#been sleeping like crap lately so i could certainly use this from him rn
wriothesleybear · 7 months
Pussydrunk!Wriothesley would eat you out before bed, not for his own pleasure, but to help you relax and sleep easier. This especially helps on nights you struggle with sleep. When your thoughts won't stop racing, worries keeping you awake. He spends his time laying on his stomach between your legs as he lazily eats you out. He doesn't even care if you cum or not. His main focus is to help cease your thoughts so you can finally get some sleep. After making sure you're in a cozy position to fall asleep in, he spreads your legs, resting them over his shoulders. He slowly and gently peppers kisses on your thighs, his lips gliding over your skin. He rubs and massages your thighs as he tastes you, praises and compliments leaving his beautiful lips. His ministrations are slow and soft, filled with many kisses and kitten licks, but with some longer licks thrown in here and there. You're able to feel the love and care through his actions, making you feel warm deep inside and your love for him to grow. The mesmerizing feeling of his tongue and lips, added with the sound of his calming and soothing voice, causes your eyes to become heavy. For the times that you do come undone on his tongue and you fall asleep shortly after, don't worry, he'll clean you up and wrap you up in the blanket, then hold you close to his chest as he snuggles with you to sleep.
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Survey #259
"i went straight to heaven, but i kept on knockin’.”
What's something that makes you feel more creative? Music. What are the last three nail polish colors you wore? Wow, idk the last time I wore nail polish, but probably black or maroon. What's the last thing you binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. Do you watch youtube videos or tv shows more? YouTube is essentially my TV. Quite literally - I don't have a television in my room because I never watch it. What's a DIY project that you don't think actually works? Oh dude, plenty. I have DIY-obsessed friends online as well as a Pinterest, I know this shit, lmao. I can name one though with total certainty because I was with a friend when she tried that disgusting "YOU CAN MAKE cuPCAkES IN A C uP!!!!!" crap. It's the most eggy shit you'll ever try. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I think those crafts are generally super cute. Have you ever gotten rid of something and then regretted it? If so, what? (or what's one thing?) Oh yeah, one of my biggest being my senior prom pictures, but not for the reason you'd expect (save for two pictures of us that're just REALLY fuckin cute): I want them back because goddamn I was pretty ok and I miss that now that I hate my body every waking moment of every day. :^) What color is the zip-up hoodie you wear the most? Don't have one w/ a zipper, they're ugly. Do you live in an apartment that has inspections? No. Do you hate taking naps during the day? Nooo I love naps and usually take one a day. I tend to feel really tired all over again a few hours or so after I wake up. Who in your immediate family has the best natural hair? MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Would you ever audition for American Idol? Hell no. Do you know anyone who thinks they're more talented than they are? Lol wow, this is mean. I don't think so. Do you buy gum? Rarely, even though I like it. What's your favorite dollar store?  I don’t have a favorite, I'd say? But I think we normally go to Dollar General. How many cell phones have you had in your lifetime? Maybe like, six? Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? BITCH I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!! I would kill to get married in one, omfGGGGGGGGGGG. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't remember a bad one. I loved going on field trips. The last time you went, what were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? I’ve never been. Which country would you most like to visit? Eeeeek idk, but probably South Africa. What are your favorite types of videos to watch on YouTube? What I watch on YouTube has become pretty diverse, but I know my favorites are easily Mark's actual big projects w/ egos 'n shit alksjdflk;w gOOD SHIT MY FRIENDS. I still love let's plays, of course! Are you a hoarder? No. Is there a guy (or girl) that you wish things had worked out with? Yes. If you were to start a collection, what would it be? I'd loooove Shadow of the Colossus stuff, particularly the amazing figures they used to have only in Japan. And World of Warcraft stuff; all I have rn is an Illidan poster and a fae dragon plushy hanging from my ceiling that Jason got me. