thestorycontinues · 3 years
Why was Benji rolling his eyes after reading a bunch of puns?
Because he was dunn with their silliness!
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staboteur · 7 years
How about the doodle symbol with Rene and Benji - Benji being all excitable and happy puppy while Rene just -_-
Send “🖊” for a quick doodle of your muse! 
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//;000000 there they are!!! i was originally going to have them be playing video games together for whatever reason, but the spacing didn’t really work out and I didn’t want to have to redo either of them, so I ended up just having rene going ‘what the fuck benji we have a job to do’ and benji going something along the lines of ‘but i want to pet that dog!!’ (or something more ic lmao) oof rene looks a little weird lmao his proportions are a bit off i think but too late now lmaoooo
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Flower Crowns and Aprons | Benji & Will
The best part of having the bike was on days like today when he was late he could basically park it wherever. He shut the motor off on his Indian Motorcycle and kicked the kickstand down. Will dismounted, dropping his helmet in the side-bag before taking his teaching bag out. 
Will raced in the building and into the office. “Sorry Hunley.” The man gave him a look. “I don’t even have an excuse...I think my alarm clock broke.” Eyebrows raised across the desk. “At least it’s Thursday and there’s no kids till 11 so I have an hour to get my room together.” Hunley waved him off, his face looked like he’d sucked a lemon. “Thanks Alan! I owe you!” He yelled out as he started to briskly move down the hall. Last time he ran down the hall a student yelled at him. 
He was about to pass the music room when he peaked in and was taken aback by Mr. Dunn. He was used to seeing Mr. Dunn wearing his flower crowns, but today’s seemed extra special. Maybe it’s themed? He watched Mr. Dunn teach his class for a few seconds longer, pretty sure the look the kids were giving Mr. Dunn was also plastered on his own face: pure awe. Will saw Benji turning towards him and continued to walk down the hall. 
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mischieftomake · 7 years
questions regarding the muse
18- What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?This question is so interesting. Most important to me for writing him is how defensive and private he is because that fuels so much of what he says and does. But for a better comparison, I’ll say his intelligence. A huge part of who he is (in my opinion) is his hunger for knowledge and the fact that he’s a massive magic nerd. I love writing that and I love being able to play with that aspect that doesn’t really translate into action films. 
I think what’s most important to Loki is his humour. When he’s not going through a massive crisis and generally making a mess of things because he’s angry, he makes a mess of things because he finds it funny. He spends so much of his time being sarcastic and his reputation as a prankster was important to him at some point even if it was construed negatively. 
I think the main reason these are so different is because we’re such different people, not only because I’m a 21 year old human woman. I think we have very different values generally and also I find his humour to be cruel at times. 
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julianexbxcayne · 7 years
Deal Time
The sleek black limousine drew some interested glances as it rolled through the streets of DC, street lights glinting in its windows. It was crawling the kerbs as one would were they looking to pick someone up. As it happens, that is exactly what the occupants of the limousine were hoping to do as well. 
Their mark was precisely where Intelligence had suggested he would be. Julianne Cayne watched the street outside, finally nodding to her associate who opened the car door, calling to the man on the sidewalk. 
“Mr Dunn. Do sit in.” Her tone indicated this was not a mere invitation.
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“Yeah… It’s truly amazing how quickly things can turn to shit, right?” Benji gave a small, sheepish smile to the other man.
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“I’ll try to have this under control for you right away.”
It had been a few weeks now since Atticus got his friend, Luther, the night security position at the National Museum in Edinburgh. Things had been going well, but his friend had immediately pointed out that their security system was...well...shit is what he had said. 
He had no idea who this man, Benji, was, but he’d come highly (and mysteriously) recommended. Apparently, he knew about these things. Atticus didn’t. So, he’d told his boss and his boss had hired the man to do a security upgrade. The problem was, he’d put Atticus in charge of making sure it got done. He didn’t like being in charge of things; he was no good at being in charge of things. And now, the security office looked like some kind of bomb had gone off in it. 
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“What the...why...what are you doing? It was supposed to be a security upgrade...thing, not...” Atticus waved his hands around at the room and let out a sort of growl in frustration.
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thestorycontinues · 7 years
Just Like the Old Days
She flopped back on the couch in the little rental house, stretching her legs out in front of her, facing the windows, and seeing... well, not much, since it was 2am and just about pitch dark outside, but hell, she'd only just got there, taken a shower, thrown her dirty clothes (she'd been wearing the same things for the entire drive-- starting in Cathedral City, stopping at the drop point in [LOCATION REDACTED] and then on to Maine, where she was planning to stay for two whole glorious weeks.
The view was beautiful, the house was cosy, there was nothing to trouble her-- and best of all, her dork of a brother was on the way to spend at least a few days with her!
It was gonna be a good time.
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staboteur · 7 years
Send “📐” and I’ll redesign your muse in my style 
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//im not sure what this is but have him anyway???? iunno i was feeling like ponytails when i was designing him so here you go
//sorry that all of these are fairly simple lmao my creative juices are all spent on maintaining my ap portfolio and updating my art blog which is already debatably unoriginal so
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wantediniceland · 7 years
(( @benjidunnimf continued from here ))
Hardison was floating in that lovely soft space between sleeping and waking. He was vaguely aware that he was on something not quite as comfortable as a bed, and it was giving him a slight crick in his neck. He moved around a bit to relieve it and found that it was much more comfortable to sprawl himself on what felt like a full body pillow, only more solid and warm. He snuffled into its reassuring presence, making a ‘mmmmm’ sound as he tightened his arms around it. 
