#been just laying in bed sniffing my pillow like a weirdo since I got home from work
meownotgood · 11 months
I ordered the aki cologne from otaku scents... and it arrived today...
it has a very cologne-y scent, basically it smells very much like a traditional masculine cologne... I sprayed some on my pillow and it's almost sweet at first, or sweet if you take a very deep breath in, but after it's lingered it has a faint but clean smell. distinctly sharp but subtle. the smell is comforting, it's soft and mature at the same time... a very crisp and pleasant scent... definitely something I could picture aki wearing I think... like an every-day sort of cologne? haha
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stardust2003 · 7 years
Madferit: The Novel - Chapter 11
"Morning." Maggie said as I sat down across from her at the table on the bus.
           "Morning." I replied.
           "What's up?"
           "Not much. I kinda wish there was though."
           She looked up at me from the papers she was reading over. "What do you mean?" She asked.
           "Not that I don't appreciate everyone's hospitality for letting me come along on the tour," I began, "but I don't wanna get in people's way."
           Noel gave a sarcastic snort from behind me where he sat on the couch with his acoustic guitar.
           Maggie glanced at him then turned back to me. "You don't get in people's way." She assured. "Trust me."
           "Like hell she doesn't." He muttered.
           I rolled my eyes.
           "I'm just used to working I guess." I continued. "And now I feel kinda useless."
           "That's because you fuckin'-"
           "I have an idea!" Maggie cut him off. "You can help me keep an eye on the boys when they go out. You pretty much already do."
           "You what?!" Noel practically yelled. "I don't need a fuckin' baby-sitter and I sure as hell don't need her!"
           But for once, someone overruled him. Maggie assigned me the task of watching over the band when they partied and stuff. It was like being a chaperone on a school field trip. Sometimes they'd get so out of control we (Maggie and I) worried at least one of them might wander off and get lost. We took to doing a head count every time the bus was boarded because of it. You can't make this shit up.
           To our great relief, nothing happened though. And before I knew it the bus was back in Cleveland pulling up to let us off at the Odeon.
           I talked Maggie into arranging a ticket to the gig for Kelly. Noel objected to the idea of course but I explained how big of a fan she was and if it weren't for her, I would've never even heard of the band. Everyone else thought that was really cool and welcomed her backstage with open arms just like they'd done with me. No one aside from Liam remembered her from the last time but she quickly got reintroduced.
           "I'm so glad you and Liam are finally together!" Kelly exclaimed as we sat on the couch together watching the boys' antics before the show.
           "We're not together." I argued. "We just...I don't know, screw I guess."
           "He took you as his date to an awards show. I'm sure he wouldn't have done that if you're just a piece of ass."
           She was right although I still didn't want to bank on it. Liam and I hadn't discussed the status of our relationship since before we left Manchester. And there were always girls at every show so I didn't want to get my hopes up. Still, it seemed like there was more to our situation than just sex. Liam held my hand when we'd be out places and always insisted we cuddle in bed. Surely that had to count for something.
           The house was packed as Oasis fans from all over Northeast Ohio crowded in to see the band. I heard a couple people say they came all the way from Cincinnati. Talk about devotion. The band played a similar set to the one they'd done the last time they were in town with the exception of a couple songs. They added in "(It's Good) To Be Free" which had become one of my favorites. It was a B-side and for some reason, Oasis' B-sides were sometimes even better than their A-sides.
           "Well I don't write shit songs!" I heard Noel say at some point on the tour. I think it was during an interview with some newspaper or something.
           He played the song during one of his late night solo sessions on the bus. I lay awake listening and fell in love...with the song at least. He played it on his acoustic and his voice sounded so perfect. I really didn't understand why Liam was the only one who sang vocals on the album. I couldn't imagine that was how it would be forever.
           After hearing the acoustic version with Noel's vocals, I realized I preferred it to the electric one with Liam's. I didn't dare tell Noel even if it would be meant as a compliment. He probably wouldn't have wanted to hear my opinion anyway.
           The electric version with the younger Gallagher singing it was what the folks at the Odeon got that night. And by the sounds of their hooting and hollering, I don't think they minded. The show was, like all the others, fuckin' mega. Fuckin' killer. Fuckin' [insert another adjective for "excellent" here].
           After the show was followed by drinks at the bar where Kelly and I finally got another chance to talk now that things had quieted down a bit.
           "So have they all got girlfriends?" She asked as we sat there watching the party go on around us. "Liam's obviously spoken for but what about the others?"
           "Well." I began. "Bonehead's got a girlfriend named Kate. She's back home in Manchester and everyone thinks they'll get married or something in the pretty near future. Guigsy's got some chick he met on a flight to Japan. Tony's been talking to some girl from Cuba but I don't think it's serious. And Noel I think might have something going on with a girl in London but nobody really knows for sure."
           She sighed. "So they're all taken."
