#beneath the armor「 headcanon: shida 」
drengar · 8 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Yoshiharu Shida
► TITLE(S): Lady of Balla Dubh, Shogun
► AGE: 32
► SPECIES: Half Eastern Dragon / Half Wester Dragon
► SEX: Female
► NATIONALITY: Japanese / Scottish
► INTERESTS: Usually Shida claims that she doesn't have much free time for hobbies. But she does enjoy some more relaxing things like crocheting. She also enjoys caring for animals and has her own animal sanctuary where she helps rehabilitate injured animals. She owns a griffon and hippogryph that live at her sanctuary too.
► PROFESSION: Varies depending on verse. But in main verse she is a Lady so she owns land and oversees that it is taken care of along with it's citizens. She also works as a spymaster for her family.
► BODY TYPE: Slender with defined muscles along her stomach and a few places on her arms and legs.
► EYES: Violet
► HAIR/SCALES: Black, short on one side with the other being longer and gradually reaching her jawline. In dragon form, she has black scales, fur, and feathers.
► SKIN: Pale and healthy complexion
► FACE: Live action: Ueto Aya ; Animated: Maki Midorikawa
► POSTURE: Healthy
► HEIGHT: 5'2''
► VOICE: Ueto Aya
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: In main verse it depends on what she needs to do during the day. If she needs to be active then she tends to wear a kimono or a men's suit, something typical of the Victorian era. If she's staying at home then she will wear dresses. In modern verses, she usually wears leather jackets, tank tops, and jeans with boots.
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eventually marries an oni if she follows her main verse canon.
► COMPANIONS: Ren (her oni bodyguard), Hiro (younger twin brother), then her cousins
► STRENGTHS: Her stubbornness is actually a strength. Shida will not let something go until she is certain that it's resolved correctly. Be it an issue that was brought to her attention or making sure a family member is being taken care of. She will go to great lengths to sure the problem is resolved to her high standards.
► WEAKNESSES: Her family is a very big weakness of hers. She will sacrifice everything to make sure they are happy and protected. It doesn't matter if it's her brother or cousins, even if she can be at odds with Ciar from time to time. Because of this, it's easy for anyone to take advantage of her once they figure this out. The only saving grace is Shida is a private person and tries not to make it public just how much she loves them.
► FRUITS: She will eat just about any kind of fruit. Usually apples and cherries are ones she loves eating the most but she won't turn any fruit away.
► DRINKS: She alternates between water and tea. Usually whatever is more available to her at the time. Alcoholic drinks are also something she will almost regularly seek but those she saves for the evening or when she's at a social gathering. In modern verses she does drink coffee in the morning.
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: She loves alcohol and will try anything new. Her go-to's are fruity cocktails, sake, and Scottish whisky.
► SMOKES: Every so often she will smoke but it's always used as a stress reliever. She will have a smoke maybe once every other month.
► DRUGS: Only for medical use and even then she only takes the ones that Senga gives her. Maybe with a very close friend, she will consider trying some.
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: In any modern verse she does have a driver's license. She actually has a motorcycle license as well. Her vehicle of choice, and something her family is constantly worried about, is the fact she prefers to drive her motorcycle than a car. She owns a black and purple sports bike.
Tagged by: I stole it Tagging: Just steal it from me
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ghaisgeach · 4 years
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@misscleverclogs​ asked: What inspired Shida to be a trainer of dark type Pokemon?
Other than she just really likes dark types, it’s a combo of her mother and Ciar. When she was little she would get teased for liking dark types. Her mother constantly encouraged her to ignore what the other kids said and do her own thing. As long as she was happy and loved her Pokemon that was all that mattered. Ciar was just as encouraging though after she and Hiro moved in with him and Senga, he tended to scare off anyone who tried to pick on either twin with his Hydreigon. The first pokemon she actually caught on her own was a Deino. She kept bugging Ciar to help her catch one and eventually he caved in and lent her one of his own Pokemon so she could catch one. His Hydreigon is very fond of Shida as well and tends to follow her around whenever Ciar doesn’t need him. 
