kickyerteethin · 1 year
Saw Ethan Morgan and almost ate my phone like this
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~Ocean Eyes~ (Benny Weir x Reader) Part 8
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Series Masterlist  //  Official Masterlist
Summary: Time’s running out, and Benny and the gang are stuck in a room of dead and alive animals in the home of the wicked witch Victoria Price. They need to get out and with that antidote, but how will they be able to achieve that goal?
Warning/s: lil bit of angst, fluff at the end
The smell was starting to get on his nerves. The smell of animals using the bathroom and rotting. Benny couldn’t take much more in here, in a room filled with not only animals, but also his paralysed friends. He yanked at the chains violently, not caring how much it began to wear his shoulders and bruise his wrists and only caring about saving you. 
God, you were his only thought at the time. The fact that if he didn’t get out of there soon then you’d die began killing him on the inside. He wanted to think of a plan but at the same time he was so caught up in worrying about you, thinking about you. And, if even you fell into the woman’s trap, then there was a very low chance of him getting out.  He didn’t want to lose hope, he cared too much about you, he promised to protect you. But he was stuck, and all he managed to do was start to cry. 
When Benny started sobbing, he thought of the times that you started sobbing. You were so beautiful when you cried. The way your tears glowed and sparkled blue, and your face became red, and your lashes seemed to shine...he’d never get to see you again. That was when it really hit him. He was never going to see you again, all because he made a wrong move. If he knew this was how it was going to end, he wouldn’t have ever involved his friends. He only felt worse when he looked across their paralysed bodies, seeing an occasional twitch from each of them. 
That was when he spotted something he couldn’t believe. It was a small feather from one of the birds that’d long died, and it was just in reach from him across the floor. Why was this feather so important? Evelyn had told Benny that specific species of bird had poison in each one of it’s feathers, poison that can render a witch magic-less for an hour and could even make her unconscious for that time too. And another convenient thing? A witch would never own one of these birds unless she didn’t know of it’s powers, but because she thought it was beautiful. They weren’t sold to witches by witches, but rather caught from the wild and kept as pets. It was unfortunate that Price seemed to lose interest though, otherwise the bird would still be alive. That wasn’t Benny’s problem as of now though, his only thought was getting the feather, attracting Price, and somehow jabbing her with it.  He tried desperately to think of a spell from his book that could break the chains, but then he figured that that was too risky and could’ve ended in him breaking his arms instead. Then he remembered an enlargement spell, at least if he accidentally enlarged his arms, they’d break the chains and it’d wear off in time.
So, Benny moved one of his legs from a kneeling position to an outstretched one, and he caught the feather under his shoe, dragging it back so that he’d be able to grab it once the chains were off. Then he looked back slightly, and held the cuffs as best he could since they were round his wrists.
“..Fac quod teneat confractus....” He whispered, seeing a small glow of magic surround the chains that he was holding.
But instead of enlarging, the cuffs shook before they broke, creating a small echo in the room. He must’ve said the spell wrong, but how lucky was he that it turned out to be the right spell all along? Benny heard footsteps and almost panicked. But he managed to calm himself and quickly grab the feather before hiding his arms behind his back again, making it look as though he was still chained up.  That was when the door burst open, and surprise surprise, it was Victoria Price.
“Stop pulling your chains!! It’s annoying!!” She screamed, stomping up to the boy and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly, “I’ll have you turned into the soup humans came from if you’re not careful.” This was it, this was perfect. Without thinking, Benny’s hand quickly swung around from behind his back and went in to stab Price in the neck. Unfortunately, she anticipated his move, and caught his wrist. He had screwed up again.
“I’m impressed that you were able to break those chains. But then again, I wouldn’t expect any less from a grade A spellcaster-”
Price’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell into Benny. And behind her was...Rory holding a dog bowl? But how? He became even more bewildered when he saw Erica and Sarah helping Ethan up, who was still mostly paralysed. That was when he came to a realisation. Price must’ve used a paralysis hex that was designed for humans, which meant that it would only last half the time it was supposed to on his vampire friends. Benny quickly stabbed Price in the neck with the feather for safe measure before he pushed her off of him and stood up and immediately hugged Rory.
“God, thank you Rory.” He said to the slightly surprised blonde.  But Rory only smiled as he returned the sweet hug. “I’m just glad she didn’t end up turning you into soup.”
