#beige white and black patterned wallpaper
cosmysla · 11 months
Powder Room Bathroom
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An illustration of a small transitional powder room design with a brown floor and wallpaper includes open cabinets, walls painted in a variety of colors, a vessel sink, wood countertops, brown countertops, and a floating vanity.
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So we don’t know we just had this little character in our head which made a fucked up little art project and we need to remember it. Gonna post it because why not, they are kind tma so yeah. (These descriptions are bad and rudimentary at best be warned)
The twisting halls-
Long halls of doors which branch off into spirals it has striped blue/white pink/yellow wallpaper
The dark room-
Painted with the blackest black with red coloured lantern and figures in the room
The moon pool-
Liminal space with repeating columns with snaking pools of glass and cyan light.
The room of isolation-
It is cold just a chair and glass all around however behind the glass is translucent white glass and the appearance of talking figures in the distance
Below is lit blue glass which goes continuously down, the surface of which looks like the ripples of the sea. Over head is wide and open, full of titan statues, forced perspective and orbiting planets.
The moon chamber-
Mirrors used to reflect any moon light down to a grasping stone hand
Impossible stairs-
A room of Escher like staircases most defying gravity and leading nowhere. Separate but similar to is large barely climbable blocks making the wanderer feel small
The liminal section-
A mash between different corridors with blue sky painted behind windows, massive arch ways and staircases
The watched library-
A place filled with bookcases which arch to the ceiling packed with books of gibberish. Like the library of babble however some parts of the books have diagrams, strange number systems, characters from made up languages and short spouts of paranoia, ideas about being so close to knowing and endlessly being watched. There is a throne of green in there and the walls are littered with all kinds of eyes.
The trinket room-
Filled with all kinds of curious and impossible mathematical objects
The fractal rooms-
A collection of rooms where the floor is large detailed carving of such things as trionskies triangle, the lichen berg pattern and the Mandelbrot set.
The decay room-
Looks dusty old beige, fungi blooming. There is a withered looking sofa
The proximal room-
You climb up through a trap door, which when put down is almost unnoticeable. It is like a classroom, the clock does not tick, the computers time does not change and where all doors and windows should be there is a recession but the wall is smoothed over.
The static room-
An animatronic model slums across a desk sluggishly moving. A coffee cup filled with a psychedelic looking pattern sits before the figure. In front of the figure the only light comes from many old tv screens which are filled with colourful static, bars of colour or neon smiling face with spiralling eyes.
The meat shop-
A butcher’s shop where you see candy coloured gore, a selection of goods sit on plates on display they are caked in resin made piles representing dripping colourful gore. Some are pink others neon blue. a model stands massive cleverer mid-swing the model of the muscular butcher who has too many muscles and extra parts.
The neglected mall-
A series of ruined shops situated in a concreted looking space devoid of customers
The puppets room-
With a massive chessboard floor , chess pieces, two large marionette figures playing while being controlled by a gargantuan spider puppet. Smaller model spiders and webs are scattered about the room as well.
The faceless auditorium-
A theatre stage with rows of seats slanting up and around. Model of performers’ on the stage mid act, audience members everywhere even up in the gods.
Most if not all audiences members have smooth blankness where a face should be, some may or maybe only some performers only have mouths. All performers have masks. The clothing is fancy in style.
The altar-
It’s hard to say how or why you’d believe so but this place was obviously of worship specifically for the spiral. The only room that seems to have directly worship in this place the others all seem like art installations or appreciation of the other factors of fear it was strange to see.
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xwingsandohs · 1 year
did anyone say good omens fanfic x cupid!reader ?!?!?
good evening tumblr. i have many thoughts for the ineffable fandom. can’t get out of my head a cupid!reader that crowley hangs out with now that azi is gone?!?? broken heart crowley?!?! crowley x reader smut ?!? gender neutral reader?!?!? gender bending crowley?!?!? sex shop running cupid ?!?!?!??! 🫣🤔🤭🪽
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I wrote a drabble. Please send thoughts. May write a fic 🫣 XOXO, xwingsandohs.
Angels and demons have always been assigned their roles on earth to protect peace and create chaos, but it’s in the 15th century (or so) that the Almighty notices that humans have evolved themselves beyond simple procreation. And so God creates the Cupids, not necessarily a legion of angels and definitely not demonic, but a collection of holy beings powered by Earthly love to bring happiness and prosperity to humanity in new ways.
Where Aziraphale was defined by white hair and golden clothes, Crowley recognised by fiery red locks and sleek suits; this particular Cupid is defined by a rainbow of colours, patterns and flowers for every occasion.
It’s been three months since Aziraphale left for Heaven’s gates, or escalators to be more accurate, and your attempts to foster and create love in London has suffered thanks to a certain lonely demon moping around. Crowley can’t admit he just needs the company.
“Coffee?” You ask, Crowley hums positively. “What would you like?”
“Something strong.” He’s sitting on a lovely green couch in the back room of your shop, sprawled in all his comfort. It’s decorated with a variety of silly cushions, one particular eye-catching one being bright blue with orange tassels.
The room is littered with beige boxes of spare stock and new deliveries, but you still keep it looking bright with a mis-matched collection of hanging prints and printed wallpaper. You keep it on theme with what you stock.
“I know that, silly.” You shake your head and smile as always, you both do this routine most mornings. The coffee bean grinder grunts loudly and you pick out two big mugs from the cupboard. “What shall I try draw in your coffee with the milk? You know I’ve been practising.”
You have been practising. Despite coffee not being the main draw of your high street shop, you have a vision of giving out free drinks to customers if you can master the art of the latte. You’re getting better, actually.
“A leaf.” Your friend responds, standing up and heading towards you.
“You say that every time!”
Crowley picks up the yellow striped mug you’d taken out for his drink.
“I like the leaf.”
He’s nonchalant. He puts the mug back and looks around for the one he wants.
“But it’s easy and I’d like a challenge. Something silly.”
You grin up at him with a little humour, and he looks back to you with a raised brow.
He can’t find the mug.
You look up and find the mug immediately. It’s completely plain and black, with a slightly lighter shade of grey on the inside. He bought it and gave it to you especially for his drinks. You always fight back.
“Fine.” Crowley says with exasperation. “How about….” He looks around for inspiration in your decor, finding little that he wishes to ask for. “A tree?”
“Oh, I know!” You almost cut him off, exclaiming. He doesn’t know why you bother asking, again, this is your routine. His eyes roll and you can sense it without even seeing. “I’ve just remembered something I saw online the other day and I’d like to try it out.”
“Sure.” He rubs across his face with his hands then spins on the spot to head back to a seat on the couch. The milk steamer screeches and he considers it his cue.
“Could you do me a quick favour before I unlock the doors?” He stops, seconds away from reclaiming comfort on the velvet. He’s not your assistant, but you tend to always ask for these little things.
“I know you’re not my assistant, but there’s a pile of online orders printed out that I need to put together. Could you grab that pile from upstairs for me? It’s next to the-“
“The computer.” He finishes. Routinely.
You finish the coffee.
