#befriend ichigo
snekdood · 4 months
hey guys so uh
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here's my tokyo mew mew self insert from when I was like 10 or 11 or whatever. I hope you enjoy this creature 😌
[description on my deviantart]
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rjalker · 2 years
Obviously if Ash and Ichigo met it would end with Ichigo adopting yet another younger sibling. Here he is playing the older brother and trying to get people to fight Ash. His tallness helps him make eye contact with more people.
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wulvercazz · 2 months
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🐆Zookeeper AU🐆
Reposting this AU in full, writing and all💕 This one was first posted back in January of 2021 😵‍💫✨ Hope u enjoy~!
❗️CW- slight Terato, Grimm has a ✨uterus✨, Monsters treated like animals
Inspo for this- Olmec Mythology (Were-Jaguar myth), Lionesses that grow manes, and lots of feral-themed songs~💕
Ichigo is a keeper at a cryptozoo (basically a zoo for mythical creatures or beasts from legends) Their most recent addition is Grimmjow, a male were-jaguar gifted to their reserve by México; very aggressive, and wary of people. And Ichigo is his designated main caretaker.
Were-jaguars were described in stories as impossible creatures, with jaguar features and human bodies; the species as it’s known today is very similar in temperament to a common jaguar, but far more intelligent and aggressive to humans. Males and females are pretty similar in build, but the males have manes that make them easier to identify.
Ichigo really likes the were-jaguar; he can’t get too close when feeding him, but while Grimm is eating, he gets to watch from outside his enclosure. Then he can truly admire its beauty. It’s a shame that creatures like him become myths for their fear of humans, lose their habitats and source of food because of them.
They have an arrangement with another cryptozoo a few states away. they’ll get their were-jaguars together to hopefully start breeding. All in hopes to increase their species numbers from their dangerously low count, captive bred were-jaguars aren’t very common either.
So Ichigo is tasked with socializing Grimmjow; he is extra careful, extra patient. Grimm is shy, Ichigo finds; always running away the second he sets foot inside the enclosure. But the  aggression doesn’t stop, were he to come too close; specially when food is involved.
Slowly, every day, and being careful to use exactly the same vest every time he comes into the enclosure (lest he lose the familiar scent), Ichigo stays a little longer. Calm, unthreatening. Eventually, Grimmjow comes out of his shell; gets a little closer, glares a little less and is comfortable enough to even close his eyes a bit and enjoy the sun in his presence. Ichigo is delighted about his progress.
Until one day Grimmjow jumps him.
For a few seconds, Ichigo thinks that’s it; he read it all wrong and now this creature was going to rip him apart. Except Grimm instead starts grooming him. Opening his lethal jaws and, with menacing fangs closer to his eyes than Ichigo is comfortable with, gently biting his face, then rubbing his cheek all over it. Ichigo is freaking out, okay? So maybe Grimmjow likes him now, great, but those teeth are still on his face.
The other keepers find it hilarious though; their faces going red and purple from holding their laughter for too long. 
“... help ...” Ichigo mouths at them as Grimmjow continues to purr and croon away. 
Eventually, they do help him out, all while giggling like idiots— right until their laughter annoys Grimmjow enough for him to hiss and scare them off. After that, it becomes their new normal. Ichigo has to stay a couple minutes every time he comes in, while the were-jaguar rubs his face on him and tangles his hair with his sand-paper tongue.
They even test it out once, someone else tries getting near the enclosure: it’s back to aggressive, scary jaguar; and Ichigo is very proud to be the one to have befriended the creature.  They schedule the meeting with the other zoo’s were-jaguar.
When the day comes, and Grimmjow meets the other creature, Ichigo fights the need to bite his nails. He really hopes Grimm will be nice to her. They sniff at each other, they seem a bit wary, but otherwise not aggressive. It takes them a while to settle down, and Grimmjow even appears to be interested. It seems to be going well, even! The female lays, submissive, as Grimmjow gets up from his spot and on top of her, even bites her neck a little in a show off dominance—  but then nothing.
Grimmjow walks far away, apparently done with whatever he wanted to do, and lays in a corner. Any more attempts after that to make them interact are met with more disinterest from both parts. It’s a pity. They’ll find another female, maybe.
Ichigo continues his work as usual, and Grimmjow still meets him with the same animosity, the same kitten-like playfulness. It’s all fun and games until Grimm starts grunting one day, as soon as he comes in; rolling around like a house-cat and eventually presenting his ass, tail up and huffing and grunting like he was desperate for Ichigo to get the hint. OH, DID HE SUDDENLY GET IT.
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Grimmjow was... not a male. Somehow had a mane and all— but not. a. MALE. And he’d somehow decided that Ichigo was an appropriate mate. How did no one realize? How did the vets not realize? Ichigo practically runs out of there, and into the offices to get (more like demand) some answers.
Apparently, their veterinary team had tried to do a full check up, like they always do. But Grimmjow was so stressed that the adrenalin completely burned through the anesthetic, scared the vets and even almost hurt one of them. So in the end they decided to leave the little details like his sex as ‘obvious on sight’. With Ichigo’s help now, though, they are finally able to do a proper check up.
Ichigo administers the anesthetic, and stays in the room so Grimm can smell him. Turns out, he really isn’t male. Just as Ichigo theorized; but a female with a high amount of testosterone. Enough to give Grimmjow the mane and temperament of a male. 
They do eventually find another were-jaguar for breeding. Now that they know they should look for a male instead, does make it easier. Ichigo even gets the privilege to help with any future cubs. That doesn’t stop Grimmjow from trying to woo Ichigo again, though ~🌿
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Ichigo is a little jealous, but only because it’s ridiculous how these jaguar-creatures have a far more exciting sex life than him.
Grimmjow for his part just enjoys the ride, even if he plays really hard to get. Can’t have them believing they can one up him just like that. He’ll get rid of them as soon as the deed is done. 
And surely enough, soon the zoo learns Grimm is pregnant; and all the staff is incredibly excited. Ichigo is sure this means he’ll have to distance himself, he’s aware of Were-jaguar’s lonely natures, and how protective they are of their young. It was already a miracle how close he could get to Grimmjow as is; would that mean he’d be allowed to stay now that he was carrying? Probably not. Much less knowing Grimmjow saw him as a male rather than a mere human.
