everythingroyalty · 6 months
Every year William finds a way to use someone to cover up for his mistakes or to somehow better his image be it calling his mother paranoid, nonstop leaking against Meg knowing she needed help, blaming anyone but himself for the disaster colonizer tour and now letting his wife with cancer take the blame and show up alone to tell her diagnosis to the world. I'll never understand how the stans romanticize his famous anger issue and act dense when everyone can see what an asshole he is. Also speedy recovery to her because cancer is fucking horrible and traumatizing. Also traumatizing to see Meg's traumas be derided but when you're black you learn to rely on few loved ones and march on I guess. Zero public or private support ever but she has the grace to wish this family well.
yeah this has always been his modus
still i think there's something particularly jarring about the fact that not even his own wife (at arguably the most vulnerable time in her life) is spared these antics
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girlcavalcanti · 5 months
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this is what it feels like to translate richard's lines. btw
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eyes-of-mischief · 3 months
weekly fic recs | 55
prompt: fairy tale elements
fandoms: hq, mdzs, merlin, tgcf, yoi
The Golden Chapel by Heronfem
Arms and the man I sing,—not as of old The Mantuan bard his mighty verse unrolled, But in such humbler strains as may beseem Light changes rung on a fantastic theme.
Or, a Knight comes in search of the Golden Chapel to finish his quest. The Chapel's guardians and trial makers finish theirs as well.
the sleeper's gift by iliacquer
(graphic depictions of violence)
“When you were a baby, I claimed your life and your death,” says Wei Ying. “Before your nineteenth birthday, you’ll prick your finger on something sharp and fall into a sleep like death. No mortal man or woman will be able to wake you. I’m sorry.”
He doesn't sound sorry.
Or: The fairytale retelling where Wei Wuxian is Maleficent and Lan Wangji is Sleeping Beauty.
Turn Left by kianspo
“Make me so ugly that no one will ever want me,” he says. “Please.”
Or: Lan Wangji is kidnapped from the Lan Clan when he's still a small child. He retains no memories of his real identity, and only knows himself as a servant at Madam Ji's brothel. When the clients begin to look at him with interest, he finds someone to curse him and take away his true appearance, and with it any chance of ever finding his family.
(Not a brothel fic, that's only the starting point. A Wangxian story. A Twin Jades story.)
the rivers start to sing by fruitys
Just when the sun has risen high enough to shine its weak rays through the little window, the man wakes up. Wei Wuxian is waiting for him, the iron cooking pan held tightly in one hand and Xiao Pingguo perched on his shoulder. Crows always look a little menacing, Wei Wuxian thinks — he hopes he cuts an intimidating figure now, with his crow and his cooking pan. He’s too skinny, not as strong as he used to be, and he doesn’t have a sword. But he has the Stygian Tiger Seal, tucked safely into one of his sleeves. He doesn’t need physical strength for that. Now he adjusts his grip on the pan. “Who are you?” he demands. The man blinks at him, runs his eyes up and down the length of Wei Wuxian’s body. They’re very pale, almost gold. “My name is Lan Wangji.”
Or: Wei Wuxian is locked in a tower. Lan Wangji finds him.
green sleeves growing cold by mistergoblin
Something flickers in dark eyes. A responding lick of flame. Lan Wangji cannot put a name to it — but it angers him, angers him as does the small satisfied curl to Wei Wuxian’s mouth, as does the shameless pout which replaces it.
Lan Wangji cannot understand him.
Lan Wangji cannot control him.
Lan Wangji is going to be driven mad.
(In which, to keep her son safe, Madam Lan creates a curse)
The Frog Prince by Clea2011
Canon era AU. A teenage Arthur is hit by a mutation spell intended for Uther. Unable to speak and hidden away by his father because of his appearance, Arthur is left lonely and isolated. A few years later Gaius takes on a new apprentice, someone who can understand Arthur and see through the enchantment. Someone with magic.
But breaking the spell was never going to be easy.
Memento Vivere by IceEckos12
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Though Jun Wu’s expression was drawn with sympathy, his eyes were apathetic as he watched Xie Lian thrash in the dirt. “What a monstrous thing you tried to do, Xianle,” he murmured, letting his hand drop to his side. “What a terrible, monstrous thing.”
In one universe, Xie Lian makes a request, and Jun Wu agrees.
In another universe, Jun Wu changes the terms.
The Bride Selection by trufflehargau
Xie Lian held up the flyer, and squinted at it through the eye-holes of his mask. Beneath the words ‘Join the Selection! Be the Ghost King’s Bride!’ the sweeping eaves rendered in wobbly black ink matched the silhouette of the building in the distance. Paradise Manor. The Ghost King’s home.
...The Princess and the Pea retelling? Set before the events of the novel. The Ghost King of Paradise Manor is selecting a bride. Xie Lian doesn't really know what he's doing there.
and at last, i've found my light by astrocosmos
For sixteen years, all that Xie Lian could see of the world was confined to the small windowsill of a forgotten tower—that is, until a lanky man with an eyepatch and a crooked smile came crashing right through it, disturbing the life of solitude he thought he had accepted long ago.
or; the tale of a lost prince and the one person who never stopped searching
perigee, apogee by seventhstar
Once upon a time, there was a thief who stole the prince of the moon.
hood & glove by Fahye, hawberries
"I don't mess with the fae," Otabek says.
"I'm not asking you to mess with them," JJ flat-out lies.
the dream that you wish will come true by seventhstar, sixthmoon (seventhstar) 
As the prince, whose isolation made even the single fiddle and informal dance of a party of servants overwhelming, observed them from the side of the room, a young man with dark eyes and dark hair approached him.
“Excuse me,” he said to the prince, his cheeks flushed from the wine. “Would you like to dance?”
The prince had danced without a partner for the whole of his short life.
“Oh,” the prince said. Within him a single bud began to bloom. “I would.”
A prince locked in a tower, a dancer without a partner...and a witch without love.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On the 21st June 1813 the lawyer and poet W E Aytoun was born.
Born in Edinburgh, of a family of literary tastes his father, Roger Aytoun,was writer to the Signet, a private society of Scottish solicitors, dating back to 1594 and part of the College of Justice, the fierce Jacobitism and love of ballads of his mother, Joan Keir Aytoun, had a lasting influence upon Aytoun’s own political and literary preferences., which was to impact upon Aytoun’s own interests, and aid them in turn when he was preparing his Ballads of Scotland collection for publication.
Having tentatively followed his father into law, Aytoun was appointed Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at Edinburgh University in 1845. It was in this post that he excelled, and details of his lectures have led to him being declared ‘the first modern professor of English literature’. Prior to this appointment, his early works as a poet were the subject of inclusion in the renowned Blackwood’s Magazine, and he would go on to become an important contributor to the magazine in a number of guises. Indeed, his literary criticism exhibited much of the keen sense of parody that was the defining feature of his acclaimed dramatic verse, 'Firmilian’.
Working in a less comic mode, Aytoun produced the Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, which remains one of his best known works, it wasn’t just Jacobitism in, Edinburgh After Flodden , a 15 verse classic, he brings the news to the Capital of our greatest defeat to the citizens of Edinburgh, in Charles Edward At Versailles, Aytoun puts himself into Bonnie Prince Charlie’s head as he is in his room on the Anniversary of Culloden thinking of the ghosts that haunt him…
“Must those scenes and sounds of terror Haunt me still by day and night?”
I’ve chosen, an extract from the telling of a hero killed at Killiecankie, The Burial-March of Dundee.
Sound the fife, and cry the slogan—    Let the pibroch shake the air  With its wild triumphal music,    Worthy of the freight we bear.  Let the ancient hills of Scotland    Hear once more the battle-song  Swell within their glens and valleys    As the clansmen march along!  Never from the field of combat,    Never from the deadly fray,  Was a nobler trophy carried    Than we bring with us to-day;  Never, since the valiant Douglas    On his dauntless bosom bore  Good King Robert's heart—the priceless—    To our dear Redeemer's shore!  Lo! we bring with us the hero—    Lo! we bring the conquering Græme,  Crowned as best beseems a victor    From the altar of his fame;  Fresh and bleeding from the battle    Whence his spirit took its flight,  Midst the crashing charge of squadrons,    And the thunder of the fight!  Strike, I say, the notes of triumph,    As we march o'er moor and lea!  Is there any here will venture    To bewail our dead Dundee?
The full poem can be read here...https://allpoetry.com/The-Burial-March-Of-Dundee
And more about him...https://allpoetry.com/William-Edmondstoune-Aytoun
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Okay don’t mind me but two of my literary fixations may have crossed over and I’m now obligated to discuss it
Ignore me or I will inflict upon you my “Yes The Locked Tomb Is Catholicism But Also Look At The Greek Tragedy It’s There I’m Not Making This Up” agenda
Okay so in Agamemnon, the first play in Aeschylus’ The Orestia there’s this scene where Agamemnon comes back from winning the Trojan War and sees his wife Clytemnestra for the first time in years. So Agamemnon if you are unaware is the actual worst and killed their daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice…it’s a whole thing, basically Clytemnestra’s planning to kill him for very valid reasons. This is relevant cause she’s staged this whole situation to quietly assert power over him with some casual manipulation and taunting of the gods.
So Clytemnestra has these purple carpets like spread out for Agamemnon to walk on to go inside and he’s like arguing
“You’ll draw down envy. That stuff is for gods. I am a mortal. I can’t trample luxuries underfoot. Honor me as a man not as a divinity.” (Anne Carson translation)
“Strew not this purple that shall make each step an arrogance; such pomp beseems the gods, not me. A mortal man to set his foot on these rich dyes?” (E.D.A. Morshead translation)
Basically Clytemnestra is manipulating Agamemnon into an act that puts him above the gods, and he does it and dies by the end of the play. Greek tragedy, am I right? Poetic.
Now we go to Gideon The Ninth page 307. Palamades has brought Harrow to look at perpetual bone in the keyhole of that one door. They have established that this is intense and definitely would need a powerful necromancer to undo. Then we get…
Palamades: “I didn’t bring you here to remove it, I just brought you here to confirm, which you’ve done nicely, thank you.”
Harrow: “Excuse me. I never said I couldn’t remove it.”
Palamades: “You don’t think…?”
And then the narration says…
“It was the Harrowhark of old who responded, the one who walked down dusty Ninth House halls as though crushing purple silk beneath her feet.”
Now…I may be reading into things too far, seeing Greek Tragedy where there is none. But if my analysis is anything than this is saying not only was Harrow walking around like she was above the gods all the time, but she was doing this with ease when even AGAMEMNON, daughter killing Cassandra capturing returning in glory from the Trojan war Agamemnon from the absolute worst most cursed family in all of Greek tragedy, even he was like “oh shit yeah we don’t walk on the purple carpets.” To be clear I’m not making a Harrow-Agamemnon parallel, not really. I’m saying Harrow, probably the most religious character in these fucking books, is compared to an act of utter disrespect to the gods. Harrowhark Nonagesimus of the past just had that kind of fucking hubris. And not that she knew but…she was pretty terrible to God’s Actual Daughter in those “…crushing purple silk…” days too. Just pointing that out. And Harrow set out to become a lyctor, where Agammemnon said “honor me as a man not a divinity,” Harrow said I’m literally going to be a saint I’ll do it all by myself and no one can stop me. And eventually she did get to walk among the gods/saints/lyctors/whatever. To become one even. And it only brought her pain. I could go on, and perhaps make my thoughts more coherent, but not now.
Also sidenotes, Harrow’s dad’s name is Priamhark and Priam was the king of Troy, another person who fought (against Troy) was named Palamades, the books all include dramatis personae and are split into acts, Harrow starts with a prologue and a parados like in a Greek Play, and I could pitch Gideon’s 2nd person narration from inside Harrow’s mind as a Greek Chorus though that one’s a bit more of a stretch.
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deathlessathanasia · 9 months
"Just so might Pallas and Phoebus’ sterner sister glide down together from high heaven, terrible alike in armour and in looks, and with golden hair braided on their heads, bringing their maiden company, from Cynthus she and she from Aracynthus; they wouldst thou never learn by long gazing, even had thine eyes leave to gaze, which had the greater beauty, which the greater charm, or which had more of Jove, and were they but pleased to take each other’s dress, Pallas would beseem the quiver and Delia the crested helmet." - Statius, The Thebaid
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cosmereplay · 6 months
Happy Fanfic friday! This week I've got a zany and wild self-love fic:
The Only One Who Deserves Her by if_one_of_us_falls
Rated Mature, Aesudan/Aesudan, 1400 words, Oathbringer spoilers Aesudan deserves the best of everything.
Teen-rated excerpt below:
The light that emanated from the amethyst spheres complemented the wine in the queen’s goblet. Ardent Renash had hinted that it was easier to work by the white light of diamonds, but Aesudan enjoyed the gloomy violet cast on her chambers. She found it eminently superior to the glare of the sun.
Aesudan reclined in her plush chair, sipping her wine. Only the top of the ardent’s bald head was visible as she stooped over the queen’s hand, meticulously painting her nails. Renash had been one of Alethkar’s finest artists, renowned across the country for her miniature work, before she joined the ardents in Aesudan’s personal service. Aesudan smiled, drawing a certain pleasure at the idea of Renash’s latest masterpiece being hidden in Aesudan’s safehand sleeve, only for her to admire. 
“Sister Renash,” she said in the airy, contemplative tone she used to set others at ease. “You must tell me how you found your new quarters. Has brother Lhan introduced you to everyone?” 
“They are very accommodating, your majesty,” whispered the ardent, not looking up from her work. Whether she meant her rooms or the other ardents, her tone didn’t betray a hint of enthusiasm. She kept working, back hunched, shoulders stiff. 
“I make it a rule to only employ the most talented individuals. Anything else would not beseem the throne, don’t you think?” 
“Yes, your majesty.”
Sister Renash might be talented, but she was unbelievably boring as a conversation partner. Aesudan huffed quietly, watching the progress of the ardent’s work. She’d chosen a powerful motif — the majestic chasmfiends, based on sketches that were sent to Kholinar from the Shattered Plains. Reports from Alethi officers made the beasts sound like farm animals waiting to be slaughtered, but Aesudan heard that a grown chasmfiend could obliterate a platoon of soldiers in minutes. She liked that.
Keep reading
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mightydyke · 11 months
I'm reading Paradise Lost and I read this bit from book two where Sin is speaking to Satan:
"Thou art my father, thou my author, thou My being gav'st me; whom should I obey But there, whom follow? thou wilt bring me soon To that new world of light and bliss, among The gods who live at ease, where I shall reign At thy right hand voluptuous, as beseems Thy daughter and the darling, without end."
and I thought "oh, I see why this book resonated with Mary Shelly so much"
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IDHI Beseemer-class Missile Frigate
the second ship i made, I ought to give it a V2 sometime; it's rather simplistic
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same-day missile delivery courtesy of Ishikawa-Douglas
also, here's a non-canon version with an orion drive:
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libidomechanica · 3 days
This capricious plays upon his own Idol, and beat the thou shalt do
A ballad sequence
My old lovely leans his happy     and faithful to that is by thy rosy little heart of     a poet. That my table-
cloth and when I lit the time,     blunt the words I flung in her Jewel of the threshold music     and then will never weep,
never, never out of herself,     or others, from sweethearts commingled, and, wretch! I have no     raptures praise is still
to the Theban walled the light we     see which would lie, into all thing in that all religion     take another, strikes each
passes between the seem’d to him     time passes once! Thy ruffles or ribbons be few, than is     youth of man: he now is
it pride, and leave one, butchered fully.     I will get a riches of senceles trees as a     man’s best worms together.
And shower, to Do. Now, to take     up that all the feast restrain, and, stooping, made manifest     treasure. Since where, alas!
You stay yet how them: but chiefly where his chastened     with watching all time; all conditions were desire. Change arose, and ripens spirit     in the moon were fastened next time, when, jaded with true sight, as he dieted with thy priest,     and owns her married at once more let
it speak; indeed them see so bright with religious     awe. For love, as she thine! And a ship in this happy, happy was thus devised what their     brilliance—and her, as just popped away among the basement and leaves not single will remained     instead! Because thought: so you made
a face with vases, they have forgot! Then equal     colours and light or wrong your faces— an ear in its skin. No shadow lend. And I love     for hir darling on of grateful Evenings did an Evil Cloud rain Sorrows of thyself     of thy silvering angels know are
on me of Love, she shade, nature give her husband     anguish and gently did yeeld; more come and I forget the tunnel, whiplash down from my     idle cigarette into blossoms blushed bright. Pleased to a halt under thing borrow, as     humour into fonts met in the Dust,
the dirt to my beggary, deere killer, spare not     what can stop the warm’d the year; chloris! From under head. Defend, it mean, you are on that     to be woo’d and see. Great god of loue me more to swage; nature Mine? And you hide; the nature     give physical fact of you prove
thy shadow, Cynara!—Nature love now is done,     since dear Cloe, how can my naturally chaste to worke my verse shape, while day in my way, new     strung his brown before, thou of this delight in the rustling sire and Art: I could speak     and adorning eye, nor leave this the
sun grows warm. Round jubilance himself is not great     appears, they were answers till he chosen ones; we’ll have its way; nor draw the tag o’ her     men be met with Stellas sharp scratch and was a time my senses in Vermont not once a     mourn for my common than they rehearse
we are day was none distinguish still me with truth,     and husks of the fables the cignet’s debt; and I forbid they see aright? And for     Perigot of May; then came, twas but a barren bride. Or touch was not what coinage to building     so to be alone that gave my
love call; all seem’d to part its hand, and cures nothings.     His genuine self, thoughtful land of sin on your cheeks need the Theban walled towards you, but     like he string, loue refin’d to seek the fate of the true, that read her hear her key scrape in     me. Lest guilty gates of sweeter be,
when rocks on wing are dropping dead Dad kept course through     brittle wood where will never, dearest Eye it in high Philomede, lect’ring to do: a     sisters of Jerusalem, the vase into the rest. Hey ho the roadside, succulent     peaches we devour hearty meal
up that ushers in my plain Parson Hale. So may     your wisedoms heau’n forgate all my heart of beauty, but is the eagle’s gaze up, and     I do beseem thy poor richer perfect rows where to you. Yet the times her flesh so pure,     so keen teeth from which forest whole day
lapped away around the gray shadow of mocking     one, and I but thee, Cynara! Speech should helpe, doe beare the reign of coolness plays upon     her, all soone beauty’s pattern to be helps to Mars not for an infinitely rejoicing—     all the force to the slushy sand.
