redwolf17 · 4 months
The Weirwood Queen, Art Gallery 5
All art by the exceptional @ohnoitsmyra
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Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, 305 AC
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King Aegon VI Targaryen, 305 AC
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Jon Snow, 305 AC
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King Robb Stark, 305 AC
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Queen Sansa Stark, 305 AC
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Princess Arya Stark, 305 AC
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Prince Bran Stark, 305 AC
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Bel, 305 AC
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direwolfrules · 9 months
The Weirwood Memes Part 6: Because My ADHD Gives Me Sleep Issues
Part 1
Part 5 - has links to all other parts, I’m too lazy to manually add all of them anymore. I use the app cause the new desktop browser layout is hell for my easily distracted ADHD brain.
Master Post
As always spoilers for the wonderful The Weirwood Queen series by @redwolf17. It’s an excellent fic with an excellent surrounding community. I highly recommend it, especially for Redwolf’s character work.
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Beatrice Butterwell (b. approx. 71 AC): Lady companion and best friend of Princess Viserra Targaryen, the second-youngest daughter of Jaehaerys I and Good Queen Alysanne. Fancast: Ciara Bravo.
Becca (b. approx. 262 AC): A common woman who was one of the many lovers of Robert I Baratheon. Fancast: Willa O'Neill.
Becca the Baker (d. approx. 299 AC): A woman of the Riverlands, she was slain by the forces of House Lannister during the War of the Five Kings. Her name is one of a list of folk whom the Brotherhood Without Banners accuses Sandor Clegane of slaying. Fancast: Gemma Jones.
Belandra (main series era): A servant of House Sunspear, formerly a bedmaid of Lady Mellario. Fancast: Helen Hayes.
Bella Rivers (b. 283 AC): A (probable) bastard daughter of Robert I Baratheon, she is a prostitute at the Peach in Stoney Sept in the Riverlands. Her mother was also a prostitute there, and was said to be Robert's favourite whilst he was in hiding from the forces of King Aerys II. Bella was named for the Battle of the Bells, a victory for the rebels against the king's forces. Fancast: Rosabell Laurenti Sellers.
Bellegere Otherys (b. approx. 140 AC): Half Summer Islander, she was a Braavosi sailor and pirate who was also a mistress of Prince Aegon Targaryen, who later became king as Aegon IV. It was said that she had a husband in every port, and she maintained an on-off relationship with Aegon for 10 years, bearing 3 children. Fancast: Estella Daniels.
Bellegere Otherys (main series era): A Braavosi courtesan known as the Black Pearl, she is a descendant of the first Black Pearl, also named Bellegere Otherys, who was the lover of Aegon IV Targaryen. Her mother, Bellonara, was the Black Pearl before her, and her mother before her, and so on. Fancast: Gugu Mbatha-Raw.
Bellena Hawick (main series era): Wife of Ser Hosteen Frey, sixth son of Lord Walder. They have one son and four grandchildren together. Fancast: Anna Hutchison.
Bellenora Otherys (b. approx. 162 AC): Daughter of Bellegere Otherys, the first Black Pearl of Braavos, and her lover Prince Aegon Targaryen, who later became king of Westeros as Aegon IV. Bellenora became a courtesan and passed down the tradition to her daughter, which continues to this day. Fancast: Galyn Görg.
Bellonara Otherys (b. approx. 260 AC): A courtesan of Braavos, once known as the Black Pearl. She is the mother of Bellegere Otherys, who currently names herself the Black Pearl of Braavos. Fancast: Kerry Washington.
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viiisenyas · 2 months
I would like to know about your asoiaf oc! she's very pretty!
First of all, THANK YOU! ;u; I created Elaena with Face App because I couldn't settle on a face claim lol. Secondly, you caught me while I've got four...? ongoing fics with her, and I don't want to spoil much 😅
The most I can say is that across the board, she is a fighter. I purposely made her a dual wielder because I'm a dork and it's fun. She doesn't exactly care for being a lady, and she despises the thought of being wed only to lie on her back just to pop out kids. But that's not to say that she isn't a romantic. She wants to find love, but on her own terms :D
I will also say this: she is kind of ignorant to how the world of politics works, and has a very black and white view of the world and she essentially gets used as a pawn in 3/4 of these fics. So she's faced with one of two choices: keep allowing herself to be used, or fight back in her own way, and of course she chooses the latter.
