#beomgyu sad hours
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When he thought he'd moved on (ex-boyfriend!txt)
Warnings: not really gender neutral
note: when I started this I wondered if it was appropriate, please let me know if there is any problem. sad hours open, I guess.
The cafe was quiet, just the way he liked it. This was your meeting place; even if the place was closed, the two of you would meet here. He got here early, the table in the corner waiting for him as always. The owner had smiled at him and said hello, recognising him as a long-time customer.
As he pulls his earphones from his pocket and begins to detangle them, he unconsciously bounces his leg, an old habit. Soobin's thoughts are distracted, the new song he wants to show you by his favourite band occupying his mind. He's sure you'll like it - he's slowly converted you to a fan over the years.
Once the wires of the earphones are all straightened out, and he plugs them into his phone. The ear with a green sharpie heart is his side, the one with the blue is yours, a little faded from so many bus rides and time spent in bed sharing music together.
The bell on the door grabs his attention, and he looks up - and remembers. It wasn't you who he was meeting. This isn't your meeting place anymore. He feels guilty about being excited, more guilty about forgetting that he's supposedly moved on. Still, he grins painfully convincingly as she takes the seat across from him, as if this was what he had been expecting all along. He tries to figure out how he could have forgotten that this is how things are now, nodding as she is talking, although he doesn’t hear a word.
Yeonjun doesn't know what day it is, what time it is. All he knows is his phone is ringing, dragging him from his much needed sleep. With a long groan he rolls toward the edge of the bed, not even daring to open his eyes and expose them to the bright light of the sun he can now see from behind his eyelids. Which means he hasn't looked at the caller ID. Which means he answers the way he normally would, half asleep and his brain not quite engaged. He answers with your name.
But it's not you. The voice that replies is so different from yours that it snaps him awake entirely. He is so disappointed he doesn't even panic, his voice so groggy he can play it off that she heard him wrong. After a short conversation, most of which he wasn't paying attention for, he throws the phone into the covers and wonders if he's made a big mistake by starting something new.
He can't remember much about the dream, only your smile, your eyes, and your hand in his. Now he's awake, and the bed is familiarly warm, the sound of soft breathing behind him. He rolls over with a contened sigh, reaching arms out to pull you against his chest, pressing his nose into your hair. He feels a cheek nuzzle against his neck and all feels right with the world.
"Did you get a new shampoo?" he asks, voice rough with its first use of the day. He lazily pulls his head back and opens his eyes, and reality cracks down over his head like an egg when he sees her.
"No," comes her reply.
It's the first time she's stayed over, the first time anyone has stayed over but you. He was totally fine with it last night. Now it feels so gut wrenchingly wrong. Maybe he should wait a while longer before letting her stay again.
It's been a long, long day. Every muscle aches, and even his brain feels like a muscle with how tired he is. He drops his bag at the door and kicks off his shoes, the sofa calling to him longingly from across the room. The minute his back is on the soft cushion, he knows he'll fall asleep here, but he's not sure that he cares - he's fallen asleep worse places than this. Flicking on the TV, the first thing he sees is an ad about an upcoming movie, a remake of an old classic. He smiles.
"Hey babe," he calls out, "we should take your mom to see this, it's her favourite."
Hearing the familiar creak of the floorboards leading into the kitchen he glances up, and his smile falters. How could he have forgotten? She's looking at the screen with a confused expression, shaking her head. "No, it's not. I've never heard of it." She swings around to look at him now. "Have you even met my mom yet?"
He blinks, somehow feeling more drained than he was before. "Oh... I meant my mom."
Maybe he will go to bed after all.
Huening Kai
He's looking at the photos again, the ones in his phone that he keeps telling himself he'll delete. But every time he pulls them up to get rid of them, he finds he can't. He should, he knows he should, but it seems his head and his heart are at war.
He spends so long flicking through them, there are so many, accumulated over the years you spent together. He lands on his favourite; the two of you at the carnival. The memories the photo brings are so vivid, so precious, he swears he can remember every detail; the temperature of the air, the foods you ate, even the songs you listened to on the way home, car windows down and an impressive amount of sugar in your systems as you sang and bopped along. His mind replays the scene of the two of you on a ride, your laughter amidst the screams of other riders, clutching onto each other's arms for dear life, and how you almost dropped your phone as you reached out to capture the moment.
Kai forgets himself, forgets where he is right now, that this isn't your room he's lounging in, and a loud laugh bursts from him. When his joy filled eyes turn to meet hers, she is giving him an incredulous look over the top of her computer screen. He snaps out of it in an instant and tucks his phone away, apologising with a duck of his head. What is he going to do about those photos?
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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cafeseoulmate · 1 year
baby bear
established relationship au; Why We (Don’t) Work standalone bonus; wc: 773
If there is one habit that Beomgyu brought from your childhood to adulthood, from your years of strictly platonic friendship to almost a month of officially dating now, it’s the way he would not hesitate to trade you to Satan if it means getting your old teddy bear, Ms. Fluffy.
The little white and red teddy was actually a gift from his mom to you back when your respective parents were still the ones picking out your gifts for your schoolmates and writing the gift tags as if you were the ones who prepared them. You were in kindergarten back then and though you weren’t in the same section, little Beomgyu still insisted to Mrs. Choi that they buy you something, anything to show you that he considered you close enough to buy you a holiday gift.
Mrs. Choi ended up picking out Ms. Fluffy for you when Beomgyu then mentioned how you sometimes complained about having trouble sleeping during class nap times, something you’d scold him for later because you thought that was embarrassing (regardless of how much he reassured you that it isn’t).
Then the name Ms. Fluffy, proudly given by your six-year-old self way back then, is from the fact that her fur is exceptionally soft and her ears stick out from all the times you’ve picked on them nervously. Beomgyu used to teased you for it during sleepovers but you always manage to eavesdrop on him affectionately calling the teddy bear by its name with a higher-pitched voice when he thinks you’re not in the room or not paying attention.
Though it’s a gift from him to you, it does often feel like he just had his mom buy it for you to have an excuse to have a teddy bear. You’re pretty sure if your boyfriend were to choose between saving you and Ms. Fluffy from drowning, he’s probably going after your teddy bear first.
He always moves her little arms and legs to imitate walking and dancing, conjures up a specific high-pitched voice as if to make her talk, hugs her to his chest whenever he’s in your dorm or at your house, and shamelesslt borrows and steals her before you could leave for a trip.
And, naturally, since you started dating officially last Christmas break, Beomgyu’s obsession with Ms. Fluffy has grown exponentially worse.
You don’t know if you’re going to be endeared or annoyed specifically with how he always places the teddy bear either between the two of you or on your laps during movie nights, calling the teddy bear your baby and treating her like she’s actually your child accompanying you on your stay-home dates.
It makes your heart flutter, of course, but when you do actually want to hug Ms. Fluffy, Beomgyu’s somehow always objecting to it.
“She’s my kid originally, why can’t I hug my own kid?” You pout, playing along to Beomgyu’s antics in the hopes that he would give in this time. Tonight, Insidious is streaming on Beomgyu’s laptop because you both thought that your respective cowardice would cancel each other out. “Let me have Ms. Fluffy, Gyu!”
Beomgyu, however, stubborn as he is, pouts back even harder while keeping Ms. Fluffy in place between the two of you. “Uh, no, she stays in the middle.” He insists for the second time, patting Ms. Fluffy’s head. “Let her watch the movie in peace, Y/N. What if she wants to actually sit through a horror movie?”
“What if she gets scared like me, though? Look at her, she’ll need hugs too!”
“Then I’ll hug you both like this!” Your boyfriend then circles his arms over you, his hoodie sleeves covering Ms. Fluffy just as the doorbell starts ringing in the movie. “See? I’ll just protect you both!”
You scoff teasingly, though you do already feel your insides melting at the gesture. “I want to hug just Ms. Fluffy, though.”
He glares down at you immediately in response. “I’ll divorce you and take custody of Ms. Fluffy.” He threatens, making you stifle a giggle. “I’m being serious, Y/N!”
Serious Beomgyu, however, is always an adorable sight to see with his pout and his furrowed brows, so much so that you easily break character after this and reach a hand up to pinch his cheeks. “You’re so cute.”
“Hug me back, then! I’m not waiting all day!”
“Fine, fine, you grumpy baby.” You roll your eyes, picking up Ms. Fluffy from between the two of you and directing her arms to Beomgyu’s neck before hugging the two. “Better?”
“Suddenly, I’m not in the mood to watch a movie anymore. Let’s just cuddle, I think Ms. Fluffy would also agree.”
barista’s notes: merry christmas everyone! 💗🎄
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earthtooz · 1 year
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x : I KNOW I LOVE YOU ! :*+゚ all or nothing, i want all of you!:
aka moments that the bllk boys knew they loved you ! ╰┈➤ with nagi, itoshi rin, and reo mikage !
warnings: gn!reader, no pronouns, mentions of food in all three, swearing in rin's + he's kind of mean but like that's just who he is and i don't want to fix him for it <3, fluff for all 3, sickness in nagi's, i think that's all the warnings, lmk otherwise!
a/n: last fic of 2022, i gasped when i saw that photo of beomgyu BYEEEE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH tumblr deserves to see him!!! reblogs appreciated :( the ratio of reblogs to likes is so sad sometimes so pls, if you enjoyed this fic, pls take the time to reblog - no matter how small or big ur blog is!!! rblgs is the best way to motivate ur favourite writers + help their works circulate around this site so always pls consider reblogging!
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NAGI SEISHIRO: knew he loved you when you took care of him when he was sick.
nagi stirs awake with a groan, immediately engulfed by an insufferable warmth that caused him to kick the covers off his body.
as he shuffles to get comfortable again, he registers sounds coming from his kitchen, something he doesn't bother to investigate because he's hit by the dryness of his throat. glancing to his bedside table, there sat a glass of water that was practically calling his name, an offer he couldn't resist as he downed the drink in four seconds.
he then cringes at the stinging of his head.
so the headache still hasn't passed. what a pain.
he wants to go back to bed, to give in to the comfiness of his pillow and return to dreamland where his head wouldn't kill him. but, with the clanging and sizzling coming from the kitchen, it wouldn't hurt to check out what was happening, right?
dawdling out of bed, he slowly but surely makes his way to his door, opening it quietly before heading out into the kitchen, where you stood by the stove.
you were dancing to your playlist that was faintly playing in the background whilst tending to the pans on the stove top. one had eggs and spam, the other was boiling some instant noodles.
what were you doing here?
he's shortly flooded by recollections of what happened hours prior. nagi had invited you over to spend the day with him at his apartment but minutes before you arrived, he felt light-headed and dizzy. when he opened the door for you, he practically collapsed in your arms, and that was where the memory ended.
the fact that you stayed rather than simply going home to let him take care of himself warmed nagi, filling him with a feeling that he forgot long ago.
something like comfort.
"oh my god!" you exclaim, placing a hand to your chest at the sudden sight of a 6'3 man looming at the entrance of the kitchen. "sei, don't do that!"
turning off the fire, you quickly make your way to him, placing the back of your hand against his forehead.
it's still a little warm. he thought he just had a headache, did he have a fever? is that why he collapsed?
he should be grateful that he's not him taking care of himself.
"how do you feel?" you ask, brushing his hair back from his skin. he pouts slightly, leaning into your touch.
"my head is killing me," he murmurs, about to slouch on to you when you abruptly step away to fish for something in a plastic bag on the counter.
at the lack of your touch, he groans to protest, but you show him a small box you bought. painkillers.
did you go out and buy him stuff whilst he was asleep? just how good are you? what did he do to deserve you?
"take two pills and i'll prepare your food for you," you tell him before grabbing a bowl, a plate and chopsticks. nagi simply watches as you plate the goods, his stomach aching for your food whilst you sprinkle some nori over his ramen. the fried spam and eggs smelled divine.
soon enough, you sit him down at his two-person dining table before ambling away to clean up.
he misses you even more when he takes a bite of his food. nagi hasn’t had anyone take care of him in so long, not in the way that mattered at least. sure, he wouldn’t trade the world for reo and all he gives him, and he's thankful to his parents for the funds they've given him, but you take care of him because you want to. there’s no ‘dream’ you’re gaining using him as an asset, everything you've done, you've done for him to feel better.
and when nagi combines all the ingredients together in one bite, he’s filled with the love that homemade food provides, even if its just instant ramen with a little more nutrients. 
it’s more delicious than his ‘win’ yoghurts could ever be and nagi can’t go back now.
when you return, the white-haired beams at you as you take a seat beside him, your chin leaning into your palm as you brush a hand through his tangled locks. 
