#beerus hakai
tightjacketkidda · 2 months
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saiyanmazen · 11 months
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Vegeta wearing the earring for those able to use the Hakai ability. Part 1.
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mrtvman · 10 months
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Cooler and Beerus
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quantumleper · 4 months
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Dragon Ball Super (2015-2018) [anime]
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cocobeanzies · 10 months
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What you see moments after the "Hakai": Anyways, just a small, fun drawing of Beerus! Please enjoy! 💞
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sweetescapeartist · 8 months
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We are shown in the manga & anime there are multiple variations of Hakai attacks. This post is just to talk about what they are for fun & because it's interesting.
If I miss some Hakai attacks from either continuity, let me know.
Explosive Hakai: 💥
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Sand Hakai: ⏳
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Disenigration Hakai: ✨
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Hakai Orbs: 🟣
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GoD Beerus: Explosive Hakai orbs. 💣
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GoD Sidra: Explosive Hakai orbs. 💣
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GoD Mode Toppo: Disintegration Hakai orbs. ✨
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Ultra Ego Vegeta: Explosive Hakai orb 💣
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Hakai Aura: 🛡️
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In the DBS anime, the purple Hakai orbs with white energy around them that Beerus creates might imply that his Hakai power is more refined and stronger than Sidra's Hakai orbs that are purple with black energy around them. Could be a visual representative to relay to the viewer that Beerus is one of the strongest Destroyer Gods. Or the white energy could also represent how Beerus has been training to acquire Ultra Instinct and he is closer than most Destroyer Gods to the Angelic level of power. (White being a color associated with Angels & silver with Ultra Instinct when it comes to godly power.)
Mortals who take on GoD power will physically transform while actual Gods of Destruction do not need to transform in such a way. Similar to how a mortal using Ultra Instinct physically/spiritually transforms (Mastered Ultra Instinct) while an Angel does not need to.
DBS anime Toppo seems to only be familiar with using the disintegration type of Hakai. DBS manga Vegeta seems to only knows how to use the explosive type of Hakai. Meanwhile, Gods of Destruction like Beerus seem to be familiar with more types of Hakai attacks.
The Hakai orb that Vegeta throws at Gas appears to disintegrate, but I believe it to simply be that the pressure from the Hakai energy broke the shield Gas created and the pieces flew back. The ground is being broken & pushed away by the energy as well. I could be wrong about this, but I currently do not believe so.
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awesomesauce2929 · 7 months
Random headcanon: the Elder Kai created mosquitos, the end.
(There is nothing like this in the another universe besides Universe 7)
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Posso solicitar leitora dbs x feminina? O leitor está participando do torneio de poder com o universo 7, e o leitor luta contra Toppo, mas o hakai não tem efeito sobre o leitor já que um de seus poderes é se adaptar a qualquer poder ou situação de combate, fazendo com que o usuário fique preso. s técnica se adapta. tornar-se nulo? como mahoraga, não sei se você assistiu jujutsu kaisen. (Acho que seria engraçada a reação dos deuses e lutadores ao ver o hakai não surtir efeito no leitor)
Can I request dbs x female reader? The Reader is participating in the power as universe 7, and the reader fights against Toppo, but the hakai does not affect the reader as one of its powers adapts to any power or situation of combat, making the user a prisoner. s technique adapts. become-null? Like Mahoraga, I don't know if you watched jujutsu kaisen. (I think it would be funny the reaction of the gods and fighters when seeing the hakai has no effect on the reader)
Oooh~ sounds fun. I haven't seen Jujutsu Kaisen ~I have a bad magpie habit when it comes to falling for fictional men~ but that does sound like the armor from Akame Ga Kill. The proto-suit of armor the main character uses. I am so sorry it has been so long since I received this request... I am just now catching up on the anime and I started with the tournament arc specifically for this request.
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You couldn't help but scratch your head at the Saiyan in front of you. Goku usually had bizarre requests but this was a little out there.
"So a multiverse tournament with a grand prize of 10 million Zeni and a wish on some... Super Dragon Balls?" You repeated hesitantly, "That's uh..."
"C'mon [Name]!" Goku clapped his hands together in a half-bowing motion, "We really need your skills for this. It'll a lot of fun too!"
"Why does that not sound promising."
"B-but!" He stepped forward, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Besides we don't have much time to debate this!"
"You need 10 people, right?" Goku nodded, but you continued before he could cut you off, "So why not ask the others? I'm sure Yamcha, Yajirobe, or Tien would be more than capable of doing this..."
"Oh right!" Goku smacked his fist into his hand, "With Tien on our side, we'd have someone capable of keeping tabs on everyone during the fight!"
"Did you even--?!"
"But that's all the more reason you gotta join us [Name]! We need all the strong fighters we can get on our side. We already figured that Andriod 17, Andriod 18, Krillen, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and myself would be a good lineup. With you, Tien, and Buu everything will be great!"
Sighing as you waited for the last-minute change, it still stumped you how Goku could be so stubborn about fighting in a battle royal. Even with the lies he was telling, you didn't feel like there was much choice in the matter. If you stepped out at this point that would just leave Roshi to step up. But he didn't seem that ready to fight, despite training when he heard about the 10 million Zeni. Without that incentive, Roshi dropped out.
Looking around at all the people you'd have to team up with, you wondered why you were even here. The ability to fight was never your strongest suit, the only thing you knew was basic techniques. Though maybe Goku was thinking more about how ki blasts and the like just didn't affect you the way it did everyone else. That and being able to adapt to other's fighting skills on the spot.
"Now then!"
Holding hands with Piccolo and Android 17 wasn't much fun, but if this Whis person insisted...
"Grand Minister, Universe 7 is ready for transport."
You vaguely wondered how this light was able to affect you, but then again even Beerus could damage you, the one time you were even around when he was hostile. So it seemed the higher the being, the less your strange abilities mattered. However, looking around at all the other fighters as they appeared.
It left an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. All you could do was scout as you struggled to remain in this... giant top. You didn't know what else this thing could be called. Like Tien, you'd be keeping an eye on people and trying to remain a sneaky ace in the hole.
But Goku was just his typical ray of sunshine as he tried greeting all the other universes. At least the ones he knew people from anyway. Unlike your colleagues, you were more interested in the layout. One large spire in the middle seemed a bit much, especially if no one could fly.
Even if it did seem retroactively hypocritical given the kinds of fights Goku made exciting were full of him flying around like a lunatic. But maybe it had something to do with the zone you were in. There was merely a void beyond the ring, which made sense as to why they wouldn't allow everyone to fly. With too many people, someone could get lost in the shuffle and fly too far into the void and no one would be any wiser.
For all of Gohan's attempts at rallying the troops, of course Vegeta and Frieza would be as accepting as a brick wall. Not that Gohan's plan wasn't good, it just wasn't going to work with how everyone seemed to fight. He should have known that. Unless he thought the lot of you would attack like bees, slowly picking one or two fighters and batting them around like a volleyball.
Not a bad strategy, if that's what he was going for. Just not a very sustainable one given the... personalities that he was trying to preach to. Not that you had a chance to speak up on that front, the two Zeno seemed to be rather restless. It made some sense, they both acted like little children.
Which only made the matter-of-fact way that Universe 9 was obliterated that much worse...
You stuck close to Gohan, having blasted a flying, bird-like person out mere moments before the annihilation. The way this battle was going left you unable to use your abilities so far... but worse than that was how suddenly a whole universe was just... gone.