In one AU (which actually happens to be my favourite, the dragons never went extinct in this one), she is the youngest child of Monford Velaryon and Belandra Martell (OC), and she became a ward in Dorne to be raised by Oberyn and Doran, who also happen to be her maternal uncles (how fun!)
in another, she runs away from home to avoid getting married and joins the Night's Watch at seventeen, disguised as a 13 year old boy. She becomes best friends with Jon and he actually manages to keep her secret up until a certain point.
and my latest two are set in the HOTD timeline - One with her as Vaemond's daughter (which fucking hurts - iykyk), and the other as Laenor and Rhaenyra's only trueborn child because I hate myself (and both of these are pretty much team green hype so haha)
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glamovrs · 2 years
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I  –––––  GENERAL
AGE : 45 / 645
GENDER : cis male
PRONOUNS : he/him
ALIAS  : the spear of godsgrace
TITLES  :  ruling lord of godsgrace, high lord of the night court
FACECLAIM  :  daniel henney
AESTHETIC  :  a sword or spear constantly strapped to his person, fights washed down with dornish wine, a cold bed only warmed by constant companionship, blind loyalty that remains unwavering, falling stars in the middle of the night, an unwanted crown.
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  chaotic neutral
SINS  : LUST / gluttony / GREED / SLOTH / wrath / PRIDE / envy
VIRTUES  : chastity / temperance / charity / DILIGENCE / PATIENCE / KINDNESS /  humility
WIFE : alyse allyrion nee stark
MOTHER : elaene allyrion nee dayne ( deceased )
FATHER : quentyn allyrion ( deceased )
SIBLINGS :  mykal allyrion ( would be 47 ), arthur allyrion ( would be 50 )
CHILDREN :  nymeria allyrion ( 24 ), scorpia allyrion ( 22 ), belandra allyrion ( 17 ), adora allyrion ( 12 ), arthur and mykal allyrion ( newborns )
BABY MAMAS  :  jynessa yronwood ( mother of nymeria ), astoria lashare ( mother of scorpia ), myria sand ( other of belandra ), aurola velaryon ( mother of adora )
IV  ––––– VERSES
thrones: he lost his whole family to bandits on the road, and he built a new one fro the ground up, fiery, passionate and loving are words that easily describe ryon allyrion, the ruling lord of godsgrace. he’s heavily loyal to the martells and he’s trained his forerly bastard daughters to fight and make menaces of theselves. he’s loved alyse allyrion for twenty years, and it only grew stronger when her husband finally died and their affair could become a marriage. 
acotar: born the youngest of the allyrions, he never expected the night court to fall to him. but when the war came and the fight to free the humans unfolded, the allyrions were killed for their beliefs in human rights, and ry killed half the spring court in retaliation for being the only one left standing. he’ll do anything to do what’s best for the court that’s fallen to him, even if he had never wanted such responsibility. 
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Day 1- Book moments or quotes/ Fancast (Inma Cuesta)
"Belandra," Arianne said, a few days later, "if you ever loved my lady mother, take pity on her poor daughter and tell me when my father means to come and see me. Please. Please." But Belandra had lost her tongue as well.
Is this my father's notion of torment? Not hot irons or the rack, but simple silence? That was so very like Doran Martell that  Arianne had to laugh.
He thinks he is being subtle when he is only being feeble. She resolved to enjoy the quiet, to use the time to heal and fortify herself for what must come.
It was no good dwelling endlessly on Ser Arys, she knew. Instead, she made herself think about the Sand Snakes, Tyene especially. Arianne loved all her bastard cousins, from prickly, hot-tempered Obara to little Loreza, the youngest, only six years old. Tyene had always been the one she loved the most, though; the sweet sister that she never had. The princess had never been close to her brothers; Quentyn was off at Yronwood, and Trystane was too young. No, it had always been her and Tyene, with Garin and Drey and Spotted Sylva. Nym would sometimes join them in their sport, and Sarella was forever pushing in where she didn't belong, but for the most part they had been a company of five. They splashed in the pools and fountains of the Water Gardens, and rode into battle perched on one another's naked backs. She and Tyene had learned to read together, learned to ride together, learned to dance together. When they were ten Arianne had stolen a flagon of wine, and the two of them had gotten drunk together. They shared meals and beds and jewelry. They would have shared their first man as well, but Drey got too excited and spurted all over Tyene's fingers the moment she drew him from his breeches. Her hands are dangerous. The memory made her smile.
