#[shida is literally my baby]
drengar · 8 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Yoshiharu Shida
► TITLE(S): Lady of Balla Dubh, Shogun
► AGE: 32
► SPECIES: Half Eastern Dragon / Half Wester Dragon
► SEX: Female
► NATIONALITY: Japanese / Scottish
► INTERESTS: Usually Shida claims that she doesn't have much free time for hobbies. But she does enjoy some more relaxing things like crocheting. She also enjoys caring for animals and has her own animal sanctuary where she helps rehabilitate injured animals. She owns a griffon and hippogryph that live at her sanctuary too.
► PROFESSION: Varies depending on verse. But in main verse she is a Lady so she owns land and oversees that it is taken care of along with it's citizens. She also works as a spymaster for her family.
► BODY TYPE: Slender with defined muscles along her stomach and a few places on her arms and legs.
► EYES: Violet
► HAIR/SCALES: Black, short on one side with the other being longer and gradually reaching her jawline. In dragon form, she has black scales, fur, and feathers.
► SKIN: Pale and healthy complexion
► FACE: Live action: Ueto Aya ; Animated: Maki Midorikawa
► POSTURE: Healthy
► HEIGHT: 5'2''
► VOICE: Ueto Aya
► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: In main verse it depends on what she needs to do during the day. If she needs to be active then she tends to wear a kimono or a men's suit, something typical of the Victorian era. If she's staying at home then she will wear dresses. In modern verses, she usually wears leather jackets, tank tops, and jeans with boots.
► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eventually marries an oni if she follows her main verse canon.
► COMPANIONS: Ren (her oni bodyguard), Hiro (younger twin brother), then her cousins
► STRENGTHS: Her stubbornness is actually a strength. Shida will not let something go until she is certain that it's resolved correctly. Be it an issue that was brought to her attention or making sure a family member is being taken care of. She will go to great lengths to sure the problem is resolved to her high standards.
► WEAKNESSES: Her family is a very big weakness of hers. She will sacrifice everything to make sure they are happy and protected. It doesn't matter if it's her brother or cousins, even if she can be at odds with Ciar from time to time. Because of this, it's easy for anyone to take advantage of her once they figure this out. The only saving grace is Shida is a private person and tries not to make it public just how much she loves them.
► FRUITS: She will eat just about any kind of fruit. Usually apples and cherries are ones she loves eating the most but she won't turn any fruit away.
► DRINKS: She alternates between water and tea. Usually whatever is more available to her at the time. Alcoholic drinks are also something she will almost regularly seek but those she saves for the evening or when she's at a social gathering. In modern verses she does drink coffee in the morning.
► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: She loves alcohol and will try anything new. Her go-to's are fruity cocktails, sake, and Scottish whisky.
► SMOKES: Every so often she will smoke but it's always used as a stress reliever. She will have a smoke maybe once every other month.
► DRUGS: Only for medical use and even then she only takes the ones that Senga gives her. Maybe with a very close friend, she will consider trying some.
► DRIVER'S LICENSE: In any modern verse she does have a driver's license. She actually has a motorcycle license as well. Her vehicle of choice, and something her family is constantly worried about, is the fact she prefers to drive her motorcycle than a car. She owns a black and purple sports bike.
Tagged by: I stole it Tagging: Just steal it from me
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sollattes · 1 year
Jealous HnL boys
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note: the bold dialogues are the boys, and you're the italics
Hanaoka Fujio
-gets jealous but does not realise it
-gets really pouty and sulky when your attention is taken away from him
-follows you around like a lost puppy until he gets your attention back
-keeps the 'friendly' facade around the guy until the guy leaves and his smile just immediately drops
"I don't like him at all, and i couldn't care to know his name, so therefore, I would not be giving him a nickname. Hmph!" "Fujio I-"
Tsukasa takajo
-literally glares at anyone who goes near you within 5 feet
-already hates everyone's guts, so just imagine the hatred that he has for the guy who is flirting with you
-though he gets really jealous easily he tends to hide it all and act cool when in the inside he is already screaming for the guy to get lost or punch the guy when he tried to initiate physical contact with you
-acts all salty and needs to be persuaded after the whole incident
"I don't like this guy at all." "tsukasa, he is literally 6 ft away from me . What are you on?"
Todoroki yosuke
-doesnt really get jealous since he is secure in your relationship, and he is too proud to be jealous
-though he still can't help but feel possessive every time a guys would approach with romantic intentions
-doesnt wanna be too close, though still close enough to keep an eye on the guy if he tried anything
-if he can't take the jealousy anymore, he would just take you away without saying anything and distract you so you won't go back to the guy(not like you wanted to anyway)
"I wonder how many punches he can take?" "Yosu, I swear to god-"
Ueda sachio
-gets jealous easily, and everyone knows ot except you
-literally all smiles towards you, but once you look away, the leader of the housen killer corps appears
-makes sure to stay close to you in case the guy tries anything
-just has this terrifying and intimidating aura around him while he's behind you until the guy goes away, and when the guy does leave, it's all sunshine, rainbows, and daisies for sachio
*mumbling*"I'm gonna fucking kill this guy if he doesn't leave anytime soon" "chio? You said something?" "Nothing baby^^"
Odajima yuken
-like tsukasa, gets jealous really easily but hides it under his smartass facade
-since he is showing his smart ass facade, so expect a lot of back-handed compliments towards the guy
-makes you wear his sweater so everyone knows who they're messing with if they ever flirt with you
-is literally draped in you like sloth on a tree 24/7
"You know you're really good looking with this lighting." "But isn't it dark?" "Yu omg-"
Shida kenzo:
-gets jealous easily, but unlike tsukasa and yuken, he is not afraid to tell you that he's jealous
-momma's boy, so he basically knows what you might feel if he doesn't communicate his feelings (SHIDAKEN GREEN FLAG FR)
-you are his no.1 priority, so your comfort and emotions will always come first before his
-no filter at all. If he sees something wrong with the guy, he'll immediately point it out
"I'm sorry, but your breath really stinks." "kenzo, stop omfg-"
Shoji sameoka
-another momma's boy(it's my hc idfc) that is not afraid to tell you how he feels
-he will be gorilla glued to your side the whole time, and this is rare since shoji is not one for pda
-literally just side eyeing the guy the whole while occasionally letting out an annoying scoff
-his hands are just on your waist the whole time with the occasional rubs and squeezes to assure you that he is still there and can take you away any time you want
-is not afraid to tell the guy to fuck off if he had enough tolerating his shit
"Fuck off, go find someone else to bother with your bullshit" "shoji atleast let him finish-"
Misaki Mario(roah)
-now I don't why anyone would even try and flirt with you if they already saw roah with you but ig let's just say some dumbass really tried for the sake of the hc
-now roah would get jealous but not to the point that he'll get bothered by the feeling since he trusts you and knows you won't flirt back
-if he sees the guy being more and more eager to flirt he just uses his big figure to tower over the guys and intimidate him
-now if that doesn't work, which is rare, he won't hesitate to pull into his (ginormous)chest, keeping ou there until the guy gets a hint
"Honey, cmon, the kids are waiting." "roah, ssshhhh oml"
Mashii takehiko(mercy)
-mashi does gets jealous but won't tell instead he shows you
-he would also pull into his chest while talking 'friendly' threats to the guy
-he would puff smoke into the guy's face if the guy won't shut the fuck up
-he would puff smoke into your mouth while making out with you infront of the guy
"Cmon, let's make out in front of him." "And here I thought you didn't like pda, takehiko"
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futurefind · 11 months
tagged by: @zangyo tagging: anyone!! steal it n tag me ! :3
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Name: Sasume Oshima
Name meaning: Oshima ("大島") literally means 'big island'. Sasume ("さすめ") is written with hiragana and has no inherent meanings.