To his surprise, however, that didn’t happen at all. He’d been instructed to be more cautious now, leave his food and get back out instead of hanging around like he used to. He tried to do that. He really did. But he took one step outside and Grimmjow yowled like he’d killed someone dear to him. The sight of it was much worse. He was staring at him with big sad eyes, wondering why Ichigo was abandoning him. Orders be damned, he was getting back in there.
Surely enough, the moment he stepped inside this time Grimmjow immediately jumped on him, holding his face close and chuffing contentedly as he rubbed his whole face on his hair. Ichigo couldn’t help but laugh when from outside Rukia (a coworker) tried to remind him he was not supposed to do that anymore. It was all words anyways, she was quickly squealing at the adorable scene and taking pictures for the zoo’s office wall.
And it stayed like that for the following months too. Especially when Grimmjow was closer to delivery and wobbled more than walked; demanding every day after his check-ups for Ichigo to stay longer and rub his belly to ease the ache.
Two adorable cubs; rambunctious from the second they could open their eyes and explore around. And once more, Ichigo was personally invited by Grimmjow himself to be present the whole time. And most check ups were done by him or in his presence, if only to keep Grimm calm; he still didn’t trust other humans too much.
When the public could finally meet the cubs, it took barely a couple days for them to become a fan favorite even before being properly named. Ayumi and Kaito💕
Extra; a couple extra designs I did for monsters on this AU💕
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my-my-my · 11 months
For some reason, I cannot get the idea of post muken! dad! Aizen out of my head. Like how would he act around his pregnant s/o? How much would that change him as a person? As well as how he would try to raise his kid(s) with his partner considering his reputation and past. "My dad's a lieutenant!" "My dad works at the Academy!" "Oh yeah? Well my dad's a war criminal." What are your thoughts on this? lolol
🌸 Love your stuff man, keep up the good work! 🌸
Thanks for your comment!! Post-Muken!dad!Aizen what a concept!! (I love the idea).
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TW: none!
Aizen around his pregnant s/o is one word: overprotective. He's an immortal man, but his s/o and future child are not! It's not necessarily his physical presence though that would be with you constantly, instead he will make sure they have protective kido and seals on them for anything and everything that will happen.
He would also go with them to appointments (even if the attending shinigami!doctor is freaked out). He's a bit annoying (because he's such a smart-ass) in that, he will know what's going on with your body, its changes, etc., and continuously interrupts the doctor. You have to boot him out of the room unless he stops. Even then, he thinks your doctor is inferior (how annoying).
Aizen would be a calming partner, so he would be in the delivery room with you if you wanted him to be there. Since he's so strong (lol) I don't think he'd bat an eye if you squeezed his hand or screamed bloody murder as you delivered your child. He'd make sure you (and your child) were taken care of immediately - but again, a bit overbearing about it. I can see him pissing off the staff if they "wrapped the baby" too tight, or you weren't attended to quick enough to his liking.
With his child:
Although Aizen is known to be a master manipulator and liar, I can't see him lying about his past to his child. I think he would be honest and even explain that people will look down on them because of his actions in the past.
It would be a great lesson for his child on the concept of "the sins of the father" (even though Soul Society isn't remotely modelled after Abrahamic rules). He knows their child would be a just, kind and polite person - but by having Aizen as a father, people have preconceived ideas of how this child will act. It can be very isolating for the child, I'd imagine. I can see Aizen being understanding, and encouraging his child to befriend those they can. I always imagined that Ichigo would have a soft spot for Aizen and lets Kazui meet him, so I'd like to say an older Kazui would be a big brother figure to Aizen's child.
It would be Kyoraku who makes sure that this child isn't attacked though - as much disdain Kyoraku has for Aizen, he understands that a child is not a clone of their parent. And besides, Kyoraku would joke that the child has all the best features of you nothing of Aizen (lol).
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wordsdrippinginink · 3 months
Bleach timetravel au, Ichigo ends up back in time decades if not centuries before he’s born and decides easiest way to change things is to go to the academy and befriend his enemies. Some like Gin are easier to befriend than others.
“Shiba’s looking over here again,” Gin mutters into his lunch, still confused when he had decided that being friends with Kurosaki Ichigo was a good idea. Why it had seemed like a good idea. “Do you know why he’s so interested in you?”
Kurosaki hums, barely glancing in Shiba Kaien’s direction before turning back to his lunch, “He’s been doing this since I joined the academy. One of my teachers mentioned that I looked quite a bit like a Shiba, even if my coloring was different.”
“I doubt that a Shiba would have as much trouble with kido as you do, Kurosaki-kun.”
“I doubt that a Shiba has as much spiritual energy as I do normally,” Kurosaki says easily, grinning when Gin looks back at him.
Kurosaki isn’t wrong. He had broken the orb that measured spiritual power when he had come to the academy, shattered it with a small application of his power and then asked if there had been something wrong with it. Like he had expected it to last longer.
“You’re not going to talk to him?” Gin asks curiously, because he knows that getting a noble’s name would only help them advance both here and in Soul Society.
“No,” Kurosaki answers, leaning his head on his hand. “If Shiba-dono wants to speak to me, he should come talk to me himself instead of expecting me to. If he wants to ask about my family, then he should gather the courage to do so.”
“You could be a noble.”
“What would that do for me that I couldn’t do for myself?” Kurosaki pauses, finally looking at Gin instead of off into the distance.  “Would you consider us allies?”
Gin considers him, chewing slowly as he thinks about the last six months. About how hard Kurosaki has worked and how he’s forced Gin to be better, work harder and push beyond the limits that he had before. Because he would never have improved the way that he has without someone to measure himself against instead of the memory of Aizen.
“If I said I was looking for a man with an orb that stole something from someone I care for,” Kurosaki shifts, leaning forward, eyes almost too bright.
“I would say that I’ve been looking into something like that too.”
Kurosaki nods, looking far too pleased with himself. Gin would be upset if it wasn’t exactly what he wanted to find too, if it might not be easier with someone like Kurosaki, who seems to grow stronger every time they fight.
“Then I suppose that makes us allies,” Kurosaki says looking pleased.
“Please take care of me,” Gin says easily, grinning when Kurosaki laughs. “You know who we’re after?”
“There’s certainly an illusion surrounding that man,” Kurosaki answers, which is answer enough. They are after the same man. 
“Do you have a plan?”