All this fighting wasn't... it couldn't...
"[Name], stay focused." Piccolo reached out to you, "The fight isn't over."
"R-right." You swallowed the lump in your throat, "It's just... harrowing to think about."
"I know, but this isn't the time to think about it." Piccolo nodded, "We went into this knowing all this. Don't let it get to you."
Nodding, you glanced around the battlefield. This whole situation was messed up, but at least this whole tournament would give everyone the fairest chance of survival. That's all this was, a fight for survival. Brute force wouldn't win this, that's for sure. To win, you'd need to fight smartly. That meant sticking close to as many of the others as you could.
Nothing could have prepared you for the overwhelming strength and aura emanating from a far-ish corner of the arena. The insanely loud screeching yell from someone, likely the person who was powering up...
Everything from that one point flew outward, churning the battlefield into a ruble-filled wasteland. Only the massive spire in the middle, the instrument ticking down the fight, remained intact. 48 minutes total... barely ten minutes have passed and yet...
Tapping Gohan on the shoulder, you had to stretch to reach a spot that wouldn't get you reflexively decked, "Hey, we're the largest target like this. If we stick together too much longer we could be backed into a corner with no escape."
"You think so?" Gohan's eyes widened as you nodded solemnly, "I guess, I mean with the field looking like this..."
He turned, raising his voice, "Guys! we need to split into smaller groups! Staying close like this won't help. But try to stay close enough to jump in if one of us is in trouble!"
Dashing off toward the center, your mind churned with the observations. Who had what abilities? What strategies were there? You couldn't hover or fly to quickly tell the others, which meant you simply had to trust them to know... or at least to figure out what was going on.
Trapping in your own mind, you didn't see the insectoid being swooping in, drop-kicking you from the left. The pain barely stung as you recovered from the fall quickly. Sizing up your opponent swiftly, you were able to keep up with the close-quarters blows. Several hits just barely skimming your skin, while you gathered energy discretely. Waiting for the right moment to...
A large ball in the palm of your hand, which you dug right into the insectoid's abdomen and flung him several feet away. Changing the match from melee to energy blasts, one which Tien finished for you.
"You okay [Name]?" His tone was lighter than you expected, "You seem distracted."
"Just thinking." You were looking all around, "Trying to make sense of the other's abilities."
"I see. Do try to be careful with that." Tien hesitated for a second, "What all have you gathered? What could you share?"
"Not much. But I wouldn't put it past the other female warriors to use their looks to their advantage. Or to have a more assassin move set."
Nodding, Tien went about his way. You knew so little about your opponents and wondered if you shouldn't attempt to scout more. Lowering your energy output should...
The entire field was called to witness something from Universe 2. You paid a little attention, using the opportunity to size up what was left of the competition. It was a surprisingly hefty number of people left, but that didn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.
You were keeping to the outskirts yourself, but when 17 attacked the three women of Universe 2, mid-transformation at that, he was getting scolded. His line of logic was sound, but even you had to admit it was rude. Honestly the three who wanted to transform were also being rude since they were pulling everything to a grinding halt for this. Acting like this was some sort of musical or something.
But you weren't going to complain too much. This was the perfect opportunity to learn what you needed to survive.
Seconds after hearing that Universe 10 was eliminated, having taken full advantage of the ruble to size up as many individuals as you could; you dodged a massive energy hammer.
The girl wielding it was younger than you, or so you thought. You couldn't tell and frankly, your time would be wasted trying to find out. But you knew how to counter her already. The ability to shape energy into weapons was straight forward, and weapons were easy to turn against their wielder. You backed up, leaping away as best you could, escalating what you threw at this girl would be the best way to defeat her... lure her into thinking she had the upper hand...
"What? Trying to run away?" She sneered, "You and that Goku, your whole Universe is just a bunch of cowards!"
Kicking up the small rocks around your feet, you held your tongue. Talking this out wouldn't make a difference, let them think what they will. Everyone had to survive after all.
It didn't surprise you that she was skilled, trading a mallet for a spear as you kept kicking and throwing increasingly larger rocks at her. Sneakily adding just a little ki behind your strikes. Giving her that false sense of security. You weren't exactly one to talk while fighting, that just wasn't how you were. And yet...
"Oh come on!" She yelled, "Don't tell me this is all you can do!?"
You knew what you could do, what you needed to know. Sending a rock right for head, causing it to swerve last second and strike the back of her knee. Right where she wasn't defending. Increasing the pressure, forcing her into the corner. No longer hurling rocks, but small ki blasts as she struggled to keep up with your speed.
Even as you rushed her, closing the distance for the final blow. Her spear went right through you, her ability having no effect on you whatsoever. Seeing that look of wonder and concern in her eyes as the truth dawned on her.
"Yo-You're some kind of monster!"
"And you're out of bounds."
The impact of your blast sent her flying, tumbling right off the edge. With no hope of being caught by a teammate. Catching your breath for a quick second, you stretched. But your back wasn't the only thing that popped as you tumbled into a dark section of the ring; a section created by the dilapidated state of the arena.
Only half paying any attention to what was coming out of the other woman's mouth, you focused on the small glimmers in the air. This one was an illusionist, there were a couple chinks in her disguising techniques but that was about it. Knowing you'd have to be careful with this one as well, careful not to let on what you knew and what you could do. Careful that you didn't just attack the right one on purpose.
Not that her illusions were even that enticing... trying to tempt you with her ideal man. It did make things slightly easier, planting small sleeper ki blasts as you dodged these projections. Waiting once more for the best time to strike.
Standing completely still, it still looked as if you'd stepped just barely out of the way. Earning a scoff and scolding for getting too cocky while she explained her master plan.
"Wanna see a magic trick?"
The first thing you've said to her this whole time... and it did wonders to catch her off guard.
"What? Are you going to disappear?" She laughed at you, "I already knew that!"
"One of us is..."
Covering your eyes as every particle of ki exploded from beneath your feet, it would make you a target sure. But at least this illusionist was out of the ring. Climbing back up to a wider, flatter surface, your eyes fell on a presumably younger man marching toward you. He seemed pissed, leading you to believe that he was from the same Universe as the two women you'd just knocked out.
"I've always been told not to hit a woman." His eyes were burning, "But I have no choice. Never have I wanted to--"
"You won't be able to lay a scratch on me." You dead-panned, "So you might as well give it all you've got. Because you won't survive otherwise."
As you traded blows, simple punches still hurt you just not as much as they would a normal person. Krillen and Beerus' voices reached you like whispers.
"Don't let your wins go to your head [Name], you're not indestructible."
"Curly, explain what she can even do. I've never seen that fighter before."
"[Name]? Well she uh... she has this weird ability. After she gets hit with or manages tot study a technique enough, she becomes immune to it. It's really risky."
"Oh, I see." You were certain that was Whis, "So in a tournament like this she's likely to be the last one standing."
"What!? How can you be so sure Whis?" Yet, you were right
"Well, unless she were to be killed by a technique, she simply counter or adapt to it correct?"
"Uh yeah... she uh... she's used that to her advantage on too many times. The only thing that seems to work against her is Solar Flare."
Then Beerus' voice nearly shattered your eardrum, "THEN SHE HAD BETTER KEEP HERSELF IN THE RING! DO YOU HEAR ME [NAME]!?"
That noise level blurred your vision for a few seconds too long. Giving this transformed, hulking bird man the upper hand as he slapped you into a wall.