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curaidh · 3 years
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you swallow pain & fold around it
you have always hurt. you hold it carefully, and twisted in such a way that other people don't have to see it. you don't choke on it. you don't drown. you just have it, the way some people have freckles, this is a thing that lives in your bones. you fold instead of fighting because you know how to make yourself small, tuck away the places where they have clawed at, swallow the bruises so you seem clean. nobody needs to see it. you will live through this on your own. you know what you need, and relief isn't it. this doesn't mean you cannot reach out - it means it is not in your nature to do so. you should. hiding does not mean you won't be seen.
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drengar · 9 months
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Shida is the sort of person who strives to be the "cool" aunt. She literally taught her own daughter, Ciar's son Rori, and Caiden's son Ashton, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese when they were younger. The four of them then developed their own language that weaves in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Scottish Gaelic. The kids love using it as a way to community. Shida loves it because of the chaos it caused when the other parents learned what she did.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
So I just need to gush for a moment over Shida, Alex, and Ciar’s relationships with one another. Beforehand- Alex is aware of Ciar as there are ways for her to communicate with the past Guardian. And Shida somewhat as an overarching goal to separate Ciar from herself to give him the chance at life again due to the injustice that he got when he was still alive. He just isn’t aware of this.
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Alright, so Shida and Alex are extremely close. It didn’t start off that way. Neither of them are the sort to trust someone quickly. They’re cautious with one another but once they see, mostly from Shida, that they are somewhat alike they quickly over it. Soon enough they can joke with one another and just hang out. Shida is constantly making sure that Alex is alright in every regard of her life. Is she doing alright in school, with her peers, with her art? Constant questions that Shida worries about. Alex is the same way since she worries that Shida might be trying to take on more than she can handle. This just leads Alex to try and get the dragon to rely more on her. In the bar they are constantly joking with one another and everyone just knows they would do anything for the other. 
Shida and Ciar is a lot different. They very much act like the older brother and younger sister. They will argue with one another about anything, no matter how small or childish it may seem. They literally have had an argument over how to make a bed only for they're follow up argument be Shida’s choice in clothing. But they care a lot for one another even if Hiro doesn’t particularly believe it (Hiro actually thinks for the longest time that they hate one another). Ciar actually admires the fact that Shida is quite skilled at coming up with plans and being able to weave her way through conversations. Shida admired how confident and carefree Ciar was.
Alex and Ciar are thick as thieves. Immediately they hit it off (a rare thing for Alex but this is after she opened up to Shida). The two of them love to have debates with one another since Alex humors Ciar and his love for philosophy. Shida tends to act as referee and jokingly calls their debates the Second Battle of Culloden. Alex even takes it upon herself to introduce him to modern things and enjoys it a lot. In turn, Ciar teaches her a lot about fighting and how to use her powers, as well as just being a fountain of advice. He just cares a lot about Alex and actually praises and brags about her a lot with Shida. Basically, Shida and Ciar just gush about Alex a lot.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
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Want me to gush about my OCs? | Accepting
Thank you dear! All of these are headcanons. And I’m adding headcanons about Ciar and Segna since I am adding them to this blog very soon.
Both Shida and Hiro are able to talk to their “past selves.” It is a mental connection within them and one that can actually be seen when it happens. Both of their eye colors changes depending on who they are talking to. It is a small change but one that can easily be seen. It’s also easy to tell who they are talking to as each of their past lives has had a different eye color. To go along with this, their past lives can also control their bodies a little. However, Shida and Hiro have some control over this as they need to allow it to happen.
Ciar can be very sarcastic. He uses it in his everyday speech but mostly in humor. Segna jokes and says that it is his first language. 
Though she can use her magic to heal people, Segna loves to use regular methods to heal others. Herbs are her specialty and she has vast knowledge on the subject.
Alex weapons of choice are knives. Shida gave her two of them. One of them she had especially forged for Alex to use. The blade was enchanted and appears to be made of some sort of black steel. The other blade and Alex’s personal favorite was once Ciar’s dirk. Shida gave it to her as a backup weapon but it became Alex’s primary weapon. 
Ethan’s favorite subjects to study are science and history. He loves studying biology, astronomy, and physics. In terms of history, he’s more interested in ancient history or the 1600-1700s. 
Though he loves being in his dragon form, Ciar hates being made to shrink himself to the size of a cat. It is the one time he becomes irritable and likely to snap at others. Because of that Segna loves to tease her younger brother while he’s like that.