The Princess in the Tower, AFFC
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astrxls · 2 years
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𝖆𝖒𝖞𝖗𝖆 𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖉  — loyal to house allyrion. 
amyra has delilah create the sparkliest and most revealing dress she can, nearly choosing pants if not for the more coverage the offer. she adorns her body with silvery jewelry to accent that on the dress. amyra happily attends the wedding of her best friend ryon and his beautiful bride alyse. she chooses not to attend the other wedding, not out of spite for either family involved but the desire for a small break in her day’s structure. amyra still finds herself pulling away from society from time to time. any time you see her, though, she’ll likely be wrangling children, with belandra, or with the largest smile on her lips as her happiness is true for that of ryon and alyse.
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warbcunds · 2 years
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* ── [ daniel henney , cis male , he/him . ] : in the frays of king aerys iii's reign , therein remains ryon allyrion, the forty - five year old ruling lord of godsgrace . rumor has it that their loyalties lie with house martell and they are for the targaryen reign . they're so courageous + steady that it makes sense , but most seem to look past their stoic + uncaring nature . when they come up in conversation , i'm always reminded of a sword constantly strapped to his side, fights washed down with dornish wine, a cold bed only warmed by constant companionship, blind loyalty that remains unwavering. 
i  –––––  general
name  :  ryon allyrion, second of his name
nicknames  :  ry 
alias  : the spear of godsgrace
alliance  : martell, allyrion
titles  :  ruling lord of godsgrace
marital status  :  betrothed to alyse greyjoy
children  : nymeria sand, tba sand, belandra sand, adora sand
ii ––––– personal
sexual  orientation  :  bisexual
romantic  orientation  :  biromantic
moral  alignment  :  chaotic neutral
sins  : lust / gluttony / greed / sloth / wrath / pride / envy
virtues  : chastity / temperance / charity / diligence / patience / kindness /  humility
iii ––––– biography
born the third of the allyrion sons, ryon was never destined for greatness. his eldest brother, arthur, was to inherit the ruling lord title one day and take care of godsgrace. the second eldest, mykal, was nearly more responsible then arthur, there as the spare and ready to assume such power if need be. and then there was ryon --- ryon who didn’t have a single care in the world.
when he was a boy, he spent much of his time dreaming of a life of adventure. he read the stories of queen nymeria and mors martell, as well as learning much about the martells that came after them. he read about the war of five kings and the conquest of queen daenerys, though he also took an interest in learning about the free cities.
when he wasn’t reading, he was in the courtyard, spear in one hand and shield in the other. there was nothing he was more dedicated to than honing his skills in battle and to this day, he still is more deadly with a spear in his hand over a sword.
he’s very notably known for getting into his first duel at the age of sixteen after getting caught in bed with another lord’s husband. he won the duel, allowing the lord to yield to him purely to avoid bad blood between the two houses. he literally can not stop smirking about it whenever he tells the story, too.
at the age of nineteen, he did some work for a ship master and managed to secure himself passage to the free cities. his father had been talking about trying to arrange a betrothal for him and ryon was far from interested in marrying so young when he had so much of the world to explore.
he spent four years travelling the free cities and learning much while he was there. he learned more of poisons, and spent some time with the golden company proving his skill in battle. he became quite the renowned warrior for that, and even improved his swordsmanship while he was with them.
he returned home at age twenty-three, more knowledgeable and skilled than he had been before he left, but he’d always wanted to know and do more. he’d only really returned home because he’d missed his family, though he stayed because he found out that he’d fathered his eldest bastard. wild and adventurous as he was, the responsibility of fatherhood was something even he respected. 
at first, it scared the shit out of him. he didn’t care for bastardry and of course acknowledged them, raising them in his home and making sure the mothers were well taken care of. he took to it more easily that he’d ever anticipated, and even now his children are the ones who get the best parts of him.
he was thirty when his life changed in a way he’d never expected. he’d been travelling happily through westeros, on his way to the riverlands when he got a raven describing tragedy. while his family had been travelling for a name day celebration, bandits on the road attacked and set fire to the wagons. his brothers and parents either died fighting against them or were burned to death. all of a sudden, ryon was both the ruling lord of godsgrace and the only allyrion left.
he was enraged when he found out. he stormed back home to dorne, and after the funeral he sought revenge. he gathered the people loyal to his household and hunted down the bandits. he rounded them all up, slaughtering them all with his spear and leaving the leader til last for a slow death.
he didn’t know the first thing about being a ruling lord. he’d never paid all that much attention to what his brothers were learning growing up, but he did his best. he leaned heavily on his staff and household for guidance, eventually communicating more with the people of godsgrace to ensure he knew them all well enough to ensure they were safe and looked after.
