blackjacktheboss · 5 years
22 or 30 for Luke/Annabeth 👀???
Luke sits across from Annabeth in complete silence save for his foot tapping against the sticky linoleum of the visitation room. Until, finally, he can’t take it anymore.
“I don’t owe you an explanation,” he says angrily, keeping his eyes on the table in front of him. “We both played our hands, and you came out on top. Let’s just leave it at that.”
Annabeth’s dark red nails clack rhythmically against the metal table, and Luke looks up but still avoids direct eye contact. “I know who sent you, but I would like to know why.”
The calmness of her voice measured against the look of hatred in her eyes sends a chill down Luke’s spine.
“Let this go, Annabeth. Please.”
She smiles. “Oh, Luke. We are so far past that.”
“Is that so?” he asks, swallowing hard.
“Part of the problem,” she begins, leaning forward onto the table. “Is that you don’t see me.”
“I don’t see you?” he asks, trying to understand her point.
“No. Not really, anyway. Not as the threat that I am. You’re still looking at me like I’m the naive young girl who let you in her bed because she thought you were a good guy.”
“What about your heart?” he asks, finally daring to look her in the eye. “Did you let me in there too?”
Annabeth doesn’t break eye contact. “At one point. But again, we’re way past that now. All that’s left is for you to realize I’m the only chance you have of not bleeding out alone in a prison cell.”
Luke looks around the empty visitation room, and thinks about how swift his trial was; how inevitable his conviction had been from the moment he saw her walking through the precinct.
He looks at her, realizing all the walls she has put back up because of him, and for a second, he imagines the life they could have lived together if he had been a different person.
But that’s not reality. The truth of the matter is that for the last few years, he’s been the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. For too long, he has been a pawn, but just maybe this is his chance to be promoted to a knight.  
He sits a little straighter, and takes a deep breath. “Where do you want me to start?”
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spiltscribbles · 5 years
211 please! Any ship!
Notes: Thank you bubby! This actually helped me get out a slump lol, i really really hope you enjoy this fluffy mess and I would love to hear your thoughts!
A Reblog saves a life!  |  Send Me A Prompt
Annabeth is a fully fledged adult now, honest.
She subscribes to the New Yorker, listens to podcasts in the morning while getting ready for her crummy, right out of college internship in one of the most prestigious architecture firms in the city. She votes even in the primaries  and remembers to reload her metro card before it’s out and has even got a God forsaken schedule that she relies on like a lifeline.
All this to say, Annabeth had really once thunk that becoming an adult meant your life turns stale and your days become monotonous. But that was before she began boarding with three literal definitions of spitfires in a Bushwick apartment way too small for four girls, and way to run down for the countless prank wars waged between them and the boys across the way. 
Annabeth tries telling Piper this one Thursday afternoon while she’s loading her Nerf gun with the water balloons that Rachel’s preparing with such precision that it kinda terrifies Annabeth shitless, if she’s being frank.
“’s too late to surrender now Chase!” Piper bellows, cocking and then setting down the toy gun in a neat row  for the next to be prepared. “It’s about honor now.”
“Honor?” Annabeth repeats in a voice that’s flat enough to cut.
“They’ve won the last two rounds Annabeth,” Rachel tells her, point blank as she ties the next water balloon to be passed off, alabaster skin freckled with paint like always when she comes back from one of her classes. “They’re getting too big headed over this.”
“Yesterday Leo offered to buy me a latte! The little fuck.”
Annabeth’s fair brows knit  together, totally confused to Piper’s sudden flash of anger, but reckons that it would be impossible to understand the perceived slight even if she asked Piper to explain.
“You guys are off your rockers,” Annabeth informs them instead, flickers her gaze over to Hazel for some support from someone who is actually sane. She in turn only shrugs, endeared looking as she returns to her sketches. 
“Et tu Brute?”
“it’s fun,” Hazel says in her southern drawl, which Annabeth once thought was sweet because it reminded her of venturing outdoors in the Virginia foothills when she was a tot. Though now Annabeth has decided  that the accent is actually a ploy  to make her sound welcoming for her pray  before she killed them off. Knows it for a fact that she’s done it with that friend who visits enough that he’s practically living with the guys too, which obviously means he was roped into all this ridiculousness.