It was a sweet moment, especially since they’d been at each other’s throats ever since (Y/n) showed up. The two boys leaned back slightly, still holding each other’s arms and smiling at each other.
“Let’s save the princess, my friend.” Rory said, Benny smiling deeper as he nodded.
The two rushed to the unconscious body of Price and searched her pockets for the antidote. There was no sign of it, it wasn’t in any of her pockets. Then Benny realized something, and he cringed.
“Alright Rory, I’m about to do something really gross.” Benny mumbled, Rory’s face twisting into confusion and concern. “Wait, what do you mean?” He asked. Benny ignored him, and his fingers drew Price’s mouth open. “Da mihi intra praecordia,” He mumbled before slowly reaching into her mouth and down her throat. “Aw, Dude! What the heck!” Rory squealed in disgust as he cringed. The two girls who were on the other side of the room cringed too, and Ethan would’ve if he wasn’t still paralysed.  Benny hated the feeling, but the look on his face changed from disgust to relief when he was able to grasp the bottle and pull it out. And once he did, he looked at Rory, who looked beyond mortified.
“It’s an ability witches have, to store things in a compartment inside of them separate to their stomach,” He stood up and wiped his arm, “gross, but efficient.”
“Now c’mon, we really gotta get outta here. (Y/n) needs us.”
The five supernatural teens burst into the Weir house. Well, technically four since Ethan was being carried by Sarah, but that’s not the point. The point is that they had little time to save you, and they needed to be fast. 
When they all barreled into the living room, they saw you lying on the couch with Evelyn at your side. But the scene wasn’t normal. The room was noticeable much colder, so cold that when one of the teens breathed, you could see it. And then there was you. Your skin was almost completely covered in ice, and you were visibly shivering. Beside you, Evelyn was covered in a good layer of coats due to the cold you were bringing with your sickness, and in her hands was multiple bottles of potions she had been giving you to slow down and control the process. But obviously it wasn’t working, and she looked relieved when she saw the teens.
“Did you get the antidote?” The old woman asked frantically.
But Benny said nothing as he pulled the bottle out of his pocket and tore the cork off with his teeth, starting to approach you. He took the liquid into his mouth and leaned over you, tilting your head up by your chin even though it hurt him.
He pushed through the pain, and without another thought, pressed his lips to yours and allowed the antidote to fall into your mouth. It took him a small while to make sure you actually swallowed it, and some of the liquid even leaked out from the corner of your mouth. But once you did, Benny pulled away so he could look at you.  You began coughing as the ice on your skin melted and your skin began returning to it’s original color. It took you maybe half a minute to calm your breathing and to open your eyes. And when you did, you saw Benny leaning over you, looking right back. He looked different to when you last saw him. His skin was pale, and there were dark bags under his eyes indicating lack of sleep. His hand was rested against your cheek, and it felt so warm and loving. You instinctively wrapped your fingers around the hand that was holding your face.
“...Benny?” You almost asked in a soft groggy voice. And when you did, small tears began pooling up in his eyes as he smiled sweetly. “Welcome back, my dear.” He whispered. All you could think of doing was wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into you for a sweet hug, and that’s what you did. He was slightly surprised at first, but soon fell against you tiredly and hugged you back. When the two of you hugged, the rest of the group all collapsed onto the floor in relief, finally being able to rest themselves from that awful mission.
It was all over, you were safe...for now.
“Now, you’re sure you don’t need anything else?”
This was at least the sixth time the boy had asked if you wanted anything before you went to sleep, and it wasn’t annoying, it was just he really didn’t need to worry so much now that you were feeling much better than you were before.
“I’m fine Benny, really. You don’t need to worry so much.” You reassured him from under your bed sheets, the boy sighing as he lifted the blanket and tucked you in properly.  “I’m sorry, I’m just still feeling a little uneasy from everything. I wanna make sure you’re really okay.” He confessed. “I am really okay, I promise.” You said as you sat up in your bed and grabbed his wrists so that he could sit down, “as for you, you don’t look so great. And these bruises, they’re no good.” You took your thumb into your mouth and bit down until you drew blood, and the smell of your blood filled the air. Benny was, however, used to it’s intense smell now, and didn’t end up breaking into a coughing fit. Carefully, you spread your blood over the bruises on his wrists from the handcuffs, and as it sunk into his skin, the bruises soon disappeared. Once you’d finished, you sucked on your thumb until the wound sealed back over and there was no trace of it ever being there. 
