iheartgracie · 3 years
berkley vaughn sad quotes
“You’re not my brother,” Alexis slurred, falling into me. Every time she said those words, it hurt. Even all these years since the first time”
“I’d stare up at my bedroom ceiling and try to picture what my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t been kicked out of their house. ”
“Is it weird for you, going home?”
“I don’t.”
“You don’t? As in you don’t go home?”
“No, I don’t have a home to go back to.” He tilted his head and corner of his mouth lifted, but it was a thin ghost of a half-smile.
“No family?”
A flicker of sadness rushed across his face. “I have a sister, but… that’s complicated. So, to come here and see a place your grandparents owned, that’s pretty cool.”
“Hey, Kid, I didn’t want to say anything until I knew for sure, but here’s the last address I have for Elizabeth Vaughn. Sorry I couldn’t deliver this to you sooner and sorry it’s not better news.
Leaving Jules that morning with a kiss on the forehead while she slept, I’d driven for two hours. Through my windshield, I stared up at the wrought-iron fence with the block letters welded in place. Dayton Memorial Cemetery. I don’t know how long I sat in my car staring up at the gray sky hoping this was a mistake, that he’d screwed me over and made this all up”
“My breath collected in front of my face in a puff of steam. Each mini cloud dissipated and clung to the windshield, fogging it up from the inside.
A primal scream ripped from my throat, raw and unstoppable.”
“Standing on the side of the road, I screamed into the frosty, freezing air. I slammed my hands into the roof of my car, denting the shit out of it. I kicked the side panels and raged against the piece of metal that hadn’t done a thing to deserve my ire. Here I was, sitting on the side of the road, all alone.”
“How’s it going to end up once they realize you’ve fucked them for the whole season?” He stood in the hallway. His bright red jersey like waving a flag in front of a bull. I charged at him, not taking a second to think, and met his face with a fist I’d held back for too long. Every nerve ending was firing like I was out on the field bracing for another hit. My skin tingled, sparking like a misfired firework ready to destroy anything in its way. For the angry kid standing on a doorstep to a house that would never be home. For the scared kid thrown from place to place always feeling unwanted. And for me, the guy who thought he might find that happiness that would never be there again. I rammed my shoulder into his stomach. His back slammed into the floor and his fist connected with the side of my head.”
“Today was the day I’d lost my mother twice, threw away my football career, and now had to stand in front of fifty people and pretend my world wasn’t disintegrating in front of me.”
“I’ve put up with a lot over the years. I’ve helped you dodge a shit-ton more than I should have…” I raked my fingers through my hair. “But you’re not the sister I thought I had. If you could do this to me… If you could do this to someone I love.” I squeezed out that last word, it was barely a whisper between us. “You’re not the person I thought you were.”
“You think you’re the only one dealing with shit?” My voice dropped to a growling whisper. I didn’t need to broadcast my misdeeds all over the stadium. “I took the money. I didn’t spend it on any of that. I spent it on a PI to track down my mom. The one who dropped me off on my ex-con, soon-to-be-lifer dad’s porch when I was seven.” A rolling, grinding anger that I couldn’t hold back shot forward.
His head snapped back and he stared back at me. The muscles in his neck worked overtime. “Did you find her?” The sincere interest threw me, but I’d learned about letting my guard down around him.
“Yeah, I found her.” I lifted my chin. “At the Dayton Memorial Cemetery.” The shot at my raw wound deflated my anger and that let the pain right back in.”
“I’d had a home, something I’d longed for since I could remember, and I’d thrown it away.”
“The words on the small plaque nestled into the grass were her name. Tears swam in my eyes.
Elizabeth Caroline Vaughn. I set the present on top of the low-profile cut granite.
And the date of her death. June twenty-seventh.
And the year.
I sucked in a shuddering breath. It was five months after I’d ended up in my first foster home. Eight months after my birthday, when she’d dropped me off on my dad’s doorstep.
I fell to my knees. The snow crunched under my body, wetness seeping into my jeans. Tears streamed down my face. I’d been looking for her for over a decade and she’d been here all along. Waiting patiently for me to find her.”
“My beautiful boy,
I love you with all my heart and I’m so sorry I had to leave you. You deserve so much more than I have to give you, and now that I know I’m sick it’s only a matter of time before I can no longer take care of you. You’re the only person I have left in the world, and I don’t want to let you go, but I hope your father will be able to take care of you now that I can’t.” Jules’ voice cracked and I held on tighter to her. The cold, scratchy wool of her coat and the steady rise of her stomach with each breath reminded me that I was still alive. I was still here—with her. The way I’d had to take over cooking at home and how my mom had stopped going to her jobs filtered back through years of memories. How she’d gotten skinnier and the fullness of her cheeks had faded away. How much more slowly she’d walked, and the way she’d clutched her side as she’d walked away from me.
“This isn’t fair, none of it is, but I hope someday you can forgive me and that you’ll have the life you deserve. The life I never could have given you.
I love you with all my heart,
“You’re loved Berk. More than you could ever know. Your mom loved you. The guys love you. Alexis loves you. I love you.” Tears brimmed in her eyes. “And that will never change. Losing your mom—” Her voice gave out and she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. “That’ll be something that you always carry with you. But you have a family that loves you and will always be there for you.”
“Tears welled in my eyes. “Some of the kids at school had gotten jerseys when the new football season started. I begged my mom for one. I was such a pain in the ass. We were eating beans and rice on a good day and I wanted a stupid football jersey, when there was no way we could afford it. But a few months before she left, we’d found a huge bag of yarn in the dumpster near a craft store. She made me gloves, a hat and a scarf—practical stuff. But I still bitched about that damn jersey.” I ran my fingers over the white 11 and turned it over. My name was knitted in big block letters on the back. My favorite number. My number now. “A kid who had no idea what real life was like and how bad things could get. I never got to tell her how much I love this.” My nostrils flared, and the frigid air bit at my skin against the falling tears.
“She knew.” Jules covered my hand with hers, tracing the letters along the top.”