“You’re either with us or against us baby doll,” Piper winks Annabeth’s way, starts a new round of ammunition with Rachel. “This one’s for Mama Fisher in the stars!”
“Insane! Fucking insane! Annabeth repeats emphatically before storming out there apartment to grab the mail, suddenly feels accosted with unwelcome nerves when she steps into the elevator only to be met face to face with one of the aforementioned boys across the hall, the objectively good looking, but impossibly kind one.  All ebony locks and crooked grins and eyes the color of sea glass.
Oh fuck.
“Annabeth,” he crows, positively gleeful sounding, which only makes it so her cheeks begin to redden, and her chest contracts.
“Percy, hey how’s it been.”
“Fine,” he says with a one armed shrug, begins scratching the back of his head sheepishly. And God fucking damn it, he doesn’t also get to be cute! That’s not fair! “You headed to work?”
“oh, ah yeah, I mean just for some overtime. We got commissioned for this new thing in Germany of all places, and they kinda need all hands on deck.”
He whistles, low and impressed. 
“Why do I get the sense that they’d crumble without you?” He asks with a quirked brow.
“Because flattery is a great way to make friends,” Annabeth smirks, strolls out towards the back row of mail slots  to get the inevitable pack of bills and adverts that’s waiting for them.
“Oy, I take offense to that Annabeth,” he sniffs, leans against the wall besides her, one leg crossed over the other, effortless in the whole CW pretty boy with a mysterious past shtick he’s got working for him. An even more hilarious thought on account to Annabeth knowing how his ma sends him a basket of homemade, blue cookies every Sunday afternoon, and that he spends most of his free time protesting for action against  climate change with his best friend from literal childhood, a scruffy, adorable dork named Grover.
“Is that right?” She snorts as she shuffles through the letters, tosses away the offer for a free garden gnome from some Lady named Aunty Em, crams a  coupon for a free panty from Victoria’s Secret into her bra, and texts the group chat for Rachel to pick up a letter from her dad and Hazel one from her older brother. 
“Course,” Percy sulks, big eyes glittering a thousand shades of green that it kinda takes Annabeth’s breath away. “I thought we’ve been friends, at least for a while now.”
“You know what they say about assuming Perseus,” Annabeth snorts, hip checking him as she makes the track down to the nearest subway stop, at least a five minute walk. She totally is not utterly elated over the fact that he’s still walking besides her, dimpling down like there were no where else he’d rather be.
“You know I didn’t even think you could allude to curse words,” Percy guffaws, impossibly bright and impossibly real. “I thought you were too prim and proper for that sorta behavior.”
“Shut up seaweed brains,” Annabeth laughs, can’t help the smile that breaks her face in half whenever he’s around.
“No deadass Chase!” he defends, emphatic. “I even bet Jason that you were related to like Grace Kelly or some shit, that it’s like illegal in your familial bylines to present yourself as anything other than perfect in public.”
“You are such a pain in the ass.”
“Oh my God! You did it again! It’s like it’s  Christmas!”
Faux aggrieved, Annabeth rolls back her head in exasperation, eyes alone definitely not enough to emote the proper level of feeling.
“Hey don’t blame me,” Percy raises his hands in concession. “You’re the one who refuses to have fun, like you were a forty year old lawyer.”
Annabeth hikes up her brows, affronted. 
“i have fun!”
“Right,” Percy snorts. “I’m sorry babe but Friday night board games don’t count.”
“Those are fun Percy!” Annabeth argues.
“You wouldn’t know fun if it hit you in the face!” Percy insists, stopping outside the stairwell. 
“And what? Pelleting one another with water balloons like we were Freshman’s in college again, that’s fun to you I suppose?” Annabeth charges, glare firmly set and weight slung to her left hip.
“Why yes Grandma, it is,” Percy tells her, words hugged in a playful cadence that really could entice anyone to commit a felony with him. The bastard.
“You are a prick,” Annabeth informs him waspishly.
“And you don’t always gotta be so stressed. I mean I respect the hustle Chase, but you’re allowed to just chill once in a while, let down your hair and all.” 
“You couldn’t handle that,” she sniffs, pulls out her card to swipe. “If I actually tried me and the girls would ruin you fools.”
