#behave on this post or i learn how to remove reblogs btw
royal-harpy · 7 months
I think its interesting fr staff is still extremely uncommunicative with the community. I don’t want a whole Q&A session or anything but a clear road map or even little updates would work. Gene fixes are obviously something that may need a general list and such cause wow that’s a hot topic recently.
A clearer and better direction with gene fixes is when a breed is released, look at the general bugs reported and then a list is made. Internal discussion about it refines the list and then to the community, you release a general list of the bugs seen on genes that will be fixed. No need for deadlines on this list, just make it so people are aware of it.
what you should NOT do is make a vague comment for a gene fix and also make that fix happen months after the gene/breed is out. Even if someone reported it on the bug fourms, its not exactly a good way to predict a fix being made. God there’s still issues with modern breed genes, there’s no general time frame atm.
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coe-lilium · 8 years
sternbeere ha rebloggato il tuo post e ha aggiunto: “Hi, I do not want to be annoying and repetitive (which I sometimes…”
I hate reblogging the same thing twice, but I am…
afraid the comments will get lost, now I have also two further questions: 1. would she turn out the same Huffle-puffish, if she had not been indoctrinated by Euphemia and mainly Rodolphus (at least in my hc it was mainly Rodolphus) 
2. I am really curious about her childhood, especially with regards to the missing information about her Ravenclaw traits, I mean we can make guesses, from what she told, but it is a) not enough and b) spiked with lies probably.
Delphi and Sorting - part 2
**First post about the topic can be found here ** 
**WARNING: long, long post ahead, answering the first question only**
And as we enter “fascinating topic 2″, something I left out in yesterday’s first post analysis kick in at full forces: family tradition. And, in a broader sense, upbringing.
The topic of nature vs nurture is massive and has been debated by geniuses, philosophers, scientist and “normal” people way smarter than I am, so I’ll touch that only briefly. I do think children aren’t a complete blank state at birth and have some inclinations, which can later develop into personality traits or be shunned, or stay buried but still there. 
Did tiny, baby Delphi had a natural inclination for loyalty, patience and hardwork? I’d like so, I do headcanon her as such, but while debating canon, with her appearing only in a script -with all its constraints- and a play -where the character is portrayed by different actresses who’ll underline different aspects-, and this script/play giving out so little info about her… we can’t say.    
At least we know for sure how much upbringing can affect a child and how different ones can lead to a completely different person (like Scorpius and Scorpion King), so let’s dwell here because things gets interesting. 
We do have an alternative life for Delphi in the darkAU (some other musings about it here )
With one for sure, maybe even both her parent alive, she would’ve grown up with them. Maybe not 100% raised by them, Voldemort surely would’ve been busy, but possessive and secretive as he was, in no way I can see him dumping her with some loyal DE and coming picking her up once she’s older. Especially because he himself was dumped and grow up to hate the “dumper” till he managed to kill him. Voldemort was many things, but not an idiot. He would’ve remembered his story and done everything in his power to prevent Delphi from turning on him. And a child who think their parent love and value them, who knows and feels as a welcomed part of their family will behave very differently from one who knows their parents had no time to raise them themselves/ consider them just an asset (nb: Voldy real consideration of her would’ve 100% been this, the point is just not let her know it). 
So in this timeline we had a most-likely-raised-by-her-parents Delphi (no kidding, I’d legit be bloody scared of her). This is a Delphi who probably was the most Slytherin you could find. Both Voldemort and Bellatrix embodied and valued their House’s traits and she would’ve learned to do it too. With a reasonable fix to be made in the process: make sure the kid’s ambition is channeled through perfect loyalty and not in a “I can’t wait to be king” way. Apparently Augurey!Delphi is a fan of self-built future, but I have serious reservations that dad encouraged the same behaviour in her. 
But following a canon ending, if we remove Rowle and Lestrange from the equation… she either die as a baby (nopenopenope) or is found and raised by someone else. 
There’s this baby, and everything point to her being Bellatrix’s. Rodolphus is in prison. No one want the child to grow up messed up (ops) or indoctrinated so she become dangerous herself (ops, again). Give her a happy life and you drop the chances of getting another resentful and vengeful Riddle by 90%. What do you do? No orphanage (that’s insane, been there, done that) or a muggle family, and you can’t seal her magic away (that’s despicable).  
The Malfoy? Out of question. Even if -a very big “if”- Narcissa would’ve been up for adoption, they’re not to be trusted. 
Maybe Draco and Astoria? When Delphi’s a baby/very young they were a little too young and traumatized to take care of a child, but if they’re already together and Draco had already distanced himself from his parents… that’s an option. With the amazing person and mother Astoria turned out to be I’m sure this Delphi would’ve grow up well adjusted and loved, even if maybe a little lonely as Scorpius did (a dark haired child adopted by Malfoys? Rumors everywhere, I bet it). They would’ve told her she was adopted, who her mother was, and she would’ve been an older sister to Scorpius. I can easily see her develop a fierce loyalty toward the new family and wanting to distance herself from the biological mother who hurt so many people, “dad” included. An ambition similar to Scorpius’s one, in a way, to prove the world you can be better and use your magic for good. Once it get clear she’s not a Lestrange but a Riddle? I can’t imagine older Draco or Astoria dumping her, even if Draco surely would’ve had many confused feelings about it and maybe distanced himself. As her reaction, double the loyalty and the efforts to prove you’re different, and don’t let anyone talk shit about your adoptive parents. Puffish with some Slytherin, channeled in a positive way. 
Or Andromeda, if she wasn’t crushed by grief and could/wanted to see past her parentage? (not a simple thing do do at all, btw. Far from me to say that she had some sort of obligations or was a bad person if she would’ve been “nope, I can’t”. Delphi’s the child of the woman/sister who killed her daughter after all. Shit’s heavy). Probably similar to Draco/Astoria, but with a “brother” of her age to grow up with and less eyes on her since Andromeda and her family were firmly on the good side. 
 Maybe even not related but highly trusted families could’ve been an option, maybe Order members. The common point in all these adoptive families would’ve been…well, a quite usual one for adoption. She’s not of their blood but they chose her nonetheless and treated her like their own. 
I know it’s a complicated subject and not every adopted child make peace with it, but in Delphi’s case her parents weren’t simply victims of the war, they instigated it in the first place and took active role in it. Bellatrix could have stayed out  of the battlefield and with her, but she didn’t. Maybe it wasn’t 100% like a conscious abandonment, but she surely wasn’t anywhere their top priority list, and without a biased DE’s view per Rodolphus…eh, we can be sure that’s something she would’ve remembered. 
Instead of the canonical longing she’d probably feel resentment towards Voldemort/Bellatrix, and gratefulness for who actually raised her.  
To conclude all of this? Yes, I think she would’ve been quite the Puff anyway. For opposite reasons and using her parents not as goals but obstacles, but she’d been loyal and hardworking nonetheless, this time with the chance to grow more and better as her own person, and some traits crushed by her canon upbringing would’ve been cherished and blossomed. A healthy dose of self-worth, for starters ^^’  
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