"Oh, so I'm not going to survive this?" He sneered, "You don't see the writing on the wall, do you? You're the one going over the edge."
Barely managing to push away from the wall in time, you swept your leg out. A seemingly wild kick instantly blocked, a very cocky birdman just ready to throw you out.
If it wasn't for the excessive ki blast you'd built up to follow your foot. The two of you going flying in your whirlwind gamble. Toppling over the edge, hanging on by your fingertips as you struggled to hold yourself and the seemingly flightless birdman on your ankle. Firing off ki blasts from the bottom of your foot, you managed to rid yourself of the extra weight. But you were still in danger of falling out of bounds yourself.
Feet frantically looking for something, anything to catch. Reaching out for something, anything as you barely managed to keep yourself balanced on the edge of the ring.
Gritting your teeth and expecting the worst, you were more than prepared to fight from your unfavorable position. This was about survival after all. And yet, the hand helping you up was Goku's. Reminding you how short you really were. Fighting had that weird affect on your senses after all, it was disorienting to say the least.
"Oh thank goodness you were able to hold on that long." Gokus smiled widely, "That was close."
"You're telling me." You smirked warmly, "But at least it won't happen again."
"You say that, but we'll see."
A playful punch to the side and you were back on your way. That would be the closest you got to going over. The next person would have one hellacious fight on their hands...
"Well well well, the weakest link of Universe 7."
That cold sneer from behind you was more than a little telling. Frost had caught you lurking again. Your strategy was always interrupted at the worst times. Especially now that so many of the fighters were reaching the top echelons of their capabilities, you were far from their raw levels.
But strategy would win, you were sure of it
"What's the matter? A mute as well as an easy target?" Frost mocked, "Oh well, looks like I'll just have to toss another human over the edge."
Blocking the sudden attack, you knew better than to say much. Giving away too much would prove to be your downfall... if you even let that happen. But even being able to trade blows with this Frieza look-alike wasn't enough. He kept backing you into obvious corners where all you could do was dodge and hope you could knock him back.
Until Frost got cocky in his own right. Firing a shot at Vegeta while you were hardly dodging an excessive volley of energy blasts.
The more you struggled, the worse things seemed to get. Until Vegeta threw his own blindsided attack, connecting a punch when you could hardly do a thing.
"You really need to be more careful."
"I don't need you telling me that Vegeta. I won't waste your time explaining this, but you need to watch out anyways."
"Save your breath." He scoffed, "Just do your job and stay out of my way."
Watching him leap forward, you sighed. "I highly doubt you'll be able to take him on your own..."
"Well, I'm not about to ask you for your help! Now go find somewhere else to lurk!"
"I'm not offering help." You dashed in front of the haughty prince, "This was my fight first!"
Frost smirked, "So, she knows basic English, eh? No matter, it won't make any difference."
Dodging the rocks flying as Frost's 'secret' support made it's entrance, you focused a large ki blast to the magma covering it's ears. Leaping over the metal brute and finding your footing on a much higher platform.
"Oh, so you knew what I was doing?" Frost was at your throat before you could think, "Shame, you seem to be a strategist and scout. But that ends now!"
Catching Frost's arm as you reflexively leaned back, throwing a weak punch in return. But that was only the first. Knowing how Frost moved was the advantage you needed...
Frost stopped first, both of you watching Vegeta shove his robotic opponent over the edge. Your guard hadn't dropped, and yet...
"Well, this won't do." Frost readied a ki blast, one that wasn't meant for you, "I'm afraid that this fight will have to wait. If you ever prove to be worth the effort."
You had no choice but to leap away as Frost's blast hit the ground. The smokescreen giving him a chance to slip away. Landing next to Vegeta, you were about to head off for another fight.
"Listen here [Name]." You turned, Vegeta wasn't about to... "Next time you better not interfere with my fight. I won't let you get in my way again."
Frowning as Vegeta ran off to another battle, "You're welcome Vegeta."
It was time to get serious. No more sneaking, no more getting dragged into fights. You would initiate the next one. And nothing would stop you...
Yet old habits died hard, analyzing the remain fighters, thinking about the swiftly dwindling time, the win conditions. Universe 7 was in the lead for fighters if time ran out, but that would only make you and the others a target. But if you could just...
"Ah ha! You're one of the fighters from Universe 7." You at least had the courtesy of stopping to see who was addressing you this time, "Tell me, how does it feel to be on the same team as that villain Goku?"
Sizing up this guy was straightforward at least. Large, likely fast, and almost certainly a melee brawler.
"Can't say I know what you're talking about." The way he talked, the way he seemed to think he was somehow above morals, "Where I'm from, Goku is considered a hero. Fight-happy, stubborn, single-minded, but not a villain. If you were in our Universe, you'd know what I'm talking about."
"Hmph. I see." He steadied himself for a fight, "I suppose you do have a point, but I have no time for senseless perspective-taking. As much as I'd like to abstain from fighting someone such as yourself, I see no way around this. Please accept the mercy of being thrown out of the ring by the second-strongest fighter of Universe 11."
Sighing as you took a stance, "I'm getting real tired of being pulled into fights and underestimated..."
"Then show me what you're capable of young Miss!"
You barely even whispered that to yourself, so how this guy heard you was beyond you. But now wasn't the time to think too much, you had to fight. Speed wouldn't help you much, there had to be power behind your punches. If it wasn't for the fact that you don't have any fighting abilities besides insane adaptability, you'd be a little more confident. For now...
Keeping your eyes on this large man, you knew he'd be fast but this was a little too fast. Leaping low to the ground, you barely avoided his massive fist. Knowing an attempt to sweep his... oddly tiny legs would be futile. His physique was bizarre and created the biggest challenge. Skidding to a stop a few feet away, you weighed your options.
Staying in melee wouldn't work and building up energy blasts wasn't viable due to how long it would take. Not to mention how ineffective that would prove long-term. Wasting energy wasn't the play here, and it was clear that your opponent thought the same thing.
Jumping every time he threw a punch, landing small blows here and there just to test how far you could push him before cracking; you had little options for actual attacks. Unless he started doing something more than the basics, you were just David fighting Goliath.
"I got cha back Top!"
Flattening yourself to the ground from under the rabbit-looking guy, you already knew what he was capable of. You couldn't counter his raw speed, but you could lay traps well enough if it came to that.
"Don't interfere Dyspo, she might be a good strategist, but she's not much of a fighter." Glaring at your opponent, again with the insults, "I merely need to bide my time until she tires herself out."
"If ya say so Top." Dyspo smirked, "Now that cha mention it, she does look a little scrappy to be in a tournament this long. Must've been sheer luck so far, huh?"
"Don't be so quick to write off a fellow warrior." Top turned to face you, "Especially if they are from Goku's Universe."
No, it was too soon for you to fully unleash. Save a little power for later. Kaioken could only get you so far... But a little spare energy here and there...
Trading punches with the newly identified Top, you put your foot down so to speak. No more dodging until...
"What's that power!?" Top stopped your fist suddenly, letting go quickly, "Has Jiren finally started fighting?"
Following Top more out of curiosity than the will to fight, you could only stare as Goku was assaulting Jiren. Nothing was getting to the massive brute, and yet...
"Justice Hand!"
Top was firing at Goku, you knew it was useless, even his own teammate called Top off. But you continued to study this Jiren figure. The way he took hits meant he was assessing Goku as much as Goku was assessing him with the volley of attacks. It wasn't just raw strength or power that Jiren had, there was something... else. Something you could counter if only he'd...
