cc-horan28 · 8 months
Be My Valentine - 7
Hope We Grow Old, But We Never Grow Up
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(G) 700 words
Niall Horan x Zayn Malik
Three glimpses into a snowed in day with Ziall!
For @niallermybabe <3
No warnings!
A/N: This one's for you, Bellsie <3 I know christmas is long gone, but I remember you said it’s never not time for ‘Niall being Zayn’s baby’ ;) Hope you like it <3
Title from Niall's 'Never Grow Up'
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“Zee,” Niall whined, peeking out from under the covers, holding out his arms as he made grabby hands at his boyfriend, “Where you goin’? Get back here,”
“Babe,” Zayn sighed, pausing on his trudge to the bathroom, smiling softly “To the studio, it’s all set up. You know I’ve had the melody stuck in my head for so long, and I finally got-”
“Zayn, it’s snowing. No one possibly expects you to come.” Niall interrupted, pouting,  “My arms are tired, I can’t keep them up for much longer, c’mere already, darlin’ ” he grumbled, blinking up at Zayn, finally cracking a smile as the older man slid back in next to him.
“You can always just say you got snowed in,” he mumbled contentedly, voice muffled from where he had buried his face in the crook of Zayn’s neck, “Besides, you love sleeping in, so don’t pretend like you weren’t waiting for me to ask,” 
“I’m not going to fight you on that one,” Zayn chuckled, draping his arm over Niall’s waist, “But it isn’t even that much snow, Ni,” 
“They don’t need to know that,” Niall smiled, raising his head to press their lips together.
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“You’re taking too long! Snowed in days usually have loads of cuddling involved, Zee,” Niall pouted across the living at the figure bustling around in the kitchen.
“Niall, I’m just making us some hot chocolate,” Zayn said, shaking his head fondly, “Marshmallows or whipped cream?” he asked, piling on both with a grin plastered to his face even before he heard Niall’s reply of ‘Why d’you even bother askin’?”
He crossed the room with his gaze fixed intently on the mugs in his hand, careful not to spill any. He didn’t want to take any chances, not after Niall had poked him about it for ages when he’d spilt some eggnog onto the rug by the fire the previous year, not stopping until he’d agreed to replace it. 
“It’s not even really snowed in,” Zayn said, handing Niall his mug as he flopped onto the couch, biting the inside of his cheek to hide his smirk.
“Now you’re just tryin’ to rile me up,” Niall chuckled, pulling Zayn closer as he tangled their legs together with a mischievous grin. Zayn yelped when he felt him press his cold feet to his. “Ni, I was the one in the kitchen! Haven’t you been under the blankets this whole time? How did you even manage to get your feet this cold?” 
“ ‘S a talent. You love it,” Niall smiled, blinking up at him through his eyelashes as Zayn cuddled up to him, rolling his eyes. 
“Home Alone? Then we’ll go make a snowman? And don’t even try telling me it won’t snow all that much. We both know it will,” 
“Sure, if it does, we will,” Zayn laughed at Niall’s petulant tone, ruffling his hair as he stood up to get the TV remote.
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“Don’t!” Zayn cried out, hunched over giggling as Niall pelted him with snowball after snowball. 
“You’re just being weak now, Zee. ‘S not even that cold. Back in Mullingar-”
“Okay, okay! Not the ‘Back in Mullingar’ stories! Anything but them! I’ll go get the decorations,” Zayn said, stumbling a little as he got up from his curled up position, stumbling back towards the house. 
“You were the one who suggested the snowball fight in the first place,” Niall protested, giggling as he plunked down next to the snowman. “He’s naked and cold, be fast,”
Zayn stopped short, turning to raise an incredulous eyebrow at his boyfriend. “He’s made of snow,” he said, enunciating each word clearly.
“So? He’s cold. Now go,” Niall made little shooing motions with his hands and Zayn shot him an over the top salute. 
“It’s like living with a child,” he mumbled to himself, smiling.
“You love it! Aren’t you glad I made you stay home?”
“I do love you, baby. Never grow up,” Zayn grinned, turning to blow a kiss to him, blushing and giggling again when Niall pretended to catch it, blowing one back at him. 
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A/N: Reblogs are always appreciated 💕
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writteninthesewalls28 · 8 months
Love at first sight
A prequel to "Love forever and always"
A/n: This work is part of the "be my valentine challenge" by @bemyvalentinechallenge for the day 7 prompt.
Summary: Charlie is Taylor’s best friend. Her friend set her up to a date with Niall Horan, but she’s a little too nervous…
Warnings: not proof read, curse words
I sat in the little, cosy café in central London and waited for him to turn up.
Was this a bad idea?
But, to my defence, it hadn´t even been my idea. My friend Taylor had the GREAT idea to introduce me to my all-time celebrity crush Niall Horan (yes, I am one of the directioners, try and change it) during the Grammy´s after party that Taylor previously had invited me to since she needed someone to come with her.
Well- what should I say? Her plan worked, luckily. We had the most awkward chat you can ever imagine (that´s at least my point of view, he said, it was the most interesting chat he ever had with someone during an after party, probably wasn´t such a high compliment though) and at the end, I held a little piece of paper with HIS telephone number in my hand.
Taylor went crazy about it. Of course she did, she always does as soon as something rather interesting happens in my life.
Fast forward, he invited me.
To this café.
And I never had been more nervous before.
I had a date.
And just deseperately hoped, my favorite skirt in college style and the oversized shirt were at least a little bit appropriet for this type of date.
But before my mind could think of any other problem, he walked through the door. And god, he looked good. The blue-yellow baseball jacket combined with the jeans looked perfect. Because he was perfect.
"Hey, you´re early!" he said when he approached me. "Good to see you again you look as beautiful as always." Niall added and had a soft smile on his face. I turned bright red and quickly said the same thing.
That´s what I hated most about first dates. The awkward small talk at the beginning. Literally the worst thing about getting to know someone. But surprisingly, it wasn´t even that awkward with him.
We talked about (his) music and (my hopefully soon own) books. But soon, both of us, as shy as we were, didn´t knew what else to say to the attractive person in front of us. I read so many articles about how it is totally not strange to just sit and not talk as soon as it´s with people you know for quite a long time, but honestly? I had to disagree with all of them. It just needed the right person, and it seemed like Niall was that person.
I think both of us felt completely comfortable not to say anything and to slowly drink the coffee both of us ordered.
"TELL ME EVERYTHING" Taylor screamed in the phone.
What´s the first thing you do when you come home from a date that your friend basically set you up to? Call that friend, correct.
So, that´s obviously what I did, and as you can see, she was even more excited than I was to tell her how it went.
"Okay, okay. Chill!" I firstly said and recieved a quiet laugh from her. "It was… really great."
"WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT?" taylor and me both were rather out-going and extroverted, we both talked A LOT. So it was hard to explain to her that we basically talked about- well, nothing.
"Well… he told me a lot about his new album that he just released… I talked about my ideas for a book… that was it." As soon as I finished that sentence, I could practically see Taylor through the phone, how she´s sitting there in complete disbelief.
"You were gone for over 4 hours and didn’t talk?!" She was out of her mind and was gasping like she never did before. "You sure it went good?"
I smiled to myself. "What if I tell you I never had a better first date before?" More gasping from Taylor "You have no idea how great it is to just sit there and not have to talk."
And that was the truth. I felt so goddamn comfortable around this man, I couldn´t even believe it myself.
I wanted nothing more but see him again. I have no idea where this is going to end, but we´re off to a great start, aren´t we?
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