“how are you feeling, sei?” you question softly.
“amazing.” he says before digging back in. 
his eagerness causes a small laugh to slip and nagi perks up at the delightful sound, watching the way your nose crinkles and your lips part. then, he grabs some noodles and offers them to you, a gift you gladly take, humming at the taste. he does the same for the egg and spam and as he watches you with adoration in his eyes, he can't help but be overfilled with love.
“thank you,” mutters nagi.
“you’re welcome. now eat up and feel better, genius.” 
his words of gratitude have far deeper meaning than you realise, but nagi has a while to show you just how thankful he was for you.
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ITOSHI RIN: knew he loved you when your company was something he didn't get tired of.
at 10 am, there’s a knock on the door to rin’s apartment.
he’s knows who it is before even greeting said person, and when your smiling face appears on the other side of the door, rin can’t help the excitement bubbling in his chest, signified through the small smile he tries to fight down.
“hi rin,” you greet, stepping forward to press a kiss against his cheek. that smile of his widens. 
the dark-haired opens his arms expectantly and you drop three hoodies on them, all of them were his and freshly washed. he rolls his eyes.
“i wanted a hug,” scoffed rin.
“oh,” you laughed before throwing your arms around his torso, staying there like that for a few moments before separating. “anyhow, i should probably get going. i’ll see you-”
“why aren’t you staying?” he asks, coming off as more of a demand.
“because we didn’t plan for it?” 
“you should stay and watch a movie.” 
“aww does rinnie not have anything else to do?” you say with a mocking tone, but it’s all lighthearted and fun, especially when he pulls you in his apartment and locks the door behind you.
“shut up. go pick a movie.”
approximately ten minutes later, you’re curled up on the couch with rin lying over your body, peacefully splayed with his chest resting on your sternum whilst you absentmindedly play with his hair, too engaged in the movie. 
rin, on the other hand, didn’t find any enjoyment in your choice at all. “why the fuck are we watching ‘it’?” he asked, shuffling a little, causing you to stifle a giggle due to his movements. 
you shrug. “it just popped up. thought you liked horror movies.”
“horror movies that aren’t shit.” 
“touché. now shut up, i want to watch.” 
he grumbles something before relaxing into you again, more focused on the sound of your heartbeat than the events of the movie. eventually, the even beats lulls him into a light slumber, fast asleep despite the way it sometimes speeds in anticipation.
you, on the other hand, realise that he’s fallen asleep due to the slight wheezes he lets out, not loud enough to border a snore, but not peaceful enough to simply be breathing.
when the movie finishes, you shake him lightly to stir him from his sleep and when you meet his slightly hazy gaze, you feel a little bad for waking him. 
“the movie’s done, i should get going now,” you mutter, setting your hands on his shoulders as to push him off, but as soon as you announce your plans of leaving, rin holds on even tighter to your body. “hey! get off!” you try your best to push him away despite your laughter that ripples through the air.
“you should stay for lunch,” suggests your boyfriend, who rests his chin on your sternum. his eyes were practically pleading for you to agree, shining with hope.
he’s lucky you have nothing to do today, and that you were hungry.
when you roll your eyes and put your hands up in mock surrender, rin can’t help but smile a little, giddy at the idea of being able to spend more time with you.
hold on- since when was he happy at the idea of spending more time with anyone?
“shall we eat here or out?” you asked, your hands resuming threading through rin’s hair again. it was so smooth, what did he use in it? smelt nice too. 
“here. too lazy.”
after a few minutes of deciding what to eat, the delivery showed up rather quickly at his apartment. when you both settled down to eat, rin couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander, unable to help but think about how nice it was to be in your company and simply exist. he wants to do this for the rest of his life. 
you seem to have other plans. 
“so,” you begin, plate now empty. “i’m probably going to head home now-”
“wait, what? no.”
“i paid for lunch, you should repay me by keeping me company.”
with a huff, you cross your arms. “okay mr athlete’s salary, i’ll transfer you-”
“-can’t you just stay a little longer?”
“ask nicely.”
“can’t you please just stay a little longer?”
“if you insist,” you sigh dramatically, batting your eyelashes at him jokingly. rin scoffs. “what do you want to do?”
you actually ended up doing nothing for the next few hours, simply scrolling on your phone whilst laid on rin’s lap. he’s resorted to watching some past recorded matches, sometimes of himself, sometimes of other notable soccer athletes. 
the sun was now beginning to set and having been here since 10 am, you were beginning to feel bored out of your mind. 
you were also beginning to feel as if you were burdening rin with your company so, with a yawn, you begin to sit up. the athlete pauses his video and looks at you curiously. 
“i should get going now,” you say, rubbing your eyes.
“i said i should get going now,” you repeat.
“no, no, i heard you the first time,” he mutters, a little bite in his tone. “why?”
“cause we’re not doing anything? plus i’m bored out of my mind and need some fresh air.” 
“then we can get fresh air together, you don’t have to leave yet.”
“you’re real insistent on keeping me here, guess you just like me too much, huh?”
rin leans in closer to your shit-eating grin, placing a hand on your cheek to press a fleeting kiss to your lips, one that leaves you wanting more. 
then you find yourself on the rooftop of his apartment complex, one that overlooks the beautiful horizon of tokyo and leaves you breathless as you gaze over the beautiful sight of the sunset colours bleeding together. with itoshi rin by your side, it feels even better.
leaning on his shoulder, you were not aware that your boyfriend’s eyes were admiring you instead of the sunset before you. he takes his time breathing the sight of you in, how beautiful you look with the hues of orange painting your skin. 
it’s funny. rin feels so purposeful with you, like he was made to be by your side and nowhere else.
maybe he should ask you to move in.
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MIKAGE REO: knew he loved you when you cared about him, not his image.
he's not used to this, the feeling of being adored for who he was rather than what he was. you don't like him because he's rich, that he was a spawn of a billionaire, you don't like him because he's a talented soccer player either. you like him because he's funny, unique, generous, and despite his self-centred upbringing, ironically selfless in his own way.
the trained smile and behaviour that reo plasters on every morning crumbles whenever he's around you.
he greets you at the park you agreed to meet up at and you return his wave with a smile, pulling your scarf down from your mouth where you were attempting to warm yourself from the cold.
"hi," you mumble, dancing a little from side to side to shake the jitters of the cold away.
"hi, i didn't keep you waiting too long, did i?" he asks.
you shake your head. "no, i just forgot some extra layers. i thought my gloves were in this coat too but i must have been mistaken."
reo frowns at your ice-bitten demeanour, feeling a sudden urge to wrap you up, give you all his warmth and shield you from the winter weather.
"anyways," your voice breaks his thoughts. "have you eaten yet?"
he widens his eyes a little in shock, taken aback by your question, one clearly asked out of care and affection. you were the one freezing your ass off due to your own negligence yet you had the nerve to ask if he had taken care of himself.
instead of asking about the latest product mikage corporations released- a news segment that was taking the business world by storm, you ask reo if he had eaten.
strange. he feels strange. it's nice.
"no, not since breakfast," he coughs after his mouth had caught up to his mind.
you tug at his arm gently, "then c'mon, there's a nearby 7/11. i hope they have sweet potato, we can get two for the both of us!"
the purple-haired can't fight the smile that tugs on the corners of his mouth, obliging happily with your requests as he allows you to pull him in the direction of the store. before you could leave the park, however, reo skids to a stop, dragging you back to him.
ignoring your curious gaze, he nimbly goes to take the wool gloves off of his hands. when one is off, he swiftly grabs your wrist to thread your fingers through the fabric, all whilst you actively ignore how warm reo's hands are and how soft they are when they encompass your wrist. his fingertips leave trials of fire burning on your skin but you don't jump back from the sensation. instead, you let it happen.
his gloves are a tad bit too big for your hands, but you feel warm immediately. whether that's a direct result of the gloves or not, you don't really want to know.
"this okay?" asks reo, gaze meeting yours. you try to trick yourself into believing that the softness of his expression was because of the wind, and that the snow was playing tricks on your eyes.
swallowing thickly, you nod. "won't you be cold?"
he wriggles his fingers slightly before shrugging.
with a small chuckle, you grab his bare ones and bundle them together with yours, a weak attempt at sharing warmth.
but, reo appreciates it nevertheless, smiling at how focused you seemed to be when caring for him.
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miupow · 5 months
‧₊˚✩彡 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 /ˎˊ˗ 𝚌.𝚢𝚓 *ੈ✩‧
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┆ rockstar!choi yeonjun x fem!reader ���--⪼ one of the hardest things about dating a rockstar is the distance; when he’s on tour he’s thousands of miles away, busy and unable to call, and you spend months alone in a cold counting down the days until he gets home. but your boyfriend put some extra time aside to make a very special video call to his favorite girl.
. . . RATING ! NSFW, MDNFI! . . . WORDS ! 1.7k . . . WARNINGS ! soft dom!yeonjun, daddy kink, lots and lots of pet names, praise kink, sex toys, facetime sex, mutual masturbation, guided masturbation, a little angst in the beginning
for @napofamoon's growing pain rockstar!txt event! this is also a little christmas gift for her and all of my followers~~ thank you to @taegimood and @wolfytae-exe for proofreading!
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You purposefully let the call ring out for a bit before answering– you didn’t want him knowing you had been pacing for an hour, waiting impatiently by the phone. 
“Hey beautiful,” Yeonjun croons immediately upon you picking up, pretty bare face filling up the screen of your phone– he must’ve just gotten out of the shower, his hair wet and pushed back, black tank top and flannel overshirt pulled on haphazardly like he had been in a rush… sometimes you hated how he looked so beautiful so effortlessly. It reminded you just how horrifically out of your league he was. “What are you up to? How was your day?”
“Mm.. not much. It’s been boring without you.” You sigh listlessly, giving Yeonjun a tight, unconvincing smile. “I didn’t have work today so Yunjin took me shopping– got some things for the apartment, some new clothes. Waited for you to call. I’m honestly more interested in how you’re doing, babe.”
Yeonjun gives you an apologetic little grin, eyes unreadable– it does nothing but makes you feel worse. At least he was aware he promised to call three hours earlier. “I’m sorry it’s so late, we had a show.”
“I know.” You reply, a little curt. Yeonjun doesn’t have complete control over his own schedule, pushed and pulled around everywhere he goes by both his managers and his other band members, bending over backwards for breaks snuck in between press appearances and shows every time he and his band were on tour… you’ve beat yourself senseless trying not to let it get to you.
“I’m sorry, baby, I really am.” Yeonjun repeated, voice low as he leaned in closer to the camera. “There was a problem with the sound system so our open started an hour late, and then there was a fight in the pit so we had to stop for security to kick them out, and then Beomgyu wanted to get drinks after the show and–” 
“It’s alright, Jjun. I understand.” You cut in, voice soft. Yeonjun gives you a look like he doesn’t quite believe you. “It sounds like you had a busy night… you always have a busy night.”
“Yeah, I’m sure things are real quiet when I’m not around.” Yeonjun gives you one of his signature grins, lopsided and handsome, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Missing me yet?”
He wants you to respond with some snide joke, lighten the mood– Yeonjun’s begging for it, brown eyes nervously flitting across your face as his smile cracks and splinters, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. “So fucking much, Jjun.” you croak, “I miss you so fucking much.”
His face drops immediately, his unconvincing grin giving way to one much more solemn and sad– it makes your stomach churn, unable to stomach the helplesslessness in his eyes. “I miss you too, baby. I’ll be home soon.” 
“But when?” You press, even though you knew you shouldn’t. Conversations over ETAs only ever lead to fights– Yeonjun loved to make promises he knew he couldn’t keep. 
“Soon.” He repeats, his stare hard as he shifts on his hotel bed. “I’ll make it work. I’ll come and see you.” 
You knew he wouldn’t, but he was always such a sweet liar.
The look on your face must have given you away, because Yeonjun gives you a desperate, pleading pout, kissable lips pulled down into a grimace. It tears your heart to pieces. “Just bare with me baby, okay? The tour’s almost over, I’ll be home soon–”
“And then you’ll just go on tour again.” You spit, nastier than you meant for it to come out. The wide-eyed, guilty look Yeonjun gives you makes your heart drop to your stomach; you’re fairly sure you would have felt better if he had just gotten angry with you instead.
The sigh he lets out weighs a ton, settles on both of your shoulders. “Can we just talk about this later? We can talk about this when I get home, just– I love you. You know that, right?”
“I love you too,” You reply in a whisper.