By the time he’s brought down the pile of paper and placed it where you like it behind the till incase of a quiet moment, you’re skipping over to unlock the door and flip the sign to ‘Open!’ Before it hits 9:01.
Then you rush back to grab the two mugs.
Crowley looks around at the shelves and pegs that hold the stock and shakes his head at everything he sees, humans and their rubbish. He does however appreciate the collection of green plants that have found a place amongst the shelves since he’d been spending lots of time here. They perhaps even look happier than his own, or maybe the colourful shelves really bring out their green.
“I wonder what lovely people will walk through our doors today?” You say with a smile, taking your first sip of coffee and smearing the pattern. Your hand holds out the other cup to Crowley.
He shrugs, takes the coffee from your hand and looks down at the pattern. “It’s a…”
“-A seahorse!” He wouldn’t have guessed it really, but when you point it out he notices. It’s definitely an animal of some sort.
“I like it.” He doesn’t really care for it, but you seem to like the labour, he understands that care. “Although it’s a little…”
He’s not going to say the word.
You’re still grinning, you know the word.
“A little…?” You ask.
“You know, it’s…” He doesn’t say.
“Phallic?” You say it. He doesn’t look away from the coffee.
“Phallic.” He confirms with an unsurprising demeanour .
“I know!” You giggle, he shakes his head.
“You really do take this all very seriously, don’t you?” Crowley chuffs as he leans back against the counter and takes his first sip.
“You could say it’s all about passion in this business.”
Well…. What else would a Cupid sell? The bell above the door rings.
“Good morning.” You call to the first two customers that come through the door. They respond politely back. “Welcome to Sugar ‘n’ Spice, let us know if we can help with anything.”
“Actually, we were looking for some bondage gear?” The lady says as her partner shrinks slightly behind her.
“Of course! Let me introduce you to our selection and then I’ll leave you to shop on your own.”
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123pixieaod · 1 year
pilot!Max x backpacker!Daniel 👨‍✈️✈️💼
Part 5!
Part 1: Part 4
"Well, when I'm not being hunted by interpol," he says after a beat, the laughter still playing on his lips. "I'm a tattoo artist."
Max's gaze darts down, taking in the lengths of tanned, tattoo skin; dark ink woven onto Daniel.
"Ah," he says after a beat. "Possibly slightly more likely than a teacher."
"Hey, I'm a teacher of life," Daniel says, and then flushes, no doubt hearing how presumption he sounds. Max laughs, cheeks warming.
"A teacher of life? Go on?"
"Well," he shrugs modestly, a mix between proud and bashful. "It is my Instagram username."
"Is it now?" Max asks dryly, watching as Daniel takes out his phone and unlocks it to reveal a wallpaper of bright, blue ocean.
"Yeah, well, something like that," he says, tapping on the screen and then twisting the device around so Max can see. Rows of neat squares great him, patterned in alternative art and lifestyle themes.
Max gaze flickers to the top.
1747 posts, 915k followers, 1,324 following
"Impressive," Max says, taking the figures in.
Daniel laughs. "What, my misspelling of life? 20 year old me thought he was a genius. Here," he taps on the most recent post, a black and white tattoo. A whale jumping through stars, it's body detailed with feather- like strokes of ink.
"This is the one I did last week," he says, note of pride clear. "Cool, right?"
"Very," Max replies, earnestly clicking to the next photo of a cartoon racecar inked into someone's ankle.
"Maybe one day I could give you a tat," Daniel says. Max's head jerks up, and then he lets out a surprised laugh when he realises Daniel is teasing him.
"I don't think so," he says smoothly. Sebastian would kill him before F1 Wings had a chance to fire him. Professionalism is the first article in the code of conduct they all have to sign. No tattoos is the third article.
"Why?" Daniel cocks his head. "You don't like them?"
"Not on me," Max replies. He's always known his appearance is more akin to an office worker than anything remotely exciting. If people were colours, he'd be a fine beige hue. Tattoos are cool and dynamic and interesting, all things Max is most certainly not.
"I think you'd suit a few tattoos," Daniel continues, gaze turned critical as it runs up and down Max's body. He shivers, trying to resist the urge to cross his arms across his chest.
"You have a wonderfully cool colouring; tattoos would really take to you I think."
"You mean pallor," Max says dryly, but Daniel shakes his head.
"No, I meant what I said. Cool colouring. Opposite of warm. Tattooing you would be like painting on a canvas, the colours would be so beautiful and bright, I can just tell. I mean, look at me," he rolls up his sleeve, revealing tanned skin adorned with ink. "I'm a bitch to tattoo with colours because you constantly have to work out colour theory, and how the inks will show up against my darker complexion. You wouldn't have any of that worry - your colouring is perfect, a tattooist's wet dream."
"Am I really?" Max says with a grin, delighted in the way Daniel's cheeks instantly darken.
"I didn't mean," he blurts out, and then shakes his head. "Well, I mean, I idn't not not mean - The flight."
"The flight, " Max repeats, smiling at how flustered Daniel is.
"How'd you find it?" He asks, clearly desperate to move the conversation on and to ease the burning in his cheeks.
"Good," Max says with a shrug, taking pity on him and letting the topic change. "What about you?"
"Er good, yes, very good. I mean, I pretty much slept the whole time, so that helped. How about you?"
"How about me what?" Max asks, piercing a lump of chicken. It's beyond stupid, but he takes a sprig of pride in the fact the flight was smooth enough for Daniel to sleep, despite the turbulence they went through.
"Did you catch some Zs?" Daniel asks. He tilts his head slightly, as if searching Max's expression for evidence of exhaustion.
Max huffs a soft laugh. "No, not really. I can't really sleep on planes. I think I got about forty-five minutes? But not a lot. It's fine, I'm used to it." Forty-five minutes in the cramped chair as Lando took his seat, listening to Sebastian carefully instructing Lando and knowing it was advice Lando would promptly forgot.
Daniel's eyebrows draw together. "You must be wrecked then, right? As you didn't sleep on the bus either."
Max shrugs. It feels nice to have someone fuss over him, even a stranger like Daniel.
"Not really," he says, piercing another lump of amorphous chicken in the sea of mayo. "Like I said, I'm used to it."
Daniel just scoffs, as if Max has done something particularly impressive. "Wow, if I had gone over 24 hours without sleep, I think I'd be fit to kill."
"Good thing for me you slept on the plane then, right?" Max quips.
Daniel looks at him, and then grins. "Yeah, I suppose it is."
When they've moved onto their second coffee, Max can't resist any longer. He has to ask about Lando's overhead announcement.
"So," he broaches the subject. "Had you fallen asleep yet when the first pilot came on the comms?"
Daniel snorts, and Max feels his lips turn upwards reflexively.
"No, and thank fuck I did not get to miss that. The most entertaining thing I've ever witnessed on the plane, and that includes watching the Fast and Furious films in one sitting and watching a toddler drawing with a Sharpie on her sleeping dad's face. I don't think I've ever heard a pilot be more enthusiastic while being so undeprepared. How did he manage to get every detail wrong?"