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? Mother of god, a lot. #1, make me skinny again for the love of fuck. Which would result in loose skin being taken off and probably a breast lift because being overweight ruined my comfort with them laskdjfw. Whiten my teeth and give me laser hair removal surgery on my legs, please. Are your parents too controlling? Not at all. Who is your favorite fictitious redhead? VOL'JIN Blizzard what the FUCK give him BACK What shows have you seen on Broadway? None. Who is the prettiest Asian YouTuber that you can think of? Bitch Mark is Korean and he's gorgeous as fuck goddamn it ain't fair. But this is a weird question. What is the best news you've heard lately? When my mom got a follow-up blood test, things looked good!! She especially needed to level out her sugar, which she did well on. She also didn't lose or gain any weight, so that's wonderful. Have you ever flown first class? Hunny I am v poor. Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? I don't believe so, anyway. Do you talk in your sleep? Very regularly now. Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? OOF, yes. Are you the type of person who can shake insults off easily, or do they tend to stick around in your brain & bother you? They stick with me for a long, long time. At least two I remember from years upon years ago. Who was the last person you cut out of your life intentionally? My old therapist that I trusted and loved when I fucking shouldn't have. Where were you raised? By who? Eastern NC, by my parents. What were your first words? "Dada." What were some of your favorite things when you were young? DINOSAURS, Webkinz, Pokemon, and Spyro, to name a few. What did you grow up listening to? Mostly country and pop music. What games did you play in the past? Spyro was my obsession, and I also loved hunting games (ironic, as irl I would never even consider it???) as well as fishing ones, plus Crash Bandicoot. What was the best birthday party you ever had? I'm not sure. How about the best vacation? I'm unsure; I haven't really been on a lot. Do you have any secrets you never intend to tell? Yup. What memory would you like to disappear from your mind forever? A nightmare I had about my dad. If you were someone else, would you be friends with the person you are now? Yeah. Do you consider yourself a smart person? No. What friend in your life has been the greatest influence to you? I don't know. Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? What made it so terrifying? I shared a bedroom with an EXTREMELY volatile, violent woman once in the mental hospital. As in she had to go in solitary when she had a violent episode, during which she became very destructive to her surroundings, so as you could guess, I was worried about my own wellbeing. She was eventually moved because I was that uncomfortable. Did you celebrate Easter? Are there any holidays you are more inclined to celebrate than others? If so, which? Well, Easter hasn't come yet, but we'll probably go to my sister's house for the kids. We'll celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving without fail. We don't pay much attention to others. I'd LOVE to do something for Halloween, we just never have anywhere to go/anything to do. What was the last thing you deleted? Pictures. What colors make up the majority of your wardrobe? Is there any color you like, but don’t wear often? There's black there. Oh, there's s'more black. What's that???? More bLACK????? MAN, I wish I could pull off pink. When was the last time you were in any amount of pain? I had a pretty intense headache yesterday. Who was the last person to hug you? Do you hug this person often? My niece, and yeah, every time I visit. What are you most likely to argue or debate about? The fact I almost never leave my pajamas lmao. What was the last show you watched? Have you seen it before, or is it something you’re watching for the first time? A few days back, I was reeeaaally bored and actually watched TV deliberately, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????? It was The Witcher; wasn't bad. I'd be willing to watch more. How would you describe your taste in clothing? What would a dream outfit look like to you? uuuuuggggGHHHHHHHH let me be GOTH. Give me a corsette if they weren't notoriously uncomf with plenty of chains 'n stuff. BIG, SPIKY BOOTS. SKINNY LEATHER PANTS. UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH. Have you ever tried snowboarding? No. What’s your favorite planet besides Earth? Saturn is dope. Would you ever be a coach for any sport? Nope. What color of eyes do you have? Blue. Do you like tacos? NOOOOOOOOO. White or red wine? Wine is gross. Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Foxes. What’s the youngest you would consider dating? No younger than 21. Do you think suits are sexy? mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Were you a fan of Michael Jackson before he died? I was never really a fan. Respected him immensely as a musician, I just didn't care much about his music. Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving? Ham. Turkey is always too dry and stringy. Do you look good in hats? I wouldn't know, I haven't worn one in forever. Never with short hair. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face's eyes? Colons. Do you like architecture? If so, do you have a favourite style or structure that you’d like to make note? Yes, and I should really have an answer for this, as architecture was a big part in Art History... Ummm Etruscan stands out, and of course Roman/Greek (even after the class I don't remember their differences well...). I love Middle Eastern architecture, too. What is one of your favorite words, in any language, and why? I just love the sound of "serendipity," as well as uhhhh "sakura" in Japanese and "kanji" in Chinese. I'm trying to think of a German one, as there certainly are some, but they're evading me right now. Where is the farthest you’ve travelled on foot? JESUS FUCK probably going to get Sara's brother from school, mother of all that is holy. But it might just feel like it because it was during the peak of my muscle atrophy in my legs. Are there any songs that you perhaps like but avoid because it makes you sad when heard? A good number. Do you like the area that you live in? What do you like or dislike about the area? NO. There's not shit to do and it's not aesthetically pleasing at all. Do you have a memory of when you really thought that you have lucked out on something? If so, what was it? Uhhhhh. A handful, I guess? Oh, uh, the suicide attempt to name one and probably the biggest. I took way too many of those pills to experience almost zero symptoms of an overdose; I did look up what "too many" was, because I wanted that. I'd say I was pretty fuckin lucky. If you have apps on your mobile phone, which one do you use the most? Facebook. Which do you like better: fantasy or science fiction novels? Why? FANTASY!!! I think it allows more creativity and possibilities of something magically "making sense" because yeah, it's fantasy. Science fiction has more "realness" to it, more, obviously, scientific elements versus make-believe. Do you like opossums? Do you think it is ethically right for others to keep opossums as pets? OPOSSUMS!!!!!!!!! ARE!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're my second-favorite animals kdsja;lkdjaw. BUT ANYWAY, no, unless it's for rescue reasons. When was the last time someone asked you a huge favor or advice? Do you get asked often by this person? Oh I have no idea. Probably my mom? And no, definitely not. She hates asking for help. What are your thoughts on nihilism? I definitely get it, but it's not my personal outlook. Do you like the snow? More like love. What are your thoughts and feelings towards work/jobs in general? I don't know? I've never even had a real, steady job, so it's hard to really answer... I've only had bad experiences. It's kinda weird to me how you have to work your ass off (usually) to get a job you enjoy, as well as slave for some stupid green paper until the day you die just to stay alive and healthy. But at the same time, it offers a sense of fulfilment and is as well something productive and beneficial to the masses to do. Civilization would be very, very different and unadvanced if we were without them, so I guess it is a necessary thing. Humans gotta work together to keep where we're at. Do you believe in astrology? I've never actually elaborated why I don't believe in it so there ya go: not in the slightest. All it does is offer extremely broad characteristics that, in some light, almost anyone can relate to so they feel included in something. We naturally want to "belong" within something as social creatures, and astrology is an easy one with it being so vast. It gives equally indirect advice that can be applied to a multitude of situations, so people just mold what they read to fit their world. Don't base your goddamn life choices on the random positioning of shit in space. What is something that you’ve made/created? Do you take pride in your creations? Well, way way way too many OCs that I do indeed love a hell of a lot. If you have a Tumblr account, do you have any followers that you wish would not follow you? Well I'm sure there are bots. What kind of books do you generally enjoy to read? Fantasy stuff, mostly. But I also love novels with deep meaning, particularly about life in general. A good plot is mandatory. Does the quality of a video, on YouTube or a television, matter to you? I mean of course in some situations, like if I'm watching something educational/something to gain visual knowledge from. What is one situation that may cause you to become shy (if there is any)? Don't don't don't don't don't point out that my serious interests/things I massively love are "weird" like it's been years and I can still barely explain why my biggest tattoo is a tribute to some fuckface on the Internet lmao. When one is depressed, what can a friend do about it? Do you find that there is a good method to approach people in helping them combat depression? It is SO important to, first, ask them what they want. Do they