#benifits of eating papaya seeds
vilaspatelvlogs · 3 years
15 दिन में घटाना है वजन, तो पपीते के बीज का ऐसे करें सेवन! रिजल्ट हैरान कर देगा
15 दिन में घटाना है वजन, तो पपीते के बीज का ऐसे करें सेवन! रिजल्ट हैरान कर देगा
नई दिल्ली: पपीता एक ऐसा फल है, जो स्वादिष्ट होने के साथ-साथ सेहतमंद भी है. लोग इसको बड़े चाव से खाते भी हैं. इसे खाने के अनेकों फायदे हैं. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि पपीते की तरह ही उसके बीज भी बेहद फायदेमंद होते हैं. लेकिन अधिकतर लोगों को ये बात नहीं पता है. जिसके चलते लोग इसे कचरे में फेंक देते हैं. लेकिन आज इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको पपीते के बीज के फायदे बताने जा रहे हैं. फायदे जानने के बाद तो आप…
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dpacommercesarl1 · 4 years
Health Benefit of Sardine Fish | Buy Sardines online
If you are new to the world of Sardine fish, this article will help you gain a better understanding of what the Sardines do for the human body, and the benefits that they offer. There is no denying the fact that Sardine fish are some of the healthiest fish that you can eat, but how healthy is it really?
The first health benefit of Sardines that you should be aware of is the fact that it is extremely healthy for your liver. The liver is responsible for producing the proteins and fats in your body. When your liver isn’t functioning properly, you’re going to have problems with your other organs, and when you have a lack of energy, you’re not going to be able to exercise, which can lead to many other issues with your body, so having a good healthy liver is vital to your overall health. Buy sardine fish online
Another fish health benefit that you should consider is that you will be doing your body a favor by not taking any supplements that have mercury or PCB’s. These are two harmful chemicals that your body needs to function properly. They are present in most kinds of seafood, and most people are just not aware that they are there. If you don’t know what kind of contaminants your seafood is coming from, you should take the time to do research on your own. You might be surprised to find out just how dangerous some types of seafood can be.
Sardines – Healthy Fish Benefits
Sardines are one of the healthiest fish to eat. There are numerous benefits that go along with eating them and a few of the most important ones are as follows: they are high in protein, low in fat and have an average amount of calcium in them. These are very important health factors for us humans as we age and a deficiency of either of these things can be very detrimental. Some studies have also shown that a diet rich in fish has a reduced risk for heart disease. Sardines can be consumed in a wide variety of ways and when combined with other healthy foods can provide a healthier diet that is free of bad fats, cholesterol.
Other Sardine fish benifits
Other fish benefits include anti-oxidants. They have been shown to inhibit the formation of free radicals and reduce the risk of developing several degenerative diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Anti-oxidants also help slow down the aging process. It also helps fight against inflammation of the arteries and help you maintain cardiovascular health. Anti-oxidants are found in fatty fish like tuna. Other foods that contain anti-oxidants are salmon, flax seeds and hemp seeds and a handful of nuts, apples, papaya, black cherries, raisins and apricots. These are just a few examples of foods that are high in anti-oxidants and they can be easily obtained through diet.
Finally, a fish meal is also a good source of fish benefits. This can be found in many forms such as flakes, sprouts, meat, fish sticks and even kippers. All these forms of fish are beneficial for your health but the ones that are higher in anti-oxidants are usually preferable. If you are not sure what kinds of fish you should consume, try to read up on some more information.
Read more about Sardine fish – read here
Written by – DPA Commerce Sarl
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ysalon · 5 years
Eat your way to fit healthy hair and watch your hair grow
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If you crave a head of thicker fuller hair or are worried about hair thinning then its crucial to pay attention to your diet. ‘YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!’ By eating the correct foods with a balanced diet you can eat your way to fitter,stronger, longer thicker hair!  In this the first of our series of the best foods to eat for hair health we are going to be giving you low down on what foods you can eat to tackle various hair problems like hair loss, breakage,lack lusture, dandruff and greasy hair.
Your hair is a reflection of whats going on with your inside health and each strand is made up cells that contain a protein called KERATIN which needs to be nourished inside and out constantly with minerals and vitamins. What better time to start to use the power of plants, as it helps the planet too and as we say here at Y salon “Healthy Hair, Healthy Planet!”.  You’ll find a few recipes that you can follow to make packing those essential foods into your daily routine.
So lets begin with our top ten superfood countdown to thicker fuller hair.  
1) Citrus Fruits - provides your daily dose of Vitamin C - strengthens hair shaft  and hair follicle preventing breakage
Did you know that Grapefruit packs a more powerful punch than its other family members of oranges,lemons and limes ? Combined with honey this tart fruit will not only give you your daily does of vitamin C but also aid absorpbtion of iron and in the production of collagen which in turn helps capilllaries connect to the hair shaft ensuring hair growth.  
