#beserk mode nezuko
shironezuninja · 2 years
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Probably my last post until Monday. I will never let this weekend without my presence live it down.
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Comprehensive Quirk Analysis: Bloody Will & its Origins
Quirk: Bloody Will
The resulting mutation between Parasitic Bloodline and Physical Age in Nezuko’s case. With Bloody Will, she gains the ability to ignite her own blood and have it burst into flames while also retaining abilities from Physical Age at the expense of her ‘humanity’ and memories. For some strange reason, though, Nezuko retains an emotional connection to her past, and because of this, it helps her refrain from giving in to cannibalism.
Quirk Type: Emitter/Activation-type Quirk Visible Proof of Quirk: bleeding; occasional popped veins; physical age appearance; vine-like tattoos and a horn on right side of forehead (berserk mode)
Noted Analyses:
Quirk’s strength is strangely proportional to the user’s willpower and emotions
Retains all of the Physical Age Quirk’s features, including drawbacks aside from strength being proportionate to age
Berserker Mode: user constantly channels the Quirk’s blood-manipulating capabilities throughout the entire body. Aside from having a drastic increase in strength and regeneration, the user is also able to solidify and manipulate their blood at will. With enough concentration, it’s even possible to prevent body parts from being completely severed and instead connected back onto the body.
The only resulting mutation which does not require human blood in order to make use of its abilities, and is also one of only two mutations that was able to alter itself later in order to remove the self-destructive mechanism.
In Nezuko’s case, these changes had occurred during a two-year long hibernation. Changes include an immunity to sunlight, as well as having little-to-no dependency on cannibalism via willpower alone.
Notable Kickbacks/Limitations:
Cannibalism & Photosensitivity, both of which are derived from the Parasitic Bloodline Quirk’s drawbacks
Since the Quirk requires bloodshed, the amount of times it can be used depends on the user’s stamina -- in Nezuko’s case, the more she uses it, the more tired she gets and the longer she’ll need to sleep in order to regenerate.
Because Bloody Will’s ‘Berserker Mode’ sacrifices rationality for pure strength, this also nullifies Nezuko’s ability to refrain from her cannibalistic cravings.
Quirk: Physical Age -- the original Quirk
A Quirk which enables the user to temporarily alter their physical age.
Quirk Type: Transformation-type Quirk Visible Proof of Quirk: shift in physical appearance which corresponds to the user’s targeted age and what physical conditions are currently apparent
Noted Analyses:
Quirk only affects the body’s physique, strength and agility -- user retains their mental age as well as the physical health at the time prior to transformation.
Notable Kickbacks/Limitations:
Injuries and physical health are carried through proportionately to the size of the body.
The more the Quirk is used, and the longer it is sustained at a time, the more stamina is required
The more tired the user is, the less range of age is accessible for them.
Depending on the user’s current physique, Quirk-induced ages can be better or worse in terms of efficiency and capabilities.
Quirk: Parasitic Bloodline -- the mutation
A parasitic Quirk originating from another user that aims to alter the host's DNA via Quirk mutation. The resulting mutation varies between individuals depending on their original Quirk, if any. As of this point, the reason behind this Quirk’s infectious behavior is currently unknown, and so far, there are no records of Quirkless people becoming hosts.
Quirk Type: Transformation-type Quirk Visible Proof of Quirk: physical mutations (varies), cannibalistic cravings, unusually high strength and endurance, high regenerative properties (proportional to quantity of human meat eaten), pale skin
Noted Analyses: 
Universally, infected hosts gain: unnaturally high strength and regenerative properties, slowed aging, cannibalistic cravings as fuel for the Quirk’s amplifying capabilities, unique blood-related abilities and change in physical appearance.
Notable Kickbacks/Limitations:
Universally, infected hosts end up with cannibalistic cravings in order to fuel and strengthen the Quirk’s enhancements. The more one eats, the stronger and more drastic their appearances become.
Universally, infected hosts also suffer from memory loss and extremely destructive vulnerability towards sunlight.
Any attempt to speak of the original Quirk user triggers a strange self-destructive sequence unless the infected host has a strong enough willpower to alter the Quirk mutations themself.
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