I did; and as old Falstaf says     let us e’en to imbibe it in hell. Wreath and while here.     To-night’s glory to tune.
Time is my judgment fled, they were     answering with the arrowe, ne can her a glasse: all as     Mornings pour shower, why
do ye therewith mine was this     day’s doctrine distress of wine while I lay, mouth, foreign     glory, and long soothings
and future called then I lit the     wreath shalt do; first open’d on the rail. On the gear that her     window light; o look, but
till death looks were cause why sullen     spring how with thyself, though my hear’st that which foresaw how     far a moment the under
whose Augury triumph’d thee I     dare na show, the who must one doth shadow, Cynara! In     spite, Ye’re woo’d and sorry
season black and cleare apart in     days of trespasse their beamie darts be grey; set me in my bad,     my good alive. With the
rest of men, and a ho, and cloth’d     his Spirit robb’d of poison- flower, and could looked at! To     dwell in their arms o’ lovely
Davies. With these my night hour,     o, why dost their thickest be, shall murmur in the eye is     it, the cottage warm’d the
light and smote himself in ever,     reach us, nor altar heap’d with thee so brave: and thy heat     blue, autumn, yes, we are
very strife, a teeming; no shriek     if a man well maist though my mouth to give her legs. By your     face, and they owe; the passion,
the long-dead beauty is sickened     around the Silver stamp of taste loue might vnhappy men     that beautiful. And truly
fair eyes, that I speak of the     Musk-Harvest of frolics, an old passion of ages blamed,     if you see,—with such skirts.
For every heat         adrift of me!     Boye, how with canal or pilot the village cars follow’rs!     And balmless ill. Quo’ her
gown; she in which shall grow, and     Humblenesse of cologne. And shutting earth devouring Time,     because of the dark days
of life, the weight of their arms o’     lovely Davies. And oh, her wine, but one more bright: I arise     to pray, so may you
saw. Forget the quintessence of     all weepe in that I owe to the Thonder, where they see from     that full song areede vpright,
Alas! You will promise the ivory     stand in disarray: that may I grant be seen, and sudden     thro’ my very hear’st
thou growest be, in thee to all     that’s be jocund which, shining hast slain the glorious ruling     payned, to him and
I dare na show, yet still, or go     and let us mair thou did except peace of beautiful     in sing. Say, are changes,
sustains, uprooting all move men’s     eye be true as the pitiless with his sharp scratch and bees,     too, such a rare carnal
Composition Unattaint,—a     Rosebud blowing desolate and recording its orbit,     each humblest within,
an eye well. Your round to another’s     life one of Chloe sure the blue so dark and clarity     of loving you too
be dumb? Oh but with dew; fragrant     the winged censer teeming mistress’ flame, o’er itself, performing     is most secret still
the dance upon mine own softer     than she. The influence of immortal youth, and all night     in plainly, so I could
not know how change the train: but denied     this there was nothing, for, love. Yet should cancel—but tis     not drink, and rode high
Philomede, lect’ring a ding, ding; sweet     self I lye. That from a hundred Aristotles bow; oh     Thou were clawing out of
her feather, which beats loud, before     we part, whose cureless number I still injure things, the     daily anodyne; give
me ease; and then, the pousse her blood     and so nor willing line; some flying doth broken-hearted,     the bride. Ah Willye, when the
raging more than me. How many     pictures, couch’s perfume they maun be patience him time to     crucify my life in thy
light and rave, within us an     orchard, till fame to the skin and argued with a wondering,     or out of ether
hat ancient press’d in smiles encounterfeit     is poorly imitated after yourself is     blown by separate from the
bouncing, the cosmetics and sae     neat, about at your skirts had force to Semele. Yellow     hair, hath hym payne, or dress’d.
Or her, maiden-hearted, the holes.     Is still so hye, hey ho seely shepe, hey ho hollidaye, that     conscience high, lance-like horses
over sudden death the road     rejoicing—all the Beauties, like a rope. Woo’d and all, her     whose blue een. The sins without
strange flame, Woo’d and me. Yours weep     if a man’s fashion. A belovèd as think scorn, wherein     my Lucia’s chest; and there.
Plunges into love, that spend our     father. Soules ioy, bend nothing learnd I loue did leaue that ushers     in verse shall we had
open faire after midnight the     flies. Then blowe your sounds, by unions that warm sea-scented thy     true-telling like your cheek
and as my cryes. To find sometimes     youth to the holes. Bride. About this happy pieties, where,     a spirit robb’d of its
length of coiled gloves by wealth of Morn,     her road afar without a nameless sea, the other I     bow’d to flie, and look upon
it goes. I, that unchaste? Like     as this a womankind! And suddenly held-out hurdles     of cheerfully, to the air,
the discourse, which service, Julia,     wedded in their prize. I saw in my hair all those dear, and     Humbleness thrice none see
or seem is but for women play     upon her transfix the live you are the sky not for the     sun grows warming, it comedie
by sudden thought and rage, and     did impute, while the deep, while they’ve spun. That faults, but a window’d     heart, be true! And when
I perhaps you hide; they shone,     perswades for the room: the veil. Move still, even in Feavers     but he’s a gift frae her
shoe; I did; and as old Falstaf     says let us maid, be you like to live. Let breath of well-     gotten, and flowers. The
proper lessons for mankind on     the humble kind. Vain are bereav’d me, love, and showers: a     language hold mute. And the
startled little for me, my Dearie!     But you recall that lovers, old age of pleasure. And truly     fair brow, nor leave with
my neglect: they lay calm-breather.     Or, if she rules; changes right of the Hesper brink of     obvious grant thou hast my
head in vain to dreams. She sends me     a text she’s lessened around us, scales dropt Blood—his Sighs     stood allowed longing place!
And yet be blame if every part.     When our heart torments see. This silent, elegant, like Braille.     The less loud apart in gastful green for a whim. The moment     she was thus thou growest be, or dress’d. List, put that hath     the world is the porch with
knout? And you receive. And catch they     have power, how I by the tip of the bed, bodies and     gied it all. Her eye-dawn of coolness plays upon thy lovely     pallor which thy temple come and women’s pleasure! My     soul move still they heart of
you stripping the influence our     arms, I labour by singing wave one that sweet sleep; and we     have been deep recesses once! You take that my hope my visits;     but the Piazza of her cleaues the same, and some     Hercules to be most lov’d
her eyes full of inconsistent     without virtues great and the timeless as with wand’ring all     lies, with this maid I louers sheepe in good measure, mine before     wise! Mild is there on that made it will pine if we fell a-     doting a ding, prickling
the budding waue doth amid thee.     At last and enisle ours inhale but thy tears row’d; he     too soft young. And a casement press’d a new-leaved vine,     and I love thee, who want to me, now is fitter than me.     A moment doubting the
charming is mocked these notes intendeth.     Their merry, miserable, so unmov’d, as never, never     mends, wi’ sangs o’ joy, while you may be alone surveys     the showers: a languish to vain to succeeding flood; make     glad and fast;—oh! His Spirit
in our own line, have liv’d or     late; love, as she: and anchor fast my wine; and when valiant     Errour guide. It was brown like resurrection in front of     every One, and being fronts, the morrow will come on its     embrac’d, and therefore me
full stay, loathing a human face     that strained a little grove, no fraud robd thee, yea, take this song,     but now from their fair wherefore his own Idol, and hide     there’s none may see from the knack? Never be brought to languish     still it cannot raise
is due, onely by your features     must give or die. The man who dead, deserve people you     see the offence, save again Thine ear, no false foul breath my     griefs in their pinions married at their troth seal’d with tears row’d;     her to reach’d one, but whither
to-day within the second     nothing in the background, and mind: and wont to death! The cheek     once a man’s at break your hand again are breath of friend: to     grant be seen whiles her lips sweld so full of yesterday dropped     are. Kiss we and backe, and
still past and ball. Let fops or for     their most, whom nakd the show how few! The discontent to make     no noise, but care sweates and enisle ourself to live     or two. Soul had been deep in the silent grows the playne fields     above poor of a lights,
new grown, he apprehends no kill     out our wants a heart it bent in white-hair’d shadow, Cynara!     Ascends her lip, well be, for me, I answer the play’d;     your eyes the drew: swift to his cruel fair; she, who the garden     of my dear, let’s forget
all thee returning then hastily.     Because thou did its veterans rewards! Ah yes, we know.     Less wit than we go: and you this time my Julia, the one     things. And th’ executor to be our please; with knout?     In so hush awhile, thy
pure Sugar from her brother, the     cold for us most sweeter be, when I am gray? At     least ambitious eyes were but most subtle to go that strange.     By suddenly, sweet holy collect said, that I in your     secrets should carry in
vain: only, the pure brow! Most     innocence, and shall be moving mild; then the cosmetics and     rage, as Sappho fragrant the cove with vilest wide is fled;     passion, which now my breast and even asleep had been prov’d;     I know that be fair where
the hart, has she blue, syne blind bellies:     nor can trippe it very self destroies. The gen’rous thou     was pumping from that I fancy e’er the world, with mine eyes     glow like that love thee ere we walked on the couch’s perfume thee     to affright to knowes
nothing. And let the elm-tops down,     an unwonted calm pervades his heap of pale-mouth’d prophet     dreams are where in her blood she liefest bought mean, you to     The place which, shining heate? Yet, do thou can his finished is.     Bee you once mourning sun.
To the even death, where theyr wonted     calm pervades his hearse. And song of my woe, bene the     garden I saw one of
Chloe dies. Who else, for revenge,     I’ll tell of thy dark with Maiesty. Your questions too; even     my desir’st that I true
as all loue of lust, yet ne’er be     brought it little eyes and grassy barrows my heart torments     see. Not only my
antipodes; but I was desolate     mouth with purple grapes and heart which it self but rightways     in the lips for a while
my flocke the presence sayes, than you,     to you, all song of the bolts of view; the Night, earth devour     heart’s endeavour, to
wreckes and stirred, the quintessence     of attraction still, and sweeter the thou leave? With purple     warre: where I smell ambrosia-
like, or without, how much thee     in the dress to one can holds they tumbled blossomed anew,—     yon looking-glass of my
fancy I approve, no palace     to their souls amazed, a- doting, a kind of her Eye. Thy     pity doth latch: for even
into all but not great price     we part, say, we lose to mow: and Grace cries, that has its chipped     the mound of dying and
she has flown away around     jubilance was only the greatness. Shadowy thousand no     spurre cannot marvel at
either, they leapt slantwise their loose     our past. Torn by the blush’d, cool-rooted flower, who ne’er sae     sleepiness lessened around
the yard, the hole—The waters     were Together and rage, as when as the night. And you,     Cynara! I would she, she
ship, and to part his Embleme. But     I was no one that my sky: but with pleasant paint it. Because     you cause God’s gift frae
the fine, no oracle, no     oracle, the truth, and Humbleness survived his Individual;     and, passion; a
woman’s clothes and this happy, happy     Pardon than a bairn, she’s honey of poisonous flies.     Glad it heavy artillery
to tune. And I must read     the basement press’d to heare a doll dress. Of April, and was     a time for ever mines!
Throne thou seëst all the wight most true!     By you still the light be found is e’en right of skill. Cloak, to     let me be copartner of thee over his shepheards, til     you ever saw the mind no rose-red wine while my flocke, for     Forty Morning-Shower
of Joy—to Forty Morning, when     past thou art a rage to bus’ness, my desire of liars     believe me, and fears to prompt me I shall stand in the     last? She told the rarities of thee as her image in     me has every word I
find out an infant civilisation     be rules him, consum’d of poison-flower the stars     of fate appear before meete: a chapelet on you may     serve with speed i’ thee over yourselves also, whose Augury     triumph in love: she
guess. To the way we whiskey in     her time for bliss. Yet, if Hope has nothing in thine annoy,     her does penance now I my meaning puzzles more the will     get a riches, gay; on softer clime, half-lost inferior     not be kindle into
towers till as ill, woman’s     at bred hereto will no more granteth! Man comes away     for each heauen-stuffe to cloath sought, weigh the cloud of pow’r before,     by her tongue wag through steps. Since brass, beneath to undo me,     as river-water poured
into this face no more—no more     caught advances, but sicke in Heaven seems seeing the deep,     never weep, never stick in his Years not the tunnel, whiplash     down by separate from an instant dead. Nature, thou canst     thou ever a plack on
the moon I write, as all loss of     wit. Shall blooms through branched ear; she can stop loving more the passion     to cry forget the truth describ’d by black leather, like     a cout frae e’en right: a mazer ywrought they by:     In listen to the day?
All bath’d in disguises, alien     to the same for weep, never watching accents, your features     like a fish. These days?
Poets heap of pale-mouth’d prophet     dreams, and all my flocke their honour died. Never weep. Heaven-     song I may kiss and look, but you and mov’d trick’d the yells augment     with such a themes, old and lifted time. At least for any     bed to heart compelling,
much sense to crush it under     thing in this round his wide whites short. And beat strange and did its     veterans rewards! She none, a blur, a Film Fun laughing in     Senses in hue, all song of my Earth, for it now? Sweet-swelling     year and Tygres, thereby
is a great! More a whim. More,     hey ho pinching hearts, it is a dolefully to you,     although another toilet’s forget the human dress’d in     YES, and crush it under the planetary nightly cryes     ye heart I felt her tongue
still calls the would not, but add, jenny     kiss whenas some ways my very weel aff is shot back     somewhat now is done, since first sweet lovers love? Cannot beauty’s     legacy? Her hair shine likewise one of our buried     life, the sky, and both gone
she finds too refin’d, th’ addrest.     Felt she; to keepes the vase into love of plunder     bore her heart is all. So when I thinking to know; and if     thou art my home. Repeating seed-heads—one striue, such Consummation     grew. All that’s beauty
hold a napkin under a     little tired of the Sunnebeame so brave is; sae droops     upon thy ways! What hast my selfishness at her road afar     without attaint,—a Rosebud blowing ouer the kisses     and the skin like thing to
inspiracies our telephone     forming roses an idle cigarette. How change, as is     most of men and flowers of that blessed gaze, knowing ran, and     let us love: be her flesh the same, in sequent to the     spreading, ding; sweet wild woddes
my tomb the to me. Blends, in     ermin’d pride of charming is most suspect the dripping frown     last gasp comes first year of incense sweet lovers, the soul and     roe, fresh fortune author is, but ev’ry life ends, by what     of wine while my flocke these
my nights their shining to the title     of Salámán of Auspicion questions the dusk alone,     and married to one another guitar, nursing I     would not end me, harmes doe only cruel lovely pallor which     the evening and a hey,
as pity like two mourning jealous     of a great price we pay for the things in disguise, in     whose his force to those, than you. When he dies. Like Nero, thou     dare the vain to dream, cherish no less can I not see the     lucid outline from the
physic to my arm about doth     half sighing to Us, nor long, till Nature, the grew less     friend they smil’d the part, if merciful and rave, laughed though thou     hast restraint, without respects for thee familiarly.     Suspicious Name Absál—her
Years not if you shoulder bowlers.     Shall I, unskilfu’, try the larks from the sex, as children     birds, that light. Coming at an Eleventh to undo me,     and thicker, untied her hate report, that reads it, their shins     when it cheerefull worse.
To watch—all send a IOOO back on     him she clouded, but one, can pleasure, mine berries place which     her cheek, and her breast the
sober west, as hags holding thy     beautiful face. New pearl for that part, but most sweet, whose lips,     as is fonder heel with
his Narcissus Eyes now dead: to     grant a love the loss: the bed a secrets should have shown the     larks of body bear the
poet is well-guided arrowe,     ne can stop the wide world- deafen’d eyes? No serpent kisse; I     neuer sharply gryde, uch
wounds soon as she him power; ah     yes, with rapine, and spreading, prick’d thee down on the NY sky     but is the diff’rence to
me; there, instead! That voice so long-     neck’d geese of it, all how unlike each passion to warm, and     she with these our love the
carnal Composition of thee     in a frocke of green-white we see; sweetness a rosy little     tired of birth and
once herself to me one that     Perigot of May is greete, and the least, oercharg’d, to the vain     despite the truth and mee:
I pyne for each others. From the     porch with, Let us look at the familiarly. No trembler     in payne, and end his
Embleme. Print thy choice, who deem that     was cloud, before me were I was they foul and in the long     soothing to Heaven’s Dome
is born. Bent over stars go over     the one travel forth a light—when shoulder bore any     sweet lover again that
care I who calls. Nobody sent     a bracelet richly redolent: the offer stick in his     forehead. You may be alive
has seized my cryes most suspect     the tones of spice the dirt to medle sadde.—If I be burnt     with his high in a
belovèd hand once is; i’ll drap the     race? Or Sappho at her and laid an army down; the poet’s     down from her brother.
Eyes glow like he straight while you could     not, alas! But weak relief to him be the waves makes Love?     But your lowd desire,
and less; at least calculating,     alert. I stand amid thee I dare sweates and praise is     due, onely to your
thread in my feet hath she none, none,     sings to hide that course throat and a ho, and a maiden most     energetic. No matter
too short of a green foot of     May is a paragon. Who sing, the other as if the     same: and within the saint
it. A longing place withdrew they     mix’d the loss: the emperor him from the certain portrait     may augment. Sun’s meridian
lore. The more a woman     is adornings pour her brow. And door closets to explore,     such the world that feeling
you not till to utter of the     year; the Maple was filled with without virtue, original     course of more, replete
with a clasp?—A Perfume thence my     heart violence that in a cat-like he strongly in your     breast or last gasp comes and
part, let break, to draw no lines the     fire is such a curb trapped in honey’d indolence with charms     to dwell: nay, if you gave
you by you stand, showing beneath,     and Jack on my tomb the to mine! Bolder man walles to all     ill went that another?
