Do you know how upsetting it is, to be rereading All the Bright Places, to be HIT with the realisation that
Finch was still a growing teenager when the story ended the way it did
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There have been many posts crediting President Snow for his “genius” decision having the tributes being previous winners for the 75th Hunger Games, however, I think it is probably the biggest mistake he makes in the series… And Plutarch’s smartest move.
The main rule in the Hunger Games is that there is always one winner. Not only is the winner awarded a fancy house and a large sum of money, but they are paraded around the capital. Their status is elevated and their home district views them as a celebrity. It is the only ticket to “rise up” in society. We as the reader know that being a Victor is still a terrible fate (body sold to capital citizens, used as a prop, forced to be a mentor), however, they symbolize a win for the district as a whole and enforce the hatred districts have for each other. 
In the 74th Games, Crane makes the decision to change the rules and allow two tributes from the same district to win the games. Whether this is purely for drama to make the romance element sell better or a clever way to introduce false hope, all tributes believe this rule is real. There is a chance Katniss and Peeta can really win together. When the rug is pulled out from under them, they are forced to choose who will win causing all hope of their dual survival to be lost. Both Katniss and Peeta want the other to win, however, they know the toll it will take emotionally on that individual to be the lone survivor (survivor’s guilt). With no hope of a fair life, they are both willing to die together creating an all or nothing situation. Crane is forced to let both of them win, knowing that if no one wins the games, the districts might realize that “their sacrifice” was for nothing. He believes two winners are better than none (And honestly he’s lowkey right), and it costs him his life. 
During Snow’s conversation with Crane he states, “Fear does not work as long as there is hope”. Katniss and Peeta winning together is not inherently revolutionary, it was not done to spite the capital, but Snow cannot let go of the idea that they broke the carefully constructed rules of the games, and, therefore, must be punished. He forgets that Katniss and Peeta are not universally liked, especially in districts where they had to kill their tributes (district 1 and 2). Snow blames Crane for even introducing the idea of two winners in the first place, the rules of the Hunger Games have been solidified for good reason. Ironically, the ending of the games is not what brings on the rebellion, it is really Rue’s relationship with Katniss. The kindness Katniss shows shows during Rue’s death unites the Districts for a moment, and creates a connection between District 11 and District 12.
This push for fear and punishment blind Snow when Plutarch becomes the game maker. Although all the districts know the 75th Games will have a twist, deciding to draw tributes from the existing Victors is a critical mistake. Yes, it allows Snow to “punish” Katniss for bending the rules, however, Snow forgets that the Victors symbolize hope to a necessary degree for society to function. The districts need to feel like they can win something, they need some distraction of power to stop them from realizing they are constantly being manipulated. Taking two of the golden children away from every district unites the efforts of rebellion. It is the clearest way to say “no, you are all losers at the end of the day”. This blatant reminder is not needed, and spreads anger throughout the entire Panem system. 
Snow’s weakness is he doesn’t understand that fear cannot work without the idea of mercy. There must be some possible reward to work for, or hopelessness will take over and people will act without care for their lives. If both options bring death and torture, why not rebel? The additional scenes in Mockingjay Part 1, demonstrate this notion perfectly (the dam in District 5 and the bombs in District 7). 
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suzanne collins is such a genius... the cultural phenomena of her series leading to the hanging tree house remixes, mockingjay being milked for two (bad) movies, the capitol-inspired makeup palettes, the halloween costumes, the explosion of the market for dystopia, the butchering of her characters and removal of disabilities, disfiguration, and racial tension + representation to sell more tickets, the extra gale scenes to fuel discourse, and the audience showing up to cinemas to watch what was pretty honestly marketed to them (the jacob vs edwardification of the symbolic love story and also to watch children fight to the death) it's just so ridiculously ironic i would say you can't write this shit, but she did write about it... in The Hunger Games published 2008
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Katniss and Peeta both thinking the other would be a great parent is what made their ending of having kids together so beautiful.
When they both thought they were going to die for the other, the thought that brought them comfort was the other person would live on and have kids with someone else, so much so Katniss couldn't help but have a happy dream about Peeta's kids in the middle of a deadly game.
They both got their wishes of the other living and having kids AND helped complete each other's dream. That's freaking beautiful. People who don't understand it need literacy classes, I mean it. GET HELP!
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