Kurosaki nods, glancing away from him and towards the Seireitei, “I have a few leads.”
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Anon: Hello, anon req for letter E, K, R, V with Megumi & Inumaki (JJK), Sado (Bleach), Lavi (DGM), please and thank you!
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessiveness behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, overprotective behavior, stalking, manipulation, clinginess, jealousy, paranoia, abduction, isolation
Yandere Alphabet
Sado Yasutora
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🛡️Sado would be together with Orihime the tamest one from the original Ichigo squad. He’s a pacifist and uses violence only when it is to protect someone and is lucid about his obsession. What can be pointed out but really is no fault of his might be that the average person isn’t going to just approach you without any care when Sado is with you. We’re talking about a guy nearly 2 meters tall after all so perhaps it’s understandable why they would be a bit intimidated by Chad. If you’re a social and extroverted person, this factor might dull a bit of your fun though. I’d say worst aspect is that Sado is loyal to his core. This might sound flattering at first but that is until you realize the implications of this. This man is fully committed to you and ready to die for you. He’s much more selfless than most other Yandere and perhaps it’s that selflessness that might scare you a bit.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
🛡️With Chad you have a lower risk of being abducted because he takes good care of you. He’s protective but mature enough to tone those urges of his down so he doesn’t restrict your life. Obviously he’s going to be a tad bit more careful though as he can see Hollows you can’t see and has been involved in some very life-threatening fights. I’d say the chance for a more permanent abduction would involve an incident where he feels like he could have done more to prevent it. That can obviously include the chance of Hollows attacking you but it can be implied to much more mundane accidents in the normal world too. That would be most likely the point where he wouldn’t be able to win a fight against his nerves anymore. Why don’t you just stay with him for a longer period of time? Please…just let him take care of you for a while now. He’s very insistent on his will as you will figure out and it’ll be one of the few times where you find yourself arguing with him.
🛡️It won’t be a one-night plan nor will he brood very much about it. After such a terrible case where he has been triggered enough to be even pushed this far, he knows that he has to act soon. First and foremost he would stock up on items and stuff you’ll need to live healthy and comfortable. Sado values your comfort and your happiness and whilst he is sure that an abduction will most likely rob you of your ability to be as happy and joyful as you normally are, he still tries the best he can do within the new situation. He ponders the most on what he will tell you when you realize what he’s doing and the confrontation is the part he dreads the most. He knows that he is wrong which makes all of this much more complicated, he doesn’t know what he could say to defend his actions against you. Chad doesn’t tell you about it until the last second either and you don’t assume anything to be wrong. Not until you’re already in his house and he blocks the door, too ashamed to even look you into your eyes.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
🛡️I do see him as a guy who has started wearing his heart more on his sleeve ever since he befriended Ichigo. Yes, he is a rather quiet person normally but if you don’t get discouraged by his lack of speech nor fear his built, getting to know him and getting closer to him isn’t as hard as you might believe. Whilst Sado is quick to grow to care about someone, an obsession takes much longer. Perhaps it is a crush after a few months, perhaps it is love after a year but this is a far cry from obsession yet. He’d have to know you for a much longer period of time and vice versa if love should ever be dragged into the dark and twisted emotional aspect of devotion and attraction. By the time his feelings start getting twisted, both of you probably know each other from the inside out already and might as well be already in an established relationship.
🛡️Because it is such a long process of developing a real obsession and because the changes are subtle, even Chad is a bit slower to realize that something has changed at all. He’s always been loyal and devoted to everyone he cares about. His behavior doesn’t change visibly either so he has no one who could point it out to him either. I’d say that the one thing he can pin his change of feelings down on is his increase in worries about your safety. Sado has always been a bit protective over you due to seeing Hollows but that seems to slowly expand to the point where he finds himself being worried about situations he has never really considered as dangerous before. He has his intrusive thoughts but he hushes them down quite well in his mind, otherwise he might develop the nasty habit of being a bit paranoid over you.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🛡️In most cases, Chad won’t hesitate or think much about it if his s/o would ask him for something. His devotion and loyalty does make him prone to caving in quite easily to your every whim and need. This makes him prone to spoiling his s/o a bit too often but it isn’t to the point where it is really exaggerated or ridiculous. He isn’t just throwing out money blindly nor is he doing absolutely everything for you either. He is speaking up about it when he isn’t comfortable with what you’re asking him off, in most cases because he’s worried that it might potentially be a risk for your health. Such objections are rare and few though so if his darling desires something material or needs Sado to do something specific, they can count on him.
🛡️Overall Sado is doing a lot for his s/o too even if they aren’t asking him for anything. He’s always going out of his way to ensure that you feel comfortable and happy and tries to surround you with people and stuff that always makes you feel safe and joyful. He’s quite attentive and usually always sticks up on everything you need so if you feel like you are about to run out of your favorite snacks or certain products, Chad has oftentimes already bought it for you again. He keeps a close eye on you and your needs but not to the extent where it makes you feel uncomfortable and creepy but makes you feel appreciated and cared for. If he notices that you’re feeling down, he steps his usual care up a bit in an attempt to comfort you and cheer you up by buying you small and cute stuff or by encouraging you to go outside and/or do something relaxing.
Lavi Bookman
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🔨​You tend to get way too easily fooled around Lavi which is simply a result of his insightfulness and the change of his entire personality for missions and inspections. He doesn't know what else to do as he essentially never had a personality or identity of his own. He's the next Bookman and that's all he's ever known to be. This adaption skills to fit his personality within what you feel most comfortable with is probably the most dangerous skill he has because he can blend in like a chameleon and change his demeanor whenever it is needed. Even if you might think of him as goofy, don't let yourself be deceived as this is merely a charade of Lavi which he can change quickly to gain the sympathy and the favor of a lot of people in your life. This also implies that he is even able to put up a facade to scare and frighten you if there should ever be the need for that. Lavi essentially never stays the same, his whole personality can adapt and change and that makes him unpredictable.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
🔨Lavi can't do much as long as the old Bookman is still with him because that old man would never tolerate him abducting his s/o. In his company the best Lavi can do is lie to you by using his manipulation or convincing others to lock you away or just keep you away from any danger. It is only as soon as he has officially the title of Bookman and is by himself that it dawns on him that he is now free to do as he wants. That sudden freedom and the power that comes with it scares a small part of him but it's in that moment that you're suddenly at a constant risk to be taken because as a Bookman he can never stay in the same place for a long time. Ultimately this undeniable lifestyle he has a Bookman is what would at the very last push him to try to convince you to travel with him or in the worst scenario to abduct you.