“She knew. All the things you think she’s missing out on. She knew you loved her and she knew you’d find your happiness.”
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maddiesflame · 3 years
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The Third Best Thing headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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ifwewerevillain · 4 years
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fulton u couples headers
/ if you save, like/reblog. credits to @ifwewerevillain on twitter
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wlwjoong · 5 years
i said berkjules rights 😘💅🏻✨
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iheartgracie · 2 years
berkley vaughn soft quotes part 3
“We returned fire, but he’d sacrificed himself and took out Berk…who then proceeded to put on his Oscar-winning performance of dying. He slow-motion fell down the stairs, hitting every step while holding on to the railing, howling and groaning the whole way.
At the bottom of the stairs, he grabbed Keyton’s hand. “I’m so cold. Hold me, Key.”
Keyton’s shoulders shook and he wrapped his arms around himself like he might fly apart with his case of the giggles. He gasped for breath and held his side. “It hurts.” Each word was on a half-laugh, half-choke.
Berk finally lay completely still, letting his mock death sink in with the required gravitas. Then his eyes shot open, staring right at Keyton. “You’re laughing? I didn’t think you knew how. Totally worth it. You want a drink?”
“Everyone got up, except for Berk. He sat perched on the edge of the lawn chair with a Twizzler between his teeth. Nix shot him a disapproving look and LJ grabbed his arm, dragging him toward the house with everyone else.”
“Berk called out, dragging a chair over beside him at the table. “There’s an open seat here, and tell me what I need to do to get another batch of those cinnamon rolls.”
“Have you ever read that book, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie? Although in this case it’s like, If a Mouse Breaks into Your House and Steals a Cookie.” I lifted the corner of my mouth.
“It was unlocked.” He downed the glass and set it back down. “Leaving your door unlocked on a street full of degenerates isn’t the best idea.”
“Exactly. Who knows what crazy person could show up and start raiding my food supply.”
“He tapped me on my nose with one of the cookies he’d weaseled out of the box when my back had been turned.”
“Me?” Her squeak was so high I was surprised it didn’t shatter the lenses of her glasses.
“Yeah, I have a special occasion coming up and wanted to know if maybe you’d be able to make a cake for me.”
“Unless it’s the Keebler elves making all the awesome stuff you bring over to the house.”
0 notes
iheartgracie · 3 years
berkley vaughn soft quotes part 2
“You’re not supposed to bask in my stress.”
“How can I not when your delicious treats are what I get because of it? I’m tempted to stand outside your bedroom banging pots and pans to keep you bleary-eyed and baking.”
“You draw?”
He tugged a book from the shelf and dropped it on top of his supplies. “Sometimes.”
“Will you draw me like one of your French girls?” I batted my eyelashes at him and was rewarded with a knuckle-driving punch to the shoulder.”
“Berk, what are you doing here?”
“Waterskiing. How’s your head?”
“Damn shelves, jumping out of nowhere.”
“They’ve been known to do that. Hit and runs left and right in this place.”
“He frowned. “You don’t plan on coming?”
“No tickets.” I shrugged. “It’s probably sold out.”
“There might be a way I could get you one.” He looked over his shoulder.
“If you can score me some of those donuts with extra sprinkles.”
“I looked up from the dough Avery was rolling out and caught Berk’s eye.
His thumbs up melted my heart.”
“His smile could’ve lit up the stadium for the rest of the season.”
“Her eyes snapped open and she wiped at them with the heels of her hands.
I grabbed her wrists to stop her from scraping ninety percent of the skin off her face. “I was joking, Jules. You’re perfect. Not an eye booger in sight.”
She glared and poked at my chest. “Jerkface.”
“How can you be so cruel?” I wrapped my arms around her, tickled her and blew raspberries on her neck.
She finally relented, laughing until tears were in her eyes. “Fine, you’re not a jerkface.” The words came out in pants.
“What am I then?” I didn’t let her out of the circle of my arms.
“My new favorite audience member.”
“I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did.”
“It’s official, you all freaking suck.”
“You’re seriously not going to eat one?”
Jules had the box balanced on her lap.
My mouth watered for two different reasons.
She shook her head. “I’m good. I’ll split one with you.”
“Split one? Are you insane? I could inhale that entire box on my own.”
“And I love the pancake shapes. Is this a mouse?”
It was supposed to be a heart. “Yeah, it’s a mouse.”
“How are you scared by this?” He held out his hand toward the TV with the evil alien creature pointing his glowing finger toward the kids hiding him.
“He’s a walking, talking testicle. Is it almost over?” I held onto his shirt, using it to cover my eyes.
“It’s ET! He’s a childhood classic.”
“You’re loved Berk. More than you could ever know. Your mom loved you. The guys love you. Alexis loves you. I love you.” Tears brimmed in her eyes. “And that will never change. Losing your mom—” Her voice gave out and she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. “That’ll be something that you always carry with you. But you have a family that loves you and will always be there for you.”
“She knew. All the things you think she’s missing out on. She knew you loved her and she knew you’d find your happiness.”
0 notes
iheartgracie · 3 years
berkley vaughn soft quotes part 1
“Have you ever read that book, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie? Although in this case it’s like, If a Mouse Breaks into Your House and Steals a Cookie.” I lifted the corner of my mouth.
“It was unlocked.” He downed the glass and set it back down. “Leaving your door unlocked on a street full of degenerates isn’t the best idea.”
“Exactly. Who knows what crazy person could show up and start raiding my food supply.”
“He tapped me on my nose with one of the cookies he’d weaseled out of the box when my back had been turned.”
“He downed another shot of milk. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s figure out how we’re going to track down TLG.”
He stared back at me with determination glinting in his eyes. “I’m not stopping until I find The Letter Girl.”
“I slid the plastic container closer to the edge of the counter. “You’re good if I take these?”
She smiled and it shone through her eyes. “Who do you think I made them for?” Turning, she put the now empty plate into the sink.