           "No not really. Bonehead and Guigsy, yes but I don't know about Tony and Noel."
           "Tony's kinda cute." She mused. "Noel is too but my God, those eyebrows! I don't know how you put up with Liam's."
           I smiled. "Eh, they don't bother me." I replied. "They're a part of his livelihood."
           "Right. Well if I had the choice, I'd probably go with Tony. From what you've said, Noel sounds like a dick and who wants that?"
           "No one with any sense." I reasoned. I smiled at her. "I could put in a good word for you with Tony if you'd like."
           "Really?" She beamed.
           We were best friends after all so it was only right I did her the favor. And it worked.
           The band was scheduled to be in Detroit the following day. Since it wasn't that far from Cleveland, the management went ahead and booked a hotel for the night so the boys could get a good night's sleep before traveling in the morning. Kelly, Tony, Liam, and I decided to stay at me and Kelly's apartment for the evening so we'd have more space and even more privacy.
           "I've missed your bed." Liam said as we got ready to get in it. "You'll have to send for it when we get to London. One less piece of furniture to get sorted when we move."
           I grinned a little. "I'll do that." I assured him.
           He took his t-shirt off and then his boxers before crawling in under the blankets. I did the same (although I kept my clothes on) and we cuddled up close. Before too long we were both out like a light.
           It didn't last too long though.
           "What the fuck was that?" Liam exclaimed as we both sat up.
           "It sounds like someone knocking on the door." I replied.
           "At three o'clock in the fuckin' mornin'? Who the fuck-"
           "I don't know. I'll go see."
           "No!" He said as he grabbed my hand to keep me from getting out of bed. "Could be some weirdo or summat. Just let 'em go. They'll fuck off eventually."
           "I know." I told him. "So that's why I'll just look through the door thing and see."
           "Fine. But don't take too long, alright? We gotta be up early tomorrow so we don't got a lotta time to arse about."
           "I know."
           The knocking continued as I headed up the hall to the main area of the apartment. Kelly and Tony must've been really tired as her bedroom door was still shut with neither of them coming out to see what the heck was going on.
           I looked through the door viewer and couldn't believe who I saw.
           "Noel?" I said after I opened the door. "What are you-"
           "Th-, they were gonna kill me!" He exclaimed panic stricken.
           I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Who was?"
           "The fuckin' guitars! Turnin' into anacondas and shit. Tellin' me I couldn't fuckin' play and to pack it all in."
           I shook my head trying to wrap it around what he was saying as I stared at him.
           His upper lip was all red under his nose. His eyes were wide and filled with fear. He sniffed a little and his hands were shaking.
           "Ya've gotta let me stay here!" He cried. "I can't go back now, I'll be fuckin' slaughtered! The taxi brought me here 'cuz I told 'im it'd be safe. 'Cuz you're our baby-sitter, right? Our Tix."
           "No. I'm Liam's Tix." I said firmly. Liam was the only one who called me that and I kind of liked it. Hearing the others call me Tix would've just been weird. "And I think you're having a bad trip."
           "No I'm not! The guitars were fuckin' talkin' to me! I'm not lyin'. Ya can't lie about summat like that!"
           "Alright." I sighed. I knew arguing with him would be pointless until morning. "Come on! You can sleep on the couch."
           "I can't fuckin' sleep!" He said. "They'll come after me if I do."
           "I can assure you there are no guitars here that'll do that." I replied. "But there's four people who might if you don't shut the fuck up."
           "Four? Who the fuck else is here besides me and you? This is your flat, innit?"
           "Yeah and I have a roommate. As well as Liam and Tony."
           "Tony?" He echoed with a tone of confusion. "Why the fuck-"
           "Kelly invited him." I interrupted. "Come on!"
           I got some pillows and blankets and made him a bed on the couch.
           "But I don't wanna fuckin' sit down!" He whined as he tried to get up. "I can't fuckin'-"
           "Yes you can!" I barked as I held onto his hand to keep him from jumping up off the couch. "And you will or I'll call Marcus and tell him you wanna get back to all your guitars."
           "No! Please don't! They'll fuckin' kill me if I-"
           "Then sit down. Shut up. And go the fuck to sleep!"
           He stared at me and started to giggle.
           I rolled my eyes as I went to get up. "Good night, Noel-"
           "No wait!" He grabbed my hand to stop me.
           I looked at him and sat back down.
           He stared at me for a couple seconds before he spoke...or sang really...and not that great either. "If only she'd believe me. Bellona! Bella-"
           "Be quiet!" I said as I put my hand over his mouth.
           "I thought you liked my singin'?" He asked. "Fuckin' begged to hear it on the bus."
           "Well we're not on the bus, are we?" I got up off the couch. "Get some sleep. We've gotta be up in like four hours."
           "But I'm not tired!"
           "I don't care! Don't sleep if you're not tired. But don't keep everyone else up either."