“I love you more than anything in the world, baby, more than this.. stupid fucking job, okay?” You had never heard Yeonjun refer to his career as a “job” before… you weren’t sure what to make of it. “Everything I’m doing right now is for our future together; if I pull this off right we won’t have to work another day in our lives, do you understand? It’s fucking rough right now but we’ll get through it, baby, I know we will. It’s all for you, beautiful.”
“I love you,” you repeat, voice wobbly with unshed tears. You’ve heard this speech a thousand times but it never failed to break you down, make your heart full.
“God, gorgeous, I love you too. My everything. My future. Enough sadness, yeah?”
Yeonjun’s gentle, soft words snaps you out of your reverie, reminds you of your plans before getting lost in your own emotions– you hadn’t wanted this call to go this way at all… in fact, you had wanted it to go a different way entirely. You nod and quickly rub your eyes.
“Jjunie…” you start, still semi-sad voice melodic and now charged with a sweet, playful lilt. “I got you something, when I went shopping earlier…” 
Yeonjun catches your drift fast, his eyebrow raising with a mischievous grin; he was always so in sync with you, always understood your wants and needs like he could read your mind. “Oh? What’d you get me, sugar?”
You giggle, blink away the tears as you smooth your hands over your baggy sweater, play with the hem– you scoot back a bit, letting more of your body come into frame; Yeonjun hisses in a loud breath when he sees that sweater was the only thing you were wearing.. “I dressed myself all pretty for you, daddy– do you wanna see?”
“Fuck,” Yeonjun breathes, leaning even closer to the camera. His pretty brown eyes are blown wide, lids low as he bites at his plush lower lip. “Take it off, let daddy see.”
You’re slow in sliding off your sweater, teasing as you tug it up over your thighs, over your hips– Yeonjun drinks in every inch, hungry eyes locked on your thighs, and he lets out a low, nasty groan from deep in his chest when you reveal to him your pretty lace thong. 
“God, baby, you’re so fucking pretty,” he growls, “Turn around for me.” 
You follow his directions obediently, turn your back to show him your lace-covered ass as you finish peeling off your sweater— the sound Yeonjun makes is unholy, deep and nasty and matching the grin on his face. “Fuck, such a perfect ass. So beautiful.” 
“I miss you, daddy.” you whine, turning back to the camera to show Yeonjun your pout. His lips are gnawed raw, shiny with spit and pretty pink as he takes in greedy eyefuls of your bra-clad tits, coos at you so sweet and condescending. 
“Mm, I miss you too, sugar. Go on; show daddy how much you miss him. Take that bra off ‘n show him those pretty tits, hmm?” 
“Yes, daddy~” you purr, quick to reach behind you for the clasp. You’re teasing in sliding off your bra, let the straps hang off your shoulders for a moment before you take it off entirely. Your perky nipples pucker in the cold air, begging for attention— you know better than to touch without Yeonjun’s permission, however. 
He can read you like a book, knows exactly what you need as you squirm on camera. “Go ahead and touch, my good girl.” 
One hand flies to your breast, tweaking your nipple between your forefinger and thumb; the other moves to rub your clothed clit in tight circles. you let out a breathy moan at the feeling, fight every fiber of yourself to keep your eyes open— you don’t want to miss a single second of watching Yeonjun. He’s breathing heavy, hastily angled the camera down to show you the big bulge in his sweatpants. He strokes himself over the fabric with the lightest of touches, teasing the both of you as he pants into the microphone. “What I would do if I was there...”
“What would you do, daddy?” you ask lightly, feigning innocence, pinching your nipple with a whimper. You’re so wet you’re soaking through your little panties— you’re sure Yeonjun had noticed. 
“God, I’d fuck you so hard. Dressed up so pretty for me, you deserve a reward, fuck— I’d leave those panties on while I bend you over and fuck you good, fill you up with my cum… you’d let me, right angel? Let me breed that little pussy?”
You moan high in your throat, hips stuttering as you continue to circle your clit, play with your bud. “Yes, yes! M-more, daddy, I need more!”
Yeonjun squeezes himself through his sweats, snickers at your fucked-out face. “Oh, baby… how about you go and grab that little vibe you love so much, give daddy a little show?”
You don’t need to be told twice; nodding desperately, you reach for your bedside drawer and pull out your favorite vibrator, thin and pink and powerful enough to make you scream. You settle back into frame, position yourself with your thighs wide apart  so that Yeonjun has a full view of your drooling cunt, the soaked fabric of your thong clinging to your lips obscenely. You feel vulnerable and exposed, and you embrace it as Yeonjun drinks in your form.
Yeonjun’s too impatient to tease you, giving you an affirming nod so you can start running the vibe across your throbbing slit. “Don’t take those panties off,” Yeonjun orders, slowly untying his sweatpants. “Want you to play with yourself with them on, okay?”
You don’t like the sound of that. “But I want my fingers,” you whine, pathetic, “want something inside—“
“Nuh uh,” Yeonjun chastises, pulling his hard pink cock out and giving it a stroke— you hadn’t realized how much you missed it until you saw it again, cockhead flared and dripping precum. “Listen to daddy, baby. Nothing goes in that cunt except my cock, you hear me? Be patient— I’ll fill you up when I come home.”  
And it isn’t until after he’s made you cum in your panties, vibrator on your clit and fingers on your nipples, that he explains why; he has a surprise for you too. 
The rest of the tour was canceled. He’s coming home.
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kuromiisanton · 4 months
✩TXT reacting to their affection being ignored✩
genre. fluff / suggestive(?)
warnings. rejected physical affection. sexual innuendos. kissing. hugging. hand holding. sad feeling(barely) nothing else, but if you think of anything lmk!
paring. TXT x fem!reader (can be read as gn!reader)
Yeonjun𐙚 biggest side eye ever... he is just so confused as to why you didn't hold his hand back. he tries a couple times but every time you just pull your hand away. he honestly thinks you are upset with him until he sees the corner of your lip lift up in a small smile. will then ignore you back until you are begging him for forgiveness and to hold your hand back.
Soobin𐙚 pouty... so so so pouty. he just can't understand why you pushed him away when he tried hugging you. he gives you, your space ofc but he gets so in his head. when you tell him it was joke he gets so offended but can't help but pull you into him out of relief. you had this man's heart beating out of his chest in fear.
Beomgyu𐙚 dramatic. like you don't wanna kiss him back? okay fine. he won't even look at you for hours on end... even when you tell him it was a joke. Beomgyu would be like "oh no, I don't give kisses to fake people. only people that love me back get kisses." he can keep a grudge for a long time, so be prepared to get on your hands and knees and beg him to forgive you... maybe even a little more than that.
Taehyun𐙚 honestly, he will just give you your space. he just thinks your busy with something or didn't notice him trying to hold you hand. around thirty minutes later when he tries again and gets the same result he will start thinking if he did anything to upset you that day... when he can't think of anything he will sit you down to talk about it. and when you start giggling he gets hit by a realization that you've been messing with him, and he immediately starts play fighting with you.
Huening Kai𐙚 confused noise at a max. looks at you like you hit him in the face... he doesn't outright as if somethings wrong, but you can tell by his body language he is curious as to what is wrong and how he can help. some point later he just can't help himself and sits as close as he can and puts his arm on the back of the couch to see if you move away. when you don't he is quick to grab you and hug you while asking what he can do to help... when he receives a laugh and a tighter squeeze he feels all the worry and tension leave his body.
©kuromiisanton, all rights reserved.
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raynelovestxt · 2 months
Mornings with TXT
TXT x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 900
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Yeonjun's a busy man and sometimes he isn't there to wake up next to you in the mornings as much as he wishes he could, but he never fails to make you feel loved and appreciated. Sometimes he'll make you breakfast, a little tray with your favorite food and a little vase of flowers that he picked up first thing in the morning and of course you can't forget the little note he leaves you, telling you how much he loves you and how he can't wait to fall asleep next to you tonight.
On the mornings you do wake up next to each other, don't expect him to leave the bed. He can't help but be a little pouty when you first wake him up. He misses the warmth of your presence while he was sleeping and away, so he'll get closer to you, gently nuzzle his face into your chest while pretending to still be asleep just so you don't make him get up and leave you.
Soobin's usually up pretty early in the morning, but he'll lay there gently rubbing your hair or tracing his fingers across your face so he doesn't wake you up, even when you're asleep he never fails to make you feel loved. he'll lay there for hours if he has too, he can never bring himself to disturb your sleep, he has practice now? he already sent a message an hour ago saying he wasn't coming in today, he blows things off way more often than he should just so he can wake up with you snuggled into his chest. he never lets it get too out of hand, but you just look so cute when you’re first waking up. He never wants to leave your side, all he wants to do is spend every minute he has with you, and nothing makes him happier then getting to wake up next to you.
Beomgyu is not a morning person. he never has been, probably never will be. But that doesn’t stop him from becoming the cutest touchy baby on the mornings he has a day off and gets to wake up next to you. But if you’re not in his arms when he opens his eyes, he’s pouting and reaching for you so he can bring you back into them. He curses under his breath, as if it’s your fault for not being able to control rolling around in your sleep, but there’s no malice in his voice, all he wants to do is be next to you. he would be so adorable and happy when you finally woke up, hugging you with the biggest smile. “i thought you were gonna sleep forever! i missed you,”
Even though he would never admit it in a million years, waking up next to you might be Taehyun's favorite thing in the world. He always tries to play it off as no big deal, wrapping his arms around you only if you ask him too, but you can tell by how tightly he holds you and his happy little sigh as he snuggles his face against your neck that he’s only pretending this isn’t a big deal. But if you ever dared to pretend to be offended by his lack of affection or "forgot" to tell him you wanted cuddles then expect to hear about it all day. You'll be faced with a very pouty and very sad boy, and forget about going anywhere on your own, he'll be right there behind you holding your hand or wrapping his arms around your waist while you try to walk.
Huening kai-
Huening kai never misses a chance to hug or be next to you and waking up next to you would be no exception. The second you wake up he’s throwing plushies off the bed and enveloping you in a giant hug refusing to let go with the cutest smile, asking how you slept or telling you about the crazy dream he had. He just loves you to pieces and mornings with you are one of the few times he’s completely shameless about it. He definitely makes fun of your bedhead and your raspy morning voice, but they're just extra reasons he loves you. He'd do anything to stay in those moments with you forever, even if the other members yell at him for missing practice and ignoring their calls.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Txt reaction to being ignored for 24 hours prank by their s/o
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Genre: Romance, fluff
Pairing: Txt! x Gn!
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, ghosting/ignoring, pouty beomgyu
Description: The txt member react to their s/o (you) to doing the “Ignoring your boyfriend for 24 hours” prank on them
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- “Baby talk to me”
- He gets touchy and clingy when you ignore him
- after a while, he’ll start to try ignore you too and it would be so funny bc he tries to be unbothered but he’s dying on the inside
- Will probably try to bribe you to talk to him, “if you talk to me i’ll buy you your favorite food for a month!”
- Will kiss your cheek to try and catch you off guard
- “I know you can’t ignore me for that long baby” With that devilish smile OMG
- Boy definitely makes you fold ( it’s just too hard to ignore yj 😫)
- He gets so sad
- He immediately thinks he did something wrong, bc why else would you ignore him
- “Did I do something, y/n?”
- Tries to get you to talk to him but doesn’t want to be pushy
- “Do you want me to let you be then?”
- Tries to leave before you run and give him a big kiss, he just looks so pitiful when he’s sad though
- “ I thought you were mad me baby” And he would literally have tears in his eyes (omg he’s so precious)
- Gets so pouty and whiny omg
- “Babyyyyy, talk to meee”
- Acts like a toddler having a tantrum
- Will literally annoy you to the point where you have to talk to him 😭
- But when he sees that you’re actually for real and you’re for sure ignoring him he starts to get sad
- Like he’ll just be scrolling on his phone, trying to act as if you aren’t there with the saddest look on his face
- When you tell him it was a joke he will NOT let it go and swears he’ll get you back LOL
- I think the prank would backfire honestly
- cause this boy is smart
- I think he would catch on to your prank and end up ignoring you too 😭
- “I know what you’re doing y/n” With a smirk on his face
- Like if you’d be ignoring him just on your phone he would text you a bunch so you could actually see what he was saying
- “y/n if you hate me stay silent” would say shit like that to try and get you to talk LMAO
- He would def get you into to talking first by saying something like, “Okay we’re breaking up if you stay silent” and you would just sit there like 🥲
Huening Kai
- he thinks it’s a little funny at first
- Because like, why are you avoiding him? 😭
- Sweet baby thinks he did something to upset you after a while omg
- I could see him like going out, and coming back with flowers to make up for doing whatever he did for you to ignore him 🥹
- It would be so hard to ignore him, like he’s just too cute to ignore plus it would feel so mean to ignore him cause he just bought you flowers like omg
- But he still tries to kiss up to you the entire time until you have no choice BUT to fold
- “See I knew you were just kidding babe, you love me too much to ignore me” In the cutest little voice 😫
Hi thank you for the request bae! I hope everyone enjoys!!! If you like it make sure to reblog or like if you want! 💖
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nightdiary · 1 year
I love ur blog sm and i just realised i never asked anything ??????