Alias: Hawthorne (verse dependent, often a moniker in her mercenary-adjacent verses but otherwise a flower associated with her); mayflower/May-chan
Ethnicity: Half-white (paternal), half-Japanese (maternal)
Trick question since I talk abt my muses sm and I've had them so long (triply so for Sa) but I'll do my best--!! o7
She has multiple and specific nervous/stressed habits [esp wrt interacting with others]! There's fiddling with her bangle (more overt/self-conscious nerves) and also running a hand through/tugging+ at the back of her hair (more 'aggressive'/general nerves)
There's multiple nicknames she has for her sister! "Shishi" (more obvious) and also "Shudderbug" (inspired by when Shida was a baby and would bungle her own name)
Her gloves have padding in the palms so she can make and use fists while using Third without cutting up her hands!
A! Horrifically good question! Because Sa is Sa and is allergic to "downtime" and is always keeping herself busy in the most utilitarian ways she can manage, but!!
Singing! :') She used to do it a whole lot for her sister, as well as her own amusement. Since leaving home, though, mostly just for her sister (or children in need of comfort) — and what she does for herself she tries to keep to when she's the utmost of privacy.
In (relatively!) contemporary settings or the like where medias more accessible — reading (especially to help with her literacy) and movies/TV. They're mediums that engage multiple senses (in the latter, audio and visual, and in the former, the words themselves and imagining them), and so are the least likely to have her getting distracted and enable her to be left to her own thoughts. It's for this reason she's not keen on music by itself, but the reverse is why she's not fond of video games— the specific and unique ways they're interactive are very likely to leave her frustrated and more stressed/anxious than before.
Nature!! Whether it's sitting out in the rain and/or woods, or just fussing over domestic pets :') She loves them yk
(Bonus since it's so obvious and arguably work-ish: but she loves sparring! She's a jock and its a very good way to bond with and get to know people— without risking her fucking it up with her poor social skills.)
Her sister!! Would do anything and everything for her !! Baby girl!!! (Pay no attention to how there's only four years between them)
Sarah (her godmother/'aunt')
Her mom
Her dad (derogatory)
Tomas (double derogatory)
Insert your muse here--
The IncidentTM that pushed her to finally leave her hometown :'))) She blames herself for it in every capacity, and to this day considers herself (if anything) a fugitive or the like rather than an actual victim. "If it were not for me, it wouldn't have happened, and so it's completely my fault."
Her Bad YearsTM after she left home (from a few months before thirteenth birthday to the ballpark of ~sixteen and a half, so better part of four years). She blames herself for it because she struggles to acknowledge her abuse, yes, and also moralizes her mental health issues (i.e., see: her severe survivor's guilt and savior complexes)— but primarily because of how she 'failed' her sister. It's always been her job to take care of and provide for Shida, and during that time not only was she unable to properly support her, but Shida had to look after her instead. It's something she refuses to forgive herself for, particularly since she only broke out of it when Shida's life was endangered (which, of course, is something Sasume also blames herself for).
(Another bonus, since the other two are consecutive events: Not asking more questions of or learning more about her parents, especially her mother, when they were around. :') She didn't get much time with them, and even if she couldn't have known it nor been able to properly 'plan' for it at such a young age, she wishes she'd done more and learn more about them while she was able to. Notably, this regret can become far darker when 'the Oshima Plot' and resulting mysteries and skeletons in her parents' history are an active concern.)
Being PercievedTM en masse, i.e. with crowds. She has a fear of crowds, yes, but that itself is rooted in the concept of said crowd turning its attention on her :')
Even with her comedic pain tolerance and catalogues of wound history she is... very bad with receiving burn wounds. Heat and superficial burns (i.e. leave little to no lasting mark even in the short term) are fine, but when they're good and proper WOUNDS? She's suffering, thanks.
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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jemmo · 3 years
moments going through my head after bakuten ep 9:
onogawa going eeeehh?? he blew me off???? and crying in the background
watari panicking that misato didn’t come to school bc of what he said. he’s too good
MISATO’S AUNT omg why is every character so good?? her going but where?? and her misato impression. and generally just being chaotic good incarnate
that shot of the single yellow flower and the panel of misato walking by the sea. poetic cinema
shida getting exposed for being an angsty teen
shida bringing futaba along bc he understands the misato futaba connection
THE WHOLE MISATO FUTABA CONVERSATION. misato monologging only for futaba to be like um no. his dramatic pause to think of what to say. FUTABAS LITTLE HUFF GROWL WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT HES AN ACTUAL PUPPY. being needy. AND THE WRIST GRAB BEFORE RUNNING OFF WHAT IS THIS A SHOJO MANGA.
be needy be needy. omg futaba encouraging him to speak up and misato being nervous only to be met by what i can only call ABSOLUTE CHAOS
gotta love that Pavlovian response what a line
tsukidate you traitor!!!!!!
the whole quiet moment of misato going to sit next to futaba. you don’t know how much i cried at that. it was so tiny and insignificant but misato is reaching out and i’m so proud
i really love your backflips. blushy misato is too good for this world too pure
literally any moment futaba and misato were on screen together. i just can’t take it. the mutual admiration, the encouragement, the shared passion and determination, the yin and yang of talented but insecure shy boy with ball of sunshine just trying his best. the dynamic is just *chefs kiss*
i think this ep might be my fave so far. i just adore everything with misato and futaba, their connection is fantastic and thanks shidanow i’m just daydreaming about them as the powerful 3rd year captains leading the team to nationals. someone stop me.
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divine-ruin · 5 years
👧 - What is your muse’s relationship like with their siblings? Who do they get along with best?
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"You know? It's interesting to be asked that question because my family dynamic isn't exactly something people expect as for some reason most people believe me to be an only child. I don't know how they come to that conclusion but I am extremely close to my siblings; it's almost as if they are a very extension of me." Iria smiled as she gestured to her photo collage behind her office desk.
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"Here we have my sister Ada. She's the eldest of us all and also a twin to my other eldest sister Zarabeth. Ada was the first-born and leads Zara in age by a whopping two minutes and two seconds, quite literally! She's the nurturing, more motherly of all four of us siblings. In the second one we see her with her fiance Cyrenneaux Beausejour whose family is yet another extension of mine." She moved on to the next photo with a bit of a goofy smile.
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"This is my second oldest sister Zarabeth, we call her Zara for short and, while she's quite motherly and nurturing herself, she's more of the sassy scolding type and you never have to wonder what's on her mind as you'll know it whether you wish to or not," Iria smirked.
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"In these next two we have my silly brother Ian who is not only quite the joking rascal but the protective brother to us girls and the only son my father and mother had. He's currently being groomed to take over the family business as the successor to my father's naval militia and naval defense contracting company. He's an incredibly intelligent engineer and tinkers with Garlean technology and is very adept at making it useable for Eorzean wartime needs. He is also my husband Cavero's best friend and they served in Ishgard together along with my former fiance Abellain Theriot." That last comment seemed to make her smile fade for a moment as she remained in silence and deep thoughts before turning her attention back to Eli. Her smile returned as her thoughts seemed to improve almost immediately. "I myself am the baby of the family but I have quite the plethora of surrogate sisters and brothers who work for my father that I trust with my life. You've met Shida but there are also Rhona and Sheexi who are quite protective of me as well." She gestured to the photos of the Raen, Roegadyn, and Miqo'te women respectively.
