gaylactic-fire · 26 days
That TERF from yesterday still has a chokehold on me bc her "Link is a cisgender butch lesbian and everyone in Hyrule just thinks she's a guy" HC has got to be the most ironic "babe you're so close" ass headcanon I've ever heard.
So Link is a butch lesbian who is misgendered by everyone in Hyrule (including Zelda for some reason, if we are to take this as canon like OP suggests), to point where she's literally been labelled as the legendary swordsMAN and even the Gerudo can't tell she's a woman until she puts on more traditionally feminine attire. Link doesn't even put particular effort into appearing masculine, but everyone in Hyrule still just can't fathom her being a woman, because her presentation is not "feminine enough" to be considered one.
HMMMMMM gee golly gosh I wonder... I do wonder if another group of vulnerable individuals might empathise with Link's plight here?... gee whizz 😳
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taegularities · 4 months
mhmmmm fic drop in taegularities town next weekend? we up for it? :P
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sqwdkllr · 5 months
Good morning, this's Pissa nation, how are you feeling after current events? o🎤
Them stopping each other from judging what the other is doing in their own free time because they care so heavily but don’t want to say it out loud. THEY ARE SO SHY TO EACH OTHER FOR WHAT REASONNNN !!!! I’m alright as you can tell 😁😁
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silentgrim · 8 days
playing ts3 and realizing that you miss ts4 and then you play ts4 and you miss ts3 and………….
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logan 💔💔💔 my heart is very much broken and idk how i’m going to continue on, but just know that i’m very much staying an ls2 fan and will support him wherever he goes
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crustyfloor · 16 days
Do you think luka will have a full on break down at r7..
I really like the idea,,, I went over my thoughts on that scenario more here, I think Luka is a man with many fears, and another side to him that we don't know about just ready to come to the surface.
Like I said in my other post regarding this, Luka is the "Ruler of the stage" but I think there is a possibility that in this instance, he would no longer be able to stand remaining as composed once the pressure sets in, because there are a lot of truths to this life he's living, one of which is he is utterly disposable, no matter how valuable he is. And Luka knows that.
As it seems, Luka likes the power (like dominance) he gets from manipulating the stage because he feels self-assured from the control, control is something he doesn't have in any other part of his life, after all--on the stage he is the king. He has every skill to his benefit, adoring fans, and who has ever been stronger than him to make him doubt himself? Mizi might've been the first with that outburst, changing that air of invincibility. And I think Till's intensity on stage could throw Luka off in a more drastic way this time, and make him act on it this time? They are two sides of the same coin, Till is Luka's ultimate equal and could give him a challenge he hasn't seen before from other Alien stage participants but this theory is...iffy, because we don't know Luka that well, and this theory almost completely contradicts the character we know him as, but that's the thing. Is the Luka we know really Luka? (Similar to Ivan who also has a persona that differs from his authentic self, is Luka just better at hiding it?)
All in all, I hope we can see Luka's facade slip in round 7, who knows, maybe it's full-on stitched to his face and he'll die like the glass-cased doll he always was from the day he was made, but it'd be interesting if we saw him feel again, and see him do something we wouldn't expect like fighting back for once. (was his fight with hyunwoo the only time he ever did that?)
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butterflybubble · 2 months
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// on my way to give my first lesson of the day feeling so so eepy..
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toasty-self-shipping · 7 months
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jokes aside but yeah today is the day I created cici he was originally supposed to be a joke self insert but after failing for bf I decided to keep him her design changed a lot during the past two years if you been following me since 2021 then you know what cici used to look like and I’m really proud of how cici changed so to celebrate I decided to make a fun DTIYS challenge! now this is optional to do (including the background) this is just really for fun
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s/I goes by she/him pronouns
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gyuuberryy · 5 months
i regret starting lovely runner
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outofthiisworld · 9 days
✦˖° 🗑️⚖️💚
🗑️ Scrapped!
✦ I had full intentions to use Fancy HTML Colors in my writing when I first started this blog. That quickly dropped off tho cause i for one could not be bothered to keep it up (shout out to writers who do this, you’re stronger than me and i want to eat ur colors).
