#best ayurvedic medicine for erectile dysfunction
arayurveda99 · 9 months
Knight Rider Tablet: Ayurvedic Medicine For Long-Lasting in Bed
Knight Rider Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine, which helps in increasing the time in bed. It is made by blending the finest herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Satavari, Kaunchha, Safed Musli, Vidari, Gokshura, and Kesar in an appropriate proportion. It is a 100% Ayurvedic product, so there is no fear of any side effects from its consumption. Knight Rider Tablet contains useful natural herbs, which can help people to get relief from all types of male venereal disease.
Shilajit is present in it revives your energy, it is considered an Ayurvedic medicine to increase testosterone hormone, libido power, and energy. Ashwagandha increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps in improving libido by relieving stress and lack of confidence, it is also taken as a medicine to increase virility, strength, and vigor. The use of Shatavari contained in it increases stamina. Safed Musli is an excellent testosterone booster. It is very effective in increasing strength in the body and sperm count in semen and eliminating male weakness. With the help of this power-boosting medicine, a man can enjoy married life to the fullest.
for more inquiries visit:- https://www.arayurveda.com/
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activeda · 6 months
Erectile dysfunction
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Remember that erectile dysfunction can have various causes, and a personalized approach based on individual health needs is essential. Consulting with healthcare professionals ensures a comprehensive understanding of the underlying factors and facilitates the development of an effective plan to boost male sexual performance.
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malefertilitytips · 10 months
Can a person with erectile dysfunction, conceive?
The simple answer is YES!
A topic that often sparks curiosity and concern is the relationship between erectile dysfunction (ED) and conception. It can cause multiple intimacy challenges in your life, but the way forward to fatherhood is possible.
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction (ED):
Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that's firm enough for sexual activity. While it can be frustrating, it's essential to know that ED doesn't necessarily equate to infertility.
ED can occur due to multiple factors like, hormonal imbalances, stress, or lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, and lack of physical activity, all of which can contribute to difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection.
But whatever be the reason, ED is not the problem that cannot be cured.
Couples who are struggling with conception, especially if there are concerns about ED, should consult with medical professionals, preferably ayurvedic doctor because they will give you the root cause solution.
Besides these, lifestyle changes, psychological counselling, medications, and medical procedures are some of the options available to individuals dealing with ED, which can help them conceive faster.
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Buy Online Ayurvedic Medicine Supplements for Couple Sexuality Long Time
Ayurvedic medicine supplements for couple sexuality aim to improve sexual health and performance in men and women. These supplements are derived from natural sources and are designed to address various sexual issues such as low libido, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty achieving orgasm.
Some common Ayurvedic supplements for couple sexuality include Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Safed Musli, Gokshura, and Shatavari. These herbs are known to boost testosterone levels, increase blood flow to the genitals, and enhance sexual desire and stamina.
Ayurvedic supplements for couple sexuality can be taken orally in the form of capsules, tablets, or powders, or they can be applied topically in the form of creams or oils. It is important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before taking any Ayurvedic supplements, as some supplements may interact with prescription medications or have side effects.
In addition to taking Ayurvedic supplements, couples can also improve their sexual health and performance by maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress, and communicating openly with their partner about their sexual needs and desires.
Couple Healthcare provides 100% original medicines at the best price with fast-track delivery all across the world. We deal with herbal and FDA-approved modern medicines to give you the best results without compromising your health. Our mission: Our mission is to provide clinically proven and 100% effective to uplift your living standards with better health-related conditions. We believe in providing solutions with innovative medicines to the growing needs of patients all over the world.
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abaykrishna · 2 years
7 Benefits of Shilajit and other Ayurvedic Ingredients to Enhance your Sex Stamina
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If you are wondering how Ayurvedic medicine helps to improve sex stamina, you have landed in the right place to find answers to all your questions. Numerous stamina tablets and other treatments are available, but Shilajit has gained immense popularity in boosting stamina. Understanding how to build stamina can be challenging, but the appropriate combination of Ayurvedic medicines can help you improve stamina with sexual benefits. Numerous men underestimate themselves when it comes to their sexual performance. Perhaps, Ayurvedic medicines for sex stamina can also help you energize and rejuvenate your body with a specially curated formula.