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"Last but not least, we have Kyna and Syla Beausejour who are Cyren's younger sister's and also twins like Ada and Zara. While those two are closer in age to these two Elezen women, Kyna and I are very close and provide counseling together, and Syla is very much almost a female copy of my brother and sister Zara in the way that she's extremely protective of me but is full of sass and spunk while being so. She's another that you never have to wonder what's on her mind and I believe that's why she and Zara are so close; they are the most opinionated women I know and it's almost as if they feed off of one another's sarcasm and sassiness. You can see them here and it's almost as if they barely look like sisters," Iria mentioned gently as she gestured to the two Elezen women.
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"As you can no doubt see, Master Venator, I've no shortage of relations and my heart and life are never short of love or support when I need it the most."
((@eligos-venator and @zhauric for mentions, and you can find all the rest of my characters at the blogs listed here: Ada - @whispering-dawn, Zara - @aetherical-cosmos, Ian - @ocean-templar, Shida - @star-spring, Rhona - @quiet-mountain, V'Sheexi - @peaceful-pugilist, Kyna - @the-nightsea and Syla - @the-summermoon!))
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zackmephisto · 5 years
dirt watches aew
this episode changed me as a person
this is already fucking stunning no one ever @ me ever again
oh god that's right they're both the younger brothers THIS IS POETIC
if u wanna show someone pro wrestling. this should be a match you show them.
was upset when nick got him in the sharpshooter just bc I didn't want the match to end
holy fuck that was so good
if this crowd isnt as hot for this women's match as they were just then i'm yeeting myself off my balcony
god I am so heart eyes for these women. could watch this for ages
god these two are so fucking good
shida won but tbh both of them looked fucking stunning in this match. could have ended any which way and i would have been thoroughly impressed.
what the fuck.
orange Cassidy and chuck coming out during commercial is actually dirtphobic so nvm
o kip ok I'm interested
jimmy havoc ok. didnt he get his ass beat not too long ago
oh god. oh god. oh fuck its MJF OH FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!! god hes looking so tan and s*xy
how old is Billy Gunn now
orange... I love you.
max.... i hate that I love you. but I do love you.
marko :(
ew. staple gun.
this is big nasty
cant i have one dynamite where i dont have to see shawn spears
ok the asshole chants for max i want u 2 kno that i agree w the crowd but I still love u
that's the most heel thing mjf has ever done. fuck him breaking up with cody. he eliminated orange
please don't eliminate mjf my crops are dying
thank u wardlow. whoever u r
ideally this ends with hangman and mjf. can you imagine that match? can you imagine my rights?
fuck you penelope ford what else have you done
OH GOD JUNGLE BOY AND HANGMAN but when did max get eliminated
oh my god.... oh my god it really is my rights...
an upset? who was upset? i for one stan our southern californian kings
where can I get that blazer. so i can wear it with my tiddies out so jericho sees how ridiculous looks
me: shits on chris jericho
also me: sings hella loud to his theme
i have champagne should i pop it for him
ok me when i have to admit a customer is right and hager is my manager right behind me
"Chicago has a hockey team and two baseball teams" and then the hard cut to the dude in the bears jacket made me shit myself
say bubbly. do it.
hager say sorry for jericho's dollar store headband challange
wait hold on can we talk abt how a black man handed chris "i played the grand wizard of the kkk in a movie" jericho his first L in a e dub
the melanie chants are sending me-
"i never meant to embarrass you" HEYOOO
"melanie gained a lot of weight since high school" "i like big butts and i cannot lie" SCORPIO MY FUCKING KING THANK YOU I OWE YOU MY LIFE
"I think its cuter than baby yoda-" ok... maybe he got it
oh my god scorpio sky i.... i...... I-
<censored bc minors follow me>
LE BITCH!!!!!! LE!!!! BITCH!!!!!!
hey sammy guevara 2008 dirt called she wants her maroon skinny jeans back
i'm kinkshaming proud n powerful
what did nakazawa and cutler ever do to anyone other than be good boys
scorpio sky finessed that title match and i'm frankly jealous
oh okay. okay. they're big. they're bug dudes. jesus damn.
can't blame hager. i wouldn't want to fight luchasaurus either i would have ran too he's big and clearly Better than u
big depressed that dynamite is only 2 hrs long
luchasaurus vs Peter Avalon???? ok.... ok.
"it looks like life has found a way" for this. i hope that peter Avalon survives for even a minute longer
anyway luchasaurus <censored>
good evening luchasaurus <censored>
i stan one dinosaur family and also luchasaurus <censored>
oh! private party and proud n powerful ok. dirt rights.
o the t shirt. maybe i'm crying.
that pin break holy fuck I love these two teams
holy vertical lift
i literally would have cried if they got that double stomp holy shit
Noah fence but this match needs to be faster bc i desperately need darby vs mox. my crops are dying
hurricanrana is still one of my fave moves in all of pro wrestling
isiah kassidy's leopard print ass. that's it. send the tweet.
that was so fucked up what the fuck???? i thot aye ee dub was better than that
Nick Jackson And His Ugly Shirt Make The Save
and thank god. would have sued if private party lost
i'm so <redacted> for mjf vs hangman none of you have a Clue
kenny :(
darby you dramatic fucking SHIT
god his theme goes so hard.
holy fucking shit.
is moxley huge or darby tiny
suddenly I'm a whore all the sudden
i'm so goddamn tense I cant liveblog my butthole is clenched
the body bag moving is cool and I get it but it's also a little funny. maybe I'm drunk. per aew tradition. but it's a little drunk funny
don't talk to me I'm tense
oh my god he fucking killed Darby
yes darby lost but sorry. mox needed to paradigm shift him from the top rope to get the pin. that speaks. fucking. volumes.
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heoneyology · 5 years
for @yooyonqha! a (kind of) little get to know monsta x post! ❤️
monsta x is a 7 member group who debuted with trespass on may 24th, 2015! they were formed through starship entertainment’s survival program no mercy (I didn’t watch it bc I wrote off survival shows after yg’s win but I hear it was intense and really harsh). their music style now is very versatile but they started off with a lean toward hip-hop.
their name monsta x comes from mon (“my” in french) and “my star” and combined means “monsters conquering the kpop scene.” the x in their name symbolizes an unknown existence. their fandom name is monbebe which literally is the french mon + bebe = “my baby.”
idk if this is going to help you learn them at all but I hope it does, either way it was fun to write c:
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leader, main dancer, and lead vocalist
his animal representative is a bear 🐻
you can recognize him by: his eye smile and... muscles... he has broad shoulders and is one of the tallest members
one of his nicknames is “shownubear” that monbebe often call him
count on the stylists to almost always have him basically half naked, or during big events like mama make him take his shirt off
has the husky voice!!