Max smirks at the memory. The first comms announcement typically fell under his responsibilities as Second Officer. This time, ostensibly as a reward for officially being promoted to Cadet, but in reality simply to prevent Daniel from hearing his voice, he had convinced Sebastian to let Lando do the welcome comms for the first time.
"Come on Seb," he'd said as they all belted. "It's three sentences, how bad can he fuck them up?
Clearly, Max had vastly underestimated Lando's talented for fucking things up.
"He sounded like he was 12 or something," Daniel says, not unkindly. "The woman sitting beside me looked like she was checking whether it was too late to bolt for it when his voice cracked for like the tenth time."
Max laughs. "Considering he also got his am and pm mixed up, the date wrong, and mispronounced about five words, I can't really fault her logic."
Max had been sitting beside him in the cockpit, hissing corrections, which in turn only made Lando panic more and somehow mess up even further. When he'd finally switched off the comms, successfully turning the simple, routine welcoming address Max does on each flight into about ten rambling sentences, Sebastian had looked up from his final checks.
"Let's not do that again, okay?" He had said mildly, and for once Lando had just meekly nodded in agreement, and Max had had to turn to the window to hide his grin.
"Speaking of ages," Daniel says, drawing Max from the memory. "How old are you?"
"Me?" He replies stupidly, as if Daniel could mean anyone else. "Twenty-three."
Daniel's eyebrows shoot up. "No shit. I had you figured to be at least in your mid, if not late, twenties."
Max tries for a teasing smile. "Do I already have so many wrinkles?"
Daniel huffs a laugh, and gratification spools in Max's chest, tighter and tighter.
"Fuck you, you full on know you look like an extra in, like, Baywatch."
"Oh yes, because I am clearly so tanned, " Max deadpans, and Daniel laughs again, his cheeks warming.
"Well, okay, but -"
He's interrupted by a shrill alarm and swears as he taps at his phone.
"Sorry," he mutters, leaving over to rummage through his bag. "Normally I'm fine, but when I'm traveling I have to set alarms to remember to take my meds, or else the jet lag would completely ruin it."
Max watches as Daniel sits up again, a neat medicine box in his hands, the same one Max can remember his grandmother using.
"Health is wealth, as they say," Daniel clips open the section labelled Monday, revealing one circular white pill and one blue tablet.
"Do they?" Max asks, and Daniel shrugs as he scoops them into his palm.
"I keep forgetting English isn't your native language. So this one," he holds up the blue tablet, "is keratin, to ensure these lovely, luscious curls continue being just that while evading the male baldness gene which haunts my paternal line." He pops in his mouth, swallowing it dry. "And this one," he continues, holding up the remaining pill, "is a wonderful combination of various vitamins and minerals to keep me looking young, vibrant and ridiculously attractive."
"And humble as well?" Max asks as Daniel swallows that one dry too.
"Of course," Daniel gives him a grin, finally reaching for his water. "Naturally, Maxy."
Part 6
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theladysherlock · 1 year
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"Welcome to Lockwood & Co."
ID Under the Cut!
ID: A picture of Lucy Carlyle and Anthony Lockwood shaking hands in the living room of 35 Portland Row. Lucy has shoulder-length light brown hair and is wearing a black and blue bomber jacket, dark denim jeans, and black sneakers. Lockwood has short, dark brown hair and is wearing a black suit, a white button-up shirt, black dress shoes, and a black tie.
To the left of the two of them is a cluttered bookshelf filled with books of varying colors and sizes, some are lined up neatly and some are stacked up on top of each other. To the right of the bookshelf is a wooden mantle over an empty fireplace, with a large mirror above it. On either side of the mirror are two small sconces. To the right of the fireplace is a hutch, with tall upper cabinets and a small desk portion. The wallpaper is a decorative circular pattern with a beige and gold color palette.
End ID
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miiilowo · 2 years
fucking obsessed with redux now. i'll sell u my soul in exchange for 1 (one) snippet of it written /hj
u know what. i will. just for u
There was a restlessness in Finn's heart that needed to be tended to.
A horrible little pest of sorts pacing around in his chest; urging him to get up and get out there, beating on the walls of his ribcage and whining when the boy refused to rise from his armchair. Color from a precariously balanced box TV danced across the room, leaving most things to be various shades of a pale blue; he had favored natural light over the dull yellow lightbulbs installed in his RV, and neglected to turn them on when the sun began to set.
Glassy-eyed, he watched Poltergeist run for what had to be the hundredth time this month. Sinking further into his chair, caring less and less about whatever was happening on screen, the screams from the film once-piercing now fading into a dull hum in the background...The restlessness outweighed his desire to do fuck all, and he begrudgingly rose to his feet, slammed a fist against the power button on the television, and watched with horror as the force of it caused it to begin to fall over.
He made a sound that can be only compared to that of a threatened prey animal crying, and rushed to fix his mistake at the cost of his finger getting smashed into the wall, which immediately began to bleed.
Finn swore loudly as he readjusted his TV and sucked on his bleeding finger, now thoroughly conscious. He made his way to the tiny kitchen that was pressed against the wall and began rifling through cupboards & drawers, in search of the mightiest salvation of all: a band-aid and Neosporin.
He yanked open a cupboard door and found not the band-aids, but his instant camera. It was a sort of beige, with chrome lining on some of the edges; The mere sight of it reminded him of why he had decided to trap himself inside all day.
His fingers twitched toward it, but his gaze was focused on a binder that laid on the counter. Black, and anything but sleek; it was torn in most places, its only lifeline being scotch tape and glue. On the front, written in white paint, was a title. Though it was supposed to say 'findings', it was obscured by a slightly crumpled photograph.
He inhaled sharply and pulled the picture toward him.
It was dark. Only a few feet in front of the light source was illuminated, the weak flash of his camera not doing him much of a service. The ground was ashy-- dusty -- comprised of splintered floorboards, and littered with the bones of unfortunate small animals who had come there to die.
The walls, too, were slightly visible; old, fraying wallpaper exposed the interior workings of the house. The flowery adornment had faded to a sickly blue-green, and the pattern itself had turned from pink-orange roses to yellowish ones.
Though, that was of course, not the focus. In the center of the photo was a blackness, a yawning chasm that made the small space appear massive, punctuated by white flecks of dust that Finn had kicked up before taking the photo; And amid them, the reflection of somethings eyes stared back.
Finns brow furrowed as he studied the picture again, and he tried to rationalize what he had captured the night before. It was something he should've been excited about, given his nature as an amateur paranormal investigator, but it shook him to his core instead.
Nothing he knew of, nothing he could believe, nothing that existed in his reality could match up to whatever he found in the old Merryweather house; The eyes were not simply that of a raccoons or something similar, considering that there were 9- at least, that he could see.
The worst thing yet occurred to him when he considered how far his camera's flash typically traveled. Even in the darkest environments, such as this particular photo, he could rarely-if ever-see anything that was further than 3-5 feet away from him at the time of taking the image.