Ducking, you were surprised as Top leaped to defend you. Moving you out of the way as Goku and Jiren fought across the arena. Following the pair with your eyes, it clicked. Goku wasn't anywhere near Jiren's level. Not like this anyways. His Blue form plus Kaioken was barely able to keep up.
Stepping back, your gaze kept up effortlessly. Tipping off your opponent to your real power.
"You seem to be keeping up with those two rather easily." While Top wasn't trying to fight you right now, every little thing you did was being analyzed fully, "Am I to assume that's your true power? Shame you can't use it effectively. A scouting warrior is best suited with communication devices after all."
Shoving Top aside as you leapt out of the way, bracing for the impact as Goku and Jiren zipped past again, landing back in the middle of the crater they started in. Things weren't looking good for Goku specifically, Jiren barely looked like he expended himself at all. No heavy breathing, no scuff marks, nothing to suggest that he had been fighting at all. It was unnerving to say the least.
"Wait! There's a technique I still have!" Goku powered down, "But I need a minute to charge it up."
Stopping, Jiren relaxed, "Go ahead. Take all the time you need."
Not this starfish pose... You pinched the bridge of your nose, groaning.
"You're familiar with this attack?" Top wasn't nearly as hostile as he first insinuated, "What does it do?"
"You'll see. Goku is literally about to announce it." You huffed, "As if the people who know don't already..."
"Everyone! I need all the energy you can spare!" Goku yelled, "C'mon guys! Give me your energy to finish this fight!"
"That..." Top stepped back, raising his arm as if a barrier, "That can't be his plan..."
"Yep." You sighed, raising an arm to give as much energy as you could pull from the arena beneath you, "And it may not even work but... Better to try and fail than not try at all."
Knowing that Top was staring, hearing the grunt as he smirked, "Yes, that I can whole-heartedly agree with."
The tension was thick as Goku charged his Spirit Ball. That amount of energy would absolutely pose a threat to anyone who tried to take it head-on. Jiren knew this, pushing the sphere away from himself. Why did it always become a shoving match again? You couldn't even begin to count how many times this happened.
So when Goku was the one caught in the explosion, you couldn't believe it. The numb feeling washing over you was a distant memory as you jumped in to look for your comrade. Knowing that if Goku had died, or was vaporized, it would be his own fault. He fell on his own sword after all.
Even facing Jiren wasn't as bad as possibly losing the best chance at your survival. If Goku went down, only Vegeta and Freiza would be able to fight completely unhindered. The rest of your team would be disheartened, desperate, and fighting in that state wasn't going to help anyone. At least, you thought the rest of your team would be... 17 and 18 were difficult to read.
Your fighting stance against Jiren, guarding where Goku was, had been cut short. The immense power level radiating behind you had you frozen in place. Dropping your guard just to check that you were right...
"I appreciate the attempt [Name]." Goku sounded so different, what was this? "But you'll be in my way. Nothing personal, I just want to face Jiren alone."
Jumping back up to the edge of the crater, you could only watch alongside everyone else. Sizing Jiren up as best you could from a distance. Goku's new form wouldn't last long, it was too much power for a first attempt. But what would happen after it fizzled out? Would Goku even survive that?
Sadly, it didn't take long for that to happen. Goku fell, almost completely worn out from the abundance of power. Looking to where Top was standing, further than was wise to seek out another fight; it would be wiser to regroup and strategize again. With all that you knew, the rest of you could corner Jiren and...
Before you could finish your thought, Hit from Universe 6 stepped in to fight Jiren. Knowing what little you did about the assassin, it seemed ill-matching. Jiren knew about the time skipping, and would be more than capable of countering that.
Even so, it was terribly shocking to see how Hit was ineffective, being knocked out of bounds as soon as Jiren was free from the time prison. And yet, despite your willingness to fight Jiren on Goku's behalf not even five minutes ago, he decided that you weren't worth his time. That everyone who could have challenged him was unable to.
Glaring at his meditating form, you jumped. Sensing Freiza close to Goku. Whatever else Freiza might be, trustworthy wasn't one of them. Holding a steady energy ball to his back as he stood over Goku, a similar yet unidentified energy ball in his palm, you knew he wouldn't be able to fight you the way he would others. And Frieza knew this, lowering his hand, just not dispersing the energy.
"I wouldn't dream of attacking this simpering monkey at the moment." Freiza grinned over his shoulder at you, "So you can put that away little girl."
Your eyes never left Frieza's face as the match of wills amid teammates continued. Backing down in this unknown situation, with Goku so weakened...
"Whoops!" Frieza both shot Goku and clutched your wrist, causing you to misfire, "My hand slipped. How clumsy of me."
Goku's cry of pain was short lived, short enough that you didn't have a chance to pay Frieza back for his dirty trick.
"There, see?" He cooed, "The ape is all better. Or, at least as much as I could... scraping the tiniest bit of energy I could spare for him anyways. But you;ll have to watch your back girl. I won't let you go so easily if you stand in my way again."
Rubbing your wrist and glowering at Frieza as he retreated, you knelt next to Goku.
"How are you holding up?" You knew a little about medical energy usage, "Here, let me--"
"Save your energy [Name]. You'll need it to survive the rest of the tournament. Besides, you still have an unfinished match against Top, right?"
"I don't track of those things." You shook Goku's concern off, "Besides, I have energy to spare. One of the good things about extreme adaptability is the constant flow of energy as long as I'm on solid ground."
It was nice to hear Goku chuckle again, "Yeah, surprising that it works when we aren't on Earth. Or is it just any body of land?"
"Any body of land, just nothing man-made. Odd since I know this place was technically man-made... maybe it's just because it was made by a god... er angel."
"Yeah, that sounds about right."
Stepping back so Goku could stand, you looked around, "So, what next? We have the most people available, you can't reach that Ultimate mode again without serious injury, and knocking too many people out spells their erasure."
"I have no clue." Goku frowned, "Thinking isn't exactly my strong suit. The best I can say is try to keep things the way they are. If we have the most people then... we will be the biggest targets huh?"
"Basically, though with you being like this makes you the prime target... just behind..."
You couldn't will yourself to state the obvious. Of course you'd be the weakest left on the field after all this time. Half the tournament has passed and you still stood here. Krillen and Tien were stuck in the stands due to careless error and noble sacrifice and here you were just...
"Just behind who?" Goku tilted his head, "Frieza? Vegeta? They're both pretty strong. Or maybe its 17 and 18... They really don't have many fans in this ring."
"I'm the weak link!" You grit your teeth, "I'm the weakest left on the field so the two of us are the ones they want to gun for."
"Hanh!? You!? Weak? But you're..."
"I have been scraping by the skin of my teeth since you pulled me up. Maybe I should have..."
"No, you're right where you need to be [Name]. There's still a lot of fighters left and you can beat all of them! So don't go thinking like that. Okay? You almost had Top earlier... I could feel it. You just have to push past your limits and let loose."
Watching as Goku turned to the Saiyan girls from Universe 6, you couldn't help but feel that he was only saying something to say it. What little you could do to compete now was...
"Get out of my way Kakkarot." Vegeta sneered, snapping you out of your trance, "These two are mine."
"What!? No way Vegeta! You got to teach Cabba! Kale and Califa are learning from me!"
Knowing better than to get between Saiyans when they want to fight, you took off. They would need all the space they could get after all, and you still had some fight left in you.