want advice, an ear to just listen, just your presence, to be alone? As for combating depression, that greatly depends on the origin (if any) of theirs. There are so many factors in answering this question, but what I mentioned should, imo, always be the start. Do you tend to listen to music that embraces your mood or does music dictate your mood? Is it a little bit of both? Definitely both. When I'm sad though, I'm almost definitely listening to somber music too. Do you find yourself to be generally a forgiving person? I'm too goddamn forgiving. Do you have an embarrassing memory that you now look back at and can laugh? If so and if you’re comfortable, could you share one here? Omg I have a Bible-length collection of those suckers. I'd prefer not to. What is one skill that you have worked hard to develop? Is there still room for improvement on that skill? Damn, anxiety-coping mechanisms and actually trusting them to help me through attacks. I used to be convinced that they were useless because it just wouldn't work and weren't immediately effective, but you've gooooooot to trust the process, friends. What do you consider to be your main passion(s) and how did they come about? Spreading awareness of the seriousness of mental health and the comfort of knowing there's hope. You can never stop pushing. My own experience with mental health struggles is definitely the deeeep roots of that. Who do you think influenced you the most in your life so far? Why? Jason changed my life in many ways. Trauma does that. He taught me a lot about the necessity of having faith in yourself to survive on your own, a shitload about love and how it's not some fairy tale, and that people change, even those you least expect to. What is something that you have overheard people talk about that really bothered you? I could name more than a few things about race stuff, living where I do. What do you normally say or how do you normally act in response to a compliment? I usually do this shy laugh and say "thank you" with too much enthusiasm. How many books do you own? Do you have more physical books than electronic books? I've no clue where a lot of my old ones are. I have no electronic ones; I strongly prefer to read a physical book. What are your thoughts on higher education? Is it really necessary? In your opinion, what changes can be made? Depending on your aspiring career, it can be necessary, but just as easily, it can be unnecessary. I know for a fucking fact it should not be NEARLY as expensive as it is. Maybe even free, but I have no idea what monetary concerns that could cause with whoever runs the place. Have you ever received a heartfelt compliment from a stranger? Probably at some point. How many people would you consider to be extremely close to you? "Extremely"... like three lmao. Maybe one more or so. When was the last time you had to speak to a crowd? How well did that go? When I was taking pictures at a wedding last. It went okay. How would you describe your general outlook towards humanity? We by no means deserve to be the apex predator and Earth would be a shitload better without us. How long do you think you could last without any contact with your significant other, best friend, or a person whom you consider would be the closest to you? I'll use my mom here, in which case idk. I don't particularly want to find out. I talk to her at LEAST by text daily. Every day now that she can't work/is always home with me. Have you ever realised that someone was lying, but it was too late to confront them? Nope. Eventually speaking up is how I lost her, but.
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fatechica · 6 years
100 Questions
Whee, I was tagged by @janes-mike and @dancingskygreen! This is a good distraction for while I’m sick, lmao.
1. What is your nickname? Jules or JP
2. How old are you? 34
3. What is your birth month? November
4. What is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius
5. What is your favorite color? Burgundy
6. What’s your lucky number? 1123, if pressed (it’s my birthday, lol)
7. Do you have any pets? I do! I have one cat who’s 15 years old and a curmudgeonly princess.
8. Where are you from? California (the SF area, to be precise, tho I live up in Sacramento, now)
9. How tall are you? 5′3
10. What shoe size are you? 7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Ok, so I’m the person who buys shoes but never wears more than, like, 3 pairs ever? So, I have, like, 20 pairs of shoes and my husband gets so mad that I mostly never wear them.
12. Are you random? What does this even mean? No? I feel like I’m too logical to be random.
13. Last person you texted? My friend about how awful my voice sounds rn.
14. Are you psychic in any way? Nope, not in any way, shape, or form.
15. Last TV show watched? Requiem
16. Favorite movie? Empire Records and Pacific Rim
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Out of this World (god, aging myself. does anyone here even know that show?)