🔨You'd think that he would have made grand plans as soon as the old man can't travel with him anymore and he officially takes over as new Bookman. Truthfully though, he is so used to the man's presence that it somehow slips his mind that one day the old man can't accompany him anymore as he is the closest thing to a parental figure Lavi has. Without him anymore though, Lavi realizes how lonely it'll be from now on, especially without you. With the ability to act freely though, Lavi can't deny that he starts planning what he should do now. He definitely wants to convince you to come with him and what to do if beguiling doesn't work on you. There's never a strict plan though because it's near impossible to plan ahead if he can never settle down unless he trains another successor and if he doesn't know when he has to travel where for how long.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
🔨He cozies up to people for the sake of watching history unfold itself but the old man has always told him that as a Bookman he is never allowed to bond with someone. So even if he might act at first friendly towards you or you might just be someone he perceives as beautiful, this isn't him being genuine. He's being wary due to his duty as a Bookman so to genuinely develop an obsession for someone requires him to know you for a longer period of time. Funnily enough the process itself from transferring from love to obsession isn't even that long nor difficult as the mere concept of sincere feelings towards someone is foreign and unknown for him as it has never happened throughout his whole life.
🔨With his feelings all mixed up, Lavi has to navigate through a labyrinth that consists of his own feelings. The mere notice that his feelings go deeper than they are supposed to go and the fact that he feels attachment towards you goes against his principles and the world he has known so far so Lavi denies himself those emotions. Those pent-up emotions crack up his normally flawless charade though as he always slips up around you. This is unusual and has never happened before to him, makes him dread how serious the situation really is. He's focusing too much on you, ignores even other beautiful women in favor of you and initially can't hold up his mask around you. All signs that eventually lead him to the realization that his interest might go deeper than he might have ever anticipated.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🔨Lavi would love to act on his lovesick emotions at times on sheer impulse alone but he always tries to keep a bit of levelheadedness. Especially during the early stages of his obsession would he make an effort to never make himself suspicious by being too friendly with you nor being too rude to you as both could lead to unwanted attention. As he gradually warms up around you and the idea of holding genuine affection for someone, he starts being more willing around you. He has certain phases where he is very affectionate and would go above and beyond to fulfill you your wishes you ask him for and in other moments he appears to be calmer and composed again and wouldn't actively spoil you.
🔨Undeniable is though that Lavi looks out a lot for you and always makes sure that you have enough in your life to be satisfied and healthy. He always guarantees a mimimum you have to have in your life and if you lack something that is included in this minimum, he always goes out of his way to ensure that you have it. He takes importance to remind you about such basic things you need in your life more than riches or jewelry as you don't need unnecessary items in your life to survive if you should ever be mad that you couldn't purchase something you wanted. That isn't to say that sometimes he will fall into a mood where he literally tries to gift and buy you such stuff if he has the money for it to cater to your happiness. But only if he is in the mood because he shifts his focus elsewhere in your life otherwise.
Fushiguro Megumi
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
💙With Megumi you as his darling are most certainly on the worse side if I had to be honest. Megumi is quite a mess on the inside even if his permanently stoic face might give the illusion that he doesn't care. His paranoia, his urge to protect you, his introverted and stressed behavior around everyone that is around him, especially in your company, and his own insecurities are your worst enemies. He seemingly doesn't trust anyone around you, not even his and your own friends are exceptions to that. There is always something he doesn't like about other people or something about them he feels like might end up getting you in troubles and in the worst case he doesn't want you around them because he fears you might like them more than him. No matter how much you reassure him, he'll always relapse and ask you instead to spend time with him alone rather than going out. So you're stuck with him, slowly isolated and forced to neglect other relationships in favor of calming his insecurities and his paranoia that will never fade away.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
💙I've already mentioned it in my Hc's for Megumi but chances to be abducted are higher with him. His limitless paranoia and ever-present insecurities surrounding you and your safety will be his motives if he should ever abduct you. You just have to give one of those fears of his the last push and lead his mind to crumble apart. You could get in danger for normal or curse-related reasons, you could shatter his mind by leaving him for someone else because you're fed up with his antics or you could simply neglect him without intention by focusing on something or someone else and push his already wavering sanity over the edge. His paranoia and irrational fear will do the rest for you even if nothing has technically happened. Let his mind run wild and overthink all by itself and you'll get the same results no matter what.
💙He isn't fully spontanous but waiting for too long would be agonizing and torture for Megumi so he won't plan too far ahead either. He plans ahead to not be fully unprepared because he does understand the consequences of an abduction. He thinks about aspects such as where he will abduct you and if he will knock you out or use other ways to lure you where he plans to keep you and how he will provide from you then because you can bet your kidney that he won't let you leave for a while. Those plans would be easier fulfilled if Megumi has his own residence at that point where he can keep you but if he's still under Gojo's watch and a student, he obviously has less freedom to act as he wishes he could. That doesn't mean that it'll discourage him though.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
💙For Megumi to actually obsess over someone, his darling needs to pour patience and time into this boy if they even want him to open up somehow around him. Megumi rarely feels comfortable around people as they're more than often the main source of his stress so you really shouldn't be too pushy unless you want to have him avoid you. It takes a lot of time and trust for Megumi to trust someone and genuinely care about them, considering the way he grew up without any parents to take care of him and had only his sister to rely on. An obsession is a really long process because even the aspect of falling in love is a very delicate topic for the jujutsu sorcerer. Once it has come to the point of no return though, you can be assured that Megumi would never give you up or let you leave him. Never.