A wave of heat spread in my chest and stopped me in my tracks. “You baked these especially for me?”
“Both their heads turned and their double glare made me grin even harder and pick up the game controller off the coffee table. “I’ll take a beer and two glasses of shut the hell up for these two.”
“He brushed sprinkles off the side of his mouth.
“What?” His big-eyed innocent look did nothing to remove the splotch of chocolate on the side of his mouth.
I grabbed a napkin and wiped at the spot. “Next time, be better at hiding the evidence.”
“You did good, kid.”
He stared up at me with a huge grin. “Kid? I’m barely a year younger than you, fuckface.”
“But much wiser, I am.” I pressed my palms together and went for the best Yoda impersonation that I could manage while being nearly six-three and hefting at least twenty pounds of gear across the field.
“More like more annoying.”
“One man’s wise is another man’s foolish.”
“Looks like someone’s ready to party.” LJ stood beside me, not a bead of sweat on him.
“I’m sure you and Marisa have some pre-class ritual including face paint, stuffed animals, and tricycles you’ll wander off into the woods to complete.”
“Apparently, my five-year-old, no-longer-white, bordering-on-holey shoes were too much for him to take, so I finally let him buy some for me.”
“You can call me anything you want—except Julia. The only people who call me that are in this room and no matter how many times I tell them differently, they still do it.”
“Anything I want, huh?”“How about Snowglobes?”
Her cheeks turned beet red and she shoved at my shoulder. “Anything but that!”
“Are you sure? Anything? I’m sure I can come up with something in that same vein. How about Lana?”
Her eyebrow shot up.
“Some things are better backward.” I stood there taking a sip of my drink, waiting for her Wheel of Fortune reveal as she ran through the letters.
“Berk! Anything that you could say in front of a classroom full of second graders.”
“What part of the city are these second graders from?”
“She laughed and some of her champagne dribbled down her chin.
“Such a messy drinker. And you’ve only had one glass. Or did you get started before our party bus ride happened?”
“I turned to him and our gazes collided.
He coughed into the glass he had up to his mouth. Wheezing and spraying his drink all over the place, his eyes got anime character wide before he barked out a, “Holy shit.”
“He’s lucky my mom didn’t see that. She’d have freaked. They had to bring in a whole catering crew from Philly just for this.”
“As if the party couldn’t have gotten any swankier.”
“You really don’t need to join me.”
I held up my hand. “Julienne Fries, when will you learn? I don’t do anything I don’t want to, especially not going for a run at—” I picked up my phone and my eyes bulged at the time. “It’s not even seven am.”
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iheartgracie · 3 years
jules kelland sad quotes
“Ducking back inside the bathroom, I pushed my palm against the door, so it closed slowly, without a sound. That’s the last thing I needed—them knowing I’d heard them. It would only make it worse, and I didn’t need to hear the fake words of apology or how I’d misheard the comments. Stop being so sensitive. You’re overreacting. Don’t make a scene.”
“I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my grip on the edge of the sink. Breathe through it. Don’t let their words chip away at you. Why was I even surprised? Why had I thought things would be different?”
“I stared up at the ceiling. “Dad, I don’t know what to do. They’re all I have left—but I don’t know how much longer I can take it.” I talked to him like I had for so many years since he’d been gone.”
“Pushing my glasses up, I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand. So many tears spilled over their words and digs at me.
I longed for those books. Those were happy family memories I couldn’t let go.”
“Jules spun around out from under my arm and rushed out to the patio, disappearing into the inky night beyond the doors.”
“My smile stalled on my lips and I scanned the screen. In bite-sized comments, dripping with venom and humiliation, I scrolled through my life being shredded. Bile raced up my throat.
Dough Ho gets her sticky hands on a six-pack hottie.”
“Jules, look at me.”
I couldn’t. The tears were back. They prickled at the backs of my eyes and I blinked to try to keep from dissolving into a puddle.”
“I’m barely to a place where I can look at myself in the mirror and not want to wear a snowsuit. I’ve hated myself for so long, and I’ve hated the way I look for so long, and I’m finally coming to a point where I’m okay with being me—most of the time. But what happened today…”
I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. “What’s happening right now, with people talking about the letters and me and you together as though I’m a circus freak? I’m working hard on loving myself. I know I can get there. But I can’t do it under the searing spotlight at your side. I can’t do it when I know people are constantly looking at you and back at me and wondering why the hell you’re with me.”
“I don’t care what other people think.”
“I know you don’t, but I’m not there yet.”
“I don’t even know if my own mother loves me.” My voice cracked and my nose was a split second from running. Another ugly cry was rushing to the surface and I didn’t need him here to experience it. “How about that? How’s that for some honesty? She’s the one person who’s supposed to love me unconditionally and I’m fifty-fifty on whether she’d even care if I disappeared off the face of the earth. Those are issues I’m still dealing with”
“This is a tightrope I’m walking and I’m three minutes from flying into the kitchen and eating half the stuff I baked over the past week, but I won’t. I can be strong right now, but every day, knowing that’s what’s going on? I’m not that strong, Berk. I’m just not. This is my breaking point.”
“It feels like someone’s sawn me in half.”
“Time. That’s the only cure and even then, sometimes the ache is still there, but you did the right thing.” My eyes filled with tears again at her reassuring arm squeeze. “Sometimes you have to think about yourself and put yourself first. I learned that lesson the hard way. You can’t be everything to everyone all the time and give and give until there’s nothing left of you. And she’d have undermined everything you did, planting seeds of doubt in his head if he wasn’t ready to see what she was doing. You can show people all you want, but that doesn’t mean you can make them see.”
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iheartgracie · 3 years
jules kelland soft quotes part 2
“You’re perfect for this, I can already tell.”
“How?” I lifted an eyebrow.
“First off, I’ve tasted your stuff and it’s amazing, so you know your way around the kitchen. Second, you’ve got that young, bubbly personality with a hint of snark, and you look so damn cute you’re about to send me into a diabetic coma. It’s a total I’ll-bake-you-muffins-and-whip-up-some-chicken-noodle-soup-if-you’re-sick look.”