Finn's thoughts were interrupted by him catching a glimpse of his bloodied hand now dripping onto the countertop. He shoved the photograph inside the binder with little care as to where it ended up and snapped it shut before tossing it on the couch.
He would worry about meeting it again later.
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usolivia · 2 years
Ideas for Decorating a studio apartment
For you, the centrepiece of your home is the studio apartment. It is your sanctuary where you may unwind and splurge. So why cut corners when developing this area? There are many options for creating a practical and fashionable studio apartment, whether you choose luxurious studio apartment interior design or something traditional and straightforward. Here are a few of the most beautiful studio apartment decorating ideas from some of the top authorities on interior design:
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Create a nautical decor:
Deep blue and white which are reminiscent of the seas make for an inspiring nautical decor combination for the studio apartment ideas. Use this colour combination for the linen, the furnishings, the upholstery and even for the wallpaper. An inspired idea would be to use the combination in stripes for the ceiling instead of in the wallpaper.
Use artwork as a focal point:
Colourful prints in place of the headboard will not only serve to add the splash of colour you are seeking for the neutral walls of your bedroom but also create a focal point for the decor. You can use the colours in the picture to coordinate and match the accessories and fixtures of the entire room with great panache.
Cabana style:
opt for full length French style patio doors and windows in white for a Cabana style bedroom interior. A four-poster bed with a net canopy will add the touch of authenticity to the decor. Keep the lines clean and simple for a classic look.
Palace themed:
Create a royal studio apartment with the right palace inspired accents. Luxurious bedding on a king-sized bed with half canopy in a rich fabric, lush upholstered headboard and cosy pillows with intricate detailing will create the desired effect. Use ornate drapes and carved furniture and muted lighting with accented walls in a colour like pale gold or shiny beige to complete the look.
All whites never go out of fashion for the studio apartment. The versatility of white and its ability to create a serene, soothing yet fashionable studio apartment design statement is what makes it so popular among the leading designers from interior design companies in the UAE. Don't forget to use the rare coloured accessories to break the monotony, and revel in the luxury of the white interior of your bedroom.
Printed fantasy:
Got an old printed sari you don't know where to use? Make bedding out of it. Use patterned wallpaper in muted shades to complement it. For furniture, keep the lines simple, and to offset the bright patterns of the sari, use a neutral colour like white or cream. For flooring too, use a light shade, and throw an eclectic printed rug.
Go green: And we mean it literally.
The touch of green on the walls can be contrasted with serene accents of white for bedding, upholstery and even the drapes. Use wooden furniture to complete the look. Accents of white as well as black work equally well with this kind of home decor ideas.
The minimalist bedroom:
This one is for those who want to avoid the frills and keep their bedroom as a space for pure relaxation. Get a wooden bed with a design that focuses on keeping the lines straight and clean; instead of flowing curtains opt for blinds; place only the most necessary furniture you want and there you have it. What you could get away with even in a minimalist decor scheme though is the use of colours. Be creative and opt for patterned tiles for the flooring, or paint the ceiling and voila, you'll have a masterful minimalist bedroom design without any fuss all the same.
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giffywallsindia · 12 days
Trending Wallpaper Patterns for a Sleek Office Design
Designing an office space with sleek and modern wallpaper can set the tone for productivity and professionalism. Here are some trending wallpaper patterns that can give your office a polished and stylish look without overwhelming the space. Whether it's for a large corporate setting or a cosy home office, these designs will complement various office environments.
3D Wallpaper for Modern Offices
3D look wallpaper is an excellent choice for offices looking to bring depth and texture to their walls. This type of wallpaper creates visual interest with patterns that seem to jump off the wall, giving your space a dynamic look. From abstract shapes to intricate lines, 3D designs are versatile and can fit well in both minimalistic and contemporary office settings. For open office spaces, 3D wallpaper can serve as a feature wall that adds a subtle layer of sophistication to the overall decor.
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Geometric Wallpaper for a Minimalist Vibe
If you want a minimalist and sleek feel in your office, geometric wallpaper is a fantastic option. With clean lines and precise shapes, this style suits modern office wall decor perfectly. Geometric patterns range from simple triangles and squares to more complex, abstract shapes. The crisp and orderly designs help maintain a professional environment, making them ideal for office cabins and workspaces. Pairing geometric wallpaper with neutral tones can also balance the space, ensuring it remains productive yet visually appealing.
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World Map Wallpaper for a Global Perspective
World map wallpaper is an excellent addition to any office that thrives on international collaboration or global inspiration. Not only does it add a sense of exploration and knowledge, but it also makes for a great conversation starter. World map wallpaper works particularly well in conference rooms and executive offices, giving the space a cultured and worldly feel. It is available in various colours, from classic black-and-white maps to colourful, detailed versions, allowing you to choose one that best suits your office decor.
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City Wallpaper for an Urban Aesthetic
City view wallpaper is another trend that's gaining popularity in modern office design. Featuring iconic cityscapes and skylines, this type of wallpaper brings an urban vibe to your workspace. Whether you choose a wallpaper showcasing your favourite metropolis or a general city view, it adds energy and movement to the environment. City wallpaper can be used in an office cabin to reflect a dynamic work culture or in break rooms to provide a stimulating backdrop. It pairs well with minimalistic furniture and sleek office designs.
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Grey Wallpaper for a Calm and Neutral Setting
Grey wallpaper is a timeless option for creating a calm, neutral atmosphere in an office. It offers a soft backdrop that doesn't overpower the space, making it easier to focus on work. From light grey tones that evoke a sense of openness to darker hues that bring a more formal and focused mood, grey wallpaper is highly versatile. You can opt for solid grey wallpaper or choose subtle patterns such as stripes or textures that add depth without being too distracting. Grey wallpaper works well in both large open spaces and smaller office cabins.
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Wood Wallpaper for a Warm, Natural Look
For those who prefer a natural and warm ambience, wood wallpaper is a perfect fit. It mimics the appearance of real wood, giving your office a rustic and inviting feel without the cost or maintenance of real wooden panels. Wood wallpaper is ideal for offices aiming to combine modernity with a touch of nature, adding warmth to a sleek design. Brown and beige wood tones create a welcoming and comfortable environment, making them suitable for meeting rooms or personal offices. Wood wallpaper also complements other earthy tones, enhancing the overall office wall decor.
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Brown Wallpaper for an Earthy and Sophisticated Atmosphere
Brown wallpaper can lend a sophisticated, grounded atmosphere to your office space. Whether it's rich chocolate tones or lighter beige shades, brown wallpaper adds warmth and depth. This colour works well in executive offices and boardrooms, where a more serious tone is desired. Brown wallpaper pairs nicely with leather furniture and wooden elements, further enhancing the refined feel of the space. For a modern twist, opt for textured or patterned brown wallpapers that maintain an elegant look while offering visual interest.
Selecting the right wallpaper for office can make all the difference in how the space feels and functions. Whether you opt for 3D wallpaper for a modern touch, geometric patterns for a minimalist look, or wood and brown wallpaper for warmth, each style can suit a variety of office settings. The key is to choose patterns and colours that reflect the professional atmosphere you wish to convey while keeping the design sleek and simple.