“Now,” You gently placed a hand on Benny’s shoulder, “Go get some sleep, you could use it.” The brunette smiled at you, before standing up and beginning to head out.  That was when you remembered something that Ethan had told you, and grinned like the devil.
“Oh, Benny. Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He turned around when you asked, staring at you like a moron as he tried to think of what he was forgetting. When he couldn’t figure it out, you pointed to your forehead, and his face flushed red.
He was gonna kill Ethan.
A/N: God, I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to get this out sooner! I had a lot of real life issues, including the fact that a boy I really liked lead me on hecking bad and i was really sad for a long time. But now that I’m in self isolation I’ve got all the time in the world to write and forget about that dumb boy. Stay tuned everyone!
I’d also appreciate it if you went and looked at my characters list and made requests based on the characters provided. I need something to take my mind off of the dude that broke my heart, so it’d really mean a lot to me :)
@bisexualprinxexx​ @realityshifter111​ @fandom-imagines1​ @floppytheprofessionalflopper​ @libellule2001​ @hayleythahuman @aziggya
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ramuchii · 5 years
Just sit there and imagine...
• Benny trying to use the stars energy for magic so he starts reading astronomy books
• When the gang does a late BBQ night outside he just stops and tells everyone "LOOK IT'S [insert complicated star name]"
• "No B it's just a plane"
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I have recently been thinking about this show again so I thought I would do some art for it.
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bonniebird · 7 years
First Girl You See
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Benny x Reader
Requested by Anon
“Hey guys.” You hummed and waved at the group as they sat around a lunch table, Rory and Sarah sipped at dubious looking cranberry juice while Benny was devouring a pile of curly fries with Ethan chewing on a sandwich as he watched his best friend in a disgusted awe.
“Hey (Y/N).” Benny muttered through a mouthful of curly fries.
“How do you eat so fast!” Ethan asked as you sat between him and Sarah who grinned.
“How was the full moon?” She hummed and you shrugged.
“Benny’s Grandma gave me something for tonight, it shouldn’t be as bad but… I still grow fur.” You sighed and she gave you a hug.
“You’ll get through it and if you want you can crash at the foot of my bed again.” She waved goodbye and left with Rory.
“You should ask Sarah out.” Benny muttered and when you glanced over at him he was pointing a curly fry at Ethan.
“I can’t ask Sarah out, she's… Sarah.” He squeaked and you frowned.
“If you like her shouldn’t you ask her out?” You offered and Benny nodded.
“Yeah see (Y/N) gets it.” Benny smiled when Ethan sighed and mumbled some excuses.
“Ok well I’ve got to get to class and then go see Grandma Weir so I don’t wolf out all over town tonight.” You waved and grabbed your bag, leaving the boys chatting about how to ask Sarah out.
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“You think it’s so easy to just ask out Sarah, well I dare you to ask out the first girl you see.” Ethan sighed and Benny shrugged.
“Deal, this’ll be super easy.” He chuckled and turned when Ethan looked at someone. “(Y/N)!”
“Hey (Y/N) did Grandma Weir’s full moon potion work?” Ethan chuckled as you eyed a nervous Benny as he gawked at you.
“Yeah, wolfed out and slept all night.” You smiled and turned to Benny who took a deep breath.
“You want to go out with me?” Benny asked and you nodded slowly.
“Ok, where would we go?” You asked and Benny shrugged.
“Movie?” He offered and you nodded again.
“Sure, might as well, oh Ethan you should ask Sarah out.” You smiled and high-five Benny as you walked off.
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“Hey!” you grinned when Benny knocked at your door, hands sparkling as he created a bunch of flowers which you took and quickly found a vase in your kitchen.
“Ok so I got us tickets to the new Star Wars movies, I learnt a spell to put on cups and bags to make the bottomless, so we just get small everything and it will never empty” Benny explained as the two of you walked to the cinema.
“Well it’s a better movie selection than your last one.” You giggled as he fiddled with his bag.
“Yeah well I kind of thought werewolf movies were at least a little accurate.” He admitted and you rolled your eyes.
“I mean they have a human turning into a wolf, nothing else though.” You smiled as you got to the cinema and Benny opened the door for you.