During their trial to official become Chosens, Alex and Ethan had to enter a room that forced them to live through their greatest fears and regrets. For Alex, it focused more on her fears. She endured facing giant spiders, her fear of drowning, but most importantly her fear of being forgotten. She witnessed all of her friends and family simply forgetting her. It tore her apart and even afterward she will say that nothing scares her more than possibly going back into that room. For Ethan, it focused more on his regrets. His regret for not spending more time with his father and then for the way he treated his mother after his father’s passing. It helped him to accept those regrets but Ethan still agrees with Alex that he never wants to go back into that room again.
Ethan can play the piano, drums, and cello. He took lessons on how to play the cello but the piano and drums he taught himself. Playing any of them helps him relax whenever his anxiety is high and Alex isn’t around for him to vent to. 
Shida is a skilled dancer. She knows tap, ballet, ballroom, and jazz. It isn’t something she brings up and often gets embarrassed about it whenever someone does. 
When she isn’t tending to her herb garden, Segna is often creating new clothes for both her and Ciar. She made all of her own dresses and Ciar’s shirts and jackets. So when her brother comes to her and tells her that one of his shirts needs mending then she’ll yells at him for ruining her hard work, especially since it happens often.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
Want me to gush about my OCs? | Accepting
As a way to relax, Hiro enjoys painting. It’s a little creative outlet for him. He has a room with the apartment above the pub that he uses to store all of his supplies and some of his artwork. His favorite subjects to paint are Shida and Yuki. Though he has done scenery pieces, most of them being of the mountains and forests of Japan. He has also done a few pieces of other mystical creatures, such as Fae. He usually sells most of his pieces, the ones that aren’t of Shida or Yuki (though he has sold a few of those due to the two encouraging him). 
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Shida is actually a very skilled gambler. It’s a skill she honed over the centuries and one she is a bit cautious to use in this modern age. But when she does use it she wins a good portion of the time. A small portion of the money that she and Hiro have saved up has been her winnings from various card games she has taken part in. She loves poker and blackjack. 
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The first time Ethan realized he had more romantic feelings towards was during a gathering of the Seelie and Unseelie courts. Shida, Hiro, Ethan, and Alex attended a yearly gathering of the two courts with the other guardians and their chosen. It was to get the courts to aid them in protecting the world. Shida and Hiro allowed the two teens to enjoy the party as they went with the other guardians spoke with the kings and queens of the two courts. As the two socialized, mostly on their own, Ethan finally got bored of it and went to look for Alex. When he found her, she was dancing with a Seelie sidhe friend of theirs, Rhys, and he couldn’t help but notice how attractive she seemed (it was something he had been noticing a lot recently but it hit him hard right then). Not wanting to bother them, he simply watched them until another chosen decided to cut in and dance with Alex. This triggered his jealousy but he did his best to swallow it and continued to watch. He was aware that he had no right to be jealous but it wasn’t something he could help.
Once he got home, he called his mother as he wanted someone to talk to about his feelings (and he knew he couldn’t go to Alex). After a long discussion with her, he finally accepted that his feelings for his best friend had changed. He wasn’t about to ruin his friendship with her, however, and decided for the time being that he would keep them to himself.
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ghaisgeach · 4 years
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Shida has a big soft spot for animals. Throughout her life she has had numerous pets. Some she got on her own but others she was given, mostly by Ren. One pet that tends to be with her the most whenever she’s home or around the pub is her cockatiel Cailen, named after an old friend of hers. He loves sitting on her shoulder and just watching her do things. 
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
It accorded to me that when threads involving Shida, Hiro, Alex, and Ethan take place at the White Raven, the pub that Shida and Hiro co-own, that some of the staff would be about and/or interfere (depending on which OC I’m using at the time). So here is a list of who exactly those NPCs are. More are likely to show up than others but still important.
Ren: An Oni who acts as Shida’s bodyguard. He’s never far from his mistress. He acts as the pub’s “bouncer” for when the supernatural folk start to get too rowdy. Most of the time he can be seen at the bar, chatting with Logan or just watching customers.
Yuki: A Kitsune who oversees the maids that tend to the rooms rented out to those spending the night at the pub. She will sometimes help out as a waitress when the pub gets busy. When she’s not tending to her duties, she’s in Hiro’s office helping him with the account books.