💙When Megumi gains romantic feelings of you without any obsessive tendencies, you don't know about it. Because he never tells you anything about it when he himself comes to terms that he loves you. He already hesitates and panics slightly at this stage as he doesn't know what to do with his feelings and keeps quiet about it ultimately in some silent hope that it'll go away. His hesitation and unwillingness to tell anyone about it and just pent everything up is the fault for his feelings to escalate even further. It is his downright co-dependency that has him realize his unhealthy attachment as every stressful situation always brings up thoughts about you and an impulsive need to see you, be alone with you, cope via you. His inner peace is disturbed as all feelings and thoughts lead back to you and he only feels somewhat relaxed when around you.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
💙If it involves anything of you wanting to do something for someone else for the sole purpose of impressing them and gaining their favor, you can count him out. If it is something that isn't realistic for him to do and that might put him in an uncomfortable situation without any deeper motives of him protecting you or something along those lines, Megumi has no problems denying you your wishes. Otherwise he'll see what he can do and how much money he's willing to spend on you without draining his resources. He gets very paranoid and twitchy though if you seek out help through someone else and not him because he views this as a breach of trust from your side, enough to make his mind spin. Do you see him as incompetent? Has he done something that offended you? Why aren't you asking him? If you need help, come to him! Don't ask anyone else...
💙He focuses on your safety and protection over your own indulgence in little things. He's paranoid and worried about curses in your area and gets rid of as much as he can with the help of his shikai and is just as dedicated when it comes to the people surrounding you. Admittedly, Megumi does a lot of things for you you'd never want him to do because it involves scaring certain people he doesn't trust for his mostly paranoid reasons and telling them to stay away from you. He does such acts for you though and in his mind it is perfectly justified for him to act the way he does. It hurts him immensely though when you react angrily and disappointed because of them. He's done it because he loves you and wants you safe. Why can't you appreciate him at least a little bit for it...?
Inumaki Toge
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Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
🗣️A clear threat that is there is Inumaki's inherited cursed speech and even though he would rarely ever use that on his lover, on the first glance this is the most obvious reason why he would be seen as dangerous. Toge knows that too. He knows what possibilities he has because of his inherited power. If you would look at his emotional situation though, Inumaki is rather stable in comparison to some other students such as Yuta or Megumi. He's very calm and insightful, cares about his s/o and his antics are even rather endearing at times simply to make you more comfortable around him due to his inability to converse with you in a normal way, especially if you don't fully understand him yet. Perhaps you could count his emotional calmness as a double-edged sword though because in certain situations it is very scary to see him so composed.
Kidnap-When and why would they kidnap their darling? How much would they plan ahead?
🗣️​Toge's reason for an abduction would be out of protective reasons because otherwise he wouldn't be able to justify such a thing with his own morals. He isn't very paranoid nor possessive otherwise so he has no motives to kidnap you otherwise than a life-threatening situation or maybe, maybe, a potential separation from you that he can't stop or prevent through more convenient meassurements. An abduction isn't a case of forever isolation and imprisonment in his case though but more a method to wait until the situation isn't as dangerous and risky anymore in which case he would grant you the privilege of moving around freely again. Of course you can't tell anyone else about what happened though.
🗣️His cursed speech feels like an abuse of power so he genuinely tries to only use it as a last resort if he can't convince you otherwise to please just let him take over your life for a moment. Toge feels in moments of dangers responsible for you so if he sees no other way than temporary abduction and other attempts to solve the problem haven't worked, he will be rather determined to pull through with it until he deems everything to be safe and fine again. Here his scary composure comes into play because despite the little hint of guilt in his eyes, he is firm with such a decision once he makes it. The contrast to your own turbulent feelings against his quiet and convinced demeanor makes for quite the strong and unsettling contrast in this scenario.
Race-How fast would it take for them to grow toxic feelings? How do they realize?
🗣️You might let yourself get fooled by his initial appearance and mistake him as someone quiet and aloof but Inumaki is beyond that first impression kind and caring. Earning his attention and his platonic love for you isn't that hard for you with a bit of time spent together and fooling around together. I'd say that even having him love you in more romantic ways isn't as hard if you just hang out enough with him. Obviously that will be easier though once you learn to understand his special speech and can communicate better with him. Only the final step to an obsession is the biggest struggle because Toge is very in tune with his emotions as he is very mature for his age. He realizes that something is going not quite right with his feelings for you and tries to prevent it from escalating. Without much success obviously.
​🗣️​He would never abuse his cursed speech for his own selfish purposes but the intrusive thoughts of doing so pop up the worse his feelings for you get. Not against you but for the largest part against those who wrong you and make your life at times a bit hellish. The impulse to use his cursed speech, make them stop or even hurt them with his ability when he feels his ire raise are first signs that something isn't going right with him. Especially if those people are non-sorcerers and he knows that they wouldn't stand a chance against him. The second sign would be the developing habit of his to just trail behind you without you being aware of it. It often starts with him thinking that one or two minutes will be enough only that those few short minutes quickly turn into half an hour before he even knows it with him still following you around.
Voice-If their darling asks them for something, would they give it to them? How much do they do in general for them?
🗣️​He's relatively chill if it comes to doing you a favor or two or three. Running a few errands for you is something he has been doing ever since he only thought of you as a close friend and that hasn't changed even with his obsession. He doesn't have an insane dedication to it though so if he has other stuff to do at the moment, he will tell you so. He feels quite apologetic though if you should give him a sad face and promises to do it for you as soon as he has finished whatever else he's occupied with at the moment. He doesn't even care much if people like Panda or Maki tease him for his obvious soft spot and gossip that he'd never do such stuff for them. If he can help you and make you happy within your own life, he's feeling quite fulfilled and content.
🗣️​He's a tiny bit like Yuji in the way that he likes to buy you small gifts or snacks once he has gained romantic feelings, especially if you two should be in a relationship at that point. He isn't as spoiling as Yuji but you get once or twice a week such little treats from him without you ever asking for it. If he thinks that you need something, he doesn't ask you if you actually need it most of the time but just gets it for you instead. Better more than less after all, isn't he right? I mean, he even comes to visit you in your home when he finds out that you have to do a lot of household chores and just helps you, even if you tell him that he doesn't have to help you and that you will do it somehow alone. If he senses that you're nervous or stressed about something, you should always expect him to support and help you in whatever way he can.
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aoflameandco · 9 months
GrimmNell: character study
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Well-well-well, I mentioned once that my GrimmNel brainrot is far from being over - so here we go! What else's to analyze about them though? Well, this time we have a new subject to focus on... the Bleach personality quiz!
Yes, I know it's a bit questionable source for a character study, but let me explain! June 2011. The third Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED was released in Japan. This databook was mostly famous for giving Ulquiorra a more detailed backstory and showing more of Halibel and her Fracción. However, there was another small tidbit for Arrancar's fans - the official quiz from Kubo - Which Bleach character are you? 