“Wish me luck.” My smile was as weak as ten-second tea.
“Don’t worry.” Berk reached out and captured my hand. “They’re going to love you.”
“Everyone loved her, and why shouldn’t they? She was awesome. Under the lights, her skin was glowing and she had that extra pinkness in her cheeks she always got when she was embarrassed. ”
“She was one of the most genuinely sweet, kindest people I’d ever met.”
“The navy coat and white scarf were topped off with a cute hat with a little fluffy ball on top. She looked like something out of a still life painting of winter. All she needed was a mug of hot chocolate, or maybe a pair of ice skates.”
“You got this, Jules,” she said under her breath.
She sure as hell did. ”
“Jules let a curse fly here and there and glanced around like the swear police would come lock her up.
Jules baked congrats cupcakes for my game.
Jules was here with me when she could be anywhere else.
Jules was a secret sexy goddess who had a pole in her bedroom.”
“Her eyes snapped open and she wiped at them with the heels of her hands.
I grabbed her wrists to stop her from scraping ninety percent of the skin off her face. “I was joking, Jules. You’re perfect. Not an eye booger in sight.”
She glared and poked at my chest. “Jerkface.”
“How can you be so cruel?” I wrapped my arms around her, tickled her and blew raspberries on her neck.
She finally relented, laughing until tears were in her eyes. “Fine, you’re not a jerkface.” The words came out in pants.
“What am I then?” I didn’t let her out of the circle of my arms.
“My new favorite audience member.”
“Everything about her made me want to never let her go. She was the kind of woman I’d dreamed of one day being at my side. Beautiful. So warm and caring,”
“Do I smell a Jules special delivery?” Keyton rounded the base of the stairs and tossed his duffle beside the front door.
“Coffee cake muffins.”
Keyton grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug, kissing the side of my face. “You’re our savior. ”
“Behind these curtains and in these walls, everything else faded away and the voices in my head—the ones that had been there for so long I wasn’t sure if they were my own words or not—weren’t nearly as loud.”
“watching Jules run around in an adorable blue and purple knit hat with a white pompom on top made me want to move to a winter wonderland. Her cheeks were bright red. The dark wisps of her hair stuck out from the bottom of her hat as she ran around with her arms out at her sides, getting covered with flakes like the most beautiful statue ever sculpted.”
“These eggs are phenomenal.” She scooped up another hearty forkful and I wasn’t sure if she was humoring me or not. “And I love the pancake shapes. Is this a mouse?”
It was supposed to be a heart. “Yeah, it’s a mouse.”
“The best mouse pancake I’ve ever had. The bacon is also delicious.”
“She’s fucking gorgeous. She’s everything anyone could ever want in a girlfriend. ”
“One of these days you’ll see yourself like I do.”
She turned to me and held my gaze. Her uncertainty and vulnerability simmered just under the shield of her gaze. The one she dropped for me. She swallowed and covered her hand with mine. “I hope one day I can.”
“How are you scared by this?” He held out his hand toward the TV with the evil alien creature pointing his glowing finger toward the kids hiding him.
“He’s a walking, talking testicle. Is it almost over?” I held onto his shirt, using it to cover my eyes.”
“Covering my laugh with a cough, I lifted my hand to my mouth. “Nothing, Mom, just something funny a friend did.”
“Hopefully it’s nothing you’re involved in that might cause us even more embarrassment.”
“Nope, just a video of me pole dancing.” And with that, I excused myself to change.”
“Did I want to lose weight and be able to squeeze into clothes I could buy in any store, even those places Laura and Mom visited regularly? Sure.
Would I ever be one of those girls? Who the hell knew? But I deserved to be happy just as I was, regardless of size, and I deserved the love of someone like Berk. And I wasn’t going to let my doubts about my self-worth get in the way of that anymore.”
0 notes
iheartgracie · 3 years
jules kelland soft quotes part 1
“Sneaking a glance at my mirror, I looked more like a spider monkey clinging to a tree to stop from dropping out of the rainforest canopy into the jaws of predators down below, complete with profuse sweating and shaking. Panting and sweating didn’t feel very diva-like. Taking a deep breath, I relaxed into the pose, pointed my toe straight up at the ceiling, and extended my arm like the jiggly bingo wing it was. A giddy laugh bubbled up from deep down. I snuck a glance at myself in the mirror again. I was a lumpy diva, but, fuck it, I was a badass, too.”
“Every move I nailed got me a little closer to appreciating how far I’d come. From the first days of slipping off trying to do a basic spin with my feet planted firmly on the floor, to being a diva. This was my freaking body and I loved the shit out of it.”
“The song ended and I braced my hands on my hips, panting and sweating like I’d run a 5k, with a grin so damn wide I felt it in my toes. Jumping up and down, I gave myself a high five and a few club-worthy woos”
“The butterflies in my stomach were replaced by a whole freaking safari. I tightened my lips to what I hoped was a non-serial killer level of smile.”
“There you are.” His words were muffled behind two manhole cover-sized cookies.
“Did you think I was hiding in my cookie box?”
“Have you ever read that book, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie? Although in this case it’s like, If a Mouse Breaks into Your House and Steals a Cookie.” I lifted the corner of my mouth.
“It was unlocked.” He downed the glass and set it back down. “Leaving your door unlocked on a street full of degenerates isn’t the best idea.”
“Exactly. Who knows what crazy person could show up and start raiding my food supply.”
“I tapped my finger against my chin. “Doesn’t ring any bells, sorry.”
A pastel blue pillow whacked into the side of my face. “Pain in the butt.”
“the joy on other people’s faces when they eat what we make…”
“It’s like getting a little piece of them back.”
“I knew I’d like you, Jules. No one who bakes like you do could be an asshole.”
“He was way too good at the flirting. Way too good. It almost made me feel like I was special. I cringed, wanting to bury my head in the sand or maybe break my leg to have an excuse not to go to the engagement party.”