Shilajit is a tar-like substance that is found in the upper Himalayan Mountains. It is used in numerous Ayurvedic medicines and is known as the best Ayurvedic medicine for stamina and revitalizing your body. The effectiveness of Shilajit can be understood from the ancient references of Greece. The ancient philosopher Aristotle introduced the elixir to the former king of Macedonia, Alexander the Great, who fed this medicine to his armies for a promising victory. Middle ages have numerous references to Shilajit and its benefits.
Best Ayurvedic medicine for stamina
How to improve stamina has been a common question for most men than women. A study has been conducted at the Creighton University Medical Center in Nebraska, which states that the daily consumption of Shilajit can boost testosterone levels by up to 20 percent in healthy men. It is the most effective Ayurvedic medicine for sex stamina. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for your sexual desires and vigor. It helps increase libido (enlargement of the penis) with enhanced semen production, which may exceed the duration of the sexual activity.
When Shilajit is combined with other natural ingredients like Gokshur, Kaunch, Bala, and Ashwagandha extracts, it improves stamina and enhances your energy levels and strength besides your weak vitality. Together, all these ingredients make the best Ayurvedic medicine for stamina and rejuvenate your body’s power. Regular consumption in optimum amounts of this combination is safe as a daily supplement or a stamina booster. Understanding sexual wellness products can be tricky as you must know what you are consuming, but when you trust natural ingredients for your physical being, you can expect better and long-lasting results.
Why should you trust Ayurvedic medicines for sex stamina?
While Gokshur helps increase libido, Bala helps treat erectile dysfunction and provides other benefits to improve sexual performance. Kaunch works on your sexual desire, Ashwagandha improves fertility and testosterone levels, and Shilajit tops it up by improving the overall sexual performance of an individual. As a natural ingredient, this combination is safe for oral consumption.
According to a study by the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, consuming Shilajit regularly can increase ovulation. It also boosts the sexual performance of an individual as it includes powerful minerals and antioxidants which ensure proper blood flow in the male genitals.
Erotican by Sunova comprises all the above-discussed ingredients and has proven to be a safe Ayurvedic medicine to improve sex stamina. With no known side effects, it is a 100% natural ingredients formulation which supports your hormonal balance and helps with improving your performance.
Erotican Ingredients and their benefits
Shilajit: Not only improves stamina but also increases libido and treats low sperm count in men. It improves sexual desire by reducing stress.
Ashwagandha: Since ages, Ashwagandha is known to lower stress which improves the sexual performance of an individual. It is trusted by many for its numerous health benefits and helps with premature ejaculation.
Kaunch: Kaunch is known for helping with premature ejaculation. It improves the semen viscosity and the lifespan of the sperm. If consumed as directed by the physician regularly, it can enhance your performance in bed with numerous other health benefits.
Gokshur: Ideal for enhancing sexual desire and drive, it contributes by treating erectile dysfunction in men and strengthening penile tissues. It improves male erection enhancing their performance in bed.
Bala: Bala extracts are great for people with weak vitality as it improves the overall sexual performance of an individual.
The Bottom Line
If you are experiencing challenges in treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or other sexual issues, Erotican can be the solution. Ayurvedic medicine, Shilajit, has been known to improve sexual performance for years. Combined with Bala, Gokshur, Ashwagandha, and Kaunch, it greatly benefits your overall health and sexual desire. In addition, it treats you with no side effects and gives you better results than other medicines with the least or no information available.
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raplgroupp · 8 days
What are the Top 5 Men’s Health Issues?
Men’s health often takes a back seat in public discourse, yet understanding and addressing men’s top health issues is crucial for longevity and quality of life. This article delves into the top five health issues prevalent among men: cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, depression and mental health, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. By exploring these conditions, we aim to illuminate the risks, symptoms, and preventative measures necessary to combat these challenges.
Table of contents
Cardiovascular Diseases
Prostate Cancer
Depression And Mental Health
Erectile Dysfunction
Cardiovascular Diseases
Understanding Cardiovascular Disease: Cardiovascular disease encompasses a range of heart and blood vessel disorders, including coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes. It remains the leading cause of death among men worldwide.
Risk Factors: Several risk factors contribute to cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Family history and age also play significant roles.
Symptoms: Common symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Less obvious signs like jaw pain or nausea can also indicate cardiovascular problems. Immediate medical attention is critical when these symptoms arise.
Prevention and Management Preventative measures include a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding tobacco. Managing stress and regularly monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels are also essential.