           I headed off to the hallway.
           "Addie!" He said stopping me. "Addie!"
           I turned around to face him. "What?" I asked.
           "You didn't say good night." He sounded so innocent. And his eyes looked so innocent as well.
           I sighed. "Good night, Noel."
           "Good night." He said with a small smile...but a smile nonetheless.
           I smiled back. I knew it was just the drugs though – the comedown and all that. It had to have been. What else could it be?
           I went back to my room and got in bed beside Liam.
           "Who the fuck was singin' just now?" He asked groggily. "It sounded like a fuckin' cat dyin'. A fuckin' disgrace to the Roses."
           "That was the Roses?" I asked. I thought it sounded familiar but Noel's drug fueled, off key rendition made it hard to tell.
           "No. That was some cunt tryin' to rip off the Roses. If ya can't fuckin' sing, then quit fuckin' tryin'. Was that your neighbor or summat?"
           "No. It wasn't."
           "Who was it then?"
           "A cat." I sighed. I thought for a second then spoke again. "You said it was the Roses, right?"
           "Yeah. I know every one of their songs, me." He said.
           "Right. Which one was it?"
           He told me and after he'd gone back to sleep, I pulled out my portable CD player and listened to the track.
A girl consumed by fire
We all know her desire
From the plans that she has made
I had her on a promise
Immerse me in your splendor
All the plans that I have made
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
She's waited for
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
Oh this is the one
This is the one
She's waited for
I'd like to leave the country
For a month of Sundays
Burn the town where I was born
If only she'd believe me
Bellona Belladonna
Burn me out or bring me home
And this is the one
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
She's waited for
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
Oh this is the one
I've waited for
Oh this is the one
Oh this is the one
This is the one
I've waited for
This is the one
Oh this is the one
Oh this is the one
This is the one
I've waited for
This is the one
This is the one
This is the one
Oh this is the one
This is the one
I've waited for
It may go right
It may go wrong
This is the one
This is the one
She's waited for
And this is the one
This is the one
This is the one
She's waited for
And this is the one
Oh this is the one
Ah this is the one
This is the one
I've waited for
           'Probably just the drugs talking.' I thought as I shut the CD player off and put it on my nightstand. That had to be the reason Noel would start singing it.
           I would've been stupid to think it was anything else.
           Liam was still asleep when I woke up a few hours later. I left him as he was and went to the kitchen.
           I found Noel still asleep on the couch as I went in and looked through the cupboards to see what there was to feed everyone if they were hungry.
           "What you doin' up already?" Liam asked as he came into the kitchen wiping sleep from his eyes. "C'mon! It's not time to leave yet. Let's go back to bed."
           "You go on ahead." I replied. "I'm not tired and I wanna get a few things done before we leave."
           He sighed. "Well I may as well help ya then. If you're up then I'm up too. I don't sleep good when you're not next to me." He came over behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
           I giggled as he kissed the side of my neck.
           "What's for breakfast?" He asked. "Have you lot got any Ready Brek here?"
           "No. Sorry." I told him.
           "That's alright. How 'bout Weetabix?"
           "No we don't have that either. The closest thing we've got is Mini Wheats."
           He nodded and then we heard Noel stir on the couch.
           "Who's that?" Liam asked as he looked over in the direction of the living room.
           "You remember the dying cat from last night?" I said before we walked over to get a better look.
           "The fuck's he doin' here? Thought he stayed back at the hotel with everyone else."
           I shrugged not knowing what else to say.
           Liam's eyes filled with just a bit of annoyance. He glanced down at the counter that functioned as our dining table and saw the baseball that was sitting on it. It was the fly ball Kelly had caught when she and I went with some of our other friends to an Indians' game the previous summer. We didn't know what to do with it as far as decorating so we just left it sit on the counter.
           He grabbed the ball and chucked it at Noel.
           "Ow! Jesus!" Noel cried as he rubbed his eyes where it landed before it rolled off onto the floor.
           "The fuck you doin' in our fuckin' gaff?" Liam said to him. "Thought you were stayin' at the hotel you fuckin'-"
           "That's enough!" I stopped him.
           "I fuckin' should've!" Noel said as he sat up. "At least then I wouldn't have shit thrown at me."
           "Nah, mate! They'd find summat. Plastic chairs. Tambourines-"
           Noel's eyes flickered with anger. "You fuckin'!"
           "I said that's enough!" I barked as I held Liam back from lunging at him. "Don't forget you two still have a bus to ride on together."
           "The fuck we do!" Liam said. "I'd rather walk than ride with him."
           "Well fuckin' walk then ya sorry cunt!" Noel argued. "And take your bird with ya!"
           I looked away at the realization his kindness from the previous night had obviously been a wash.
           The Noel I knew was back.
           And I had a pretty good feeling he wasn't going to leave anytime soon.
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