actual husband material, considered the “dad” of the group
he’s quiet and shy, sometimes comes off as awkward, weird, and dorky, but is a sweetheart and is very down to earth and genuine
when the members were asked if they had any complaints about shownu as a leader or if he had any faults, the others complimented him and said they don’t think anyone else would be fit for the position and that he’s the best
isn’t a strict leader, and some people think it’s strange he’s the leader because he doesn’t seem to have much “presence” because he’s quiet, but mx adore him and listen to everything he says
boy can dance! and he participates in helping with mx’s choreography (x / x)
he recently has been referring to himself as “nunu” and also he has a mukbang on M2 going on
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lead vocalist, lead dancer, and the visual
his animal representative is a rabbit 🐰
you can recognize him by: narrow nose and big elf ears! also muscle man, his pecs are huge...
another member you can count on the stylists to have either half naked or completely shirtless
former ulzzang and appeared on ulzzang shidae season 3
considered the caretaker of the group (but not the mom, he just likes to care for his members)
he has a fear of heights, a baby :(((
his image in mx is the sexy, confident guy, which he upholds quite well... lots of lip biting, fan service, ab-flashing, winking, etc.
but... in actuality, he’s a dork, he’s shy, and also a bit awkward too and is very soft and soft-spoken, and caring. giggles a lot. like, not laugh, giggles... it’s adorable!!
also the most sensitive (and temperamental) member, he cries the most easily (and gets upset the most easily) please protect him
gets teased by the other members a lot and ends up complaining that they don’t respect him as an elder
also teases the other members a lot, though, mostly hyungwon, changkyun, and kihyun
he likes ramen. he calls it his “soul food”. feed him.
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vocalist & visual
his animal representative is a puppy 🐶
you can recognize him by: his square face, sharp cheekbones and jawline, and unchanging hairstyle through the eras
beagle/mood maker of the group, he has a funny personality and cracks a lot of jokes
really really really wants to be an mc and tbh he’d make a great one
literally never shuts up... I don’t think?
overall has a very energetic, outgoing, and upbeat personality talks a loooot
his hairstyle has changed the least during every era so he’s pretty easy to recognize after time; hair color has changed but cut hasn’t
husky voice number two!!
actually when he speaks his voice is kind of high pitched? but when he sings it gets raspy it’s... pretty attractive...
fangirls are jealous because he has a tall and lean build, thin legs, and sharp features. he’s a pretty boy.
on no mercy he was one of the trainees that everyone kept saying wouldn’t make it to the final lineup
one of the clingiest members... not sure if he loves skinship or not but you can always see him hugging or touching his members
despite being clingy and so energetic, he’s a good listener and deeply cares for the members
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main vocalist
his animal representative is a hamster 🐹
you can recognize him by: his nose? idk... he has a wide nose to me so that’s how I learned him. monolid and has thin lips and a heart-shaped face with a very deep/pronounced crease between his lower lip and chin.
also he is the tiniest member. he smol...
actually doesn’t like being a hamster, said it “doesn’t suit him” even though the boy literally is as cute as a hamster
he has cheek dimples!!! like... cheek bone dimples? they are tiny and are higher on his cheeks and they usually show when he’s laughing
favorite food is chicken. so much so that when mx went to the beach, instead of choosing to eat fish when they had the chance, he chose chicken. shownu has a grudge against him for it.
voted by the members as being the most maknae-like in personality
lowkey is a savage, highkey passive aggressive. he has a very sweet personality and is kind but sometimes gets snarky and blunt with his members and it’s hilarious
also has a death glare and literally the worst at controlling his facial expressions, especially when confused or disgusted
mom of the group; he nags like no other!
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lead dancer, vocalist, visual
his animal representative is a turtle 🐢
you can recognize him by: his well-known, very full and luscious? lips; also always looks Perpetually Tired and that’s a Mood
he is a living, breathing meme because of his infamous bitch face... even starbucks knows who he is (he’s actually referred to as “the meme guy” sometimes)
boy got moves (he, too, can dance!)
he’s the tallest member, he’s got the gangly model body
used to be a popular model before joining mx, participated in a lot of fashion shows
he DJs now and his stage name is h.one
sleeps like the dead, according to himself. according to other members, he’s the most difficult to wake up and will often fall back asleep after being woken (what a mood)
Absolutely Detests Aegyo 
the quietest member, tends to not talk much during interviews or variety shows
100% will Not Put Up With His Members’ Shit (you can physically see his soul leaving his body when he’s judging them)
sighs a lot... also a Mood
laughs with his entire body like an adorable dork and claps like a seal it’s endearing and hilarious
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main rapper & vocalist
his animal representative is a honeybee 🐝
you can recognize him by: DIMPLES!!! FOR!!!!! DAYS!!!!!
recently changed his stage name to “joohoney” from his name jooheon because the character for “heon” is often mispronounced as “hun” and he was trying to make it easier for fans (also stated he always wanted this as his stage name, he’s actually a Big Softie)
absolute love of my life just kidding that’s not an actual fact
Aegyo King
considered the best rapper among starship trainees
he speaks english pretty fluently (some may argue otherwise but under pressure and on the spot he properly used “well” instead of “good” like I’m not even that decent at english)
very high energy personality but is also very gentle and easygoing, kind of roll-with-the-punches and very protective of his members
loves skinship and is definitely the most clingy member
had so much energy as a kid that his pastor stuck him up on stage to perform with his church's choir and that’s how he discovered he wanted to perform
helps to write, compose, and produce mx songs
he has a dog named sanche and two kittens named yoshi and gucci that have their own catstagram
thought of as the scariest member, is actually the most easily scared member
favorite food is dumplings. considers himself a dumpling expert. has stated if he were a food, he would be a dumpling.
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lead rapper, vocalist, and maknae
his animal representative is a wolf 🐺
you can recognize him by: the eyebrow piercing he recently got (funnily enough it was just an aesthetic in the jealousy mv then the boy went and actually got his eyebrow done) also has a wide nose and it’s insanely straight; soft yet sharp features?
fluent in english, lived abroad because his dad is a scientist and work demanded travel (he lived 3 years in boston and 4 in israel)
was disliked by fans for a while and had a really rough time on no mercy because he joined halfway through the series (also the only to join late and make the final lineup)
is closest with jooheon, who was the first to befriend him on no mercy
helps jooheon with writing lyrics for mx
husky voice number three!!
has a... habit... of playing video games naked... in the dorm...
has a cheeky personality and no one can convince me otherwise. he’s an evil maknae. also an illegal maknae. he’s a little shit. I’d like to personally fight him.
tbh though he’s super sweet but he’s also a huge flirt and says things sometimes that definitely have double meanings (cue: changkyun you’re on broadcast please stOP)
had a hard time finding his place in the group so even though he seems very outgoing, he’s actually quiet around people he doesn’t know and kind of comes off as cold or aloof at first
he’s weird once he opens up
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hello my sunshines 💗💖💞💘💓💫💕💞💘💓💞💘💓💫 so i reached a goal of mine and i’ve been putting off making a follow forever for...forever jsdfjsdfj!! so this is a kind of mutual appreciation for how sweet you’ve all been and made my 2017 so so so much better ♡ ily all and hope you have the best of holidays and a great (and gay) 2018 to come bc you all deserve it 🌷
(and i know the header sucks...but it was the best i could do w/o photoshop...but that’s yeri blowing all of u a kiss from me!!)
🌈 - hello i would murder a man for u
💐 - ur a very treasured mutual n u literally mean the world 2 me!!