"You still have an unfinished fight against Top, right?"
That was at least a starting point. But would it really help?
Time was running out fast and while fighting kept the Zenos entertained, it wasn't as if that was difficult. Big explosions and grand speeches seemed to do the trick. But... you still felt like you had a score to settle... something to prove. To yourself, to the others, and you would start by proving it to
Leaping off the tall rock, intending to strike Top in the middle of his back; you were intercepted by his rabbit-like companion. Toppling off to one side, rolling for a second before steadying yourself on one knee.
"Thought you was gonna get the jump on Top, huh?" Dyspo sneered, "Well you ain't gettin' anywhere with dirty tactics like that!"
"That's fine." You stood, preparing to fight Dyspo instead, "I didn't expect that to work regardless if he had back up or not."
"Heh, smart girlie." Dyspo smirked, "But it won't be enough when you face true justice!"
Rolling your eyes, you focused on what you knew. Speed was his strong suit, his strength would be more momentum than raw strength, meaning if you just...
Blocking the worst of the kick and skidding back several feet, you latched onto Dyspo's ankle. If you could either get a grip, or trap him in some way... keep him immobile long enough to wear him down.
Or you could use him like a club.
Doubling your grip with both hands on his leg, you lifted the lean rabbit warrior up, much to his surprise. Before you could turn and slam him on the ground, Top was rushing in. Well, better to use this to your advantage.
Swinging Dsypo in a wide arc, you slammed him into Top with as much strength as you could. Knocking the bulky man off his feet as you kept spinning on your heels. Enduring Dyspo's desperate kicks to your hands. Kicks that were having less and less effect on you as you concentrated ki into gauntlets over your lower arms. Even as he tried to match your energy output, it failed to faze you.
Finally stopping, slamming Dyspo on the ground with enough force to create a small dent in the ground. But you didn't let go of his leg, instead dragging him around to swing at Top as he approached again. Another hefty swing of ally against ally, despite Top catching Dyspo this time... it still hit with enough force that gave you enough of an opening to drop the lucky rabbit's foot and land a powerful blow to Top's jaw.
Watching them both stagger back, you knew backing Top specifically into a corner too soon wouldn't be good for you. Dyspo in particular looked worse for your attack, but both men needed to get their bearings.
"And here I thought you were an honorable warrior," Top sounded disappointed, "But to pull such a dirty-!"
"Don't act like you know me." You spat, "I'm a strategist who played the game. Your buddy is a speedster so any chance to get him off his feet is the best chance I have at beating him."
Top paused, glaring at you. He couldn't deny what you were saying, it was a strategy he had warned Dyspo of himself. If it wasn't for the sheer power radiating from the other side of the field...
"Now what in the world is that?" Dyspo shook his head, "Another surge in power so soon?"
"Goku... don't..." You groaned, "Why are Saiyans like this?"
Before they could launch an attack, Jiren stood up from his meditation.
"It's time to retreat." He commanded, "Wait and save our strength for the final matches."
"Yeah but--!"
Jiren was sizing you up under a cold gaze, "She's run her course Dyspo. There's no use in continuing to fight someone like that. Take this act of mercy and throw yourself out for all I care. Just don't follow if you know what's good for you."
Breathing returned as you relaxed your form. You knew you couldn't stand against Jiren very long. His strategy and yours were too similar. But you had to fight Top... you had to prove...
Dodging out of the way of two rampaging Saiyans, you had to find a spot to lay low. There were still too many opponents on the field. It was all you could do to help run down the clock, not that you had much to give.
But you were among the last six standing. Six versus three. You had a score to settle and nothing was going to stop you. Not even the power struggle of wills from Goku and Jiren. With your sights set on Top, you were rudely cut off by Gohan and 17, mostly Gohan.
"I know how this looks, how much you don't want to [Name]," Gohan said, "But you should go help Frieza with Dyspo."
Against your better judgment and desire, you went after Dyspo. Frieza wouldn't be happy with this, but as long as you could get a couple others out of the ring... Anything to keep Frieza from getting a wish to be honest.
Just hanging back and letting whatever happened happen. Having Freiza drug around by the tail and used like a club was funny after all. Even if it didn't work all that much.
"You're just enjoying this aren't you [Name]?" Count on Freiza to give up your hiding spot, "No doubt awaiting the precise moment that you can be the one to defeat me as well."
"Huh?" Dyspo was dumbfounded and ready to run, "You mean this... That's your great play?"
"Not really." You shook your head, "I don't play well with tyrants, even if we are on the same team."
"No wonder you're not fazed being swung around like a bat." Dsypo smirked, "Too bad you won't get that chance again."
"My my, it sure is a shame that he is only capable of running, isn't it?" Both of you watched him zip off, "If only you had hung back a little longer, you might have gotten your big chance [Name]. Not that I would have gone down so easily of course."
"Naturally. Though I have a score to settle myself. Don't get in my way."
"Oh hoh hoh! Do tell."
"Not on your life."
Even as you walked alongside the scourge of your own Universe, your thoughts stressed over your desire to fight Top. He and his team had ignored you long enough.
"Oh well, just leave Dyspo to me then. And do tell the half-Saiyan and Android to stay out of my way."
Heading off to where Top's energy was radiating, you were met with Gohan.
"Freiza is being stubborn with Dyspo. I am going to fight Top." You started, "I ask that neither of you interferes unless absolutely necessary."
"Are... are you sure?" Gohan asked, "You do know--"
"I fought Top earlier, I'm aware what he can do."
"If you insist." 17 raised his arms, "But I will jump in at my best judgment."
"That's what I'm counting on."
"Freiza! Look out! Behind you!"
Turning to where the yell was directed, the three of you hesitated for a moment.
"I knew you should have stayed with Freiza." Gohan growled a little, "Now what?"
"You go." 17 said, "But first, you said you've fought Top [Name]. What do you know about his allies?"
"Dyspo is a speedster. Keep him from controlling his movements and you'll be able to take him out."
"Alright then." Gohan nodded, "You two take care of Top then."
Leaping from where you had stayed hidden, you were met with a volley of energy blasts from Top.
"Oh, if it isn't the strategist from Universe 7, we meet again."
"Don't sound so surprised." You glared, "I'm not just a strategist. I'm the one who counters ALL!"
Rushing in for a melee assault, one you knew that wouldn't work, you hit a green barrier.
"17! What the hell!?" You shouted, "This is my fight!"
"Don't tell me you can't sense it." He answered, "Freiza won't be as easy going as the rest of us. And Gohan was knocked out with that Dyspo guy. You hang back for a minute and let me take care of this."
Shaking with fury as you clenched your fist, you retreated. 17 firing an endless volley of blasts. Kneeling to absorb all the energy you could muster, knowing you would need every ounce. Especially as you watched the beams between Top and 17 collide, staying just beyond the area of effect.
Even with Freiza taking potshots at Top's back, you knew something was coming. The explosion was incredible, with Top undergoing a transformation... one with too much power behind i--
"Wait a second..." Actually listening to the chatter of the stands, you knew how to counter him, "That's it."
Waiting for your opening was easy enough, as Freiza threw his desperate attempt at Top. Being knocked out as soon as Top was up, and thrown over the edge.
Your punch landed, but only just.
"Hah!? What are you doing [Name]! Get out of there! Don't go into a melee match!"
"Wait, she didn't... don't tell me."
"No... she..."