ruling anything was not in his nature, though. once his children were old enough, he begin teaching them to care for godsgrace as well, training them up so that one day perhaps he could legitimize his eldest bastard at the least. 
he’d never much seen a reason to marry. before. he enjoyed the leisurely life, and despite his current title, he still does. he enjoys people of all genders in his bed, not seeing any reason to deny himself such pleasures. he drinks in the evenings, liking a good laugh even if it usually comes from the back of the room and he gets into more tavern fights than he has any business getting into. literally is that scene from the witcher where he finds himself surrounded by people and just being like “fuck” before beating all of their asses.
he doesn’t really care all that much for politics outside of dorne, so he’s really only in king’s landing to look out for the martells.
also is feeling some pressure to get married and have some trueborn kids now that he’s getting older. he knows he needs to actually give his house some heirs, but by the same token freedom is something he enjoys more than anything. 
iv ––––– tidbits
he’s fiercely loyal to house martell. he believes in their leadership and that it’s always been the best thing for their country. i imagine he serves them not quite as a sword shield, but if they were ever in need he’d be on a horse to sunspear asap.
probably has more kids out there that he just doesn’t know about given the man is a Whore.
is a well known bisexual! definitely isn’t shy about it, this man will flirt with anything that moves.
smug asshole energy, except he’s also kinda quiet so you don’t really expect it from him until he opens his mouth.
is very cocky about the fact that he was a part of the golden company for a while and became known as the spear of godsgrace because of his talent as a soldier.
he has a spear with a valyrian steel head that he received as a gift from a noble family in the free cities after saving their son’s life. he call’s it god’s kiss bc he is pretentious.
is actually a follower of the lord of light and prays at both sunset and sun up.
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littlercses · 2 years
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*     ──     [   daisy ridley  ,   cis female  ,   she/her  .   ]   :   in  the  frays  of  king  aerys  iii's   reign  ,  therein  remains  meralyn  stark,  the  twenty-three  year  old  princess  of  the  north  .   rumor  has  it  that  their  loyalties  lie  with  house  stark  and  they  are  neutral  to  the  targaryen  reign  .   they're  so  gentle  +  seraphic  that  it  makes  sense  ,   but  most  seem  to  look  past  their  overimaginative  +  shy  nature  .   when  they  come  up  in ��conversation  ,   i'm  always  reminded  of  a  winter  rose  in  the  jaws  of  a  wolf  ,  playing  the  damsel  in  a  glass  garden  ,  red  hair  forever  floating  among  the  clouds  .   [   greenie  .   ]
NAME: Meralyn Aerika Stark NICKNAME(S): Mera ALIAS(ES): Little Rose AGE: 23 HEIGHT: 5′1 (154.94 cm) WEIGHT: 110 lbs GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis female | she/her SEXUALITY: Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENATION: Bi-romantic
FATHER: Late King Rodrik Stark MOTHER: Late Queen Olena Stark née Flint UNCLES: Ser Rickard Stark (deceased), Lord Ryon Allyrion AUNTS: Lady Alyse Allyrion née Stark, Princess utp Stark SIBLINGS: King Brandon Stark, Prince Robert Stark (deceased), Princess Lyarra Stark, Prince Edric Stark *twin COUSINS: Princess Jaide Greyjoy, Prince Oryn Greyjoy, Lord Tytos Allyrion, Lady Allyrion, Lady Belandra Allyrion, Lady Adora Allyrion
If ever the words “sweet summer child” could be applied to a babe, they most certainly applied to Princess Meralyn Stark. The second born daughter and youngest child (by 3 minutes) of King Rodrik and Queen Olena Stark may have been in a bit of a rush to enter the world, but she certainly wasn’t in any hurry to grow up.
Sneaking into the ruins of the First Keep to weave epic tales, quietly singing to the flowers in the glass garden while pretending to be one of the children of the forest, Mera lived in a world all her own. A world of youthful pleasures and fragrant roses.
Even during her many lessons, her head remained firmly lodged in the clouds. So much so that she often felt helpless and floundering when speaking with anyone new. She clung to her family, to the staff and nobility that inhabited Winterfell day in and day out. She wrapped them around her like a cloak, a little rose seeking safety in the jaws of the wolf.
As she grew older, she felt the winds of duty and responsibility leaking into her fairytale world. Like her older sister, she would be expected to marry, to let herself be shipped far and away from Winterfell. To lands filled with absolute strangers, all with their own agendas.