🌷 - i enjoy seeing u on my dash a lot, let’s talk more, angel!!
# - b // ♡
@02trbl 🌷 @04gf 🌷 @04yeol 🌷 @140cm 🌷 @1adyluck 🌈 🌷 @1goth 🌷 @1hyunjin 🌷@1kuthi 🌷@1ovely 🌷@1peachae 🌷 @1perfectvelvet 🌷@1roseanne 🌷 @1sistar 🌷 @1to10 🌷 @20km 🌷 @2baekxing 🌷@2blushy 🌷 @2chansoo 🌷 @2donghyuck 🌷@2dulce 🌷 @2pcy 🌷 @3fairy 🌷 @4hm 🌷@4hs 🌷 @4jooheon 💐🌷 @4juyeon 🌷 @4taro 🌷@4yxing 🌷 @5ixing 💐🌷 @9km 🌷 @agoth 🌷 @altheias 🌷 @alysiayeoh 💐🌷 @angel-osh 🌷 @artificial-lxvr 🌷 @asintu 💐🌷 @asleepykid 🌷 @atttaboy 🌷 @avyz 🌷 @b1ushpink 🌷 @babehyuna 🌷 @baby-jpg 🌷 @babyish1 🌷 @babymp4 🌷 @baekhyunsama 🌷@baekhyunsbuttplug 🌷 @baekhyunstolemyeyeliner 💐🌷 @baekphia 🌷 @baeksupreme 🌷 @baristasoo 🌷 @bbhsfirstlove 🌷 @beijingbabes 🌷 @blackpinks 🌷 @blacksugaqueen 🌷 @blindkpop 🌷 @bongsoomas 🌷 @btorv 🌷 @byeolks 🌷 @byunchen 🌷 @byuncult 🌷 @byunlucid 🌷 @byunparks 💐🌷
c - h // ♡
@cbxanti 🌷 @ceruleanletter 🌷 @chanisangel 🌷 @chenbox 🌷 @cherrymotion 🌷 @chicanaflor 🌷 @choerryblsm 🌷 @chouxiu 🌈 🌷 @chuusgf 🌷 @closetae 🌷 @co-kai-ne 🌷 @coerry 🌷 @cuddlyjd 🌷 @cyberksoo 🌷 @cyphersjoon 🌷 @deararchimedes 🌷 @dehsi 💐🌷 @dksoomas 🌷 @dolcemiel 🌷 @duraznito 🌷 @dwlwrma  🌷 @eheart 🌷 @estupidaugly 🌈 🌷 @exo-m 🌷 @exo-ot9stan 💐🌷 @exos23daesangs 💐🌷 @faeryixing 💐🌷 @fensi 💐🌷 @festivesoo 🌷 @fhauxfire 🌷 @flawlesskimkai 🌷 @flowers4lesbians 🌷 @fresasehun 🌷 @frostdae 🌷 @fuck-me-up-fam 🌷 @galaxybin 🌷 @gaysungjong 🌷 @gazpcy 🌷 @gfsejeong  🌷 @girlsoo 🌷 @godbbh 🌷 @gorlfren 🌷 @gothexs 🌷 @gothsinb  🌷 @han-hyeris 🌷 @haseulidays 🌷 @haseuls 🌷 @heartfx 🌷 @heartshakings 🌷 @hunans 🌷 @hunniedae 🌷 @hwangs 🌷 @hwitaekkk 💐 🌷 @hyeonas 🌷 @hyoy3on 🌷 @hyunanti 🌷 @hyyhp2 🌷
i - l // ♡
@iadoreseulgi  🌷 @ilovebom 🌷 @ilovebyun 💐🌷 @iloveirene 🌷 @iloveyeri 🌷 @ilu2 🌷 @iluloona 🌷 @iluvhaseul 🌷 @jaehyunz 💐🌷 @jeonheejin 🌷 @jeonlie 🌷 @jesoolise 🌷 @jhopes 🌷 @jihyoistheloml 🌷 @jiminsfursuit 🌷 @jingle-huns 🌷 @jinglejennie 🌷 @jinjins 🌷 @jinsluvr 🌷 @jinyeo 🌷 @jiwoochu 🌷 @jollycbx 💐🌷 @jonginexo 🌷 @jonginsavedmylife 🌷 @juhyeol 🌷 @jumnyeon 🌷 @jungwah 🌷 @jy0ngs 💐🌷 @k1mtaeyeons 🌷 @k1ru 🌷 @ka-xing 🌷 @kaisheaux 🌷 @kangddaniel 🌷 @kangseulgis 🌷 @kimtayeon 🌷 @kimyerimsgirl 🌷 @kingdyo 🌷 @kittyhunnie 🌷 @kokobopmv 🌷 @ksoosbitch 💐🌷 @ksoosheaux 🌷 @ksooshoe 🌷 @kthwhy 🌈 🌷 @kwoncept 💐🌷 @kyungsohs 🌷 @kyungsoo 🌷 @lesbianbaekhyun 🌷 @likeymp3 🌷 @lindor 🌷 @lipnhip 🌷 @lipsmp3 🌷 @lipsnhip 🌷 @lipstickpda 🌷 @loafsoo 🌷 @louvtae 🌷 @lovelyzgf 🌷 @lovesigns 🌷 @lovjoys 💐🌷 @lovlesbians 🌷 @luflute 🌷 @lunagf 🌷 @lunah 🌷
m - r // ♡ @m1ns1k  🌷 @mangoult 💐🌷 @marrytwicemas 🌷 @mcdoorknobs 🌷 @mihyon 🌷 @milknhani 🌷 @minhyunsgf 💐🌷 @minniebrows 🌷 @minxingg 🌷@mixedboy 🌷 @mo0a 🌷 @moomhyuna 🌷 @my1ady 🌷 @nabongie 💐🌷 @namyuxxi 🌷 @nayeon5 🌷 @nayeosns 🌷 @neogf 🌷 @newsgrl 🌷 @ninthwish 🌷 @njsdimples 🌷 @notkikomizuhara 🌷 @nut4zyx 🌷 @officialbarbie 🌷 @officialjisoo 💐🌷 @oohsenun 🌷 @ooskd 💐🌷 @p1nkjisoo  🌷 @pabora 🌷 @parkjihyo 🌷 @pastelasian 🌷 @pcyprivilege 🌷 @perfectve1vet 🌷 @pinklesbian 💐🌷 @pinktm 🌷 @platinumark 🌷 @platniclove 🌷 @powderedcandies 🌷 @progamerbyun 🌷 @pudu 🌷 @pxldream 🌷 @qentagon 🌷 @raeveluv 🌷 @rainkth 🌷 @red-shidae 🌷 @redperfectvelvet 💐🌷 @redthevelvet 🌷 @redvelvetcult 💐🌷 @redvelvetdeservesbetter 🌷 @reueluv 🌷 @rnortal 🌷 @rocklee 🌷 @rosebbh 🌷 @rosesgf 🌷 @rosyjd 🌷 @royalyeol 🌷
s - v // ♡
@s3okmin 🌷@sechkies 🌷 @sehunbb 🌈 🌷 @sehuncallmemonster 🌷 @sehunnified 🌷 @sehunsbff 🌈🌷@sehunsraani 💐🌷 @sejeongclaus 🌷@sensitiviity 🌷@seulgisgirlfriend 🌷@sftcy 💐🌷@shoroshi 🌷@sleepbugs 🌷@snowysunmi 💐🌷 @song-qian 🌷@soobear 🌷@sooyulks 🌷@squishyssoo 🌷@squynhty 💐🌷@starbrights 🌷@starrydo 🌷@starsehun 🌈 🌷 @suavesehun  💐🌷@sugargf 🌷@suho69 🌷@suhosjaan 🌷@suhoyeols 🌷@suitupjonghyun 🌷@sullil 🌷@sunggyusnovia 🌷@sunkyungs 💐🌷 @sunshinegoths 🌷@sunshineyeols 🌷@sweet1ies 🌷@sxhuns 🌷@taegnsic 💐🌷 @the-ooverdose 🌷@thechaeyoungs 🌷@theshenanigansoftakiyah 🌷@tipannies 🌷@typogay 🌷@typolesbian 💐🌷@uhyeri 🌷@unfairbyexo 🌷@unloyal-jongdae 🌷@velvetchen 🌷@velvetliptint 🌷@verano127 🌷@violetnpurple 🌷 @virgogf 🌷@vogueksoo 💐🌷@voonbora 🌷
w - z // ♡
@w--zi 🌷 @wendycult 🌷 @wendyslittlehelper 🌷 @wiiu 💐🌷 @winngs 🌷 @winuin 🌷 @wjsngf 🌷 @wjsnlesbian 🌷 @wlwsanas 🌷 @wlwsunmi 🌷 @wlwvelvet 🌷 @wolfbyexosavedkpop 🌷 @wouldyoulike 🌷 @xbaek 🌷 @xingslove 🌈 🌷 @xiubyuns 🌈 🌷 @yeolhighness 🌷 @yeolsbaby 🌷 @yeonjungie 🌷 @yerimluv 🌷 @yeris 🌷 @yerisus 🌷 @yongos 🌷 @yoongeleh 🌷 @yoonjunghan 🌷 @yuletideyoujin 🌷 @yulyulksgf 🌷 @yvevi 🌷 @zzyx 🌷
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ccreepri · 7 years
   [ 8:00 PM. ]     [ SEOUL . Yeouido, Seoul . KBS HALL. ] It had sold out. The showcase that is. That was something at least....right? Something to think about. Blue lights. The first thing she spotted from backstage. They looked ..a lot more daunting now than they did during the practice and soundcheck. Her nerves could not be calmed - no way. No fucking way.  Jaehwa....Are you watching this now, from Heaven?  Her beautiful lips were full, sweet, tinged in promises of a golden future. The heat of the gun rested right on Yori’s lap, the smoking tip just a dim reminder that the hands wrapped around the mic had taken her best friend’s life- --  “ Yori ! “ She snapped out of it as someone called her name. Shaking her head slowly she smiled to reassure ( @yuggxm ) as she walked over and wrapped both arms around her hips.  “Why are you making that face-- “ Koemi asked seriously before pinching at Yori’s nose. She hated when her members did that. “ -- you’re going to do FINE. Listen, haven’t I done tons of solo work? Trust me when I tell you that you’re going to be / fine /. Plus, didn’t Seohyun  come to see you? How can you expect to mess up when your best friends are all here. “     God.  I might just mess up BECAUSE they’re all here.
“ Right Koemi. You know me too well.... “ The leader muttered around the lump in her throat with a small frown. “ Should I just.. take down a bottle of Soju before getting on stage or--- “ Koemi’s look was immediately pretty telling of what she thought of that idea. Utter disapproval. “ --- nevermind. Being drunk off my ass my debut showcase is not ... yeah not a good idea.”    Though my anxiety is saying it would be a great idea right about now.  Breaking away from Koemi she gave some excuse and held onto her bared middriff, not able to hear sounds for a moment or focus. Not able to see in front of her... not... not here..     “ You’ve gotta be a singer with that voice. What are you doing out here- slinging guns...robbing folks? You’re wasting all your talent.” She whispered while her fingertips continued to trace dainty patterns on the curves of their joined skin. A sigh. Another soft breath that fell - one - over- the - other. It was a hot day in 2009 when the streets seemed to be shimmering with steam and regrets.  One that had her cheeks rosy, pretty face filled with venom and her father standing over her, looking down at her for showing a single shred of femininity.  “ Hey. Yoe. You in there bitch?” A set of snapping fingers entered her eye sight and she looked out and down to see the pool of blood growing, rising, the sight of Jaehwa’s lifeless eyes--  “Woah there-- hey--” His hands came out and grasped her arms as she bumped hard into him. Blinking out the visuals of the scene was not making it go away, and she could hear her heart beating. “ Sorry... I... wasn’t watching where I was going.” She said to whoever she had bumped into with furrowed brows as she scanned the hands holding her up from collapsing into an emotional mess. Slowly she looked up into Jeonki’s face ( @93jeonk ) and forced herself to smile. “ Oh hey-- look at the big baby. You decided to show up? “     “ Hey- what? Why would I miss it? Everyone’s coming ! It’s your big showcase. “  She nodded, as if suddenly grasping the concept of people actually supporting her music. People caring. Wow.   Now that actually was a pretty huge concept to grasp. “ Right,, speaking of which, it’s starting soon so I need to get backstage--”  The vocalist said retracting herself from his grasp with an apologetic smile. He nodded in understanding and gave a friendly salute. “ We’ll catch up later then. Congratulations.”   Her grey eyes turned away quickly as she walked off, mentally trying to stir up something akin to calm. There was too much energy here, boiling up under her skin. She couldn’t do this. There was no way-- no -- She could not do this. Her head felt like it had slipped into a cold bath, and her brain was in shock. Pinpricks of nervous tension plucked the hairs on her skin, she was going insane right there- on the inside. Why----?? She ducked into the nearest room and locked the door without thinking. Her shirt was pulled off and used to cover her face as she sobbed into the cloth, guttural noises of fear, pain and anguish mixing for a moment. Irrational anxiousness to stay off that stage, to keep her face hidden. In that moment she had lost track of time, staff were calling for her, walkies were crackling as they looked for her-- but she had lost it. Her mind was still.... drifting into the fears and the regrets and the  REASONS why she just didn’t deserve to live in this moment. Her happiness had cost someone a life.   Her dreams had been built upon the grave of a lover. She didn’t...deserve...happiness...a failure...was all... she could ever....achieve. Pulling her knees into her face she almost didn’t hear her phone buzzing for the first few moments. But it pulled her out of her head for a moment to see that she was being face timed. Answering it without a thought she could already hear the voice before it came. “ Hey I’m going to be late to your thing but,, I thought i would call. You doing okay? “ Yori nodded and wiped off her eyes as she looked at ( @bangyeong ) on her screen. “ Yeah.. i’m just... nervous I guess. You know?”  “Yeah.” Briefly she sighed and opened her twitter when she spotted the notifications blowing up. All these...faces and images and posts were popping up. Idols, actors, friends, even complete strangers were posting with excitement about her showcase. The outfits they were wearing- what songs they liked on her album-- biting into her lip she took a minute to scroll through only half listening to Chaeyeong who was giving her a pep talk.  “Unnie-” “Hm ? “   “ You’re going to be fine, okay?” Biting into her bottom lip she looked at Chaeyeong and nodded.  “ OKay. I’ll see you later? I’ve got to get on stage.”   But she kept looking through all the tweets she was tagged in. They were making her laugh, and smile-- even as she still cried a little bit. Fuck. Now her eyes would get all puffy. Her makeup needed a touch up. The doorknob suddenly rattled right then and she got up off the floor to open it. Immediately her face met with a whole row of flowers and the scent of liquor. “ Minjun...? “ She said slightly incredulous as the male came into view from behind the bouquet.  ( @woominjun ) seemed to wobble slightly but the lazy grin on her face made her crack up. “ Eat shit dude, are you legit wasted? “ Taking the flowers in one hand she used the other to hug him tightly, and kiss his smooth cheeks.  “ Thanks. I was losing my shit back here and needed you. “ Yori admitted to him but was cut off as Rubi poked her head in. ( @rcdlght96 )’s pretty young face came into view.    “ Hey, -- Oppa everyone’s looking for you. It’s time. “ Chuckling she nodded and rubbed Rubi’s head with affection before putting the flowers down gently. “ You guys get to your seats. The show is gonna start.. “       With a sigh she adjusted the outfit that Seohyun had brought her while looking in the mirror. The black wig on her head needed to be fixed a little bit. Quickly she left the room and headed through people milling about. Briefly she spotted ( @hvrlowe ) and waved to her. The team of makeup artists were working on her face so she couldn’t do much but wave back. They would be performing their song together tonight.  ( @kwnxareum )’s voice was the first thing she heard as she got to the back end of the stage. “ .... I am literally about to catch my flight after this I’m going to be so jetlagged-- “ Yori was about to walk over when ( @yuyamuras ) appeared in front of her and held up a hand. “ Hold on. You messed everything up.” He pursed his lips in clear disapproval before holding her still with one hand, and fixing her up. He even adjusted her wig with a little curse under her breath. “ Chin up. Don’t show weakness.” She raised a brow and nodded with a huge grin on her face. “Right, right, I won’t. Thank you Yuya”    He seemed satisfied with her answer and breezed away to handle the other performers. “ There you are unnie- “ And there she was. A hand shot out to grab Yori’s wrist, tugging her over to the rest of the group. They were all wearing “HOOT” outfits in different colors, doing a special group stage for SNSD. Yori as Yuri , Ahreum as Taeywon, ( @mingyanx ) as Sunny, ( @98dajeong ) as Hyoyeon. The team’s member playing the role of Jessica was Jamie ( @hahahyemi ) - who was currently snacking on something.  ( @ljaeun ) the pretty young girl that Yori still had to get to know better was playing the role of Yoona. Sooyoung  , Seohyun  and Tiffany  were  Daeun ( @soulxkde ) , Juniper ( @95vii ) , and Kimiko ( @kimoriz ) respectively. They were all gathered up, chatting about the TL and what was on it.    “ Do you think they’re actually dating in secret?”    “ THATS SO WILD WHY WOULD THEY?” She smiled, putting both hands on her hips and joining in the circle of women.    For most girl idols these days, there were a lot of women to look up too in the industry. Everyone knows training is hard. It’s stressful, life consuming and sometimes dangerous for mental health. But in the practice room you can always hear the popular songs, you can always imagine you’re on stage singing them. It gives you hope, that if your sunbae’s could make it through--- then so could you. For most girls the group that was heard the most as trainees was Sonyeo Shidae- a group that inspired a nation of girl’s to not give up on their dreams. It was only fitting that the girls of Doublekill, all from different groups and different concepts, come together to in a sense honor and celebrate the songs that had given them strengths and inspiration as trainees. Not to mention-- some of Yori’s closest friends were members of the powerful girl group. In a sense that made it all the more special, when they all put their hands in and gave a cheer. The announcement was made and the nine of them went out onto the stage to give a good show.     