“Is that right?”
“Wipe the floor with you,” Annabeth assures.
“Well then, looking forwards to the challenge Chase,” Percy beams, softly tugs on her high pony before walking back to the apartments. It feels like a legion of butterflies are swarming down deep in Annabeth’s stomach over the small contact alone.
“Damn you Percy Jackson.”
“Remind me again why you’re helping? Hazel asks for the third time that Saturday morning as the four sum are crowded around the makeshift map Annabeth had sketched out for them to follow, fully determined now.
“Shh,” Piper swats at her arm, as if physically trying to shoo the question away. “Annabeth we don’t care as long as you explain the plan just one more time.”
“Slower,” Rachel tacks on, gnawing on her thumb nail nervously. 
“Right, well just listen closer ladies, this is a one and done deal, okay?” She’s met by a chorus of nods before she repeats her game strategy, one where each girl takes one of the four main hotspots around the building, skulking in the shadows until the predicted guy ends up there, surprised and defenseless when met by the water balloons of doom.
“I’ve already casually told both Jason and Leo that my parents were throwing us a brunch up state, so they don’t even know that we’re here.”
“God Annabeth if I didn’t think it would ruin our friendship I’d kiss you right now,” Piper sighs dreamily.
“Focus that pretty little head McLean,” Annabeth instructs, elbowing her side caustically. “You’re position is by the gym, Jason always goes there Saturday afternoons cause he thinks it makes it alright for him to get plastered that night.”
“You’re fucking a nerd,” Rachel tells Piper and both Annabeth and Hazel can’t help but nod along.
“No judgment zone!” Piper demands petulantly.
“Whatever,” Annabeth waves her off.  “Hazel you’ll be in the front, waiting for Frank to  come visit, and Rachel you’ll be waiting in the garden area where Leo comes to build one of his freaky gadgets.”
“Totally, you can count on me babe.”
“And what about you Annabeth?” Hazel asks.
“I’ve got Jackson,” Annabeth tells her, tone mock grave as she cocks her own toy weapon determinedly.
“So sexy,” Piper marvels.
Their building rents out a corner on the bottom level to a small bistro with friendly smiles and tasty enough brew that it keeps them coming back. It’s where Annabeth and Percy had first met when he had moved in with the others nearly six months ago. It’s also the first place Annabeth heard his laughter, and where Percy listened when she went on a tirade about her crazy parents and their crazy expectations and how sometimes she just needed space away from all of it. It’s where Percy told her that his mother is the most important person in his world and how he thought he never cared what his father thought of him until he had to make a decision on what he’d major in, and of course he followed in Poseidon’s footsteps. It’s where they stayed up late trading stories about their complicated childhoods and dreams for their futures and the place that Annabeth knew for sure that if she let herself, she really could fall for Percy. For the candor in his brilliant  eyes. For the pretty smile he sports for the sake of his loved ones over himself, and for  the conviction in his beliefs.
Annabeth tries not thinking of any of that when she crouches down deeper in the dark nook behind one of the decorative plants as Percy gets up from his table, tossing out his latte and shouldering his work bag.
It’s now or never.
The moment Percy steps through the threshold Annabeth pounces up and aims. What she doesn’t expect is for him to keel over to block her, and instead of hitting his insanely chiseled pecks, the water balloon hits straight in his face. Close enough and hard enough that the water suddenly darkens to red, mixing with the blood pouring out his nose.
“Holy shit!” Percy cries, pinching his nostrils shut.
“Oh my God!” Annabeth yells, frantically grabs for a pile of napkins from the counter besides her— toppling over a mess of straws and sugar packets in her wake— and then dashes over to press them into his grasp. “I’m so so sorry! I didn’t in my wildest dreams imagine that would happen! I swear!”
Annabeth expects at least for Percy to bemoan the injury, but instead she’s answered by a frankly terrifying boom of cackles.
“Percy? Have you cracked? Did I knock your brains out permanently?”
“When you said you’d ruin us, I didn’t think you’d literally cause physical harm Chase,” Percy retorts, still fighting down bubbles of laughter.
“You’re manic,” she pouts, long suffering.
“And you’re terrifying.”
“Bet it works for you though,” she preens, can’t help but be boastful over the way a blush touches  the tops of his cheeks.