18. Do you want children? Maybe? I still don’t know the answer to this question (and, as my mother likes to remind me, the end of my fertile years is coming up, so time may answer that question for me)
19. Do you want a church wedding? Haha, already married and we did not have a church wedding
20. What is your religion? I’m agnostic, but my husband is Buddhist, so...also Buddhist?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? yes. the last time was when I sprained my elbow so bad I lost feeling in my fingers
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Haha, NO
23. How is life? Eh? It’s ok rn. I’m sick and I have work tomorrow, but otherwise pretty good
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? Haha, socks? LOL, no. It was 100 degrees today and I don’t like having my feet covered even when it’s cold.
26. Have you ever been famous? Nope
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Yeah, no, no thank you. I like the anonymity
28. What type of music do you like? I’m a musician, so the answer is “everything”. Like, you hit shuffle on my iphone and you’re just as likely to hit Beethoven’s Sonatas as you are Notorious B.I.G. and everything in between. I’m the least partial to country, if I had to pick something I didn’t like (or, at least, don’t often listen to).
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yep!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I can’t fall asleep any other way but on my stomach, but I often wake up on my back, which is hilarious since I can’t fall asleep like that at all.
32. How big is your house? idk, normal size-ish? Like, 2000 square feet? We have a large lot, so it feels bigger than it really is.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal (I’m a whore for cereal)
34. Have you ever left the country? Yes! Last time was a couple of years ago when the husband and I went to Puerto Vallarta
35. Have you ever tried archery? I have, back in summer camp ages ago (and, also, I could try it again any time I want since my husband does archery and there’s an archery target set up in our backyard. imagine my complete lack of surprise when he came home with 4 hay bales and was like “babe, i’m gonna build a target!”)
36. Do you like anyone? Lol, I’m married, so I sure hope so!
37. Favorite swear word? Hands down, it’s “fuck”. I use it all the time.
38. When do you fall asleep? Around midnight if I’m being good.
39. Do you have any scars? Yeah, I was a really active kid and got in a lot of scrapes and whatnot. My most notable one is the scar on my chin from where I split it open and had to get stitches.
40. Sexual orientation? Pretty straight.
41. Are you a good liar? Fortunately or unfortunately, yes.
42. What languages would you like to learn? I want to learn German and Mandarin, and I seriously need to re-learn Japanese and Spanish (I used to be mostly fluent in both).
43. Top 10 songs? Oh shit, uh...crap. Pass on answering this question unless you want me here all night figuring this shit out.
44. Do you like your country? I’m in America and...in theory, yes. At the moment? NO.
45. Do you have friends from the web? Oh yeah, absolutely!
46. What is your personality type? I’m super extroverted and assertive and headstrong (my MBTI is ESTJ and I have never related to a personality type SO STRONGLY).
47. Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw
48. Can you curl your tongue? Nope
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Um, since most of my friends here are in the ST fandom, let’s go with that and, in that universe, I’d have to say Mike Wheeler. His sense of responsibility and knack of putting everyone else ahead of him is something I relate to so very much.
50. Left or right handed? Left
51. Are you scared of spiders? I have legit arachnophobia.
52. Favorite food? Macaroni and cheese (I’m such white fucking trash)
53. Favorite foreign food? Pho or (and I’m cursing my inability to add accent marks here)  Bun Thit Nuong Cha Gio, which is vermicelli noodles with bbq pork, eggrolls, veggies, and fish sauce and it’s so good (ok, i’m craving it now) (also, lol, can you tell my husband’s Vietnamese, or what?)
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Dude, I’m messy as fuck.
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Figure out what it’s like to pee standing up.
56. What color underwear? Like, right now, or in general? Because the answer to right now is “nothing” (because i’m in my pjs and i don’t wear underwear to sleep), but in general, black because i don’t like having to match anything.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 15-20 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego? Situationally, yes. Like, when it comes to things I’m good at, oh hell yes. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck. I have an oral fixation.
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the damn time.
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yep!