His Years, their Jewel in a passion, yea, I was younglings     sake, knowing old, but like her now? Low are the blush’d to dwell as ill, woman’s seen shade,     nature, and stirred, and injured then i’m
sure they had suffered up. And fast;—oh! Instead of     the night, ah, yesterday, the sin, and atheism and recording in the same: and     tooth’d my eyes; my purpose, artful trees,
then tribute of feeling graph, in the day? Round the     dead in the ground; from me where I sit— ah, where is it? Her fall, Woo’d and stars. We are a     doll dress it to the stars, how can Love’s
breast, ’tis mute desire, empty country, heaven     of my woe cannot better, yet either only am by lovest thou, but your best-     graced; and all, smiling and equal to
my Muse their rotten smoke? And gied to our Desire,     and deep recesses on her road rejoicing in Sense and die of nothing to the     times are languish twixt her and open
on my sore: loue into the roar of a softer     many pictures cheifest traits of violet breathed the hot race captures are pearlins are the     sway, Ye’re woodbine leave on wave, until
as the such band, is in most my hope you and marrie     state with Thee in the sibyl’s den or though the strut and rare. All seasons as thought of Vertues     the psyche truth and what of wit.
And Ioy, which goes out of reason.     Of the wretch looks o’er itself divine; whetherward doth lend,     and painters gems at Easter,
in a sphere to give her Day’s     Delight, serene, and communed with Nature and flyblow     in the christall glasse, most
ruthfully divine; whether than     the first least part you have we, for I will bore any sweet     breaths, too, let the dark, the
three sister as a peeress, their     shining the Muses bide; sweet as drowsy noons, a people     fork the will never mines!
So when a belovèd as the     dirge of batterie is: and he spoons and looked at the pane, then     silent croak. Our eyes are
little grove it was but left the     day and dread to part frae my Dearie; and with clay, do not let     us e’en to this your
looking to knows not greater, and     thee, Cynara! They say. You had turn on the truth, and leans     his own hands might could not
have so many? When nature’s bequest     gives over you; take therefore taught in the rain on many     scorned and they went, and
blue eyes which two can pleasure, and     once, and night when I was tired of the suffering others.     An every Existence
would be one pleasing note do sing,     hey ding a you again, for Fortune were comes first least     calculating, alert. But,
till to utter one of dreery     death were impulsive; I was desolate and leaves th’     unguarded things in disguisèd
plot they give. To crush it under     the sky. And Time, to cadence words I flung roses, roses     riotously with Tears!
—I took the honey of this and     therewith buds, and I do but with care, averted half     earth. The tunes which passing
every book the top. No, never     men be met with red wine I fold a napkin under thing     to the one part, that her
lockt in a rivers to the me,     and trade, that thoughts would not to death in its green, or glittering     shade, nature, and look
back at us all that loue I     pyne, hey ho grace, in public men sometime and sound the prouder     o’ the laws of this
fair brow, feeds on the delight, when     we may, all external skin.—Lost, or in none, nor pale, nor     that bears there on thy chamber
keeping eye, nor thoughts: that Choice     is sweet; but listened around, if you paid me in black? A     millions of sea, admitted
late by your willing stirs again     This singing like tyrants, old with a wanton strain, His     Psyche witelesse brain;
for now, close to be eddying Locke,     for how put for Ever! Turns on thyself to blaw! A gift     confounds in silence pursu’d,
nor grateful Evening loose our     limbs. I might could not, but thou grant mine a philosopher’s     Ears, and the Bust and even
condescends they tumbled, who     the psyche drift pages nor his journeys he seem a virtues,     painting neare the
impregnable hour or half’s delight,     you that her with vilest worms to dwell: thy frown. Thou can emerge     exhausted like
another, that I owe to the charm     of the timeless with a wondrous House, that I spent with the     eye. No one as from which
does penance nourish set on her     beautifier, breath no flowers, innumerable nightly,     was summ’d in desire
after you; on Helen’s loosen’d     manes, and the Book of Martyrs now drink. To dances, but Time     decay, they fear. Your day.
And a ho, and they smile, like horse     whipping cloak and I’ll never, dearest of mind no, never     a place of me, both the
eagle fierce tiger’s jaws, and gaze,     knowing how way leading soul. You with dim dream. Amethyst     blue eyes wide. To gain her.
The cheekbone, hey ho the swallow,     the quiet and a casement press it the way that would     not to love, and jealousy.
Tears of fire, as for mankind     on the morrow black land; and I forbid? The tears o’ joy.     The man lounges two steps
alone, and enter hid; when bite     into a crystal seek, but the parallel tree, why dost     the trees, nor long, its Self-
solitude! I believe me, good     bathing I forst to vex the lips for a shelter for wings     granteth! The morn now had
been out—at worthy trumpets on     thine, witnesse byrds, whose shall be thy name reprov’d; I knew. My     verse shape, that have still the
gear the hand can his pure Will, but     deep-disguise in you wert not yshend your touch’d the stars go     over your hands could make
your day. And there’s a gift confers     wi’ my Dearie; I restless lie fall; or on my soul move     still call. The new Parnassus,
when in the quiet and ouer     the sky not for whose stopped at the Pledge, while I lay, mouths should     be sung instead of me!
Below meadows bathe me, the breeze.     What do such a crime in the midnight hours; nor asks of     beautifier, breathed those Eyes now
dead: to her Foot that the work maybe?     Taste loue into tower wheel, and can holds the shore. As     child and found abysm I
throw all care of these Eyes and up,     to be my despaire take this experiment. The sky ascends     her death, my demon
Poesy. In the liquid azure     bloomed in sometime she priefe the Muses bide; sweet soul. Buds of     April, and shore, when it
is already force of your day.     Then our breast, can mark thee is such, thou shouldst have not be kind.     Just as fair ones, and grieve
not free our her as he ripens     mines! My doole thou find ye: yet, Dianeme, rather heart bloom     of his beams, on her,
Calista prov’d; I knew; but ev’ry     eye, nor beastes pawes: but die, and the will love’s fair a     daughters of Jerusalem,
the nightingale’s complement     without one deep, while we long I heard, the crow or dove,     it shape we knows—what can
all that, that has made my cheek: nor     can Juno sweet lover in the mound of silent deep enough,     alas, from blossoms
come, as learn delight, untamed,     the ways of the nature with tremble lest a contradiction     still. Sighs for joy to
joy than mimic, more celestial     kiss, their honour hear. Goddess Isis hid by the breach us,     nor thou art as fair
as great bear. Not if you but till     say that is you for the secret heart felt the winged Psyche     withdrew they are show the
struck a wound, or to be Natures     which do in except her then to the end; the mean, we say     and forlorn, from their fear
nothing before her willing star!     For a moment I remember: what the wound it mutual     gain sweet tears ago,
and ever suddenly ablaze,     a spirit animates eternal skin. Why did ye     Our own jewels set on fire.
Tho’ thee ere we may retire;     and looks o’er all, there’s your hand balmless ill. On silly     youth, immortality.
And the storm, and I am gray?     With purple was a mourn for my birth, so may your hear. Because     he did when how I
by the sullen bell give warm; the     lassie is glaikit wi’ the lyre, when as well benumb us     at once, she wit, the
city. And oh, her love make the     world, if Queensbury to steals men’s pleasure! Sleep’s doubled plunges     into fonts met in
the string I feel a nameless you.     Where the morn now had bene then in high Philomede, lect’ring     the Maple warre: and
you read there, none scapes free he     fed; lasses, like a finer silence pursu’d, nor his Head.     Our house, there by zephyrs,
still shine be put it is all measure     my all they rehearse. Mouths calling year and lies sweet breaks     with dim dreams to show they
are all time; all season why such     entertain portrait may augment, the shepheard of flowers,     the quest,—who can painting
went unexpressed.—I took a     hauf, and bring no reason. A land liberty does crownèd with     my soule free.—She wand’ring
time, when past my will in my body’s     treasures false New England fall? No louely Paris made     to be the ground; the second
nothing in free of the love     thou my soule was thus we sit together or bishop tis     not this pride, and a hey
nonino, that moment, can give,     and make to like. Than is youth of my Earth, for love that very     shadow, Cynara!
Divine, entrailed with this way     like antique golden footsteps; and leave then again are bereav’d     me, Naomi turns
on the will, and thus elect     salámán of Auspicion questions I aim at. But I was,     in a clench of my tears
of spice the Flame that health, in that     joy can finde, of such a salve neglect: they seek the fire is     not, foul that the sleep with
such a vice. Of our own innocence,     that bears thou hast my mind none you, but for     To give life alone shade.
What you away. In clear without     straint, with Nature’s truth of follies, whereupon it still! Yet     the ends, by unions married
at thy name. To raise; but I     am gone. Way: for nature cries—let it speaks, behaves, when     you to my selfishness!
Mystery of being a stain.     My head, while the ivory stages but find no painful and     good man, and married at
once both deckes auoid. None ever     in a watrie glasse, she cast not the year; thought it little tired     of the heart, or ioynts
benomd with than a bairn, she’s coming     on me the world’s most meet for a moment I respected     beach; three figures seen
in my breath no ideals them really     is then silent Night, and grone distinguish’d with that he     sees all back a pitying
men. With blamed, if you the finger     over the priefe there’s a gift confers with wand’ring     roses, roses riotously
with Me! Only, this way to     a narrow black as jet: hath led me that ancient press     Or the curtain, the breeze.
As faultless, but like horses over     sudden capitulation— lost, or in her. Conscience     now learnd I love you my heart beat me woo thee, my love one     long-dead beautie be made my hand grains open faithful to you,     of beauties might be blame
the morrow black and laid an army     down. I met here as the House, and common Welling than     the hour their age’s prudence words Salámán heart which wounds     euen ready got, deere, love of warm heart has hears in these nothing     to upheave to utter
one beauty herself, or other     warm sea-scented be. The Maple warre: and what you saw     the forest whole and Thou wast thy Mother turn the pleasure,     our daily voice lift, that you may believing laid an Evil     Cloud rain Sorrow! And
innocent, dozes throne thou can     her hat an acre hath shadow, Cynara! And grieve to     seek and ev’ry life the lamps expire, by those limpid eyes     were dead. And wellawaye: ill may the liefest by shaft in their     controlling, much sense to
me my Muse and there. And now wrapt     in our knees. And the steadfast rock of Immortality     consum’d of it; only I’ll love of your features must dream     with knout? To the king hastily spak, the laverock to     the only grace you from
the road rejoicing—all the     miserable nights are dead in vain despaire take a little, and     look’d about love calls. Yet still raw love men’s pleasure was not     the tremulous eyes were three time then on our will be burnt     with their end; those shrieking
so fast? As fault, her head. My doole,     drawe near yourselves; hardly have love and Art: I courts, and     if rymes with fairy fruit, flowers; nor an empire     of mind? Strain a sudden thou leaves and Soldiers have liv’d and     made a wit, stor’d with knout?
Of happy mother who sings that shadows! Love them     better used what the thoughtlessly, or Vesper, amorous glimmer stepp’d serene, the best     of me and I am fain to do.
You are lang! The nose of immortall eyes which comes     this brother, I will die—climb the sun- clouds, and a spirit animal thought of one swear     to the world, how shall in my Lucia’s
chest; and injure this, t’ have but to breaths, less false     eyes: so shall ever empty art. Strange the vines bare to know what with clear eyes endure its     first, but kiss’d whisper’d is then, the one
Morning so to be Nature it be not, see my     gross painting neare there is no easy my mistake? She told I love a girl as much bright:     for not acquainted with buds, and took
the one like a single beds. Goddess, I have no     arms to dwell, each change, there in her beauty fair eyes were such a childlike season are breath,     their love to give their treason; my soul
that distinguish twixt your tongue bewitch’d as oddly     as he ripens spirit boundless wit than Phoebus promis’d I forgive! If so bestadde?     Shaping angel watching heart: wild woddes
my tomb: And all day, venus stood high to look     on Simo’s mate, no palace to me, love forgot much with flowers, in their nature in     one, one summer dies upon my storm.
The Beauty glided in for all     hear that light, and no unerring shades, and me Dead, depriv’d     of Thee! Trapped are, when we may, all eyes inspire me, as all     the world’s most true loue new- coin’d to flesh stays no father hear.     Then, Julia, weep, for once
herself, though driving, and common     Welling teares of thy Court am I that was a mourning     rings; change, no one eye it cheers whom self-caged Passion tis     by thee.—All the tunefu’ power-tools or steering-wheel     or touching accents, your
faces—an earth into a decayed     holo-gram—my for ever. Love inside, and in despair,     to whom nakd the light as it comes first. Where a fish. It     is most sweetness, and Lydia agree: for, thou hast my     sky: but with a Swan. Even
now, close overcame my soul     I’ll lay by, to the vines bare to cry for it full loue of     her for both I and these nothing is ever saw too that     hadn’t yet be jealous girls them all, comes in hell, yet, if Hope     has e’en to the passe
his who can painters gems at Easter,     in a most meet for a modern quill doth my new blisse     you walk all discourse untain or the steam floats up from that     extreem day, in Magdalen’s loosen’d manes, and strange! Sicker     make to say it Cuddie, as
the Baby of hys misdeede, than     to watching heap virtues, painting new love may serve with my     bad, my good and mused and bells, and Breath and did it ended;     and as old Falstaf says let us like figures of the     rain set you off an humble
kind of the shown, on the loss:     the nakedness. You stay yet how them better what won you     the highlight was a time my selfe my self but most heinous     crime: o, let it be a bird because why sullen art     exercised in the riches,
gay; on soft-conched though ne’er be     told that vertuous career home-run total is no telling     thresholds, where we turned to cinders black leather. And now wrapt     in a lying Fable. We’ll wear such place! Doubt you ask, who     could thilke lasse notes entendeth.
To have laid in our want work     is pure Sugar from this praise is due, onely to tune.     To ster loue it is no more wary than their thick synthetic     roots barging ouer thing, I gied his Divided Self, and     let these empty of love,
as from Time’s chest; and then to have     been a dreams; my soul had beneath the story of her life-     begetting earth, in ill fame or good: yours like a rope. My     way: they seemed to my bedside she does it make amends, in     the discourse untain or
the Shackles white bone. I have common     thou wilt thoughts: that the eyes may still well apart, that euer     sene? Promise twice, dear, it was all that I write, she sat down     his rest: blends, in exposing dispraise is due, only in     the Garment of cologne.
Main of Sorrow! You with Her I     love, if a Hundred be. An earth, in happy, forehead, eyelids     pale. Turn then I was
no tear; nor grate thee come and with     dim dreams of the cornice- wreath makes thy verse: and once more waking     a dead from what went.
That to be woo’d and build a rage     to the charms to dwell address, the most unmeet for her, as     I could tell thy priest, and bring no rest. Apart from the proud;     your reports, because he
flies in their brilliance—and Ausemán—     the Hesper brink of an old passion you say you look     upon him slayne. Now, as the sky, and at once let the quiet,     so sweet-gard’n-nymph, which
beats so wild roses, roses. The     nameless is for ever in the sugar, but oftentimes     were mine. Barbs has her eyes that the cloud of plunder heartfelt     prayer: or as though the
world and hint, and be once both our     breast, oercharg’d, to mow: and what acceptable are dead. Such     heauen-stuffe to call out each others wont to shame give him time     to critic and they gave
myself refusest. Each others,     fragrant maids should pause, as all that, passion tis not, alas,     from those life he strained instead of my tears in verse shall you     beautiful seasons, and
a hey, and the vines bare to your     really about lovers. A people doth for all that, passion,     from that was a time and downe sway, is short or shall summer’s     honest eyes be well.
No one can stop the lights, new fill’d his high Hall-     gardener Fancy e’er could only pretty ring not if a Poland fastner of the end;     the sibyl’s den or their lips and goodness,
art with ev’ry Lady’s emblem in the sultan     of strawberries plain about then for an empire of my soul doth the haunt thou     hadst this hand, one with and my soul with
his Teeth. Fold a plea, whose cureless seas that you     again become to times would be seen, and the best. Shadow, once to blaw! My friend mused and     breasts, birds: pleasure. Romantic, I must
gives; and as old Falstaf says let us marry.     Of the steadfast restraining sun. Jealous girls thee the whispering time, your face that small     handsomeness tinged censer teeming;
no shrieking so to keepe. When bite into shame had     fall, perfect noon, in all forwards do sing: whose Auspicious Name Absál like this round the     taste of what beauteous niggard, why dost
their treasure than is youth, immortall eyes and brood;     pluck your cheek begins and long night with vilest worms together that a life was ratified     with dew; fragrant-eyed, with thee for
everywhere, alas! Nobody that new to say.     On the kisse; I neuer the fav’rite blest with many scorn of praise is due, only what     it might mickle ado, tis under
and paine thing orb decline from this way to vain essay     that we must we too weak, for I do swear before we love, and in each others’ voice     cares? And good-night? It is most will again,
when bird abandoned on herb, fruits and universes     ceased to her legs I drew figs. And the glow-worm of thee what of those looked downe sway,     which done, she smile a harm no praise, Vertues
the place of pale-mouth’d prophet dream too be dumb?     Stella now lost be thy robbery, gentle throat around jubilance of blame these the     scortching all day like two hard a science
is; yet who know; and gave myself grew faint and     leave no Characters at all their arms o’ lovely Davies. Or for thee out of rest: if     her cigarette into the prick’d thee.
Be this way to a narrow black and ancient prayer     for wings grant me though China fall. The pot, I pour shower, and jealous for strongly     in you my hearts be well. For those mine.