Strainax Capsule and Well Heart Capsule are the best medicines for cardiovascular diseases along with Richolest Capsule which is a very good herbal remedy for managing raised cholesterol levels. These medicines are by Rajasthan Aushdhalaya which is the best ayurveda pharmaceutical companies in india.
Prostate Cancer
Understanding Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men, particularly those over the age of 50. It develops in the prostate gland and can spread if not detected early.
Risk Factors: Risk factors include age, family history, race (with higher prevalence in African American men), and diet. High-fat diets and obesity have been linked to an increased risk.
Symptoms and Detection: Early-stage prostate cancer often have no symptoms. Advanced stages may present symptoms such as difficulty urinating, blood in urine, or pelvic discomfort. Regular screening through prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests and digital rectal exams (DRE) are crucial for early detection.
Treatment Options: Treatment depends on the cancer stage and may include surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy. Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes.
Kaya Cure Churna is the best natural remedy for cancer which is by Top Ayurvedic and herbal Products manufacturers in India.
Preventive Measures: Preventive strategies include a diet low in fats and high in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and discussing screening options with a healthcare provider, particularly for those at higher risk.
Depression And Mental Health
Understanding Depression in Men: Depression in men is often undiagnosed and untreated, yet it can have devastating effects on physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life.
Common Causes and Risk Factors: Factors such as genetic predisposition, significant life changes, chronic illnesses, and substance abuse can contribute to depression. Men often face societal pressure to suppress emotions, exacerbating mental health issues.
Symptoms to Look Out For: Symptoms include persistent sadness, irritability, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, and thoughts of suicide. Men may also exhibit anger and aggression.
Treatment and Support Options Effective treatment options include psychotherapy, medications such as antidepressants, and lifestyle changes like regular exercise and mindfulness practices. Support from family, friends, and mental health professionals is vital.
Neurozen Capsule & Neurozen Syrup, Manopushpi Plus Churna works wonderfully in patients who are suffering from Depression or have mental health issues. These medicines are by the Best Ayurvedic Product Manufacturers in India.
Breaking the Stigma: Encouraging open discussions about mental health and challenging the stigma associated with depression can help more men seek the help they need. Education and awareness campaigns are essential in this effort.
Understanding Diabetes in Men: Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. It can lead to serious complications if not managed properly.
Risk Factors: Risk factors include obesity, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, family history, and age. Men with higher waist circumference are particularly at risk.
Symptoms and Diagnosis: Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, and slow-healing wounds. Diagnosis is typically confirmed through blood tests measuring blood sugar levels.
Managing Diabetes Effectively: Management involves lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet low in sugars and refined carbs, regular physical activity, and medication adherence. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is crucial.
Diab Hari Churna and Sugagen Capsule is useful in Diabetes, Pre Diabetes, Complications of Diabetes, Non-healing wounds. These medicines are by Leading Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine Manufacturers in India.
Preventing Diabetes: Preventive measures focus on maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods. Regular health check-ups can help in early detection and prevention.
Erectile Dysfunction
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. It can significantly affect the quality of life and relationships.
Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction: It include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety, and certain medications. Lifestyle factors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also contribute.
Psychological and Physical Impact: ED can lead to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Physically, it may indicate underlying health issues, such as heart disease or diabetes.
Treatment Options: Treatment varies based on the cause and may include lifestyle changes, oral medications like sildenafil (Viagra), therapy for psychological causes, and medical devices. In some cases, surgical interventions are necessary.
Mood On Forever Capsule, Mood On Forever Avaleh, Mood On Forever Oil, Raj Pro Extra Power Honey with Gold, and Nirdosha Churna are the best ayurvedic medicines for Erectile Dysfunction. These are by Leading Ayurveda and herbal medicine Manufacturers in India.
Preventative Measures: Preventing ED involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing chronic health conditions, reducing stress, and seeking regular medical advice. Avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol intake are also beneficial.
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Getting Best Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar over Phone | Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gupt Rog Specialist
Are you a 26 year old man? You don't want to get married due to some sexual problems. You don't want to share your problem with anyone. Right now you are single and live in Makhania Kuan, Patna, and Bihar. Don’t worry, we are listening to your problem and we know very well which type of sexual issues making you trouble in your sexual life.
Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best clinical sexologist doctor in Patna, Bihar says that mainly, there are some sexual problems like Erectile Dysfunction, Early Ejaculation, Dhat Syndrome, Nocturnal Emission, Loss of Libido, Penile Dimension, and some other sexual issues trouble in men. In young people, it is mostly seen that they suffer from Dhat syndrome, night discharge and early discharge.
