#ben cocoaching with him???
cas-coding · 1 year
Before Christine can find her older son, Mr. Winchester has motioned for her to talk to him, standing in the doorway of the dugout. "Dean," he says, holding out his hand for Christine to shake.
"Christine," she replies, shaking Dean's hand, his wedding ring clinking against her own. "You're very good with kids, I'm assuming you and your wife have a few?" she says, praying her adult conversation skills are good enough to hold a small conversation with her son's coach.
Dean laughs, a big smile stretching across his face. "Yeah, Cas and I got a couple, quite a road to get here, though. Jack and Ben are ours, for starters," Dean explains, laughing to himself about something.
Christine just smiles in response, nodding. Happy guy, the opposite of her impression of him earlier in the season, barking out commands for the kids to run like the wind, get to that base, etcetera. "Oh, my oldest, Luke, he's just obsessed with Ben, wants to be just like him when he's older. You and Cas have done a wonderful job with him, getting him to volunteer here and all that."
"Oh, Ben asked to volunteer with me, all on his own accord. He loves littles, though he wasn't quite a fan a few years ago. Jack's adoption was a shock to him, but they're best buds now, it's all good." Christine gets the vague feeling that Dean's oversharing on accident, chuckling nervously to himself as he waves it off.
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