His Spirit robb’d of its last and     Time, to blush’d to his Lips press’d. Time passion burned townes do wreck     with the debt she e’er at eve, and Temple comes and what we     say, like a horses over
thus Calypso once more as     I’ve doth the ends, by unions marry. A flute came—and     Ausemán—the Hesperian tast surpasse, ere she love did once     to my Muse the waves make
amends, thought I found a thirst to     yield, must not grass! I wait its greete, and unembroyder’d in     death in man’s oppression curse; a long we have it out, each     one the bee hums by us
will I be, and nought forbad,     but one more bright: for nature is not the toy at morning     jealousy a human breast. Armed, o eyes, O trees, nor long     pause a breach us, nor
her, and never to come back. All     that’s absent frae ’boon thine arms in x-ray. Direct Hebrew     for the discomposed the first I heard. Wherein my woe,     bene thy fortune were
caught a crime. We are my all it     strange! Bent over you; take the wrought, the highest but you would     be hel-driu’n from offend her her, carve not the day in the     sleepiness, will I pawne
yon spotted Lambe in thy love’s wrong     you while Ilion like the striue, such close in the moon’s more is     o’er all, her lay. Whom I wound in life the same, as we walked     too alien to mone!
In twilight in the wreckes auoid.     Not in Thee vain are the clouded, but you wrongsthat she might     him in the lips into
fonts met in his own Idol, and     strange case to weak. The naked Leda with the shore.—In     another’s taut through branches
held and thick synthetic roots barging     out of ethereal dance and fine words bring no rest.     Your face, for priefe the sullen
birds do come thy bravery     in the rain on many a mocked the wood, woode as her flowers,     there suspicion now
his gray is greasy task, with a     clasp and up in the roofs. Where I but though you held hands no     loue not have plagued what an
ev’ning Masque: so morning to Heaven,     and where mine eye or earth for ever suddenly, sweet     thoughts in freedom, or the
nice admire; nature it glide into     this fair eyes and their Jewel of my selfe my self prove faithful     to offence, save against
his fair where all so early     sheepe in the desert off your faces—an ear in its good     to me, and kissing, while
my woe, when as the summer days,     and rave, with paine to see. From the hearing,—Stella is singing     place, disdain, have put
it in fairest most true! Look, looked     down by morn now had beauty’s light of Vertues shore. The charms     or legs. How fair moon, to
the Thonder of these nobler course     through our cries—let it springtime, than Phoebus watch’d as oddly     as her heart compete sense,
though my burning jealousy. Was     drunk an Arab in the skies, that sweetly chides dote, wherein     the NY sky but think time
is made it was a desperate     brain whisks it about the will die—I built it with trembler     in London stallion-hoofed
falls of a spangled marriage ring     thy hour; which my mouth the glasse, or wanders, heav’n-direct Hebrew     for now, close in rolling,
tis from some Corner of Earth!     All night not augment my doole thou shalt be, there,     Triumphant prize a song?
Strange flames to imbibe it is a     green my deadly cry, in which I will outright; with kisse. To     mar the house from olives.
Devouring Time, to covet flying, and     ambergris; and all the flatterer neuer since despite his Cry to find each other’s taut     through you not much sense unhaunted quite.
Now endless seas that golden Cradle set; opening     fountain, the debt which does it may augment my doole this, where she wily bride in     the block we are half daddy, this song
areede: for fortune, haplesse rueth. Heaven’s glorious     friend the flies. Choose me destroy the best, as I must the sun and a’! Ran upon thyself     destroyd! Who hath so pure, and undress
with the fertile earth after shoe; I did; and     if we loved and therefore the sleepe, and the dream. Changed at the wound, if you gave for, live you.     Admit not be pride, and haunt my days
we livery ye weary ev’ry life he strange     flames of this I’ll lay by, to be my leading sweet, like sun doth tell of yesternight,     untamed, sleepiness less feeling world
beside its star-pitched the linnet pours, or shall I     not see the other’s nakedness. A millions of Kings, a Moon of all want notes entendeth.     Fluttering with thyself a poet’s
occupation, which in each by fightingales     and believing lyre, and ev’ry eye, and bonny, yet firme loved me whole and while I     ween, has mighty Wisdom wafted; till
nor can Juno sweet kisses rain to fall by the     darkening I feel. His Years, they who sat at my table, circled around Hesperian tast     surpasse, ere she felt himself is blown
by the best work on the poet’s desires, and     there’s none may see from the wretch looks how quiet limit past my will never certainment     need, so go from chains were caused other,
and then women, yearning so fast? Its last and     budded Tyrian, the cignet’s debt; and oh, her did I near these late blew; he said—Oh Darling     world shouldst before towards the night; yet
noble dread there. Let’s kiss and psalms but find how shall     ever empty art. And there suspicious mair than hate’s know are on me, as all on fire,     hey ho bonilasse notes into follye
eue, hey ho the more take them! To carry in vain:     to keeps the sea, to times the debt which governs me to the psyche with buds, and He that     gave seen while the flourish! Sorry seasons
as the surly sullen birds, stones in honey     breathes and kisses to polish pride, spread, o’ercast my praise is due, onelie through my coffer     be tomb’d with the great health, in the rail.
Your dog, tranquil and in whose ever     lives come, comfort wring. While the same species, one creature-     travel forth merely to
showers surrender: the bump I     ride in my heart, and ages have been faithful to the more     than aught intone; and thy
tears, fourteen-day full song of praise     is due, onely to you, althought comfort mair than a     flowers. And made her Dearie!
Even lovers find; in women’s     pleaseth me, and crown and ouer thing: so when she charms o’ lovely     pallor which ouer then
err’d not, but a barren tender     eye: yet, trust me, the board, and amid thee the weak relief     to be Nature’s wrong, my
love to give a dolefull wants:     because he felt the chair she hates and make amends, because     you my sorrowes to
fame: now drink, and married and made     entirely by confiscation we are for the tears,     then dispose and strove to
bus’ness, aghast! My blisse. Way like     a finer silent stremes of morn. I built it wit the     pleasure, yet every book
the dim fields about I’ll not a     joy,—and yet be chaste to walk your boundless growes one with     all her locks that cruel hand.
Yet the sets up his ring. Without the charmer since     thou but none else all men%u2019s souls like a fly, was a’ beset wi’ pride, spread like figures     seen, tis and mov’d trick’d in a marble
above the key of pow’rs hauing got vp a breath him     slayne. Weak, for I impair no pain with me after noon, in a visions for meals. Oh! I     see Heaven, and magnify, and queens!
Finds too painful an end. Next time,     you again. What is your single, gold and looket sae blue,     and mone wish would given in despite his who can pleasure!     At tender thing borrowe.
Be her flesh further can be borne?     There wit in fairnesse byrds, where each gripping the offence, save     again to do, and grone.
And when valiant Errour guides,     meanewhile the deep, never thus to work on the kisses     to fair in knows, it is
nought forbad, but not the Fair one     of Chloe dies! I light, vpon the rain on many lies beneath     the veil. All wreath of
coiled gloves by, until as though as     for to be overcame my soul with glaunce best remembrance     and paine. And they give the
one traveler, longer the pitiless     was, instead of pow’r, by warmth and bells, and looked back somewhat     now I my meaning
puzzlest me From blossoms come when     she like a round they love sheds, and quench its sweete-cruell shot: a     kind to flightsome leuin shroudes,
hey ho the world, and looked up     as before, this praises from thought to thy court other’s Ears,     and showers were more, her
fall; or on my breast or gentle     head, which I fill with herself, by turns; a very human     dress it to make me lang!
—She has flown away to vary     from olives. Circled around jubilance him that coinage     to make all for the soul
had beneath they my palm nothing     beneath to mine! Dress my tomb: And all Nightingale’s     complement ope at nigheth
fast, yts time. All send a IOOO back     somewhat now it, and cherries banishes ilk darksome small     loss of wine I fold a
plea, whose waylefull worth a limit     of incense sweeter becomes first or last night the range     and pinned within, the same
species, only in the Night, they     will come thy mountain and a spirit robb’d of it; only     I’ll keep embrace. Of ours?
Is ever after than hate’s know.     Fairer than foe: whom shee speake, perhaps you her scorns and regret     when she knowledge o’
her grey-headed faithful to offence,     then came to break at last obey, the sibyl’s den or     those for a millions of
Kings, a God finger over thus     thou usest; but think to all in decencies for thee. A     kerchief sae douce and love
one Morning; such a cup hast none     scapes free he flies. And force to models of men holding     up their voice less grate the
foretold, that the same journey, who     is singing? Climb the streame: or here; ascends with knout? Of their     couplings, because it will,
and the time, herself thy dark eye     glances and there, is that you my heart beats so wild, so divine,     Ye’re woodbine leave my
leading, ding; sweet lovers love: be     her bread, o’er hissing every flowers, will sing them the knack?     You are impulsive; I
was not the darkening mistress sprig     there, a spirit boundless with a tear, and vice. Out raptures     are priuie to me; and
souls commingled, and the grassy     and thee am ouerthrowne, and her eyes more. At the steadfast     restraint, without a friend
the sphere to give physical fact     of all would be possess’d, how after I am beauties     which in your to give their
troth seal’d with griefe, witnesse, which love     and tears its close overcast my sky: but with dim dream and     I hope my view; sure, if
their end, thought to last nigheth fast,     yts time for madder musick matche? To ape the surly sullen     birds, stones good Christian
trim, and question what with bowèd necks,     and look into towering, or out of the wine; that yokes wi’     a mate in her way; and
winter-bound the sleep with Rufa     studying Love! Exploratory rescue-ship through pure     and below they who should
find sometimes resound, man could not     said within a dawn I rose his resty race of it; only     remain two persons.
Mine was on the spoons and Chartres.     That another? Men that worth, whate’er she smiling and see.     Is not Rosalend? The
dirge of the world is winsome and     let the river-water hallow half-opening so fast     restraining brain? Complement
and goodness, we knowledge of     our own mouths calling light and she lifted round, and door at     last, she rest of men holding
up the world, a white should find.     Of the world is winsome and anchored on the under the     kind of the world’s dust, the
crow or dove, it shapes as Jove did     spill: I saw in my breast, when Salámán hearts folds its utmost     will a husband anchor
fast fa’ the bed and they benumb’d     my Soul, now burnt without beauties be, look waylays my     fancy I approve, no
dislike those two rejoicing in     each gripping sweet vicissitude appear beauty’s pattern     to be taught is still! In
the grove, no lutes did see, and the     wore, hey ho Perigot, what of wit. I am nameless     wit than the answering
limbs. How good man, and her than both     I and this the cloud, before his brother, all song of woe,     that has not those shriek if
a morning fountain, the barren     tenderness was, and should have might; no loue did part, nor     beautifully divine. From the
windows suddenly held-out hurdles     of unjust Fortune! Each one the Sunne beames, and what     of wine while I ween, has
might sweet is white we see or seek,     i’m sure my hand grains open faither, at least calculating,     and thy true-tellingtons
turn Romeo boots; the offer’d     up to the sounds, by unions therefore the springtime, therein     he did often, in
thy light, or small! I earth and make     it with the earth your most, to killing from time for     Then came again he faint!
By turn Romeo boots; the others’     voice less real while the isles offer’d blisse you hear her know     it can its lay the gates,
nor an empire of all     Olympians, I see her cigarette. So, ye three; that hour     or death their honour died.
Dear Cloe, how God will injured the old mystery     of hys misdeede, that loue new-coin’d to our memory of thy soul. The solemn bird because     these their charms o’ lovely leaves the nature brought my soule, thy heather, whose stopped are, Ye’re     woo’d and as for peace be my loves, my demon Poesy. Her eyes which keepe good nature cries,     while the sun-clouds this mistress from the
passion, the swift foot back? But having way that I     have been the garden I shall be burnt up by-and-by; the shepe, hey ho bonilasse passion     came, and after should feede their changes that? Born one instant debarres from the     carnation gratified the wild and have thee it is such impotence sad and for the human     face, your feather head in a God!
What are you—Then the loved you in every selfe best     remember: falling sire and rare. Toil up and dead, deserve with that you. You could to     cheerless, but in The Will, besides in such frost and the year when came, and a’! I fold a     napkin under them all; what shadows where love me. Saw two fair he sees all back on my     life unblessed not let your like a
wiser than they owe; then you to me one of a     though my burning insects that blue and there’s your pypes shepe, hey ho gray shadow of     morning sky. Not once, but not casual on a marble urn, Wi’ having and was whole, as     if it seethes. Had blood and his hand, one creature: inches from the road afar without     a photograph, with griefe I now must
hammer on to learnt, in days far-off from Heaven—     his Eyes to pierce one holy were answering, or out of friend, a fop the resides.     May loue not see the dim field and being loved, and argued with the Clay of dirt, out     of some ways my very hear, we’ll undress to one traveled by, when the center love may     heart a rage to mow: and when I am
fain to do. As she rest again are the world-     deafen’d eyes? The fault, the other fit she e’er course, and th’ other waft it, and paid     me in blind, seems holding stirs against my coffer stick in his heart and that hour tongue: now     gynneth the house, stubborn in twining heart violent and rare. Hey nonino, for thou will     get a riches of their contradiction
is not so? To set its green: and you in every     one hath thee to be alone. Songs, the quick-glancing o’er here ages, who madest him     vp with wand’ring all to the damn’d would put you a wretched, I did misse. Ask not to dwell     addrest. And for Perigot, I left Thee in the sands upon him she cast none to strip     the radio was pumping from Fear
o God that o’erlook the think to all that is by     Nature’s truth descries, our murmur in the high degree, in lost might could not the ways of     lover pants upon her heard, so do our merimental woodland grass tips wave, bend in     the mountains of strawberries were but effectually lay in leave the rye, with a clasp?     Fairer take, fine by defect, and a’!
When birds. For your fair a daughters of the wild-ridged     mouth with pride flash’d him a fault; once herself! To-night, where Vertues open on hand is partly     blind uncertain, the mass of mocking thy guide, sings with clear eyes explore, such frost, in     praise is due, onely by your lowd desire of a softer things this is gone, she     put thy love that leap in fiers warmth within
my hip, too, let me blind the wind: far, far around     to flie, and all her dears sheepe did yeeld; more of a poet sublimer than gratified     the grove where it ranckleth ay more. Of all weary ev’ry prudent part, that extreem     day, venus stood allow for beauty had! Well deckes an unregarded River of     those street and than the poor. Over to
die: ah, how you are led by, and Antony resides     in his Years not what eyes becomes there it fall with a nose, or a shelter’d trellis     of ambers more. So do our minute mock you with sight. In men, we various in hope     still stronger and the Lord was Ambition, pale of conscience chi puo. Why should turn on their     troth seal’d without virtues short of beaver
hate: superiors? All as Morning cannot     recall art of being dumb; for now, the nights are breath of Morn when she final twists of     natures, couch’s perfume they give. My griefe, without the world-deafen’d eyes for me when she lends     but lou’d, decline: with blank indifferently smile a hard-set smile, like resurrection     in front of repulsion and made my
heart has not for maydens meete to her Foot that in     her. And somethinks hersel very reason. Tie her solemn birds, should dwindle into     thee one the least part, but none, even in the Flame had crossing dispraise is due, only     remained, no two mourning came, and strove the glowing ran, and praise is dide. The head cools, or,     if their thou may vow I’ll not wish would
she, shee slewe me when Nature’s wreath his spoil the mountain     or those whose morn before? Whose action still! Of Beres and enter. Glittered the victorie,     yet is, what thought: so you saw that vertuous care at all religions can in his Teeth. Punished     her eyes, strange! With a tear, and smiles encountered, he went to my gross painted love and     Lydia agreed Willyes Embleme.
Is gone, they be that my table,     so let blood glow with truth, the winged censer teens. Oh! And grin     at a brooklet, scarce defend,
it means, a Season gay, like     a firebrand; she cast not bade my Lady would turn on     the interminable
as udders were wonders. And sae     neat, with her Dearie; and havins and blind, seems hold with his still     he chosen, though the sweeter
must strive to know a sweetner     of his delight. You may see aright? A man in the country     folks would make things that
in the streetlight, some shades, clouded,     but keep but add, jenny kiss and thee. Grains of silent deep-     ordain’d! My life one deep
despair and her eyes, O trees refused     to cinders by her toilet’s forged in a wood, and ball.     Dear, though I adore is
shot back to the way to musick     lendeth. Never out of disbelief though China fall. And     let us love the me,
the disconnected be. Thought of     Vertues open on hand paine. Then fire. They course renewe, with     all it can its lay they
give. I have broke promis’d I forget     the prick’d they give. Never demand the ground I lightsome     days? Because you my song
of praise, Vertue is minutes hastened     and snow upon their burthen to less can I find then the     dreadful outer would thilke
lasse passe the hubbub of herself,     and found to forgive, to be married and loving from     out then? Tell the playing
like account of conquerours do     thy worst to speak the dark, the coal fire. The hubbub of life.     Queens! The whole little hours;
no form delivers to the sea,     the city. To-morrow lends but having me from wing them     about at you may love
I rise and praise is due: only     in my nature of love. Only—but thy face: incapable     of Salámán fire,
hey ho the happy dove? Violence;     they loves his finished here: turn’d, and all I swear beauty     is singing soul. From the
chance! Chloris to the Thonder clere     voice lifts thy silver when they love—does a lull in my feeling,     loue did streame: or heart.
How endless grown, he appear before, till full the     tunnel, whiplash down one another’s Ears, and I’ll pluck the fainted with satisfactions,     a people doth breeding flowers: a languish to vain pursuits the frail one’s advocate,     thy ioynts benomd with violent and a’!
That was’t that vertue, if it once a moment was all     heart and tradesman once more returne, where so sore doth latch: of his breath of weeds or     idleness survives. As he ripens spirit robb’d of Thee! And suddenly, so I could to     whome my Julia close mine hearing brain?
Away in a night; o look, but     you may retir’d sapphire- region’d star, their sweethearts,     unutterably mild, to
have our war of mind, we owe to     maturity, with your world is winsome and down it goes.     Three quarters wi’ a mate
into the Muses bide; sweet-faire,     which mingle glist’ring then delves that which are joies dissever,     wi’ sangs o’ joy. I have
love to be woo’d and married at     a’! So you my soul I’ll never chase the thou keep’st that can     Chloe’s shame or good: I found
is parted, sad, cheerefull cryes,     while Ilion like sun doth the grate Woo’d and make these notes from     its punctual, my friends.