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If you are suffering from any one of them, then all the sexual dysfunctions of men are treatable in Ayurveda medicine and therapies. It is time to join Dubey Clinic with any hesitation. You need to understand that this is a sexual problem and anyone can affect from it. Mostly people of India come to Dubey Clinic to get their sexual therapies. Dr. Sunil Dubey is a Gupt Rog Specialist who has researched on various sexual problems in men and discovered the most accurate Ayurvedic medication for them.
He has successfully treated more than 4.56 lakh of sexual patients of India through Ayurvedic therapies. He is the most reliable sexual health care doctor where you can easily share your problem. Your data is confidential where you need to worry too much. For more info call us@ +91 98350 92586
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dubeyclinic · 14 days
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Dr. Sunil Dubey: India's Best Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar for SD Therapies - Entire Sexual Treatment: Best Sexologist Clinic Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1452901424-dr-sunil-dubey-india%27s-best-sexologist-doctor-in?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=bestsexologist Are you in search for best sexologist in Patna or India? In fact, if you are a sexual patient then you need to consult clinical sexologist doctor in Patna, India or online. Learn about the sexologist and his profession: Sexologist is an expert in the studies of sexology and he has a good knowledge in sexuality, sexual behavior, sexual obsession, sexual orientation, and climax. He helps people to know the right thing about the knowledge of sexual life and its importance. He improves the knowledge of actual worth of sexual health and life. He teaches in institution to get educated people in this sexual life. In India, sexual education is not in convention but USA, UK, and western countries, it is most popular. Clinical Sexologist is just like a physician and he is expert in both sexology medical science and his medical faculty. He helps people to overcome from their sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, and other sexual dysfunctions. In India, there are uncountable sexologists but the number of expert and experience clinical sexologist is limited. About Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar: Before knowing the best sexologist in Patna or anywhere else, we must have the knowledge of which clinical sexologist is most effective for treating sexual disorders. Generally, there are three types of sexologist doctors in India- Ayurvedic sexologist, Allopathic sexologist and Homeopathy sexologist. In fact, Ayurvedic sexologist doctors are most successful in their treatment because they treat patients with the help of natural system of medication. Sexuality is a natural phenomenon and its treatment should be natural and pure. The good thing about Ayurveda treatment is that it heals and protects the body from bottom to top. Of course, the process of improvement through Ayurvedic medicine is slow but it gives complete relief from the problem.
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arayurveda99 · 9 months
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Dr. Imran khan is a sexual disorder specialist in Delhi & Gurgaon, providing treatment based on Ayurvedic / Unani abreast with modern science medicines
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First Choice Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar- Dr. Sunil Dubey
About Sexual Patients and their problems:
Greetings to everyone! As you all are requesting us to know about the best sexologist doctor in Bihar. In India, 40% of the people are suffering from some disease and the incidence of sexual diseases is about 20%. In general health problems people easily share their problems and go to physicians or doctors. Quite the contrary, in cases of venereal disease; most people hide it and shy away from getting treatment.
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First consider yourself what you do when you lose interest in sexuality. Generally, sexual disorder affects your sexual behavior, thought, activity, and function. If you are under the age of 40 and facing any type of sexual problems like erection problem, ejaculation issues, low sexual drive, or other sexual issues. Then surely, you want to improve it through thick and thin.
According to a health survey, it was found that more than one million people suffer from sexual problems every day. The number of people who get instant solution to their sexual problems is minimal. Due to lack of knowledge of sexual education, sexual dysfunction, sexual behavior, and right guidelines; mostly people don’t get their sexual treatment and medication in India. If we discuss about the classes of people, then the percentage of high-class, medium-class, and lower-class people are 3%, 32%, and 65% respectively. In most of the cases medium and lower class don't get their sexual treatment due to economic or other reasons.
Dubey Clinic for all:
Dubey Clinic is India’s No.1 Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic that is located at Lagnar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04. It is the first certified Ayurvedic Clinic of Bihar that was established in 1965 by the famous Indian Vaidya Dr. Subhash Dubey. Seeing all the sexual problems of people, Dubey Clinic was established to provide the treatment and medication for all the classes.
The world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best sexologist doctor in Patna practices at Dubey Clinic every day. He is also the first Indian sexologist doctor who is honored with Bharat Gaurav Award and International Ayurveda Ratna Award at the same time in New Delhi and Dubai. He takes care of all the societies of sexual patients by providing his natural therapies.