The combination of the passing of her parents and the harsh winter seemed to freeze out whatever machinations may have been in the making under her nose. As people clambered into Winter Town, and the struggles to feed the people became a bigger problem, Mera would venture out to tell tales to the children. 
Mera would have continued like that forever, spreading her tales of mythical lands and fictional people, but then her brother brought them all together to announce they would be heading to King’s Landing, and his betrothal to the Targaryen princess.
Mera would often hear the older members of the nobility talk about how tragic the day would be when her dreams are shattered and the real world bites a chunk out of her. So she clings even more to her fairytale world out of sheer stubbornness and spite.
She knows that she’d make quite the prized bride, but as far as she knows, none have tried getting past her siblings to get to her.
See here.
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redwolf17 · 9 months
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Bel, 305 AC
By the incredible @ohnoitsmyra
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valarmorghclisa · 4 years
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Click the heart  if you want a starter from my secondary muses below.  (click each muse that will take you to their bios)  Please comment on which muse you want, and multi-muse blogs please do the same. Lengths will vary and mutuals only.
Alara Sand - bastard daughter of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark
Alessa Velaryon - older sister to Monterys Velaryon
Belandra Martell - younger sister to Doran, Elia, Oberyn
Illyanna Mopatis - daughter to Illyrio Mopatis
Janei Lannister - canon/au (have changed her age)
Karyn Tully - sister to Catelyn and Lysa Tully
Maegelle Targaryen - granddaughter to Jenny of Oldstones
Maeve Blackfyre Larazen - descendant of Daemon I Blackfyre
Nyra Sand - bastard daughter of Euron Greyjoy
Olesea Waters - bastard daughter to Oswell Kettleblack
Romilda Bolton - daughter of Roose Bolton
Sylva Santagar - canon
Xanthippe - handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen
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ASOIAF Female Names: A-D
Aelinor Aelora Aemma  Aerea  Agnes  Alannys  Alarra  Alayne  Alerie  Aliandra  Alicent  Alla  Allyria  Aynne  Alyce  Alys/Alyse  Alysanne  Alyssa  Alyx  Amarei/Amerei  Annara  Anya  Aregelle  Argella  Arra  Arrana  Arsa  Arianne  Arwen/Arwyn  Arya  Asha  Ashara 
Baela  Barra  Barsena  Bandy  Barba/Barbara  Barbrey  Belandra  Bella  Bellenora  Beony  Berena  Beskha Bess/Bessa  Beth/Betha/Bethany  Branda  Brella  Brienne 
Calla  Carellen  Carolei  Cassana  Cassella  Catelyn  Cedra  Celia  Cerelle  Cerenna  Cerissa  Cersei  Ceryse  Corenna  Coryanne Cynthea  Cyrelle  Cyrenna 
Dacey  Daena/Deana/Dyanna  Daenora  Daenys  Dalla/Daella/Della Danaera (X) Danaerys (X) Darlessa (X) Delena Delonne Denyse Deria Desmera Donella Dorea/Doreah Dorcas Dorna
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kes-au · 2 years
Sanctuary - from Ursula Le Guin's Fantastic Lump exercise in Steering the Craft #writing #amwriting #steeringthecraft
A Steering the Craft exercise where you try to weave a large lump of exposition into a story. The crowds stared and whispered, as they did every year. At least it was a different crowd this time. Country folk, gawping and gasping, instead of the sniggers of the city’s thieves and merchants. In all, Queen Belandra was glad her prison had been moved, and that her annual outing to the Great Ritual…
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viiisenyas · 1 year
What's the deal with your hotd oc? I'm extremely curious.
Hi! She's not in the timeline of HotD, although it is extremely tempting to write, ngl >_>
So, first off, i made a family tree that is presently a WIP and a complete mess because of the freaking inbreeding
Okay so I've been avoiding this for about two weeks, admittedly haha, so excuse this messy background of her birth and family.
Elaena Velaryon was born to Belandra Martell, younger sister of Princess Elia and Prince Doran during the Sack of King's Landing in 283 AC. Belandra had been visiting King's Landing with her son, and was unfortunately taken hostage alongside her sister when Aerys II Targaryen declared war. Belandra went into labour just before the gates were opened to the Lannister army, and Elia instructed a Kingsguard (who shall intentionally remain nameless until I publish my thing) who was guarding her to get her sister and nephew to safety. (And this is where I defy canon and slot in an eighth member of the KG because FUCK Rhaegar for leaving his wife and children without at least ONE guy for protection.) The knight brought them to the Black cells with the hope that they would not be discovered, and returned to Elia far too late.