Quick breakfast tip: cut a grapefruit in half, drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon and place under the grill
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2) Yellow Bell Pepper = Vitamin C
These yellow fruits have five and a half times more vitamin C than an orange  ( 341 milligrams in fact compared to 63 to its citrus sisters ) which is great news for your hair.  So if your not big into fruit add this to your salads or grill them or stuff them
3) Eggs = Protien
Your hair is made up of protein  and eggs are one of the richest sources of it. It’s the building block of everyones hair. Containing essential Biotin in the yolk which aids collagen renewal and hair growth. You will also find this in skin and hair  care ranges and  hair vitamin supplements like the ever popular SugarBears which is endorsed by the Kardashiens and look at their hair!
4) Spinach - Kale -Broccoli - all provide Iron
Rich in magnesium, vitamin A,C,K,E, calcium, folic acid, potassium,thiamin all of which improve blood quality as hair is fed from your blood supply it is essential to have healthy red blood cells and that they function properly. Deficiency of iron may lead to hair loss, thinning and breakage. Women are particularly low in iron especially during their monthly cycle and during pregnancy which is why some loose their hair after the birth. its the first sign of thinning hair in women under 50 so they need to aim for 18mg per day ovr 50 8mg. Spinach is the richest source and a superfood it should always be bought organically as it’s free from pesticides and in its purest form.
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5) Avocado - Vitamin E, B5,B6,C,K
Aids blood circulation helping hair follicles work more efficiently promoting hair growth as it maintains ph levels. This super pear shaped fruit really packs a punch providing you with your daily allowance of vitamins together with small amounts of magnesium, copper,iron,zinc,phosphorous  all this from 100gm serving, Can be eaten in so many delcious ways.
6) Whole Grains - Biotin - Iron
These are essential if your suffering with serious hair loss. Rich in biotin, iron,zinc and b vitamins. Biotin is required for cell reproduction and is improtant part in amino acids which are required for the hair to grow.
7) Nuts and Seeds - Omega 3 - Fatty Acids - Biotin
Not a fan of eggs or whole grains for your biotin intake then nuts and seeds are your friendly alternative. Almonds and walnuts are the only nut to contain  omega 3, vitamin B and biotin just 6 halves of these a day are all you need to reep the benifits. Omega 3 and fatty acids nourish the hair  and support thickening whilst  supplying the essential fats promoting faster hair growth, your body cannot produce these healthy fats so its essential to add them to your daily diet. Flax, sunflower and chia seeds can all be sprinkled onto cereal or into smoothies. Tahini can be added to dishes or spread on toast its vegan friendly too!
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8) Oysters - Zinc
They say its the food of love but its also the food of hair growth. Clams and oysters are among the highest food sources of zinc  just 3ozs gives you 4935 of your daily needs. Zinc deficiency can create hair loss and poor scalp conditions.
9) Papaya - prevents balding and boosts hair growth
This sweet fruit helps to strengthen the roots of the hair and boosts hair growth can be eaten or places in smoothies or used as a hair mask.
10) Sweet Potatoes  - Vitamin A - Beta Carotene
We all know carrots are full of beta carotene but who knew Sweet potatoes were to? For those of us who can’t eat or drink carrot juice  what better way to get your daily does than with sweet potatoes! Vitamin A is  required for the growth of every cell. It al helps to produce sebum oil which in turn keeps the roots healthy to boost hair growth.
Try to add these top 10 foods to your daily dietary routine and you will be reaping the rewards with a head of thicker, stronger, longer hair. in addition to these super foods try adding basil,sage, rosemary and st Johns wort these herbs are also known for their hair growth properties.
As well as working from the inside nurture your hair from the outside too by selecting products that contain some of these ingredients. Using paraben and sulphate free shampoos and conditioners will be beneficial to your hair and scalp creating a healthier environment for your hair to flourish. In salon we have the Kevin Murphy range Maxi, Angel,Plumping and Repair me wash all contain these active ingredients together with anti gravity and thick again finishing range.
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Another little helper is Sugar Bear supplements these are favoured by celebrities Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashien and Vanessa Hudgens.These Tiffany - blue, gummy bear shaped vitamins not only taste great but are natural alternative containing essentials A, C, D,B6  folic acid and biotin they are cruelty free and suitable for vegetarians. A months supply is £32 and are available in salon.
My superfood cleansing hair growth Juice:
1 full pack of organic celery,                                                                                  1/2 cup of organic spinach                                                                                   1 pear                                                                                                                      an once of fresh ginger                                                                                            sprig of lemon grass                                                                                            half a lime
Pop this all in a juicer and watch this healthy green juice flow. Start with shot glass size twice a day then increase portion size to a 8oz tumbler. This tasty juice not only helps with hair growth but also cleanse the gut and liver too. You can add honey/yakon syrup to sweeten it up if needed and chia seeds too if you want to switch it to a smoothie add a  1/2 banana  and  plain yogurt, kefir or coconut milk                                                                                                                   
 #hair #hairloss #hairgrowth #hairhealth #superfood #longhair #vitamins #thinninghair #healthyeating #nuts #walnuts #almonds #spinach 
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