62. Are you a good singer? I like to think that I am.
63. Biggest Fears? Spiders and the depth of the ocean (what’s down there?!?!?!)
64. Are you a gossip? Haha, yes.
65. Are you a grammar nazi? Oh yeah.
66. Do you have long or short hair? Medium-ish? It goes right past my shoulders, so I guess on the shorter end.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? I can.
68. Favorite school subject? Math
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Extrovert!
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but I want to so bad.
71. What makes you nervous? Not being able to live up to expectations.
72. Are you scared of the dark? No, I love the dark. I have really good night vision.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? All the time. I’m annoying that way.
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, yes I am (unfortunately)
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Nope...at least, not on purpose.
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Yes!
77. Have you ever drank underage? God, all the time.
78. Have you ever done drugs? Yes, but only pot.
79. What do you fantasize about? Having the freedom to travel and do what I want without having to worry about money.
80. How many piercings do you have? Three on each ear (though I’m planning on getting a cartilage piercing soon).
81. Can you roll your R’s? Lol, I only took 10 years of Spanish, so I certainly hope so.
82. How fast can you type? Pretty fast
83. How fast can you run? Um, I average about a 13 minute mile, so not super fast.
84. What color is your hair? Auburn-red
85. What color are your eyes? Hazel
86. What are you allergic to? Mold and mildew
87. Do you keep a journal? Haha, I gave up that ghost years ago. The closest I get to that is this blog.
88. Are you depressed about anything? Not particularly at the moment (though I suffer from anxiety and that can quickly turn into depression if I don’t watch it)
89. Do you like your age? I do, I think. I can’t say I didn’t wish I was in my late 20s again, mostly because there’s the pressure to have done certain things by the time you’re in your mid-30s (like, have kids and whatnot), but I certainly don’t feel my age most of the time, so *shrugs*
90. What makes you angry? When people aren’t given a fair shot, or unfairly treated. I’m real big on equity of respect and it makes me so angry when I see people getting treated like shit or disrespected (bigots and racists and misogynists really piss me off). In that same vein, people not doing their fair share of the work also really piss me off.
91. Do you like your own name? Yeah, I do. I mean, I’ve had it for 34 years.
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? thankfully, no.
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I think, if I have kids, I want a girl.
94. What talents do you have? I’m a fast and adaptive learner and I have a near photographic memory.
95. Sun or moon? Sun.
96. How did you get your name? Ok, I’ve asked this question and the only answer I can get from my mom is “I don’t know, your dad and I just liked the name.”
97. Are you religious? I like to consider myself a spiritual person, but I’m not particularly religious. I’m fascinated by religiosity and tradition and I like participating in religious ceremonies, but I don’t know if I believe in a religion enough to be religious.
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? Yes, I have. I developed anxiety a few years ago and I saw a therapist for a few months to help with my issues.
99. Color of your bedspread? White with blue and turquoise dots.
100. Color of your room? Grey
Alright, then, I tag.... @mikeywheelerr, @formerlyjannafaye, @el-and-hop, and @linachupi
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
in locked with you.
member: park woojin genre(s): high school!au, fluff, crush!woojin summary: with it being halloween, you suddenly regret being the last person to remain at school and what more luck is that you’re locked in the classroom. fear not, you’re not alone; your crush is there too. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 1.7k
note: wow am i whipped for woojin or is it all of you? i think it’s both lmao but this is another requested scenario by an anon! this is to commemorate an event that i don't actually partake in but i might as well lowkey celebrate it by writing about it..??? heheheh. it's actually halloween now here in australia so imma write this as quick as possible lmao - to those trick or treating, have fun and stay safe!!