The quiz was extremely simple.  Add up the numbers of your full date of birth and don't forget your blood type. Voila! In the end you get a short profile about your Bleach "personality type", which highlights the key qualities of this particular character.
Now, y'all know where I'm going with this. So, what's like to be like Grimmjow- or Nel according to the databook? Let's check it!
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And- Even without any translation, we immediately bump into the first problem. There's only Nel's profile. Not Nelliel's.
Well, they're the same person! It would be weird to separate them, right? But yeah... there's a solid difference in a way her kid and adult forms act.
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So the question remains - can we apply this profile's info to the adult Nelliel? Let's read it to find out.
a bit messy not word to word translation's incoming, pls take it with a grain of salt
Cheerful and playful
Nel type!
Good at opening people's hearts. Very quick to make bonds, no matter with who - friends or foes. She is attentive and good at conveying information to those around her. But sometimes she says too much.
• works at her own pace • high sense of camaraderie • doesn't run away from difficulties • hero of justice
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Ofc this info perfectly fits baby Nel. She quickly befriended Ichigo, even though he was a shinigami; she was a sort of his guide, explaining how Hueco Mundo works; also she is a big chatterbox, saying surprisingly harsh things sometimes. Her attentive side shined during the Ichigo vs Grimmjow fight, when she noticed Orihime's turmoil and gave her a good advice. She is surely down for justice, but it's a little bit difficult to fight for it in her small body. So the real Nelliel has to step up.
Same qualities but a different approach - that's what I would say about adult!Nel. And it's very visible when it comes to her later interactions with Grimmjow, esp in CFYOW.
But before giving some bright examples, let's take a look at his quiz profile as well - to understand the similarities and contrasts between these two characters.
Responsible but mischievous
Grimmjow type
There's still a bit of a boyish heart (shounen no kokoro) in him. But deep inside he's unexpectedly serious and has a sense of responsibility. He catches the information fast and adapts quickly, but his tendency to get bored could be a problem. If he'll improve this aspect, good fortune is likely to come his way.
• has a sense of responsibility • thrives in adversity • quickly adapts • gets bored easily
And - the quiz highlighted thrice (!) that Grimmjow is indeed a responsible person. Something Nelliel didn't expect as well. As a true hero of justice she was prepared to stop Sexta as soon as he starts an unnecessary violence. But to her surprise - Grimmjow was far from an uncontrollable beast and followed his own codex.
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A sense of responsibility didn't turn Grimmjow into an obedient boy though. Him and Nel keep arguing due to their different perspectives - especially when it comes to handling the former enemies.
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Nelliel easily bonds with anyone - quincy, Aura, etc., meanwhile Grimmjow picks a fight as a first option. This choice isn't just a result of his bloodthirst though. Grimmjow's survival instincts are strong, so he always stays on guard and doesn't trust easily. That's why he warns Nelliel that her pacifism might end up badly for them all.
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Another proof that even though he acts as if he doesn't belong to the group, Grimm isn't as indifferent as he pretends to be. Very responsible of him, huh?
Yet there's another obstacle in their dynamic. Their pacing. Grimmjow is quick to adapt and quick to act, meanwhile Nelliel doesn't like to rush and prefers to gather as much information as possible.
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Hard to say who's wrong in this case. Quick reaction benefited Grimmjow in general, but ofc Nel likes to remind him about Askin's incident, her favorite argument to cool him down.
And usually her persuasion works, surely Grimm argues back but still stops. When his stubbornness wins though- there's no way that Nelliel will just let him go. She'll do everything to find him, stop him and bring him back.
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Nel complaints but doesn't give up on her fellow arrancar, no matter how difficult the other side is. Knowing Grimmjow's past, the sense of camaraderie isn't an empty word for him too. With creak he opens up to Nel, sharing his thoughts with her. Even though she is too bold with her words sometimes, it doesn't look like Sexta feels a grudge against her.
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Grimmjow isn't a friendly type. He likes to fight, but a disappointed look quickly appears on his face, if his enemy doesn't meet expectations. He gets bored easily, he always needs some action. And yet- for some reason Nelliel got his attention.
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There's no doubt that he sees her as a nice opponent, he even provoked her to fight with a smirk. He easily forgets anyone who didn't pique his interest and yet Nel's reiatsu is safely stored in his memory.
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However, it wouldn't be correct to reduce Grimmjow's attention to a desire to fight, when we have several scenes of him watching Nelliel's peaceful shenanigans. He was calmly watching over kid Nel in anime probably wondering about the connection between this brat and the mighty Tres, he was dying of boredom, but still didn't take his eyes off her tea party in the novel. Even Halibel noticed it and offered him to join, but ofc he proudly refused.
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So what did we confirm again? Even though Grimmjow and Nelliel share rather opposite views when it comes to socializing or making decisions, some of their character traits are surprisingly compatible. Grimmjow gained some respect points, when Nel started to notice his responsible side, meanwhile he opened up to her pushy yet reliable presence. Nelliel doesn't give up on her persuasion and he doesn't get bored of arguing with her. Covering eo's flaws they make quite a powerful duo, isn't?
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So let's hope we'll see more of their rocky bond next season~
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
RMF Kyouraku AU
I am invested in this so much.
That said, how do you think he would get into Ichigo's good graces because he already fucked up once and she's not gonna make it easier for any of the Shinigami.
Though, it'd be funny if the only one she befriended -grudgingly so- was the one person everyone else was weary about - Urahara Kisuke, new to his Captaincy as well and also a previous Rukongai resident.
Something about Kyouraku going to Kisuke one day for advice on how to woo the 11th Captain and Kisuke just giving wrong answers on purpose or staying silent fills me with glee.
Oh man, Kyoraku would be so pissed if Ichigo not only gets close to Juushiro but Urahara too while he's still striking out.
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bluemglory · 5 months
"I already had a captain who hid something important from me" - said Momo to a man who introduced himself as just Shinji prior to the ceremony.
"Yeah, sorry about that..." - said captain Hirako. Who could expect what didn't work to befriend Ichigo would fail for Momo either.
"How do I know you weren't lying about everything else? That you didn't want to Hollowfy but were forced to, that you worked with Aizen before... How do I know you are not an illusion he made anyway?"