So i was wondering if u could do something with beomgyu’s s/o surprising him at their recent tour 🫶🏻👀
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word count: 2.1k genre: fluff, (secret) established relationship dear anon!!! thank you so much for your wonderful request, i hope i was able to do your idea justice! i had lots of fun writing this, and i've always wanted to try writing something similar! i'd love to hear your thoughts, thank you for your support and patience 🤍
the nature of your relationship with beomgyu had always been built on something light-hearted, even as the two of you grew into your separate selves and careers.
it’s what you believed kept your relationship blossoming– the spark as so many relationship experts had dubbed it. it’s what you believed kept you and your boyfriend together after so many years, after so much time spent apart, and after so many things had attempted to come in the way.
easily put: loving your idol boyfriend was easy because of the both of you were just a little bit unserious (sometimes).
the unexpected call comes at an hour too late for you to ignore. beomgyu’s manager is on the other line with a proposition that makes you sit up in bed and tug your sheets off urgently. you nearly think you’re stuck in the midst of a wishful dream, his voice a mere product of your sleep-deprived mind. but then he mentions something you’d been pondering on for months, something you’d never thought would be brought up to conversation with your boyfriend’s management team.
you’re left staring at your frazzled reflection in the bathroom mirror when he hangs up. he leaves it up to you to decide whether or not to tell beomgyu.
so, when beomgyu’s message inviting you to their last show on tour appears on your phone with a muted ding!, you decide to act. it feels a little mean, and it nearly makes you break your act when he sends enough sad face emojis to make the app lag, but you tell him you’re busy; unable to get a day off from your employer, who’s livid at the thought of you taking a vacation on such short notice.
it’s believable, almost too much so, because beomgyu answers with a voice message comforting you and promising to take you next time. he also sends you a selfie of him in his hotel bed, hair wet and lips devastatingly pouty, and you resort to turning your phone off to avoid telling him the truth.
you’ve come across countless photos and videos from his concert before, received even more from your boyfriend directly, but no amount of beomgyu fancams could prepare you for physically seeing him on stage. he looks absolutely incandescent, like a star that’s gotten to close to earth, and your lungs constrict at how effortlessly he carries himself through the songs.
the fervor and keenness with which he throws himself into his performance has left you awe-stuck every time, but seeing it on a stage in such a large-scale venue makes your heart squeeze with pride. there’s a certain glow to all of the members, really, one that made it hard for you to take your eyes off the stage during the entirety of the three hour show.
the stadium’s alive with roaring fans, the energy palpable in the thrumming air as each note reverberated like an echo. the eagerness in your throat nearly suffocates you. with every passing song, you could feel yourself growing more and more nervous, increasingly unsure of how beomgyu will react. despite sitting somewhat close to the stage, he has yet to acknowledge that he’s seen or recognized you.
beomgyu’s eyes briefly meet yours during one of the ments when he’s scanning through your section. his gaze pauses on you for just a moment longer, enough to let you see the brief flicker of shock on his unassuming face, before he schools himself and moves on to fans that are seated higher up. but you still manage to catch his gaze on you every now and then throughout the remainder of the show, fleeting and brief, yet progressively more incessant as everything draws to a close.
you swear you see him mouth something at you, but then confetti’s being blast out and you’re drowning in the screams around you. admittedly, the hardest part is waiting for the venue to begin emptying out, enough so that you can find a trusted staff member and be escorted backstage. you’re unsure of how long after the show it’s been when you can finally slip away to see beomgyu, but it’s all forgotten in the past when you turn into a room and see him staring back at you, this time unabashedly.
everything around you bleeds into hazy, distant nothingness as you run forward to close the gap between you two. beomgyu’s arms encircle you like a lifeline, pressing you into his chest with a measured tenderness. he’s warm and firm and familiar, and as he tucks himself into your shoulder, you feel like you can finally breathe again.
“i can’t believe you made it,” he mumbles against your neck, hold tightening around your waist. he’s sweaty all along the front, shirt practically drenched through after hours of performing, but all you can think about is the fact that he’s finally here. not on a screen. not in your fleeting thoughts throughout the day.
“airplanes are a crazy invention,” you joke breathlessly.
beomgyu laughs wetly from where he’s nuzzling your collarbones, seemingly intent on getting as close as physically possible to you. your own hand raises to card itself through his damp locks, untangling them where they’ve gone unruly from his dancing. you almost feel awkward with the mill of staff around you, but they look too busy tending to the clean-up process to even worry about the two of you huddling in the middle of it all.
“you two are so cute,” you hear from behind you, and as you crane your neck to meet taehyun’s genuine eyes, you flush.
stepping back from the hug, you feel beomgyu’s calloused palms move to cup your cheeks, gently cradling your face with a tenderness so raw it nearly hurts. he’s looking at you with such intent, almost as if in belief that you’re real and in front of him, and you resist to rock forward on your toes and kiss him square on the mouth. his thumbs smooth over your damp cheeks, and you realize with a start that you’ve been crying.
as the room continues to crowd with more staff filtering in, beomgyu takes the initiative to pull you into one of the more secluded corners of the lounge for some semblance of privacy. you lean back against the wall and peer up at him through your lashes, studying the way the glitter of his makeup catches the light. he’s even more beautiful up close, impossibly ethereal, and your heart aches at the thought of leaving him again.
the rest of the members seem to have also taken note of your presence, judging by kai’s excited holler from the doorway, and you preen under their attention when they crowd into your corner. beomgyu makes a noise of complaint when they circle around you, but the frown on his face doesn’t last long as he watches you hug the rest of his bandmates. they’re all still dressed in their stage outfits, equally sweaty and noticeably exhausted, and yet they greet you with such heartfelt enthusiasm that you feel yourself go warm all over.
“no way, you didn’t tell us you were coming!” soobin pulls back from smothering you to look you over, gasping when he notices the tour shirt you’d slipped on over your outfit. “you’re wearing the one beomgyu sent you! oh, i hate couples. i’m going to be sick–”
soobin breaks off, pretending to gag, and you swat at him with a smile so wide that hurts your cheeks.
“we’ve missed you so much,” kai continues earnestly, grinning impishly, “probably more than gyu, if we’re being honest.”
“careful, i know where you’re sleeping tonight,” your boyfriend grumbles, sticking his tongue out at the both of them as he scoots into your side, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“so do i? we’re literally staying on the same floor…”
“at this point, can’t we just ask manager-nim to get an extra room at our hotel for you?” yeonjun’s question is innocent, but it makes you go warm all over. partly from excitement, partly from embarrassment.
“no way, your manager’s done already done so much for me.” that was an understatement. he’d been more than understanding when you’d first brought the idea up to him, been too kind and patient in sorting out details and ruling out alternatives. he’d pulled too many strings to secure you a spot at the show, backstage even, that it felt outright inconsiderate to ask for more. you’d gotten to see beomgyu shining from afar, gotten to see him sweaty and tired and soft between your arms.
it was enough, no matter how selfish you wanted to be.
“it’s okay,” a deeper voice cuts you off before you can continue, and you back up into beomgyu in surprise. their manager laughs good-naturedly at your shock, moving in between the members and reaching out to shake your hand in greeting.
“it’s okay?” you squeak, meeting his hand tentatively.
“i appreciate your consideration,” he nods, turning to pat beomgyu on the back. “the boys have all worked really hard on this tour. it’s the last stop, and they have a long flight back to korea tomorrow. what’s one night of celebration? you’ll have to take a separate car and follow extra protocol, but it won’t be anything our team can’t handle. beomgyu, think of this as my congratulation to you for a successful tour.”
“if beomgyu gets to be with his partner, i want in-n-out,” soobin pouts, and everyone in the circle breaks off into laughter. yeonjun seconds this with a raise of his hand, and you watch with amusement as kai and taehyun quickly follow suit.
“thank you,” beomgyu whispers to his manager, smile sincere and flustered. his hold on your hand tightens, and you look over at him to share a knowing look.
the anxiousness at the back of your mind doesn’t disappear as beomgyu and the rest of the members go through the motions of warming down and preparing to leave. you’re instructed to wait on one of the empty couches in the corner, leg bouncing restlessly as you watch your boyfriend disappear down the hall, presumably to change into something with less frills and gems.
outside, you can still hear the hum of excitement from the venue, though considerably scaled down from what you remember it being during the show. your heart squeezes with pride at the thought of how far they’d all come– sold out venues with capacities the size of small towns. an achievement so deserving, and yet once unfathomable to the entire group.
beomgyu returns clad in sweatpants and a loose shirt, face wiped clean of highlights and glitters. he seems almost bashful as he approaches you, looking around with a shy quirk to his mouth as he comes to back you up against the corner. you know what’s coming before he even leans in to peck you, know from the determination in his eyes that this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of him like this tonight.
“ready to head out?” he asks once he pulls back, reaching for your hand with a smirk playing at his lips. your fingers comfortably slip between his, and as you make your way out after the staff, you clear your throat and try to hide the blush on your cheeks.
“i also want in-n-out,” you say.
your boyfriend’s answering laugh is loud and fond, and it rings down the hallway like peals of bells. he leans into your side, nudging you with his shoulder, and you note that he still smells like the body wash you have at home.
“almost sounds like you’re more excited for the food than to spend time alone with me,” he pouts.
flicking him on the forehead, both of you pause before a set of doors, ones you assume lead to the exterior of the building. you know his manager isn’t far behind you, and after being briefed on the measures you’d have to adhere to once outside, you think it’s best you stick by a familiar face. the security milling around should have you feeling more on edge, but beomgyu’s secure hold on your hand is enough to make you forget all about the predicament.
“i’ll see you at the hotel,” he promises.
there’s a crowd of staff forming behind you, commotion rising in the hallway as the team prepares to leave. you look at the flutter of beomgyu’s lashes as he looks up at them, then back at you, and you hum quietly when he begins to let go of you hand.
“with in-n-out?”
beomgyu’s smile is blinding, like that of a star you’re finally able to hold in the cusp of your palms. “with in-n-out.”
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prettyboysun · 7 months
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just another love song (about you)
•°. *࿐ choi beomgyu x reader
༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ bf headcanons
// fluff, cursing, a tad bit angst, suggestive/some nsfw parts 🫢 beomgyu is just so lovable it hurts // 600~ words
• beomgyu who calls u the most random nicknames just to piss u off “hey my fluffy pink poodle” “what about me is even pink” “okay cheesy fried chicken”
• loves to come up from behind you and just hold you. puts his hands under your shirt for warmth and lazily peppers kisses around your nape. when he’s feeling a bit silly he’ll draw shapes on your waist and let out weird moans in ur ear just to rile you up.
• loves to go out for dates in the rain w you. INSISTS on holding the umbrella. you have this thing together where you sprint home in the rain just for the fun of it. when you’re finally under shelter he’ll grab your face and kiss the life out of you like it’s a movie
• loves it when you play with his hair and do little braids and ponytails “makes me feel like a princess :>” as he does a twirl
• you call him babygirl and he pouts and tells u not to call him that but u know he secretly loves it
• Has a habit of putting his own food on your plate and when you tell him he needs to stop it and eat more he goes “but seeing my baby eat so well makes me happy ☹️”
• sleepily sing songs w you in bed, humming to the quiet lyrics while you both drift off to sleep
• always calls/facetimes u after dropping you off from a date, he’s just so happy to have spent time w you and already misses u
• he can’t help but cry into ur arms when u hold him and reassure him of how perfect he’s doing and that he shouldnt have to carry so much of a burden on his shoulders
• u guys randomly bite each other. sometimes it turns into all out zombie wars.
• ofc he teaches u how to play his guitar ☹️☹️ wears the pretty guitar pick you got for him as a birthday present as a necklace
• loves leaving marks on you. and vice versa. it’s like a competition to wake up in the morning and see who’s left more hickeys on the other (makes out w u in the morning just so he can leave more)
• he buys fruit flavored lip balms for you guys to share (ofc so he can kiss it off you) bought a pack of weird flavors like pickle juice or hot sauce for you on Christmas. u threw it at him when you unwrapped it.