He would’ve been happy to go right back into sleep if it didn’t suddenly occur to him that his pillow was breathing, a rhythmic up and down that rocked him gently. He opened his eyes and realized -- oh. Right. Benji. “Um. Good morning?” he said, muffled by where he’d buried his face into the junction between where Benji’s hair ended and his neck began. It was a very comfortable nook. He was very reluctant to leave it, even though he really should, out of politeness if nothing else. Benji had invited him over for an epic gaming session, not to use him as a pillow. He didn’t move away, but in his defence Benji wasn’t exactly pushing him off either. “What time is it?” Should I go? was what he was really implying with that question.
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The Pen Incident || Benji & Brandt
They had just gotten back to HQ from their latest mission and had been filing reports since getting back. Will finished his early and went to his office to get his things for the gym, having been too worked up to just go home. He put his earphones in, playing a pre-workout jam to get him pumped as he walked down the hall. 
He had the volume just high enough that if someone wanted his attention he’d hear a muffled sound and be able to respond with little to no problems. That’s what he told himself anyways, but that plan had backfired plenty of times before. 
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brendan-block · 7 years
“I get that you’re angry, but is it really necessary to bring weapons into this?”
Brendan was quiet for some time as he pondered over Benji's words, but eventually he gave in and sealed his large duffel bag of toys back into the trunk of their car.
"Alright, so maybe it is a wee bit excessive.. But tha' fuckin' bastard tried touchin' yeh!" he growled and pointed behind him to the bustling nightclub they had just come from. "He's lucky I don't take his hand. Or worse."
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julianexbxcayne · 7 years
The Flip Side
It had been weeks since Marie had heard from either Diana Burnwood or her irritating husband, and she was happier for it. It had also been so long without a word from The Franchise that Marie was beginning to wonder if the whole ordeal was over and done with. Perhaps her uncle could work out the new deal he had been chasing, and business could get back to normal. 
With any luck, The Franchise and the ICA would kill each other, and the Carvelas could walk away. 
She blew slightly on her coffee to cool it, staring at the rain outside. Some generic tune played in the background, white noise to the customers milling around her. A row of laptops sat at the counter, bloggers and businessmen tapping away, side by side. 
Her phone lit up beside her, the text making Marie turn her head back towards the laptops again. Everyone looked pretty normal as far as she could tell. She checked the text again, and then glanced back towards the man at the end of the row. Was he watching her? 
Now a little spooked, she got up to leave, curious to see if he would either stop her, or try to follow. 
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Home Again
Natasha was so glad to be home again. She had missed her girls. Had missed them so much that she had thought that her hurt would show all over her face. She was glad that it hadn’t. Glad for her training (one of a handle full of times that she had been). 
Shoving all the thoughts aside, she opened the door and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Relief to be home and relief to be away from the danger that her supriors had placed her in. 
Due to the time of night (or early morning) she didn’t do the honey, I’m home that her little Izzy loved so much. Instead, she dropped her bags inside the door and went in search of the other blonde that she loved. 
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thestorycontinues · 7 years
"You know that feeling when you think maybe you're about to do something really dumb? I kind of have that feeling now."
The White Gold Warriors had set up shop in an abandoned gas station, about twenty kilometers from the nearest town, which was fortunate given that Benji and Ilona were about to shut them down, or at least try to.
"So, uh, do you want me to try and make them all barf?" she asked. "Or do you wanna... do your thing?"
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staboteur · 7 years
Build for Rene in that meme
send me a word! || learn all about my muse's physical features!
[build]: are they skinny and petite or do they resemble a body builder, are they tall or short or average height, are they lean and wiry, are they overweight, are all of their features proportionate, etc.
//I guess i’ll start by answering the prompted ones:
He’s skinny with very little fat (although you can see the beginnings of a little chub on his belly). I tend to draw him with thighs for days but it’s... Not really true? I just draw kinda stylized attractive, but he’s a beanpole. I guess he’s considered on the taller side of the average? 6′0″ exactly. He’s definitely lean, somewhat wiry. He’s not overweight, and actually a bit underweight (i think that’s a side effect of smoking? idk who knows) and because he just doesn’t have much appetite. His legs are a little longer than the average 6′0″ dude, so (naturally) his torso is a bit shorter (not by much, not like noticeably different). Yeah. In three words? Tall and trim. Kinda rectangular in shape, not so much the upside down trapezoid, although i struggle with translating what i see of him into drawings partially bc of the expectations of his body type idk I’m afraid of making him too thin and feminine in appearance when the actual spy has probably the oddest proportions aside from the heavy, at least in canon art and SFM
//and I guess i’ll go on a bit about his build...? And maybe touch on some stuff related to that. When I say he’s kind of rectangular in shape, I mean his shoulders and hips are roughly the same width, although his hips are slightly narrower... So I guess still the upside down trapezoid just kinda closer to being a square. I always end up drawing him with a thin waist but... Iunno i want to draw him handsome but he’s actually not that ideal-sized or whatever. I always end up giving him far more muscle than I intend to, but it isn’t like he’s aggressively thin either? I’m just not sure where to find the middle ground lmao
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wantediniceland · 7 years
(( @iknxwtherisks​ continued from here ))
Hardison was in the middle of complaining about a case of resolution loss without image blurring that caused him to not realize he couldn’t use facial recognition on a screen cap of their mark until way too late (heavily editorialized, of course -- he still hadn’t gotten up the courage to tell Benji exactly what his vague “technology consultant” job entailed) when Benji kissed him.
It lasted longer than Hardison expected, Benji pressing him into the couch, his mouth hot and wet as it took its sweet time getting to know Hardison’s. When he pulled back, Hardison felt flushed.
“I...really? Mostly people hate when I talk like that. They don’t even think it’s interesting, much less sexy.” 
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