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At Marblecity, we pride ourselves on offering the finest selection of Turkish marble, known for its exceptional quality, stunning beauty, and timeless appeal. Turkey is one of the world’s largest producers of marble, and its quarries yield a wide variety of exquisite marble types that have been cherished for centuries. Marble from Turkey is highly regarded for its durability, elegant appearance, and versatility, making it the perfect choice for both residential and commercial spaces.
The Rich Legacy of Turkish Marble
Turkey’s history with marble dates back to ancient civilizations, with structures such as the Hagia Sophia and many other historic landmarks showcasing the region’s superior craftsmanship and marble resources. Turkish marble is characterized by its natural veins, rich textures, and vibrant hues, ranging from creamy whites and soft greys to rich browns and blacks. Each slab of Turkish marble tells a unique story, with variations in color and pattern that make it one-of-a-kind.
Popular Types of Turkish Marble at Marblecity
At Marblecity, we source a wide range of marble from the finest quarries in Turkey, offering our customers an impressive selection of styles and finishes to choose from. Some of the most popular types of Turkish marble available at Marblecity include:
Calacatta Borghini – A luxurious white marble with bold veining, perfect for high-end residential or commercial projects.
Travertine – A popular choice for both indoor and outdoor spaces, offering a rustic and timeless look.
Emperador Marble – Known for its deep brown tones with elegant white veining, ideal for creating warm and sophisticated interiors.
Carrara Marble – With its soft grey hues and classic veining, this marble is a favorite for modern and minimalist designs.
Why Choose Marblecity?
At Marblecity, we not only provide high-quality Turkish marble but also ensure a seamless experience for our customers. Whether you’re looking to enhance your home, office, or retail space, our expert team is ready to help you select the perfect marble to suit your needs. We prioritize quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction, making us a trusted name in the marble industry.
Elevate Your Space with Marblecity
For those looking to add a touch of luxury and elegance to their interiors, Turkish marble from Marblecity is the perfect choice. Contact us today to explore our exquisite range and elevate your living or working spaces with the timeless beauty of marble from Turkey.
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aldybuilders · 1 month
Stylish and Functional: Bathroom Renovation Ideas for San Jose
Renovating your bathroom can transform it from a basic utility space into a stylish and functional retreat. In San Jose, where contemporary design meets traditional charm, there’s a wealth of opportunities to create a bathroom that reflects both your personal style and practical needs. Here are some top bathroom remodel contractors san jose ca ideas that blend style and functionality perfectly for San Jose homes.
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1. Modern Minimalism
For a sleek and uncluttered look, consider modern minimalism. This design philosophy emphasizes clean lines, neutral colors, and functional fixtures:
Floating Vanities: Install a floating vanity to create the illusion of more space and streamline the room's appearance.
Glass Shower Enclosures: Opt for frameless glass shower enclosures to maintain an open feel and make the bathroom look larger.
Simple Color Palettes: Use a monochromatic color scheme with shades of white, gray, or beige to keep the space visually clean and serene.
2. Spa-Like Retreat
Create a spa-like atmosphere in your bathroom for ultimate relaxation:
Soaking Tubs: Incorporate a freestanding soaking tub or a deep bathtub with jets to enhance your bathing experience.
Rainfall Showerheads: Install a rainfall showerhead for a luxurious, soothing shower experience.
Natural Elements: Use natural materials like bamboo or stone tiles to bring a touch of nature into your bathroom.
3. Bold and Artistic
Inject some personality into your bathroom with bold and artistic elements:
Statement Tiles: Choose colorful or patterned tiles for a striking backsplash or shower surround.
Artistic Fixtures: Select unique light fixtures or hardware that serve as conversation pieces.
Accent Walls: Add an accent wall with wallpaper or a bold paint color to create a focal point.
4. Eco-Friendly Upgrades
Sustainability is a growing trend, and there are plenty of eco-friendly options to consider:
Water-Saving Fixtures: Install low-flow toilets, faucets, and showerheads to conserve water without sacrificing performance.
Energy-Efficient Lighting: Use LED lighting to reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.
Recycled Materials: Opt for countertops and tiles made from recycled glass or other sustainable materials.
5. Smart Technology Integration
Incorporate smart technology to enhance both convenience and efficiency:
Smart Mirrors: Use mirrors with built-in lighting, touch controls, and defogging features.
Automated Lighting: Install smart lighting systems that can be controlled via smartphone or voice commands.
Heated Floors: Add radiant floor heating to keep your feet warm on chilly mornings.
6. Space-Saving Solutions
Maximize your bathroom's functionality with space-saving ideas:
Vertical Storage: Utilize vertical space with tall cabinets or shelving units to keep essentials organized.
Recessed Shelving: Build recessed shelves into the walls to save space and reduce clutter.
Multi-Functional Fixtures: Choose fixtures that serve multiple purposes, such as a vanity with built-in storage or a shower bench with hidden compartments.
7. Elegant Finishes
Add an element of luxury to your bathroom with elegant finishes:
Marble Countertops: Opt for classic marble countertops for a touch of sophistication.
Brushed Gold Fixtures: Use brushed gold or matte black fixtures for a modern, upscale look.
Glass Tiles: Incorporate glass tiles in the shower or backsplash for a sleek and reflective surface.
8. Vintage Charm
Blend classic elements with modern functionality for a timeless appeal:
Clawfoot Tubs: Include a clawfoot tub to add a vintage touch with contemporary amenities.
Classic Fixtures: Choose traditional-style faucets and hardware to complement a classic design.
Subway Tiles: Use white subway tiles for a clean and classic look that never goes out of style.
9. Accessible Design
Ensure your bathroom is accessible and comfortable for all users:
Walk-In Showers: Install a walk-in shower with no curb to make it easier to enter and exit.
Grab Bars: Add discreet grab bars near the shower and toilet for added safety.
Height-Adjustable Features: Use height-adjustable vanities and showerheads to accommodate various needs.
10. Customized Storage
Tailor your storage solutions to fit your specific needs and preferences:
Built-In Cabinets: Install built-in cabinets with customized compartments to keep everything organized.
Vanity Organizers: Use drawer dividers and organizers within your vanity to keep toiletries and cosmetics neatly arranged.
Medicine Cabinets: Choose mirrored medicine cabinets with ample storage space for everyday essentials.
By integrating these stylish and functional ideas into your bathroom renovation, you can create a space that not only looks great but also meets all your practical needs. Whether you’re aiming for modern minimalism or a classic vintage look, these ideas will help you achieve a bathroom that enhances your home’s comfort and value in San Jose.
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stoneartbyskl · 3 months
Decorative Wall Cladding | Stone Art By SKL
Decorative wall cladding has become an essential element in modern architecture and interior design. It enhances the aesthetic appeal of a space, adds texture, and creates a focal point in any room. Among the various options available in the market, Stone Art By SKL stands out as a premier manufacturer of high-quality decorative wall claddings. With a focus on using Natural Indian Marble and Indian Sandstone, Stone Art By SKL offers a range of designs that cater to diverse tastes and preferences.