I also had intentions to always write in small text but there was a common issue where sometimes small text letters would become BIG text, and the only way to fix it was to make a new post.
Once again I could not be bothered so my default has been normal text unless matching with a partner, even after the bug seems to be patched. Something something old habits.
⚖️ Something Stuck in Limbo!
✦ I’ve been rotating the idea of creating an antithesis for Ophelia! it’s something I reeeally want to do— but I’m stuck on so many conflicting ideas that it's been just hanging out in the back of my mind for all eternity.
So where she’d be made of infinite energy, they would be a never-ending nothing. Where she’s starlight and cosmos, they’d be dark matter and void ??? Girlypop is a nightmare dressed like a daydream while they’d be an Edgster daydream dressed like a nightmare. (ophelia is sweet with a sadistic edge to her while [???] would appear grim but actually be a big softie)
But like. Where does this loser come from??? Did Necrosis make ‘em??? Maybe another scientist OR MAYBE they are all natural— is this before the containment breach where they could have relations prior OR was this a creation made after the containment breach as a countermeasure to try and take back + control Ectoplasm.
So many ideas !!!!!! alas. I wait for a sudden vision to put the pieces in place………….
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minevn · 1 month
hii! hope you’re doing good! i love your blog and i was wondering may i get some habiki crumbs please, both nsfw and sfw? the boy needs more love 🫶
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I hope you’re doing good as well!! HABIKI LOVERS UNITE!!
Habiki has knowledge of how to play multiple instruments from back when he first got into music! He wanted to see what he liked best.
Habiki has retaliated against Hoshi’s pranks by playing their instruments really loud and waking Hoshi up
Habiki def listens to Malice Mizer and pretends to be a vampire in a big mansion.
Habiki is also a very talented singer, with Malice Mizer being their biggest inspiration, although they tend to be a hummer more
I think Habiki would actually tolerate or get along well with Aki, she’s social but not annoying!
Out of all the love interests, the one Habiki gets along with least is Yani, Jun following in second place
Habiki’s alcohol tolerance is extremely high!
After getting into a relationship with you, Habiki becomes rather gentle with you physically, stating that he “doesn’t wanna hurt you with his vampire strength”
Habiki actually pisses Hoshi off the most out of all the love interests. Hoshi can’t stand Habiki’s cringe and stuck up attitude, no matter how much Hoshi loves and cares about Habiki
BONUS: Habiki and Hoshi were first inspired by Hikaru and Kaoru from OHSHC, of course this has since been changed
His penis is 5 inches when flaccid and 6 inches when hard. And just above average girth.
Habiki eats a lot of foods that would make his cum taste better after you two start dating
Habiki is a BIG fan of biting you, HARD! Fits his vampire aesthetic Y’know?
Is a really big fan of Shibari, they think it’s beautiful and artistic
Out of everyone in the cast, I’d say Habiki is the most 50/50 switch, having no preference at all
When he first started to develop feelings for you, he practiced kissing with a bat stuffed animal
Absolutely has a sex playlist, except it’s just his normal music LMAOOO he gets freaky to classical
If you do anything sexual to him when he plays the violin, he’ll lose his composure right away
Habiki is not a fan of sexting! They also aren’t a fan of sex while either one of you is on the phone, or committing such acts in places that could be found easily. The idea of anyone walking in on you two making love turns them off instantly.
Would love to have sex with you while you two are both dressed up nice and fancy. Seeing you match with him and then making love while matching gets him riled up!