• he quickly gave you the pretty necklace he saved up many paychecks for 😔💔
• pokes your waist or butt whenever he walks past you
• the necklaces do something to you guys. it’s so hot when the guitar pick necklace hangs over you when he’s hovering on top of you 😳 he loves to see the dainty little necklace rest on your bare torso, tugs at it to get your attention (wants to look u in the eyes but u have them shut from the pleasure he’s giving u ☠️☠️)
• likes to think to himself that he loves u more than u love him and he doesn’t mind that at all because he’s sure he’ll love you forever, even if u stop loving him 😭😭😭😭😭 (GYU STOP BEINF A SIMP DONT THINK LIKE THAT)
• he makes you so happy and pisses u off so much and he just makes you so sad but only because you love him sooooo so fucking much
// in my 3am gyu hours rn 💔💔💔
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beom-s-author · 3 months
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+ When they call you clingy
Choi Soobin:
Everything was so strange. You had a ton of homework to deal with. You were trying to stay busy with your own life, but you noticed that your boyfriend Soobin was very exhausted when he came back. His under eyes were sunken. You decided to put your work aside and take care of him, but the stress and fatigue had completely exhausted him. He was too unhappy to notice your effort. When he came home, his favorite meal was ready. You covered your living room with blankets, just like you did most nights with him, and turned on a ridiculous love drama from the 80s from the movie. Everything was so classic but you thought this would bring him back to his senses. But you were wrong...
When he comes back to house again, he was unhappy again. He seems exhausted like he always in comeback terms. But you decided to not give up from him. He always did when you are at your worst down. So you gave him an understanding smile. But he didn't respond back like he always did. He didn't hug you or smile back. And this was the last straw.
"What's wrong? You didn't talk with me this week." You asked to him. You were waiting for a respond.
"Can you be a bit welfare? You are so clingy." And yes,he said it. Trying for something is being clingy? And you asked yourself this abput 3 times before shutting the door behind you. You just heard his whisper as 'shit'.
Choi Yeonjun:
You didn't realize how time passed. You were working a pat-time job after school and taking care of your sister's daughter on the weekends. With all this work going on, you didn't realize how much pressure your boyfriend was under. He was coming home and you were sitting across from each other. That day was both yours and his free day. The documentary on the screen that you have been looking at for an hour has finally finished. When you raised your head and looked at him, you realized that he was already staring into space. Then a strange conversation took place.
"Babe..You are looking tired.."
"Yeah..whatever.." he was cold as ice. You gulped. He was never like that.
"Is there any problem? I don't like unhappy Jun."
"Why are you caring this now? You were like a ghost this week and now you are asking this? You have to be clingy,right?" As his words hit, you can feel your eyes are getting teary. Your pupils get wise and you gulped. Your eyelashes are threatining you to drop the tears. But you wiped them immedietaly and go out. He was watching you from distance.
Choi Beomgyu:
Everything was a big mess. You were all over him and asking for his problem. Because he was too distant and cold this times. You were trying to reach him but he was hiding in a big ice cub like he always did. You always broke this ice cub but now it was impossible. He was staring at the void and holding a pen in his hands. He was trying to compose TXT's new song and now he was too depressed with that. You went near of him and grabbed his pen.
"Why are you so desperate to write this? You can do this later honey. Just take a quick break."
"You can't understand me. I am doing a job which is important not like you. You are sitting at your clinic and listening people's words. This is boring and unnecessary." He crossed the line this time. Your job was your dream job. And now he was daubing it now. You looked angry.
"I am also doing a job which is important. And why don't you respect towards to me? I guess we are sensitive about this topic."
"Yes we are. My job is requiring space and relax behaviours not clingy and weird actions as a psychopath has." He crossed the line again and now you weren't tolerating now.
"I am apprehensive about you! You are not talking, eating, even sleeping. How can I be relax about it?" You replied back.
"Do you know what? If you are complainant like this why don't you leave?"
You gulped with his words. You were now sad more than being furious. You go to your room and grab your coat with your purse and phone. You shut the door. He watched you with empty eyes. He couldn't recognize how he hurt you.
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popp1nstaxr · 10 months
Okay, okay, I was reading some stuff and I thought: "don't they realize that a female reader never gets her period?" and here it is, a txt type of boyfriend BUT he reacts to when you are in those days of course 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Content: Well, obviously fem! reader, colic, maybe you mention blood xd and well, it's not really much jsjs
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# period !!
Choi Soobin:
Soobin aaaa Soob would definitely be a sweetheart 😭😭 I would always be with you and even if I don't fully understand how you feel, I would try, I would always be attentive to you and if you need something, he may even worry more if you have very strong cramps, enough to take you to the doctor and confirm if Is that really normal or not.
You were completely covered in the bed you shared with him, he had please asked for a day off because he really wanted to take care of you that day, he didn't understand it but he knew that sometimes it could hurt a lot thanks to what his older sister had told him ( Yes, Soob has an older sister and I definitely called her to ask what she could do to help you) "Do you need anything honey? Is it in a lot of pain? Are you okay? Is the bed comfortable?" you laughed softly and nodded "It's okay, Bin. I'm fine, stop worrying" Soobin sat next to you on the bed and hugged you "But-" you kissed his lips to reassure him "I'm fine, I won't die from it" you clarified and you chuckled when he made a sound of surprise and took out his cell phone, showing you something he had been looking for "I investigated, you've been here for three days now and Google says that if you lose more blood than normal it can give you anemia :(" I explain with concern, you laughed a little "Soob, I'm fine" you said again, even so, it wasn't enough to leave him alone.
Choi YeonJun:
YeonJun would be VERY attentive, to the point of harassing a bit, but it's okay because he only cares that you're okay at that moment, although of course, he wouldn't be as paranoid as Soobin, but he would surely call you all day to check that you're calm.
"How are you darling?" YeonJun asked on the other side of the line, you looked around you, seeing all the change clothes, the excess towels, the stuffed animals, the chocolates, fruits and more things that YeonJun had bought for you before leaving and laughed a little. "I'm fine, believe me, nothing's happening" you spoke and you heard him sigh in relief "I'm glad to hear that... oh, love, I'll be home soon, okay? I'll call you in a few more hours" and cut it off, you laughed a little, and you continued cooking in peace, when not even a minute passed and your phone rang again, your boyfriend YeonJun calling again, you laughed low and answered "are you sure you're okay? you don't want something? I can buy it, there's a store here" you laughed low and denied, again stating that nothing happens, really, it was already the eleventh time I called you that day.
Choi BeomGyu:
BeomGyu would say that he is a little, just a little calmer than the other two, he would be with you all day, following you and accompanying you everywhere you need, he would be more in charge of caressing you, pampering you, because he knows that somehow or other You are more sensitive than normal and would not like to see you cry over something he did accidentally, it would feel terrible.
You've been crying for hours, the end of that movie really hurt you more than expected, Beomgyu was just by your side, consoling you and pampering you "it's okay love, I know, it's quite sad, the puppy was very good and I didn't deserve that ending" he said softly as he caressed your back "I know, let's go buy some sweets, you talked about craving something like that, what do you say?" he spoke and left a tender kiss on your forehead, smiling lovingly at you "Y-yes, yes, okay" you murmured and sniffled, he smiled and kissed your kisses tenderly before wiping your tears with his fingers and taking your hand to They both leave the apartment.
Kang Taehyun:
Taehyun, Taehyun is Taehyun jsjs he would be the only one who would leave you alone, he knows it's something hormonal and natural to the body so he doesn't worry too much, yes, he would definitely buy you some to make you feel good, chocolates or see what don't lack wipes, sometimes I would call you, but I wouldn't be as harassing as YeonJun, definitely the calmest.
"How was today love?" you asked as soon as Taehyun arrived, he went straight to your side and hugged you from behind, kissing your neck gently "fine, how are you love?" He asked as he moved away from you, going towards the living room and taking you with him "fine" you answered, he nodded and handed you a bag "I brought you some things, you know, towels and stuff, sorry if there are a lot of them I didn't know which ones to buy and I I asked the manager, she recommended those... oh, there's also chocolate, just in case" he explained and smiled at you, you smiled in the same way "thank you love" he kissed your cheek, really, you adored your boyfriend.
Huening Kai:
Kai is very cute, he would surely lend you his stuffed animals so that you feel accompanied when he is not there 😭😭😭 Although, at first it would be a little difficult for him to know what's wrong with you, it's not that he's innocent, he just thinks that's "something for women" but if you need help with something he'll be very willing to help you <3
"I brought you this love" he spoke smiling as he handed you a small sweet, you smiled "thank you love" you spoke and a small grimace crossed your face at a stitch of your cramps, Kai immediately went over to hug you and pat your back " It's okay, love, do you want any pills? I think that alleviates the pain" I spoke smiling and you nodded, I kissed the crown of your head and I handed you a stuffed animal "so that it warms you while it hurts less, according to what I read" you smiled and you agreed, he immediately went in search of the pill that he thought he could use.
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itaehynz · 11 months
love yourself or no one else will. — c.bg ・ ⟢
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╰ pairing: choi beomgyu x afab!reader.
╰ genre: pure angst.
╰ warnings: very little profanity, cheating, crying, betrayal.
╰ summary: the night of your anniversary, the night you wished the best for. you and beomgyu had your ups and downs but you never would have thought it would’ve escalate this far.
part 1 | part 2
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you and beomgyu have been together for two years. there’s been quite a few ups and downs, but nothing you two can’t get through.
there’s been a few ‘oh, she’s just a friend.’ and ‘oh, i’ve known her all my life. she’d never become an obstacle for us.’ on beomgyu’s end but again, nothing you two can’t get through.
beomgyu seems to really love you more than life itself but these days, he seems a bit… off. like there’s something he’s not telling you, something he may be hiding or maybe a surprise! he would never hurt you in anyway, right?
anywho, today’s your two year anniversary with him. you texted him that you’d be working late tonight in order to surprise him and get everything set up for dinner at your shared apartment. he responded with an ‘okay babe, i’ll see you later’ considering he was working.
when he responded to you, you hearted his message putting your phone to the side and starting cooking away. you decided that it would be great help if your best friend would be able to help you get everything ready, but apparently she was busy with something.
‘it’s fine’, you think to yourself. you can do this within a 4-hour time span, beomgyu usually doesn’t come straight home after work anyways so you’re sure it’d be nice if he were to walk in on a beautiful dinner after wearing himself out with a long day’s work.
you continue to cook, yelling for alexa to turn on your playlist. this should help you move quicker.
it’s finished. everything is perfect. there’s a trail of rose petals leading from your front door to your dining room table. there’s a fresh wine bottle sitting atop the beautifully decorated kitchen island, cork waiting to be popped off in celebration. lights dimmed for a sultry mood, and the food. everything looks amazing.
you finally take off your apron and rush to your shared bedroom to dress in your best attire. you put on a beautiful, skin tight silk black dress, something beomgyu has always loved seeing you in.
you sigh in content waiting for beomgyu to walk through that door in his work attire, a suit with the tie that he pulls at all day, trying to make himself more comfortable as he sits behind a desk for hours.
finally, you hear keys jingling at the door. ‘it’s beomgyu.’ you think to yourself with a bright smile painted on your face. you quickly grab the flowers resting on top of your kitchen counter, waiting for beomgyu in front of the door.
you assume he seems to be having a hard time unlocking it as you hear him grunting lightly behind the door. once you finally hear him unlock it, your eyes glisten with delight and love.
until they walk in.
‘they’ as in beomgyu and… your best friend.
your eyes turn from what was delight to pure disgust. beomgyu and your best friend both stop in their tracks, eyes blown out as if they’re deers that were caught in headlights.
“b-baby… i can explai-” beomgyu breathes out, obviously tired from the full on makeout he was once having.
“e-explain what b-beomgyu?” you say, tears brewing in your eyes. you cannot even begin to explain how you’re feeling right now. anger? sadness? distress? probably a mix of all.
“h-how l-long has this b-been going on f-for?” you mumble with tears now streaming down your face. beomgyu and your (old) best friend share a look, one filled with despair and knowingness. you expected something bad to come out of beomgyu’s mouth but you never would’ve thought it would be this bad.