Introduction to Decorative Wall Cladding
Decorative wall cladding involves covering walls with materials that add texture, color, and style to the interior or exterior surfaces. Unlike traditional wall treatments like paint or wallpaper, wall claddings offer a more robust and long-lasting solution. They come in various materials, including stone, wood, metal, and composites, each offering unique advantages and visual appeal.
Why Choose Decorative Wall Claddings?
Aesthetic Appeal: Decorative wall claddings transform plain walls into stunning visual displays. They can mimic the look of natural materials like stone and wood, creating a luxurious ambiance.
Durability: High-quality wall claddings are durable and resistant to wear and tear. They can withstand moisture, temperature changes, and physical impact, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Versatility: Wall claddings are available in a variety of designs, patterns, and textures, allowing homeowners and designers to create customized looks that match their vision.
Easy Maintenance: Compared to traditional wall treatments, decorative wall claddings require minimal maintenance. They are easy to clean and maintain their appearance over time.
Stone Art By SKL: A Leader in Decorative Wall Cladding
Stone Art By SKL has established itself as a trusted manufacturer of decorative wall claddings. The company is renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. By using Natural Indian Marble and Indian Sandstone, Stone Art By SKL ensures that each product is not only beautiful but also durable and eco-friendly.
Material Options
Natural Indian Marble
Natural Indian Marble is prized for its elegance, durability, and natural beauty. It comes in a variety of colors, including white, green, beige, black, and grey. Each piece of marble is unique, with its own veining patterns and color variations, adding a touch of luxury to any space.
Benefits of Natural Indian Marble:
Timeless Beauty: Marble has been used in architecture and design for centuries, and its classic look never goes out of style.
Durability: Marble is a hard stone that can withstand wear and tear, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.
Versatility: Marble can be used in various applications, from wall cladding to flooring and countertops.
Indian Sandstone
Indian Sandstone is another popular choice for decorative wall claddings. Known for its natural textures and earthy tones, sandstone adds warmth and character to any setting. It is available in a range of colors, including beige, brown, grey, and red.
Benefits of Indian Sandstone:
Natural Look: Sandstone’s natural textures and colors make it a perfect choice for creating rustic and naturalistic designs.
Durability: Sandstone is a robust material that can withstand the elements, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Eco-Friendly: Indian Sandstone is a sustainable material, as it is naturally abundant and requires minimal processing.
Popular Decorative Wall Cladding Designs
Stone Art By SKL offers a diverse range of decorative wall cladding designs, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Here are some of the popular designs:
Modern Patterns Wall Cladding
Modern patterns wall cladding features sleek and contemporary designs that are perfect for creating a minimalist and sophisticated look. These patterns often include geometric shapes, clean lines, and subtle textures.
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Living rooms
Office spaces
Nature Inspired Wall Cladding Patterns
Nature-inspired wall cladding patterns mimic the beauty of natural elements such as leaves, flowers, and stones. These designs bring the outdoors inside, creating a serene and calming atmosphere.
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Wellness centers
Geometric Wall Cladding Patterns
Geometric wall cladding patterns are characterized by their bold shapes and repetitive designs. They add a modern and dynamic touch to any space, making them ideal for feature walls.
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Accent walls
Retail spaces
Classic Wall Cladding Patterns
Classic wall cladding patterns draw inspiration from historical architecture and traditional designs. These patterns often include intricate details and timeless motifs, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.
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Dining rooms
Heritage buildings
Fluting Patterns
Fluting patterns are vertical grooves that create a sense of height and movement. They add texture and depth to walls, making them a popular choice for contemporary interiors.
Stone Textures Wall Cladding
Stone textures wall cladding replicates the natural look and feel of stone. These claddings are perfect for creating a rustic and naturalistic ambiance, adding character and warmth to any space.
Outdoor patios
Garden walls
Choosing the Right Decorative Wall Cladding
When selecting decorative wall claddings, it is essential to consider various factors to ensure that the final result meets your expectations.
1. Material
Choosing the right material is crucial as it affects the durability, maintenance, and overall look of the cladding. Natural Indian Marble and Indian Sandstone are excellent choices due to their beauty and robustness.
2. Design
Consider the design and pattern of the wall cladding. Whether you prefer modern, classic, or nature-inspired designs, ensure that the pattern complements the overall aesthetic of the space.
3. Color
The color of the wall cladding should harmonize with the existing color scheme of the room. Stone Art By SKL offers a range of colors in both marble and sandstone, allowing you to find the perfect match.
4. Texture
Texture adds depth and interest to walls. Choose a texture that enhances the overall look and feel of the space. For example, fluting patterns add a contemporary touch, while stone textures create a rustic ambiance.
5. Application
Consider the application of the wall cladding. Different areas of the home or office may require different types of cladding. For example, moisture-resistant claddings are ideal for bathrooms, while durable and weather-resistant options are suitable for outdoor use.
Installation and Maintenance
Proper installation and maintenance are key to ensuring the longevity and beauty of decorative wall claddings.
Professional Installation: It is recommended to hire professional installers to ensure that the wall cladding is installed correctly. This prevents issues such as uneven surfaces and poor adhesion.
Surface Preparation: The surface should be clean, dry, and free from any contaminants before installation. Proper surface preparation ensures a strong bond between the cladding and the wall.
Adhesives and Fixing: Use high-quality adhesives and fixing methods appropriate for the material and application. This ensures that the cladding remains securely attached to the wall.
Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean the wall cladding to remove dust and dirt. Use a soft cloth or brush and avoid abrasive cleaners that can damage the surface.
Sealing: Natural stone claddings such as marble and sandstone may require sealing to protect them from stains and moisture. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for sealing frequency and products.
Inspection: Periodically inspect the cladding for any signs of damage or wear. Promptly address any issues to prevent further deterioration.
Decorative wall claddings from Stone Art By SKL offer a perfect blend of beauty, durability, and versatility. Whether you are looking to enhance the interior of your home, create a stunning feature wall, or add character to your outdoor spaces, Stone Art By SKL has the perfect solution. With a wide range of designs, materials, and colors, you can create a customized look that reflects your personal style and enhances the overall aesthetic of your space. Trust Stone Art By SKL for high-quality decorative wall claddings that stand the test of time and transform your walls into works of art.
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mahatribes · 7 months
Warli Whimsy: Unleashing Your Inner Artist with Easy Warli Painting
Craving a touch of earthy charm and cultural vibrancy in your home or office? Look no further than Warli painting, an ancient Indian art form that's as simple as it is captivating. No fancy supplies, no intimidating techniques – just rice paste, earthy hues, and a playful spirit ready to dance with geometric shapes and enchanting figures. So, put aside your worries and grab your brushes, because today, we're diving into the delightful world of easy Warli painting!