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every time james vowles says anything about logan and his performance i get closer and closer to committing a very violent crime
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psychedelic-ink · 8 months
man living with toxic relatives really is the worst, you come home and you just deal with more bullshit when you should be relaxing
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ambrozians · 6 months
Do u have a recs list for ppl wanting to know more about Jade? Pls and thx ❤❤
omg of course! happy to know that you want to learn more about her :) there will be some more recs under the cut, but imho, these are the absolute essentials:
new teen titans annual #2. her first appearance! honestly, a really fun way to get introduced to her. pretty low stakes.
the new teen titans (1984) #20-21. arguably the most important. it gives you the backstory on jade & roy's relationship, displays both her sense of morality and of justice, introduction to the "jade" vs. "cheshire" dichotomy, and we meet lian!
action comics (1938) the cheshire contract #613-618. another big story. this is how lian ends up in roy's custody.
batman plus arsenal (1997) #1. this isn't told from jade's pov but it is about her. really, it shows the lengths she's willing to go to save and protect lian.
the titans (1999) #21-22, #27, & #30. i have so many mixed feelings about this run which is in large part due to what it deals with, but i think it does a nice job of trying to humanize her despite dealing with qurac. it shows how the worlds of "jade" and "cheshire" are colliding now and give us a glimpse into how she's dealing with that.
now, before i even add this, let me preface this by saying that i don't think this run is particularly good. it is, however, the only story where we actually get jade's inner dialogue, which is extremely important because this takes place after lian's death. please bear in mind that she is grappling with depression and an immense amount of grief to the point that she is suicidal. the run is titans (2008) #24-38.
other stories that you can check out for fun: booster gold (1985) #16-17, wonder woman (1986) #94-95, batman: secret files (2018) #3, tales of the new teen titans (1983) #51-52. her appearances in birds of prey (1999) are fun reads for the most part, but they're more entertaining rather than necessary to understanding who jade is as a character. on top of that, i'd argue that dixon does a better job writing her than simone does, which says a lot (if you're familiar w/ either) and it doesn't say anything good. if you are interested, though, then the issues are #4-6, #28-30, and #63-67.
i would suggest staying away from any of her secret six appearances. like, i cannot emphasize enough how racist and misogynistic her writing is in that run. it is to jade what rhato is to roy in that it has contributed to some wildly misinformed takes.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Honestly, if you're surprised that Present Mic shows other emotions than being an outgoing, eccentric guy you were not paying attention in the beginning.
The USJ Arc, man didn't say a word (which is unusual for him because it's established he's a bit of a chatterbox), walked up and gave each of those villains massive headaches and possibly raptured their hearing because Aizawa and Thirteen almost got killed (and the students were attacked).
That moment right there was just a hint of how this man is when it comes to the people he cares about.
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kurooscopy · 2 months
good afternoon beautiful ada!!! i was hoping you could share some kuroo x ada lore with the class 🫶 tell us about your first kiss, or how you knew you were in love with him or about your first date!!! anything you want, I'd love to hear it (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) mwah
how your email finds me
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thank you for dropping by, u are the sweetest !! gladly leaving some kuroada first kiss lore for u :33 (under the cut bc i'm a yapper hfjdkf)
first kiss lore is intertwined with confession lore, so you're getting a 2 for 1 deal here (⌐■u■)
it happens about halfway through second year, when we're the last ones staying back to tidy up after evening practice. as we're finishing up, he says he has something to tell me (and being the lovergirl that i am, my brain takes this and runs wild lmao but i try to be normal for once)
but then he tells me that nekomata has asked him to captain ! the third years above us have already retired at this point so it'll be effective pretty much immediately, and it's technicallyyy supposed to be a secret.. but i'm the first one who gets to know
and ofc this is wonderful news !!! so i jump into his arms and give him a big squeezy hug >u< but what's this.. when we pull back to look at each other, no one's moving away.. and we are ever so close.. and his smile is making his eyes crinkle so cute.. and those eyes are drifting down to my lips.. 🫣
and we're kinda leaning into each other so he's about to go for it, but i stop him bc i'm an overthinker and are we sure this is a good idea ? i'm the manager and he's about to be captain, if anything goes wrong it'd create wayyy too much division within a team that's supposed to be going to nationals :(( (u can deny all u want, but ppl always end up picking sides) + i don't want to lose a very dear friend !
anyway to paraphrase a longer conversation, he ends up convincing me that nothing will go wrong bc this is something we both want very much 🙂‍↕️ and asks if this means he can kiss me now (you can take a guess what i say hejhjehhje)
and it's soft and a lil tentative but very loving all the same <33 and thus kuroada is officially born ! 🫶
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