"Wait a second..." Gohan yelled amid all the confusion, "[Name] isn't affected by power ups at all. She can't just see through them, she can counter them completely if she can get close enough."
"You mean to tell me that one little human has been winning through immunity alone?"
Trading blows with Top had its own odd effect on you. Each strike barely hurt, but the energy you were absorbing was pure destruction. Even if you knew why, it made for a weird feeling. You've never actually absorbed pure destruction like this.
"I see you do have a weird ability." Top growled, "How quaint for the scout from the 7th."
"And you've been hiding your true power. Which is what my job as a scout was all about." You glared in return, "So either fight me or step out now. Because I'm not going to back down!"
Pushing the energy you'd absorbed out like a barrier of your own, you made every effort to dodge the blows you could. Turning someone's weapon against them was never an easy feat, but as your attacks got stronger, Top's grew weaker. Punch for punch, kick for kick, Top wasn't even attempting a grapple this time. You were able to root yourself or else fight back whenever he made a pass to toss you aside.
"Standing up to a destroyer god for this long is commendable, but this has been going on long enough. Leave this ring of ruble or else I might not be able to hold back from pure destruction!"
"Shut up!"
Decking Top in the face, you didn't let up. Blow for blow with no opening for him to charge a single move. He couldn't even escape with how much faster you'd begun moving. The destruction energy, the energy of the ground, you could only hope to finish this fight soon.
"I am getting tired of this." Top had you by the foot, throwing you aside like a ragdoll, "You cannot survive this, unless you dodge. Hakai!"
Standing up as the massive purple sphere of energy touched you, this was absolutely pure destruction. And it unlocked the rage you'd been keeping in check for so long.
That first punch felt too good, especially as the stands erupted in chatter. Wondering how far you could feasibly take your ability, and being far more resilient for it. And yet... you knew that this was as far as you could go...
"If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!"
Bull rushing with every punch, the whole length of the arena... until you felt the ground leaving from under your feet. You knew this would be the last thing you did.
Appearing in the stands, you felt like collapsing. Every fiber of your being shook as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
"I... I--"
"Hey, easy [Name]." Gohan pulled you against his shoulder to keep you from falling to the floor, "Breathe, here. Have a Sensu."
"That... you really are something [Name]." Krillen sighed, "Just being able to stand toe-to-toe like that for so long."
"How in the world did you know you could take that kind of energy?" Beerus asked, "That level of Destroyer energy, even if new and weaker... you shouldn't have been able to shake that off after one time."
"I've always been able to do this." You shrugged as you stretched, "Absorbing energy and being immune to specific types of power ups are why Goku brought me into this crazy tournament."
The unsettling quiet and whispers of the power you had were quickly broken up as Jiren powered up. The tournament was far from over after all...
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ultrasizeddb · 27 days
On a whim Fu decided to pull the strongest variants of beings across the multiverse. The most powerful and unique forms of the warriors of universe 6,7,ETC. Why? To “gather data” on these new forms.
Your lovely host! The great prince of darkness with large hips and the ability to mess with anything he wants.
The Guardian:A Goku that took the role of Kami when he was younger. Due to this he now lives upon the look out and has several magical techniques. Due to all this divine training his lowest forms rank near the realm of the Gods.
The Dragon:After vanishing with Shenron this Goku was transported to the land of eternal Dragons. Now featuring small reptilian traits and the dragon balls lodged into his massive pecs.
The Lord in Black:A Goku Black who was taken over by Fu. His violent urges contained by a mask but his power able to mostly flow freely bulking up as he’s able to grow to to high levels of SSR or turn into a SSR oozaru
The Immortal:Due to getting his immorality on Namek Vegeta was able to become stronger than ever. Abusing Zenkai boosts and winning most battles with ease. Basically invincible as he has replaced Beerus as U7s destroyer.
The Monkey King:After Kakarot left Vegeta tuned and perfected SSJ4. Now walking around in the form as his mostly causal appearance. Except when Bulma tells him to return.
The Parasite:A Baby Vegeta who defeated Goku and created his tuffle empire. Served a spoiled by his people he’s become a permanent fat gorilla.
The Beast:A Gohan who suffers from a mutation where when he’s angry his body grows into a great ape. Usually trying to suppress his anger it grows harder as his forms grow stronger.
The Professor:A Gohan who achieved Super Saiyan 4 but only uses it under very particular circumstances as his body wildly bulks up when he activated the form.
The Hope:A future Gohan who was assisted by the Supreme Kais. His body filled with Godly power ups with his remaining arm greatly bulking up.
The Noble Son:A Trunks who lived a soft cushy life of peace growing rather feminine. His lady like charms being a benefit in many situations.
The Time Patroller:The Trunks usually trying to stop Fu only to be expanded in random ways.
The Grand Elder:Due to being held under water by Freeza during their battle this Piccolos body bloated up rapidly. Now he’s a large sloshy blob of his old self living on Namek.
The Demon King:A Piccolo who had his potential unlocked early and successfully subjugated Earth. He keeps the other warriors of earth trapped within his bountiful muscle.
The Universal Emperor:Thanks to training much eariler Friezas power has soared but with a side effect. His true form is a blob of blimped out muscle that he needs his lower forms to contain. If he reaches his Black form one pec is the size of Earth.
The Living Black Hole:As he and the Big Getty Star became one Cooler is now a gigantic metallic Kaiju who gulps down planets do keep himself powered.
The Ranger:Due to living so quietly and comfortably 17 has gained a large flabby dad bod. With his butt being able to bounce away damage.
The Super Battery:When Super 17 was battled by Goku he took all the energy without blowing. Now packed with large muscle he struggles to keep in control.
The Ultimate Life Form:After a victory against Gohan, Cell gathered the powers and techniques of every mortal and Godly being he can. But at the cost of his figure rapidly expanding.
The Eternal Master:Due to the potara being permanent and permanently absorbing Buu. This Vegitos body has rapidly expanded muscles and power so overwhelming he breezed by most battles with ease. Now training the strongest of his timeline.
Zen Buu:”A very strong Buu from a DIFFERENT series but you don’t need to know much. Just know I’m basically a God. Just can’t use Hakai….can I? Meh I’ll just make cookies.”
The Super Demon:After being purged by Gogeta, Saike wasnt fully cured of Janembas power. His body randomly expanding in the big fat yellows of base Janemba and the red muscular bulk of Super Janemba.
The BIG brother:The large cocked God of destruction usually bugged by his brother on @bigchampa When he’s angry his muscles bloat up and he’s constantly hungry.
The Divine Servant:The Whis from the same timeline as the previous Beerus. Able to expand his large rump across universes to appease his horny master.
The Universe Eater:Having devoured the very multiverse this variant of Moro can rewrite his very own story. But suffers from his body growing very fat anytime he uses said powers.
The Monkey Queen:Thanks to awakening during the Tuffle invasion. This 21 was able to devour both her variant of Baby and Goku in their great apes form. Leading her to become a great ape at will.
The Legendary Super Saiyan:After his defeat at the hands of Goku this Broly was pulled his timeline by Fu. Being given a tail and years worth of training. Now a mythical beast and personal servant to the demon king.
The Scarred Solider:A Broly who was found eariler by Goku and after years of training gained full control over his power. Choosing to live as a hermit while his power rises.
The Chosen Son:A Goten who was the final line of defense against his timelines Cell. Despite his young age he’s trained nearly non stop with a surviving Krillin.
The Ox Queen:Thanks to wanting to grow stronger to protect her family. An ancient power has awaken in Chi-Chi causing her to become a giant of muscle and fat.