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heyyyyyyyoungblood · 5 years
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yublogs · 8 months
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i rly love this assholes
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~Ocean Eyes~ (Benny Weir x Reader) Part 5
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Series Masterlist  //  Official Masterlist
Summary: A new issue has arisen just as you’ve managed to settle down with a group of friends. There’s a new girl, who just so happens to be a witch. And she knows what you are, but the other’s don’t know that yet...
Warnings: None
“Are you sure about this (Y/n)? Because if you are, then this is a really bad situation.”  The feminine voice of Sarah was the one that you heard as you paced around the Morgan’s kitchen, terrified beyond belief about the issue that was at hand, especially since it could easily cost you your life. “Sarah, I’d never get a feeling that sends me to my knees by simply brushing shoulders with an ordinary human being. I promise you, this girl is a witch. And it’s not the first time I’ve come into contact with her, I’d recognize that feeling from anywhere...” you said, beginning to bite on your nails. “So who is she? The witch I mean,” Ethan asked from the table, the one that Benny and Sarah were also sitting at. “Her name is Victoria Price, she’d be familiar to you if you’ve ever read ancient folklore regarding witches, but that stuff was really never open to anyone who wasn’t of magic” You clarified, stopping mid pace to look over at the other three. They all looked between each other before looking back toward you. “Who is she? What makes her so famous?” Ethan asked again. You gave a moment to think about everything, counting the folklore facts before you began your explanation. “Victoria Price, one of the most famous witches in all of folklore. She was extremely well known for hunting pure blood demons, she had been hunting since way before it had become illegal, too many lots of thousands of years to be able to count. The laws, however, didn’t stop her. She was obsessed with driving the species to extinction, she swore that death would never become a factor that prevented her from achieving her goal,” You explained, everyone’s eyes becoming wider and wider as you did, “If she so much as does something as simple as slipping a drug into my drink then that’s it, that’s the end for me. There is literally nothing I can do about it.”  Your stressed tone of voice sounded harsh against the three of them, but they understood your situation. However, they didn’t exactly want to believe that their friend could’ve been taken from them so easily.
“(Y/n)...are you sure someone as ancient and extravagant as her would really target a pure blood in White Chapel?.” Sarah tried reasoning, hoping to god that you weren’t sure. But you knew exactly who you were talking about, bringing up the harsh words of truth as you leaned against the door frame of the kitchen door. “I’m positive...she was the one who killed my family.” You said with as little emotion in your voice as you could manage. No one said anything, mainly because it was a touchy subject and they really weren’t sure if it was appropriate to say anything. You saw that, so you stepped up to the table and slammed your hand onto it, startling everyone present. “Ok, you guys may have time for awkward mopey silence, but I really don’t. Look, it was lovely meeting you all and becoming friends and what not, but I have to relocate immediately. The only reason she’s here is because she knows I’m here, and if I stay I’m only putting myself and everyone else here in danger.” You explained, everyone giving you a shocked look as Benny stood up. “Wait a minute, there has to be another way...I mean, you just got here, it’s not fair.” He said, yourself sighing as you looked up at him while he approached you. “My entire life isn’t fair Benny, but this is how it has to be.” You said sharply, the boy shaking his head. “No, you can’t just give up like that and hide away, that’s what a coward would do.”  “Well, news flash Benny, I’m a coward.” You said, Benny looking into your eyes to find that the waves were becoming violent. “(Y/n), you’re a demon for god’s sake! You need to face her, to take her down!” Benny tried cheering, but you simply shook your head as you laughed bitterly. “Even if I wanted to fight her, she’s so much more powerful than me. Remember, pure bloods can’t conjure something that is of a selfish desire.” You reminded him. “Then we’ll help you.” Benny said, referring to your new friends plus himself. You shook your head as you laughed some more. “No, there is no way I’m letting you guys get involved. She could probably vaporize you in an instant and I care about you all too much to let anything bad happen to you.” “(Y/n), you don’t realize that we feel the same about you, we don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Benny said, trying to keep his cool considering how frustrating you were becoming. “Nothing’s going to happen to me if I move again.”  “You don’t know that.” He said, his anger cracking through slightly. “I’ve been living like this my entire life Benny, I’ll be fine.” You said in a huff as you grabbed your coat and spun for the door. “(Y/n) do not shut us out.” Benny mumbled angrily, immediately taking you by the wrist and spinning you back around so you could face him, “we wanna help you. And you know what the real selfish thing here is? You not letting us. You can’t just come here, be happy and content with your surroundings and then all of a sudden be forced out of a place you could easily call home. We’re not going to let that happen, it’s not fair.” You felt your eyes well up with glowing blue tears, you really wanted to leave to save the others a slow and painful goodbye, but with the way Benny was staring at you, you just couldn’t, it hurt too much. “Benny, you know I don’t have a choice...” You whispered in a quivering voice, hoping to god your tears weren’t visible - However they were falling down your cheeks before the thought even occurred. “You do though! You have us. We’re not just human beings (Y/n), we’re capable of protecting you. Just please, let us help you, we don’t want you to be alone...” Benny had whispered the last part, because he knew how fragile you were especially with everything you had been through.  You didn’t say another word, you only smashed your head into Benny’s chest and threw your arms around him, the boy immediately reacting as he wrapped you up in his own arms and rested his chin atop your head. While you choked on your own sobs, Benny stroked your soft, (h/c) hair as he slowly looked over to the other two, Ethan and Sarah still processing the conversation as they looked between themselves and the two of you. When their sights rested on the two of you, Benny returned his own sight ahead, holding you tighter and closer as he closed his eyes. 
He wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, he’d never forgive himself if it did.
“If we’re going to help (Y/n), I think we need to get Rory and Erica involved.” For the umpteenth time, Sarah, Ethan and Benny were walking through the crowded hallways of their school, White-Chapel High. However, instead of talking about ridiculous geek scenarios and starting random arguments, they were discussing a defense for you, considering there was now a witch in the school and you were in great danger. The person who made the suggestion was Sarah, to which Benny responded, “But Rory’s an idiot and Erica probably won’t help anyways.” “No, I think Sarah’s got a point. We’d have three vampires on our side, and vampires nearly match the power of witches. And besides, Beggars can’t really be choosers in this kind of situation.” Ethan pointed out, Benny nodding slightly in agreement but still having some issues. “While that is true, would it really be worth involving Rory? I mean, like I said, he’s an idiot.” He stated, the group nodding at the point. “If we tell him how serious the situation is, he might listen, especially if it involves protecting (Y/n).” Sarah said. “Right. And the only other issue is telling her that you guys are vampires and telling them that (Y/n)’s a pure-blood.” Ethan said, everyone nodding before they passed through another set of locker filled hallways and rounded a corner. “I don’t think it’s going to be an issue, I’ll talk to Erica and Rory while you guys find (Y/n). Catch ya later.” Sarah said, fare-welling the two boys before she disappeared off down a different turn. The boys looked at each other before continuing in comfortable silence, hoping to find you as soon as possible.
Shakily, you placed your bag and into your locker and grabbed out whatever books you needed, clearly very on edge about the situation you were in. The hallways were deserted, and all was quiet. All you wanted to do was find Benny and Ethan and stay as close to them as you could since they were probably the safest people to be around in that moment.
During that thought, you felt someone poke your back. Immediately did you feel the wave of dread you did the day before as you cried out in pain and leaned against the locker, feeling your breath hitch in your throat. While your vision went blurry you heard someone laugh from behind you, an evil laughter you wished you could forget. “...It’s been a long time...you filthy demon.”  Her entire hand spread across your back and you felt the feeling spread to your lungs, constricting your breathing as you began sliding down to the floor. This wouldn’t have happened if I just moved...
“What’s the matter (Y/n)? Can’t even stand your ground against your good old friend?” She taunted, watching as you slid down to the floor clutching your chest as she pulled your hair roughly. “...p-please...P-price....ha-ave...mercy.” You breathed out in a gasped groan, feeling your head begin to throb at inhuman speeds. Victoria laughed menacingly as she hit your head against the locker, a cry of pain escaping your lips. “Mercy? Is that really what you’re asking me for?” She asked in a growl. You didn’t respond to her question, you only said what came to your immediate thought. “...B-Benny...Ethan...” You tried calling, but it only came out as a shaky mumble. “What was that? Are they your friends?” Price asked, laughing when she saw you try to curl up.  Once she was bored, Victoria let go of your hair and throwing you roughly against the locker.