p.s thank you to the anon that requested this! it means a lot < 33
halloween - the greatest time of the year for pranksters and outright mischievous
your school loveessss halloween
even to the extent where the principal allows the student committee to put decorations on and let the students come as anything they want 
ofc you didn’t wanna miss out on the fun 
so you dressed up as that one thicc sausage bun which will be forever missed (halloweiner anyone?? ok that was lame)
rip snapchat hotdog :’((((
the entire day was fun and filled with so much laughter that you were sure your day was gonna be 100% l i t 
you had dance club meetings that you had to attend but it was mainly dance captain!ong talking about preparations for upcoming events so it was all chill 
and eventually by the time you were fully aware, it became evening 
so you went to the toilets to change into casual clothes 
bc would you really wear a hotdog suit during the evening, or in general public (i mean i would cough)
usually you would have your best friend with you whenever club meetings ended late 
but she was absent and all your fellow club mates have gone to dog you so you were basically the only person in the school 
you thought of all the horror movies you watched alone and the possibility of them coming true to life 
wrong move, you freaked yourself out 
what’s even better is that you left the rest of your things in the classroom where the meeting was held 
so you walked to that classroom as quickly as possible, already planning to grab your things and jet straight away
bc not today demons. not today. (totes not a bts reference) 
but when you entered the classroom, there’s this guy crouching down looking for something 
so you let out a yelp and he jumps in shock
the said guy then looks up 
and you instantly shut your gaping mouth 
cos it’s park woojin 
your crush and fellow dance club member 
but step aside feelings, he scared the heck outta you and he needs to hear a piece of your mind
“s-sorry! did i scare you??”
you see that worried and overall shook look on his face 
aannnnnddd nevermind he’s forgiven 
bc it’s okay if he nearly gave you a heart attack, the world is a better place and your entire existence is blessed by park woojin 
“no no!” you wave your hand furiously, “it’s okay - i just wasn’t expecting someone in here since i was the last person left. what are you doing here by the way?”
“ah...well, seongwoo hyung told me that he forgot something here and ordered me to get it. so here i am but i can’t seem to find it though.” 
with woojin’s presence in the same vicinity as you, you suddenly forget your plan of bolting, “do you need help..?”
“no, it’s getting late and you should go home - i think i can handle; it was just these documents that he placed somewhere.” 
you shake your head in return bc you’re a nice human being, “i’ll help you besides it’ll be faster if we look for it together.” 
hence the beginning of your search party 
and whilst you were both too focus looking here and there 
the “wind” slams the door shut 
(in actuality someone specifically a guy named ong seongwoo closed the door shut and locked it from the outside) 
you run to the door and fumble with the door handle, trying to push it open 
“ohmygod ohmygod you can’t be serious- why isn’t the door opening-” you start to panic and woojin instantly comes over gently pushing you aside 
he also begins with the same motions as you
and after numerous pushes and kicks, woojin lets out a sigh 
“we’re locked in...” 
now you start to panic even more and you’re just there trying to calm yourself by taking deep breathes 
“i mean, it could be worse right...?” you laugh nervously at him 
but jokes on you 
bc the moment you said that, all the lights immediately shut 
(totally not the work of ong seongwoo)
“n OPE.” you finally say before trying to find your way to the door by touching the handle.
so now you’re just endlessly banging on the door, screaming and yelling; “HELP!! ANYONE??? IS ANYONE THERE?? HELP!!”
the fact that it was dark and you couldn’t see crap made things worse 
bc you were petrified and it feels like you’re all alone by yourself - woojin doesn’t seem to be answering and you can’t even figure out where the heck he is  
(he has no clue how to deal with you when he’s freaking out himself)
“woojin woojin woojin, we’re gonna die and the ghosts are going to take our souls and and we’ll end up in another universe or something and we’ll be trapped forever.” 
there’s no reply 
“woojin? oh my god, am i all alone now? park woojin you dog, i swear on my own failing grades-” 
then out of nowhere you can faintly see the entire room again and you relax as you see woojin appear in your vision, holding his phone as he keeps the flashlight on
“did you just call me a dog...?” 
he’s looking at your face, amused at how you were shedding a few tears and sniffling 
you were pretty cute in his eyes 
“i didn’t mean to, i panicked and i really don’t know what to do and and i should have gone home like what you said earlier but nooo! my stupid humanitarian ass and my feelings got in the way so i ended up helping you. 