The Queen of Saiyans:In another world Bulma was able to help revive the Saiyan race. A mixture of the dragon balls and machinery allowing for a new planet vegeta. With her being the first queen in generations.
The Spoiled Housewife:After settling down and Bulma undoing a power block. 18 has become a lazy obese housewife who can with ease still beat around Super Saiyan Gods.
The Queen of Earth:After devouring the Z-fighters and the future warriors. This 18 has pressed her fat ass in the throne of the old king of earth. Commanding an army of servants less they become her food.
The Strongest Hero:Thanks to more rigorous training Videl or The Great Saiyawoman is a real world super person. But her identity is hard to keep secret as only one woman has such a build.
The Survivor:Thanks to leaving planet Vegeta before its destruction. With the mother of Goku landing on yardrat becoming a wise master of dozens of abilities. Has a skinny voluptuous build and able to an oozaru along with some super saiyan forms.
The Admiral:A Fasha viewed as valuable by Freiza and kept alive. Eventually taking over his empire after the death of his family and publicly devouring him. With her recruiting every Saiyan she could. Has a tall bulky build. Her oozaru form is bigger abs more muscular than most.
The Berserker:A mutation in Pan refuses her the ability to become Super Saiyan. But in truth her hybrid DNA causes her to become an unstoppable disastrous monster similar to Broly.
The Strongest:Born with comically high potential and a pride only a Saiyan could have. This Bra values only a good battle and becoming unbeatable. A young adult with a very muscular build.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga ch.84-86
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“Hey, honey, I got the crap beat out of me.”
“Well don’t just stand there!  Go show the baby!”
“Oh yeah, good call.  Hey, son.  I got worked over pretty good.”
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Currently, Goku and Vegeta are trying to stop Gas, who became nearly invincible thanks to a wish on the Dragon Balls.  Their only chance is that Bardock once fought Gas before, and as Goku listens to the audio recordings on Bardock’s old scouter, he suddenly has a recollection of his infancy on Planet Vegeta, up to and including the moment when his parents shot him into space. 
That scene is shown in here as well, but I think I like the above page the best, where baby Kakarot was just watching his mom putter around the house throughout the day.  He didn’t see much of his family while he was in the incubation tank, but he saw some, and now he finally remembers it. 
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You might think the Bardock audio would be useless, since it didn’t provide any special insights into how to defeat Gas, past or present.  Bardock just hung in there and kept sluggin’ away until he won.  But that’s actually exactly what Goku needed to hear.  As Whis tried to explain to Goku earlier, the key to mastering Ultra Instinct is not to devise some cool new transformation, or to imitate Whis’ angelic calm.  Goku has to be himself so he can find his own path to Ultra Instinct mastery.  Hearing his father’s voice, talking about victory and survival above all else, that reminds Goku of who he is, and who he’s always been. 
And Vegeta needed to hear it too.  He had been trying to use Destruction energy like Beerus, who had advised Vegeta to cast aside his guilt over the sins of the Saiyan people.  Now he’s finally figured out how to do that properly.  Before, he was just acting like he no longer cared about the Saiyans’ crimes.  Now, he finally accepts that their crimes are not his responsibility. 
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So when Gas finally returns to Planet Cereal to settle things, he finds Goku and Vegeta are ready for him.  This time, they fight him together, and their Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego forms are much more focused than before.
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Elec tells the Heeters that he expected something like this, and it doesn’t matter that these two power-ups gave Granolah some trouble, since Gas is stronger than Granolah.  But Goku and Vegeta don’t give a fuck.  Screw the odds, they just want to kick some ass. 
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Let me skip a bunch of this fight.  I feel bad about doing that, since the action sequences are probably the best feature of Toyotaro’s art.  But I’m here to talk about the plot first and foremost.  Basically, Vegeta sets up a beam struggle with a big Hakai blast, and while Goku pushes it, Vegeta tries to flummox Gas at the same time.  It doesn’t quite work, but Vegeta still manages to hang in there, because Ultra Ego feeds on the damage Gas dishes out.  So it becomes a question of whether Gas can take down Vegeta before he surpasses Gas in power. 
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Gas tries to solve that dilemma by killing him all at once, but good luck one-shotting Vegeta.  Of course, eventually Vegeta does fall, because Gas hits like a speeding truck, and Vegeta can only take so much punishment.  But while he’s fighting Gas, it gives Goku a chance to figure out how to optimize his UI.
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I should really write about this in a separate post, but it seems like Goku is just sort of inventing a new form specifically for the way he plans to use Ultra Instinct here.  With the silver-haired form, he could use it well, but it only lasted so long, and he had to keep his emotions in check.  Now, he’s using this other version that looks pretty close to his base form, but he can use his turbulent emotions and Ultra Instinct at the same time.  And this freaks Gas out, not because of Goku’s methodology, but because the result has him looking a lot like Bardock did right before he kicked Gas’ ass forty years ago.
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To be clear, Goku always looks like Bardock all the time.  The resemblance isn’t what got in Gas’ head.  It’s the confidence Goku found in this moment, where he’s totally in synch with who he is and what he’s trying to do. 
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By contrast, Gas had some pride in himself as a warrior, but all he ever does is what Elec tells him to do, in the name of some grander agenda for the Heeters, which I doubt Elec has ever deigned to explain to him.  And that plan involved Gas surrendering his warrior pride to get a boost from the Dragon Balls, so his morale is shot, even if he won’t admit it. 
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Sure, Gas may be stronger than Goku... no, wait, maybe he’s not.  As Goku fights, he seems to get just a teeny edge over Gas.  It’s not much, and it won’t last long, but it’s just like Vegeta warned Granolah earlier.  The rankings don’t mean much in the long run.  Strongest, second strongest, it all changes with the weather. 
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But then Elec gives Gas another scolding/pep talk, and that reawakens Gas and he starts to fight even harder.  Also his body looks messed up.  Macki and Oil begin to get concerned, even as Gas seems to have Goku on the ropes.
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But then Granolah shows up to make the save.  So somehow, Monaito managed to heal all three of them up during the 20 minutes while Gas was away.  That’s not hard to believe, except Monaito kept complaining about how he could heal people very fast, and now he seems to be improving. 
Anyway, Goku agrees to keep Gas busy while Granolah charges up his full power for a single attack.  You know the drill.
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Goku has trouble, but fortunately, Vegeta gets a second win and helps buy more time.  Then Oil and Macki try to jump in but Monaito stops them... with the power of hypnotism!  Well, whatever works. 
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But it still isn’t quite enough, so then Goku activates his Stand, or whatever that giant Goku thoughtform is supposed to be.  It’s the same thing he used against Moro, so I guess it makes sense.  Anyway, he grabs Gas and chucks him into the sky so Granolah can get a clear shot, and Oatmeel helps him aim, since his eyes are still hurt from before.  The power of teamwork!
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Granolah fires, and it looks like one of those classic anime blasts where the bad guy disintegrates into nothing, but instead Gas falls back to the ground, and Granolah explains that he didn’t kill him, because he’s decided to forsake revenge.  Then he apologizes to Goku and Vegeta for the trouble he’s caused them, and it looks like that just about wraps things up....
... or does it?
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dragon-ball-meta · 1 year
I’m not as versed with writing quality so I never understood why people so heavily criticized the Future Trunks arc in Super.
What about that arc is bad or doesn’t make it work?