You noticed in your blurred vision, Benny and Ethan coming through the hallway. Once they had seen you, they immediately rushed on over, weary of the witch that was still in front of you. Benny pushed Victoria out of the way, not too hard, but hard enough to let her know that he wasn’t happy. “What’s your problem?” He asked the girl, Ethan kneeling down and helping you into a sitting position while he had an arm around your shoulder. You couldn’t help but clutch the short sleeve of the boy’s t-shirt as you looked up at Benny and Victoria. Victoria was unhappy at first, but when she had the chance to look Benny up and down her frown was replaced with a mischievous smirk. “It’s not you, that’s for sure.” She stated seductively, biting her bottom lip. Without another word, she began strolling away, but not before she placed a hand on Benny’s shoulder and let it drag along until she finally separated and went on her own way. As an immediate thought, Benny dropped to his knees and placed a hand on your knee. “Are you okay?” He asked in a soft but concerned manner. You ignored his question as you shook your head and felt tears well up in your eyes. “...This is why I need to move again, that was much closer of an encounter than it needed to be.” You said in a shakily angry voice, forgetting that you had a hand clutched around the material of Ethan’s shirt. “Quit it with that (Y/N)! You’re not moving!” Benny unintentionally shouted. “I’m going to die Benny! You just don’t understand how much danger I’m putting myself and everyone here in!” You shouted back, your voice cracking as your glowing blue tears rolled down your cheeks. Benny’s face went from angry to a look of realization after you had said that. He stared at your for a moment, into your ocean eyes. The waves weren’t violent this time, they were more frantic and scared, well, that’s how he’d describe them if real waves had feelings. But he realized just how much danger you were in, and how little he was currently doing about it. You were terrified of what could happen in these circumstances, especially since a second alone could easily result in your death. God, he felt like such a moron. 
“Hey, don’t cry (Y/n)...c’mon, let’s get you up.” Benny said in a soft voice, holding his both his hands out for you to take.  You finally let go of Ethan’s short sleeve before wiping your tears away with a sniffle, reaching up and gripping his bigger hands with your smaller ones. While Ethan stood up, Benny pulled your onto your feet, immediately balancing you with his arms around your waist, yourself instinctively placing your hands against his biceps. Anyone would’ve mistaken you for a couple if they’d walked past, but that wasn’t the case just quite yet.
“Alright, so I’ll admit, we haven’t been doing a great job protecting you like we said we would,” He started, “But I promise you, we care very much about you, and we really don’t want you to move.” Benny lifted a hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ll never leave you alone again, I don’t wanna risk anything anymore, you’re too important.” His words only caused your eyes to become tear filled once more. But you didn’t say anything, you only leaned into him and let your head rest against the front of his shoulder, letting whatever was leaking from your eyes to roll down your cheeks where they’d eventually be absorbed into Benny’s shirt. From behind you, Ethan smiled at Benny and raised a brow before looking between you and him. Benny smiled back and rolled his eyes, he knew what the boy meant.
Maybe there was something going on between the two of you, and maybe he was ready to admit that.
“Alrighty, is everyone in the circle comfy?” “I still don’t understand why it has to be a circle, and why it has to be on the ground. Why can’t we sit at a table?” “Because, Erica, this is a more convenient way of delivering the messages that are about to be shared.” That was Benny and Erica, arguing with each other from across the circle that they and the other four were sat in, outside by the jacaranda tree that the two geeky boys found you sitting at. You were sat between Benny and Sarah, then there was Erica, Rory, and Ethan. “Whatever, let’s just get this over with already, I’ve got way better things to be doing.” Erica sighed, Benny rolling his eyes before he took a breath. “Ok. So, before there’s any freaking out mid-conversation, everyone in this circle is supernatural in some way, some more powerful and evident than other’s but we’re not here to judge, ok?” He said, yourself, Rory and Erica looking between everyone in confusion. “What do you mean Benny?” You asked innocently. “Yeah, are you trying to tell us that (Y/n)’s something whacky as well?” Rory asked. “Alright, just let me explain.” Benny said, everyone quietening down before they stared at him in anticipation. “So, this is mainly for (Y/n), Rory and Erica, since the others and myself already know. Um, how do I say this?...(Y/n) is a pure-blood demon and Erica, Rory and Sarah are vampires.” He blurted out. “What??” The three who were oblivious asked in unison. “Is that why Rory’s so flamboyant?” You asked. “Is that why (Y/n)’s so mysterious and dreamy?” Rory asked as he sent a smirk in your direction, yourself giggling as you blushed and twirled a strand of your hair around your finger. “Look, maybe. But that’s not the point here.” Benny tried reasoning, but you and Rory ignored him as you engaged in further conversation. “Can you do all the cool stuff that vampires do in movies?” You asked excitedly. “No, I do cooler stuff. I can fly, run really fast, I have super strength, and I can do this.” In a split second, he bared his fangs, causing you to flinch a little but smile in more excitement. “I can do that too!” You squealed, stretching the corners of your opened mouth with your fingers as your fangs grew and your ears pointed, your eyes glowing blue. “Woah, you’re even cuter now!” Rory said, clearly sharing your excitement. “Look, you guys can talk about how cool being other than human is later, but there’s bigger issues that need to be dealt with in the current moment.” Benny interrupted with unintentional anger in his voice, your’s and Rory’s smiles drooping as the two of you looked down and your supernatural features retracted.  Taking a breath, Benny sighed. “Thank you. Now,” He began, everyone looking at him in a serious manner, “Everyone knows how pure bloods are hunted by witches and killed in extremely inhumane ways, right?” Everyone nodded before he continued, “well, (Y/n) is currently being hunted by the new girl at school, who is a very famous witch in folklore for wanting to hunt pure bloods to extinction. And I’d hope that everyone in this group cares about (Y/n) enough to take down a blood-thirsty witch for her. Obviously it won’t be easy, but we need to try for her sake.”