“She laughed and some of her champagne dribbled down her chin.
“Such a messy drinker. And you’ve only had one glass. Or did you get started before our party bus ride happened?”
“I’m messy because someone keeps making me laugh.” Her playful glare shot out from behind her horn-rimmed glasses.”
“She’s funny and sometimes she lets a little bit of her potty mouth slip out between her unique personality of the next Martha Stewart and a cute anime character. She’s not flashy, except when it comes to everything that comes out of her oven.”
“but that’s not to say I didn’t appreciate Jules’ quiet beauty. The kind you found yourself sneaking a glance of when she smiled because it was so completely pure and unworried about being anything other than real. Or the times I’d sit at her kitchen table and talk for hours about our favorite comic book movie.”
“With Jules, I could just be and so could she. It gave me that warm feeling that drew me to her time and time again”
“She was kind and I’d never heard her talk shit about anyone or be anything other than awesome, ”
“He’s lucky my mom didn’t see that. She’d have freaked. They had to bring in a whole catering crew from Philly just for this.”
“As if the party couldn’t have gotten any swankier.”
“Har har har.”
“Are you inside my head or something?”
“No, but I see the way you always want to take care of the people around you, even if it’s at your expense.”
“I don—”
He cut me off again at the pass. “Don’t ever let anyone else make you feel like you’re not awesome.”
“She glanced at me, glistening with strands of hair and bits of grass stuck to her face, and laughed. It was a delirious kind of laugh that infected the air around her.”
“I shoved at his shoulder and he barely moved; it was like jamming my hand into a brick wall. “You’re not supposed to bask in my stress.” “How can I not when your delicious treats are what I get because of it? I’m tempted to stand outside your bedroom banging pots and pans to keep you bleary-eyed and baking.” “Then I’ll stick Elle on you and you know Nix’ll back her up.”
0 notes
iheartgracie · 3 years
berkjules quotes part 4
“I hope you don’t lose everything you’ve worked for, for someone who doesn’t treat you the way they should. People who want the best for us don’t try to cut us off from other people who love us.”
With tears in her eyes, she gave me one last look. “Bye, Berk.”
“He’s so in love with you.” Tears glittered in her eyes.
I opened my mouth to stop her.
“No, I’ve known him longer, remember?” She smiled at me with a wry look. “He’s head-over-heels for you. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone else, except for The Letter Girl, but she wasn’t a threat because she was only pen and paper. Except she was you. And you’re real.”
“I want him to be happy. And so should you.”
“You make him happy.”
“I’d held her in my arms, brushed away her tears and found myself in her. I’d had a home, something I’d longed for since I could remember, and I’d thrown it away.”
“I keep waking up in the middle of the night and looking out the window at your room and I want to be in there with you. I want to be holding you and rubbing that spot on your nose with the freckle cluster that kind of looks like a tiny strawberry.”
She lifted her hand and rubbed it along the bridge of her nose.
“And I want to call you, or even write you letters, because I miss you, Frenchie. I miss you so much that even with all the people I’ve lost in my life, it’s you who keeps me up at night because you’re part of my heart. You’re part of my soul and I swear…” I choked through the words, pushing past the tightness in my throat and the tears in my eyes.”
“I promised I wouldn’t do this, that I’d give you space and not make showing up here like this, but fuck it. I love you so much that my future that was once so crystal clear is a wasteland stretching on as far as I can see when I try to picture it now without you.”
“People fuck up and who knows what the future holds. And before you say anything, I want you to know, Alexis is family, but you’re my forever.”
“These past few days…” She hugged the book box tighter to her chest. “I’ve missed you so much too.” Her watery smile was the first ray of sunshine after a turbulent storm. A ray of hope. “And the future I’d never been able to picture for myself was clear after I walked out your door. It was bleak, lonely, and not filled with even half the love I feel for you.”
“I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around her. The hard edges of the box dug into my chest, but I didn’t care. I’d sit on a bed of nails to be this close to her again.
She laughed, skimming her fingers along my jaw and looking into my eyes with that kind of open love that made her Jules. I’d never take it for granted again.”
“Jules came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “What’s up?”
I ran my arms over hers, letting her squeeze me tight. The weight of her embrace blanketed me in a love I’d never thought I’d find. I pulled her around to my front and clasped my hands at the small of her back.
“Nothing’s up. Just taking it all in.”
She turned her head to the side, looking at our ragtag group of friends. “It’s a good day, isn’t it?”
Even with everything I’d been through today and the emotional nosedive I’d taken visiting my mom’s grave, she was right. I hugged her tighter to me and kissed her temple with a heart so full, I couldn’t hold back my smile. “It is. The best day, and I can’t wait to make a lifetime of memories like these with you.”
“Thanks for thinking of me.”
He slipped his arms around my waist. “Always.”
“Every day with her was an adventure in what it felt like to be so loved it was like living in a dream. She was my dream girl, and no matter what, we’d have our dream life filled with all the love we’d been searching for all our lives and could finally share with one another.”
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iheartgracie · 3 years
berkjules quotes part 3
“She pushed at my chest laughing. I loved that she called Alexis my sister. There was never a question in her voice or one of the strange looks everyone always gave us, and that made me love Jules even more.
That slammed into me hard and I tightened my hold around her waist. I loved her. And it would only be a matter of time before I lost her.”
“I flung the taxi door open and froze a half-step out. Berk sat on my front steps. Once he saw me, he stood up. He knew. Why else would he be here waiting? His gaze was trained on me like he was seeing me with new eyes. I couldn’t face him right now. “Can we talk later?” Like the scaredy cat I was, I scurried up the steps, bypassing him, and shoved my key into the door lock.
“Did you write the letters?”
“Berk, can we talk about this later?” My heart attempted a speedy exit from my throat. I opened the door.
“No, we need to talk about this now.” He wrapped his fingers around my arm, holding me in place. “LJ showed me some post saying you were The Letter Girl.”