In that moment, Yori didn’t think about her past anymore-- she stopped thinking about her failures and regrets. When she was part of Doublekill Entertainment, the girls around her gave her strength. They were all so talented and fierce, strong in their own ways, and beautiful. They had all been given strength by pop songs on a broken speaker, an encouraging word from a sunbae, a brief smile from an idol they admired-- they had been given strength. Now, they had the stage to return all that. The crowd went nuts as they started off with a bang, performing “ Hoot” for everyone. They did a few more songs together, before all the girls gathered around to give Yori a group hug, encouragement with their hands and left the stage to her.  Somehow she found the words to thank everyone for coming, excusing herself for the set and outfit changes. It was still all blurry for her, a rush of adrenaline from performing that the compliments fell on deaf ears as she just grinned aimlessly and settled down to shoot Seohyun a quick text.    [ KKT . My Love Seo : ] You were watching, right?    [ KkT. My Love Seo : ] What did Yuri say? Haha, I didn’t fuck it up right?  She chuckled quickly, locking her phone and leaned her head back as stylist teamed around to take off her wig, releasing her trademark silver locks. They had to be brushed and straightened, then made to shimmer before she could come back onto the stage. They had about five minutes to do this-- the tensions were high-- but she was oddly relaxed now. A knock or two and a head poked in.  “ Hey noona-- hyung. We brought our gifts. “ There they were suddenly. As her grey eyes lit up with warm interest, she was suddenly hit with nostalgia. You see- just as when you’re training you always have those sunbaes and songs to look up too for strength-- you also have the people you trained with.  Utopia members lined up at the doorway, giving a brief bow, seeming a bit out of place outside of their usual idol outfits. She rarely got to see them now...but these boys had been her everything for over six years. Hell, if she had been born the other gender, more than likely Utopia would’ve been her debut group from how closely they had been together. Especially her twin and her look-alike, ( @cosmojnkyu ) who stepped in first with that shit eating grin. “ This better not be another PPAP video for me or I’ll wring your neck Jinkies--- “ The silver haired songstress muttered with a playfully fist raised up to the blonde male. They looked at each other for a moment, matching affection in both of their gazes as the playfully bumped fists. ( @sayitsian ) chimed in to give her some flowers, going along with Minjun’s set earlier. “ You look really beautiful noonim--” He started to say just as a manager barged in to announce that they had No.More.Time.  Yori was rushed up, trussed up and being pushed down the hallway, but not before ( @i87cm ) grabbed her hand quickly. She stopped to look back, smiling instantly and giving him a hug. “ Hans. Thanks for coming.”  The usually quiet leader gave her a glance over and shrugged.  A moment of silence gathered as they walked together to the exit, and she peered at him with curiousity as soon as he spoke. “ How’s the fish?” “ Oh, she’s good. “  They were speaking on the goldfish he had gotten her a year ago. “ She still needs her dad though. Don’t forget you owe me child support!”  With a laugh she waved to Hans before she was being shoved off again, put on a raising platform as trumpets blared for Yori to get back onto the stage.     “ THE QUEEN.... HAS ARRIVED !!! “ Was that the announcement being shouted? Dazed as roaring cheers met her ears she tried to focus on the sudden flashing light in her eyes, as one hand reached to her ear to adjust her mic. “ Beau” began to play, and while BM ( @biigmatthew ) was off preparing for his US Tour with K.A.R.D he couldn’t come to do the rap for her stage. So... to probable surprise she had decided to rap his lines herself, gotten some advice from rappers she knew. It was well received and her dancers never made a mistake or missed a beat as the body rolled, twerked, and somersaulted across the stage. When the lights finally hit her at the high notes, she took wind of the adrenaline and reached her hands out to the crowd, only seeing the sea of smiles and hearing the roars of approval. V.I.P Section looked down at her too and she could almost make out the faces there... ( @keybums , @soohae , @mxskedliar  .. ) she tried to imagine that she saw @motsenmi ,@deeanfluenza or @yuromeo there too, but those seats were probably empty. No worries, they could always catch up another time. Once the first track was over she got to talking about her album and the inspirations, thanking those who helped work on it.    “ This next song features @quotebang , it’s about waking up and giving yourself strength for the day. Like, with a cup of coffee you know. Sadly he won’t be here to perform it with me as he’s traveling to Japan, but I’ll do my best to try rapping for you guys. LETS GO ! “  The song “Cappuccino” rolled through and she performed through that. About midway through the rap the song cut of abruptly. The whole entire stage went black, dark.   There was no more sound. It was as if the lively arena that had been so heavily aroused into a single, partying organism had suddenly been cut off- death.  What had happened? Had someone made a mistake? Did staff shut down the production?  Was there an emergency? But the red lights on all the SBS MTV cameras were still flashing, the show was stills streaming and rolling. Angry comments were pouring in, confusion was high, people in the crowd began to feel uncomfortable.  Then it happened:  A loud bang. It was a gun going off, and a pinpoint of green light appeared in the center of the stage. Smoke began to pour up from a raising platform in the center of the stage, and a female figure seemed to be lying as if dead on top of it.   ( @ryjins ) body draped in a quite devastatingly sexy boyfriend tee, lay on her side with her mic giving out the softest and sultry vocals of her singing, beginning the shocking and surprising CREEP performance that nobody had expected. As smoke poured around her the lights began to build up again, giving her an ethereal glow for a moment as she moved and danced in a breathtaking way. Then she left the stage as Yori came back on in a similiar outfit except hers had leather pants, and one half of her shirt tucked in. She sang and danced with a few back up dancers and by now it became clear. The “secret’ artists on Yori’s hidden track “GEMINI” were actually Jin, Lu, and Koemi of Creep as all four of them appeared one by one in puffs of green, silver, gold and red smoke.  