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Dr. Sunil Dubey is the specialist of Ayurveda and Sexology medical profession working as a sexologist doctor, Ayurvedic doctor, sexual medicine counselor, sexual therapies, and Researcher in Sexology & Ayurveda medical science. Sexual patients from all over India contact him because of his successful and impactful sexual treatment and counseling.
Treatment for married and unmarried sexual patients:
Dr. Sunil Dubey has researched on various sexual dysfunctions of men and women. After his five years of research, he has successfully discovered the most effective Ayurvedic medicine to them. Through his discovered natural therapies, he provides his treatment and medication to the sexual patients.
For male sexual patients:
Erectile Dysfunction
Premature Ejaculation
Dhat Syndrome
Night Discharge
Low Sexual Drive
Sexual Weakness
Male Infertility
Penile Infection
For female sexual patients:
Sexual Disorders (Desire, Orgasm, Arousal, & Pain)
Menstruation Problems
Vaginal Dryness
Pain during Intercourse
Abnormal Leucorrhoea
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Loss of Libido in women
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This best sexologist doctor in Bihar provides naturopathy and holistic therapy in his treatment. In his treatment, he provides sexual counseling, psychological sexual examination, sexual behavior therapies, treatment, and medication. All the medicine of this clinic is manufactured in Dubey lab and Research Centre. The specialist of Ayurveda and Sexology medicine and Ayurvedic Doctor prepares all those medicines.
If you are a sexual patient, then make an appointment with Dubey Clinic and get complete solution from your sexual disease forever.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A certified clinic in India
Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gold Medalist Sexologist
B.A.M.S. (Ranchi) | M.R.S.H. (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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rohansharma09 · 2 months
Best sexologist in delhi, Best sexologist in India, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in delhi, Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in India, Best Doctor for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in Delhi, Best Doctor for Premature Ejaculation in Delhi
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sexologistdelhi · 3 months
Why Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput is the Best Sexologist in Delhi
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Best Sexual Treatment by the Renowned Sexologist Doctors in India. Safe and Effective HERBAL Medications based on Ayurvedic systems of Medicine. Counselling Sessions along with medications to wipe out life distressing Sexual worries. Perfect cure for deadly Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Incredible Online consultation. Hassle-free medicine order and worldwide shipping. Above all, the most trusted sexologist in India, holding the cup of age-old Ayurveda legacy, since 1960. Treatment for Sexual problems
Best Sexologist in Delhi
In today’s world, divorces and separations seem to be multiplying due to sexual disheartening. Physiological and psychological reasons can be cited for this sexual derailment which instigates sexual abstinence or low libido, especially in males. The physiological reasons can be erection issues, premature ejaculation, penile size issues, and diseases caused by sexual transmission. Whereas the psychological issues are performance anxiety, lack of confidence, tensions, etc.
Erection Issues or Erectile Dysfunction in Delhi
When a male gets sexual arousal, the penis gets a proper erection by thickening and gets ready for vaginal penetration. But, if he is struck with erectile dysfunction, he will not be able to maintain that erection till the culmination of sexual fulfillment. This puts him and even more his partner in great distress and sorrow.
The clinical reasons may be hormone issues, blood vessel problems, and so many others. But the psychological reasons can be performance fear, anxiety, tension, and so on. A clinical approach to its cure is very important
Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi A major sexual illness , found even in young men is premature ejaculation.During sexual intercourse, if a male ejaculates even before attaining sexual fulfillment, he is attacked by premature ejaculation. At this time, the female partner will be nowhere near orgasm. If this happens in the second course or in next sexual encounters, he must be brought under the clinical supervision of a sexologist. In this case also hormone, nerve issues etc. can be noted down as the possible reasons along with fear of performance, anxiety and tensions.
Penile Enhancement Treatment in Delhi
Penile size also pose as a great havoc in the smooth sexual progression of partners. Even young people have a false notion regarding the size of penis. Primarily size of penis is not a prime concern in sexual happiness. Most males equate their penile sizes with those of porn stars and this will have an adverse psychological impact during sexual activity. But some males have genuinely below average penile size and some others have penile shrinkage. Increasing the blood flow to the penis can alter this situation which can be effected by Unani and Ayurveda treatments.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD/ STI) in Delhi
Sexually Transmitted Diseases stand as a great threat not only in the functioning of a smooth conjugal life but in the functioning of internal organs also which can affect general health. These diseases can be transmitted through multiple partners’ sex or even from a single partner having std. They distort our skin texture, occur burns and scratches in internal tracts and organs, and finally end in sexual unhappiness and life danger.