He looked around before placing his hand in the center of the circle, his palm meeting the soft green grass. “So, who’s with me?”  It was quiet for a moment, some already had their answers while others needed a moment. You were the first to put your hand in, delicately placing it upon his. “I don’t have much of a choice.” You giggled. Sarah was next, she did it confidently. “Girls have to look out for girls. It’s The law of sisterhood.” She said. Then it was Ethan. “It’s the least I can do for a good friend.” He said. Rory, “It’s my duty to protect such beauty.” Everyone looked up at the one person who hadn’t put their hand in. It was Erica. When she noticed, she rolled her eyes. “This is so lame.”  “C’mon Erica, we already know you wanna help. Just try to withstand how dorky this is for now and put your hand in.” Sarah tried reasoning. Erica let out a loud sigh before she gave a small smile, finally placing her hand on top of the pile.
The small ritual was complete and all had only one objective. 
Protect you.
A/N: Thank you for all the continued support you’ve been giving me throughout this series. It’s stuff like that that makes me wanna really continue to write something, and this is honestly the first thing I’ve been able to write consistently thanks to all you great readers. I’ll get you your next part ASAP my lovelies!
@bisexualprinxexx​ @realityshifter111​ @libellule2001​ @floppytheprofessionalflopper​ @fandom-imagines1​
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ramuchii · 5 years
Benny: Out of the goodness of my soul, I'm getting punished because I didn't do exercises I understand. HOWEVER, exercises are for exercising, when you don't know, I KNOW!
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ramuchii · 6 years
MBAV as Vines #3
Benny: Erica is so annoying...
Erica: *vamp speeds to Benny* I heard you were talking shit about me
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labyrinthcfmymind · 10 years
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"It was the best." Go follow my My Babysitters a Vampire Instagram @funnymbav! 😘😸💉🍷 #ericajones #mybabysittersavampire #bennyweir #atticusmitchell #katetodd
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bonniebird · 8 years
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Benny x Reader
Requested By Anon
Sarah rolled her eyes as you opened your locker and found it full of flowers and boxes of chocolates fell out.
“Wow Benny’s really taken to his new spell huh?” She chuckled and you spotted Benny and Ethan up the corridor.
Ethan gave you a sheepish look as Benny walked over to you and a bunch of flowers appeared in his hand. He held them out and handed them to you which was when you noticed the suspicious look he had. 
“Alright what’ve you broken?”  You asked and he frowned.
“When have I ever broken anything?” Benny scoffed.
“Zombie pets.” Ethan muttered.
“The time you dressed as Cheerleaders, that broke my eyes.” Sarah sighed and you motioned to side with them.
“The killer camera.” You finished up and he sighed.
“OK fine, maybe I need your help looking for a killer lizard.” Benny reluctantly told you.
“Killer… You know what, sure I’ll be there but when we ask your Grandma for help I’m blaming you for everything that happens.” You smiled when he nodded and as he threw his arm over your shoulder.
“Great, let’s go. I have some spells I want to practice.” He grinned as you complained but went with him anyway, knowing you could lessen whatever accident he would inevitably create.
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kidnapped-by-pirates · 11 years
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Mehhh Erica's hair looks gross. :/
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