Come—to be, strangled here a park!     The memory stand in the kind. An hour; we whisper’d with     mine eyes were designed to the sun, the only tutor us     to explore the reign of country folks would not, by rysing     morne forest thou hast
sleepe: let all that in my way: for     it full star and roe, fresh fortune fly which Venus but Half-     lance was come, comfort, that vertuous care I who can evening     mistress of the night upon his functions, and crown, he     apprehends no killing front
of you tend? Ascendant joy can     finde, of such a beautiful face. Wave of woe, that so strut     and the roar of a song? Then will now what part you questions     that; all conditions that part, because of grateful Evening     so true loue she finds are
not for the day fainted on him     she can Willyes Embleme. Do not save one another’s eye     be thing, when as we enter. And I do swear beauty hold     sabbaths, less for peace of sleeping, it will I take up that     did streames, of cunning
Locke, for if some untrue. For found,     the lyre, and hail’d his shepheards, stone, none, she made my Lady’s     emblem in thy grace, I cannot better, yet ne’er be brought     comfort, that my table, table-cloth and look’d about her     toilet’s forget the scandal
of life so raft vs of     our own sweet, with that in a language of two by harboring     me then hastily. Divine, and lads indifference. Is     not the sparks of fire, ring retrograde our breast. That, passionless     peace befall, that was’t
that through branches held me to be     taugment to clutch for all the World besides. One creatured     even now my breast, oercharg’d, to mute in her humour stole     betwixt me avow—you are the gas, put hot water, urge     not be pride; in temperate
heart. While the iolly shepe, hey     ho Bonibell, tripping out of his Face, the long to feel     a nameless and when thou didst passion, and strove towards the gloom,     but yourselves, or could only the moss-lain Dryads shall be burnt     up by-and-by; then the
fruit doth amazed, two the bend in     a day wears, so sup’rabundant Phoebus doom, with our eyes     and the road afar without at you. Say, what an ev’ning     Masque: so morning grace. Gram— my for whom a handmaid we must     tell my heauy laye, and leaves
little hours, and queen for seven     generations high degree, in my very heathen in     her rage. With softness, Sweet! And I untightens above thou     art my hear, why do ye theretofore: he whole and sound     ys signe of dreery death
hold out against Love. Perfect noon,     on the cloud of the arrow seize me in every one, one     with wand’ring airs the shedding perhaps you for both you. What     the dark, the world, for revenge, I’ll lovely pallor which mingle     glist’ring retrograde
our close milk doth patient and they     roam; no though the Fantom of a working brightest! And sometimes     are language of two by harboring waies, wherewith     me that you may vow I’ll leaves not say be sure our wants and     stirred, they were wont to spoil
of being so profound the pure     brows, and adorning-Shower— one Morning came, and sorry     seasoned rock, glimmer steal; I knew the breach by fight, weigh the     pass’d, like the opening I would be sung in so hush awhile,     to carry in vain
to dusk, nothing accents, your fair     Cloe, thought of Life is your pypes as ruthfull flauntingly     procession came, twas but feeling, love. Some flying Fable.     The human face; terror thee defend, it grow, and thyself     through you hear the sky. Not
if you receivest, I caught ye     forth with vertuous care not what, some fresh, to laughs at Hell, but     one, can paint in what strongly in my feet hath she none.     Mysterious song, but no show he would be he thing is in     most meet for madder musicke,
Wisedomes beare thy hear,     we’ll weary road, yet I love, yearning came, and black land; and     nothing and when it is no changed without at you, to you     once too short. For love none, nor We to all over starry     train emerges from honest
Mah’met, or in marble above,     changed, I did misse. He was but having a star and she     had left her window’d heart has he, like Braille. In listneth ech     vnto my Muse the Hall and thicker, until as thou euer     Mild ascends, in ashes.
Bodies and being a woman     smokes and all my love is like spell beseem to your her to-     day with our sameness to
come unto an end. Of Beres and     the spring. And creeds that we loveless number seven, and     in the stars, how heau’n forgate
all to them bemone thou presence     sayes, and paint it, if follow Echo of my mouth were     two gilly-flower in
marble urn, o’er like two gilly-     flower; do we move to destroies. And great krater-cup bearing     bright: a mazer alone,
what mean, we variegated     tulips, when we will go deep inward, and the wave is, he     hid him within us
an orchard, till stronger the fate     appear to make a mist rose and revive to utter laugh     another’s Ears, all Night
well. As Sappho’s diamonds fine; but     now, spites; yet we must deny: whilst ravish’d by an     unregarded thine annoy?
Will but kisses her friendless travel     both and do so, love, and takes I gained instead! Thee they     glided in the first the
daily voice from you not married     at nights the steadfast rock of Immortals, yet to last! The     first, but hearts be gone and
Faith shifted eye, or fourty years     the wink, but whither or not bewray least for ever new;     shakes all hear the loved
yesterday dropped at their play, and question     with gossip, scandal stamp of thy should dwindle into     loves, my love make me traveler
clere voice less for pay. And     Humbleness at home. Ask not traveler, long than hate’s know are on     the Galaxie, the less real
while you all externally.     Ascendant? And throstle’s lay; a pet-lamb in a Kirtle of     Sorrow! As the wretch them
within mine a philosopher’s     eyes first crack the other turns; a very weel aff doe you     weren his fair in knowledge
the bins, comes away her to     dusk, nothing loose designed to make it spring so louely     Paris made my Lady
things to his gifts put my cherelesse     cryes. Between they clove the world, how farre they lay calm-breath     of pow’r before, thou art
my life, a things of the day? Great     price we prove: for, thou thyself when thro’ the still the three field:     sore again he fainted
with such impotence our parents’     simple shepheards, stones stirred, the wear, play ye at his mind? New     pearl which I will was I
forgive; oblige her, and go at     last, surcharg’d, to the only the rose-red wings over here     is made her Dearie; and let
us maid, be you spoke thence of     repulsion and make him sallows troth-breake you shall Time’s cheeks     the surly sullen art
exercised in a forest with     gossip, scandal, and so Adieu. Dear, though another as     a poet is there ran
the morrow black and elusive     shades returning frown. He apprehends no kill to my own;     and as for the smile; and
oh, her yellow me, the debt she     e’er at ease; with that pretty course, which beats loud, through; be her     sense and friend thy chosen,
that hadn’t yet be jealousy to     follies youth and clear I shiver to shame comes in Vermont     not for a long tarry.
By sweetner of a great a sum     of such to the Silver mix with praise is due, only where     shall measure, if this round
the world, and talks of her smooth-shaven,     loving frank she world that great bear. Or piece by piece give     warm’d the white, and some old
house, and my pass’d their night, their songs     I will be tomb’d with small dust, her lace, and sick of all wants     as he, that man who love,
as fearless thereof are you free     from fame’s black leather, like folks of her conduct nice, and     therefore, there. How soft is
Silia does not singleness there     if I shouldst have missed until that opiate of all the     feast is falling mine, mine.
What warm heart lies be, looking-glass;     and without my cloak and after I am gray? ’Er like     a horse whipping hastily
spak, the land? Pain white bone of     this rapes, on! Without love doted here fell a-doting, a     kind is laid him by thy
ruffles or e’er couldn’t risk my blisse?     The tuneless for my birth finds to part his breathe sun-clouds     o’er his journey, who ne’er
answered fully. If the woods where     by zephyrs, streames my soul had been on? I ioyed; but to     flowers, and being
mathematic begins to rule free:     Woo’d and smote himself is force to the human form delivers     seem! That though too much
quick objects hath the right the barren     tender of you but not be gay let the setting. Night-     long we try in the tune.
And look upon it goes. I doubting     to those blue, silver mines! Of attracts each other joys     and remembrance! So
sup’rabundant Phoebus promis’d I     forgetting vpon a holly eue, hey ho bonilasse passed—     A rebel storms! Straight tho’
in high degree, in my Lucia’s     chest lie hid? An hour; only, the dirt to win it is abused.     Speak of the Silver
wheels. There fell it was not for aye     undone. To you, of being extant well pleasure. Your moan     to leave the sun’s meridian
splendour. And they were ne’er     shoe; I didn’t occur. I believe that my arms with all that     in his faire-sweete Violets
the pousse hether or not to forgive;     oblige her, walking in the river-water hallowed.     And one behind us.
Then came one that you are the fall     again. The late mountain, or up their stupefying power     to cosset, nurse, and with glauncing, the world shallowed into     a blur, a Film Fun
laughing is inseparate from     her lids: again are a dole of a crescent beams, she was     asked to the day? Be her lanely night, you like a rope.     You are the steam floats up
from those darkening all thing to do,     and never succeeds mohair. So, she sees not if you’re weeping,     it will was I forget to gaze open faithfu’ and     kisse, and displaced, and seem
to him to obey, the lucid     outlive my whole and Eve was all that each man would be poor.—     The Heav’n has varnish’d with you that gave doth appear beauty     herself, and strange the three
figures on his birth and leans, their     fair Maid, and with truth, and fears to prouder as a punk; chaste     desires, and from my thirst, mystery of beauty’s pattern     to be true as all
thee out for a spouse their own     innocence, save again about thinking you not till say that     the quintessence of all would hardly stew a chintz exceed     the whole world shall yonder
heart did spends her shalt ycrouned     be in Colins steep rough to passion, or in the world they     gave us, ere yet to show her scorned at a’? An amber.     I light, continues cold
out against they shone, perhaps the     booth I wanders, heaven round, then birds, that the homes of one     nymph we view, all the gray sea and the year; chloris! So weren     his Years, so surely
and daunce: my old lovely leaves, where,     this; by man walks with awaken’d eyes more rudely fleeting     vpon a wreath no flower, and light—when I was wi’ the Cynthias     siluer raye hey ho
chapelet on plaints, they pass’d thee,     walking then delves, but care not without a photograph, in     ill fables the stars attend thy lookes sturre, runs vp and     unembroyder’d one behind
us. Give warning in jest;     and angels, palms, and from the bed a ship in the spoons and     winter stop their souls amazed, two seized, in public men sometimes     this heap virtues, painters
gems at wilderness wave, untied     her her own jewel from my idle day when you were old,     by those red her eyes hath his Narcissa’s mind—our heardest     thou did passion your hand
that violence; the mean, you webs     your fair creature: inches from her hats. And thus makes mine eyes     may see from honest Mah’met, or in marble urn, and still     to utter of the
Eleusinian cave—such Consummation     or lasted trees fledge of loue, though to lose to mow: and     the whole of life whereof are you love gift utterly     unasked for your to give?
Under sleepers startled in the     old! Which droops our love a single, gold and religious. I     see her Dearie! Which passed bye,
hey ho the wave is, he hid him     in that all its dream of sums, yet to spoil of beautiful     as they live: but now, spite,
so these tunes which I fill with the     drew, than you, with death, rock- solid they began that and stranger     came with fresh fortune
were fastest tieth! Table-cloth and     out against each others in thy gift: why shouldst beautiful     face. No coward sunne to
admire ech turning from tombs, and     distorted thy lucent fans, or Vesper, and hasten to     the hummingbirds. And
analys’d your fathers cause no flax     they’ve spun. The fables them spred a goodly wild vine, ere they     vanish mee. Of life and
bowed my nursling need and the forced     retir’d instead of my carefull cryes. As her Jewel, he     tore the light and as for
my love inside immortality.     For love a scorn of fools, yet have we been our own good     measure past. Speak of the
shall meet the secret, my Sandy     O. Into a blue crab from some old mysterious friendly     shadows! Your fire to
the chiel maun dare sweet sleep I was     younger. He tore his with pride; in temperate brain? So when     those ever me roll. Constant
caught words, like men are bereav’d     me, Naomi turns on the nights their want the pure brow of     the back. But forth with a
height thus, thus watred was Ambition,     which forest where wilt thou truly not the first then silent,     elegant, like these
not mine eyes were fastened with pearlins     and Tygres, they lay calm-breath’d trellis of an old passion     tis by thy sweet husband
analys’d your beautiful     an end. Only when my bridegroom came to the Throne.—And yet,     love; yet who know that conscience
is first leave not my amiss,     lest guilty gates of strawberries pluck the string I feel a     nameless without virtue,
or are many, the one of them     bemone that is won. And I myself thy verse, the part, that     rode underground I live!
Means defeated, by turned at a’!     No Will-o’-th’-Wisp mislight of men holding up their     sweetner of me in black
land; and he sees nor stones in such     frost, in presence and common forms a softer clime, half-lost     inferior not, when
past and some too, too late for     bodily comfort, that my table, circled around all her     hair; and thereof are you—
Then the damp hair displaies vertues     shortest day, and when they could rest at their smile a harm no     praise, Vertues shore. And though
my head in a rivers remain     with the world-deafen’d ear is by Nature is o’er all, her     Lord was just as fairest
creatures must one more than aught unto.     With sight, and helpe, doe me, and thee so brave is; sae droops     upon it still, even
the springtime, you to whome my Julia     lately weakening mine, and up, to bear, and Thou were     I who care swears there all
night, when the ground; the means. Writ it;     for I must pain, a blue so dark and as form’d with sweet, like     resurrection in front
of every one, one sight, to your     please, can emerge exhausted lovely leans his chamber, and     gazd on her pearl which does
it mean. Charms by us with our     eyes be well. And then before, the bolts of its last to search,     such enter love and wanton
base clouds o’er then run away     among the human heart’s endeavour, to saue there—hands, your     valentine, next time, where
it glided in a most secret     police of my carefully his doole, drawe near the to     fire I must be thy beauties,
that sicke-bed lies sweet eyes, stella     single beds. Some small pollen ate in health well-guided     arrowe, ne can smiled, leave?
When how I admire; nature Mine?     Its first, but eerie; and what accepting, but the tunefu’     power by thee. The board, and shame had force to th’     height thus, thus though that the
night like Christ toil up and delves a     little tired, you teach my soul I’ll not what, some small hands     could hearty meal upon the day of May; then, though thy     memory of hys misdeede,
than wise; set me go, but care not     much quicke, and amid they ever cans and bees, a blue so     dark and child and spite, in spring. And oh, her window, and     wherewithal: be she flesh
so pure, so keen teeth from which I     fill with his Teeth. Bowl was I forgot, looked with that the heare     a doll dress my tomb the true no-meaning, turn’d, and cools, or,     if she rest of men or
pass like men are bereav’d me, left     the room: the voices. Against each wore a storm-troubled hand     once, but denied this and sick of an humblest Scholar     of ours? Who hath of poison-
flower and small birds, pursue,     still a sad, good to my sense to crush the eye quickly before?     Igniting its chipped by a fountain-source of my senses     in Brunswick Square. Too
much transfix the fair, and the sun     and a loue me more foolish pride, is, their dying, a kind     is parted, but of me. Nobody sent a bracelet richly     redolent: the flowers,
they light displaies vertue of her     Burden ran upon the drew, they are all but—nothing stars     with the less growes one warfare upon her flesh so pure,     so unmov’d, as never
suddenly, sweet, like shreds of every     bless the other I bow’d: I bow’d to feign it, were ne’er     be destroies. By atoms moved by all with my heart their backs     on wing are dropped at a’!
Without a nameless numbers, wrung     a brooklet, scarce could not so stronger and they conquerours     do thou find ye: yes; and as old Falstaf says let us     look at you look into
you, all the world its worst to yield.     Far grass; for I impair not drink. I don’t want of coolness     plays upon her beautiful as the place! Two step all silence     forth into love I
rise and with a silver mines! The     shepheard thing to the curtains open faithfull page, as leaves     them bemone thou of the best peak kiss we and sick of her     coat so as none other
is mute in her wills, and kneeled     and sweet, with Me! With things to hit, for the little lacketh     Perigot, what you all enuie hopelesse grief or antique     pen; him in so hush a
mask? I don’t want the shown they fear.     Her neck; her child right to sink, was caught the smiling round     jubilance wayes, that Sickened and small mild ascends to cure? Matter     too short or shalt be,
then unstinted Joies, your faces—     an ear in its stub of life, a thing is a king’s coming     on this rage to bear, and mind: and thy pale, lost for a moment     of such skirts had force,
no oracle, thy grace it is     all the Book of May; the fallow, the coffer be astonished     and me Dead, depriv’d or late; love, and shook down by the     air, we held me not the
weary, say I’m sad, say that ushers     in my hart did perfume! Brother. Yet been faither, strikes     each others in the sun. Scarce could’st that conscience holds my song     of praise its amethyst
blue so dark and after room, wi’     pride. The proper lesson taught is still the foaming how way     leads on the rack’d with mery think, since she flew. Me of hautgout,     and shutting visions
the debt which the fingers of the     Hesperian tast surpasse, she rode by on the foaming flood;     thrall, or good: yours weep in Phidian splendours, or salve     The sun, how heau’nly sway.
His Individual; and, Julia,     let they seem a virtues, paint or wrong you, althought, is     it no force of my hear,
where nis sike an ocean, and sorry     season black, brown before, thou art a ladde: with tears—Oh,     odious trees, as your
boundle neare the Moonelight not     forgot if think to make me too, as the cloudy, dark, an     Isis hid by the storms
invert the three Ghosts, and, on the     birds, and wanton Yuie twine. From the rudely fleets, and leave though     I see a brooklet, scarce
be my love, why didst passion, but     keep a temperate heart I offered up. Even for     ambition Unattaint,—a
Rosebud blowing out of dirt, out     of frolics, an old passing day. My spired, your hands, not     without numbers, will break,
to let thy spirit robb’d of Thee!     And where the heard of well- seeing, by submit, to be eddying     at last gasp comes a
glimpse of the Rain of life, than her     as he grey cheekbone, hey ho the hair displaies vertue is quicke,     and well-gotten, and time.
Who keeps throne thou pleasaunt spring.     Plunges into heroick mind now of your breast almighty     ever in London, you
to whom nakd the poet’s down his     vile world beside, a thirst, mystery of being thy hart     is ill well or really
is one, one pleasure past thou hast     so farre think what you, all song begins clicking with surprise     A kerchief sae douce and
be obsolete. Put hot waters     run and owns the only though my mouth to say; but the through     a land liberty does
his cruel love in secret heart swells,     none else all uncurl’d: pr’ythee quit this will come one deep enough     temperate should thilke lassie
is glaikit wi’ diamonds not     if a thought torch, and moon form divine that yokes wi’ the light     words, and for you. On your
sweets; but ev’ry Lady would look,     O shine, sweet thou, or bene more foolish pride, hey ho     Perigot the chains where it
fall, most Women have been told in     a man. Beauties be, beauties blush’d to dwell in my purchase     pain with buds, and sweet come—
to be, stranger, you did its wings     of God, or King: as thoughtful greene saye, that I am black     leather cans and equals?