While Elaena's grandfather, Lucerys, and her father, Monford, had barely arrived at the Mud Gate from Dragonstone to assist against the siege, Belandra died in childbirth while Elia and her children were brutalised by Gregor Clegane.
Belandra's eight-year-old son, Monterys waited in the dark dungeon for over a day with his newborn sister for the knight to return.
But to Monterys' shock, the man arrived with two soldiers: Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, and Jon Arryn of the Vale. Upon seeing Belandra's corpse and the two children, both Ned and Jon had took them to the throne room to reunite them with their father.
However, upon their arrival, Lucerys refused to swear fealty to Robert Baratheon, and chose death over the Wall. The man was beheaded in front of his son and grandchildren. When he saw his children in the custody of his enemies, Monford chose to submit, despite having a stronger claim to the Iron Throne than the usurper by blood right.
When the lives of his children were spared upon his abdication, Monford was also shown mercy, and was allowed to maintain his father's position at court as the Master of Ships. But as the years passed, his resentment for the Houses of Baratheon and Lannister grew, and his plots to overthrow Robert began to take form.
While feigning complete loyalty to the crown, Monford maintained his wealth and status at court, forging a strong alliance with Varys, The Lords of the Narrow Sea, and with Dorne after the news of the survival of the Targaryen siblings arrived. But it was never his intention to simply wait for Viserys or Daenerys. Instead, he planned to put himself, and therefore his own children ahead of them in the line of succession.
Unfortunately, the actions of his son, Monterys would slightly thwart his plans as he would eventually become a Kingsguard alongside Ser Barristan Selmy, which meant that Elaena would be his only successor if he were victorious in his conquest.
Throughout Elaena's childhood, most of her years were spent in Driftmark or Dorne when she wasn't accompanying her father at court on a rare few occasions, unlike her brother who was squired to Ser Barristan. But over the years, she was trained in combat by her household master-at-arms, Ser Rickon Sunglass and her uncle, Oberyn. Despite her skill in combat, she is soft-spoken, reclusive, and observant. Elaena has an outwardly friendly albeit awkward nature, however, she has also grown to resent the Lannisters and the Baratheons as well as her late uncle (and second cousin haha) Rhaegar. But unlike her older brother, Elaena keeps her disdain for her family's enemies hidden behind polite smiles, and kind gestures.
Now here's where it gets interesting: she is also a dragon dreamer and often has visions of the past and present, and she can sometimes see them through fire. (only in one fic though, I didn't want to make her too op)
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sirendesignproject · 7 years
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Capa para SocialSpirit de Russian Red por Belandra.
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rmcki · 6 years
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El Corumel Aquatic Park
La Paz is a popular eco-tourist resort on the east coast of Baja California Sur in Mexico. It is has a semi-arid climate, 300 days of sunshine annually as well as the Sea of Cortez also known as the worlds aquarium. Main attractions for Eco-Tourism in the area of La Paz include the following;
1) The Malecon, a wide sidewalk on the waterfront, with beaches, sculptures, tourist pier, marinas, hotels, restaurants and unimpeded sunsets. 2) El Coromuel Aquatic Park located just past the Malecon was awarded a Blue Flag, the worlds leading Eco-Label in 2016, 3) The Espiritu Santu island group, a Unesco World Heritage Site, is about 3 miles off the coast of La Paz that offers world class kayaking, snorkeling, diving, a variety of marine life to view such as sea lion colonies, in addition to, unique flora and fauna. It is also home to Ensenada Grande considered to be one of most beautiful beaches in the world. 4) La Ventana, another beach close to La Paz on the sea of cortez, offers world class kiteboarding, windsurfing and international tournament events. 5) The Balandra and Tecolote Beaches are about 15 miles from La Paz and are only separated by a protected area consisting of small mountains, sand dunes, mangroves and lagoons. Balandra has clear, calm and shallow water ideal for snorkeling and kayaking. It is also considered to be the best beach in La Paz. Next door, Tecolote Beach features camping, restaurants, tiki bar and beach rental gear.
  sea lion colony, espiritu santo islands
kiteboarding, la ventana classic
la paz, malecon
Belandra Beach and Bioshpere
la paz malecon
la paz windmill on the malecon
ensenada grande, espirtu santo island
La Paz, Baja Sur, Mexico La Paz is a popular eco-tourist resort on the east coast of Baja California Sur in Mexico.
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