“after our first argument, i went to her and ranted but it escalated into something more. i didn’t expect our relationship to last this long, i’m sorry y/n.” he utters looking down at his feet, disgusted with himself for how long he let the hookup carry on for.
you suddenly feel a turning feeling in your stomach, you think you’re gonna be sick. you feel extremely dumb for not noticing his change of actions and words. the way he’s been cancelling on your dates, claiming “something came up” at work and the way he’s been talking to you, rushing through the conversations as if he had somewhere to be. you guess he did have somewhere to be… with her.
you’re deep in thought before you hear the slight shuffle of your best friend’s feet causing you to look at her with narrowed eyes. making eye contact with her, she seems to have tears brimming her eyes which makes her look away abruptly. you look back over at beomgyu and then her again coming up with a plan, “you know what,” you interject, “you two can eat, i’ll be in the room if you have anything else to say.” you add before turning around and walking back to the shared bedroom.
once you reach your bedroom, you start your plan: gather all of beomgyu’s shit, put it in a suitcase and kick them out once they finish eating.
you don’t know how you’re going to build up the mental strength to do so but you know it’s what you have to do. you can barely look at her or beomgyu without wanting to cry. this is one of the downs you and beomgyu will not be bouncing back from.
you hear beomgyu and your now ex-best friend talking, trying to come up with ways to come back from this situation and have everything go back to normal. you silently scoff, finding it silly how beomgyu thinks he’ll always be able to get what he wants. it’s not happening.
you hear them finally put their plates in the sick just as you finish packing up every single last thing that beomgyu has ever owned. you begin dragging the suitcase out of the room, causing them both to look at you in shock.
“y/n, you’re not serious right?” beomgyu speaks, true sorrow laced in his tone. you look up at him with tears threatening to trickle down once again, fiddling with the suitcase handle. “yes. i am, i don’t want to see either of you ever again.” you say, looking between them both.
beomgyu’s now blinking rapidly, trying to rid away his tears. “y-y/n, p-pleas—please” he sniffles, “i’m r-really s-sorry.” you stare at him, unpleased with the way he’s acting. he’s trying to get what he wants again. your ex-best friend is now looking at you with sad eyes, tears brimming at her eyes.
“LEAVE. both of you,” you yell, voice cracking trying your absolute hardest not to cry in front of them. they both jump at the sound of your voice, beomgyu’s officially given up. he’s still sniffling but he’s not saying anything. instead, he reaches over for the suitcase, hand lightly grazing yours.
he tries resting his hand on yours but you snatch your hand away, looking up at him “go.” you say, voice laced with faux ferocity.
seeming as if they finally got the memo, beomgyu takes the suitcase and walks to the door. your best friend follows suit and waves back at you, knowing this is the last time she’ll ever see you.
“wait,” you say. beomgyu perks up his head quickly, hoping you’ve changed your mind about all of this.
“leave your keys, i don’t want you thinking it’s okay to come back.” you add, leaving beomgyu with no choice but to lower his head once again and placing his keys on the kitchen counter. they both begin walking out the door again, not gaining the strength to look back at you.
once the door slams, your knees give out. you’re on the floor, sobbing profusely. you never would’ve thought things would end this way and that’s not what you were hoping for. especially not on your anniversary. the dress being worn right now, the dress beomgyu apparently loved on you, a dress that you now hate. you’re filled with anger yet sadness at the same time, mad at yourself for not seeing how weird he’s been acting but sad for having things end this way.
now looking back on all of the things that could’ve been or should’ve been if you hadn’t wasted your time on a lost cause also known as your relationship. it was obvious beomgyu had stopped loving you a while ago, but it just hurts you to think about.
if it was so easy for him to hide things from you, why was it so hard for him to let you go? he never loved you. you guess it is true what they say.
love yourself or no one else will.
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2023 TTYUNZ.
╰ author notes: i hope you guys enjoyed this one! just a little something to get you guys by as i get close to finishing “icrtfy” <3!
╰ p. taglist: @boba-beom @bucketofhiros @yeofy @n0-thisispatrick @hyukafied @hyunimylove @luvsoobs @choiwrld @majestyjun @tyunkus @belovedxiao @h00nerz —
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atinyniki · 4 months
(in no specific order i love all of you i promise)
@sona1800: literally my long lost twin 🥺 you mean everything to me bby 🫶 i love talking to you and spending time with you bc you’ve helped me so much in the past month you have no idea… so grateful for you love 💕
@skzoologist: you are actually so perfect i will cry bc it’s hard to believe someone as amazing as you actually exists 😭 (your accent actually has me in a chokehold)
@writingforstraykids: i love talking to you so much you actually make me so happy and AUGHHH I LOVE YOU NAT WEUIGFYU 💕💕💕
@jinnie-ret: you're literally so cute and tiny (even tho youre older than me) and youre so perfect and OMG i love you <3
@cinnamostar: i still remember the first time we interacted and how i literally exploded when i read your league of legends felix fic (still not over that) thank you for showing me how to use discord youre literally an angel 🥰
@arafilez: us becoming moots was actually something i didnt expect at all bc i didnt expect you to notice me BUT YOU DID bc your acc died (still mad abt that btw) AND IM LITERALLY SO HAPPY WE INTERACT NOW 😊
@oddinarylani: we dont interact much on tumblr but you have no idea how many times ive gone back to your page to read your angst... always gives me a good cry omfg. love you bby 🥺
@xpeachesncream: your drunk texting series has me on my KNEEEES lord it was so good ily sm <3 🤭
@mnwrld: i remember seeing you first following me one day and i literally binged every single one of your fics... THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO YUM I CANT (you write single parents so accurately too?!) 🤯
@hanstarrs: ive actually yet to talk with you but you are SUCH a big inspo to me. reading your works always gets me so giggly and AUGH youre amazing 😩
@slvt4felix: i recently read your little hyunjin meet-cute fic and let me tell you... its actually PHENOMENAL like i love it so much you have NO IDEA AUGHHH 🤗
@chqnverse: even tho we dont interact much on tumblr i LOVE your fics especially the angst 🤭
@michelle4eve: as im writing this it has literally been a couple of hours since we became moots and i can see you liking all my posts youre such a sweetheart ily 🥺
@gayforfelix: im actually not sure if you write bc ive never seen your fics but ive seen you interact with my blog and you are just soooo cute ily bby <3
@bangchansgirlsblog: your ANGST i cant BREATHE its actually PERFECT in EVERY WHICH WAY and reading it gets me in such a sad mood and so motivated to write angst again (thats a compliment btw) 😊
@maximumkillshot: you are actually such a cutie pie, and though i only read your kpop fics throughout your blog, they are SO SO SO good and im so glad i stumbled upon your page that one day ilysm <3
@ivyisnotokay: idk if you write fics bc ive never seen them before (sorry) BUT I LITERALLY SEE YOUR REBLOGS ALL THE TIME AND OH GOD YOU ARE SOOOOOO SWEET ILY DARLING <3
@babybreadddd: ive only ever seen one of your fics (i dont remember seeing any more on your masterlist) and let me tell you... i am already HOOKED !!! ily so much bby keep up the amazing work 🥺
@leaneverleaves2: i think ive only read your ditto fic but oh my god its so cute and comforting :((( youre such a talented writer my love <3
@skzstannie: your angst... YOUR ANGST?! HOLY FUCK NUTS ITS SO AMAZING AND IT MAKES ME WANT TO BAWL MY EYES OUT (thats such a big compliment btw dw) 😭
@noyurcapri: i think youre actually one of my first moots ever and i love you so much bc youre always interacting and supporting me <3 I LOVE YOUUU MWAH >//<
@youfoundme-not: oh my gosh... i could literally never forget you. i remember when you just sent general feedback in my inbox and i literally started SOBBING bc it was the first thing ive ever gotten there. i love you baby <3 💕
@number1jeonginstan: idk how to explain it but your fluff is SO FLUFFY and its like in the most adorable way its so sweet like candy and OMGGGGG MWAH <3 🥺
@chansdoll: your hard thoughts... ouhhh baby let me tell you... you have SUCH an amazing mind and SUCH an amazing way of writing it out I LOVE YOUR WORKS 🫣
@linocvp1d: idk if youre a writer but i literally always see you interacting with peoples posts and it has me so giggly bc youre SO SUPPORTIVE AUGHHH ILY <3
@gyustarzzi: bby i love your little ateez headcannons theyre SOOOOOOO cute and your blog is so aesthetic and adorable too?! i cant w you youre so cutie pie omg... 🫶
@cutieleeknow: OH MY GOD THE ‘how they announce your pregnancy’ SERIES WAS LITERALLY SO CUTE YOURE SO AMAZING AND ILY
@viviworkshere: i know you’re like a new writer and all but i CANNOT get over the seungmin fic you wrote… cried to it this morning and probably will continue to cry over it every time i read it 🥺
@soullostinspaceandtime: don’t know much about you (hopefully we can get to know each other) but all ik is that you ATE w those tags. as you should 😌
@vanillacupcakefrosting: i think we literally only started talking recently but im soooo glad to be moots! i can wait to start talking to you more :))) you seem so sweet and AUGH 🥺💕
lmk if i missed any of you <3 love all of you so so sooooooo much :))
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jjunsolos · 1 year
TXT REACTIONS TO - you crying over a song
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when txt walks in on you crying over a sad song
pairings - txt x gn!reader (separately)
warnings - none much. reader just cries in all of the reactions
genre - fluff, tiniest of angst, crack
a/n - i got this idea after listening to ‘no me queda mas’ by selena😪 when i tell you i was BAWLINGG !! anywayyy i decided to post this since i havent been updating the smau (my bad yall) but also coz this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long😭 so i hope yall enjoy 💗
(bold = reader)
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[yeonjun] <3
- bro walks in and just sees you bawling your eyes out
- confused coz wtf are you doing in the dark blasting bruno mars 🤨
- “uh… baby? are you oka-“
- couldnt finish his sentence coz you start sobbing loudly
- most definitely thinks youre going through something
- decides to sit next to you and rubs your back as you sob your heart out
- “sorry… this song is just so sad”
- “no dont apologize baby” *smiles widely* “ill be your shoulder to cry on”
- teases you when youve calmed down fs
[soobin] <3
- worried bby :(
- abt to start crying just coz youre crying (this pure soul🤧)
- sits next to you and hugs you super duper tight
- (pls keep in mind he still has yet to find out why youre crying)
- grabs a tissue box and starts wiping your tears and your snot. despite it grossing him out just a littleee 🤏 bit
- finally asks why youre crying and… welp
- his face literally goes from “🥺🤨😐😑”
- “babe i thought someone died !!! you worried me so much ahhhh”
- dramatic noises coz bby was REALLYYY worried for a second
- but its okay coz at least youre crying over something minor
[beomgyu] <3
- confused pt.1
- first instinct, as bad as it sounds, is to record you😭
- like lets be honest, the second he heard adele from the other room he alr knew you were gonna end up in tears
- comes up to you and starts fake crying
- you look at him like “🥺🤨”
- “what? you cant just cry alone. you need my cries to finish yours”
- changes the music to something else coz his throat starts hurting from all the fake crying😭
- shows you the video he took an hour later and you alr know hes laughing as he does so
[taehyun] <3
- honestly babes didnt even notice you were crying
- he came into the room to grab something and didnt notice you were crying till he turned around
- confused pt.2
- doesnt understand why youre crying till he hears ‘for you’ by bts playing
- as a fellow army himself, he understands
- grabs a box of tissue and your favorite stuffed animal and hands it to you
- and when you look at him confused, he just replies with “for the tough times”
- walks out and cooks you some nice soup for when youre done with your crying session
[hueningkai] <3
- heard sniffling and thought you caught a cold
- turns out youre crying over music :\
- kinda stands at the door like “🧍🏾”
- literally doesnt speak bc “actions speak louder than words”
- grabs one of his many stuffed animals and comes towards you with it
- “yah im gonna tickle you if you dont stop crying this instant”
- ends up tickling you anyways coz he wants to hear your furious giggles and laughs (🥹💔)
- cuddles you while rubbing your back
- “im gonna do this to you every time i catch you crying”
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soobuneary · 1 year
sour - choi soobin x fem reader
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college au! best friend!soobin x fem reader; slight beomgyu x reader
ANGST, heavy angst and some fluff, heavily suggestive themes
Summary: After you begin toying with the idea of dating someone, your best friend Soobin begins to act strangely toward you. Highkey inspired by the song Sour by The Rose (I probably listened to it 1000 times on repeat while I wrote this haha.)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexual content
Words: 2.8k
“I know it hurts, but it’s the truth
My heart’s so sour without you.”
Lips were locked and tongues battled for dominance. You kissed him roughly and fervently, tasting the alcohol you both had been drinking all night. His hands roamed all over, starting at your breasts before eventually finding their way to your ass. He broke away from the kiss, “Are you sure you want this?”
You looked at the handsome stranger you had met just hours before. All you knew was his name was Beomgyu and he was part of the frat holding this party. Was this a smart decision? Probably not, but the idea of getting laid sounded good to your intoxicated mind. Why the hell not? It might even help you in getting over your stupid crush on your best friend.