Low libido and Vaginal dryness in women in Delhi Women also are prone to low libido or low sexual fervor due to many clinical, hereditary, chronic, hormone changes, lifestyle and relationship issues, and psychological reasons. Likewise, vaginal dryness can occur due to nearing menopause, chronic reasons, and absence of foreplay during sex. This can inhibit further sexual advancement which is also a great concern to be addressed.
The legacy of great practitioners who delved deep into sexual medicinal practices, as described in texts, is the backbone of this medicinal conglomerate which has a galaxy of herbal clinics in and out of India, which provide a holistic approach to sexual disorders and diseases, with state-of-the-art infrastructure and aided by academically qualified doctors.
Customized Treatment for all Sexual Problems Customized treatment by administering 100% herbal medicines with zero side effects is done, which uproot the cause behind the disease and eliminates it to never revisit. The high proficiency of Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, in conducting counseling therapy helps to eliminate the psychological blockage that is found in the path of smooth sex.
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People First Preference Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey, Gopt Rog Specialist
Are you totally frustrated with your weak penile erection? This is a type of sexual dysfunction and in sexology medical science, it is known as Erectile Dysfunction. The world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey says that this is a common sexual problem in men and in today’s time, it is seen easily in different ages of people.
Dr. Sunil Dubey is a Gupt Rog Specialist and expert in Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science. He is working as a senior clinical sexologist doctor in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic. He has researched on this sexual dysfunction and finally, he discovered the most accurate Ayurvedic medicine for the male sexual patient. On the basis of his daily practice and research, he says that mainly 90% physical causes affect a man to lead this weak erection case. The remains 10% causes are related to psychological disorder.
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Dr. Sunil Dubey is a gold medalist and Bharat Gaurav Awardee senior sexologist doctors of Bihar, India who treats more than forty sexual patients every day. Dubey Clinic is a certified clinic which is the first Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic of Bihar and today’s time, it is a pride of Bihar in the Ayurvedic treatment profession.
Basically, Government of Bihar has honored Dr. Sunil Dubey as the Best Ayurvedacharya Award, Bihar Shree Ratna Award, Bihar Jyoti Award, and Bihar Best Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor Award. More than 90% people of Bihar always choose Dubey Clinic whenever they get trouble in their sexual life. That’s Dubey Clinic is also known as People first Preference Sexologist Doctor’s clinic in Patna, Bihar.
If you are a sexual patient and suffering from any sexual problem; do not feel embarrassed or hesitant. Call Dubey Clinic and visit now. The appointment is available over phone from 8 am to 8 pm every day. Just do it and get treatment properly. For more info call us@ +91 98350 92586
Dubey Clinic
India's trusted and certified Ayurveda & Sexology Medical Science Clinic
Dr. Sunil Dubey, Senior Sexologist Doctor of India
B.A.M.S. (Ranchi) | M.R.S.H. (London) | Ph.D. in Ayurveda (USA)
Address: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline No.: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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dubeyclinic · 14 days
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Avoid ED now: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey - Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic | Dr. Sunil Dubey (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1452727502-avoid-ed-now-best-sexologist-in-patna-bihar-at?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=bestsexologist How Erectile Dysfunction is treated at Dubey Clinic:- Erectile dysfunction is one of the worst sexual disorders in men. In this condition, the man is unable to get or maintain an erection in his penile; hence; he is unable to participate in his sexual activities. He remains mentally and physically disturbed and his sexual life becomes at zero level. Many people have sent messages and emails to Dubey Clinic to know how this clinic treats such sexual patients. Actually, Dubey Clinic is one of the most trusted and reliable Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic in Patna, Bihar. It is a certified Ayurvedic clinic and provides services all over India. Sexual patients from different cities of India come to Patna in Dubey Clinic to get their treatment. Dr. Sunil Dubey is a world famous Ayurvedacharya and senior sexologist doctor of India; he is the director of this clinic. He is a top-level clinical sexologist doctor who has more than three decades of experience in this Ayurvedic medicine and sexology profession. He is also the first Indian sexologist doctor who is honored with Bharat Gaurav Award, International Ayurveda Ratna Award, and Asia Fame Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor Award in New Delhi and Dubai respectively.
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nikhalgupta · 4 months
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