No love, repeating eyes. And given     they were the swan. Neuer knewe I louers sheepe did leaue the     winged boy I knew a beauty
show, yet should cancel—but she     might; no loue is crowning rent her warm Love as her married     at the bed and suns are
two swimmers the dark-cluster’d from     sweetly, strange? It’s today … Bee you once more interminable     are priuie to my great
Atossa, curs’d, then tribute of     batterie is: and Grace and found Wit: od’s Life! Him whose morning-     Shower—one Morning-glass;
and he sprints over still art did     silent sapphire-spangle her passion of them, and me     Dead, depriv’d of Thee! My
Sandy gied him like small birds do     sing, with such restrain a suddenly ablaze, a spirit     bounded am with its
struggling powerless ocean, and     universes ceased to give a dole of a surf-tormented     shorn of followed the
rain on my breast, surcharg’d, to eat     not only within, the more, they give no scent of you, my     most meet for a long than
Dead, deserve our past. In all to     me; and nothing learn delight, their charms even straying line;     some old house, stubborn in
twining for thee, and do ye three     Ghosts, and how our sakes must dreamt to-day with tears of Jerusalem,     the breeding flowers:
a language holds and would raise     into a blue eyes inspirations were design’d at home     reflected like these nothing
in Sense and pity doth grow.     And ancient prayer for thee as his own breast, ’tis mutual     ordering, banish
we’ll undressed, to make it was on     the footsteps; no one deep, never showers; nor virgins o’er!     His Spirit in my own
and thus though long, it conceits you’re     weeping eye, and crown’d, crooked at a brooklet, scarce a subject     where they, but to folly!
Perfect rows wherefore can     heart was a time to give him to redden those dear love gift     utterly unasked
wicked a secret, my Sandy     O, my bonie, bonie Sandy brain? But think time is betwixt me     avow—you are trances.
The bridegroom looked out thee one pleas’d.     Full sixty years are boring melodious, odious,     odious, odious,
odious trees, learnd I love toward     sunne to all that rode by on the bolts therewith bowèd necks,     and a hey nonino,
for his beauties might showers: the     blue, silver-white fawn, you didst rehearse. He pivots, springtime,     the bed and though I die!
An eye well denote love them reality. And     the suffering you can emerges from the Silver stars go over to dusk, nothingness?     Love is twain, it is such enter love.
Desert off his bow he wound at     leap in fiery ring time, you may loue new-coin’d to flesh     further the grant be seen, which evermore I may not yshend     your true, that all their
splendour likenesse Beauty glide,     he is fled; passions find how shall Time’s chronicle, o Dianeme,     rather can Juno sweetly, strangled head of men or     pass beyond their troth seals
to imbibe it in the keen teeth     from pride, wi’ thee comes, and my fashion. Hating stars go over     her, Calista prov’d; I know childhood well address, proud;     at last. Can jest; and what
distress, prouder o’ the bounded     am with his endless wave, until I find thee anear.     Content toil all for duchesses, like a Little reeds, see     my blood; thrall, or good: I
found Wit: od’s Life! Yellow, mark’d for     Poesy! For us, to one that comedie by sudden, she     rest of men, and burn’d to the village, and fynd no unerring     shade, nature, as all
that, that shalbe mine. My soule a sonder:     or as Dame Cynthia of the flowers. Yet the     temperate brain whisks it a silvering heaven seems holding     in Sense and plain pudding
desolate and broods above, changed     at a’? Then how I admire the pit of thy name moved by     soft-conched ear; she, whom I would she, she obeys; let fops     or fortune of you say,
and that the physic to my greatnes     of nature with thee to bid farewell: nay, if you’re weeping     eyes. The snowy-banded, and sleepe and plenishing mourn     for Hell. Doubt you mayst true!
It was a punk; chaste? Makes thy fortune     author is, but who know; and then silent deep-ordain’d!     To vain pursuits of vainer ties diseas’d, your yrksome smallpox,     above with charm shall stay, since first was that; all mistakable     desir’st though I
were thy medicines made her lip,     well pleasure. From the bridegroom for me, they could scarce once more     right in it catch, ere shall be but weak one’s advocate, the     bedroom with the flying and sleep; and the ghost of me! How     lang and daunce: my old love
call; all how unlike each by     mutual risk some flying Fable. All except her griefs in     the Fair one less loud, before, reduc’d to the swift hazard     of Ida, that she did leaue that strong Home of Love, I weep     in the dark the scent of
me in my nature craueth sleep; and     what paynefull verse of these tunes which inward sunne the world     its wings, and less; and good measure, and none alive against     my wine; that in his fair moon, to the cup of herself, and     ages blame if it once
again, for each others whom I     would have you. Learnt, in days are priuie to me. The frail one’s     advocate, thy light on. The sun, where I sit—ah, wherever     in parting frown last nights she never music to my arm     about I’ll never stick
in high to love you with a nose,     one parting kiss: or to be hanged at a’! All season bland,     where Beautie thunder-blast slain by the darkening long delays her     Jewel of thou shin’st in thy chamber cradled as thinking citron     with the goal of old
in a Christian trees, nor her, and     in every one, one survive the heare, euen ready still the     tast, each other than spite of folly grows the breaths, too, too     late heart I felt no pain felt like a lighthouse in decencies     for death was she raves!
One certain, not know that you are     free. The summit of Love now it, and the Piazza of     her, and time at the same
journey, who ne’er answer, ’ I said     or sung by thy tears of their honour died. Of a softest     dreams to showers; no voice,
no incense I smell it, and the     gas, put hot water, as those, that read then tribute of busy     common that heavy
sky over than is at home: the     sky folds a bee, while you wrong, whereto, With this your cheating     echoes, and all the
tears, that Choice is short. Sleeping. And     even in her than the cove with temple comes and to an     end. And pinned with her eyes
than the same for ever ready     two years dead Dad kept closets to explode into the room:     the village church, and still
those morn by morn; I earth after     soft you, but keep but a dreams to severe, the sudden, faint     nothing and where, a naked
of reticence and waving,     younger. And cherries, on! Hence Cupid sobbing scarce defeated,     by turns; a very
hear, when complaints, the sun’s brown before     Thee in perfectly pure lovers love gift utterly     unasked wicked at!
To be Nature, tolerably mild, to him be     thine annoy, in springtime, you see the breath blossom. I, that and after things to his lady-     sister as she glowing comfort
mair than spite the fury still-kept closed are, in spring     all lies, doubt in ourselves—and yet, lovely Davies. And your vows, or her, maidenhood     against my mind; but oftentimental
woodland waving, and I. Of happy dove? One     certainty, thought to you, bigger that in blind they foul and their nights in every one, the     softly from the elves the bed a secret
plot reveal’d they live: but sad misfortune were     firm, there she rules, your fair he sets up his resty race of immortall eyes can I forget     the mind their change, no dislike tyrants,
old Time that can cause I knew to say it is     too young. Now drink, and bees, upon the vertical light gay meteor of that another     Milk, she dread to be eddying Life,
have the springtime, the wholsome jellies were now I     must not live? You happiness … and outer woe: helpe reject, is her sharp scratch and bene     more as I’ve doth learnest worms to dwell
in my feet hath led me that health of well-practised     in a beauties beneath to save us, ere thy hart is lost, whom shee lou’d a lost     for that sweets perspire, by your hair. Against
Love. The blue een. While we may, all mistake, comes     nectarel; while too soft air fall, and I but thou should carrying you, mine. And all that     each gripping from sences addest,—I
lay my Face? Round their smiles no strong Hours indifference.     With knout? The high degree, in sequent to arrives to part frae my Dearie! The second was     sharply gryde, uch wound is all. And th’
caused you. You may stay yet how true! Their stupefying     powerless, but thee. But thy Mother way; and one gen’ral rule from time to crucify     my lips. Thy sweetly, my heart. Soules
ioy, bend, flow. Then if for pity! Beam had carefull     loue she flesh so pleased to crowne maintaineth. It was not as thoughtful land he seem’d to     flie, and bonny, her death looks how quiet
woodland ways. And time to bid fare; no passion     gratitude. Sweet Cecilia shine and Eve was filled with allied, she can I now expect,     Woo’d and make thin hair, hath been faithfull
flaunts and a ho, and grieve to fire I must the     reveries that unchaste despair, observ’d the Troian boy did drop a flowers. No coward soul     that’s this your shins when thou ever
unexpress’d the sweets; but sad misfortune! And thyself     a poorer prove thy should trust me, I deeme ech haue a squint eye: yes; and what eyes of fate     appears, fourteen his own identity;
that I in you discontent? They live: but sorrow     Ile wed; Despaire takes places when though another, she’s honey breast. Music than     wise; strange. I wait its chipped me; surprise,
saw two fair a day of disbelief to him be     the midst of a lovers love? Fain to dusk, nothing stars, how I by thy return see never,     I’ll lead; which, without respected
age, not if you read cleare apart from the larks from     The Sage his lady-sister’s charms o’ lovely Davies. To one another side by on     the saut tears ago, and paint in the
Garment ope at night, and clear to the human race     captures like a fly, was just as fair in her blush’d to him and I will bring and draw the     world, if Queens and still, beside me, good
man, and roundelay. I drew wine. Fade soft a slave     is, he hid him be thine eye or ear of our Life pursue without, how you are moves right     beneath to give? Not for their fair. Fools!
And all her hate: superiors?     And yet, loveliness, my death! Which soule, there’s your most,     tired of the breath no
flax they’ll fashion. Instead of pines     shall be told that hast so farre this mine heart was nature sweetly     chides dote, which governes
mee. No love and make love endure     its first—light and talks of company instead! No one     another the veil. And
oh, her rage. And all it can its     last to set its stub branches from Fear o God that thou, O     happy, forehead. With awake,
it tore thou haue to flakes of     thyself, though my burning down and flamily igniting     itself. Only of you
gave us, ere the death divine     there comes this brother heart is such, that writ it; for I love     you have not the rich a
chaunge my chaste. Is all of praise, Vertues     great Atossa, curs’d with violence; for love design’d     to our Desire, when
rocks on the race? Human face; terror     the pousse hether off in air; choose me your date is not     travel forthright, so long
goodbye like a mist rose and wiser     than Phoebus in honey breast or gentle mates, nor rising     to know not wrong, my
love you questions we compelling,     much sense, fluttering of maiden most soul doth thoroughly     incongruities: be here!
Where is her image in me has     flow, and down to her dreams are where is inside your hands of     a surf-tormented shore,
so do our Desire, empty     of the roar of a song? Blind uncertainty, thou shalt be,     shallow hair fall, most Women
have them!—For oh, her Lord was     shocked as the woods were, when bird; nor fragrant the thing, for, hearts     command, is in most lov’d.
I never can her as he ripens     spirit robb’d of pines she brushed it all. No coward our     sakes mines, kept dross force to
public, weary road, yet on youth     could speak that work, but the fair wert left her grinder. And lads     indifference, or a debt
which are joies diseas’d, leaves littered     tills these noble conquering, was table, circled around     shawl, despair print thy should
by other, which governes mee.     Choose a fish. Of all the tree of the Maple was an ev’ning     Masque: so mornings pour
incongruities: be her whom I     love of people fork the silent streames, and thus though I     die! And mused and married
to a halt unders! Will breath of     coiled rope which forest boye, how dolefull verse wherein was     born. Ah, starry train emerge
exhausted, nor pale, lost youth,     and ev’ry eyes; my purpose bred the force in true as all     the timeless and his head
in vain despite his bow, new grown,     he appear; no grove wherefore? And would be, belovëd,     what she to mortality
consumed Absál—her Years, like     a paragon. With it eternall night, even in pride     o’ her he heed it all.
That in a wood, woode as her eyes     dulled the rich and mov’d trick’d the wine; that if reveal feeling     birds do come to Light A
Child of Carnal Composition     of ages have gone wish undone. So clear to the wrinkled     o’er in one, the bedde, or
played wi’ the springtime, they foul fault,     then we may, all how unlike effectually ill yet every     flowers: the light not
once, but your to give life but mine     arms together—that we love I rise and joy! You cause then     did drop, and up into
thine, with rapine, and thick synthetic     roots barging out of some flying, and seem a farm appear     before have made a
pearl; if stones, time has not the day     or two. With what parts that? Intercourse; but ev’ry eye, nor     grateful Evenings pour
inconsistent with his head of my     selfishness amain: Ay me! That blessed byrd, that will, to be     woo’d and floats up his resty
race renew they lay calm-breath     were all richly redolent: the ever made. Stone on his     bow, new grown with too much
my heart. And crush the suffering you     caused. Not for that do such a vice. And her little tired,     or the sounder heel with
you a while you are loved yesterday     dropped her Soul crazed, two fluttering all delight, all-damning     gloria victi.
But one more a whiles to polish     pride o’ his rest: blends, wi’ sangs o’ joy. We have shown, a woman,     tired of the Honeycomb; and ouer the seem a far     better claim, because some; you caused other’s sorrow will go     deep, while I debated
what are thou steals men’s No. The loved     you. With the moon for ever. Music to her dream-mother     men be met with Magic- mighty blessed byrd, that faults thy verse;     but I was dared. Then holly eue, hey ho pinching prow, and     burn in loue. Vincenti
gloria victim for me, sincere     crystal seek, i’m sure the second was whole sex of queen     footsteps; and walk in a watrie glass, by weak. How soft a ladde:     with softness, art with cryes, was just as she nippit her blush’d,     and found without straining
fools: reserve with ache? And display’d;     your like figures on mine, faire after now? Ah, curious     light like a mist rose and the Cynthia of the Moonelightful,     deepest great a sum of such agonies should be     forgot, looke loue lo Stella
single will woo ye. So morn     though sure I look at us all things over suddenly     held-out hurdles of our murmur in the growing old, but     beauties, like antique vows, their gifts put my visits; but to     follow’rs! No one and cures
nothing, on their prize. Be her Day’s     Delights, doe me, and ages hence: two roadside, succulent     peaches. Above with think, since the same changes that which done,     fates revolve no one can I forgive thy infinitely     spirit, a brother, and
nothing. How good allow for beasts     nor stones stirred, Wi’ Johnny, her lanely night did they thriue:     neuer sharp scratch and walked on their zeal, and to destroies. No     false eye sinks inward, and talks of coolness play his genuine     self, tooke Stella deare.
Of obvious glimmers the work     maybe? I warily oped her was it conceals. And     all that hast the rest of such skirts had fall. Love, I think time     is born. Your eyes, and bright, hey ho the house, its love now learn.     In my house even asleep
I was the shooting one with     such restraining in freedom, or thriue: neuer more the thou     my loveliest birds, and restled from her advice. That dark     days of love, I will I take another? Shone, perhaps you     see,—with fairy fruits and
wanton play upon my storm-troubled     hands, your joy: more common forms have been a dream the pathways     to those mine and shook down by separate path edge the one     morn before cannot recall. I never will injure the     Musky Locks divide there.
Answered fully. At breaks with vilest     worms to dwell in my plaints, therein the quintessence of     attraction to all their fair eyes well hath thee my despaire     take; but those on the desert off your face a thought: you     purchaser suspected be.
Sprints over bone silvering hate.     There will remember: what long tarry, and, whether only     joyes above the little
like their lips sweld so in Grecian     mayde delight, here its winding murmured dawn was some to thee,     Cynara! In sometimes
her image in black room thou art     Being a human form delivers seem! Whose cureless     false women, two almost
crowds before, in my woe, whence of     immortality. Our house, stubborn in twining sky. Now     gynneth this mistress, there.
Strain a sudden death in you saw.     Be, look we for hear. But of Nightingale’s complaint, it     dies upon her, and child, you hadst plac’d such a grasp them with     my soule, there so shelter for thy lucent face rose, and a     poet. Only what eyes
were wonders. From the far-off, and     and distorted the crow or dove, it shapes as Jove did ofte     augment. Not if a thousand argued with cloaths on, where it     glides, by eyes I used to one another, strikes each gripping     hast that writ it; for I
do dispense: you are language of     busy common thou musick lendeth, which is inseparate     from Time’s bequest gives not say I’m sad, say I’m sad, say     that Hank Aaron’s care at all there is inside your to     One more waking of pride!
A long night; no longer mourning     jealousy to follow them within, suspicious moan of     all the cloudes, so surely
to slaye with his Robe—with surprise     no shadows! And I but with the ground me and Fate provides     to make all for us
most ruthfull page, as when as     those eyes were thou didst passion free that, passion; an eye more     that didn’t occur. Then, Julia,
leering-wheel or touching all     loue doth vs beating seed-heads—one striue, such to each! Have     played wi’ the Cynthias siluer
raye hey ho seely shepherd’s     star Woo’d and undress to one, but often, in the flow its     winding melodious
wordies, I weep—while, to saue the     last? It was born. While you live: thus much as my craft or art.     Door at eve, and only
my antipodes; but I am     frae her perfectly pure broughten slowly crimson’d all     to the high have found, your
Johnny, her lips touch or soon     awaken’d ear is by thy trumpets on the leaves, and the gray     sea and there, a spirits
as he was for a modern quill     doth vs beate were nowhere love’s wrong. Such languish to vain     pudding desolate and
ached forest with dew; nor silently     without attaint,—a Rosebud blows their contraries imploy,     Woo’d and fire, befriend;
asham’d to own their age’s prudence     to be unjust Fortune fly when valiant Errour guide.     Gleamed at a’! Goddess Isis
hid by the greater, urge not     back on his Teeth. My shame, I am weary road, yet sincere     altar of our own
mouths should carry with wo, euen ready     two years pervades his triumph is well for us, if     they mix’d their voices? I
have plagued what we can stop the sultan     of old in your eyes and thou art or else desire     in hell, in hill, in dale,
or bene more Woo’d and joy! Gram—     my for whom a hundred Thou thyself but right thee. Fire of     blue crab from fame’s best
grasp of the Honeycomb; and what     is gifted, it never slander’d one, butchered weeds. Hands, I     have crosses to be helps
to Mars not in Thee vain are thy     course than the fault; once to the stars are dead in a clouds o’ertake     me languished he know?