This is actually really hard to answer because it's a case of the two versions being VERY different and thus having their own unique set of problems. I'll say that it probably started with its inception, as this was not an organic Toriyama arc. He didn't originally have the idea. Shueisha and Toei came to him asking if there was a way to get Future Trunks involved in this series, as he was a popular character still. Without getting too bogged down in the details, a large part of the issue revolves around Trunks sort of getting Gary Stu'd a bit. He got his own special "transformation" in Super Saiyan Rage (which has yet to be fully explained, though it appears to be a case of simply being able to briefly draw out all of his power for a fast, hard strike), he learns the Mafuba by watching a cell phone video of it, and he can even use Spirit Bomb energy to make a Super Blade for his sword seemingly out of nowhere. It's just messy. There are still things to like in the arc, like Trunks getting to meet Gohan's family and see how differently things went for him here, or getting to see Krillin's family and how 18 had changed, or even Goku's reaction to learning his family's fate in this alternate timeline or Vegeta basically driving his son to stand and fight. Some great moments. But unfortunately, it does get bogged down in that murkier writing. The manga has its own set of issues. For one, Trunks starts even MORE Gary Stu'd, literally being able to simply increase the multiplier of SSJ2 to match Goku at SSJ3 (and pushing Goku to dip into Super Saiyan God to win because apparently he 'hates to lose'). Then making him Kaioshin's apprentice and saying that the apprentices of Kaioshin all have healing powers that they lose when taking on said role... which comes into play then with Zamasu, who is seen using the Time Rings, so he must be a Kaioshin now, yet he retained his healing ability, which would require him to still be an apprentice. After that point, Trunks... is actually sidelined pretty quickly, so much so that the manga version is often called the "Goku Black" arc as opposed to the Future Trunks arc there. He falls by the wayside, really only stepping in to heal Goku or Vegeta, when he gets to the present he just plays video games with Mai and never gets to meet Gohan or his family, and least not in any meaningful way that we're allowed to see, Goku seems completely unphased by the revelation Zamasu murdered his wife and son in his own body and rather makes a joke about having to avenge HIMSELF, Goku somehow learned Hakai from seeing Beerus do it once, does it exactly once, somehow misses a guy less than three feet in front of him (cue Mushu.gif)-
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-and then, come the final battle, Trunks has to use the tiny bit of energy he has left to heal Vegeta JUST enough to allow him to stand under his own power, only for Goku to find himself in trouble and cowering a bit in the face of two Fused Zamasus, so Vegeta... rushes in, rescues Goku, and actually summons enough energy to do one big attack and obliterate both Fused Zamasus, who were apparently at full power. So being healed JUST enough to be able to stand allowed him to mysteriously summon the energy to solo kill Fused Zamasu twice over. But that didn't work because Starfish Effect and a scene likely meant as a callback to Return of Cooler-
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-and THAT"S when they hit the button to summon Zeno. And that's the short version for both, there's honestly more problems and weird narrative decisions within, such as Time Travel and Bulma's treatment in the manga, but that alone could fill up entire other posts.
Suffice it to say, both versions very much have issues with pacing, characterization, and some contradiction.
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saiyanmazen · 11 months
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Vegeta wearing the earring for those able to use the Hakai ability. Part 2: Ultra Ego
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regulus-regent · 2 months
When did you get the gold ear cuff, Vegeta? It looks good!
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"It's not for show. Beerus gave it to me as a symbol of my appointment as the God of Destruction candidate for Universe 7. It was a mark of recognition, proof that I was mastering the Hakai technique under his guidance."
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quantumleper · 4 months
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I Will Not Let You Destroy My World | Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods [2013]
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sweetescapeartist · 8 months
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"Wagamamma Gokui" A.K.A. "Ultra Ego." A form that Vegeta says isn't to be compared to Goku's Ultra Instinct, but ironically he still compares and gives it a similar name.
But, what are the abilities of Ultra Ego? Well, many fans say that it gives Vegeta...
The ability to use Hakai energy at a God of Destruction level.
The ability to get stronger from taking damage.
Even though the DBS manga illustrates that Vegeta gets stronger from taking damage when in his Ultra Ego transformation, Ultra Ego DOES NOT give Vegeta the ability to turn damage into fuel. How bold of me to disagree with what is said and shown to the reader!! Well... I have my reasons.
TLDR; Ultra Ego is actually the amplification of your natural abilities & personality along with the ability to use God of Destruction power to a higher degree.
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To fully understand my reasoning, let's look at Vegeta's abilities & Ultra Ego's "abilities."
"SAIYAN-POWER": Vegeta gets stronger from taking damage due to the innate Saiyan ability to get stronger during battle. And the thrill of combat is what Saiyans live for.
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"BATTLE SOUL": While taking damage in this transformed state, Vegeta grows stronger due to his so-called "battle soul" burning hot. And as a Saiyan, the thrill of combat is what he lives for.
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HAKAI TECHNIQUE: Vegeta learned how to use Hakai energy from Beerus.
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HAKAI TECHNIQUE: While in this transformed state, Vegeta is granted greater power to create stronger Hakai attacks that he could not perform prior to this God of Destruction transformation.
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ATTITUDE: Arrogant.
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ATTITUDE: Egomaniac.
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Now, what I stated at the begining is making sense. Saiyans already get stronger from taking damage & Vegeta can use the Hakai technique in his base form. Ultra Ego is meant to greatly amplify what Vegeta can naturally do & has learned.
Furthermore, we can examine the traits of another mortal who used a God of Destruction transformation; Toppo from the DBS Anime Continuity.
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Ultra Ego is simply a God of Destruction transformation that alters the appearance, greatly amplifies power & natural abilities, & allows the user to use GoD level Hakai attacks.
It's literally the same type of power as Toppo's Hakaishin form from the DBS Anime Continuity, except Anime Toppo & Manga Vegeta use Hakai abilities differently. The manga decides to shift focus soley on a single type of Hakai attack; the "explosive" Hakai. But there are other Hakai techniques performed in both the anime continuity & manga continuity; Explosive, Sand, Disenigration.
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Obviously, Ultra Ego is simply God of Destruction power just as the title for DBS Chapter 75 informs us. Vegeta just makes up a name for the power on the fly.
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Beerus taught Vegeta that GoD power is unbounded. Meaning "Ultra Ego" is a type of limit-breaking power. Similarly, the limit-breaking power of SSBE is referred to as "boundless energy."
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However, Ultra Ego allows you to push yourself beyond your limit until you completely exhaust yourself & fall out of the GoD transformation. SSBE doesn't let the body get pushed to such an extreme that leaves you completely vulnerable for the sake of power that will burn out.
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We can conclude that what the limit-breaking power of "Ultra Ego" does is...
alter the appearance of a mortal using the GoD form
increase strength & durability
enhance the natural abilities & the strength of techniques
grant the user to use GoD level Hakai attacks
amplify the personality of the user
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By looking at context clues & using some deductive reasoning, it appears that ONLY when Vegeta is engaged in battle while using the Ultra Ego form, there is "no limit" for his God of Destruction power.
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But, since Vegeta is not a true GoD like Beerus, once Vegeta runs out of "fuel" or when he powers down from his Ultra Ego form, the extra strength that he gained through taking damage during combat is gone because the power boosts leave when the Ultra Ego power leaves. Vegeta will have to restart his power progression all over again whenever he transforms back into Ultra Ego.
From my understanding, Ultra Ego appears to function something like this...
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