“Talk about adding harm to humiliation,” Percy grouces. 
“Poor baby,” Annabeth mock croons, thinks that today actually might turn out pretty amazing.
She brings him upstairs to properly clean off the blood from his face and to come up with the conditions with at least a temporary truce, definitely not so she can finally trade a totally thrilling snog with him in privacy.
“You drive a hard bargain Chase,” Percy tells her, settling into the sofa as Annabeth unfolds her game of monopoly for them, having proclaimed that it’s a perfect time for her to prove how much fun board games can be.
“Oh hush,” she cuffs him on the back of the head playfully. “You’re just mad I won.”
“More like you committed battery,” Percy contends, pouting moodily, is only consoled when Annabeth leans forwards to kiss him again.
“You looked pretty bleeding— Oh God! Did I just say that out loud?”
Percy dissolves into a peals of laughter once more, and Annabeth tries her damndest to melt into a puddle right on spot.
“I can’t believe I’m so into such a maniac,” Percy tells her, eyes and smile glittering.
“SO rude,” Annabeth sniffs, arms crossed against her chest. 
“But accurate Chase.”
Annabeth doesn’t bother to argue anymore because Percy’s already slanted their lips against one another again, and he’s doing this insane thing with his tongue that it makes her toes curl.
Yeah, today turned out amazing indeed. 
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bipercabeth · 5 years
This is basic but top 5 percabeth moments 😘
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1. when he holds her as she sobs at the bottom of siren bay 🥺
2. “no one touches her”
3. “i just know i’ll be fighting next to you”
4. the kiss at mt st. helens
5. when she throws her knife in the harbor in moa and he knows it’s a call for help
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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bananannabeth · 4 years
I was today years old when I finally understood your “writing like you’re running out of time” tag *shame*
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no shame
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windbyfire · 5 years
How is your beautiful life going? Especially being somewhere new! And just so you know at the end of the day I always check your blog to see what you’ve been up to and glance at your amazing art xx
Its going GREAT!!!! And thank you so much for letting me know that, really 🥺❤️
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transannabeth · 5 years
You’re clearly forgetting the greatest bachelor au: The Selection series✨- a hunger games bachelor au
i’ve literally been resisting the urge to borrow those audiobooks because i just reread the series like last year or the year before and have such a huge tbr list but……………………….
like highkey there are times reading it where i kind of want to strangle america but if it does not indulge me in the best way possible damn………..ive reread the last like……two or three chapters maybe a hundred times
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jasiper · 5 years
Well now I need to know who is who in this avengers au please! But Thor!Jason in endgame seeing his mom!? And what if Thalia was a Valkyrie??? The possibilities!
okay so i’m not 100% set on the characters yet, i’m definitely far off from where i want to be, but i’m trying out here!
jason: thor
piper: black widow
leo: mix of ant-man/iron man
reyna: valkyrie
percy: winter soldier
annabeth: captain marvel
frank: hawkeye
hazel: captain america
i am definitely not set on these completely yet, but i’m pretty sure i’m content with jason, piper, reyna, and annabeth as of now!
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demidorks · 5 years
Rescue Riders is literally a Paw Patrol dragons au. Obviously made for young kids, my cousins love it but don’t expect much
Sorry, I'm confused, where does this come from?
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percababies · 4 years
bellonnabelle → percababies
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blackjacktheboss · 5 years
Now all I’m thinking about is Theo and Annabeth working on a building together and Theo just being in awe of his mom and Annabeth looking at her baby being the proudest momma everrrr
Annabeth gets passed over for a promotion that she was sure she would get for some shitty dude who has been at the firm half the time she has and she’s livid. Percy listens and lets her vent, and then calmly tells her that she should finally open her own firm. She has the name recognition and respect, she has the client base who would gladly follow her, and he’s doing well enough to float them for a while. He jokes he could use Blackjack to uber people if it came down to it. Then Theo tells her to do it, and that he’ll follow her. He helps her find an office, pick a name, and get all the documentation and licenses in order. And then they get their first big account, and they get to really work together. It’s the first time it really sinks in that this is her permanent thing that she always wanted to build. No one can ever take the relationship with her baby boy away from her, and it is something that will really shine through generations of her family. Something she never thought she would have. Anyways, they’re best friends and enjoy each other so much and working together is a dream come true for both of them. 