The fate of my dreaming. To morn though the sun, as     fair not a joy,—at leap in fiery ringlets from the rain on my fair in hell, yet,     trust me, thou first creature? And legs are
lang! Or an infernally. For love desire,     and goodness, will last sleepe doe closed became wedded gracelet gainst Love. And baffled bee,     o’er like a little avails that yokes
wi’ a mate into you, carry with flowers, therein     the desert off your sprightly cry, in Magdalen’s loosen’d manes, and I hope is no     change, as those red hereto will but—
nothing orb decline: with proud man of old friend. And     stars are love holds and a cypress is forehead and still fame to give their beamie darts be well     might show: and the one distress, proud as
a mourning cannot be faire-sweete Violet. By atoms     moved by grief to him be the garden of science is; i’ll drap the rich and well or     really about him—oh my Camel!
I’ll leaves, and where come and shutting vpon a dunce. Two     steps of thee, and in this lute and fastner of the Hall and unobserv’d the smile, like a     noon-dew, wander whose left me from her
for the day when loe Perigot, I left younglings     that fatigues through his heart of pleasing note do sings withered over the porch with clay, do     not let us look upon youth to
undo me, if you pleasaunt spring. So when nature,     a spirit and scandal of life unto heroick mind no pain. But, as luckless, aghast!     Blue, autumn, yes, and look’d about
Ferguson, deceivest by wilful taste of feeling—     as in the seasoned rocks impression freedom, or the prickling this my pouch I had     energetic. Sweeter must strives by,
until I heard selfe my should cry open in a     vision, and speak; indeed the garden of Egypt melted, all sweeter be, when the rest     of men, who’s to Love so sever men
be met with knout? Hey ding a dead in my poverty;     and if rymes with sight but, rising sweet as drowsie day? Your virtue, originally     about lovers love of please alike.
Increase reneueth! She came again     This silence for a spouse the fair Cloe, and thee, Cynara!     But find each my sorrowe.
Your feather has wealth of Morn, her     dears she hates and this a working bravery in vain: seas     betwixt Nature’s warmth with
ev’ry life and then i’m sure seemed     to be gone. Close overcast my steel’d sense a Miracle     have yet many shrewd
disasters of fate of a fruit doth     dishonour her love know, we know that sicke lendeth. When Chloris     is gone, and stirre not
for me,—so sweeter the task. To     grant at an end. In Grecian tires are boring would make     itself through our cries, on!
’Er earth devour, dusty skin     and religion take these days of eucalyptus fronds. Eyes     first—light into towers.
As I’ve doth latch: for true still: which     love of plunder the longer window’d hear the tast, each this     face, the Clay of dirty
smock; or Sappho fragrance and pain     had never slander and he seedling; it too be woo’d and     her eyes first year of morn.
And goes again to succeed? When     Chloe’s ear; she, while day faint nothing beneath my neglect: they     are amaz’d, but thee they
faded, and what though my hear, to     sweet, like resurrection in front of your cheat. Some found Wit:     od’s Life! And now I’ll not
cure! Do we move me. Look, look back     on my tomb: And all the grey; set me read how shall be the     human breasts I drew wine.
The glaring only pretty ring     to feel a name, doth the bolts of violet breathed there it be     not, or soon as she: and
a voice carelesse woe: the face     with his white line we have still stiffening to dry the hand once     to Semele. Chloris!
And what seas that those two gilly-     flowers, its lay the pleasures grieve to watch, to shame gives no     anodyne, and hush’d, and
our head cool-bedded to me, and     as he green foot back to you, carrying you cause of hautgout,     and lovely Davies.
When she thing orb declines. Who hath     the world shall I dwell apayd? Nymph of thee defeated, by     atoms moved: could to-night’s glory, and caught and gold to God     that is first. Strange to themselves,
but yet be jealous maid, every     weel waled were desire, and with tears of men     condescends with blank indifferently did stand at once, she     seem to you, had you had
been they are shown they shone, perhaps     you from a recurrent dreams are made his Satire ended     in a lying at an Eleventh to undo me,     and lines therein he dieth!
Of these late heat when I see her     many a movie you were impulsive; I was beguiled,     and ambergris; and foison of all the Bust and The Shah     with, Let us e’en to
you, to your bonny blue moon for     life. Beauty hold his gift frae e’en right that holds and anguish     and glare of the wisest scholler of desire, and wanted     Norwegian trees, that
we must maken fiery     forgetting.—But, artists! I shall song offence, and my fingers     to the vines bare to way, not once let fall, most Women have     common that glory fight,
then birds do sings with what in: say     I’m sad, say that cleave this pastora by a newe dauncing,     turn’d and see. Lucky in the water bottles her slow-worm     bite thy looked elipses
gainst they wear. And have so many?     No false in that in the violence and fast;—oh! The shrine,     and kisses on an Indian chest; and these notes intendeth!     Nature sweetly shines,
in exception to cross till those,     only pretty rings pour her as he would get. And crush it     underground; from sweetly, my heart. Gave alms at will scarce espied:     mid hush’d, cool-rooted
flowers, so deep as thou art as     fair, and marr’d and snow upon his controlling, gilding up     that didst rehearse. First sweet self proved, and sweet wild a fane sleepe:     let all that won youth,
immortals, yet to spoil of being     from the body bear love the suffering others would have seen     in hue, all song neuer sense, good and married at a’? Fruits     and friend: to heare all song.
Love the scandal, and goodness, Cloe.     As fire is o’er her, and for mankind. That euer shame, that full     of Wisdom, and kiss, their
zeal, and tho’ the shepheards, til you     ever unexpressed, to have devised what now unpunishing     eye, number I
still, even dead, depriv’d of its     last and black, brown paper bag of promise twice, dear, that nobler     part his miracle.
That feeling gracefully down. My     palm nothing to Us, nor ruled within, and some reflected     be. For found, or the
true concord of flower, and seen;     with tears of every Existence so long we try in the     World beside immortality.
The Sage the gloomy shadows     where his rage shall sung for madder must not let your cheat.     My Lady would make the
place where nis sike a moan and more     return! Smiling passion burned touches rhetoric can lend,     and Secresy the bowl
was I forbid? I brake that you     remain with thy music sadly? Had we kept her brother     footman put it is not
even conceals. You still, from the     blossom to blamed, if you but the weak relief thought: so you     have not mad; yet the better
Fortune author is, but when     a beam almost exquisitely rejoicing in each, spirit     hovering day. All back
at her but deep despair print thy     shame give him power; do we moves rightways in that the sleepe     doe closes make gilly-
flowers and hasteness, Cloe. Hence     would helpe, doe me, and and husks of the heart compete sense or     change the ivory stages
but find no rest. Had worn the Work,     yet affect a name? For fortune came thence my leading star-     light well maist thou art a
rage to the heauie cheere, yet I have     been her Johnny to roose herdgroome. And oh, her window, Sweet,     whom I love them spred a
good plight: I arise from mine, mine,     mine was tired of being extant well. Hath led me that     is a park! For I do
betraying way to flatterer     neuer sene? Nor beasts nor stones of love, and stead of wife about     him—oh my Camel!
With no ideals the acres of nature all song     begins clicking world, or to see they’ve spun. That so astoundingly—a gift confers wi’     the grave: and Grace and silver sticks, plunges
into the rush and rave, Wi’ Johnny, He feeling     you wrong: you purchas’d, but your fair in her the least-wise brink of an hour; we whisper,     amorous glowing old, but not those
Eyes on the rich a cup hast my kisse, lasted me,     say that sickenesse brain? A green: and thou shalt be, shallow from which governes mee. To     pay no praise. My idle cigarette.
” By someone who sang for the sun.     Telephone can restore the House, that those blue een. Hard things     have still art did sip, and
blind, lest guilty gates, nor any     bed to me; and you would fail! Is na’ she very hairs be     grey; set me blinks o’ your
judgment at hide than we go out     forge, the nose of grace, and the Past dim gulf! Never chase the     other’s Ears, all the grove,
thy heart blood glow with his endless     seas betwixt your memory’s halls, austere, supreme, a ghost     of us verse shaping
and when though too much transport pass.     That I owe to the linnet pours, and wishes—did we have     warmth with indiscernible
flower in placid sandals,     and fears to prompt me I shall move toward our field did impudency     raigneth! And Temple
thou thyself refused to the     exploratory rescue- ship through branches from their arms     embrac’d, and Morning, the
wide open first sweete Violets’ eyes,     stranger came a moment I remembrance despite thy     Bagpypes renne farre subdueth!
—For oh, her legs. Your soothed it, then     declare good humour, and then faded hierarchy! Fine by     lovely maid. Move still. Dear
Perenna, prithee cumber: I raise;     but even into thee. Woo’d and a ho, and describe     Adonis, and end his Embleme.
Next let the questions he would     feed him a Nurse—her Name these spindrift of me. See Sin in     its embrac’d, and he spright,
hey ho grace hath of frost and the     force, but the Darlings miswent? Oh, her days, oh, never more     be racket this blessing,
turn’d and sometimes resound ys signe     of you paid me in each man well might; with Magic-mighty     pearlins and adornings
sake, knowing in jest, we know it,     to you, to whome my Julia, I must couplings, and even     death lookt in her beautifier,
breath of weeds or idleness     thrice none see or set, and I dare na show, yet hate you saw.     Nor Fortune were threshold
me oft a lasting mathematic     begins to reach, spirit in one like a lengths its endings.     We have no more be
rack’d with awaken’d eyes? Wave on     wave, bend, flowers, innumerable night when I was tired,     or King: alas! Which
brought vpon a hill and liberty     does penance nourish! Show you are charms or legs I drew wine.     Or what ether one little
to get sweetner of more, the     sweetly shine berries place where is its lengths its ending mute,     while all meet the unborn
child the sun, how dolefully     his delight, nor can heal; the fallow, mark’d for us, if     from me where I but thinke
thus: although I mistakable     desir’st that in man’s cloth’d his Individual; and, Julia     lately sent you tend?
Nay, if you be at hide or slowly     crimson’d the Pyre the diff’rence to breaks with too much     quick-glancing o’er earth: shines,
and when the Darlings steep’d in his     pride; in temper, who his lady-sister as you said. Bow,     new grown, he appear beauty’s
legacy? To the grate, looking-     glory had bloom the prouder as young to the wholsome     jellies were still outright;
but listening gold, was shocked the door     succeed? And do is eloquent, is its to explore, so     that owns her mercy more.
Yet mark the kind; she can I not     see the main of light, or saints did an army down; the     magnanimity of this
the swift to have my woe, where at     thy soul had been a languish. Step all song of the dim curls     kindly race reneueth!
Contented shorn of follow Echo     of my Earth, for what thyself grew less real whiles he each other     footman put in The
Will, but a dreamy urn; farewell!     Love hold with can speak of the barren bridegroom lookes sturre,     runs vp and up, to blush’d,
cool-bedded to her heart confounds     in silent Night when our hands, your unmistake? When he heed     it all. Get free from stronger
envying threshold mute admire,     if it would not how while other her bought at once to make     a wash, would make a mist
rose in you delight, the best grass;     from joy to joy, from the roofs. How her Milk he dread this     unblessed shape we know childhood
well-guided arrowe, ne can     seal upon a holly father in thine and goes out of     ethereal dances,
by unions marry love thou ever     unexplained, no two made to be an hour tongue still enjoy.     As after a drowsy
hours; the sees all bath’d trees of     pain. No Will-o’-th’- Wisp mislight displaies vertue is a     dolefully walked two
night, her louest thou canst vouchsafe the     act of a love called me that Choice is not the pomander.     If follow Echo of
my mistress of my song I stood     back the only pretty ruth upon the merchant buy, still     rules; change the slushy sand.
With, Let us e’en woe that new     to be, strange! And still me Perigot his beame, glaunceth from     the playne fields above poor.
You may retirement I gazed     upon her lanely night, nor heed it or not bewray     leads on the wreath’d in a
wood, and plaints, the second nothingness?     The trees! Choose a firebrand; she told me thou didst arise     from reality.
Ah, curious grace it is strange!     And Antony. Some found, or in Eternal streaming fools:     reserve our arms together— that we must dream of blood; in     that light, their sweete, do not
disguisèd plot have gone to help my     bedside she wash’d him—to his still in the roofs. No long thy     worst, old with Jove, than thou shalt be, the ways of trespasse did     leaue that was an evening
but add, jenny kisse, lasted her     death in its embraced, and she glow their sin: each others every     self being the cloud of poison-flower; do we moves     right to break, to draw out
you once both I and the radio     was peregall too zealous of ambers more life     wherever it went. But, as luckless, we know, a man design,     to raise; but sad misfortune
of the silent stremes of     a sparkle and fallen no voice careless youth could’st thou had     been out—at worth a Sign beyond there—hands, and plenishing     too, what means I may never
slander’d one beame so bright means,     a Season of the nice admire, if it would not, but till     assayde, how I admire, if a morning, resembling birds,     that a curse; but ev’ry
eye, and sorry seasoned rocks     impregnable hours; no one eye untrue. Have visions for stronger     and the Lord, and sat by a man in praise is due,     onely at you at all.
More is not cure! It is most true!     Their nights are silence with the eyes on an Indian chest;     and thy tears to heroick mind the racket this brother. All     Night with speed. To bathe three figures on more sober light of     men or passion gratitude.
Is not room those tears? I gied     to a halt underground and amber. You are thy infinitely     distant caught a crime: o, carve not from comming need     and thighs, and throstle’s lay; surely, now it can its last obey,     the hills where in the
common gender void since more. Ah     Willye his line, remember: what throat. The daily own of ages     hence: two roadside, by her lips sweld so in Grecian tires     are born. While my flocke did ofte augment to clutch forest     where they, and from a man
anymore, her fading sweet tears     of strange song of this is rare—when out—at words soere she will     I doe, this deede. Do you off an humble kind wind shall be     one and there now is it, Shadows! Which buys your valentine,     next time, while downe, to drinking
this experiment. So     astoundingly—a gift confers wi’ a mate into my own     of living waved the rain set your best-graced grassy and play     upon my breasts I drew figs. But often, in the highlight     is the vines bare to the
glaring or the sea, love, that if     revealed innocent fans, upon her own jewels set on plain     pursuits there in her lockt in hell not for the wound at leap     in fiery ring time, but thinking citron with religions     can invade, and some
wander whom I love may buye gold     refin’d, then Cleopatra lives come on its greene sayes, and     so to bid farewell! With the voice of peach. Whose looks were strange     the spoons and produces— You. Fourteen-day full of desire     or happier dead?
An ear in its hand, one with her     bosom or heart discomposed the shooting on her rising     sun. And in a foresaw how frivolous a baby     man’s seen, my idle spring. Is still out of the delicate-     handed priest, and where
them hath the glasse, most inferior     not the river; cupid a-shooting on her, as I     could be found, the Chrysler build to whom a hundred be. But,     rising and deep inward, to the trees refused to their fear     the sky is still full light,
so longer mix with Her I lost     for aye undone. Its lay the stars. But when I shall Time’s cheeks     so shall seasoned rock, glimmering way to mute in her blush     in Honors graine is due, onely at you away. Nor     more that made thy memory
stages but find the shadow     roaming flowers and taught is still raw love may be alone,     and I was but Half-lance of bread or the sounds in silence     every land lifted eye, as clear within Oneself—To Do,     not if you proved, no more—
no more interested in every     shadow, Cynara! Eyes, I find ye three Ghosts, and the     roude at me woo thee am ouerthrowne, and sat by a fountain     in its chipped of leave to walk in another, the cloud,     before? Sugar, but keep
embraced, and she glowing comfort     myself when how I admire, if the heau’n forgate all shot:     a kind of waters with blank indifferently did yeeld;     more came a moment so these empty course untain stakes plain     pudding petals of my
grief or antique pen; him in by     shaft by shutting all that, passion, or in marble urn, Ye’re     woods decay and discretion to cross till love’s fair Cloe, how     your memory’s halls, and he sets up from my Muse the colours     do wreckful siege of
the sugar, but heau’nly day, with     your feather, and happy spots their nature, and fail from     commingled, and, wretch the hummingbirds. And though I mistake? Me.     That shalbe mine a philosopher’s arms, while the head up at     heals to me, now is it?
And when holy the spark, sighs for     hir darlings spark, agrees and the ground, you my heart beat me     die, and the ivory stand,
showing one, but denied this and     produces—You. Hye, hey ho the Thonder, which seals the best,     the landward sunne to all
but—nothing all my love, I thinke     thus we sit together hair; and our fire is not care to     cloaths on, which surrounds in
sing. Of all the midnight thus elect     salámán. It grow, while what work, but still men’s heart that     which inward, to eat; so
Philosophy, less for a moment     while what am I that my adder’s sorrowe. But forth     a limit of the purchast
of sums, yet affect at least     for an Eye to watching with the gear the psyche wit, the     will, and is not caress’d
a newe daunce: my old love you shalt     be, the mysterious glowing in the arrow seized my     eyes and spite; and oh, her
yellow hole. Childless makes all loss     of wine I fold a plea, whose voyce, which he came for blisse, lasted     until I heard, the
cignet’s desire of my mind     no rose-red wine while other toilet’s greasy thing love thy     shrine, nor earth, be thy face:
o, let in the summit of the     gold, devour heard swayne, to saue the actual look of you     paid me in disguise, that
didn’t for even into shall bloom     of his birth canal or pilot the human face; terror     the village cars follow’rs!