His lips attached to your neck and you let out a small moan. The heat pooling between your legs was a welcome distraction from your anxious thoughts. Was this really a good idea? Beomgyu’s lips, along with the alcohol, made those thoughts begin to melt away. His kisses went lower until he was lightly sucking on your collarbone. “Beomgyu.”
In the heat of the moment, you hadn’t noticed the door swing open. Soobin stood in the doorway, his face a mix of betrayal and shock.
You and Beomgyu quickly detached yourselves from each other. The awkwardness hung heavy in the air before Beomgyu started, “Soobin-”
“Whatever. Y/N, let's go.”
His hand roughly grabbed your wrist and he dragged you out of the room. You looked back at Beomgyu but it was no use, Soobin was walking fast and taking you with him. “Wait.”
He didn’t let up, so you decided to quietly go along with him. When the cold air outside hit you, you finally resisted and caused Soobin to stop and turn around. The two of you stood in front of the house. “What the fuck was that?”
You feigned confidence because inside you were a wreck. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“You don’t see the big deal of hooking up with one of my friends?”
“Would you rather me get with a stranger?”
“I’d rather you not get with anyone at all!”
“Why are you being such a cockblock? Am I not allowed to have fun?”
He huffed in frustration before moving closer to you. “You’re drunk, and you would’ve regretted it. I’m just trying to protect you.”
You took his challenge and took a step closer to him. This close, you could truly see the fury in his eyes. “I never asked you to protect me.”
The anger began to fade and you saw sadness slowly take over his demeanor. “Is that not what best friends do?”
It hurt a lot more than you wanted to admit. Being called his best friend was a heavy burden to bear. Because while it was true, the two of you have been inseparable since you were thirteen, it hurt. In the past two years, you had begun to see Soobin in a different light. If you were being completely honest, he was the kind of man you always dreamt you would be with.
He looked down, and you realized you had been silent for too long. “C’mon, I’ll walk you home.”
You didn’t have the energy to argue so you let him silently lead the short walk back to your apartment.
It had been a week since the incident at the party, and Soobin had been avoiding you. He said he was feeling too sick for your weekly study session, yet you saw him the same day on your friend Yeonjun’s Instagram story. If he was going to lie, he might as well lie well, you thought bitterly.
To make matters worse, Beomgyu had been messaging you every day wanting to meet up. What for? You had no idea. You had exchanged numbers with him before you… yeah. You figured if anyone wanted to avoid you it should be Beomgyu, who you had almost made a drunken mistake with. But, as much as it was going to be awkward, you agreed to meet up with him today.
You sat at your vanity and carefully applied your eyeliner. Your thoughts were everywhere, but mostly you thought about Soobin. What he was doing, where he was, if he had been eating well, if he felt just as miserable as you; these thoughts plagued your mind.
It was then your phone lit up. Seeing his name on your phone made your heart lighten up a little bit.
Soob: what are you doing?
You answered quickly.
i’m getting ready. why?
His reply was not even a minute later.
Soob: what for?
You decided that maybe honesty wasn’t the best policy.
i’m meeting up with someone
After that, he didn’t respond. It was probably for the best, you thought. He probably wouldn’t be a fan of you meeting up with Beomgyu after what happened.
You walked into the small café on campus and saw him instantly. You went to sit across from him, “hey.”
“Hey Y/N.” He smiled, and you couldn’t help but admit to yourself that he was charming. “I already ordered, but do you want me to get you something?”
“No, I’m okay.” You decided to not beat around the bush, “What did you want to see me for?”
“Straight to it then, huh?” He laughed, “there's something I wanted to say to you that night, but I didn’t get the chance. The truth is,” he sighed. “To be honest, I didn’t want to just hook up. I’ve heard a lot about you from Soobin, and you seem to be a nice person. I’d love to go on a few dates and get to know you more.”
You didn’t know what you had been expecting, but it was definitely not that. You tried to not show your shock. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You can think about it. I don’t need an answer right away.”
In all the time that you and Soobin have been friends, he had never approved of any of your crushes or partners. At first, you had suspected that he had feelings for you, but you always shook the thought away. Soobin was looking out for you like any friend would, because as much as it annoyed you, he was almost always right. They had been jerks, mostly, and every time you cried Soobin was the one who picked you back up. For that, you would always be grateful to him.
But Beomgyu didn’t seem like a jerk. Throughout your text conversations, he seemed to be quite the opposite. He was funny and sweet, constantly asking if you were having a good day and messaging you good morning. The problem was, however, that you couldn't stop thinking about Soobin. Disregarding your crush on him, you missed your best friend.
There was a knock on your door, and much to your surprise the boy you were missing was right in front of you. “What are you doing here?”
Soobin gave you a small smile. “It’s Tuesday, we study on Tuesdays, yeah?”
You moved out of the way, allowing him to enter. “I thought you were going to play hooky again.”
He laughed quietly, “Sorry about that.”
The both of you walked to your room. “It’s okay.” You sat at your desk, and Soobin took his usual spot on your bed. He pulled out his laptop and a textbook to begin studying, but you couldn’t help but tell him what you’d been thinking for a week and a half. “I’ve missed you.”
He just hummed in response, and it hurt your feelings a little bit that he didn’t say the same. Instead, he turned on the usual study time playlist and the two of you began to silently study.
After an hour or so it was time for a break. He pulled out his phone and began to absentmindedly scroll through Twitter. “So what have you been up to?”
You shrugged. “Not much.” The only thing you could think to talk about was Beomgyu, but you weren’t sure if that’s what he’d want to hear. Then again, he was just mad you were going to hook up. Maybe he’d be happier to know you had different intentions? You tested it out. “I have a date this weekend.”
He stopped scrolling and looked at you. “You do? With who?”
You couldn’t meet his gaze. It’s not like you were doing anything wrong. “Beomgyu.”
The silence that followed hung heavy in the room. After a long pause, he finally spoke. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what, Soob?”
“Why does it have to be one of my friends?”
You finally looked at him again. “I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal. Why aren’t you happy for me?”
He sat up. “You want me to be happy for you? Are you serious right now?”
You stood up from your chair. “I’m tired of being one of my only single friends. They all talk about love like it’s the greatest thing to happen to them. Am I not allowed to feel that too?”
He got off your bed and stood in front of you. “You are, but why does it have to be him?”
“Why can’t it be? You know he’s a good guy, why does it matter if you’re friends with him? Shouldn’t you be happy that two of your friends are getting together? It could be a great thing-”
“No, I’m not happy!” His nostrils flared, and in the years you had been friends you weren’t sure you’d ever seen him this angry. “I’m not happy at all! Why are you so blind, Y/N?”
This caught you off guard. “What?”
“I like you!” His confession made the air in your lungs feel thick. After a few seconds of silence, he breathed out, “I think I love you.”
Soobin appeared to be just as surprised by his confession as you were. After staring at each other for a few moments, he quickly gathered his stuff. “Soobin, wait.”
He left your room and walked toward your door. You quickly caught up with him and grabbed his wrist to stop him. He didn’t turn but just stood there. “Soobin, wait just a second.” You gathered all of your courage, “I-”
“I can’t stand this, Y/N.” There was an overwhelming sadness in his voice. “I like you so much, I feel sick.”
He shook his wrist from your grasp and left. You had never felt so alone.
“I think you need to come get him, Y/N.”
You were on the phone with Yeonjun. “Why me?”
“Because he’s asking for you. He’s really fucking drunk.”
“Just call him an Uber. He’ll be fine, I’m not coming.”
You hung up, not wanting to hear any more of it. At first, you had been sad after you and Soobin’s fight, but the more you thought about it the more angry and bitter you became. Who did he think he was? To confess and then not let you answer? On top of all that, he had been ignoring your texts and calls. Now that he’s drunk he wanted to see you? Yeah right.
It was Saturday, and you had canceled your date with Beomgyu. You didn’t know when, but you were going to confess to Soobin. He needed to know that you reciprocated his feelings so the two of you could stop playing this avoiding game. As much as you wanted to see him, you couldn’t face him right now when he was drunk. 
But it seemed you didn’t have a choice.
Because one, highly intoxicated, Choi Soobin showed up at your door. “Y/N.”
You sighed. “Why did you come here?”
“Needed to see you.”
He pushed his way past you into your apartment. You shut the door and turned to face him. “You can’t just show up when you please.”
His words were slurred together. “Please, can’t wait.”
“I’ll let you sleep here, but we aren’t going to talk like this.”
He approached you wobbly and placed his hands on your shoulders. “I like you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
His serious demeanor made butterflies swirl about in your stomach. You knew you couldn’t give in to whatever he was saying because he was drunk, and you needed to be sober to have this conversation. But fuck, was it hard. The way he was looking at you with so much emotion made your resolve weak, as well as your knees. He spoke again, “Don’t know when, but I like you. So much.”
“Wait.” His hands slipped off your shoulders and down your arms, taking your smaller hands into his big ones. You looked down to where your hands met, but only for a moment because you heard a quiet sob come from your best friend. You looked up and saw tears streaming down his face. “You don’t know. Don’t know how long I’ve had to wait. Don’t know how many times,” he paused, and took in a big breath. “Don’t know how many times I’ve had to keep my mouth shut. When you liked someone. When you told me about your first kiss. When you looked at someone else like they were your whole world.”
You finally broke, a single tear falling from your eyes. You took one hand away from his to wipe the tears on his cheek. “You’re my world, Soobin. I’m so sorry.”
“Still don’t think you get it.” He surprised you by pulling you into a hug. Your face was tucked into his chest and you felt one of his hands stroke your hair. “I’m sick of watching you look for love when it’s right in front of you. Want you to be mine.”
You pulled away from his chest and looked at him with tear-stained eyes. “I already am.”
You watched as his eyes flicked from your own to your lips. Temptation had you in its grasp, but you had to be strong for his sake. He came closer, lips plump and wanting. You put a finger to his mouth to stop him. “You’re drunk, and I want you to remember this.”
You could tell he was a little disappointed, but he slowly nodded in agreement. You gently guided him to your couch, intending on helping him settle for the night, but he had one more request. “Please, I want to stay with you.”
That’s how you ended up cuddled into his chest once again, this time under your covers in bed. Fully clothed and innocent, you went to bed with conflicted emotions. Happy your best friend was also in love with you, but sad at how torn up he had seemed about it.
The next morning you woke up before Soobin. You watched as his chest slowly rose and fell, and contemplated waking him up. You had so much you wanted to say to him. However, you didn’t have to wait long, as his eyes slowly fluttered open after a moment. “Y/N.”
He smiled softly, “Thank you.”
You looked at him with slight confusion. “For what?”
“For letting me stay. For letting me say everything I needed to.”
“You remember last night?”
“How could I forget?”
“You were stupid drunk, Soob.”
He laughed quietly, “True. But I meant everything I said. I want you and only you.”
“Are you going to let me speak this time?” He just looked at you lovingly, waiting to hear you out. “When we started college, I knew something was different.” You paused and took a deep breath. It was time to let it all out. “I started to see you less and less, and it affected me more than it should have. I found myself missing you when you weren’t here, and getting more excited to see you than a friend would.”
His hand came up to caress your cheek, and you continued. “I don’t know when and I don't know how, but you stopped being just a boy I grew up with and became the kind of man I want to be with. I want to be with you, Soobin, and only you. You said you like me so much you feel sick. I don't want you to feel that way anymore. No more pain and no more pining, the only thing I want is for us to be together.”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you slowly captured his lips with yours. His lips were softer than you had imagined they would be, and you had imagined this many times. None of those daydreams were as good as the real thing. Soobin deepened the kiss and held your face in his hands. You don’t know how long you stayed like that, but it didn’t matter.
You were his, and he was finally yours.
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
flowers of every color | 5. sunflowers
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overall summary: when your father is assigned as the new head gardener to the royal family, you are also tasked with helping him maintain the castle's many gardens and extensive floral arrangements. by chance you find yourself crossing paths with the "ice-cold" crown prince, choi yeonjun... who turns out to be not as ice-cold as everyone says he is.
chapter summary: as you start to spend more time with the princes of the house of choi, your bond with yeonjun deepens... until your blissful days are interrupted by something you aren't supposed to hear.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: a scolding scene and a resulting panic/crying from it
author's notes included at the end!
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“nooooo! i was so close this time!”
“you shouldn’t have put that card down, hyung, you knew i had a match for it! you should’ve just drawn from the deck!”
yeonjun throws down the last two cards he was holding and lets out an exaggerated whine. beomgyu, seated next to him at the garden table, starts laughing so hard that he nearly falls off his chair; soobin, who won the card game several turns earlier, grabs beomgyu’s shoulder with his hand to keep him from falling over.
you placed second after soobin, and now you can’t help but laugh too at the scene and start clapping with amusement. “no offense, yeonjun, but i... thought you’d be better at this.”