Fiona: A Faun who is a maid at the pub. She’s incredibly timid and any of the staff immediately jumps to her aid when they see someone bothering her. Shida, Logan, and Ren are especially is protective of her. Fiona is constantly referring to Shida as Mistress. 
Logan Fraser: A human that runs the bar with Hiro. Though he’s a WWII vet, he doesn’t look a day over thirty-five. Rumor is he made a deal for him and his wife, Lelanne, to serve Shida in exchange for immortality. He also does odd jobs around the pub. Most of the time he’s helping Shida or looking after Alex and Ethan.
Lelanne Fraser: A witch who specializes in healing. She works at a clinic near the pub and is usually there during her free time. Most of the time she’s there to treat injuries but also to help out where she can. She tends to mother both Alex and Ethan. 
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
The White Raven, the pub that Shida and Hiro co-own, is magicked. To a nonmagical being, the lot where the pub should appear as vacant rundown building. Only those with magic, even the smallest amount, can actually see the pub. However, if someone is invited into the pub by either Hiro or Shida then they can see it. Any nonmagical being forgets about the pub and the experience they had there afterward though.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
Both Shida and Hiro, due to their lives being joined, have been reincarnated about five times. Neither of them remembers much of their first couple of lives. But they do remember the other three lives better. Especially how each life ended. In their last previous life, Shida, who was a Western dragon named Ciar at the time, had “killed” the current Guardian of Earth. He was killed without being able to prove his innocence, the other guardians other than his sister thinking he had done it as it was his “nature” as the Guardian of Darkness. This has followed Shida and Hiro into their current lives and something that Hiro personally hates. He hates it since he knows that what the other Guardian’s believe isn’t true and knows that Shida has given up on trying to change their minds. 
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
Both Shida and Hiro can teleport to any location that Ethan and Alex are at. More specifically, wherever their Chosen is at. Alex and Ethan have jewelry that was made out of Shida and Hiro’s own mana and was enchanted with a location spell. Alex’s item is her choker and Ethan’s is his earring. The location spell doesn’t tell the twins where exactly they are, it just enables them to cast a one-way teleport spell.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
Both Shida and Hiro can control how large or even how small their dragon forms are. Most of the time they prefer to be their “normal” size, which is about 25ft tall, but they will shrink their size to hide. Their smaller size is about the size of a snake. Usually when they shrink they hide somewhere on another person, which tend to be Alex and Ethan. Shide prefers to hide within Alex’s hood of her hoodie while wrapped around her Chosen’s neck. Hiro usually hides within Ethan’s jacket pocket.
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
what was the best thing in your character’s life? (Shida)
crucial muse development questions. | Accepting
Her family and friends. More specifically: Hiro, Alex, Ethan, Ren, and Yuki. Hiro has been with her from the beginning and is her number one supporter. He’s her rock just as much as she’s his. Ren and Yuki have been with her for a while and she values the both of them. Yuki has always been there to offer her advice and the two of them have developed a deep friendship. Ren is like a silent protector, defending her when she needs it, and just be there for her when she needs someone. Though Alex and Ethan haven’t been around all for as long as the others, Shida still cares for them deeply. They are like younger siblings to her and she enjoys spending time with them. She and Alex have a lot in common with how they behave and usually help one another out whenever they need to vent. She just loves doing geeky things with Ethan but he’s willing to help her whenever she needs it. If it weren’t for the five of them then Shida wouldn’t be where is she right then without them. 
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
When in human form, Shida and Hiro are able to change parts of their body to their dragon counterpart. In addition, they are able to have their wings appear. However, whenever they do this, depending on whether or not clothing is in the way they could possibly destroy that article of clothing. Both of the twins wear tank tops and muscle shirts under their shirts because of this. 
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ghaisgeach · 6 years
Hiro and Shida’s lives are connected. As long as one of them is alive then so is the other. However, if one of them is killed then the other parishes as well. Along those lines, if one of them suffers from an injury then the other will experience pain, sometimes even a shallow wound depending on the injury, in that same location. Hiro, however, cannot heal himself in the hopes of healing Shida’s wounds. He must heal her directly to heal any injury she receives. And he needs to use up a lot more magic to heal her wounds (in order to counter the dark mana/magic that is within her body).
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