“Jules, look at me.”
I couldn’t. The tears were back. They prickled at the backs of my eyes and I blinked to try to keep from dissolving into a puddle. “I think we should back off for a bit.”
“Because I found out you’re The Letter Girl?”
“You know that’s not why.” I took a deep breath, breathing through my nose even though it burned.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
I licked my lips. “Things are moving really fast and I think it would be best to chill out for a while.”
“You’re breaking up with me.” Hurt radiated from his voice.
“I’m barely to a place where I can look at myself in the mirror and not want to wear a snowsuit. I’ve hated myself for so long, and I’ve hated the way I look for so long, and I’m finally coming to a point where I’m okay with being me—most of the time. But what happened today…”
I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. “What’s happening right now, with people talking about the letters and me and you together as though I’m a circus freak? I’m working hard on loving myself. I know I can get there. But I can’t do it under the searing spotlight at your side. I can’t do it when I know people are constantly looking at you and back at me and wondering why the hell you’re with me.”
“I don’t care what other people think.”
“I know you don’t, but I’m not there yet.”
“If you’re worried about other people around here, maybe go home for a few days. Lay low there and hang out with your mom and sister. Things will blow over.”
A hysterical laugh bubbled up from my stomach. “From the frying pan into the fire. Who do you think drummed these things into my head for the past twenty-two years? Do you know what it was like for me growing up?”“He stared at me like he couldn’t fathom anything other than a picture-perfect childhood shattered by the death of my father.
“But your mom was nice enough.”
“To you. She was so nice to you, but every word from her was trying to cut me down. Like seeing me happy for even a second offended her.”
“I’m sure it’s not—”
“I don’t even know if my own mother loves me.” My voice cracked and my nose was a split second from running. Another ugly cry was rushing to the surface and I didn’t need him here to experience it. “How about that? How’s that for some honesty? She’s the one person who’s supposed to love me unconditionally and I’m fifty-fifty on whether she’d even care if I disappeared off the face of the earth. Those are issues I’m still dealing with, and I can’t add being on your arm to that—not now.”
“I don’t care what other people are saying. And I don’t care that you’re The Letter Girl. I’m fine with it—more than fine with it.”
Tears trailed down my cheeks. “But I’m not. This is a tightrope I’m walking and I’m three minutes from flying into the kitchen and eating half the stuff I baked over the past week, but I won’t. I can be strong right now, but every day, knowing that’s what’s going on? I’m not that strong, Berk. I’m just not. This is my breaking point.”
“Jules was The Letter Girl. She was the woman I’d fallen in love with through her words and the one I’d slowly discovered my feelings for right across the street. The whole time I fought my feelings for her, it was because I’d been afraid of betraying—well, her. She’d kept that from me. The letters I’d read and re-read hundreds of times. The woman I’d finally said goodbye to in my last letter, she was Jules all this time.”
“She’s fucking gorgeous. She’s everything anyone could ever want in a girlfriend. ”
“Jules, I’m crazy about you.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I needed you to know that. And… I know I promised I wasn’t going to say anything to send you screaming from the room, but I want to be completely honest with you. I love you. And I needed to say that. If you’re going to walk away from me, I don’t want there to be any more secrets between us. I’m head over heels in love with you. Hell, I even felt like I was cheating on The Letter Girl with how much I liked you even from the beginning. And I see you, Jules.”
“If you need me to go and you don’t want to be with me, then I’ll respect that. I can’t force you to put up with everything that comes with being with me or force you to love me back.” His voice cracked and tears glittered in his eyes. “But I hoped you might.” Those last words were whisper quiet against my lips.”
“They can say whatever they want, but it’s me and you, okay?”
Taking my face in his hands, he brushed at my tears with his thumbs. “It’s us. Tell me when you’re upset, but don’t run. Because now that I know you love me, I’ll never stop the chase. Can you promise me that?”
I nodded, staring into the eyes that had seen deep into my soul. The ones with the golden flecks that always looked at me with a tenderness I’d never expected.
He squeezed his eyes shut and rested his forehead against mine”
“I took her chin between my fingers and tilted her head up. “How many times do I have to tell you, Jules. I’m into you. Whether it’s in letter form, cookie form, pole dancing form, sitting in your sweats on the couch watching TV form, or any other way you want to show me what you’re all about, I’m here for it. I’m here for you.”
“My brave, beautiful woman”
“One of these days you’ll see yourself like I do.”
She turned to me and held my gaze. Her uncertainty and vulnerability simmered just under the shield of her gaze. The one she dropped for me. She swallowed and covered her hand with mine. “I hope one day I can.”
“Jules turned to me and took my hand. “I don’t want you to think I’m blaming Alexis, but I don’t like seeing you upset. And sometimes you clam up when things go wrong, and I want to help.” She traced her fingers along my knuckles. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone.”
“Tell me why not today. Let me in, Berk. Tell me what’s going on. What happened today? You were late to the game? Do you have any idea what you’re putting at risk?”
“I know exactly what’s at risk.”
“Then talk to me. Tell me what happened and maybe I can help. Maybe we can work on it together.”
“There’s nothing to be worked on, Jules. There’s nothing to be fixed. It’s unfixable. Not everything can be solved with cupcakes and cookies. Some of us are dealing with real-world shit that can’t be fixed with a smile and a pound of sugar. You don’t understand. You couldn’t understand. With your country estates that ran in your family, and beautiful three-day engagement parties and your sister’s wedding that’ll probably cost as much as I make next year in the pros.”
“If you make it. You didn’t play because you were late! There are scouts and coaches watching every move you guys make. What could be so important you’d risk that?”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“And what’s her excuse now?” I stood up too, pushing off the wall. “She went through a lot of what you did, but got to stay with the great family because of you, and unlike everything you’ve accomplished, she’s not trying to do better. She’s trying to drag you down. Everything you told me only makes it worse. She screwed you over and didn’t even appreciate what she had. Look at you. Look at how far you’ve come. And the amazing future you have—she’s trying to destroy that. She’s not good for you.” I swallowed past the boulder lodged in my throat. You keep telling me not to put up with the toxic people in my life, but you need to look at the people in your life too. You need to do this for you.” I lifted my hands to his face, but he caught my wrists.