“you’d think so, but hyung has the memory of a goldfish,” soobin says.
“i’m not the one who keeps forgetting the rules!” yeonjun stares at beomgyu.
“i’m not forgetting, we use different rules in the east. and i still won!” beomgyu starts laughing again and raises his hands above his head.
“aw, c’mon...” yeonjun pouts. “i wanted to get y/n a nice prize if i won.”
soobin stares at him. “did we even agree on prizes? i thought we were just playing for fun.”
you take your cue and reach towards the sunflowers in the vase you placed on the table earlier. “well, let’s not let these flowers go to waste,” you say, taking out one of the sunflowers and handing it to soobin with a cheeky grin. “how about this as a prize? a tall sunflower for a tall boy.”
“oh, this?” he breaks out into a shy smile, and hesitates before he finally accepts the sunflower. “well, this is really nice. thanks, y/n.”
you glance back at yeonjun, who is still pouting. you hold back your laughter but find yourself grinning at how adorable he looks. you sigh and pout too 一 you can’t resist him sometimes.
“fine, you can have one too,” you say, taking out another flower from the vase. “a pretty sunflower for a pretty prince.”
he perks up and accepts the flower with one hand as he wraps his free arm around your shoulders. “oh, for me? aww, you shouldn’t have. you are so sweet.”
“i’m only doing this because you looked so sad,” you say, but you can’t stop the smile that spreads across your face.
he squeezes you in a hug from the side and rests his head on your shoulder. when he looks up to smile at you, you notice that this smile is not the cheeky, catlike one he wears when playing games. it’s softer, more radiant, as if he just saw something that made his day.
beomgyu lets out a small snort and exchanges a glance with soobin. you don’t notice 一 you’re too busy noticing yeonjun’s smile and the twinkle in his eyes, as well as the inexplicable burst of warmth in your heart that has been popping up more recently these days. 
long after the end of the welcome ball, the members of the other branches of the house of choi have stayed behind to take care of other diplomatic matters. many times yeonjun, soobin, and beomgyu are called away to some meeting that’s too important for you to know about, but it also means that the trio spend most of their free time together. not wanting you to feel left out, yeonjun has started inviting you to these leisure times as well, and soon both soobin and beomgyu have gotten to know you well enough.
you know the routine well: some time during their afternoon leisure hours, you will be called on to provide a vase of flowers for the boys’ teatime, or to water a patch of flowerbed that looks a little dry while they stroll through the gardens. you recognize them as invitations to pass the time with them disguised as simple errands. as soon as the vase has been placed or the plants have been watered, yeonjun will move aside to make space for you, easily threading his arm through yours. for the next hour or so you play card games, kick around the ball that beomgyu brought, or do whatever else catches your fancy; one time, you brought long stem cuttings for everyone, and a play-swordfight ensued.
the time you spend is blissful; the days are becoming warmer, making it perfect for outdoor pastimes, and the flowers that you and your father planted throughout the gardens are bursting with their full colors. surrounded by them, you enjoy the company of the three princes of the house of choi, whether playing a silly game or simply basking in the afternoon sun. of the two guest princes, soobin is the quieter one, but is attentive during these quiet moments and can whip out a sharp wit when necessary. beomgyu is full of energy and loves to tease, but radiates a sense of comfort and has a soft heart underneath. and then of course, there’s yeonjun.
part of you swears that the two of you have grown closer ever since the dance you shared on the night of the ball. he has always been comfortable with small touches, like putting an arm around you or leaning his weight against you, but now they seem to have grown more frequent and more lingering. in the middle of conversations you find yourself simply gazing at him, admiring his presence and relishing the fact that you can call him your friend. sometimes your gaze lingers a little too long and your mind wanders to the way his hair flutters in the breeze or the way his eyes shine with excitement. 
most perplexing of all are those damn inexplicable bursts of warmth that you have felt ever since your dance. you feel them when yeonjun laughs at something soobin said, or when he links his arm around yours to stroll with you after inviting you over. sometimes they come with no pretense at all; you could be watching him sip his tea, of all things, and you would still feel that warmth. despite your confusion, you welcome those feelings. they feel exciting and comforting at the same time, and each burst fills you with a lightness that you didn’t even know was possible.
on some occasions you feel them even when yeonjun isn’t around at all. one such instance happens one afternoon while he and beomgyu are busy with some extra lessons; soobin, having finished his lessons early, invites you for a stroll through the western gardens.
he is silent for a while as he works through his shyness, figuring out what to say to you. he starts absentmindedly running his fingers through some chrysanthemums that your father planted there, and ends up plucking one by accident.
“ah! i’m so sorry, y/n!”
“it’s alright,” you say with a chuckle. “it’s just one flower head. as long at the plant itself is intact, it’ll live.”
“oh, that’s good,” he says. “it’s... not too hard, is it? the work they make you do around here?”
“it is a lot of work, but i’m not being driven into the ground or anything! it’s just enough to keep me busy, but with enough time to spend with you and the others.” you pick up the chrysanthemum that soobin plucked after he nearly drops it. “besides, it’s work that i enjoy. it feels good seeing the flowers grow and bloom like this after taking care of them for so long, it means that the hard work is paying off.”
“it must be nice to see them grow like that,” soobin muses, plucking a different chrysanthemum and patting it as if it were the head of a puppy. “i remember when i first got here and saw the front gardens, i thought, ‘whoa, those look so colorful!’ it looks totally different from what the old gardener used to do. you and your dad are a lot bolder with the arrangements that you do, i think.”
“well, we...” you flush at his compliment. “we do a lot of planning, i guess. thank you.”
“you’re right, it does. i’m a little jealous, honestly.”
“really? it’s not glamorous work. there’s a lot of dirt and sweat and standing outside, just to make sure everything grows properly.”
“but you see the end of your work, at least.” soobin chats more freely now, and the traces of his shyness seem to disappear. “for beomgyu and yeonjun hyung and i, it’s going to take a lot longer for us to feel the results of what we’re doing. we do a lot of lessons on all sorts of things, like history and politics and etiquette, and we spend a lot of time sitting in on our parents’ meetings so that we pick things up from them. sometimes we get to lead small projects, but it’ll be a long time before we’re fully entrusted with anything. it gets... a little bit frustrating. maybe a little bit scary.”
“that does sound hard. yeonjun’s always so busy throughout the day, meeting all sorts of people. i pass by him a lot while he’s talking to his tutors and the royal advisors. sometimes i don’t see him for days... i worry about him, honestly. i get scared that he’s overworking himself.”
“yeonjun hyung is a perfectionist.” soobin sighs. “he’s always working hard on something because he cares about it that much. that’s just how he is.”
“well, i hope he gets to rest and breathe in between.”
he chuckles and leans in closer. “y/n, do you want to know something?”
“...what is it?”
“don’t tell hyung i said this,” he says with a wry smile, “but i think he’s been giving himself more of a break ever since he became friends with you. i’ve known yeonjun hyung since we were kids, and i’ve never seen him this happy before. it’s been a really long time since he opened himself up to someone and it’s doing him good. so, uh... thanks for being there for him.”
at his words you feel the burst of warmth again. your cheeks grow warm, and you press your hands against your face, trying to suppress the smile tugging at your lips.
it’s been a really long time since he opened himself up to someone. and of all the people he could open up to, he chooses you. you know that there’s no reason for it 一 perhaps if someone else visited his room when he was sick, that person could have been his friend 一 but you cherish the serendipity of it nevertheless.
soobin lets out a nervous chuckle and looks away. “sorry, was that too much? i feel like i said too much.”
“n-no! i’m glad you told me... thank you.”
“oh, that’s good. but we’re all very glad to have you, y/n.”
you take a deep breath to steady yourself despite the growing warmth. as you try to focus, your eyes fall on the book that soobin is carrying in his free hand. “what’s that you’re reading?”
his eyes light up at the change of subject. “this? i’m reading a really cool novel about a sorcery academy. do you like fantasy novels? this one’s got a lot of action and adventure in it if you like that! but it’s also a little bit tragic, but that just makes the heroes cooler, doesn’t it?”
“i’m not much of a fantasy reader, but you can tell me more.”
“do you want to hear about it? at first it’s about this boy and his grandfather...”
when one of the servants calls you over to deliver a vase of sunflowers to the tearoom, you recognize the invitation from yeonjun to spend the afternoon with him and his fellow princes. you find some sunflowers in the greenhouse and neatly arrange them in a fat white vase; then instead of meandering through the garden paths and hallways to get to the tearoom, you take a shortcut through some of the lesser-used castle rooms.
you make your way through an ornate hallway, your arms wrapped around the vase and the carpeting padding the sound of your footsteps. normally the rooms here are empty; a servant once told you that these are honorary offices for castle officials stationed in other parts of the kingdom. today, however, you hear conversation from one of the offices, and you recognize the chamberlain’s voice.
“...will be staying over?”
“the princess will not be coming,” says another voice. “but her mother will, together with a group of advisors to represent the princess. i will be one of the advisors involved, of course.”
curiosity gets the better of you, and you scurry closer to the office while staying near the hallway walls. the door is left ajar, and when you peek in, you see the chamberlain talking to a familiar figure. 
“then her majesty the queen shall receive the finest accommodations. but in her daughter’s absence, perhaps we can simplify some of the preparations...”
“absolutely not. the entourage are the representatives of the princess and must be treated accordingly. we expect nothing but the finest.”
you then recognize the figure: it is one of the men who was talking to yeonjun on the day of the ball, the one who wore a strained smile. even now his tone of voice sounds strained, the facade of politeness threatening to crack.
“so shall it be, then. anything to hasten the arrangements between his majesty and her majesty.”
“of course. your hospitality will go a long way in recommending your prince to our princess. if all goes well, we shall oversee an advantageous marriage between our kingdoms.”
you hear the words your prince and marriage and your heart drops.
the vase of sunflowers tumbles from your arms and shatters on the floor. you fall to your knees and try to pick up the pieces, but your hands tremble too much. 
the noise attracts the attention of the chamberlain and the guest advisor and they run out of the room. they stare at you with wide eyes.
the guest advisor drops all pretense of politeness and glances at you with a sneer. “is this how you treat esteemed guests? by allowing eavesdroppers?!”
“please,” you stammer, still trying to pick up the pieces of the vase, “i didn’t mean to一”
the chamberlain steps over between the advisor and you. he towers over you, and you feel like shrinking into the floor. “stand up.”
“i’m sor一”
“stand up.”
your knees feel weak, so you push yourself up to stand with your hands.
the chamberlain steps even closer, nostrils flaring, his breaths landing on your face. “you know perfectly well that you are not authorized to be in this part of the castle.”
“i was try一”
your whole body trembles. your hands shake so much that the pieces of the vase you managed to pick up fall back out. you open your mouth to speak, but your mind goes blank and your ragged breaths prevent any sound from coming out. 
the chamberlain motions for the advisor to return to the office, which he does. when his gaze returns to you, you find no sympathy. “don’t bother with the mess. return to your quarters, and do not come out unless you are told to. you are relieved of duties for the rest of the day. if i or anyone else sees you out of your quarters, there will be further consequences for you and for your father. do you understand?”
you barely nod.
“now leave!”
you turn around and run back the way you came. you remember nothing about how you got back to your quarters; you only remember slamming the door shut behind you, falling to the floor, and sobbing until the adrenaline in you has worn out. with your father away with duties of his own, you allow yourself to cry in private. you let your tears fall freely and soak your clothes.
only when your sobs finally die down do you lift yourself off the floor to lie on your bed and sort out the mess of emotions coursing through you. you replay the earlier conversation in your mind, trying to squeeze out every possible meaning out of it, but you always return to the same phrases: arrangements between his majesty and her majesty. an advantageous marriage between our kingdoms.
of course 一 of course yeonjun would marry someone else for his kingdom’s gain. it is his duty, and somehow you never considered the possibility.
a thought begins to nag at you: you have gotten too close, and that was your first mistake.
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end notes:
the scene at the beginning is inspired / loosely based on to do ep. 53 where they played cards and yeonjun lost (and beomgyu narrowly avoiding losing). eps 51-54 are some of my faves tbh, i just love watching the boys relax like they're just having an overnight sleepover with friends aaaaa
i'm planning things ahead and i want both soobin and beomgyu to have moments with the reader character, so don't worry! gyu will have his turn too hehe
this is my longest chapter so far i think, and ch6 will be a similar length. also it will show a few things from yeonjun's side!
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