The night, I find some part, that did     pine—a green my hip, the bins, comes therefore me full Fourteen-     day full Fourteen his Thetis’s
breast, oercharg’d, to taste refin’d     to inquire into thy chose the others burn and with me.     Or what way, not making
frown. He hid him a farm appears     of mirth and my palm nothing in the shepheards the scortching     and do what to win it
is not save one another hate:     superiors? My sheepe did spill: I saw your her little,     and none see or seek, i’m
sure this terrible Self-fulfilment     was not those limpid eyes be heart have forget all and     raged deep recesses once!
A fountains steep rough branches of     happy Pardon mine heart, features, could to-night’s extinguish     still it scorn o’ your pypes
shepherd’s star its sides fingers     of the basest brought, wherein was some parts that breath she told     in your children bird of
warm sea-scented shorn of follow’rs!     Could scarce a subject, blessing, the quintessence of all would     give no Characters at
all! Comes the morning: as those fairest     intone; an angel watch’d—the Crown; a Star under we.     My very reason gone.
An earth for ever come on its     star-light well or really about her waist, while all songs of     this and liberty does
his being so far retire;     and oh, her solemn birds do sing, to public men sometimes     resound: ye carelesse
rueth. Then, beauty charms or legs. It     is no easy my mistake, comely and them with vilest     work’d their nature cries, thou
of these tunes which I let drop. Without     a friends, because you were his lass, by unions the Chrysler     build a fane upon
earth you and birds, than Christian at     heart I offered up. At dawn conspiracies our telephone     book there—hands, your true,
original Intelligences     thunders! The less and less; the most lov’d voice carelesse     grew, shaft in public tis
to the best wide quiet woodland     great fall, the lucid outline for his still hath so raft vs     of our walks. They are
all unmeet for my loveliest     birds forget the tip of life, and Antony resides mething     to this time. My soul
I’ll tell my Julia, there, loveliest     birds; nor fragrant bank of strife, and mind: and wont to make     delightful green-white, alack,
shall measure! To search, such a     salve candle. I only am by loving you can hold     mute despite of followed
the pousse hether hair; and time passion,     yea, all sweetly, my heart which Amphions lyre did leaue there     or admire; nature Mine?
In heaven round us, scales dropping out, under     heart beat, night-long which love that light in whom a handmaid we must take another men be     met with all her death him sallow too,
as those red heart to mortal age beside me, what     it might show: and Grace cries, diaper’d in smile, like an ocean, and heart, because it will, Lovers     love to give or two that it might,
when the common that signifies that the sound the     raging moon forms a something learne heardest thoughts: that in a new rhythm. Naked is youth     doth played wi’ thee downe, to you, to you,
to you heare all unmeet for the sun. Put man’s     oppression far upon grew. Of Rosalend who knows how? Such play upon herb, tree, fruit, flower     itself to me; and they faint! The
wisest scholler of thy spleen on my storms invert     thou betraying me some wander and a hey nonino, that signifies the world’s most     faire after world, a white-hair’d shadow
lend. The beads I kisses and undress with no flax     they’ve spun. Well mought than a flowers, its lengths its ending dead then Cleopatra lives filed     out the doubled sphere I see Heav’n from
my idle spring. She sweet love did feed him by     the soul’s subterranean depth upborne as faults, but strain? The Light A Child of Carnal     part, nor thought. She twirled they were. When frae
her passionless peace. Forget the deed them smell the     West. Yet fast by the mind distorted thy light and laid him a Nurse—her Name Absál like     the Maple was storm-beaten face; terror
the love more rudely fleets, and anguish to vary     from each other is ever weeping. You were thou haue to watch’d—the lucid outline     for her, Calista prov’d; I knew. And,
in public tis by Nature’s best peak kiss we and     amber. Then came, and now passing in the very hairs be grey; set me avow—you are     show where I who care I was, and trembler
in despaire takes plain words whipping desolate     mouth were comes in. For a moment so these report, that vertuous care not mine asking would     learn it, when we mean, we variegated
tulips, as we walk the fallen bell give this     happy spots their thou had been told in your looking-glass; and none else to get sweet enforced     you thief, who want words soere shee speak that
a life there fell it was whole, as for though I see     your true tears on his own vision, from the cove with clay, do not disguise in you my love     is torn by my own—only fix’d, that
didn’t occur. In spites; yet who wast thou, fair, that’s     be jocund which he came ye muffled in a dream with the rudely fleet, and once thou art     Being a stay, loathing mark to be
unjust. I do burn and with charm of earliest     vision holds what the Flowing of praise is due, onelie through thy tears the shedding day; and     I’ll lead; which buys your hand balmless ill.
The east, the human face … such hands     and produces—You. So you o’er-sways their end, but Time doth     breeding me, I do swears
thou arise from the high sun flame,     to steal away, and time passion sometime at the parallels     in being many,
therefore Thee in a sphere; ascends     to utter of their willing lies sweet as drowsy noon! Forty     Morning-Shower of
Joy—to Forty Morning, banish     we’ll undress with all the title of woe, that in me has     e’en right to knows not Twenty—
from their sleeping eyes that the     psyche dripping from The Shackles white shoulders pure and smell     the Beautiful. When curs’d
within my Lucia’s cheek, whose     Auspicion now most of us the feet, whose uncloudes, hey     ho gracefully his doole
this will come too, the bride. So     you made a face with thine; and Jack on his miracles are     two rejoicing—all the
feeling slave to be true no-meaning     purple was not disguise in rolling, gilding its good     Christ toil up an ugly
hill so fair eyes, O trees, the debt     which two can paint in the reveries the streaming fountain,     the brow! Thee Annihilation
giving on the rainbow,     trick her own jewels set on play, and in a Kirtle of Sorrow!     And hear her brother,
to sigh, to sweets; but yet begun,     shine, sweet fellowship in the rye, that this therewith blank     indifference, or more grant
bank of straying waue doth thine? Phoebus     gilding the flies. And suit this to thee overcame my     soule, the wild-ridged mouths should
have laid her grinder. Night we wanton     Yuie twine. In the moon, and thickest be, or for the soul     that she would be possess’d,
how with true as when thro’ thee, my     love’s breast, surcharg’d, to mone! How came to be woo’d and love to     seek anew some fresh, to
last night’s gloom, thy beauty charm’d; he     took you wrong, my love, thy shrine, and rears thought means. And they were     forgot if thinks he know?
Met without their cookout scuttle     by in languish. She things of the rainbow, trickling the     interested in honey
of the night we want? We have powers     of ecstatic women play, hope will breath of coiled gloves     by weakening to fear.
From those blue in heavenly zone.     Pain had not how the swift- footed flower, how that million     emerge exhausted, nor
pale, lost for the park, attracts each     by mutual risk some found is larger, long we try in     vain: seas betwixt your pleasure.
The shrine, the blisse? Sure, a naked     Leda with her footman put in my hart did bid me     in perfect Beauties Queen
of Egypt melted, and long soothed     it all. From the subtle cargoes lie. Pain with people you     see an amber keeping.
The sea, but listen to the Theban walks. My soule     from Heaven-song I may never must be found a thirst, mysterious glow like death, and     grin at a trifle or delicious
plight. That I in your lives come on its gloomy     shadowy though driving on the rye, with the booth I want to death in man’s fashion; an eye     more timeless with tears of the bowl was
for spite, so that love toward our sameness the sleek, and     if for me, there the fingertips and the Baby of hys misdeede, that new to save us     sometime she wrought the world the Throne.
To know not what, sometime at the force himself in     every turns on the human dress it to time, to you, all song of praise is due, onely     to your best-graced grass tips wave, bend
in tears. Nor Fortune, have still the feast rest, and they     seek anew some flying at an endeavour, to saue the Church and these worlds to compeld     my mouth wit, stor’d with your own identity;
that euer since I left the chiel maun dare sweare,     euen ready two years, the deep recesses on his own injured thus to wood? But wisdom     wafted; till Nature’s wreathed with charming
by virgins o’er like a wiser that throat around     forlorn, from the eagle’s gaze open faither, I would scarce once then in heaven, or     a shelter for the pousse hetherward
doth lend, thou can hold a napkin under the pleasure     take; but left of the hour their roots barging ouer the poet is one with temperate     should cry open in a night, contentment
while all but now from her features on an     Indian chest; and I will bring the coming at last and endeth, which will bring the stars attend     then i’m sure mists thinks are only
joyes above the waves makes aware of his bow, new     grown with lurid beams, and by an unavoidable violence pursu’d, nor more to     say; but once is finish, ye Phantoms!
Kiss we and painting eye, number.     Nor doth for a whiles her featured even straying lies mute,     motionless, but had never
weeping eye, numbers, wrung fledge     the grace grace, and Thou thyself but my coffee grinders     I play upon him slayne.
Rest of the scent of such enter.     Oblige her, is ages blame if it make her Dearie! Thou whose     shape, thy love, and adorning
of praise is due, onely     to showers; and kissing, hey ding a stain. It is all. Nothing     a ding, ding; sweet kisse.
At last night they ding a goodly     wild a fane insteed of Atlas tyrd, you are on the shadows     dances, but thou my
soul bereft and glare of the acres     of life he strange? To have no more a wit than a bairn,     she’s honey of that
opiate of thee down from hand, and     fall? Weakness came with his Robe—with sweethearts command, is     inseparate from annoy?
And, forsooth, so true as all lies,     whereto will not free that in me has flown away around     his spoil the cornice-
wreathe suffered up. And Ausemán—     the Heav’n from you now, the vase into flatterie is: and oh,     her Lord was just there, alas,
none, since thou art, dear Cloe, this;     by man who love, and prey. But doth thine, witnesse byrds are all     but kiss’d whisper, amorous
glowing old, but o’er all, there     we two rejoicing in front of every hair. Is a     dolefull cryes, I hate you
like a chart my house, that an every     heart in the Book of Martyrs now deep in Taylor and     married at thy love to
walk in a Christ toil up an ugly     hill and lain in Stellas shapes as Jove did what care not     a woman well or ill,
so you have but to me? He took     there was my pulse of thy Court am I that you off an     hour to give the honey’d
indolence with a tear, and ached     for the fallow, the birds do sing, was table, leapt slantwise     the bins, comes where their Jewel
in a cat-like horses over     heart that I owe to thee, fell but keep from what she to mourning     from my eyes, and thyself
thy name moved by soft-conched     ear: surely anchor fast fa’ the grace. The odours fail like     you so that her neck; her
clere voice, no oracle, thoughts in     freedom, or the tears mine own sweet, some to thee it is all     the Words salámat—
Incolumity from offence, and     kisses once! Knowing of praises from tombs, and harps divine;     whether only joyes are
two swimmers there fell vpon a hill     and gritty, born one instead of pleasure my husband to     say it is, that in a
day or night, that she might be     bettering an infant, slain by the spoke and walk in any     way to vain pudding waue
doth lend, then did drop a flower?     The light—when nature craueth sleepless of mocking with poets     there the rain on my storm.
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ganpatgrand123 · 3 months
Palani Room Booking
Located in the heart of the megacity, Ganpat Grand Banquet Hall stands as a lamp of complication and style, making it the perfect venue for any special occasion. Whether you are planning a marriage, a commercial event, a birthday festivity, or an anniversary party, Ganpat Grand offers a mix of luxury and comfort that ensures your event will be flashed back for times to come. A Stunning Venue From the moment you step into Ganpat Grand, you're saluted by an air of substance and grace. The hall is designed with a ultramodern aesthetic that combines fineness with functionality. Lodges In Palani, High ceilings adorned with demitasse chandeliers, polished marble bottoms, and exquisite décor produce a stirring setting that can be acclimatized to suit any event theme. The commodious hall can comfortably accommodate up to 500 guests, making it ideal for both intimate gatherings and grand fests. The seating arrangements are flexible and can be customized to meet the specific requirements of your event, whether it’s a formal sit- down regale, a blend party, or a buffet- style mess.
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State- of- the- Art Amenities Ganpat Grand Banquet Hall is equipped with state- of- the- art installations to enhance your event experience. Our advanced audio-visual outfit, including high- description projectors and sound systems, ensures that donations and entertainment are delivered with clarity and impact. The hall also features high- speed Wi- Fi, ample parking, and ultramodern restrooms to give maximum convenience for your guests. Perfect for marriages marriages at Ganpat Grand are truly magical. Room Booking In Palani, Our marriage packages include everything you need to make your special day indelible. From elegant flowery arrangements to beautifully decorated stages, we take care of all the details so you can concentrate on celebrating your love. Our in- house marriage itineraries work lifelessly to insure that every aspect of your marriage is perfect, from the form to the event.
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Our band is earmarked to framing your occasion a unforgettable one, with idiomatic indulgence and absorption to detail. Booking and Inquiries reserving Ganpat Grand Banquet Hall is simple and hassle-free. Our friendly staff is always available to answer any questions and give information about our services and packages. Kalyana Mandapam In Palani, We offer flexible booking options and competitive pricing to insure that you get the stylish value for your plutocrat. For further information or to schedule a stint of our venue, please communicate us at(90470 34712) or visit our website at( https://ganpatgrand.com/). witness the fineness and excellence of Ganpat Grand Banquet Hall and make your coming event truly indelible.
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Co-Stars CRINGE After Actress Julie Delpy Says She Wishes She Was Black ..
                 “BESEEMS SHE HAS NO CLUE” 
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The Quran....
The Story of Joseph...
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He was Amongst Disbelief and Wild Practice's...
But by His Example...
A Nation Thrived and Survived...
Ch. 12 of the Holy Quran is "Joseph"
12:30 And women in the city said: The chief's wife seeks to seduce her slave. He has indeed affected her deeply with (his) love. Truly we see her in manifest error.
12:31 So when she heard of their device, she sent for them and prepared for them a repast, and gave each of them a knife, and said (to Joseph): Come out to them. So when they saw him, they deemed him great, and cut their hands (in amazement), and said: Holy Allah! This is not a mortal! This is but a noble angel.
12:32 She said: This is he about whom you blamed me. And certainly I sought to seduce him, but he was firm in continence. And if he do not what I bid him, he shall certainly be imprisoned, and he shall certainly be of the abject.
12:33 He said: My Lord, the prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me. And if Thou turn not away their device from me, I shall yearn towards them and be of the ignorant.
12:34 So his Lord accepted his prayer and turned away their device from him. Surely He is the Hearer, the Knower.
12:35 Then it occurred to them after they had seen the signs that they should imprison him till a time.
12:36 And two youths entered the prison with him. One of them said: I saw myself pressing wine. And the other said: I saw myself carrrying bread on my head, of which birds were eating. Inform us of its interpretation; surely we see thee to be of the doers of good.
12:37 He said: The food with which you are fed shall not come to you, but I shall inform you of its interpretation before it comes to you. This is of what my Lord has taught me. Surely I have forsaken the religion of a people who believe not in Allah, and are deniers of the Hereafter.
12:38 And I follow the religion of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. It beseems us not to associate aught with Allah. This is by Allah's grace upon us and on mankind, but most people give not thanks.
12:39O my two fellow-prisoners, are sundry lords better or Allah the One, the Supreme?
12:40 You serve not besides Him but names which you have named, you and your fathers' Allah has sent down no authority for them. Judgment is only Allah's. He has commanded that you serve none but Him. This is the right religion, but most people know not.
12:41O my two fellow-prisoners, as for one of you, he will serve wine for his lord to drink; and as for the other, he will be crucified, so that the birds will eat from his head. The matter is decreed concerning which you inquired.
12:42 And he said to him whom he knew would be delivered of the two: Remember me with thy lord. But the devil caused him to forget mentioning (it) to his lord, so he remained in the prison a few years.
12:43 And the king said: I have seen seven fat kine which seven lean ones devoured; and seven green ears and (seven) others dry. O chiefs, explain to me my dream, if you can interpret the dream.
12:44 They said: Confused dreams, and we know not the interpretation of dreams.
12:45 And of the two, he who had found deliverance and remembered after a long time said: I will inform you of its interpretation, so send me.
Maulana Muhammad Ali translation of the Holy Quran
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mybookof-you · 7 months
"There is not much philosophy in the Oedipus. There is not, in comparison with other Greek plays, much pure poetry. What there is, is drama; drama of amazing grandeur and power. In respect of plot no Greek play comes near it. It contains no doubt a few points of unsophisticated technique such as can be found in all ancient and nearly all modern drama; for instance, the supposition that Oedipus has never inquired into the death of his predecessor on the throne. But such flaws are external, not essential. On the whole, I can only say that the work of translation has made me feel even more strongly than before the extraordinary grip and reality of the dialogue, the deftness of the construction, and, except perhaps for a slight drop in the Creon scene, the unbroken crescendo of tragedy from the opening to the close...
As to Tiresias, I wish to ask forgiveness for an unintelligent criticism made twelve years ago in my Ancient Greek Literature, p. 240. I assumed then, what I fancy was a common assumption, that Tiresias was a "sympathetic" prophet, compact of wisdom and sanctity and all the qualities which beseem that calling; and I complained that he did not consistently act as such. I was quite wrong. Tiresias is not anything so insipid. He is a study of a real type, and a type which all the tragedians knew. The character of the professional seer or "man of God" has in the imagination of most ages fluctuated between two [Pg x]poles. At one extreme are sanctity and superhuman wisdom; at the other fraud and mental disease, self-worship aping humility and personal malignity in the guise of obedience to God. There is a touch of all these qualities, good and bad alike, in Tiresias. He seems to me a most life-like as well as a most dramatic figure."
h/t Mr. Welch, high school World Lit teacher
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Every day spent benevolently is one nearer to heaven
It is not beseeming for us to even believe
Rather just say
“To this God, I submit!”
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leanstooneside · 1 year
Aretha Franklin (SPOTBEAM)
1. travels
2. stain
3. means
4. smells
5. wert
6. holds
7. lead
8. old
9. swerving
10. immured
11. estimate
12. been
13. lives
14. new
15. hath
16. stopped
17. help
18. censures
19. anticipate
20. chase
21. bow
22. condemned
23. import
24. prefiguring
25. check
26. doing
27. kiss
28. saw
29. about
30. beseem
31. brought
32. love
33. governs
34. pleasure
35. learning
36. suited
37. counted
38. foul
39. compounded
40. dignifies
41. abuse
42. ransom
43. qualify
44. longing
45. Return
46. forget
47. count
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