"I don't know how to prove something is not an illusion either, Momo-chan. I am really sorry to confuse you this hard. You can kick my ass when I'll be in an upside down mode and I'll try not to fall off the sky as a part of a practice"
As Momo processed that, she chuckled:
"I am most sure not a single illusion wielder could ever imagine the existence of someone like you".
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robboyblunder · 1 year
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I started this project with my friends a year ago now making up our own fan kamen rider series! My boy sunny is the main rider for our in-the-works weather themed rider saga :)! Still lots to develop but I'm posting the star himself 🌟 as well as a diagram for his belt!
future things to work on for me include: two other forms, his weapon, among a looot of other ideas lmao. I'm gonna put some basic info about sunny and his belt under the read more!
Image ID in alt!
(please don't repost or use these, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs highly appreciated!)
Sunny is a storm chaser who has always been sporty, a lover for danger, and excited about going to the extreme to both help people and learn about the world himself. Thus, he chases the thrills of natural disaster to uncover the science behind them!
In the world he lives, an enemy organization (to Sunny's employer weather company) named ZEUS has created a technology to capture and utilize natural disasters in "weather bottles" that allow a user to harness their abilities for all kind of applications, practical and otherwise. They further created a rider belt system meant to allow their staff to use said harnessed energy, and through a whole lot of story beats I plan to explain in the future Sunny procured a prototype belt to use their bottles! He fights against the terrorism caused by intentional misuse of these bottled disasters as well as elemental kaiju that spawn and create disasters.
now using his love for helping others and weather, he transforms depending on the bottle. in order to transform he also needs to meet similar requirements of the bottled weather as a nod to Ichigo! Warmth/light is easiest for his base form, wetness/water for rainy, and going fast/standing in fast moving air for windy so far!
as a person, Sunny LOVES other people and tries to befriend anyone he can, he's very goofy and emotional and takes stuff often at face level because of his autism and genuine belief in the good of others. He wears a sun-shaped chew necklace and colorful arm bands/bandaids as part of his self expression and stimming! He's also ridiculously tall and loves to run, so he's very fast and looming on accident.
because of his love for danger, sunny also has a habit of accidents; the most common ones being his tendency to get sucked into dangerous natural weather situations. Surprisingly, he always winds up unharmed and spat back out... however, he often loses his clothes along the way much to the dismay of his crew and employers. Sunny, though, has no shame and thinks it's fine so long as he's ready to go again!
Being weather based, his forms and powers are all inspired by the elements thus far. I used a lot of weather instrument and map imagery in his designs and can't wait to make his other forms down the line!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Having a mini-phase where I'm really into Bleach again, anyway:
Aizen kidnaps the Kurosaki twins when Masaki dies and has them raised in Las Noches, alternately pitting them against each other and then against minor arrancar. He wants to see how much of their Shinigami/Quincy backgrounds he can force to the foreground via constant stressors and being surrounded by Hollow energy. If he's very lucky, one of them will accidentally become a Vizard of their own volition, which he would love.
Can't let them die by way of aggressive morons, though, so they're usually in the company of an espada with self-control and maturity, like Starrk, Nel, Harribel, or Ulquiorra.
After all, what mad scientist would pass up the chance for Twin Studies?
They're still alive, and Aizen finds it funny to taunt them with just what they're missing out on. They hate Aizen, but they're also a little resentful of the fact that (at last according to Aizen himself), there are lots of people who could theoretically come and save them, like Urahara and Yoruichi and their dad, but aren't. Aizen himself oscillates between 'your loved ones are too weak to find you, because I'm a genius and can hide your reiatsu even if they do look into Hueco Mundo, muahahaha' and 'look, they don't even care enough about you to come looking.' You know, just to fuck them up in the head a bit.
There are several options:
Orihime finds them when it's her turn to be kidnapped, and then Ichigo has a (loving and resentful) surprise waiting for him when he arrives.
Orihime doesn't get kidnapped, but Aizen draws Ichigo out anyway by sending a taunting six-years-late ransom video with Yuzu and Karin in it.
Yuzu and Karin slip out when Nel gets chucked off the tower, and spend the next few years until Ichigo shows up just hanging out in the desert, because none of them know how to open a Garganta, not even Pesche and Dondochakka. (They do, actually, but Aizen's still keeping tabs on his pet projects, and is blocking that ability from the Fraccion because, well, he can't just let the girls go home before he's revealed himself to Soul Society.)
The Invasion of Soul Society causes so much hullabaloo that they (barely) manage to escape through Aizen's Negacion exit. (They aren't sure if they succeeded on their own, or if Aizen let them go to cause more chaos.)
They befriend Lilynette and at one point mention that they miss their brother, Ichigo, whom they loved the way Lilynette loves Starrk; they haven't really been told the truth of Starrk and Lilynette being two halves of the same soul, but it's enough that Lilynette bullies Starrk into kidnapping her and her human-ish friends to the Land of the Living and/or Soul Society, which Aizen actually didn't predict.
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khr-guilded-cage · 9 months
I just realized that Tsuna's friends are either leverage that Vongola can use against him to force them to be their puppet king
Or weapons to make Vongola stronger or be used as good sacrifices for that awful Family
Thats why I kinda hate crossovers when 'character for this fandom befriends Tsuna'
Because they often just become another pawn for the Vongola and Reborn to use as they fit under the guise of 'you don't want to help Tsuna? He's Vongola, you will fight for the Vongola now'
And then threat and blackmail characters that are far most powerful than Reborn. Like...actual gods just bowing down to Vongola? Y'all shitting me?
Yusuke Urameshi, Kurosaki Ichigo, Emiya Shirou...MCs that fought gods and won just bowing down to Reborn, a pathetic mere human this Fandom likes far too much
Its angerying that most authors just turn them into pawns and don't make them fight back
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Please may I have some Bleach Headcanons of how Ichigo dealt with an aggressive cat called Thorns who hates his guts for some reason and Ichigo couldn't cuddle or anything like that with his S/O (S/O is a literal goddess with Elizabeth's personality from the seven deadly sins and you know the rest about S/O including that S/O knew Ichigo since childhood and Ichigo's family knew S/O because S/O is Ichigo's girlfriend and S/O knows that Ichigo is a soul reaper and she joins him on adventures and everything.) when Thorns tries to find every single opportunity to try and scratch his face off when S/O isn't looking or wasn't in the room..Thorns for some reason thinks that Ichigo is going to break his owners heart or something (Ichigo will never do that..especially not to his girlfriend) and it is ridiculous really..Ichigo arguing with a literal cat who yowls/hisses right back at him..S/O has three cats actually..Biscuits and Sage were the only ones who actually loved him but Thorns is an absolute demon/meance towards Ichigo yet he was sweet as sugar to everyone else.
