#being openly racist and disdainful towards organics
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
Now I may be overgeneralizing a bit, but I feel like in certain fics as well as the audiences for those fics, there's a weird tendency for the writers/audience to treat Optimus as if he's some sort of goody two shoes who doesn't care about his own race because of his love/respect for organics and it like...bothers the hell out of me honestly lol.
Like if you would rather focus on Cybertronian politics and ignore/even retcon out the organic destruction caused by the war, I totally get it. People find the Cybertronian politics way more interesting, there's not really as much lore on the aliens of the TF universe besides humans, you're tired of the Decepticons being bad guys, yeah like I get it.
I just find it incredibly off-putting when people (in fics or otherwise) try to frame Optimus prioritizing organics as legitimate criticism of him when it's not?????? Like his stance across multiple continuities is universally "organics are equal beings to us, we brought the war to their planets, they don't deserve to be hurt or exploited by us" and I don't fucking get how people can possibly frame that as a bad thing. HOW are mfs in this fandom treating Optimus as if his empathy/care for organic races makes him annoying or self-righteous or selfish like what.
#squiggposting#like idk i may be thinking of a few specific fics/authors#but it kind of really annoys me#because i see fics where optimus gets told that he cares more about aliens than cybertronians#or things along that line#and instead of OP making the very obvious case of how this is a bigoted and distorted viewpoint#the writer just has OP sputter ineffectually or like admit that he needs to propritize cyberteonians#when this is in the context of like decepticons (or megatron since i read megop)#being openly racist and disdainful towards organics#like youre not actually making an insightful criticism of optimus here lmao#youre just sweeping the whole colonialism thing under the rug#and acting as if optimus is some unrealistic self righteous goody two shoes whos being unfair to decepticons#for the crime of uh (looks at writing on hands) thinking colonialism racism and genocide are bad#there's this one super popular fic where like#the author basically writes optimus as an ineffectual ignorant moron#who cant even defend his own principles against megatron and ends up giving up on the inherent goodness of the universe#and ppl in the comment section were saying how this is an actual good optimus#(while shitting on idw optimus incidentally)#and i'm like. so you claim to love optimus but the depiction of him that you praise#is one where some of his most defining traits (universal love and respect for all beings)#is framed as a foolish delusion#and where optimus himself is too stupid and ineloquent to defend his view against megatron#and you call yourself a fucking optimus fan??? lmao#you just want optimus to be Nice without actually having a cause to stand up for#with a bonus dash of writing megatron like he's right about everything#and optimus just sits and takes his bullshit#sorry this became a rant against one particular interpretation lol#point is a lot of people try to criticize OP and the autobots in fuck-wild stupid ass ways#and it's really annoying lmao
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tulsaklanwatch-blog · 5 years
Do you want to help take the fight to the Klan? Help Flood the Klan Kollaborators Office with letters of your Disdain!
(Long and short letters available)
Long letter:
Tulsa County Court Clerk
2nd Floor
500 S Denver Ave W
Tulsa, OK. 74103
To the Tulsa County Court Clerk office and Don Newberry,
The Klu Klux Klan represents 150 years of terror and violence towards our black and brown American brothers and sisters. Tulsa County Court Clerk employee Bondell “Bonnie” Kukla has visible involvement with the KKK: alongside her husband she is currently listed on the official KKK Knights Party Website as an upcoming entertainer for a major conference taking place later this month. (Noteworthy that the subtitle for this website is “The premier voice of America’s white resistance.”) This affiliation is cause for action to be taken to protect vulnerable members of our Tulsa community from any potential abuse of authority made possible by Kukla’s station. At bare minimum, this should mean a thorough investigation into potential breaches of Kukla’s professional conduct.
Unfortunately, this has not been the case, and worse still, this lack of action is par for the course. Our city is built on a foundational history of racial violence, starting with settler colonialism, expanding into the Greenwood Race Massacre, carrying through to events we now see with regularity like the shocking example of Terence Crutcher’s murder in 2016, and more insidious examples like this safeguarding of Bonnie Kukla. Tulsa’s track record is overwhelmingly one built on actions supporting white supremacy and white supremacist violence. While not all of Tulsa’s residents may see our history in this light, this is the image that is ground into the genetic memory of our black and brown communities. This is the low standard of how they know and expect their city to behave.
Tulsa can do better, and recent conversations have indicated that Tulsa does want to do better. Deep in our newest and most frequent community conversations has been the kernel that we should bridge our racial divides. Our new mayor has made many overtures of coming together to mend the ills of racial injustice that Tulsa has inflicted on its own. Unfortunately again, in examples like now, we see these conversations as nothing more than empty platitudes designed to ensnare votes rather than lay foundation for actual reconciliation. They will remain empty until we begin to take concrete steps towards betterment.
In taking concrete action on this specific issue, we have the opportunity right now to take the first step towards that vision of a better future. With this vision and hope for the future in mind, we entreat you as friends, neighbors, and fellow Tulsans to take the first uncomfortable step towards reconciliation. Show us and our neighbors that you are built of more than empty platitudes.
We look forward to your office doing the right thing.
Short letter:
To the Tulsa County Court Clerk office and Don Newberry,
The Klu Klux Klan represents 150 years of Klan terror towards our black brothers and sisters of our American society. This, alone, is worthy of the city of Tulsa investigating Tulsa county clerk employee Bonnie Kukla for her role in Klan activities. However, given the violently racist past of the city and citizens of Tulsa Oklahoma that were both complicit and in some instances active participants in the Race Massacre of 1922, the Osage Murders, and many other violently racist events and terrors, the continual disinterest, apathy, and total disregard of a member of such a hateful and violent terrorist organization such as the KKK being openly employed by the city of Tulsa is disgraceful, disgusting, and shameful. This displays the true face and heart of our city and elected officials when it comes to racial reconciliation and moving forward into a united future; the revelation that all these supposed words and gestures of support and healing towards the Black community were merely cheap and oily lies to further the personal and economic interests of the white Tulsan majority.
We look forward to your office doing the right thing.
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