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bipercabeth · 4 years
I go away for a couple of hours and see that I have missed out on this sacred conversation. Anyways, you can’t deny Nico has a flat ass
nico and octavian have negative ass
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bananannabeth · 7 years
Okay, but Percy acknowledging that Annabeth is the most powerful demigod because she has no powers and only uses her mind and wits is so satisfying and made my heart gush!!!
It was obviously the most biased thing ever, coming from Percy, because the boy idolises Annabeth, but gosh it was so sweet to see him talk so openly about how much he admires her and her skill set!!
I think that more than ~proving~ that Annabeth is the most 'powerful’ demigod, it shows how Percy believes (rightfully) that he and Annabeth compliment each other. Personality wise and in combat/quest scenarios, their individual strengths and weaknesses balance each other out and they each make the other better.
Percy has always been self deprecating and has never realised how powerful or skilled he really is, so it makes sense that he’s going to over-emphasise Annabeth’s abilities and place more value on them at the expense of his own. The ironic thing is, though, throughout all of PJO we saw Percy improvise and make up plans on the fly more than we saw Annabeth do so; He was always outwitting his opponents by using what limited supplies he had on hand, which is exactly what he tells Magnus Annabeth’s strength is.
Annabeth is obviously an extremely skilled strategist, and knows how to make do with limited supplies and dwindling chances, getting out of extremely tough situations using nothing but her intellect. And Percy is obviously head over heels in love with her (and she with him). I think he’s right to say that she’s a force to be reckoned with, but I enjoy that line not for what it says on the surface about Annabeth and her ‘power’ but for what it says about how Percy sees her.
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windbyfire · 5 years
If we actually get a reboot idk how I’ll feel about seeing actual people portray beloved characters I’ve imagined for 10+ years ya know?
i totally get your point... in order to draw them i have to think about how i see each feature of them and by this point i have a very vivid image in my mind. not to talk about their personalities and stuff. i guess by this point we all have our own canon lol
but maybe it will be worth it? idk,,, plus, rick wont let the same happen again, will he? i have mixed feelings about all that tbh
what do you think about the other factors involved? merchandise, fandom, etc
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jasiper · 5 years
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y’all are insatiable
piper’s maid of honor, jason’s a groomsman, but annabeth and percy scheme and make it so they walk with each other down the aisle
but percabeth schemes so hard, piper assumes she’s walking with grover (the best man) but literally the morning of the wedding she’s told she’s walking with jason
emotions are high and they both look so good so it’s hard not to stare
jason hardly ever drinks but this is a special occasion and he’s nervous. it takes him two glasses of champagne to get the courage to ask piper to dance
they dance and talk and they’re both buzzed so they don’t even finish the song before they sneak away
they don’t even plan on doing anything but next thing they know they’re making outside of jason’s hotel room
it’s so messy and they’re drunk and piper’s not wearing a bra and he doesn’t even get her heels off before going to town. it’s what they deserve
i’m not going into detail because that’s for another time BUT all i’m saying is they hardly sleep that night
bobby and leo find them in bed the next morning... piper does the walk of shame to her hotel room! yikes!
everyone at the wedding when finding out about the sex: yeah sounds about right
within the month of the wedding, piper moves to sf to start her clinical rotations for her last year of med school
they don’t mean to make sleeping together A Thing, but they go to talk about what happened at the wedding... and then accidentally have sex again whoops
friends with benefits mode is activated
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bipercabeth · 4 years
Since asscourse has ended I would like to be chaotic and remind everyone that we can had a dickcourse a couple of years ago (I don’t remember where it was but it was one hell of a ride)
i was on hiatus during the dickcourse but i caught up on it when i came back last year and while it’s Golden,,, asscourse was enough for me this is all i have the strength for
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bipercabeth · 5 years
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
as someone with 24 wips, this question speaks to me. i think the fics i’m itching to write but can’t bc i know they’ll awaken something in me and take all my time are my percabeth summer camp au and bellarke s4 au where bellamy gets left on earth with clarke. those will literally ruin me. once i start them i will not stop, so i have to wait for the right time 
fanfic end of year asks
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