How would Ichigo feel and behave to that Thorns possibly has a personal vendetta against him or something..
Thank you for requesting!
I am terribly sorry for the delay! My arm took a long ass time to heal properly.
Anyway! I hope this is of your liking. Please let me know what you think!
You had three cute kittens. Maybe not actually kittens, but for you they will always be kittens.
You have them since you were young and that means they know Ichigo and his sisters for a long time.
Especially because his sisters loved playing with the cats! So Ichigo brought them over to play with them - or so he said.
You noticed that one of your cats tended to hide away and stare at Ichigo, but you gave no thought to it.
When you started dating the boy, he swore up and down the cat, called Thorns hated him.
You thought it was ridiculous, Thorns was lovely, affectionate and smart.
But little did you know that when as soon as you turned your head, the cat would hiss and be ready to pounce at Ichigo.
Your boyfriend decided to cuddle you? There goes the cat in between you.
Trying to brush your hair? There was Thorns moving his butt ready to grab Ichigo's hand.
But at this moment you thought Thorns just wanted the brush, because you know, it's an object that moves?
Sometimes you could hear your boyfriend arguing with the cat. You found that kinda cute and concerning at the same time.
Meanwhile whenever that happened it meant Ichigo was at his wits end. What was he suppose to do with this kitty?
Obviously he won't harm him, but he tried to befriend the pet in all ways!
Tried snacks, play time, pats, catnip and Thorns still treated him like the worst enemy ever.
Even the arrancars weren't this bad.
Why? Because the cat knew you were looking and he would quit the aggressive behavior. But as soon as he noticed your attention was elsewhere, boom! Scratches and bites everywhere.
So Ichigo tried his best to avoid dates at your house and when they did happen, he tried to either stick close to you or keep the cats out of the room.
He was pretty sure Thorns had something personal, maybe it was his orange hair? Because the other kittens - Biscuits and Sage - loved him.
The poor boy even started to wonder if the cats could talk it out among themselves. Maybe Thorns would understand Ichigo means not threat.
He even thought that maybe Yorichii could help?
Ichigo did ask her if she could understand cats - but he gave no context, just... an odd curious question.
But that didn't help at all. The woman just laughed and gave no definite answer.
If she could chat with cats, she definitely knew why Thorns hated him so much.
After a really long time Ichigo finally made friend with the cat when after a rough a battle, he was in tatters and you carried him home.
The cats saw how sad and desperate you were to save Ichigo.
Sensing your panic, they cuddle near you, except for Thorns.
The cat curled up near Ichigo.
As the boy was showing slow, but steady improvement of his health, the cat started to lay on his chest.
Cute? For you, yes. For Ichigo not so much.
They were closer, yes, but Thorns would jump with all strength he could muster on his little paws on the boy belly.
Sometimes laying near his mouth or neck - Ichigo swore the cat would try to murder him anytime.
Well, that did not happen.
After this event, Thorns became kinder, but at every opportunity shown to bounce or claw Ichigo he took.
Most of the times at unexpected times like when the poor boy would be chilling on the couch.
But hey, it's a work in progress!
Ichigo had faith that eventually Thorns would accept him enough. They didn't need to become best buddies, just to tolerate.
It would be good enough yeah...
Until then, he still argued with the cat and still got scratched, but! He no longer got bitten. A win is a win right?
Thank you for reading!
I feel like this got a bit short... sorry!
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wulvercazz · 9 months
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This is the start of a little omegaverse doodle series I did back in November :>ccc following Grimm in his quest to understand the weird, but surprisingly accurate ways in which Ichigo's started to court him (without even being aware he's doing so... in true Ichigo manner🥴)
Part 1 ~ Grimmjow knows Ichigo is, and always will be, an irreverent little shit. Getting all chummy with him from the very start, to the point where the shinigami looked all happy with those dumb wide eyes of his when they met again back when the Quincy thing started; patted him in the back and asked him not to become a stranger. Sure, it's probably his fault for allowing him so close, but he was promised a fight; and a fight he got. A damn brawl so good, Grimmjow kept coming back for more. To burn energy and train and bask in the ever-burning heat of Ichigo Kurosaki's still-growing reiatsu. But then the damn alpha and his too-friendly hands and his dumb small talk and that odd need to befriend everything that moves... squirms its way right under his skin. So sneaky he's still surprised when Ichigo starts with the pet names, and, even worse, the overactive scent that now seems to live under his nose. Grimmjow wished he could just hate it, and move on.
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ichi--go · 1 year
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Love in the Crystal Palace by satinswans
ichiruki au. Ichigo and his family are invited to the Palace, where he meets the infamous & elusive Grand Princess Shirayuki for the first time. And slowly, as he befriends her, realizes she is not quite what she appears to be. Teenage friendship slowly blossoming into love all starting under the wisteria tree.
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bh-52 · 1 month
Imagining Naruto characters as or meeting Soul Reapers.
Nagato & Konan meeting soul reaper Yahiko.
Or Obito & Kakashi meeting Soul Reaper Rin.
Guy meeting his dad as a Soul Reaper would be fun.
Guy, Duy & Lee meeting Ichigo's father
Jiraiya would be in Super Pervert mode upon meeting Rangiku and the other Soul Society ladies, and trying to introduce Icha Icha to his new peers.
Yagura would argue with Toshiro before both of them get infuriated by Ichigo.
Fugaku Uchiha as a Soul Reaper Captain would be another day at the office for Konoha's police chief.
Kushina would probably try to adopt Momo & Yachiru.
Fuu trying to befriend all the Soul Reapers.
Hiruzen being chased by Soul Reaper Kushina.
Tsunade & Kurenai getting drinks with Rangiku.
Dead members of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist becoming their own elite unit of Soul Reapers.
Shikaku & Asuma chilling with Shunsui.
Orochimaru & Aizen trying to manipulate, outsmart, outdo, outmaneuver and outwit each other while Gin, Hiruzen & Kabuto watch with popcorn.
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