A Legacy Etched in Mud:
Warli art isn't a newcomer to the scene. For centuries, the Warli tribe of Maharashtra has woven stories of nature, community, and daily life onto the mud walls of their huts using rice paste and natural dyes. Simple circles, triangles, and lines formed dancing figures, swaying trees, and playful animals, creating a visual language that whispered generations-old narratives. In the paintings of Warli art lies the essence of accessibility, storytelling, and a deep connection to nature.
From Huts to Hipster Havens:
Today, Warli tribal art has transcended its tribal roots, adorning modern canvases, home décor, and even corporate spaces. Designers incorporate its earthy elegance into textiles, wallpapers, and furniture, adding a touch of cultural flair to urban aesthetics. The beauty of Warli art lies in its easy adaptability. Its simple motifs and lack of strict rules make it accessible to anyone, regardless of age or artistic skill.
Your Warli Toolkit: A Minimalist Masterpiece:
The best part about paintings of Warli art? You don't need an elaborate artist's studio! Basic essentials will suffice:
Paper or canvas: Opt for thick paper or canvas sheets that can handle the rice paste without warping.
Brushes: Small, flat brushes are perfect for drawing lines and shapes. You can even use twigs or cotton swabs for a unique texture.
Colors: Earth tones like brown, black, white, and red are the traditional palette, but feel free to experiment with vibrant hues for a modern twist. Use readily available poster paints or mix your own rice paste with natural dyes like turmeric or beetroot.
Pencil (optional): If you prefer to sketch out your design beforehand, a light pencil sketch can be helpful.
Unleashing Your Inner Warli Artist:
Now, the fun begins! Here's a simple guide to get you started:
Start with the background: Paint your canvas or paper with a light wash of earthy tones like ochre or beige. This creates a warm base for your Warli motifs.
Embrace the circle: Circles are the cornerstone of Warli art. They represent the sun, the moon, eyes, and countless other elements. Practice drawing different sizes and thicknesses of circles – they become building blocks for your artwork.
Squares and triangles join the party: Don't be afraid to add squares, triangles, and lines to your circles. These geometric shapes form houses, boats, animals, and human figures. Experiment with different arrangements and let your imagination guide you.
Fill the gaps with dots: Dots, another core element, symbolize seeds, stars, and raindrops. Fill in empty spaces with playful dotted patterns to add texture and rhythm to your artwork.
Let the figures dance: Once you've mastered the basic shapes, start creating simple figures. Stick-like humans with triangular heads, dancing animals with swirling tails, and birds with geometric wings – let your creativity flow and tell a story through your figures.
Nature whispers: Warli art is deeply connected to nature. Add trees with triangular branches, playful sun faces, and raindrops dancing amongst your figures. Remember, there are no limitations in Warli art – let your interpretation of nature shine through.
Beyond the Canvas: Warli Whimsy for Everyone:
The beauty of Warli painting lies in its versatility. It's not just for walls! Get creative and explore these exciting possibilities:
Warli on fabric: Paint on tote bags, pillowcases, or scarves to add a touch of cultural flair to your everyday life.
Warli pottery: Decorate clay pots or plates with Warli motifs and create unique serving platters or decorative accents.
Warli greetings cards: Handmade Warli greeting cards are a thoughtful and personalized way to show someone you care.
Warli workshops: Gather your friends and family for a fun Warli painting session. It's a great way to connect, unleash your creativity, and learn about this beautiful art form.
For more details,Visit: https://www.mahatribes.com/paintings
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countertopshopo · 11 months
Adding Quartz and Granite Countertops to Your New Home Decor
How do you choose which type of countertop works best with your new interior design? The Countertop Shop is here with some savvy suggestions for popular colors in both quartz and granite.
Anchor Your Casual Bohemian Look with Calming Quartz
When making a bold splash with vibrant colors and natural surfaces for your Bohemian-style home, look for a quartz countertop in neutral shades featuring minimal veining and smaller specks. The beige or light gray counter provides a solid background so your dishes, artwork, linens, and rugs can bring the room to life.
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Black Granite Gives Definition to Your Art Deco Interior
Bold geometric patterns and sweeping soft shapes are the cornerstone of an art deco design. A dramatic dark gray counter in granite brings levity to your whimsical designs selected for the tile, wallpaper, and furniture. Crystalline flecks of quartz or contrasting white veining add interest to your picture-perfect concept.
Selecting Stones in Shades of Gray for Your Industrial Kitchen
When converting an old mill or factory into a living space, you embrace the weathered wood flooring and rich red tones in brick walls. A quartz or granite surface in gray accents the aged tones in existing architecture while providing a durable and attractive work space.
Simplify Your Life Using Clean Scandinavian Choices
There is nothing as calming as a carefully selected kitchen and dining space featuring the simple shapes and shades of trending Scandinavian design. Carry the thought all through your food preparation space by matching your granite or quartz surfaces to your dining table, chairs, flooring, and even serving ware. From rich browns to bright whites, the result is welcoming and soothing.
For the Best Result Bring Your Idea Board to Our Showroom
If you are in the design phase of your kitchen remodel in the Toledo and Perrysburg area, you are invited to bring your designer and creative concepts to The Countertop Shop. Peruse hundreds of quartz samples and a wide range of granite slabs to find the stone destined to make your home a piece of living art.
Source URL:- https://skyworksmeta.com/adding-quartz-and-granite-countertops-to-your-new-home-decor/
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colourguideinteriors · 11 months
Some retro color tips for modern homes
Incorporating retro colors into a modern home can add a sense of nostalgia and character to your living space. Here are some retro color tips for modern homes:
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Earthy Tones: The 1960s and 1970s featured earthy and warm color palettes. Consider using shades of avocado green, mustard yellow, burnt orange, and brown for accents, furniture, or decor items.
Pastel Hues: Pastel colors, popular in the 1950s and 1960s, can create a soft and inviting atmosphere. Think about using colors like pale pink, mint green, baby blue, or buttery yellow on walls or furnishings.
Mid-Century Modern Neutrals: Mid-century modern design often includes a mix of neutral colors such as warm grays, beiges, and muted blues. These hues provide a timeless and sophisticated look to your home.
Bold and Vibrant: The 1980s were known for bold and vibrant colors. Incorporate neon shades, electric blue, hot pink, and bright red as accents in your decor or furniture.
Pop of Teal: Teal was a popular color in the 1950s and can be used to add a retro touch to a modern home. Consider using teal for statement pieces like an accent chair or kitchen appliances.
Wood Paneling: Wood paneling in a warm, natural finish was a hallmark of mid-century interior design. If you want a retro vibe, consider adding wood paneling to one or more walls in your home.
Floral Patterns: Floral patterns were a common design element in the 1960s and 1970s. You can introduce this retro vibe through floral wallpaper, upholstery, or curtains.
Checkerboard Floors: A black-and-white checkerboard floor is a classic retro look, often associated with the 1950s. This pattern can be used in kitchens, bathrooms, or entryways.
Retro Appliances: Modern appliances are often stainless steel or black, but you can find retro-style appliances in fun, vintage colors like pastel blue, pink, or mint green.
Vintage Accessories: Incorporate vintage accessories like old telephones, record players, and retro artwork to add a touch of nostalgia to your modern space.
