doll' and when he transformed his whole body again into a woman
🍃 I know it sounds cheesy but one of the loudest people from my class the year before last, had a leo sun 😭
🍃 If your north/south node or personal planets are conjunct someone else's, then there's a good possibility of being soulmates (lover or not lover. Soulmates can be anyone) my 2 best friends have this with me, my ex's, etc.
🍃 Personal planets/2 or more planets/Neptune or Pisces in the 12th house daydream a lot
🍃 North Node in Libra needs to cooperate and understand teamwork with people more or groups. Another thing is love, they need to be able to spread love as well as accept it 💖
Some celebs with this: Kanye West, V + Jimin from BTS, Micheal Jackson etc.
🍃 Someones sun sign in your north node can make that person fill in what you lack. You are aiming towards the north node in this lifetime so the person with that zodiac sign as their sun shines those qualities more brightly (unless its in the 12th house and it hasn't been developed to its full potential yet)
🍃 Ive seen a lot of capricorns dominants love tea or coffee 😭
🍃 Aquarius in the 9th/Uranus have most likely thought about traveling to different countries
🍃 Mars is active wherever it's at unless it's malefic, then bad results can come of it, for instance mars in the 4th can give an active or passionate/stubborn father/mother or you were a hyper/playful child at home (if malefic then an over aggressive parent or pests/messy house and maybe you weren't aloud to play outstide much or at all), or in the 6th could mean you move around a lot or talk more often at school or work (if malefic then could have had bullies, rude/aggressive co-workers etc.)
🍃 Speaking of talking, I'd think Gemini in the 6th could be seen as funny or talkative wherever they work or go to school (this ones just a guess)
🍃 Capricorn in the 3rd can make someone not as talkative or more formal/careful when they speak
🍃 I've seen people with Neptune in their rising sign are more prone to stalkers. Besides some celebrities ive read about, my mom also has this (I actually didn't find out about this situation until it randomly came up in a conversation about crime and I remembered her neptune 😱) and when she was in college she caught random creepy men come up to her house at night and linger from time to time 😨😔
🍃 Since it's been said from time to time that neptune in the rising can be scouted as models as a career, I asked my mom about anything to do with modeling yesterday and she said she actually was called by a modeling company just after her senior year of high school 🧐
🍃 People with their zodiac moons ruler in the 12th also can hide their feelings just like the moon in the 12th
🍃 Pisces men/pisces dominants as bfs can be so sweet as to make poems about whoever their dating, write stories, draw, sing, be lovey dovey and romantic, dreamy etc. However on the toxic side, if they are, then they can be possesive, (if insecure) ask "do you love me???" alot, be clingy, and talk crap about their ex's and probably wrote bad poems/songs etc about them
🍃 Speaking of relationships i've seen cancer dominants hide a lot about everything after a breakup or either the total opposite side and have a big meltdown but then get over it like a week later. Don't worry, talk to your Libra friend (cOuGh ME coUgH) 👀💧
🍃 Tell a leo/Gemini/Libra/Cancer/Aries moon their on their period during an arguement and prepare to get beating up someone for talking smack in public legalized
🍃 Pluto transitting the 6th house can make major transformations when it comes to health or work/school. An example is one of my best friends pluto started transiting and her back began hurting but yet she lost (from what I know atm) 30 Ibs of weight because she disliked her body size. She also started working and started a job while she's in school. (We're still trying to help her back rn, she got in a small wreck a little while ago this year/if anyone knows any movement techniques or something to ease the pain please let me know!) 😔
🍃 People with cancer rising are feminine looking, have softer features, but just my type soo- 😏 ILL STOP ISHSIDBWI 🏃‍♀️
🍃 Some people talk about Libra moons/big 3 talking smack behind someones back but look towards someones mercury. Libra mercuries will make themeselves stay fair, capricorns would tell themeselves they know better and to not do it, virgos can be too sweet.. etc
🍃 Scorpio rising people have probably been asked "Are you ok?" Ir "whats wrong" when they sit alone 😬
🍃 Saggitarius moons have most likely questioned their intelligence before if it was transiting in a bad spot or in the 12th. This is because Saggitarius rules the 9th, which can be seen as the house of higher learning.