“And for you, right?” He pushed my hands away. “If I want to be with you, I’ve got to cut her off.” He practically snarled. “Not see her anymore.”
“She shook her head. “No, I’d never give you an ultimatum like that. I’d never force you to make that choice. I know you love her. And I love you.” Her voice cracked. “Coming third isn’t the issue. But I can’t stand by and watch someone hurt you. Football comes first. I know that. And I’m okay with that.” She let out a shaky breath, pushing her hands out palms-down like that was an issue long ago settled in her mind. You are so fierce and unstoppable out on the field. But I need to put me first. And I can’t stand beside you and watch her toxic behavior tear you down. I can’t do it and I won’t.”
I blinked, staring at her through the sawing pain eviscerating my heart. “Then where does that leave us?”
“You tell me.” She wiped at her nose with the back of her hand, her eyes red-rimmed and boring into my soul.”
“What does Alexis have to do with this? Stop trying to drag her into everything.”
Jules whipped around. “Is that what you think I’m doing?”
“What else am I supposed to think?”
“Then here’s something for you to think about when it comes to the always-innocent Alexis. If she hadn’t been helping me—” Jules took a deep breath and swallowed. “Then how’d I know about the present? The one that apparently means so much to you, but you’ve never shown me. I don’t know why Alexis would want to set me up, but that’s exactly what she did.” Doubt jabbed at the back of my mind. Alexis edged closer to me. “Berk, remember what happened with Gretchen?” Gretchen was a girl I’d dated for a little bit senior year of high school, who’d never liked Alexis. Started making wild accusations about Alexis until I’d had to end things. It had hurt. A deep down kind of hurt that I hadn’t wanted to revisit again. “Why would Alexis lie?” Jules clutched her hands in front of her face. “Why would I?”
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iheartgracie · 3 years
berkjules quotes part 2
“If a certain player can get my ticket again, I’d love to.” She tilted her head and her gaze bounced up and away again.
I didn’t want that. I wanted her gaze on me. Her thoughts on me. Her body screaming out for me as much as mine yearned for hers.
“That can be arranged, especially if you keep promising me after-game treats. Consolation or celebration, I’m up for them anytime.”
Her laugh came out as a tight stutter. “That could be interpreted as a little dirty.”
I’d hire a damn skywriter if that’s what it took.
“If it still needs interpretation, maybe I should be a bit clearer.” I ran my finger under her chin.
Her gaze lifted away from the box to meet mine. “Clearer?”
“I dropped my pads and wrapped my arm around her back, sinking one hand into her hair, letting my fingers wind around her silky, inky curls.
A small gasp shot from her lips and I couldn’t hold back my smile. I was filled with the feeling that made you forget everything else and want to bottle up that single moment of pure, unrelenting and unparalleled joy. “Much.” And I wasn’t taking any chances this time. Voices rang out against the concrete around us. Players, coaches, and everyone else in this gridiron circus flowed past us, past our little island in the middle of madness. But I couldn’t hold it back any longer; like a dam in a torrential rain storm, I was overwhelmed by her. And kissed the shit out of her. The electric fire of desire coursed through my veins and the only antidote was her touch.”
“Your lips make me forget about everything else. They make me forget about losing, about the hundred people in the hallway beside us, about anything not centered on this mouth. How’d you get so fucking sweet, Jules?”
“Berk had kissed me.
Berkley Vaughn kissed me, Julia Kelland.”
“You kicked ass.”
“Not quite yet.” I grabbed onto the support pole beside me and swung around, letting one more dart hit him square in his chest.
He stared back at me, slack jawed, watching the orange and blue tipped Styrofoam fall to the ground. “You shot me.”
“You said it was every man for himself.”
“Cutthroat to the end.
“I have my moments.”
“She was so gorgeous it hurt not to touch her.”
“Jules let a curse fly here and there and glanced around like the swear police would come lock her up.
Jules baked congrats cupcakes for my game.
Jules was here with me when she could be anywhere else.
Jules was a secret sexy goddess who had a pole in her bedroom.
I couldn’t hold back my smile. How had I ever not seen how brave she was? How indescribably beautiful?”
“I couldn’t stop myself. The perfect curve of her eyelashes. The small indents on either side of her nose from her glasses. The way her full lips parted as she breathed. I wound a strand of her hair around my finger. She was soft and warm nestled against me.”
“Her eyelids fluttered and I rested my head against the pillow, trying to pretend I hadn’t been committing every line of her face to memory.”
“She stared into my eyes with so much openness and joy it made me want to keep her in bed and show her every single way she was mine.”
“The warm, early-morning sun streaked through her slatted blinds, lighting up her hair and making the deep chestnut brown glow. The gentle swell of her curves was pressed against my body.
Everything about her made me want to never let her go. She was the kind of woman I’d dreamed of one day being at my side. Beautiful. So warm and caring,”
“Sounds like a date.” She laid on her side with her head propped up on her arm. Her hair was all over the place and her eyes looked even bigger without her glasses on. Eyelashes framed those beautiful chocolate eyes currently raking their way up and down my body.
“It sure does.” I kissed the tip of her nose.
This was a perfect moment, the kind they make slow motion in a movie so you get every excruciating detail of the action. Her beauty was heart-stopping. The kind where you know someone inside and out, and everything about them only takes what you already liked to the next level”
“You’ll watch the game?”
“Every second.”
“Good. I’ll miss you.” He took my chin between his thumb and finger and laid a kiss on me. This was a gasping-for-breath, forget-your-name kind of kiss that only reminded me of his promise and exactly what we’d done two nights before. “And I’m counting down the days until I’m back here. Will you wear a skirt for me again?”
“I only have the one.”
“I don’t care if it’s made out of toilet paper. I want to see those legs.”