Once the song hit it’s edm/chillstep chorus everyone was cheering them on with the fanchants used at their showcase that year, as they performed the track flawlessly. Lu’s ( @ahloisia  ) rap got the most attention that night, as well as @yuggxm‘s extremely perfected high notes. Once the stage ended there was a huge call for an encore so CREEP gave one more performance of “ NIGHTMARE “ before taking a moment to thank everyone before Yori moved on to her next two songs. After that she had her stage with Harlowe,  the two of them dressed up as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy as they covered a few songs before performing their track together. Afterwards she sang “ALTISSIA CITY” her english track that had been recorded in America. Finally, the showcase was ending, and though all her nerves had been forgotten in the heat of the performances, she still had ONE more song. She still had those memories, and she still had to let out a few last notes.    Trembling hands lifted her mic as she smiled out to the millions and millions of friends and fans who had come out here to support her tonight. The time was now 10 pm.  “ Wow....WOW. “ She started off, one hand rubbing the sweat on her brow. “ I just.. have to ... say thank you... to all of you. For giving me support on coming solo after only three years since debut. This was not.. a small project to me and every song that I wrote and composed for this album was about a friend, or...just about a feeling in my heart. Some of you know that these feelings were directed to you, and others of you have no idea that a song on her was about you. But, there is one song that everyone should know was about the love of my life, who passed away on September 20th, 2009.”  Staff came out bring out makeup wipes and a chair for her, along with a mic stand. She had planned this stage herself- the most important stage. In front of every single flashing light and camera streaming her- Yori began to wipe off all her makeup. She let her hair down completely, and took the jewels and bracelets off. Once her face was completely bare she looked out and lifted the mic up to give an awkward sounding laugh.  “Oh? How does it look? Pretty? Well this is Me.” With another chuckle from the audience she sat down in her chair and fixed her mic. “ This next one is called 090920, a song about a girl who died, but made a dream live on in me. This is what I did with that dream, and this stage you’re all seeing is only possible, through her love that I never deserved.    Jaehwa-ah...if you’re seeing me now... this is for you. I love you. “  She didn’t stop the tears coming down her cheeks as she sang with a smile. She poured herself into the song, her self hate mingling with doubts, and those could all be heard on her vocals. Giving herself up to the moment she was vulnerable under those cameras and lights, without makeup or shields. Her heart came out through her lyrics, and people could be seen in the blue toned lights over the seats, swaying along. When it ended there was a flash of white light and confetti came down. Cheers were coming up but she couldn’t see them anymore, she couldn’t hear them. Blurry vision from her streaming tears didn’t stop her from sobbing into the mic, mingling the sound with another noise of joy that came a moment after.    “ Thank you... Thank you. Thank you. “ Silver locks bobbed as she bowed over and over to each and every person, however it could be possible. It seemed like she was floating on a cloud as she headed back stage. Every single 2k member who had tweeted her, and all her friends that had come to support where backstage. Some hugged her , and others kissed her cheeks, some even had tears in their eyes. The yin to her yang, Koemi was the last one she saw, and she enclosed her in the tightest grip that she could, pushing her cheek into the dark hair of her member. They didn’t speak at all, and just held each other for a moment, and didn’t move as Jin and Lu joined them, and all four of them held onto each other in a tight hug. This had not been an easy year for CREEP. They had all gained and lost so much. They had all suffered heartbreak, losses, and even death. They had lost a manager, a friend, and a member. But every song that did well, every member that achieved a goal, every moment in CREEP that became a trend, it lit them all up. Yori, who had always stood behind the others as the strongest, the most encouraging and sometimes authoritative leader. One who didn’t like to talk about her feelings, who hated to be alone, had gone out alone for the first time, and opened her heart to millions of people. They were all feeling something in that moment as they laughed and wiped each others tears, before they gathered hands and bowed their heads. “ CREEP until forever ladies. CREEP until forever. “ Yori muttered out with a tight squeeze to the hands that she held.   “ We are one. We are going to be together, always. I promise that. “    “ We still need a first win!”   “ This year we’re going to slay the charts, I promise.” “ I’ll work harder--” And they all started laughing as they talked at once, arms linked, heading to the door.  Her mind was off of Jaehwa, and the anxiety was gone. She was okay, and she had done it-- and once she had just got through it she found that she was a lot less scared now. It was like a weight had been lifted finally and she was walking on air. The fans had all begun to leave the venue, some were still waiting to try and catch a glimpse of the idols leaving the building, especially some of the visitors from YG entertainment and SM entertainment. Flash bulbs were going off everywhere outside and it was absolute madness. It was also cold, but a bodyguard quickly placed a jacket over her shoulders as she was led into a limo , and her members led to another car. Fans screamed and tried to run for the door, paparazzi tried to ask her questions about her last song--- it was so loud and then just as she got into her seat the sound all became muffled when the door closed. She sighed and leaned her head back, the tension in her neck severe as she reached out a hand and softly grasped for the fingers of the woman beside her. Looking over she spotted ( @spvtnik‘s ) telltale smile and answered it with a slow forming grin. Despite their exchanging looks like a pair of school girls, adolescence was only a glimmer behind the adult exhaustion written on both of their faces. But , as their chariot drove off into the night they both felt the moment that they had no concerns or responsibilities anymore. Work was done, playtime had started.  “Well Ju-Hyun?”  “ Yes, Yeo-Ri?” “ Ready for a kick ass after party?”
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