i knew i shouldn’t have binged watched all those horror movies last night and oh my god, i don’t even know if i’m breathing; should i breathe? can i breathe?” 
you turn your back to him as you try to calm yourself down and there’s complete silence apart from your shaky breaths
and it starts to get him worried bc you look like you’re close to breaking down 
so woojin pushes aside all the awkwardness and hesitance that he’s feeling, grabbing your shoulders so you face him 
you’re just there sniffling quietly, looking down bc good lord you’re ugly crying rn - this boi shouldn’t be seeing you like this 
but he places his hand under your chin and lifts your head lightly 
“y/n, look at me.” 
you instantly look down and shake your head. “no, shut up i’m crying and it’s ugly; don’t do this to me.” 
look at you finding a reason to not give away that you’re a lot more terrified than you look
his plead softens you in less than a second and you slowly oblige to his request, your eyes meeting his.
“you’ll be okay, we’ll be okay, alright? i’m right here, you can trust me.” woojin softly says to you, “take deep breaths and just look at me, forget about everything else.” 
surprisingly, you were starting to calm down and seeing that it was working, he flashes you a grin
“see? nothing will go wrong from now and even so, you have me.” 
now you’re just both sitting on the ground, talking comfortably 
which is a first time bc you and woojin haven’t really properly talked before this situation
in that short amount of time though, you immediately clicked with him and it’s going great
you’ve gotten a lot more calmer than at the beginning 
but only because you’ve been holding his hand 
which he initiated, thinking that it could help you 
even if it isn’t really a scientifically proven idea 
it’s effective though (somewhat) 
bc while it calms you down, your heart is also pounding loudly  
and you’re just praying really hard that he can’t hear it bc you sure damn well can 
it’s now officially midnight 
you’re both beginning to yawn 
next thing you know, you lean on the wall and you’re knocked out cold 
he doesn’t really realise that you’ve fallen asleep until you stop replying to him causing him to turn his head 
woojin chuckles gently, “your crying must have tired you out...” he says to your sleeping figure, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face, “i didn’t know you could be unknowingly cute...it’s charming.” 
he scoots closer to you, intimate enough that your shoulders were touching
and gently, he places your head on his shoulder so you can sleep a lot more comfortably
asdfghjkl im screeching bye
soon, woojin also drifts off to sleep with your hands still in his and your fingers intertwined. 
your eyes lift up as the sunlight shines through 
wow this certainly ain’t your bed
oh wait-
you instantly become reminded that you were locked in all night 
so it wasn’t a dream 
and so you whip your head to the left and you see a peaceful woojin sleeping right beside you 
surprisingly you’re both still (loosely) holding hands 
and the thought that it stayed that way all night makes you blush 
woojin flinches a little and eventually is awakened, turning his head to face you
“good morning...” he sleepily says to you, his eyes still closed 
“woojin, we slept overnight here.” 
“i know...but give me five more minutes.” woojin replies, leaning his head on your shoulder 
wowowow who knew an overnight stay in a school would make you two closer than ever 
yet as soon as his head lays on your shoulder 
the door slams wide open 
and enters dance club president, ong seongwoo 
he stands in front of you two with a cheeky grin, “but i’m glad you’ve both gotten along really well.”
woojin simply groans, “shut up seongwoo hyung - you trick me by saying you left some dumb document and then lock us in here for your fun and games.” 
“YOU WHAT?” you scream, causing the two boys to jump 
seongwoo laughs nervously, “now now, don’t get mad - i was just doing it for the lols and besides, you guys are best friends now, right?” 
“oh my god- i had mental breakdowns and i ugly cried in front of my crush just for your lols?! oNG SEONGWOO I’M GOING TO KILL YOU.” 
let’s just say that seongwoo ran faster than he’s ever been 
and once he bolted out that door, you instantly followed to hunt his ass down 
meanwhile woojin remains in the classroom until he repeats your words and instantly recalls what you also said that last night 
“did she just say she likes me??” 
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