I laughed against his lips.
With one more planted kiss, he let me go and jogged around to the front of his car.
“Bye, Jules.”
“How she looked at me and saw so much of me I never let anyone else see. How with my arms wrapped around her, I felt safe, and the closest I’d ever come to having a home. She was the most beautiful thing in the world to me and it scared me more than losing the next game or not making the draft. Because I’d never had anything as beautiful as her in my life.”
“Jules covered my hand with hers. There was a tightness in my chest. One that wasn’t from pain or hurt, but from how hard it was to contain all the feelings she brought out in me. ”
“You remember that?”
He nuzzled the top of my head. “There’s nothing I forget when it comes to you.”
“watching Jules run around in an adorable blue and purple knit hat with a white pompom on top made me want to move to a winter wonderland. Her cheeks were bright red. The dark wisps of her hair stuck out from the bottom of her hat as she ran around with her arms out at her sides, getting covered with flakes like the most beautiful statue ever sculpted.
“Do you think we’ll get enough to make a snow man?” She opened her mouth, catching flakes on her tongue and laughed. The snow whipped at us from all angles. The flakes clung to her eyelashes under her glasses, and the sight left me breathless. Another piece of my heart mailed to her in that second in a signed, sealed, and delivered envelope. I could imagine her doing the same thing with two little kids at her side, a boy and a girl that both looked just like her.”
“If I’m ever snowed in anywhere, I want to be snowed in with you.”
“Not that she ever made me feel like I was a kid from the wrong side of the tracks, which made me want to give her the moon and stars. She deserved them. Every single one.”
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iheartgracie · 3 years
berkjules quotes part 1
“The brown sugar, cinnamon, chocolate, and vanilla smells made walking into Jules’ kitchen one of my new favorite things.”
“I slid the plastic container closer to the edge of the counter. “You’re good if I take these?”
She smiled and it shone through her eyes. “Who do you think I made them for?” Turning, she put the now empty plate into the sink.
A wave of heat spread in my chest and stopped me in my tracks. “You baked these especially for me?”
“The only reason I’m looking forward to study sessions this semester is because you always baked for them.” He slid the boxes onto the kitchen table.
My head shot up. “I didn’t know we had classes together this semester.”
“Ethics, remember? A late switch for me into Buchanan’s class.”
“You willingly switched into his class? I only took it because I needed one last ethics class and his was the only one that fit into my schedule.” I grabbed a couple plates from the dish rack.
“Same.” He brushed sprinkles off the side of his mouth.
“What?” His big-eyed innocent look did nothing to remove the splotch of chocolate on the side of his mouth.
I grabbed a napkin and wiped at the spot. “Next time, be better at hiding the evidence.” I laughed and opened the boxes.”
“Hours melted away when I was watching Jules do her thing. And she did it so well. Every time I walked in the door there was always a huge smile and that warm glowing feeling in my chest.”
“I liked Jules. I’d always liked Jules. She’s funny and sometimes she lets a little bit of her potty mouth slip out between her unique personality of the next Martha Stewart and a cute anime character. She’s not flashy, except when it comes to everything that comes out of her oven.”
“Out in the dark with only the stars lighting the way, I felt safe with him at my side. The way you got when you felt like someone could haul you into their arms and run away with you. I didn’t get that feeling around many guys, but with Berk, I thought maybe, just maybe.”
“I held his gaze.
His eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked ready to take on whatever had upset me. If I hadn’t already been falling for him, I was a half-step away. No one had ever looked at me like that before.
“It’s nothing you can help with.”
“Maybe I can.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Minimize what you went through because of what I told you about me.”
My cheeks burned. “I’m not—”
He tilted his head and lifted an eyebrow.
I pinched my lips together. “Are you inside my head or something?”
“No, but I see the way you always want to take care of the people around you, even if it’s at your expense.”
“I don—”
He cut me off again at the pass. “Don’t ever let anyone else make you feel like you’re not awesome.”
“He was here with me. He wanted me.
He smiled with a glitter in his eyes and then they closed. With one swift motion the distance between our lips evaporated.”
“listening to Ed Sheeran with Jules, memorizing every freckle on her face ”
“Her eyes reminded me of the milk chocolate chip cookies she’d made a couple months ago. They had wafers of chocolate in them instead of regular chocolate chips. And they were soft and delicious and I knew she’d taste the exact same way. ”
“You really don’t need to join me.”
I held up my hand. “Julienne Fries, when will you learn? I don’t do anything I don’t want to, especially not going for a run at—” I picked up my phone and my eyes bulged at the time. “It’s not even seven am.”
“See!” She took my moan as confirmation that I hadn’t actually wanted to go.
“Doesn’t matter, we’re going.”
“She glanced at me, glistening with strands of hair and bits of grass stuck to her face, and laughed. It was a delirious kind of laugh that infected the air around her.”
“They’ll do a sit-down breakfast at nine. Don’t worry. They have your cheesy scrambled eggs and bacon.”
“How’d you know that’s what I wanted?”
“Seemed like something a hungry football player would eat.”
“There’s always room for you, Jules. Of course we all want you there.”
Her smile brightened.”
“Everyone loved her, and why shouldn’t they? She was awesome. Under the lights, her skin was glowing and she had that extra pinkness in her cheeks she always got when she was embarrassed. ”
“All the things I’d tried to lock down when it came to Jules rushed forward. Standing on the sidelines watching her and being able to go over and lay a kiss on her in front of everyone. Seeing her looking up at me with a smile that was just for me. Feeling her nestled up against me with my arm around her waist so everyone would know that she was my woman and I was her man.”
“I’d cut my arm off before I’d do anything to hurt Jules. She was one of the most genuinely sweet, kindest people I’d ever met. And I didn’t want anyone saying or doing anything to hurt her.”
“The navy coat and white scarf were topped off with a cute hat with a little fluffy ball on top. She looked like something out of a still life painting of winter. All she needed was a mug of hot chocolate, or maybe a pair of ice skates.”
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