Do not forget to tell your interior designing company that balance is key when incorporating retro colors into a modern home. You don't have to overwhelm your space with these colors; a few carefully chosen elements can create the desired retro effect while maintaining a contemporary feel. Experiment with different combinations to find the retro color palette that suits your personal style and complements your modern home.
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becoration · 1 year
White and wood living room: 6 ideas to decorate it with the perfect combination - Interior decoration
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White and wood living room: 6 ideas to decorate it with the perfect combination - Interior decoration
Decorating the living room in white and wood brings a feeling of warmth and simplicity to the space, creating a serene and cozy atmosphere. It is a timeless combination that has become very popular in recent years, ideal for decorating in the minimalist style, and is perfect for any environment.
Keep in mind that wood enhances the brightness of white, and white tones highlight the richness and texture of wood. Therefore, it is a combination that goes beyond looking good, they are timeless elements of interior design that will never go out of style because they complement each other perfectly. Even as trends and tastes change over time.
This combination is widely used in decoration by lovers of Scandinavian style. The Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and Finns use this style because they love nature. Nordic design almost exclusively incorporates wood, rattan, linen, cotton, and leather into decorations, complemented by simple colors such as white, gray, and beige.
You can incorporate different tones and types of wood, for example:
Warm woods: have shades of red, orange, and yellow.
Cool woods: have shades of gray, black, blue, and sometimes green. They tend to combine walnut, poplar, pine, and ash woods.
Neutral woods: have all shades of beige and brown, including hazel, walnut, and white oak.
In this article, we will explore six ideas to help you decorate your living room in white and wood, the perfect combination.
Ideas to decorate your living room in white and wood
Play with textures
One way to enhance the visual appeal of a white and wood living room is to incorporate different textures. Consider adding a fluffy rug with a textured pattern, cozy cushions with different fabric materials, and wallpaper on one of the walls. These textures will add depth and interest to the room, making it feel cozier and more attractive.
Balance with vegetation
Introducing vegetation into your white and wood living room can create a refreshing contrast and add a touch of nature. Place potted plants, such as succulents or small indoor trees, strategically around the room. This not only adds aesthetic appeal but also helps purify the air, making your living space healthier.
Accentuate with metallic elements
To add a touch of glamour and sophistication to your white and wood living room, incorporate metallic elements. For example, consider adding a coffee table with brass legs, metallic vases, or decorative objects with gold or silver finishes. This will create a beautiful contrast against the white and wood neutral tones, adding an elegant touch to the overall design.
Highlight with natural light
Natural light can significantly enhance the beauty of a white and wood living room. Keep your windows clear or use sheer curtains to allow maximum daylight into the space. Natural light not only brightens the room but also highlights the natural textures and colors, creating a vibrant and airy sensation.
Add a touch of color
Although a white and wood living room is often associated with minimalism and neutrality, adding a touch of color can bring life and character to the space. Choose a bold accent color, such as vibrant blue, intense green, or warm orange, and incorporate it through accessories such as cushions, artworks, or decorative objects. This will create a focal point and make the room visually appealing.
Personalize with art and photography
Make your white and wood living room truly unique by displaying art and photography that resonate with your personal style. Hang paintings, prints, or photographs on the walls, showcasing your favorite artists or capturing memorable moments through the lens. This personal touch will evoke emotions and add an extra layer of warmth and personality to your living space.
Some tips:
Keep in mind that if you place too much wood in the living room, to avoid overwhelming the space, incorporate some different but complementary materials such as glass, metallic finishes, and soft textiles.
A good option is to create contrast when decorating the living room with white and wood, for example, wooden beams against a white ceiling will have a great visual impact.
via: Opendeco, decoration news in Spanish
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juliazielinska · 1 year
Minimalism in Interior Design: The Beauty of Simplicity
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Introduction to the Aesthetics of Minimalism
In today's fast-paced world, where the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be overwhelming, more and more people seek peace and harmony in the interiors of their homes. It is precisely in such moments that minimalism in interior design becomes not only a popular trend, but also a way to create a beautiful and functional space that fosters relaxation and focus. By designing interiors with a minimalist approach, the designers at TopInteriorDesign.co.uk understand that less can mean more - and that simplicity can exude a unique charm.
Minimalism in Interior Design
Clean lines and simple forms: Minimalist interiors are characterized by clean and readable lines. Furniture and accessories with reduced shapes add elegance and a special allure to the space.
Limited color palette: Neutral, subdued colors such as white, gray, beige, or black dominate minimalist arrangements. This creates a calm atmosphere, conducive to tranquility and relaxation.
Functionality at the forefront: Minimalism does not mean a lack of functionality. Interior designers from Edinburgh, working at TopInteriorDesign.co.uk, pay attention to every detail to provide practical solutions and optimal use of space.
Open space: Minimalist interiors often emphasize spaciousness. Removing unnecessary items and limiting the number of pieces of furniture allows for easy movement and gives the impression of more space.
Minimalism: More Than Just a Style
Minimalism in interior design is much more than just another decorative style. It is an approach to design that combines the art of reduction with practicality, allowing the creation of spaces that reflect the character of their inhabitants. Collaborating with TopInteriorDesign.co.uk, interior architects in Edinburgh utilize minimalism as a tool not only to create aesthetic spaces but also to design functional and ergonomic living areas.
Minimalist Furniture and Interior Finishes
Furniture and interior finishes play a crucial role in projects based on minimalism. Designers from Edinburgh, collaborating with TopInteriorDesign.co.uk, carefully select furniture with reduced forms, made from high-quality materials. Simple yet carefully crafted elements introduce elegance and style to the interior without overwhelming it with excess decoration or unnecessary details.
Key Features of Minimalist Furniture and Interior Finishes
The use of natural materials such as wood, concrete, or stone adds coziness and authenticity to the interior.
Clear surfaces, smooth and pattern-free, contribute to the minimalist aesthetic.
The functionality of furniture takes precedence: storage compartments, cabinets, and shelves conceal unnecessary items, making the space feel more organized.
Interior finishes, such as simple, monochromatic wallpapers or smooth textures, complement the minimalist style.
Minimalism in Practice: Designing with Soul
Minimalism in interior design is not just a set of rules or specific elements. It is a philosophy that shapes the surrounding space. Interior designers at TopInteriorDesign.co.uk understand that minimalism can be personalized and tailored to each client's individual needs. Introducing minimalism into an interior is an art that requires a sense of balance and proportion. With the right vision and creativity, minimalist projects acquire character and uniqueness, revealing the full beauty of simplicity.
Interiors based on minimalism are an expression of subtle elegance, accompanied by thoughtful functionality and spatial harmony. Designers from Edinburgh, at TopInteriorDesign.co.uk, have mastered the art of minimalist design, creating interiors that perfectly reflect the taste and style of their clients.
Collaborating with the TopInteriorDesign.co.uk team, you can be sure that your interior will be designed in the spirit of minimalism; the beauty of simplicity will become your everyday companion, and the surrounding space will be an oasis of peace and serenity.
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