🍃 About intelligence, if chiron is in the 3rd or the 3rd house is in bad tides, these people can have trouble with learning, standard education-wise. They were talked down to by someone when it came to intelligence, like being called "dumb" "stupid" "wow you can't do anything as simple as that??" "Stop stuttering". 3rd house rules siblings so most likely siblings were a major influence. But if there's no siblings then schoolmates, parents or whomever could have played a major role in this. Also I've seen people have problems when it came to speaking. Mumbling, stuttering, (thats why I mentioned it slightly before) be mute, etc
🍃 A north node doesn't shape your path, it guides you on your path
🍃 I've seen people with a lot of planets in the 5th be LGBTQ+ activists 😄
🍃 Uranus in the 12th house can have sleeping problems or always changing sleep hours 🙁
🍃 I'm curious if animals have north nodes/south nodes. By that I mean, if their natal chart matters? I question it because they're souls.. but not humans? Yet mammals.. but not exactly us??? Idk I've recently questioned it. Because you see animals go through different kinds of lives just like us. Am I thinking too much on this- Hsgwisvakj lemme stop- 💀
🍃 I've seen a lot of libra/leo/virgo/scorpio suns have resting B**** faces including myself 💀
🍃 I've seen scorpio dominants randomly get hate before. An example is random people speculating about you or your true intentions, people leaving toxic comments if online, people look to them with jealousy, etc. I have a friend who was an ex bf (scorpio) of my other friend, and they just posted a random funny reaction picture with other ones on pinterest but someone decided to leave a upset hate comment on it but not the others from what we scanned through? 😦 This is just a minor case example fortunately!
Going to the beach:
Aries - Playing Marco Polo in the water 😌
Taurus - Eating one of the sandwhiches that were packed 👁👅👁
Gemini - Tricking Aries by getting out of the water yet still answering "POLO" 🤣
Cancer - collecting seashells and putting them in a big bucket 🤩
Leo - Being buried alive while also freaking out because the tides are coming closer 😃
Virgo - Making a sandcastle with Libra 😏
Libra - Making a sandcastle with Virgo 😄
Scorpio - Under the umbrella shade enjoying the wind beside Taurus 😴
Sagittarius - Burying leo in the sand 😃
Capricorn - Helping saggitarius bury leo while eating chips 😈
Aquarius - Snickering with Gemini.."POLO" 🤭
Pisces - Making seashell necklaces with the seashells cancer finds 😊
Aries - Committed the murder 🔫👁👄👁
Taurus - Watching the police investigate "Already? C'mon it's only Monday" 😩
Gemini - Telling virgo it wasn't them 😡
Cancer - Crying while hugging virgo then whispering "they prob deserved it" 😭
Leo - Posting the news to social media 🥱
Virgo - Suspecting gemini 🤨
Libra - The one who got murdered 💀
Scorpio - The detective 🧐
Sagittarius - Helped with the murder 👀
Capricorn - The police talking to people around the area 👮‍♀️👮‍♂️
Aquarius - "They must've missed the shot" 🤡
Pisces - Marking the scene and glancing at Aries getting murder vibes from them 👋😃
Playing smash bros/videogames:
Aries - "WHAT? I THINK NOT-" kills Geminis character 😏
Taurus - Talking smack not necessarily at anyone but whoever tries to fight their person 😤
Gemini - "Bruh wHAT" gets killed by aries and tosses controller to the side 😒
Cancer - Virgo kills their character "ok, ok, I'll remember that" 🙄
Leo - Watches gemini die "HAHA you sUcK" 🤡
Virgo - kills cancer and hears them but gets killed by libra 😑
Libra - Avenges cancers death 😳
Scorpio - Wins and gets comments like "YOU CHEATED" 😎
Sagittarius - "Wheres my character?? STOP WHERE'S MY CHARACTER-" Looks between the other 11 characters 🤨
Capricorn - Character dies "Ugh it's ok, we'll play another round!" 😖
Pisces - "SHH WE GOT NEIGHBORS!" While yelling 🤫
The last part was super fun btw
\ 😏
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Have an amazing day! 💚
Now 😡
Or I will take away your birthchart 😃
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